Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (2024)

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Full Metal Wrestling::Full Metal Wrestling E-Fed::BACKSTAGE::Archives::PPV
Eric Scorpio

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (2)
Posts : 790
Rep : 1
Join date : 2009-12-05
Age : 45
Location : Sudbury, Ontario

Wrestler Profile
FMW Superstar: Eric Scorpio

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (3)
Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (4)Subject: Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (5)Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:50 am

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (6)

Cameras spin around the arena, the amazing pyro display bursting throughout the building. The fans cheer and are on their feet and have absolutely packed the Allstate arena to the brim, but eventually the camera settles on the announce booth, which holds Kross and Rabbi of Anxiety.

Kross: GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD Evening, ladies and gentlemen! I’m Kross, the most world’s most fantastic announcer, and with me is some Jewish guy!

Rabbi: You’re funny. Really. Hey viewers, I’m Rabbi and if you’re watching this, you’ve just tuned into FMW Lethal Injection! Tonight, everything in this company goes up for grabs – FMW’s future is on the line!

Kross: The final battle between Original Sin and the Resistance... as Memetus would say, it’s going to be EPIC. But in a true display of American...ness... let’s go to the ring with FMW’s own Shelia Blige, who’s here to sing the national anthem!

Shelia enters the arena to great applause and is handed a microphone from ringside. The crowd stand and many put their hands over their hearts, and the spotlight focuses on her until “Black Steel In The Hour Of Chaos” by Public Enemy interrupts her. Shelia looks up at the entrance to see Trey Spruance and Calvin Xavier walking down the ring, laughing and with mics in hand.

Trey Spruance: Yo, bitch. Clear out. We’re gonna need this ring for talking. Understand?

Shelia sighs and exits the ring, while Xavier and Spruance slide in.

Trey Spruance: Alright, here’s the spiel. You idiots, all of you putting your hands over your hearts? You make me SICK.

The crowd are furious at Trey, who soaks it up.

Trey Spruance: I’m as American as the next guy, but all the morals and ideals of that anthem... hah. They’re pretty much without a foundation, hell, the founding fathers or whoever the hell wrote that thing probably pulled a couple of words out of thin air because they couldn’t think of a way to write a song that says ‘America will evolve into a pile of sh*t’.

People look ready to stab Trey, security make sure they are ready for any barricade-jumpers.

Trey Spruance: Where’s OUR respect, huh? You won’t stand and salute for us? Since Xavier and I got here, we’ve done nothing but contribute to this company’s future, and we’ve got what to show for it? You all booing us when we spoke our minds at Supremacy? You cheered the freaking Doubloons! When we attacked them, you put your support behind two guys who could only ever appeal to under-twelves!

Calvin Xavier: You know, I’ve seen the card and it looks like a few more of your opponents are going down tonight as well. I mean, only a few minutes from now it’ll be Austin and James, but at the end of tonight? Michaels. Derrick. O’Rion. Striker. Bryson. Boice. Frost. Vizzini. McCart. X. All of them will burn to the f*cking ground along with the rest of you miserable ingrates.

The crowd get progressively more angry, but Trey takes back the mic, clearly not worried.

Trey Spruance: See, if we’ve got one thing that sums it all up-

"Sleep Now In The Fire” interrupts Trey and both he and Xavier look to the ramp, where Chris Austin and Michael James are looking ready to fight. James and Austin burst into the ring and Xavier and Spruance back out as Austin smiles and nods to James. Xavier and Trey quickly rush the ring, clashing with Austin and James.

Rabbi: There's the bell... and a huge collision to start off Lethal Injection.

Kross: I've seen bigger...

Rabbi: No need in detailing your sex life, Kross. Xavier caught off guard by Austin and over the ropes they go! That leaves Spruance and James to start this one off.

Kross: Hold off on that, we've got a battle on the outside. Austin just Irish-whipped Xavier straight into the steel steps!

Rabbi: Sounds like a cracked shoulder right there, but now we've got our in-ring boys gettin' this one going.

James snatches Spruance into a tie-up, but Trey begins to battle back.

Rabbi: Spruance finding his way behind James with a hammerlock. He's now pounding rights into the back of his head.

Kross: More action on the outside. Xavier just scored a brainbuster DDT on that unforgiving floor!

Rabbi: But luckily, here's the referee ordering the two back onto the apron.

Austin and Xavier make it to their respective aprons all the while yelling profanity back and forth. Austin is holding the back of his head with a pained look.

Kross: Finally Austin makes his way back to the ring. He gets a shot at the Abandoned Championship and now he's suddenly too good to wrestle.

Rabbi:I'm going to take shot in the dark and say you're wrong. James being Irish-whipped into the ropes... and a clothesline to take the big man down!

Kross: When Trey isn't failing urine tests, he can actually surprise you with his talent.

Spruance lifts James up onto his feet, but James hits a surprise drop kick.

Rabbi: I'd agree, but James just landed both feet right up against Spruance's jaw.

Kross: You're just a hater. James has Spruance by the hair here, but Trey pulls a school-boy right out of his pocket!

Rabbi: Trey is smuggling minors!?!?

Kross: No, it's a pin! One! Two! Thr-

James kicks out right at the last moment.

Rabbi: Both men are looking pissed. James jumps up from the pin, but Trey brings him back down with a clothesline... and another... and another!

Kross: What a beat down. James can barely stand.

Rabbi: Standing is optional for this man. James with a spinning heel kick!

Kross: And what a vertical! This man should really be playing for the WNBA.

With Spruance down, James makes his way over to Austin for the tag. Tag successful, and Austin jumps into the ring with fire in his eyes.

Rabbi: "The Radical One" hits the ring, but Spruance makes the tag also! Xavier is in and it looks like these two have a score to settle from earlier.

Kross: A deflation of Austin's ego would be just fine.

Rabbi: There's no ego there. Austin is all professional.

Kross: And now he's on the mat.

Rabbi: How?

Kross: Russian Leg Sweep.

Rabbi: Oh...

Xavier brings Austin to his feet, but Austin breaks loose.

Rabbi: Stiff kicks to the hamstrings of Xavier. Austin's got him down on a knee.

Kross: And there's an egotistical standing calf-kick to Xavier.

Rabbi: Lay off!

Kross: You'd like to get me laid off, wouldn't you? Dirty Jew...

Austin runs to the ropes and rebounds, catching Xavier with a Spinning Savate Kick.

Rabbi: What a follow-up by Austin!

Austin jumps up from the kick and ushers the crowd's applause with a smug look.

Rabbi: I'm not sure if i can condone this...

Kross: What? All I see is a giant floating head.

Rabbi: All I see is Michael James trying to interfere, but the referee is stopping him.

Kross: And there's my man Spruance taking the opportunity. He's up top... and a giant flying axe-handle right onto Austin's forehead!

With the referee distracted, both Austin and Xavier begin to stagger to their feet. Austin, taking the advantage, drops down and delivers a straight jab to the groin of Xavier.

Rabbi: Now that was just wrong...

Kross: Austin pulled together his last bit of strength to go below the belt? Maybe I'm wrong about Austin.

Rabbi: Nevertheless, both men are wobbling over to their corners and Austin's the only one who tags out...

Kross: Xavier's ignoring Trey's outstretched hand... and now he's turning to face Michael James! I predict muchos black on black violence!

James and Xavier lock eyes. Electricity seems to crackle in the air as survival paints pictures on their faces. Then they rush, colliding in the middle of the ring.

Rabbi: Here we go! There's the lock up, but Calvin quickly sends James to the ropes. The rebound, James ducks the clothesline, and comes back with one of his one!

Kross: That clothesline looked like it crushed a trachea! Looks like we're seeing the definite better of these two former partners. Put the rumour to bed that James, despite his winning streak against Xavier, is the worser of the two.

Rabbi: Worser?

Kross: Yeah, you know, the leastest best of two halves?

Xavier gets to his feet and rushes James, but the latter is prepared.

Rabbi: There's Xavier up once more, but James bests him again! This time hitting a perfectly executed German suplex.

Kross: Xavier looks a little pissed. Frustrated much?

Rabbi: I'd say so... and now he's rushing again. There's James at the ready and a drop toe hold sends Xavier through the second rope!

Xavier hits the floor, but quickly wobbles to his feet. James motions for him to come back in, but Xavier just waves it off as he leaves for the ramp.

Rabbi: What!? Calvin Xavier is leaving the match!

Kross: Not to mention his partner...

Rabbi: I don't believe it. Xavier and Spruance came out here tonight demanding respect! Now, it looks like Xavier doesn't even respect his own tag-team partner...

Kross: Speaking of his tag-team partner, Spruance just blindsided James with an elbow to the temple!

Rabbi: No! That could kill a man!

James falls to the side where Austin manages to get the tag on the way down.

Rabbi: But now Austin's the legal man. Spruance with the clothesline, Austin with the subsequent duck, and THERE'S THE SAN HOSE SMACKDOWN!!! AUSTIN NAILS SPRUANCE!!!

Kross: NO! Not the pin! One, two, THREE! sh*t!

Cherry: And here are your winners... Michael James and Chriiiiiis Austiiinnnnnnn!!!

Chris Austin and Michael James (7.96 aps + 7.5 aps + 2.7 avs = 18.16 total)
Trey Spruance and Calvin Xavier (7.76 aps + 0.0 aps + 0.3 avs = 10.76 total)

Rabbi: Chris Austin did it!

Kross: His head.... IT'S SO HUGE!

Austin jumps up from the mat with a smile as "Sleep Now in the Fire" hits the P.A. system for the second time. Michael James wobbles up to meet him as they raise their hands in victory.

Rabbi: Deal with it, Kross. Austin just started Lethal Injection off with a bang!

Kross: I banged your mother...

Austin and James exit the ring. Austin with a smug smile and James with an accomplished gleam in his eye.

Rabbi: Austin just proved he still belongs in the running for the Abandoned Championship and Michael James just let the world know who's a better brotha'!

Kross: I hope Original Sin destroys FMW and your racist ass tonight.

Rabbi: Optimism is the way, Kross!

Kross: Would it be optimistic to shoot myself?

Rabbi: No... it wouldn't. How about you wait till after the show for that? We've still got a lot more to go!

The Great TO is already backstage when we arrive there, waiting in the interview stage. Alongside him, looking regal as always, is King Guiomar, Servente at his side.

TO: Let’s get into this, Geezermar. The challenge for this Royal Showdown was back at Alchemy 6.2, but you haven’t told us the damn rules, care to explain?

Guiomar: It’s incredibly simple. I will bring my kingdom, Caesar will bring his empire. The stronger king will prevail. Is that all you wish, peasant?

TO: Not quite. Were you lucky enough to watch the pre-show? No? I've got a little footage for you!

Quote :
Inside the ring, Guybrush starts to come to his senses. Flare exits slowly up the ramp, grinning to his opponent, when suddenly someone runs past him. Guybrush Threepwood is still struggling to get to his feet when he’s met with the sight of the Great TO.

SoR: Now what’s he doing out here?!

Edible: Judging from the sharp cloths, microphone and the fact that he’s an INTERVIEWER I guess he probably came out here to make a barbeque Sonny! Sheesh…

TO: I was backstage just now watching this match and I have to say: what a great display of athletic ability… by Flare! You Guybrush, were mediocre as usual. In fact, you just plain stunk up the ring!

The crowd boos TO’s arrogance.

TO: But I looked beyond this sad excuse for a human being, and I saw an opportunity for a great interview! So tell me Guybrush Threepwood, how does it feel to lose this Mount Vesuvius Qualifying match?

To a loud chorus of boos, Takeover hands the microphone to Guybrush who takes his time thinking about the answer.

Guybrush Threepwood: I’ve got to tell you Takeover, this match was a tuff match to lose. It was a match I needed to win and I came up short. I feel… well, I guess you might say that I feel embarrassed. Actually, I just feel like trash…

Takeover laughs at Guybrush’s speech, but the cheeky pirate isn’t done yet.

Guybrush Threepwood: Kinda like what you felt when I embarrassed you!

Takeover’s expression drastically changes. Alchemy’s backstage interviewer looks furious as Guybrush throws the microphone back at him.

TO: Oh, like what I felt when you embarrassed me, you say?!

Without any warning Takeover hits Guybrush on the head with the microphone. The pirate naturally collapses on the floor, only to get further assaulted by TO and his microphone.

SoR: Oh my God, Takeover is possessed!! He’s just ruthlessly attacking Guybrush Threepwood!! There’s blood all over the place!!!

Edible: This is great!! Guybrush is busted open but TO doesn’t stop!

The device finally breaks into pieces, ending TO’s attack. The co*cky interviewer stands up and looks down on the fallen victim before him. The ring microphones manage to catch his last words before he makes his exit up the ramp.

TO: That’s one down. One to go!

TO: Looks like Threepwood didn’t have a lot of luck there after his match. So I’m going to take this time to laud it up. Last time at Lethal Injection, you two embarrassed me. I hope Mass Caesar rips the heart out of you, King Suck, I really do. Because if he doesn’t? I will, just like I did to that dress-up pirate friend of yours!

Servente: You? You are a bitch!

Servente looks to attack TO, but Guiomar holds him back with one hand. Servente acknowledges his King’s authority and steps back.

Guiomar: Come now, Servente, now is not the time. Takeover? The fun and games are over by now. I have donned the mask of the barbarian, and if you have business you wish to bring forward with me, feel free to join me in the ring once I have ridded it of Caesar’s corpse.

TO: Words and nothing more, douche.

Guiomar: Careful what you say, whelp-

Guiomar reaches over his shoulder and unsheathes a large battle axe, the sight of which causes TO to shrink back a few steps.

Guiomar: -there is more than enough of this axe for TWO.

TO backs further away and Guiomar laughs, walking away with Servente in tow.

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (7)

Although the typical Coliseum of Rome combatants were trained gladiators, convicted criminals and prisoners of war, occasionally glory-seeking individuals volunteered to fight. Often they overrated their skills and suffered the consequences ...

... At least one emperor ordered his guards to toss unsuspecting spectators into the arena, for various reasons. The victim may have previously angered the emperor. Or, the victim may have been a complete stranger but the emperor disliked the way he was behaving in the Coliseum of Rome. Sometimes the emperor's motive was simply to amuse himself by randomly selecting a spectator to meet his death in the arena.

It is the Emperor's will that 30 Full Metal Wrestling superstars compete for his amusem*nt. Thirty men will vie for the torch that sits atop Mt. Vesuvius. The winner receives a FMW Championship at Ultimatum.

The greatest match in the history of professional sports returns.

[size=200]MT. VESUVIUS II[/size]

Eric Scorpio

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (10)
Posts : 790
Rep : 1
Join date : 2009-12-05
Age : 45
Location : Sudbury, Ontario

Wrestler Profile
FMW Superstar: Eric Scorpio

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (11)
Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (12)Subject: Re: Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (13)Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:51 am

At a separate interview station, Veronica Cherrywood is smiling for the camera.

Cherrywood: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, Buck Shelby!

The camera pans out to show Shelby, who shows more than a shadow of eagerness for his match.

Cherrywood: So, Shelby, are you worried at all about the numbers of HavOc catching up with you?

Shelby: I knew what I was getting into when I accepted the HavOc challenge. Especially on a big stage like Lethal Injection. It doesn’t surprise me that Mercutio wants his clown to take me on instead, either. He’s obviously afraid. I’m doing PX and Celt a huge favour, because they’ll be #1 contenders easily. Harlequin won’t survive this match to join his bald friend later. PX, Celt, you can thank me later.

Cherrywood: Are you sure you’re not overlooking Harlequin? I mean, sure, he lost to Alex O’Rion, but he can’t be particularly happy about that, and he’ll be looking for revenge on someone tonight.

Shelby: Clown-boy can play his mind games. He can act like a horror-show carnival freak, but there’s one thing I am and he’s not.

Cherrywood: What’s that?

Shelby: Bucking Awesome.

Shelby pats Cherrywood on the head patronisingly and strides off confidently, leaving Cherry to fix her hairstyle.

Larsen: Yo! You’ve just hit Lethal Injection! We’re in the second match of the night after a cool opening between Chris Austin & Michael James when they managed to best Trey and Xavier. I’d spend a little time reeling off a few highlights, but it’s our time now. So I guess you’ll have to wait til later or until it gets posted up on the website which is http://www.full...

Morpheus: I could use a Lethal Injection right now.

Larsen: Aww come on Morph! This is one of the biggest PPVs in Full Metal Wrestling’s illustrious history! One of the biggest PPVs ever, given that the entire federation is at stake! This could be our very last night as commentators! Think of the children for god’s sake!

Morpheus: Oh joy. I can finally lose this chicken sh*t job and actually do something with my miserable life.

Larsen: What the hell is with you?

Morpheus: My wife left me.

Larsen: Wanna talk about it?

Morpheus: She confessed she was seeing someone else. She won’t give me a damn name though. But I’ll get his name out of her, and when I do, when I find out who’s been f*ckin’ my woman behind my back? I’ll mace the f*cker in the balls. And I’m not talking about your pepper spray mace. I’m talkin’ a huge ball of steel riddled with spikes stuck on the end of a f*ckin’ handle kind of mace. The medieval kind of sh*t... that mace.

Larsen scratched the back of his own neck, seemingly nervous over the news as he pulls out his mobile phone and begins texting. Morpheus notices however, glaring at his co worker.

Morpheus: Who the hell are you texting?

Larsen: What?... Oh... no one... my grandma...

Morpheus: Your grandmother’s called Lucy? Didn’t know she had the same name as my wife. What a coincidence...

Larsen: Yeah, fancy that, huh?

Morpheus: f*ck it. Might as well do my job while I’m here.

Cherry: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, weighing in at 225 pounds and from Baltimore, Maryland, BUCK SHELBY!!!

Shinedown’s ‘Crying Out’ hits the P.A at neighbour complaining volume. Before long, Buck Shelby soon makes his appearance, walking down towards the ring. Once down the ramp, he enters the squared circle through the middle rope, giving a gesture to the crowd and what not as he gets ready to face his opponent tonight,

Morpheus: Shelby looks focused tonight. Not surprising. Someone is after his head tonight. And for once it isn’t a man like myself. Though I confess I do like collecting skulls.

Larsen: Harlequin has been playing mind games with this man since the card was announced. He’s even promised to decapitate Shelby tonight. Gotta say that’s not something any wrestler will want on their mind.

Cherry: And his opponent, both weight and hometown unknown, representing HavOc, HARLEQUIN!!!

A more then familiar cackle echoes out through the area before ‘Voodoo’ by Godsmack hits next in the aftermath of Shelby’s theme. Mercutio and Syanide stand at the ramp instead of Harlequin, however, microphones in hand. Shelby in the ring goes insane and grabs a mic of his own while they speak.

Mercutio: Hey, Shelby! So sorry I couldn’t keep my appointment with you today-

Shelby: Shut it! I don’t care if you’re afraid, I’m taking one of you down tonight! I’m sick of this numbers game you’re playing! I want a new rule that disqualifies Harlequin if either of YOU TWO interfere!

Mercutio looks at Syanide and shrugs. Syanide merely laughs and turns his gaze back to Shelby.

Syanide: Fine with us, little man. We promise that neither Mercutio nor I will interfere.

Shelby: Good! Now piss off, I’ve got a match to fight, where’s Harlequin?

Mercutio: We’ll grab him for you, Buck. Keep your head on... for as long as you can.

Mercutio and Syanide disappear behind the curtain, leaving the crowd in anticipation.

Larsen: That almost seemed too easy... Mercutio and Syanide playing by Shelby’s rules? Something’s up. And what was the comment about the ‘keep your head on’?

Morpheus: Probably THAT!

Uproar begins as Harlequin soon makes an appearance. But the uproar is cut short by gasps of surprise that run in unison throughout the entire arena as Harlequin makes his way down to the ring... dragging a fire axe behind him!

Morpheus: Now this is what I want to see!!!

Larsen: Holy sh*t! Security are running up to intercept Harley! He’s got that fireaxe in both his hands. Shelby looks worried as the officials are keeping their distance! They’ve built a wall of security and officials at the foot of the ramp! It’s the only thing stopping Harlequin from getting to Shelby as he eyes him, f*cking hell... look at the smile on his face!

Morpheus: Gotta love that smile. I used to have some nightmares about it.

Larsen: I still do!

Morpheus: Looks like a referee is trying to reason with Harlequin. Takes balls to even stand within a few feet of the madman.

Larsen: I can’t believe it, he’s... he’s handing the axe over to the ref! I can’t hear what he’s saying, but Harley looks sorry for what he did. And what the hell?! The ref is allowing him to pass now!

Morpheus: What? He’s given him the fireaxe! Why shouldn’t he let him past?

Larsen: He should be arrested!

Morpheus: For what?! Bringing in a lost fireaxe? Don’t be stupid! Harley has done nothing wrong!

Larsen: Shelby is not happy though, and I can’t blame him! More mind games from the Harlequin before he’s even entered the ring! I don’t trust Harley. He’s got something up his sleeve, I just know it!

When all the commotion has died down and when Shelby finally manages to compose himself from the scare, Harlequin is allowed to enter the ring as security take the fireaxe back upstage out of reach. Harley himself seems amused as his laughing can be heard over the roar of the crowd, which only seems to anger Shelby. Before anyone knows it, the bell rings and the match begins.

Morpheus: Harlequin has thrown Shelby completely off guard! Shelby doesn’t know how to approach the laughing man who just stands statuesque in the middle of the ring, glaring at his opponent. Intimidating the sh*t out of him.

Larsen:Looks Shelby is finally advancing, he’s looking to use his speed to out move the unlikely powerhouse! A spinning wheel kick attempt! But Harley has blocked it, causing Shelby to fall to the mat.

Morpheus: A vicious kick to Shelby’s skull upon landing. And now Harley’s dragging the man up to his feet with so much ease it would scare the sh*t out of Larsen!

Larsen: Which it does!

Morpheus: Harlequin with some vicious and powerful strikes to the temple of Shelby, driving him back towards the far turnbuckle. The smiley bastard is no doubt weakening that neck area, ready for the decapitation we were promised tonight!

Larsen: Given all the whiplash from the strikes, it might happen sooner then we might believe! And will you look at that! Harlequin is trying to drive his fingers into the eye sockets of Shelby! The man is screaming in agony and the ref is trying to pull him away! Listen to the crowd! They are getting behind Shelby seeing this sadism! But neither the ref or Shelby can shift the monster of a man!

Morpheus: Harley came close to being disqualified right there! Look at him, laughing at the ref after a near five count. This man is my idol!

Larsen: You’ll never be as much as a sick f*ck as him though will you?

Morpheus: Certainly not, but I have my dreams. Most of them these days are of killing whoever the f*ck was sleeping with my wife.

Larsen: Yeah... I’d hate to be that guy! He’s sick, you should really do something about it! Like not look into it whatsoever!

The crowd continue their uproar as Harley tosses Shelby across the ring, showing that surprising power he holds despite his seemingly normal build. He taunts Shelby who struggles up to his feet, favouring his eyes before being hit down with a heavy clothesline from Harley, sending Shelby spinning in the air before he lands awkwardly. Harlequin soon slips in behind Shelby, sitting him up before locking in a rear chin lock. However he begins to drag Shelby up to his feet, keeping him arch awkwardly with his hold before pressing his knee up against Shelby’s back. In quite a surprising move, Harlequin suddenly falls back, using his knee to flip Shelby over his head, sending him sailing through the air to land stomach first upon the top of the turnbuckle.

Morpheus: I knew he’d do that.

Larsen: Hell you did. I don’t even know what that was, but Harlequin seems impressed with his own work! He’s taking a moment to play for the crowd now, what’s he doing? Is that... dancing?

Morpheus: The crowd are loving it!

Larsen: They are so not.

Morpheus: Then I’m loving it!

Larsen: But look! Shelby with some hidden energy! He’s up on that turnbuckle! An amazing cross body! And he’s landed it right onto the back of Harlequin! Sending him crashing down stomach first with Shelby on top!

Morpheus: Now Shelby is starting to punch away with fury at the back of Harley’s head! He’s pissed! And the crowd are hating it!

Larsen: They are so not.

Morpheus: Then I’m hating it!

Larsen: The ref is trying to stop Shelby this time, but his efforts are unsuccessful! It’s Shelby in control! He’s getting up off Harlequin, and now Shelby is running into the ropes! And a quick senton splash onto the back of Harlequin who was trying to pull himself up onto his feet! He’s been knocked completely off guard! Could this be the comeback that the fans have been waiting for?!

Morpheus: Shelby has Harley back up. A right strike from Shelby has sent Harlequin reeling! And he’s gone straight into the ref! Shoving the ref hard into the turnbuckle! The ref is down! What a f*cking wuss! All he did was take a small bump from a 200lbs man and the referee looks completely out of it.

Larsen: It wasn’t that hard of a strike! I think Harlequin must have purposely thrown himself against the ref! Knowing that cunning sad*stic and completely insane bastard, he probably planned that!

Morpheus: To what end?

With the referee down, Shelby continues to press on, running into the ropes as Harlequin seems to be recovering from clashing with the ref. It turns out to be a possum as Shelby throws his arm out for a clothesline only to hit air as Harley ducks. Harley suddenly swings his arm as Shelby passes by, bringing it low to catch the back of one of Shelby’s legs before lifting in a low clothesline to sweep Shelby right up off his feet and down to the mat.

Larsen: An excellent and surprisingly clean counter from Harlequin! He’s dragging the man back up to his feet, looking to set Shelby up for a suplex! Wait a minute, could we be seeing what I think we might be seeing?!

Morpheus: If it’s the Death of Zanni then I think you would be correct! Harlequin has Shelby up in the air looking to land that awesome trademark move! Shelby is kicking! He might escape... but NO!! Harlequin has landed it! Shelby is out cold! This is it! It’s all over!

Larsen: But the ref is as good as dead still. There will be no pinfall! But wait, Harlequin isn’t even going for it. He’s sliding out of the ring, what the hell? He’s looking under the apron? I think some bastard cheating is in the making here. Let me guess, a steel chair?

Morpheus: No, a f*cking fireaxe! He’s got a fireaxe! Harlequin must have planted a spare one there before the show! The crowd is screaming in terror! Look at that awesome bitter smile on Harlequins lips! He really is gonna behead Shelby right here in front of us all!

Larsen: I can hear Harlequin laughing from here! And he’s back in the ring with that fireaxe! Security is nowhere to be seen! Shelby is beginning to come around! Can you hear that crowd?! They are screaming Morph! Screaming in horror! They are going to witness a beheading! Live!

Morpheus: I don’t see anyone rushing to save Shelby! Look at Harley! He’s got that axe ready! He’s waiting for Shelby to get up to his feet! This is it! This is the end of a life right here!

Larsen: I think I’m going to puke!

Gasps and screams of horror and alarm ring out the loudest ever known to the arena as Harlequin takes a swing with the axe, aiming for Shelby’s throat as the man gets to his feet. The swing hits nothing but air however as Shelby somehow regained enough composure to evade the oncoming strike! With the momentum against him, Harlequin is off balance long enough for Shelby to counter with an inverted DDT that sends the axe flying from Harlequins hands. Harley is momentarily stunned from the sudden counter, shaking the cobwebs whilst laughing out loud as Shelby wastes no time dragging him to the turnbuckle, landing a few strikes to keep the powerhouse dazed as he sets him up.

Morpheus: What the hell is Shelby doing?! I’d be running for my life! The man nearly took his life and Shelby still wants to fight him?! What the hell is with this crowd?! Why the f*ck are they getting behind him!

Larsen: Shelby knows he has to put Harlequin down to finally be rid of the threat upon his life. Nothing short of dominating Harley is going to do for Shelby! He’s setting him up for his finishing move! How does he hope to land it upon a fresh opponent? MY GOD! He’s done it! Shelby just landed “Forgotten Dreams!”!

Morpheus: No way! And now he’s covering him! I can’t believe this! ONE! TWO! THREE!!!

Larsen: f*ck.

Morpheus: Yup! There’s no ref to count to the three! And can you hear that sound? That’s the sound of Harlequin laughing! Shelby is starting to freak out here! He’s had to break the cover and look at Harlequin! He’s getting back up to his feet! Look at the crimson smearing that freshly formed cut across his forehead! Harlequin is loving it! He can really feel this! Just look at those eyes! This is HavOc’s time now! He wants to dominate once more like he had in Alchemy 6.3!

Larsen: f*ck.

Morpheus: Shelby doesn’t know how to approach the man now! Harlequin is challenging Shelby! He wants more! The mad man wants to see just what Shelby can do!

Larsen: Shelby is in disbelief! He thought he had this match! By all rights he should have had this! Wait! Look at the ramp!

Out of nowhere, Hannibal Frost is running to the ring, chair in hand. The crowd are cheering as Frost shoots into the ring, where Harlequin backs out.

Larsen: What’s going on? Frost has come to protect Shelby! The C4 Champion is in the house!

Morpheus: Shelby turns around to thank Frost, damnit! Frost has no right to be here!


Frost stands tall over Shelby’s body, laughing as Harlequin slides back into the ring.

Morpheus: Harlequin is in on this! Frost lifts Shelby up and throws him into Harlequin’s grip! Pale Rider! Harlequin just landed a devastating Pale Rider upon Shelby!

Larsen: Frost leaves the ring and he’s waiting at ringside now! I’m lost! Is Frost a member of HavOc or does he just not like Shelby? In any case, he’s out of there just in time!

Morpheus: Yup! The ref is coming back to life! He is slowly getting his bearings! And look at Harlequin! He’s got his arms folded with one foot against Shelby’s chest in an arrogant pin! You just got to love this guy and that laugh cackling from his mouth right now! The man is just beyond genius!

Larsen: This can’t be happening! ONE! TWO!! THREE!!!!

Cherry: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, HARLEQUIN!!!

Harlequin (8.44 aps + 3.1 avs = 11.54 total)
Buck Shelby (8.05 aps + 0.2 avs = 8.25 total)

Morpheus: It was always happening!

Larsen: I can’t believe it. I just... no way! Frost is back in the ring and he's raising Harlequin’s arm in victory!

Morpheus: Harlequin is laying Shelby against the back ropes... and there it is, here come the other HavOc boys!

”Antisaint” by Chevelle hits the speakers and Syanide and Mercutio hit the stage, walking to the ring to join Frost and Harlequin.

Mercutio: Shelby, I don’t know if you can hear me, but we played by your rules and STILL won. You should have worded your demands correctly if you wanted NO interference. You only said Syanide and myself couldn’t interfere... and that means EVERY member of HavOc who is not named Mercutio or Syanide could play their part.

Larsen: I knew it was too good to be a one off.

Mercutio: Allow me to introduce you to the newest member of HavOc, ladies and gents, Alchemy’s own C4 Champion, HANNIBAL FROST!!!

The crowd give a mixed response. Frost is taken in by the HavOc crew and the four men stand tall in the center of the ring.

Mercutio: Now, to clarify – Hannibal, we know you’ve got a match later tonight, but we will not be interfering. This is your last battle with the Resistance one way or the other, and we’d rather not be involved in conflicts such as that.

Larsen: That conflict will decide the fate of this company!!! You’d think HavOc would want in!

Hannibal nods to Mercutio in the ring, and HavOc stand in a line, hands in the air. However, the crowd explode as down the ramp come Pure Extremist and Celt, barrelling into the ring and unloading a flurry of fists towards the HavOc crew!

Morpheus: Hey! Your match isn’t on yet!

Larsen: They disagree! The Fighting Irish are here and Shelby is managing to get to his feet, it’s a three on four brawl here! Fists are flying everywhere, I can’t tell what’s going on!

Morpheus: The referee is interjecting! Thank goodness, what an unprovoked attack from the Irish. Typical.

Larsen: You’re wishy-washy. The referee breaks it up, and he’s ordering everyone not in the next match to get out! He’s ejecting Mercutio, Frost and Shelby!

Morpheus: WHAT THE HELL!? The ref is ejecting them? I thought this was an Ultraviolent rules!?

Larsen: It is but that doesn’t mean that HavOc is allowed at ringside! There’s got to be at least some kind of fairness in this match!

Cherry: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is a #1 Contender’s Ultraviolent Tornado Tag Team match! Already in the ring to my left, Pure Extremist and Celt, the FIGHTING IRISH! And to my right, Harlequin and Syanide, HAVOC!!!

Morpheus: Well, all four competitors are in the ring now, they already all look pretty beat up already after that early fist fight!

Larsen: And I guess we’re underway, wait, what the hell has Harlequin got in his hand?

Morpheus: That looks like a inflatable hammer! And it looks like Syanide is echoing the sentiments of the rest of this arena here when he asks WHAT THE f*ck!?

Harlequin begins hitting the Celt and PX on the heads with the inflatable hammer while they look on bemused.

Harlequin: Ip, dip, dop, dooo, it, is, not, YOU!

Harlequin brings the hammer down hard upon PX’s skull causing it to explode sending a shower of thumbtacks into PX’s head which causes Celt to jump on Harlequin in retaliation.


Morpheus: This match is underway!

Larsen: And PX already has thumbtacks embedded in his head! Celt is pounding away at the head of Harlequin while Syanide spears down the already prone PX!

Morpheus: Celt wasting no time here as he goes outside and straight under the ring and grabs a steel chair!


Morpheus: But Syanide doesn’t look f*cking happy as he hones in right on Celt!

Larsen: Clothesline take down by Syanide on Celt! And look at those pins still stuck in PX’s forehead as he attempts to crawl and help his fallen brother.

Morpheus: What the f*ck are you a poet?

Larsen: Syanide helping Harlequin up now as the both go into the ring.

Morpheus: And this is when we get to see vintage HavOc, stalking their prey waiting for the ideal time to strike…

Larsen: Syanide picking PX up now and PILEDRIVER ONTO THE LEFT OVER TACKS!

Morpheus: Syanide going for the pin! This might be the shortest match on a PPV ever! ONE! TWO!


Morpheus: See this never would of happened if HavOc hadn’t been ejected from ringside by that Nazi referee!

Larsen: I woulda thought Syanide would of liked that…

Morpheus: LIVING IN THE PAST MUCH THERE LARSEN!? Syanide is one quarter of what are becoming one of the most dominant forces in the whole of Full Metal Wrestling! And now with Hannibal Frost on their side it’s just gonna get better for HavOc, I’m calling it right now.

Larsen: I can’t say I agree with their methods but there is no denying that HavOc is becoming a stable to rival even the Black Covenant!

Morpheus: Let’s not be too hasty there. But with the addition of Hannibal Frost it’s certainly a step in the right direction!

Larsen: The Celt picking up PX and STEREO DDT’s on the two members of HavOc!

Morpheus: And the Irish Runt climbing under the ring now to see what he can salvage to use as weapons…

Larsen: Celt laying the boots into Syanide and Harley. We saw Andrew O and Syanide just come up short at Supremacy, with how Celt and PX are manhandling them at the moment maybe we’ll see it again?

Morpheus: You’d love that wouldn’t you Larsen? For those little Irish bastards to beat the rightful number one contenders to the Tag Titles?

Larsen: They aren’t the rightful number one contenders yet! And by the looks of things they won’t be any time soon. PX has pulled out loads of weapons from under that ring and he’s throwing them inside!

Morpheus: Celt whacking the floored Syanide and Harlequin with a chair he’s just acquired from PX.

Larsen: PX rolling in the ring now and what’s he got in his hand? Is that a deodorant can? AND THAT’S A LIGHTER! He’s got that can and lighter aimed squarely at Harlequin who is being held up by Celt!




Larsen: Harlequin spearing PX now and he’s going crazy! Look at the anger in Harlequin’s eyes! He whips PX off of the ropes but NO PX DODGES! AND HE FIGHTS BACK WITH A CLOTHESLINE TO HARLEY!


Larsen: And PX is down! But Celt is up! His skin must still be burnt but he’s up and he’s trading fists with Syanide! Both Celt and PX have proven time and time again that they can fight with the best of them! But will they be able to match up to the pure brutality of HavOc?

Morpheus: Fight with the best of them? Celt lost to Alex O, hardly the best of them dear Larsen. And even then it was hardly a fight. More like a puppy being put down!

Larsen: Syanide with a DDT to Celt! And Harley’s up and he’s setting up a table!

Morpheus: This is what I like to see! KILL THEM HAVOC! KILL THEM!

Larsen: How did you ever get this job?

Morpheus: Well after they hired someone cheap and terrible like you, they had to hire a little slice of greatness to hold this commentators table up.

Larsen: Harlequin props the table against the fan barrier, and Syanide has PX up, looking for a powerbomb through that table!!

Morpheus: Glorious! sh*t!!!

Larsen: Celt with a chop block making the save. And Harley’s coming for Celt, armed with a lead pipe!!

Harlequin: One, Two, Harley’s coming to kill you!

While PX rains down blows on Syanide’s face, Harlequin swings the pipe at the Celt, only for him to move. Celt then stops him in his tracks with a low blow, lifts and battering rams the bent over Harlequin into the steel steps, separating them from each other! Syanide has now regained the advantage, and muscles PX off of him. PX grabs a cane and charges Syanide, only to suffer further.


Morpheus: f*ck YEAH!


Larsen: PX is barely moving, and the Celt nails Syanide with a hard Celtic Cleaver, and goes to check on PX.

Morpheus: Oh, this is about to get interesting, Robbie! Look at Harlequin!

Larsen: He’s bleeding? so?

Morpheus: Where’s that smile of his? He’s pissed off!! This means bye-bye Irish!!!

Larsen: Seriously, how did you get this job?

Morpheus: Call the match, fa*g.

Larsen: Harlequin is coming to Celt, and ambushes him with a kendo stick, breaking across the back of the head of Celt.

Morpheus: And look at the little PX stir, and Syanide measuring for the Arrowhead Shot!

Larsen: Harlequin has snapped, stabbing the Celt with the jagged remains of that stick, and a STAB TO THE GROIN!!! OH MY GOD!

Morpheus: Wow! But, look at PX!

Larsen: PX staggering, turns around, and ducks the Arrowhead Shot! He has the ring bell, and jams Syanide in the throat! Syanide crumples in a heap, as PX is on the security barrier!

Morpheus: Here comes Harlequin!!

Larsen: Who takes PX off of the barrier, yanking him by his feet! Now, Harlequin is on the barrier, and PX staggers back to him…

Harlequin takes hold of PX’s head, as Syanide positions some steel steps in front of PX. Harlequin places his knee to PX’s back, and jumps forward…

Morpheus: HOLY sh*t!! Did you see PX’s face just piss blood after hitting the steps?

Larsen: HavOc is just heinous, as that kneedrop bulldog would indicate!

A replay is shown. As Harlequin goes forward, Syanide flips the steps up quickly, causing the edge of them to rip across PX’s forehead. Syanide goes for a cover.

Morpheus: ONE! TWO! NO! Who gave KFC a wrench?

Larsen: I don’t know, but what a shot to Syanide’s kidney! And Harlequin gets a shot in the ribs! The Fighting Irish won’t stay down!

Morpheus: Gee, you think?

Larsen: The Celt has Harlequin now, and a CRADLE PILEDRIVER ON THE RING BELL!!!

Morpheus: PX is back, and Death from Above on Harlequin! Cover! One! Two! KICKOUT!!!

Larsen: HavOc looks to be reeling, and Syanide with a toolbox now, and he has a hammer….

Syanide positions the hammer between his fingers, so that the metal part is in his hand, and the wooden handle is sticking out. He swings the handle at Celt, cracking him in the back of the head. PX tries to intervene, but he is open hand slapped by Syanide, and metal hits jaw bone, as PX crumples, looking knocked out.

Morpheus: BITCH IT’S HAMMERTIME!! I Love it!! More I say, More HavOc!!!!

Larsen: It looks like the Celt is on his own now against HavOc, and those may be insurmountable odds!

Morpheus: May be? They are! Syanide throwing Celt into the ring, and Harley’s up after him. Celt is in a bad way.

Celt pulls himself up, and looks at the two members of HavOc standing before him. Harlequin has his signature smile on his face, and Syanide smirks at Celt, who staggers forward, hands raised to fight.

Celt: COME ON!!!

Harlequin: [laugh][/laugh]

Larsen: And Celt strikes Harlequin! But, Syanide is there, but Celt is fighting him off!

Morpheus: Where does he get it from, the bastard? And PX is moving?

Larsen: Unbelievable.

PX reaches under the ring, pulls out a can of beer, and a glass table. He places the table into the ring, and shakes up the can as he enters.

Morpheus: Syanide clubs down Celt with a bat, and Harlequin with a curb stomp to Celt on the tacks!!

Larsen: PX is back in the ring, and Syanide goes to greet him….PX FIRES THE BEER CAN AT HIM!! Down goes Syanide!!

Morpheus: He’s setting up that glass table!

Larsen: I wonder why we even have something like that under the ring. PX all over Harlequin now, and Irish Annihilation connects! PX and Celt have Harlequin, and SYANIDE IS WRAPPING HIS FOOT IN BARBED WIRE!!!

Morpheus: You don’t think - YES, BARBED WIRE ARROWHEAD SHOT TO PX!!

Larsen: And Celt gets it too!!! Oh no!

While PX falls from the impact of Syanide’s razor sharp Superkick, Celt only staggers into the ropes, back into the evil intentioned hands of Harlequin. Harlequin kicks Celt, lifts him for a vertical suplex, and runs toward the set-up glass table!


Larsen: Celt has been destroyed, and Harlequin with the cover as Syanide grinds his barbed wire foot into PX’s face!! ONE!!! TWO!!! THREE!!!!!

Cherry: Here are your winners, and number one contenders to the Full Metal Wrestling Tag Team Titles, Harlequin and Syanide, HAAAAVOOOOOOCCCC!!!!

Harlequin and Syanide (8.44 aps + 7.9 aps - 0.1 penalty + 2.8 avs = 19.04 total)
Pure Extremist and The Celt (8.02 aps - 0.1 penalty + 7.92 aps - 0.1 penalty + 0.5 avs = 16.24 total)

Morpheus: I mark for HavOc!! That is all. Look at the carnage they caused, and they’ve left the Fighting Irish in a heap.

Larsen: The Irish gave it all they had, but HavOc was too much.

Morpheus: I wouldn’t want to be the Tag champions knowing that HavOc are next in line for a shot!

Down to the ring come Hannibal Frost and Mercutio, who slide in and hold up the hands of Harlequin and Syanide. HavOc stand tall in the squared circle, with the Fighting Irish laid out below them.

Larsen: That’s a sight we may be seeing more of very soon! What a scary thought!

Morpheus: It’s picturesque, Larsen! Get used to it!

Eric Scorpio

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (16)
Posts : 790
Rep : 1
Join date : 2009-12-05
Age : 45
Location : Sudbury, Ontario

Wrestler Profile
FMW Superstar: Eric Scorpio

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (17)
Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (18)Subject: Re: Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (19)Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:52 am

The scene opens in a quiet corner of the Original Sin locker room; a large round table had been placed in the corner; which the entirety of the faction now sit around with the exception of Ethan Black, who is standing. Original Sin seem concentrated upon Ethan, apart from Jaro; whose DS Lite is ringing with the midi drones of his copy of the custom Super Jario Brothers.

Jaro: …My princess is in another castle? f*ck YOU!

Black: Now, to business. As you can see, gentlemen, our final meeting is held around a round table. Obviously, a round table is one which has no "head" and no "sides", and therefore no one person sitting at it is given a privileged position, we are all equals here. However, there is some degree of irony here, being that the term "round table" is also used figuratively to refer to a peaceful way of achieving a compromise solution. There have been murmurs as of late that there may be some dissention in the Original Sin, and I would very much so like to air all of that out right now.

Ethan turns his gaze to Scorpio, who sits quietly, eyes closed.

Black: Firstly; Mr. Scorpio; it seems recently that you made some comments as to suggest your future may not rest with the intent of the groups. I think we all deserve some clarification as to your interests.

Scorpio: I will fight for the Original Sin until my prophecy has been fulfilled. I have no more to say on the matter.

Black: A short yet sweet response, Eric. And one that eases my anxiety for one, as I am sure it does for the group as a whole.

A murmur of agreement is heard before the Dark Lord turns his attention towards the Lich King.

Black: And you, Mr. Dunn. You apparently seem displeased about what I arranged in regards to the Abandoned Championship match for Supremacy. To such an extent, may I add, that you had a fistful of your minions stalk me, what is your reasoning for this?

Mortus: It’s quite simple, Ethan. You irritated Us by stepping on Our toes. Anxiety was Ours, and you acted out of line.

Black: In which case I do insist upon apologising once again.

Mortus: No, it’s quite alright. You are forgiven for your past mistakes, Ethan. I cannot deny that you have opened new doors for Us and Our partner Sam.

Cactus: Yeah!

Mortus: For the meanwhile, Our focuses shall remain with Sam’s - that of destroying the Tag Team Division. Something the now defunct SoCal Connection could never have dreamed of achieving.

Black: It pleases me to know that you and I are now on the same page.

Mortus: Furthermore, We would like to thank you personally, Ethan. Your meddling has actually guided Us towards a much more rewarding venture. Something much more satisfying, which has only began to unfold.

Black: Quite. I imagine the desecration of an entire division is rather satisfying.

Cactus: It sure is!

Mortus: The Abandoned Title can wait. For now.

Black: Which I believe brings us further round the table to you, Mr. McKenzie.

TyranT: Ta’ tell ya’ the truth there, bossman, I weren’t all that thrilled ‘bout that thar Elimination chamber an’ the five punks an’ all. But there ain’t no denyin’ that you were right an’ everythin’. Ya’ said ta’ me, boss, that if I could win it, then it’d do for me what it did for you. An’ ye’ were right; mah legacy as been cemented inta the history books. I got nothin’ but gratitude fer’ the Sin, yer’ all ‘elpin’ me look out for mah daughter, Faith. I can see there’s a link between mah success and mah daughter’s comfort levels, an’ yer’ all ‘ave given me the opportunity ta’ do great things; ta’ ‘elp me ‘elp you ‘elp me.

Adrian: Furthermore, on the topic of Supremacy and the Elimination Chamber, I’m surprised that I actually discovered something new.

Black: And what would that be, my Dark Protégé?

Adrian: That TyranT is a valuable ally; and I have no regrets about what happened inside the Chamber’s walls.

Black: Splendid.

Adrian: And I shall have no regrets later tonight, either, no matter how heinous my actions.

St. Michael Dreamkiller glances at his cell phone before scowling and placing it back within the confines of the inner, silk trimmed pocket of his double breasted jacket.

Black: Is there a problem, St. Dreamkiller?

SMD: Actually, there is. I left X a voice message earlier, but he has not texted me yet.

Black: Hmmm. X. Will he be a problem?

SMD: Of course not. Without me he is useless; without direction, purpose! I am disgusted with him for not coming to his senses and responding to me as he should have the intelligence to do; but clearly, he has none whatsoever.

Dreamkiller sighs, almost as if he is missing something, but he shakes it off and returns his attention to the table.

SMD: The fool. Without me, as I have very clearly stated, he is nothing. And if he isn’t eliminated first due to a lack of disciplined instructions, I personally will soil my undergarments in shock!

Black: A rather colourful note to leave upon, St. Dreamkiller. Thankyou. Now. I know that many of you are curious as to the consequences of Original Sin attaining victory tonight.

Jaro: f*ck off, I had loads of lives five minutes ago. Game over?! Piece of sh*t.

Black: Jaro, I was just about to explain your vision for the future for when we are victorious tonigh-

Jaro: Yes, yes. I heard you the first time. God.

Black: Would you kindly do the honours, Jaro?

Jaro: Yes. Now, Sinners. Tonight, victory shall be ours. Then tomorrow morn’, we dust off our hands and close the doors of Full Metal Wrestling for good. We will burn down the locker rooms. We will burn the corporate headquarters. We will burn the merchandise. Everything even remotely resembling the old FMW will be left in ruins.

Jaro laughs, walking to one of the room’s walls and grabbing a dart out of a dartboard. Instead of throwing it back in, Jaro instead turns and spins the dart through the air, where it lands directly in the centre of a poster of Drew Michaels. The dart punctures the forehead of Michaels’ image, and Jaro puts his hands on the table, his voice filled with an unholy destructive passion.

Jaro: Drew Michaels and Nick Bryson will be gone, and once we cut off the head, unlike the Hydra of old which we could lay claim to representing, the body will wither away and die. And SPARTA, obviously, is the head of this so-called Resistance. With them out of the way, we will have won the war and be free to do whatever we please.

Smitten: Forgive me for my interruption, but what will happen to our careers once Full Metal Wrestling undergoes foreclosure? Speaking as a father, as I’m sure you yourself understand the expenses of keeping and rearing children.

Jaro: A valid question, but one simply answered, Christian. We, like the Gods that we are, start again from scratch. We rebuild; rebuild in our own images. It has been done before, so shall it be again. A new federation; one where maliciousness and corruption is not only commonplace, but necessary. And we will be the pioneers of this new hellspawn of a wrestling promotion. Original Sin Wrestling!

Ethan: May I propose a toast? To OSW!

All: To OSW!

And the scene fades out to black with the chinking of champagne flutes.

Stone: Here we come to what has been a very intriguing feud on Alchemy. Ever since the former Mass Chaos came to become MASS Caesar, he has been doing whatever is necessary to win. Lately he has set his sight on the trueborn King of Garanhao, Portugal, King Guiomar. He has harassed the young king, costing him the C4 Title and breaking him on a rack! Guiomar has begun to go mental from Caesar’s tactics and it’s come to this, the Royal Showdown!

Foxx: We still don’t have any idea what the rules are for this match, Stone! And Caesar has shown that is willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Guiomar is going mental and may be too much of a softy to deal with Caesar!

Stone: You do remember that Guiomar almost impaled Caesar with a javelin a few weeks ago, right?

Foxx: Almost being the key word, Stone! Caesar DID break Guiomar on a rack!

Stone: Here comes Buster Cherry with the match breakdown.

Cherry: The following contest is a Royal Showdown! There will be no pinfalls or submissions in this match, and the last king standing is the victor of this contest! Both contestants can use a weapon of their own choice and will be accompanied by their entourages! Introducing first...

“The Might of Rome” blares on the PA. Caesar enters the scene on a Chariot that is pushed by his slaves, the crowd mercilessly booing him. Flavius Mercury, Pullo, and Centurions Titus and Cato follow Caesar’s chariot, Mercury holding in his hand a sheathed Roman Gladius sword. Titus and Cato are dragging a lion from Caesar’s personal collection to ringside, which scares many of the children at ringside. Caesar steps off the chariot and climbs into the ring while Mercury unsheathes the sword and hands it to Caesar. Caesar places it in his hand and stands in his corner, his sights fixed on the stage, waiting for his opponent.

Cherry: From Rome, Italy. He weighs in tonight at 210 lbs. His weapon of choice tonight is the Roman Gladius! He is MASS CAESAR!!!!

Stone: What the hell is Caesar doing with a Sword? I assumed when weapon of choice was mentioned that it would be a light tube or a chair or something! But a f*cking sword?

Foxx: The sword? What about the goddamn LION?! Who brings a wild LION to ringside? Is he trying to give his favourite pet some time out of his cage or something? I don’t know! I wonder what Guiomar is going to bring out?

Cherry: And his opponent. From Garanhao, Portugal, weighing in at 254lbs, he is a former C4 Division Champion! His weapon of choice is the Battle Axe, this is KING GUIOMAR!!!

“Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony” blares on the PA as Guiomar appears on the stage on his trusty steed, the crowd giving him their full support. Behind him is Servente, who is flanked by three knights of Garanhao still loyal to Guiomar. Servente is holding a battle-axe in his hand as Guiomar rides to the ring area. Guiomar enters the ring carefully and stares straight at Caesar. Servente hands Guiomar the battle-axe and walks out of the ring.

Foxx: A f*cking Battle Axe?

Stone: What the hell is going on? Someone is definitely getting seriously hurt in this match! Surely this match can’t be sanctioned by FMW! Can it?

Foxx: Well, Jaro did say that this was the last night of FMW! So maybe adding a few lawsuits over gratuitous violence, animal cruelty, or possible maiming of paying customers by lion will add to this show being sent to the hell that Jaro and the Original Sin want to send it too! And someone is definitely leaving this ring tonight on a stretcher for this War!

Stone: The bell sounds and both men circle around the ring! I still can’t believe that I am calling a match that has a sword and a battle-axe in use! These guys really hate each other if they have resorted to this to settle their score!

Foxx: I never thought I would see this in my life! This almost has a Gladiator games type of feel to it! The questions to ask is who is more proficient with their weapon and whose entourage will make the difference in this match! And also seeing what Pedro the Lion does in this match!

Stone: Pedro?

Foxx: What, I can’t name the lion?

Caesar attacks Guiomar with his sword but misses wide. Guiomar goes to swing at the off balanced Caesar, but Caesar rolls away and goes to land a counter blow on Guiomar, who blocks it with his axe. Both men exchange weapons shots to one another and lock up their weapons again. Both men are locked up in the center of the ring. They push off and start to stalk one another.

Stone: Quick first exchange by both men. This is going to be an exciting yet methodical fight! Both men do not want to make the wrong move. One wrong move and the one who missteps first gets cut, paralysed, or worst case scenario, killed!

Foxx: I still wonder the logic in Guiomar choosing a battle-axe! Good attack weapon, but crummy defence.

Stone: When did you become an expert?

Foxx: “Conquest” on the History Channel, Stone. How to use an axe in battle. Research. You should try it sometime.

Guiomar goes in charging and starts to swing his axe in wild but precise cuts, throwing Caesar off balance and on the defensive. Caesar goes to stab Guiomar in the chest, but Guiomar swings the stab attempt out of the way and spins his body around, trying to land a spinning back axe swing. Caesar dodges at the last second, but the axe leaves a gash on Caesar’s bicep.

Stone: Guiomar draws first blood! And Caesar looks furious!

Foxx: While Caesar looks at his arm and looks incensed, Guiomar looks cool and calm! Guiomar is going on the offensive again!

Guiomar goes for a big swing with the axe but Caesar blocks it. Both men’s weapons are locked up together. Guiomar uses his weight advantage to push Caesar’s sword closer to his face. Guiomar pushes until he sees blood from the top of Caesar’s eye. He tries to push the sword further, but Caesar kicks Guiomar in the leg, then takes a swipe, which causes a small gash on Guiomar’s forearm.

Foxx: Now Caesar has drawn blood from Guiomar!

Guiomar and Caesar start to attack, striking their weapons against each other, trying to disarm or damage the other man. The crowd are on their feet as the two kings continue to clash steel against steel. Both men lock up their weapons again. Guiomar pushes Caesar off and goes for an overhead swing, but he misses. Caesar sees this and swings his sword toward Guiomar’s weapon, shattering the axe handle and rendering Guiomar’s axe useless.

Stone: And Guiomar’s weapon has been taken out of commission! Caesar has the upper hand! And he’s just laughing as he corners Guiomar, jabbing at him to keep him at bay!

Foxx: Caesar capitalized on the axe’s one weakness and now Guiomar could be in for a world of hurt!

Guiomar has his back to the turnbuckle as Caesar continues to inch closer to Guiomar. Caesar states to Guiomar that he dies here and now and lunges forward to strike. Guiomar grabs Caesar’s sword arm and throws him to the ground, taking Caesar’s sword for himself.

Stone: And Guiomar has turned the tide! He disarmed the co*cky Roman and now has his sword! Look at the coward trying to beg for mercy!

Foxx: I wouldn’t want to get stabbed either, Stone!

Caesar continues to beg for Guiomar for mercy and to not kill him. Guiomar laughs in Caesar’s face, shouting ‘YOUR TYRANNY IS OVER!!”, to which the crowd cheer in agreement. Guiomar goes to strike Caesar; but he is tripped by Mercury and Pullo. Pullo grabs the sword from the ring and keeps it for himself, while back in the ring Guiomar gets up on one knee and gets nailed by the Praetorian Strike by Caesar!

Stone: And Caesar’s dregs tripped up Guiomar and the sword is out of the ring! And Caesar capitalized by nail Guiomar with that running knee strike to the face!

Foxx: I told you Stone! If the weapons don’t play into it, it is going to be the proficiency of the entourages that could decide the winner!

Stone: Caesar picks up Guiomar and Irish whips him to the corner. It is refreshing that this has turned into an actual wrestling match! Corner Shining Wizard by Caesar!

Foxx: And he holds on to Guiomar! Slingshot Suplex! And he locks in the Roman Clutch! And he is nailing him with those crossface forearm shots to his face!

Stone: Caesar wants to brutalize the poor king! Caesar now pounding on the top of the head of Guiomar! Guiomar’s head is busted open!

Caesar picks Guiomar up and Irish whips him to the corner. Caesar runs toward Guiomar, but Guiomar hot shots Caesar in the air, Caesar landing Head first on top of the ring post! Caesar bounces off the post and gets speared in half by Guiomar!

Stone: What a desperation counter by Guiomar! And now Caesar’s head is busted open!

Foxx: And Guiomar is not going to just let Caesar catch a break! Guiomar locks in a camel clutch on Caesar and is giving Caesar a receipt with crossface forearms to Caesar’s face!

Stone: Guiomar picks Caesar up and forearms him in the face. Guiomar off the ropes! He nails Caesar with a Yakuza kick that knocks him for a loop! Guiomar is motioning for Caesar to get up!

Guiomar tries to run to the ropes but gets tripped up by Pullo. Guiomar gets up and Caesar does a forward roll and nails Guiomar with Roman Steel!

Foxx: Roman Steel by Caesar! And Guiomar drops to the floor as Caesar gives him a thumbs down!

Stone: I still can’t believe he has a name for a low blow!

Foxx: Kings can do whatever they want to, Stone!

Stone: Caesar is back in control, thanks to his entourage! Mercury looks to be asking if Caesar wants his sword back! If he gets it, this match could be over!

Foxx: Caesar seems to be having second thoughts on this! He motions to the Centurions! What the…They’re releasing the LION! NO!

Titus and Cato release the lion from his chains, which prowls around the ring. Guiomar’s entourage take his horse and flee to the top of the stage, while Caesar’s men jump the guardrail to get out of the lion’s path.

Stone: Now there is a f*cking lion in the arena! There is a f*cking lion at ringside! The lawsuits that could occur if that thing jumps the guardrail would be massive! I never thought I’d call it, but there’s a GODDAMN LION AT RINGSIDE!!!!!

The announcers all jump the barricades behind them, still holding onto their microphones. The crowd move back a meter or two, and this leaves only the ring, the lion, Guiomar and Caesar.

Foxx: Maybe this was part of Jaro’s master plan to close FMW and asked Caesar to bring the lion?

Stone: Funny, you aren’t! Caesar takes the bloody Guiomar and tries to throw him out of the ring into the clutches of the lion! Caesar throws him over! Guiomar holds on and is on the apron! Caesar turns around and runs toward Guiomar. Guiomar blocks his punch and forearms him in the face. Guiomar re-enters the ring!

Foxx: Thumb to the eye by Caesar! He grabs Guiomar again and throws him over! And Guiomar holds on again! Caesar has a frustrated look on his face!

Caesar tries to punch Guiomar, but he blocks it again. Guiomar tries to hip toss Caesar to the outside, but Caesar lands on the apron. Caesar nails Guiomar with a number of forearms. He tries to nail one more, but Guiomar ducks and hits the Royal Suplex off the apron to the outside. Guiomar rolls into the ring while Caesar recovers, only for his lion to start stalking his bloody master.

Stone: The lion has his cruel, bloodied master in his sights! Caesar is starting to get the cobwebs out after Guiomar nailed him with the Royal Suplex to the outside! Caesar turns his head and sees the lion! The lion lets off a loud roar as Caesar starts to crawl away! He is yelling for Mercury to throw him his sword and stop the lion! Caesar’s slaves go to stand in front of the Lion as his soldiers go to see how their bloodied monarchy is doing!

As the slaves fight to contain the lion, Guiomar’s entourage run to ring side and starts to brawl with Caesar’s soldiers.

Stone: Caesar’s soldiers and Guiomar’s knights are brawling on the outside as the slaves subdue the lion. Guiomar appears to have rolled out of the ring in pain! Why is he crawling under the ring?

Foxx: He knows that he is about to lose his title as king of Alchemy! He’s hiding!

Stone: Caesar throws his sword into the ring and rolls in slowly! Servente is in the ring and kicks Caesar’s sword out of the ring! He’s buying time for his master!

Foxx: Or fighting his battles for him.

Stone: Caesar goes to punch Servente, but Servente dodges and lands a roaring elbow! He goes for another forearm shot, but Caesar grabs Servente in a cravate! Nero’s Last Wish! And Servente is out!

Foxx: But here comes Guiomar! He brought something that is wrapped up into the ring! It looks like a staff or something like that!

Stone: Caesar kicks Guiomar in the stomach and goes for a powerbomb! Guiomar counters! Caesar’s up! Guiomar nailed Caesar with the new and Improved Imperial Decree! Caesar is down and out on the mat!

Foxx: Guiomar goes to get that staff of…wait a damn minute! Guiomar brought in a javelin! How in the world did the ring crew let that get there?

Guiomar holds the Javelin up high, seeking the crowd’s approval. The crowd mockingly give Caesar the thumbs down. Guiomar takes the javelin and plunges it into Caesar’s shoulder, pinning him to the mat. Caesar screams out in agony over the wound.

Stone: HOLY GOD!!! Guiomar just STABBED Caesar! He’s pinned Caesar’s shoulder to the mat with that javelin! I have never seen anything that gruesome in all my years in this great sport!

Foxx: Neither have I, Stone! This has gotten a bit out of hand!

Guiomar slowly walks over to the broken piece of his axe handle and lifts it, turning back to Caesar. With a mighty swing, Guiomar drives it through Caesar’s other shoulder, further pinning the king to the mat. Caesar is in intense agony and cannot move, and an official walks over and motions for the bell to ring. Guiomar holds on to the ropes for balance, his own blood loss causing him to feel faint. He walks over to Caesar and without hesitation, Guiomar rips the axe handle and the javelin from Caesar’s bleeding shoulders. Guiomar looks at the blood on his spear and licks some of it off, seemingly enjoying tasting the blood of his bitter enemy. The audience, as well as Servente, look confused, but Guiomar raises the spear above his head, a savage grin on his face.

Cherry: The Winner of the Royal Showdown and True King of Alchemy! KING GUIOMAR!!!

King Guiomar (8.28 aps + 1.6 avs = 9.88 total)
Mass Caesar (8.1 aps + 1.4 avs = 9.5 total)

Stone: My God, it’s over! Guiomar has proven to all that he is the true king of Alchemy! The Barbarian has won it!

Foxx: He has proven that he is the true Royal of Alchemy, but come on, he went too far! Impaling Caesar with a spear AND a splintered axe handle? And then licking the blood off the spear? Absolutely disgusting! He really IS a barbarian.

Guiomar is helped to the back by Servente as the crowd goes wild over his victory. He slaps hands with his fans and holds up the javelin in triumph as he goes through the curtain. Paramedics rush the ring to attend to the bloodied Caesar, who has lost a lot of blood and is close to going into shock. Caesar's Slaves drag the lion out of the arena as Mercury and Pullo stay by their master.

Stone: I have to agree that he may have gone too far, but Caesar has no one to blame but himself! He was the one that pushed Guiomar over the edge! To me, if you push someone that far over the edge, be prepared for the repercussions of it! What a wild, wild match and a bloody ending to a bitter feud!

The scene opens backstage; Veronica Cherrywood is interviewing the Television Champion, Jack Boice.

Cherrywood: Now, I know that it must feel wonderful to finally be recognised as the hottest thing on TV and a Champion in FMW, but between you and me, how does it feel to have the sleek and sexy Baby back?

Boice: Meh. I guess it’s alright.

Cherrywood: You don’t seem very enthusiastic about having the love of your life back.

Boice: Well, you see Veronica, while me and Baby were apart, it sort of gave me the chance to... meet new people.

Cherrywood: A saucy furniture scandal?

Boice: You know, awhile back, that would have been a hot fantasy of mine. But no, a certain someone caught my eye. And now Baby is back in my life, I’m not sure how that will affect my relationship with my wang.

Cherrywood: Wait, what?!

Boice: Yeah. I’ve realised all I need is Mr. Happy. And tonight me, my bilingual balls and my ever helpful friend Mr. Happy are gonna head down there and give Original Sin the beating of a life time!

Cherrywood: So, will our bosses being the only ones getting the beating of life time?

Cherrywood gives a suggestive look at Boice, who recoils.

Boice: What are you getting at? Because, if you’re implying what I think you’re implying, then stop being disgusting. Wait a minute...

Boice pulls his pants outward and looks down, clearly talking to Mr. Happy.

Boice: No, no! I won’t ask her, Mr. Happy. That would be unprofessional. I know, I know. Ok, Ok; let me make it up to you, I’ll rent that E.T film again. Yeah, I thought it would… anyway. It’s none of your business, Veronica. Now if you’ll excuse me, there’s a beating coming.

The scene fades to black with a baffled and slightly disappointed Cherrywood as Jack Boice goes to prepare for his match.

Larsen: Well, on that interesting note, and with the preliminary matches tonight over and done with, let’s go to Cynthia Adams in the ring.

The crowd hushes as Cynthia Adams is spotlighted in the centre of the ring.

Adams: Ladies and gentlemen, the next five matches will determine the future of Full Metal Wrestling – the Full Metal War. Every competitor has a determined ‘Resistance’ or ‘Original Sin’ alignment for all matches. The winners of the first four battles – the Television, C4, Tag and Abandoned Championship matches respectively – will all earn ONE point for their team. The main event, the five-on-five elimination tag match, will be held under different scoring – one point per elimination. The scoreboard on the screens will keep track of this for you.

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (20)

Adams: Following the main event, the team with the most points on the scoreboard – either Original Sin or the Resistance – will be declared the winners of the War. There are certain consequences for both occurrences. If the Resistance win the War-

The crowd interrupt with massive cheers, and Adams smiles in the ring until they die down.

Adams: Then Original Sin must disband as a faction and relinquish control of Full Metal Wrestling, with exact terms to be defined later. However, if Original Sin win the War...

A huge flurry of boos surrounds Adams in response to Original Sin’s possible victory.

Adams: ...then Drew Michaels and Nick Bryson must retire from Full Metal Wrestling, John ‘Doc’ Derrick must relinquish his Full Metal Championship, and Full Metal Wrestling as a company will be TERMINATED.

The crowd boo even louder, and Cynthia is forced to wait a considerable amount of seconds before everything dies down again.

Adams: Ladies and gentlemen, this time will decide the future of every superstar in this company. Every pinfall will matter. Parents, you are advised that violence may be considerably higher in these next matches. As for everyone else... let the Full Metal War BEGIN!

Eric Scorpio

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (23)
Posts : 790
Rep : 1
Join date : 2009-12-05
Age : 45
Location : Sudbury, Ontario

Wrestler Profile
FMW Superstar: Eric Scorpio

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (24)
Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (25)Subject: Re: Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (26)Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:55 am

war /wɔr/–noun
1. a conflict carried on by force of arms, as between nations or between parties within a nation; warfare, as by land, sea, or air.
2. a contest carried on by force of arms, as in a series of battles or campaigns.
3. a struggle: a war for men's minds.
4. Archaic. a battle.

Tonight, at Lethal Injection, a series of battles will take place. They will pit good against evil, resiliency against corruption, passion against hatred. They will pit resistance against sin.

The members of the Resistance and the Original Sin will face each other in five distinct contests. Each deciding pinfall or submission will contribute to a total. Each match will serve to swing momentum, harness control, and perhaps most significantly, end careers.

Throughout history, winning the battles have been the deciding factor to winning the war. The last stand of Leonidas during the Greco-Persian War, the defeat of the Spanish Armada during the Anglo-Spanish War, the Battle of Bunker Hill during the American Revolutionary War, the battle of Gettysburg during the American Civil War. To name a few.

Tonight, Full Metal Wrestling goes to war.

This is the finale, the ultimate end to the most gruesome war to ever pervade the world of professional wrestling. Championships will be decided, human beings will be broken, the fate of an entire company will be determined.

Twenty superstars battle for their livelihood, for their families, for the people who need them to fight because they couldn't themselves, for the very soul of Full Metal Wrestling. There can only be two possible outcomes:

Full Metal Wrestling is saved from tyranny, and lives on to prosper and flourish...

...or the federation is crippled by cancer, never to survive this lethal injection.

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (27)

Larsen: Our next match will feature the war between Original Sin and the Resistance, but gold is also on the line as the Resistance’s Jack Boice will defend the TV championship against who now seems to be Original Sin’s new monster, Crazy Ash Killa, or CAK for short.

Morpheus: Boice is done, CAK is just too f*cking big to handle.

Larsen: X was thought to have the same advantage, and we saw what happened.

Morpheus: Yeah, but CAK is easily the biggest man in FMW, by at least 100 pounds. I usually like the fact that a Resistance member is about to get whipped, but Boice is a dead man walking. And that is AWESOME!!!

Cherry: This contest is scheduled for one fall and it is the first match of the Full Metal War, as well as an FMW Television Championship match! Introducing first, the challenger, representing Original Sin, standing 7 feet 4 inches tall, weighing 425 pounds, he is the Titan of Ultra Violence, CRAZY ASH KILLA!!!

”The Devil Made Me Do It(And I’ll Do It Again) by Wednesday 13” begins to play. The arena darkens, and CAK bursts through the curtain, trailed by Saint Michael Dreamkiller and raises his hand as flames illuminate the entrance way and red liquid begins to rain. CAK looks at SMD with a smile, and motions him backstage, throwing SMD completely off guard. CAK just maniacally laughs as SMD reluctantly obliges, and the crowd tries to boo him out of the arena.

Larsen: That man, is probably the most dangerous man in FMW. This behemoth has to be the favourite in this one. I think Boice will be a great champ, but I don’t see any light for Boice tonight, I’d call this an upset if Boice retains.

Morpheus: Look at you finally coming around. Sadly, the OS doesn’t like bandwagon jumpers, so stay with the bitches that are the Resistance. CAK wins this one, and wins it quickly and violently.

Larsen: Possibly, but the mind games have begun it seems, with CAK just kicking a chair to the side.

Morpheus: Sucks to be Boice.

Cherry: His opponent, representing the Resistance, from Walla Walla, Washington, weighing in at 234 pounds, he is the Full Metal Wrestling Television Champion, JACK BOICE!!!

”Pretty Fly(For a White Guy) by The Offspring” fills the speakers, to a roar from the crowd. Boice comes through the curtain with the title on his waist, smiling. The fans customarily hold up their chairs in honor of Boice as usual. To our surprise however, he is not accompanied by Baby, but he seems to be talking to his crotch a lot. He slaps hands and/or chairs with the fans, as his pelvis seems to attempt to lead him towards a group of attractive female fans. Boice says something along the lines of “Jaro already got ‘em”, and “So? Jaro could have a disease! Do you want that? I thought not” towards his penis. All the while, Boice barely notices CAK.

Larsen: Boice is talking to his penis. This place gets weirder every day.

Morpheus: Its name is Mr. Happy, Robbie.

Larsen: I know. But I refuse to name it. Hey, I heard that Boice is now looking for women instead of chairs these days.

Morpheus: That’s the only thing I will accept from him. Other than that, die.

Boice arrives at the ring. He unstraps his title, hands it to the ref, and instead of trying to get in CAK’s face, he ends up in the corner, opening his tights and yelling at his penis, looking up every so often with nervous determination. CAK looks on completely serious, and as the bell rings, CAK charges, not giving Boice a chance.

Larsen: Boice is squashed by CAK immediately, and Boice is already in a bad way. We even have OS and the Resistance watching on.

Morpheus: Should have been paying attention, now the death of FMW has begun!

Larsen: But Boice is back up, kicking at the mammoth tree trunk legs of CAK, and it seems to be working.

Morpheus: If this is his idea of chopping CAK down, we’ll be here a while, the freak is getting nowhere.

Larsen: Boice bounces off the ropes, and a low dropkick has CAK stumbling back, Boice back jawing at ‘Mr. Happy’, as CAK just smiles. CAK starts to advance!

Boice: One more step, and I whip it out and spin it around!!!

Morpheus: And CAK levels him with a huge shoulder tackle, Ultimate Warrior style! Not even fazed! I think he’s asexual, Robb. Too big and ugly for any woman, except you Robb!

Boice’s face shows one of stunned wooziness. CAK just smiles, and lifts Boice off the ground by his hair, and Biel throws him across the ring. CAK patiently waits for him to get up. Boice pulls himself up, and as CAK charges for a boot, Boice ducks as CAK straddles the ropes.

Larsen: Boice narrowly missing decapitation just then, and he’s back on the knee.

Morpheus: Of course he is, he knows he has no shot otherwise, like this strategy does for that matter.

Larsen: Boice, with a springboard dropkick sends CAK over, but the big man lands on his feet, albeit a little gingerly.

Morpheus: He needs a break, he has a lot to carry on that frame.

Larsen: Morpheus, care to elaborate as Boice measures for a high-risk move?

Morpheus: Not really, at least not to you, but you should know that CAK is more mentally strong than Boice. CAK for the most part will be set in his ways, and to be honest no one could really tell him sh*t different. This is displayed as CAK catches Boice in a plancha attempt. See?

Larsen: And he rams him back first into the apron!

Morpheus: Of course he did. Now, Boice is about to get f*cked up and hopefully decapitated.

Larsen: Wow. That’s violent.

Morpheus: What? Call the match, bitch.

CAK military presses Boice over his head, and vaults him back into the ring. As CAK manages to step over the ropes to re-enter, Boice shoots a schoolboy, which doesn’t get a one count. Boice is back on him with a rear naked choke, which CAK counters by falling backwards, crushing Boice underneath him.

Larsen: CAK with a big elbow drop to follow up, and first cover of the match, one, two, kickout.

Morpheus: So much for Boice’s penis tricks, even though I don’t think we’ve seen the last of them.

Larsen: CAK with a nerve hold now, and Boice is struggling, and still talking to his penis as this goes on. Boice is trying to rise, but to no avail.

Morpheus: CAK with a frown. He’s not used to people not screaming as he inflicts pain.

Larsen: Boice is looking wide-eyed, maybe he’s been given an idea.

Boice: Are you sure that will work? OK.

Morpheus: He’s giving him a nipple-twister? What the hell is this?

Larsen: I wish I knew. But, the champion seems to have broken free. And a dropkick wobbles the big man, and off the ropes now, and a STO to the kneeling CAK takes him down as the crowd erupts!

Boice, seeing CAK down, goes for the Temper Tantrum, but CAK moves and Boice lands on his feet. With surprising speed, CAK turns Boice inside out with a clothesline, and Boice crumples to the mat.

Larsen: Boice missed his signature move, and paid big time. CAK back on the advantage now, lifting Boice into a bearhug, squeezing the life out of the champion.

Morpheus: Squeeze harder, Killa!!!

Larsen: Man, what is with you?

Morpheus: What’s with your face?

Larsen: Unfortunately, Boice is fading. The ref holds Boice’s arm, and it drops once. Twice. And the look on Boice’s face is one I’ve never seen as he stops his arm from falling!

Morpheus: Is he possessed? Why wasn’t I told of this?

The crowd is on its feet, as awesome camerawork shows CAK’s knee starting to press into Boice’s groin as he tightens the bearhug. Boice gives CAK a look that CAK usually gives, and yells out “YOU DO NOT TOUCH MR. HAPPY!!”. With CAK caught off guard, Boice starts to swing wildly at CAK’s face, causing him to loosen the hold. After a well placed bite on the nose, CAK releases the hold as the crowd rise out of their seats, sensing momentum about to swerve. Boice springboards off the ropes, and moonsaults onto CAK, actually taking him off his feet.

Larsen: Boice with a moonsault, and a cover 1, 2, kickout!

Morpheus: Did he just snap at having his co*ck touched? What’s wrong with him?

Larsen: Well, it was a guy who touched it.

Morpheus: Touché, but still he shouldn’t have CAK on the ropes like this!

Larsen: Give Boice credit, he is the TV champion….CAK with a Military Press Powerslam!!!

Morpheus: After that, he’s champ no more! Original Sin FT-f*cking W!!!!! ONE! TWO! THREE, NO! Damnit!

Larsen: Boice will not stay down! The Resistance almost taking their first fall there!

Morpheus: CAK is frustrated now, and he’s backed the ref into a corner! The ref is pissing himself!!!! Awesome!

Larsen: Do you blame him, Morph?

Morpheus: We know you don’t.

Larsen: Whatever. Boice with a schoolboy! One! Two! No!!!

Larsen: CAK barely escapes that one!

Morpheus: Holy sh*t! Boice just kneed CAK in the face!

Larsen: CAK’s nose is busted! And CAK doesn’t look pleased.

CAK mouths “I’m going to hurt you” to Boice, who reaches into his pants and yanks out Mr. Happy, twirls it around and yells “Come ON!!”, The crowd is confused, and the females show their approval. CAK charges, and is rocked by a spinning heel kick from the champion. Boice fires off right hand after right hand, as CAK effortlessly bats him away. Boice goes for another heel kick, but CAK catches and drills him with a modified sidewalk slam. CAK goes for the cover, and in a sight rarely seen, he hooks the leg seemingly desperate. He gets a two count, and picks up Boice for the Abyss of Woe. When he gets him into powerbomb position, he realizes that Boice’s penis is STILL hanging out, and it ends up on top of his head! CAK immediately throws him over his head and almost claws at his head, as Boice lands on his feet.

Larsen: What did I just see?

Morpheus: Jar-Ownage, that’s what. Boice with a reverse tornado DDT! ONE! TWO! THR-NO!

Just in time, CAK presses Boice off of him and almost out of the ring. Boice looks around on the apron, and talks to the now tucked in Mr. Happy. He sees CAK starting to get up and springboards off into a legdrop bulldog. This gets another two count, but this one much more closer than the other. Boice measures for CAK and runs off the ropes, and in a last-gasp effort, CAK busts out one of the biggest ever…

Larsen: FALLING FROM GRACE!! CAK with that devastating chokeslam!

Morpheus: Hell yeah!!

CAK makes a cover, failing to notice that his best move, after its execution, caused Boice to land with his foot on the ropes. The ref refuses to count, as a tired, never-before-pushed like this CAK argues his case. Boice begins to recover, and rolls out to the apron.

Larsen: Boice waiting for him now…

Morpheus: CAK, look out!!

Larsen: Boice springboards, shining wizard to the back of CAK’s head, down he goes!

Morpheus: Boice is immediately back up!

The kick sends CAK down, and onto his back. Boice runs to the ropes where CAK’s feet are facing. Boice springboards and CAK tries to sit up, only to be caught in the face and chest with a modified version of Boice’s….

Larsen: TEMPER TANTRUM connects!!! Boice stacks CAK on his shoulders, and hooks the legs!!

Morpheus: Kick out CAK!! ONE! TWO!!

Larsen: THREE!!! Boice wins, and he didn’t even need Baby to do it! The Resistance lands the first major blow!!!

Morpheus: I hate you, Robb.

Cherry: Here is your winner and STILL FMW Television Champion, representing the Resistance, JACK BOICE!!!!!

Jack Boice (8.37 aps + 2.6 avs = 10.97 total)
CAK (7.8 aps + 0.6 avs = 8.4 total)

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (28)

“Pretty Fly(For A White Guy)” by the Offspring kicks up, as Boice rolls out the ring, immediately retrieves the FMW TV title, and the ref raises his hand. CAK is up to a knee in the ring, incredulous. Boice walks up the aisle, and stops to chat with some of the females with the TV title while every now and then telling his penis “Thank you.” Boice heads backstage, with one last cheer to the crowd, holding up his TV Title in the air on the stage. CAK punches the mat and rolls out of the ring, walking to the back almost hesitantly.

Larsen: I’d hate to be CAK right now, Jaro will be after his blood as the Resistance go up one to nothing!

Morpheus: I agree about Jaro’s wrath, but there’s still four matches now to go! Plenty of time for the Sinners to destroy this company!

Larsen: As much as I dislike it, you’re right, there’s still too much to go to call this one now. Coming up we’ll have the C4 Championship match, stay tuned!

The scene switches backstage, where Cynthia Adams is standing by with Hostyle.

Cynthia: Cynthia Adams here, getting ready to pick at the mind of the former C-4 champ, Hostyle, before his huge upcoming rematch.

Hostyle: MMMM, sup, mami! What happened to that douche-fa*g, TO? Isn't he the co*ck-jockey who usually interviews me?

Cynthia: I-I have no idea, but you seem awfully confident considering the pressure of having to win back your C-4 title, as well as the added pressure of not letting your team go down 2-0.

Hostyle: There is no use in beating myself up, Cynthia. I’m the greatest C-4 Champion to date, and I’m still the Grand Master of Innovation. What happened at Supremacy was nothing but a FLUKE, and I will NOT kick my own ass over a stupid f*ckin’ FLUKE! What you should be wondering is how horrible Hannibal Fluke will feel when he becomes the shortest reigning C-4 Champion in FMW history! And while FMW may be on the brink of extinction, I refuse to allow the C-4 title to die in his possession! Fluke champions will come and go, but talent lasts forever! And me, baby…

Hostyle gently grabs Cynthia’s chin, and moves his face in closer to hers.

Hostyle: I…AM…FOREVER!!!

Hostyle releases Cynthia and walks off smiling, leaving Adams to breathe slowly in the silence.

Eric Scorpio

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (31)
Posts : 790
Rep : 1
Join date : 2009-12-05
Age : 45
Location : Sudbury, Ontario

Wrestler Profile
FMW Superstar: Eric Scorpio

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (32)
Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (33)Subject: Re: Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (34)Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:56 am

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (35)

Cherry: This match is the third match in the Full Metal War and is also for the FMW C4 Championship! Introducing first, weighing in at 234 pounds and from Memphis, Tennessee, he is the FMW C4 Champion, representing the Resistance, HANNIBAL FROST!!!

The arena lights shut off for a second before red light begins to brighten the arena slightly. Fire blazes down the sides of the entrance way ramp and disappears as "Reborn" by Stone Sour hits the speakers. Hannibal Frost comes out onto the stage, C-4 title draped over his shoulder, dressed in his black trench coat and top hat and makes his way down the ramp and into the ring. His ankle is taped up from the beating he took on it at Alchemy 6.3

Stone: And there, ladies and gentlemen, is your new C-4 Champion, fresh off of his win at Supremacy, outlasting Dalby Sound, Neutron Star, and his adversary tonight as well as the former C-4 Champion, Hostyle.

Foxx: He cheated. It was obvious. To me.

Stone: Don’t forget Frost now ALSO a member of HavOc, assisting Harlequin earlier in the night!

Foxx: It’s not going to get him any help here! HavOc have said they don’t want any part in this war, but clearly Frost is obligated to defend on the Resistance’s behalf. But no, there isn’t going to be any HavOc interference in this match, they’re staying away and I think Frost will want to make sure he tells Jose he’s no fluke! Even if he is.

Cherry: And his opponent, weighing in at 235 and from the Bronx, New York, representing Original Sin, HOSTYLE!!!!

As Frost poses on the turnbuckles for the fans, showing off his new title, the music changes to “Renegade” by Jay-Z featuring Eminem. Hostyle walks out onto the ramp with a determined look, pointing at Hannibal and his title. He runs down the ramp, into the ring, and begins to brawl with Hannibal. Frost drops his title and runs at Hostyle, throwing lefts and rights, trying to win the early advantage.

Stone: Ring announcer Buster Cherry scrambles out of the ring, the referee rings the bell, and we have a slugfest.

Foxx: You’re damn right we do!

Stone: And Frost takes down Hostyle and mounts him throwing massive punches at his head.

Foxx: And Hostyle reverses. Left. Right. Left. Right. This is fun!

Stone: I don’t believe Frost thinks so, and he throws off Hostyle. He rolls away, and we might have a wrestling match now! Remember folks, this match is contested under C-4 rules, as it is a C-4 Title match.

Foxx: Thanks, I didn’t know that until you said something. Dumbass.

Stone: I’m going to ignore you. Anyways, C-4 rules means that each competitor only gets one rope break per match, so after that is used, the ropes are legal!

Foxx: And after that brief lesson brought to you by Stone, the newest member of HavOc and Hostyle tie up. Hannibal twists the arm, and Hostyle counters. Arm drag by Hostyle.

Stone: Frost back up, another arm drag. Frost up again, and a hip toss…

Foxx: Into a Reverse DDT! Cover! One… Kick-out!

Stone: Frost is going to show more resiliency that usual here, making sure that he doesn’t ended up Showstopping the title.

Foxx: But Hostyle would love to get that title back. So, you know, I guess it evens out.

Stone: Still ignoring you.

Foxx: Fine. Hostyle trying to apply a Figure Four Toehold on Frost, but Frost kicks the True Artist away! The two are back on their feet now, and another tie up between the two. Frost once again gets the arm, and backs Jose up into the ropes. An Irish whip across the ring, and Hannibal knocks Hostyle down with a big shoulder block!

Stone: Hannibal runs off the ropes, and Hostyle lays low. Frost jumps over him and he’s off the other side again, but he’s met with a huge Front Flip Dropkick from the Influencer of Innovation!

Foxx: Cover, and Frost is up before the ref can slap his hand down once. Frost not willing to show any weakness! Hostyle goes to pick him up by the hair, and is met with a huge shot to the throat from Frost. The referee goes to scold Hannibal, but Frost doesn’t care!

Stone: Hostyle still clutching his throat, but Hannibal doesn’t care and greets him with a sweet Fisherman’s Suplex! Hooks the leg…

Foxx: One… Two… Kickout. There was no way Hostyle was going down after that! Hannibal picks up Hostyle and Irish whips him across, Hostyle rebounds, and a Huge Spinebuster takes Jose down and out! Frost swivels around and hooks the leg! One… Two… Kickout by Hostyle. Frost is breaking out all of the power moves on Hostyle’s ass!

Stone: What?

Foxx: You talked to me.

Stone: Yes I did, now go over what you just said, silently, and think it through again.

Foxx: (after mumbling briefly) Oh. OH!

Stone: Yeah.

Foxx: That’s just disgusting.

Stone: Dumbass.

Foxx: I rarely admit these things, but you’re right.

Stone: I hope somebody caught that on audiotape. Back to the action, Frost has a groggy Hostyle up for a stalling suplex, and the crowds counting out the seconds.

Crowd: Nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen…

Foxx: Hostyle needs to do something here, all the blood’s rushing to his head!

Crowd: Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nine…oh.

Stone: And something he does, as he just put his pointer and middle fingers in Frost’s eyes!

Foxx: And now he swiftly kicks that injured ankle, Frost screaming in pain!


Stone: And again. And again! Frost down on his knees, almost whimpering in pain!

Foxx: And he steps on the ankle! Ouch.

Stone: I even felt that one.

Foxx: And he drags Frost by the ankle towards the near turnbuckle. Hostyle up top…

Stone: …HOSTYLE HIGH DIVE! The Imploding Somersault Legdrop connects…

Foxx: …With MAT! Frost rolled out of the ring just in time, and now he’s back in! Hostyle nursing his lower back, Frost runs…

Stone: …or hobbles, if you will.

Foxx: Right. Frost hobbles off the ropes, going for a Senton, and Hostyle in a desparation move quickly grabs the ankle, and twists it, taking Frost down! And the referee begins his count!

Referee: One, two, three, four…

Stone: These men better do something, or this match ends in a draw.

Foxx: That could be good for Frost though, it means he retains!

Stone: I thought you didn’t like Frost?

Referee: Five, six, seven…

Foxx: No, I just like Hostyle more.

Stone: Speaking of Hostyle, he rolls over and drapes his arm over Hannibal! It might be in his best interest, with his ankle, to just not kick out!

Foxx: One… Two… ThrKICKOUT!

Stone: Hannibal doesn’t want to let go of that championship yet! And Hostyle’s up, trying to figure out a way to take advantage of Frost’s hurt ankle, but he seems stumped. Writer’s block?

Foxx: Not a chance! Look!

Stone: Yes, I’m looking, it’s part of my job as an announcer. And he seems to be going for some sort of Boston Crab.

Foxx: And he gets it! And now he’s got a hold of the ankle!

Stone: That’s the same submission that he used to make Frost tap back at Alchemy 6.3! But will he do it again here?

Foxx: Frost is down to two options: One, tap, or two, Let Hostyle break the ankle, and then the referee stops the match!

Stone: Or THREE! Frost manages to reach the ropes! Hostyle’s forced to break the hold!

Foxx: But he gets his five seconds, and he’s using every damn hundredth given to him.

Cherry: Hannibal Frost has used his rope break! Hostyle may now legally defeat Frost regardless of position within the ring!

Stone: And Hostyle’s only smirking, he knows that Frost isn’t in a position to hurt him!

Foxx: Plus, he can now use the ropes to help torture that ankle, and I’m sure Jose will think of a badass way to do so.

Stone: Unfortunately so. Hostyle goes to grab the leg again, but he nonchalants it, and Frost rolls him up! One… Two… He gets the shoulder up!! Every near fall is a near fall for the Resistance and Original Sin! Their locker rooms must be paranoid!

Foxx: Looks like the True Artist is pissed now, he won’t want to suffer the same fate as CAK!

Stone: Now being more careful, he gets the Boston Crab again, this time threading the leg with the injured ankle through the ropes, and he wrenches back! Hostyle has Frost in a submission! Hannibal has nowhere to go, the ropes can’t help him!

Foxx: Frost is screwed! COME ON ORIGINAL SIN!!!



Stone: Shut up with the pretend humanitarian act! Frost is screaming out and HE TAPS! HANNIBAL FROST TAPS!!! NEW C4 CHAMPION!! ORIGINAL SIN WIN THIS ROUND!!!

Cherry: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match and NEW FMW C4 Champion, representing Original Sin, HOSTYYYYYYYYYYLE!!!!

Hostyle (8.12 aps + 1.8 avs = 9.92 total)
Hannibal Frost (8.38 aps + 1.5 avs = 9.88 total)

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (36)

Stone: And both men crying, one for his injured ankle, and one for his newly re-won championship! Can you guess who is who?

Foxx: Let me guess. Hostyle for… wait, Hostyle’s grabbed his C-4 Championship and is sliding back into the ring!

Stone: He’s measuring up Frost’s ankle, and title belt shot, right to the injured ankle! Now that’s just poor sportsmanship! Uncalled for!

Foxx: You expected Jose to shake his hand and congratulate him on winning it from him in the first place and on a great match?

Stone: True, but still a load of crap! Hostyle with another belt shot to the ankle, and he’s just wrapping the ankle around the ropes again! He’s locked on the same submission that forced Frost to tap out moments ago! This is unfair, let him go, Hostyle, you’ve proved your point!

Foxx: And he’s tapping again! And again! And…

"Antisaint" by Chevelle hits the loudspeakers and Mercutio, Harlequin and Syanide hit the ring, barrelling down the rampway. Hostyle quickly evacuates, title in hand, leaving via the stands instead of the preferred option of the ramp. Mercutio inspects the damage and points to the nearly unconscious Frost as he talks to his two brethren. Syanide and Harlequin then nudge over to the apron, where Syanide gets out of the ring and lifts the fallen Frost up onto his shoulders in a Fireman’s Carry. Without a word, HavOc then trek back to the backstage area.

Stone: And Frost’s knights in shining armour come and save him. But was it too little too late?

Foxx: For Hostyle’s sake, I hope so. But disregarding HavOc, the score is now levelled at one a piece in the Full Metal War! Brilliant news for Jaro, who will no doubt be thrilled!

Walking the hallowed halls of the backstage is X, with his head down and leash in hand. He looks behind him to find no one there: no one to hold his leash and direct his every move. He almost looks…lost. He looks behind again to now see Nick Bryson and Drew Michaels standing there with a shirt in one hand and smiles splashed across their faces.

Drew Michaels: Hey, bud. You ready for tonight?

Nick Bryson: Ready for the biggest match in your career?

Drew Michaels: Ready for the biggest match in FMW history?

Nick Bryson: Ready to dismantle the mighty oppressors and take back control of the company that was built by all of us?!

Drew Michaels: Ready to do whatever it takes to win the freedom of not just us, but the entire federation?!

X sighs and turns around, ignoring SPARTA’s enthusiastic diatribe.

Nick Bryson: I think he just ignored our enthusiastic diatribe.

Drew Michaels: Ya think? Maybe he just needs to feel appreciated. You know, part of the group. He has never had that type of emotional attachment and encouragement in his life.

Nick Bryson: What do you have in mind, Dr. Phil?

Voice: Yes, oh Saviour, what do you have in mind?

SPARTA turns around to find Alex O’Rion listening to their entire, unsuccessful, motivating speech with X. Alex looks none-too-impressed.

Alex O’Rion: Because I’ll tell you right now, I don’t trust him at all. Who's to say that this isn’t some elaborate scheme by the Original Sin by having you guys befriend the big oaf just so he could turn on us?

Drew Michaels: Trust me, he is definitely with the Resistance. Watch.

Drew Michaels grabs X’s shoulders to turn him around.

Drew Michaels: Hey X. Myself and Nick made this for you: your very own Monster size Resistance t-shirt!

Drew hands X the shirt and X begins examining it as if it had explosives attached to it.

Nick Bryson: Go ahead, buddy. Put it on! Show that you are united with the Resistance like myself and Drew know you are!

Instead of putting the shirt on, X tucks it into his pocket and walks away from the trio.

Drew Michaels: Heh, see? He’s…with us. Yeah…

Alex O’Rion: Thanks, guys. With what you just showed me, I feel safe and secure in this team. Thumbs up! Look, this match is the biggest match in this federation’s history. This is going to be a war. This is bigger than Supremacy, bigger than Ultimatum: this could be the last time we see either one of you in Full Metal Wrestling. I know about fighting for my job and what it feels like to know you could be wrestling your last match; knowing that every move you make could be your last. I just hope you two are as prepared as you should be because right now, I don’t see it.

Nick Bryson: You don’t think that we’re ready? We are MORE than ready for this war. We’ve been burned; crucified and broken bones and we’re STILL standing. We know the importance of this match and we will be standing in the middle of that ring fight for the good of all men and women of Full Metal Wrestling.

Drew Michaels: And you’re right, this could be our last fight and if it is, we’re taking the Original Sin down with us! That’s a promise.

Alex O’Rion: Good. That’s what I want to see. We haven’t always seen eye to eye but tonight, I don’t plan on letting anyone down. I expect the same in return.

Nick Bryson: You got it.

Alex O’Rion shakes the hands of both SPARTA members before taking his leave. Drew Michaels and Nick Bryson stand tall and determined as the camera pans behind them to see Adrian off in the corner, a sinister smile on his face as he leaves...

Eric Scorpio

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (39)
Posts : 790
Rep : 1
Join date : 2009-12-05
Age : 45
Location : Sudbury, Ontario

Wrestler Profile
FMW Superstar: Eric Scorpio

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (40)
Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (41)Subject: Re: Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (42)Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:57 am

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (43)

Rabbi: And here we are, just about to begin the third battle in the Full Metal War. The fate of this company is currently tied in gridlock; and we all know both of these teams, for their own reasons, are going to try break that tie.

Kross: Sam and Mortus are going to do just that, Jew.

Rabbi: Aren’t you being a tad presumptuous?

Kross: No, not really. Haven’t you heard anything they’ve said? They’re the cancer killing the Tag Team Division.

Rabbi: And what’s stopping the Silver Pistols being the cure?

Kross: You can’t cure cancer, and even if you could, a firearm made from a semi precious metal would certainly not do the job.

Cherry: This match is scheduled for one fall and it is the third battle in the Full Metal War, as well as an FMW Tag Team Championship match!! Introducing first; the challengers; representing the Resistance; Romeo Vizzini and Revolver McCart… THE SILVER PISTOLS!!!

”Scream, Aim, Fire” by Bullet For My Valentine explodes out of the P.A as the Silver Pistols, Vizzini and McCart make their way down to the ramp, sticking to the middle ignoring their fans as pyro sputters out above them; minds locked on the task at hand.

Kross: You know, Mort and Sam were doing it before it was cool.

Rabbi: Doing what, pray tell?

Kross: Earning their bones.

Rabbi: That is hardly an admirable quality to have.

Kross: No, but look back at these teams history; particularly that of Romeo and Sam. Sam took something dear to Romeo, if you remember back to that Barbed Wire cage match.

Rabbi: How could anyone forget?

Kross: But since that day, something has changed in Romeo.

Rabbi: But something has also changed in Sam since he got involved with Fear Incarnate.

Kross: What can I say? Dunn must bring the best out of people.

Cherry: And their opponents, representing Original Sin. They are the Cancer Killing the Tag Division; and the FMW Tag Team Champions, CACTUS SAM AND MORTUS!!!!

The lights cut out, as the sample ’I Remember Her Saying…’ plays out, though instead of completing White Zombies line, the distinctive scream of ’Master’ from Metallica’s "Master of Puppets", the official theme of the Original Sin plays out, flowing into the chorus of that very song. Lightning strikes the ramp, re-illuminating the arena, and revealing Sam and Mortus, who make their own way, equally as slowly down to the ring where their opponents wait.

Rabbi: And here come our Champions. As much as I disagree with their methods; there is no denying that Mortus and Cactus Sam, in conjunction or alone are two of Full Metal Wrestling’s most notable superstars.

Kross: You’re right there, Jew. They’ve both two time Tag Champions with other partners; they both hold victories over some of Full Metal Wrestling champions, including both of them having a win against current Champion John Derrick. They’ve beaten the supposed greatest tag team in FMW in SoCal; they’ve beaten the Doubloons; they’ve beaten HavOc.

Rabbi: When you put it like that, you seem to be writing the Pistols off here.

Kross: I am.

Rabbi: Well, it looks like we’re ready to start now. McCart and Mortus in the ring; Romeo and Sam staring Daggers at each other from their respective corners.

Kross: You know this is gonna get sweet as soon as those men get tagged in.

Rabbi: But for now Revolver takes Mortus down with an armbar; and look at him lay the boot in.

Kross: Mort’s had enough though, catching a foot and swinging McCart down with a Leg Drag before getting back to his feet.

Rabbi: But that won’t keep Travis down; and the two tie up again; McCart once again getting the upper hand with a headlock; looks like he’s going to follow it up with a bulldog…

Kross: Mort slips free, leapfrogs a rebounding McCart!

Rabbi: Travis coming back for a clothesline...


Rabbi: There’s a move Mortus does so well; a slight innovation on a standard dropkick which if hit perfectly can split the sternum as well as blinding an opponent as a result of a well placed strike to the nose!

Kross: Mortus waiting for Travis to get to his goddamn feet, he’s perfectly happy to wait this one out.

Rabbi: Revolver slowly getting up, I think he’s wiping tears from his eyes as a result of that kick!

Kross: Mortus knocks him back down with a knee to the face!

Rabbi: Things are not looking good for the Pistols right now!

Kross: Maybe they’re jammed?

Rabbi: Mortus dragging Revolver over to his corner now by the ankle.

Kross: Isolation is just smart sense.

Rabbi: BUT NO! Travis lashes out with his other foot; he knocks Mortus into Sam; Sam down in front of us, and now McCart is taking out his frustration on Mortus in the corner, who doesn’t seem like he can do anything back.

Kross: What the hell?! Where did that come from?

Rabbi: The crowd are getting behind Travis McCart as he tattoos the Lich Kings face with his fists!

Crowd: Five, six, seven, eight, nine, teeen---OOOOOH!

Kross: And Sam puts an end to it by pulling McCart’s feet from beneath him!

Rabbi: There’s the Tag, and Mortus makes his way to the top as Sam locks in a Full Nelson!

Kross: Sam with the Suplex; Matt ‘Mortus’ Dunn, king of the sky leaps.


Kross: That was cool.

Rabbi: Mortus rolling out of the ring, Sam’s got a bridge on; One, Two! ROMEO BREAKS THE PIN!

Kross: It doesn’t say much for a team when the first pinning situation requires the partner to break the pin, really, does it? Talent wise.

Rabbi: It doesn’t say much for a team when they’d attempt a move as such, which could have gone drastically wrong, in a match at all. Morality wise.

Kross: Meh. It’s Travis’ neck, not mine.

Rabbi: Romeo and Sam have hooked up, and this has stopped being a wrestling match as much as it has become a brawl of sorts. Sam and Romeo are completely dismissal of the Ref who is trying to tear the two apart.

Kross: Sam just lost a tooth from a left from Romeo; he’s not going to like that!

Rabbi: sh*t! Cactus is biting at Romeo’s cheek!

Kross: Vengeance is sweet!

Rabbi: The Ref finally gets the two apart, Romeo heading back to his corner, somewhat reluctantly.

Kross: With his bloody cheek.


Kross: HOW CHEAP!!

Rabbi: Kickout at one and a half by Cactus. Travis could probably benefit from a tag here; but he’s whipped back into the Original Sin corner.

Kross: Tag to Mortus. Mortus is going up top again. Sam spinning Travis round. Major System Overload!?

Rabbi: He’s setting up for it. Remember; this is the move Mortus used which decimated Nick Rijkaard at Ultimatum!

Kross: Sam’s left the ring; this is over; Mortus up on the should-


Kross: Goddamn Lich King. When will he ever learn? That move has been pulled off twice; the consequences of such a complex move outweigh the advantages of a flashy match ender.

Rabbi: Travis is draping an arm over Mortus; he’s obviously not on top of his game! One! Two! Thr-no! Only a two and a half. Mortus gets the shoulder up.

Kross: Mortus is resilient.

Rabbi: McCart instead now crawling over to his own corner. Mortus is still down.


Rabbi: Sam’s in the ring, Travis makes the Tag!

Kross: YES! More brawling!

Rabbi: Romeo ducks under a clothesline; neckbreaker! Mortus up! And now he’s down with a DDT! Romeo is on FIRE!

Kross: Where did that come from?!

Rabbi: Romeo is obviously fuelled by his sense of justice going into this match. Cactus gets a sharp kick to the rips as he tries to get up. And like McCart at the beginning of the match, he starts stomping away!

Kross: The little mobster should keep his mind on who is the legal man here; Mortus applies the Beast Choker from behind!

Rabbi: The Referee finally manages to get Sam out of the ring as well; order is restored, but Romeo seems to be fading quickly!

Kross: Look; Matt loves that move. His application is near perfect. Even if Romeo gets that stereotypical second wind, I just don’t see how he’ll get free!

Rabbi: Romeo starting to roll the two interlaced combatants.

Kross: When you say it like that, you make it sound gay. Wait!

Rabbi: Yes! Romeo is rolling towards the rope; bringing with him that extra two hundred twenty pounds which is Mortus.

Kross: No, he can’t do this…


Kross: My man does not seem to like this; he’s getting in referee Ben Dover’s face…

Rabbi: Romeo is up to his feet; going for a spear…

Kross: But Mortus moves; what ring presence; the man has eyes in the back of his head. And the ref is down to boot. Just to add.

Rabbi: Romeo’s in a state of shock, Mortus grabs an arm.

Kross: Mort’s gonna raise the dead with a little Necromancy here!

Rabbi: NO! The Italian Wolf counters with his La Spada Siciliana!

Kross: Real shame he took out the fragile referee, really, isn’t it?

Rabbi: With no one available to count the pin, Romeo goes straight for Sam; toppling the duo to ringside to continue their brawl!

Kross: And that coward McCart is moving in on the fallen Mortus!

Rabbi: Sam and Romeo are locked up right here; Romeo slams Sam’s head into the steel steps. Travis continues to keep Mortus down.

Kross: Sam may be busted up here; but we all know that blood is a motivation to Sam!

Rabbi: Romeo whips Sam over to the barrier; the fans are letting Sam know what they think of him; that abuse must be deafening! While in the ring, Travis is setting Mortus up for his finisher; Fear Incarnate is gonna go Over the Edge!

Kross: I think not. Romeo seemed to be going for a clothesline to knock Sam into the crowd; but Sam countered with his Twelve Gauge!

Rabbi: Now, do it now Travis!

Kross: And a quick low blow stops Revolver in his tracks. And this is why Mort and Sam are the cancer killing the tag division.

Rabbi: Sam abandoning Romeo now, he’s going under the ring… Mortus seems to be calling him for something…

Kross: Sam’s got something… Is that?

Rabbi: That’s the Iconic Relic! That’s Mortus’ shovel! And Sam has had it wrapped in barbed wire!

Kross: HA!

Rabbi: Sam sliding into the ring now, McCart going for a clothesline on Mortus.

Kross: Mortus ducks it; and TRAVIS EATS BARBED WIRE SHOVEL!

Rabbi: And these illegal actions; without a ref, will not go unstopped. Sam handing that weapon to his partner now, who seems to be taking it up to the top rope!

Kross: You know, Romeo has been looking for the just right partner ever since Vengeance was taken out, and I think that he’ll find that he’s just a revolving door to his partners. Looks like Sam and Mort are going to take Travis out and Romeo will have done a three sixty here and have to begin his search again!

Rabbi: Sam’s set Travis up for some sort of German suplex; he throws Travis up and releases; looks like the back of Travis’ neck is gonna snap off the top rope!

Kross: Oh, snap. I see what’s happening here. Mortus leaps once again, this time with that shovel under his leg. The Champs have adapted Mortus’ old ‘Somewhat slash Further Damaged’ finisher with horrific results!


Kross: Another brilliant combination of Sam’s superior ground based techniques and Mortus’ high flying.

Rabbi: This is disgusting. Travis lays twitching on the ground. Mortus sheds the shovel as the Ref seems to be reviving. This could very well be the end!

Kross: Of course it is. Didn’t Mortus say that he’d herald in the End Times?


Kross: Yo, seriously. You don’t want Sam to hear you say anything about wasted Jack Daniels.

Rabbi: Sam taken down under the complete and utter fury of the Italian Wolf’s fists! This can’t even be called a brawl! This is a mob hit!

Kross: Furthermore, I’d like to remind you, though Romeo may or may not have the heart to challenge for various titles here, he’s never actually managed to do it! Whereas Sam and Mort have beaten Champions. Oh; and Blessing Salt to the eyes of Romeo.

Rabbi: Even with the ref getting up now, Mortus slips in one last underhanded trick.

Kross: Mortus taking Romeo over to the corner; I think he wants revenge for that lungblower he was dealt by Romeo earlier!



Rabbi: And Sam now covering Travis McCart.

Kross: It’s over! One! Two! THREE!


Kross: No way! This can’t be possible!

Rabbi: Sam can’t believe it, but Travis, injured neck and all, is getting up!

Kross: sh*t!

Rabbi: Pick your jaw up off the floor Kross; this is happening! Sam goes down! Mortus goes down.

Kross: A revolver shouldn’t be able to fire this many shots!

Rabbi: Travis ‘Revolver’ McCart continues to take down each tag champ as soon as they get up in an animalistic fury! Travis ejecting Mortus from the ring now over the top rope!

Kross: But Sam acts now, swinging McCart down to the mat with his Cactus Crossface! Look at the pressure Sam is putting on the already damaged neck of Travis McCart.

Rabbi: Romeo seems to be stirring, hold in there, Travis!

Kross: He’s not there! Romeo won’t make it!.

Rabbi: Romeo dragging himself over to free his partner!!! He’s there!


Cherry: Your winners, and STILL the FMW Tag Team Champions, representing Original Sin, CACTUS SAM AND MORTUS!!!!

Cactus Sam and Mortus (8.35 aps + 7.96 aps + 1.7 avs = 18.01 total)
Romeo Vizzini and Revolver McCart (8.38 aps + 7.77 aps + 1.6 avs = 17.7 total)

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (44)

”Master of Puppets” plays once again as the scoreboard for the Full Metal War updates; now showing two-one to Original Sin. Romeo finally pounces at Sam, breaking the sustained Camel Clutch Crossface of Sam’s, only to have the Tag Champion roll free of the ring; no longer interested in Romeo. Sam meets Mortus as the duo back down the ramp; tag titles held up in the air with a look of delight plastered over both of their faces.

Kross: What did I tell you? The cancer strikes again, and Original Sin pulls into the lead for the first time tonight! Two in a row baby!

Rabbi: We’ve got a road team coming down to the ring to help Travis; Sam and Mortus having focused on his neck the entire time.

Kross: I told you this partnership was a revolving door. That’s what Travis gets for putting his neck out for Romeo Vizzini.

Rabbi: Kross excluded, no doubt all of us watching today wish Travis a full recovery from the-

Kross: Career ending-

Rabbi: -assaults of Cactus Sam and Mortus. The Silver Pistols have shown great promise tonight; and only time will tell where Romeo and Travis can go.

Kross: I’m willing to place any amount of money it won’t be the champion’s lounge. Perhaps Travis, if he ever can wrestle again; should find a partner actually capable of gaining some FMW gold?

Rabbi: You can be so insensitive.

Backstage, at the Lethal Injection Interview set, Cynthia Adams is on standby with an uncharacteristically on-time John Derrick, already in full gear, the gold belt he won just scant hours ago it seems resting on his shoulder. His eyes are cold and grey with a fiery determination.

Cynthia: I’m here with the new Full Metal Champion John Derrick! A few questions, if you don’t mind, Doc?

Doc: For you, anything my dear.

Cynthia: Always with the charm, even under pressure, and what pressure that is tonight, how does it feel to finally be the Champion after nearly a year of struggle, and now you may lose it before even stepping in the ring?

Doc: Well, the first part, I like. It’s everything I wanted it to be, this is what I’ve wanted because with this round my waist or over my shoulder, I live life as a target, every day is a new challenge, a new challenger. This fight, this labor, to defend my belt night in, night out, that’s what I’ve needed, the title is more than a belt to me. It’s a new identity. I wasn’t born Doc, hell I wasn’t born John Derrick. He is a man that I had to create with my own two hands and the sweat off my back, and the blood I’ve left behind on all four corners. I am the Champion, and I aim to prove it.

Doc takes a deep breath, clear to speak.

Doc: That’s the damnable misery of this night. Let’s face it, I’m the archetype for the lone wolf. I’ve burnt all the bridges I could find and pissed out the ashes, and the sly devil he is Jaro turned that strength, into the weakness it always should’ve been. I have to rely on someone else. Nine people share in my fate, people I’ve crossed and people I’ve disappointed or worse. One thing is true of that contemptible bastard; he is a genius, in the truest sense of the word.

Cynthia: On that point, the question that hangs in the air tonight, in the Resistance locker rooms, is can everyone be trusted with the collective good, can you be trusted with the company’s fate, can Doc trust everyone else to save his belt, can Sparta trust you to save their careers?

Doc: I’ll tell you the truth, it’s out of my hands. Do I trust my team mates? I don’t know, it’s been a long time since I’ve used that part of myself, I don’t know what trust feels like anymore. But what I do know is this. Alex O’Rion is strong, Drew Michaels has the faith, Bryson is thirsty, X is a monster, the Silver Pistols have the desire, Hannibal Frost has the talent, Boice has.. Mr. Happy, and Skyler, well, you’ll have to ask him yourself.

Doc doesn’t turn around as it seems that Skyler Striker materializes from the ether behind him, a look of seething pain in his eyes, something below the conscientiousness, and in the deep pools a resolution, even stronger than Doc’s.

Doc: Why Skyler, madcap, we have to stop meeting like this!

Skyler: John… I know now, I understand what you’ve been talking about all this time. I won’t let them take it from you. I won’t let them cast out good men like Drew and Nick. I'll do everything I can to stop them. I'll give my body and soul, because right now that's all I've got left.

He turns away having said his piece, and begins to walk back into the shadows.

Doc: Hell, I knew that already. Striker. Come back a champion.

Striker: Stay a champion, Doc.

Going to walk off again, Striker hesitates and turns back momentarily.

Striker: If there's anything left of this place following tonight, Doc, I'm going to be wanting a shot at that belt.

Doc: Earn it. Like anyone else. Like I did. And I’d be glad to teach you a lesson or two about meddle.

Striker disappears again, into the chaos, as Doc turns back to Cynthia.

Doc: That answer your question? I’m not worried.

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (45)

Rabbi: Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to FMW Lethal Injection. It’s been a wild night so far with so much happening in so short a night… and it’s only about to pick up on the Anxiety side of things!

Kross: It’s the biggest Anxiety match of the night, right up our alley and it’s gonna involve two insane idiots who have been feuding intensely since god-knows-when, forcing each other into, appropriately, a straightjacket.

Rabbi: That’s right, Kross, it’s gonna be Skyler Striker facing none other than TyranT for the Abandoned Championship in a Straightjacket match, and for the benefit of those who are not in the know of what this match is all about, let’s take it to Mr. Buster Cherry!

Kross: Your enthusiasm annoys me.

Rabbi: Shut it, Kross.

We cut to Cherry standing in the middle of the ring, with the straightjacket hanging on a pole fastened to one of the ring corners.

Cherry: This match is the fourth match in the Full Metal War, and it is also for the FMW Abandoned Championship! There are no disqualifications, no countouts, no submissions, and no pinfalls; to win, a person must completely fasten the straightjacket, which is hanging on this pole, on his opponent. Introducing first, weighing in at 315 pounds and from Marietta, Georgia, he is the FMW Abandoned Champion, representing Original Sin, TYRANT!!!!

Megadeth’s “Symphony of Destruction” plays as TyranT comes out, Abandoned Championship slung over his shoulder, to a chorus of boos. He makes his way down the ramp and into the ring, and grabs a microphone.

Rabbi: I wonder what TyranT possibly has to say before he begins the match.

Kross: Whatever it is, no one would understand it because of that horrible redneck accent.

Rabbi: I’ll drink to that.

Kross: That would be hardcore of you but too bad you only drink wine.

TyranT: Ah dedicate this match tonight... to the memory of Jade Striker.

He purposefully mentions the name slowly as to evoke the heaviest of responses, and true enough, he’s been met by huge boos.

Rabbi: God, that’s low, insulting Skyler by making a reference to his deceased daughter!

Kross: That’s real low, even by my standards. And you know I have no standards.

Rabbi: I know.

TyranT: To Jade Striker... may the God-damned devil sitting on his throne in the depths of Hell bless her… beloved soul.

Rabbi: TyranT is going too far by mocking Striker’s daughter!

Kross: If I were Skyler, I’d come out here right now and get this over with, I wouldn’t be taking this sh*t from anyone, especially TyranT.

And sure enough, as if on cue, the main part of Decyfer Down’s “Break Free” plays on the PA system and Skyler emerges from behind the curtain with pure rage on his face, not bothering to go through his usual entrance routine.

Rabbi: And here he comes, Skyler is definitely not happy!

Kross: Nobody expected him to be as TyranT took a deliberate potshot at personal issues that’ve been plaguing Skyler as of late!

Rabbi: And I’m thinking it may only backfire on TyranT as the tragic death of Skyler’s daughter Jade will only motivate him further to fight his hardest tonight, as the only prize he’s been fighting for all this time is on the line.

Kross: Way to cheesify the premise of tonight’s action, Rabbi.

Rabbi: You may not like how it sounds but it’s the truth, Kross, Skyler’s got nothing left to lose here tonight but this shot.

Kross: Yeah, yeah, TyranT’s been dominating the division, surviving a huge elimination chamber match at Supremacy – how is one-on-one any harder?

Rabbi: I wouldn’t say it’s harder, Kross – just different, as this is not a traditional match.

Kross: Well so was the chamber.

Rabbi: But it retained traditiona – oh, never mind, there’s no use arguing, let’s just get to it.

The two men stare each other down in the ring, circling each other… but Skyler can’t contain himself as he charges at TyranT and rains down blows on him, left and right as the bell rings to officially start the match.

Rabbi: Skyler doesn’t wait to get this one started as he charges TyranT right away and pummels him with punches!

Kross: Well any strategy is fair game in this match; it’s all about the straightjacket anyway.

Rabbi: That’s right, but I think this attack is more motivated by the revenge factor; he’ll get to the straightjacket later, after he beats TyranT down to a bloody pulp. Skyler is just bringing it to TyranT with continuous fists to the face, and TyranT tries to fight back and match him blow for blow!

Kross: That early rush caught TyranT off-guard and it’s showing right now as he’s struggling to make the equivalent punch!

Rabbi: Skyler’s just overwhelming him with hard punches to the face, wait, TyranT catches a fist, but no, Skyler makes a well-placed kick to TyranT’s shin, buckling down his vertical base, and finishes him off with a huge roundhouse kick!

Kross: Even though that was an impressive barrage of offense from Skyler, TyranT is not the type who stays down easily. He’s gonna get up sooner than you think, and that little fact should already be part of Skyler’s game plan.

Rabbi: Well Skyler’s making the gamble anyway as he makes his way to the corner to try and retrieve the straightjacket off that pole. He climbs up the turnbuckle and reaches up, tries to get it loose…

Skyler almost gets the straightjacket off when suddenly TyranT is there, grabbing at his tights!

Kross: Told you!

Rabbi: TyranT is back up and now he’s stopping Skyler from getting the straightjacket… and he has no choice but to bring Skyler down in a super German suplex! Talk about a pain in the neck!

Kross: A German suplex from that height has NO safe landings, Rabbi, it’s sure to have hit a vital area in Skyler’s anatomy. And look at that, TyranT is just adding insult to injury as he stomps on the Aussie further, like a dead wombat, that redneck.

Rabbi: One would think that now would be an opportune time for TyranT to go and grab the straightjacket himself, but he’s putting it off for later as well as he goes to work on a downed Skyler Striker… and now he’s just choking him!

Kross: It’s all legal, nothing can be done about it!

Rabbi: Yeah, it’s all legal until Skyler dies of asphyxiation! Do something, ref!

Kross: He can’t do anything! He’s not obligated to!

Rabbi: He’s literally killing him! Come on, ref!

The ref finally gets a dose of conscience as he breaks up TyranT’s blatant choke on Skyler.

Rabbi: Thank god!

Kross: Even though that was despicable, it was not the ref’s job to uphold the rules! Because there aren’t any rules!

Rabbi: Too late, but look at this, TyranT has set his sights on the straightjacket!

Kross: The redneck’s trying to unhook it… and there it is, he has it!

TyranT manages to successfully retrieve the straightjacket from the pole, then jumps off the turnbuckle and strangles Skyler further with the sleeves!

Kross: And you thought he was going to play fair from now on!

Rabbi: It’s just a continuation of what we saw earlier, only this time with the straightjacket! For god’s sake, TyranT, if you want to win the match, put the damn straightjacket on him, don’t kill him with it!

Kross: This is only part of the debilitation plan, it’ll be harder for Skyler to get out of the straightjacket if he’s out cold… or even dead!

Rabbi: That’s despicable, Kross, real despicable! Skyler here is fighting for air as TyranT cuts off his oxygen supply further! Ref, stop it!

Kross: No, ref, you’ve done enough!

Rabbi: Come on, ref, you’ve got to break this up agai- wait, Skyler’s trying to break out of the chokehold by elbowing TyranT! Can he make it out?

Kross: This way is better, instead of having the damn ref get in on the action!

Rabbi: TyranT’s trying to keep the chokehold in further but Skyler’s still trying to break free! Elbows to the face of TyranT… and he finally manages to repel him!

Kross: And it’s gonna take a lot for him to get back, that series of chokes literally took the wind right out of his lungs!

Rabbi: But that doesn’t seem to be a problem at all as Skyler gets back into the game by returning to the offensive, quick forearms to TyranT and he sends the big man running for the ropes and steps up to an enzuigiri as he comes back!

Kross: But the big hillbilly’s still standing!

Rabbi: He’s still standing indeed! Skyler steps up again for another enzuigiri... but no dice, he’s still standing! What will it take to fell the bigger TyranT?

Kross: A chainsaw, that’s what!

Rabbi: Now Skyler runs the ropes, looking for a way to send the big TyranT down to the floor… and comes back with a 540 kick! And finally TyranT goes down!

Kross: It took three big kicks from a 210-pound guy to knock down a 315-pound redneck, and rightfully so… but it’s gonna cast doubt on who lasts long enough to win the match!

Rabbi: I think Skyler took that into mind during his preparation for this match, and he’s willing to last long enough! Now he’s looking for that straightjacket!

Kross: I wonder if Skyler will do the smart thing and TRY to put it on already instead of choking his opponent with it. Hell, he can also put it on himself, that’s gonna be a match I’d pay a sh*tload to watch!

Rabbi: Well, your first prediction is right, look at this – Skyler’s dragging TyranT’s body to the ring ropes… and he’s using the ropes as some sort of support for the choking he’s doing with the straightjacket! I guess all’s fair in love and war!

Kross: But choking your opponent to death isn’t the point of the match! Someone get a move on already!

Rabbi: What’s this, when TyranT does this you turn a blind eye to it, but when Skyler does it you want it to be over with?

Kross: It’s the way of the bad cop, Rabbi, a good cop like you should know that by now.

Rabbi: Yeah, well it’s damn annoying. Skyler finally lets go of the chokehold and NOW he’s looking to put TyranT INTO the straightjacket!

Kross: But now that TyranT’s realized what’s going down here, he’s flailing like an epileptic!

Rabbi: TyranT’s trying to shake off the straightjacket that’s going over his head, as Skyler fights to bring it down over him… but the big man’s too wild!

Kross: It’s as if he’s been given a dose of adrenaline, like he wasn’t choked as well, TyranT manages to throw Skyler off!

Rabbi: And the tables have been turned as TyranT is now getting in control of the matchup, he’s got the straightjacket, but he’s looking for something else, it seems…

Kross: I think he’s looking for his trademark!

Rabbi: Seems like he’s looking for his nightstick, but he can’t find it anywhere! TyranT rolls out of the ring and looks under the apron!

Kross: Look at that, I think he’s struck gold! Nightstick in hand!

Rabbi: But look, Skyler’s already up and TyranT eats boot as Skyler pulls off a baseball slide to TyranT on the outside, sending TyranT crashing into the security barrier!

Kross: And the Aussie flies like a wombat over the ropes as he does a suicide dive!

Rabbi: I don’t think wombats fly, Kross.

Kross: What are you talking about? It’s a wom-BAT, meaning it’s a bat, therefore it flies!

Rabbi: It’s just a name. You know what, never mind.

Kross: Way to kill the mood and go all technical on me. Right now Skyler and TyranT are on the mat, broken like a window on a house in the suburbs.

Rabbi: And you’d know all about that, wouldn’t you.

Kross: Heh, f*ck you.

Rabbi: Now Skyler’s getting up, he takes the straightjacket from out of TyranT’s hands, and does the process all over again as he forces TyranT to don the jacket!

Kross: Finally, a move that makes sense.

Rabbi: TyranT is unresponsive so far as Skyler tries to get him to wear it, and the fans are cheering him on!

However, as Skyler is forcing it on TyranT, who is seemingly knocked out, TyranT suddenly awakens and hits Skyler with the nightstick!

Rabbi: Wait, TyranT just suddenly whacked Skyler over the face with the nightstick! He was playing possum!

Kross: That was ingenious, Rabbi, and quite a feat given the fact that he was just sent crashing to the floor some moments ago.

Rabbi: Now look at this, TyranT is clubbing him with the nightstick, making mince meat out of Skyler!

Kross: This is an interesting sight to watch, he’s just brutalizing him!

Rabbi: And TyranT now taking the straightjacket and looking to force it over Skyler… but Skyler stays down!

Kross: Smart move – he knows it’s harder for TyranT to make him wear it if he’s on the floor.

Rabbi: Skyler won’t let him get him up… so TyranT bashes him with the nightstick further! But Skyler still won’t get up from the floor!

Kross: This is now just bordering on stupid futility – if he keeps up like this, eventually he’ll get knocked unconscious AND THEN TyranT can make him wear it just fine.

Rabbi: TyranT shifts gears here as he throws both the nightstick and the straightjacket back into the ring and returning to Skyler’s hunched body on the floor and picks him up with both hands!

Kross: Amazing display of strength here, that’s been honed by working in the hills for Ma and Pa and keeping asylum members in line!

Rabbi: TyranT throws the much-smaller Skyler back into the ring himself, but takes a stopover at the nearest 7-11 under the apron for… a steel chair. Wait, two steel chairs? What is going on in TyranT’s mind?

Kross: Decisive victory?

Rabbi: He’s already got two weapons, if you count the straightjacket! Why would TyranT need two more steel chairs, he’s only got two arms anyway!

Kross: And two legs and feet, too; remember it’s not impossible for him to kick that chair in his face.

Rabbi: The point is, this is overkill! TyranT takes a chair and takes a swing… and Skyler rolls out of the way! Great presence of mind right there!

Kross: Now can I use the wombat metaphor?

Rabbi: …Oh, fine.

Kross: And he rolls away like a scared wombat!

Rabbi: TyranT just swatting away right here, trying to catch Skyler like some sort of fly that won’t quit hovering around his food.

Kross: But the thing is Skyler’s also “his food”.

Rabbi: That’s true. Skyler up on a knee and one foot, this time he’s not going anywhere, I think he’s baiting TyranT, TyranT swings down and Skyler brings up the other chair! It was in his reach and can you hear the sound of the metal crashing onto metal!

Kross: It’s an ugly sound!

Rabbi: The game is even at the moment with both men holding steel chairs in their hands as they charge again at each other, steel chairs colliding in their hands once again!

Kross: God, somebody stop that, I can’t take the noise!

Rabbi: Relax, Kross, it’s not someone dragging their nails across a blackboard. But somebody has to change strategies if they wanna go somewhere with this match!

Kross: Okay, look at those two idiots go back at each other for a third round!

Rabbi: Skyler and TyranT charge each other once again… but Skyler switches into a dropkick at the last minute, sending the chair back into TyranT’s face!

Kross: Heh, that was pretty funny to watch, redneck stereotypes.

Rabbi: But like we’ve seen previously, the big man isn’t felled by the setback, but he’s a little dazed! Skyler grabs the other chair TyranT dropped… what’s on his mind?

Kross: I’m amazed he can even lift two in one hand each.

Rabbi: Don’t be so condescending, Kross, he may be a bit small but he’s strong enough to carry one in each hand.

Skyler, holding the two chairs, prowls the slightly dazed but still standing TyranT, and hits him on both sides with a one-man standing conchairto!

Rabbi: One-man chair sandwich!

Kross: One-man conchairto!

Rabbi: And TyranT gets banged with the chairs like a pair of cymbals… AND HE’S STILL STANDING! WHAT IS THIS?!

Kross: I don’t believe it, you don’t believe it, Skyler doesn’t believe it himself!

Rabbi: This is crazy! It takes a very substantial amount of offense for Skyler to fell TyranT! I wonder what else Skyler has in mind, I don’t blame him if he’s running out of options!

Kross: And that may just be game point!

Skyler thinks for a split-second, drops the chairs, and gets the nightstick. Skyler whacks TyranT in the side of the head with it and then nails FOR LOVE to the chair on the floor!

Rabbi: A whack with TyranT’s own nightstick and a For Love to the chair! I think that fits the definition of “decisive”!

Kross: It took a million hits for TyranT to go down, and now that he’s down, Skyler better end this already; if he doesn’t, he’s nothing short of an idiot! Well, he already is!

Rabbi: That’s right, but I don’t think Skyler needs telling twice – TyranT seems to have been knocked out cold!

Skyler goes and gets the straightjacket and limping, manages to make it to the unconscious TyranT.

Rabbi: Well, he’s got the straightjacket in his hands now, and I don’t think he has to fear a sudden TyranT attack this time.

Kross: Yeah and in his excitement I think he forgot which way the straightjacket is supposed to be worn! Come on, TyranT, get the f*ck up!

Rabbi: He’s hurrying the process up here in case TyranT wakes up again… he’s got TyranT’s arm in one sleeve… the other arm in the other sleeve…



Cherry: And here is your winner, representing the Resistance and NEW FMW Abandoned Champion, SKYLERRRR STRIKERRRR!!!

Skyler Striker (8.47 aps + 2.0 avs = 10.47 total)
TyranT (8.67 aps + 1.2 avs = 9.87 total)

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (46)

Skyler is handed the Abandoned Championship belt, which he raises in the sky while looking up and mouthing, “I love you, Jade”. The scoreboard that tracks the Original Sin-Resistance war now shows a score of 2-2.

Rabbi: Skyler finally wins the prize he has been fighting for all this time on Anxiety, and avenges his late daughter!

Kross: Why’s he still attacking TyranT? That doesn’t seem out of love! TyranT’s awake but he can’t move, and Striker is just unloading left and right hands! This is unfair! Get the ref, the match is over!

Rabbi: You wouldn’t care if it was TyranT attacking Striker!

Kross: But it isn’t! Striker unloading flurry after flurry, but he’s getting slower?

Rabbi: Striker collapsing in that ring, I think he’s crying! The emotion of all of this combined with the loss of his daughter... that’s got to take its toll!

Kross: Well, he’s stopped his attack, but TyranT’s gone off the edge of consciousness city again!

Rabbi: Striker still has energy, I think... he stopped because he knows Jade wouldn’t have wanted him to turn into TyranT!

Kross: Makes you wonder… if she didn’t die, would Skyler have won? From the looks of it, I don’t think so.

Rabbi: That doesn’t matter at the moment, Kross, as the victory has been won! Another win goes to the Resistance, evening up the score now! Two new Champions, two other champions retain, it’s an even field again! Two and two!

Kross: Pfshaw! This is only a minor setback for the Original Sin, and it’s only gonna make their victory all the more dramatic.

Rabbi: Well, Kross, the same can also be said for the Resistance, and it’s all good now that the odds are even – it’s all going to be up to the ten men who will fight the final battle later on tonight!

Kross: I was going to chastise you for being too cheesy again, but I realized that there’s no other way to put the upcoming match. It’s gonna be the coup de grace, the ultimate moment wherein the Original Sin finally snuffs out the Resistance!

Rabbi: You talk big for a guy who doesn’t fight anymore, Kross, the Resistance has just as much chance to win.

Kross: Whatever helps you sleep at night, Rabbi. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Rabbi: Always the asshole. We’ll take a break ladies and gentlemen, when we get back, Full Metal is on the line!


Backstage, the camera has us a view of the Original Sin locker room. It is flooded with not only Original Sin members, but also their supporters. Cactus Sam and Mortus, Hostyle (clutching his C4 belt), CAK, Eve, Damian St. Clair and Abbadon are all sat around a monitor, while standing behind them are Calvin Xavier (although Trey Spruance is noticeably absent), Jason Krow and T. Ekstreme. The air is filled with the intoxicating aroma of tension and anticipation, but this aura is broken briefly when the room is filled with a presence not seen in quite some time.

Dr. David Diabolical: Miss me?

There are a few cheers and pats on the back as Dr. Diabolical re-enters the room and takes a seat.

Dr. David Diabolical: I have GOT to see this.

In a not too different scene, and not too far away, the Resistance locker room looks very similar. Striker, Boice, Vizzini, Austin, James, Chris Kelson, Threepwood, Pure Extremist and Celt all stand around a monitor of their own, chatting excitedly. Hannibal Frost is unsurprisingly absent. They, too, are surprised by another familiar face – also a Rijkaard family member.

Nick Rijkaard: Hey, all!

Nick’s arrival is greeted with large rounds of cheers, and many handshakes, but Nick takes a quick step back and holds the door open as he speaks.

Nick Rijkaard: Oh, if you don’t mind, I invited a few guys to come and watch Original Sin get their asses kicked – I thought they’d feel left out otherwise.

Nick grins widely as Chris Black walks into the room with a huge smile on his face. His head is heavily bandaged, but he greets the Resistance members with just as much enthusiasm as before. Following on his tracks is the figure of VanGuard, who manages to roll into the room, his leg in a cast.

Chris Black: Now, I dunno about you lot, but I came here to watch the Sinners finally get their asses handed to ‘em! Who’s with me?

A massive roar envelops the Resistance locker room, but everything goes silent in BOTH locker rooms as Cherry begins her explanation of the rules.

Eric Scorpio

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (49)
Posts : 790
Rep : 1
Join date : 2009-12-05
Age : 45
Location : Sudbury, Ontario

Wrestler Profile
FMW Superstar: Eric Scorpio

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (50)
Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (51)Subject: Re: Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (52)Sun Dec 06, 2009 3:01 am

This is the finale...

...Ten have fought, ten remain...

...fighting for the very soul of Full Metal Wrestling.

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (53)

Stone: Hey, viewers! Stone here, and I’m half of your commentators for the main event, which is about to start! And with me is Anarchy’s Morpheus. Got a prediction for us?

Morpheus: Yeah – Anarchy will win.

Stone: You’re an idiot.

Morpheus: In all seriousness? I think Jaro’s just got too much behind him to not win this. Every last effort he has will be put into destroying his own creation, and he’s got four of the most dangerous men in this company at his side.

Stone: True. But on the other hand, you still have five of the most determined men in this company in the Resistance’s side. Ragtag they may be, but they want this company alive and they haven’t died after all they’ve been put through.

Morpheus: Hey look, a hot piece of ass is about to tell us the rules! Be quiet!

Stone: … Buster is a guy…

Morpheus: Could have fooled me.

Stone: Sigh.

Buster Cherry has a microphone and the spotlight focuses on him in the centre of the ring.

Cherry: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is the MAIN EVENT of Lethal Injection and will determine whether Full Metal Wrestling lives or dies! The match will be a five on five elimination rules match. Each elimination is worth one point to the current tally!

The scoreboard ominously lights up.

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (54)

Cherry: With the score currently at a draw, this means that whichever team wins the match will win the Full Metal War! If Original Sin win the match, John Derrick will be stripped of his Full Metal Championship, Drew Michaels and Nick Bryson will be forced to retire, and FMW as a company will be dissolved! If the Resistance win, all Original Sin members will be forced to give up their positions of power in FMW and disband! Introducing first, weighing in at 220 pounds and from Halifax, Nova Scotia, he is the current FMW Ultraviolent Champion and CEO of Full Metal Wrestling, and he is the leader of Original Sin, JARO!!!!!

“Mother” by Danzig bursts into the arena. Jaro enters in a surprisingly normal fashion, walking to the ring but stopping along the way to spit into a child’s coca-cola. The boos directed at the mastermind behind Original Sin are tremendous, but Jaro absorbs everything that is given to him, and he stands in the ring, a smug grin painted across his face.

Stone: Well, Morph, this is what it all comes down to. Jason Roy, CEO of FMW, wanting to lead a team of men to destroy his own creation.

Morpheus: Indeed he is, and with that expression, he’s got success written all over him!

Cherry: Next, weighing in at 215 pounds and from Halifax, Nova Scotia, ADRIAN!!!!

“Red” by King Crimson interrupts Jaro’s song and Adrian walks down the ramp, no theatrics except for a crimson light covering the arena. The bloodthirsty O’Rion slides into the ring and briefly acknowledges Jaro, expressionless.

Stone: Here we have Adrian O’Rion, one of Anxiety’s finest and one of Jaro’s most loyal servants, the protégé of the first FMW Champion, Ethan Black. He’ll be sure to be hunting his brother Alex on the Resistance’s side.

Morpheus: I think he’ll also be wanting to get his hands on Derrick, Stone. They went to a damn draw, Adrian won’t be satisfied with that! He wants blood!

Cherry: Weighing in at 290 pounds and from Salt Lake City, Utah, he is the current holder of the Gold Card and is accompanied by St. Michael Dreamkiller, CHRISTIAN G. SMITTEN!!!!!

The opening riff to “Map Of The Problematique” hits the arena and C.G.S.’s arrival is heralded with another flurry of jeers. Dreamkiller walks alongside Smitten and gives quick advice, trying to keep pace with Smitten who walks rather fast to the ring. Smitten and Jaro shake hands, and St. Dreamkiller stands outside the ring.

Stone: FMW’s most accomplished lawyer here in the ring with us. He’s got his shot at the Gold Card, hell, even if the Resistance win Smitten could cash it in right after the match!

Morpheus: He won’t even need to when Original Sin win it all. Derrick will be stripped and Smitten will be the one who deserves the title most! I love it!

Cherry: Weighing in at 277 pounds, he is the co-founder of Original Sin and leader of the Black Covenant, as well as the first and longest reigning Full Metal Champion, ETHAN BLACK!!!!!

More red lights flood the arena and more boos emanate from the crowd as Marilyn Manson’s “Personal Jesus” hits. Ethan Black walks onto the stage, Eve and Abbadon in tow. The three pause at the entrance and Black hits his cane on stage dramatically, a wall of fire appearing behind him and casting shadows onto the Dark Lord’s face. Black and crew follow the trail of fire to the ring, where more fire bursts from the turnbuckles, not scaring a single Sin member. Black and Jaro bow to each other and Eve and Abbadon stand next to Dreamkiller.

Stone: One of the most evil men in this company here, Morph! A force to be reckoned with indeed!

Morpheus: Damn straight. The guy’s the first FMW Champion, and he’s beaten almost everyone in the federation!

Stone: One has to wonder what the Black Covenant’s role will be tonight.

Cherry: And the final member of the Original Sin team, weighing in at 263 pounds and from Sudbury, Ontario, he is the former FMW Champion, ERIC SCORPIO!!!

Linkin Park’s “No More Sorrow” plays as Scorpio emerges on stage, one last thunder of boos thrown at him as the spotlights focus on his walk to the ring. Scorpio slides in, and the rest of the Sin members cast different glances at him. None are tremendously approving of the lack of the belt around his waist.

Morpheus: See the heat on that guy! Looks like Jaro would have preferred his side had the FMW Championship walking into this match! You can actually feel their burning glances!

Stone: None of them are looking at you, don’t know why. In any case, yes, Scorpio definitely a wild card here, coming off a loss but he’ll be looking to take down Derrick AND Michaels here, the current and preceding FMW Champions of Scorpio respectively.

Cherry: And now, weighing in at 309 pounds and from unknown territory, he is the former FMW Television Champion and representing the Resistance, X!!!

“Freak On A Leash” by Korn is the first of the Resistance’s anthems to sound, X emerging to cheers for once. Although not too applicable to X anymore, the song’s sound grabs Dreamkiller’s gaze, and he stares at X with hatred in his eyes. X slides into the ring calmly, not fearful of the Original Sin members. Instead, Jaro laughs mildly and slides out of the ring, as do the rest of the Sin group.

Stone: The Resistance’s newest addition on their side in this five on five match! One can only presume he’s the replacement for Peter Saint, who has mysteriously disappeared. Smitten and X have some history with little Kelsey to sort out as well from what I’ve heard!

Morpheus: He probably molested her without Dreamkiller there to guide him! He needs St. D as much as Michaels needs a change of religion! Which is a lot!

Stone: Thanks for that analogy. I think. Dreamkiller won’t be too happy about X here, either!

Cherry: Next, weighing in at 240 pounds and from Halifax, Nova Scotia, he is the Hayabusa Cup winner, ALEX O’RION!!!!

Godsmack’s “I Stand Alone” pumps out of the speakers as the crowd roar for O’Rion. No baseball bat in hand, as this time this odds are slightly more even, O’Rion walks to the ring and slides in, looking up at X with a quick smile before sitting on one of the turnbuckles.

Morpheus: The perennial non-champion is here! Great lot of help he’s going to be.

Stone: Come on Morph, the guy’s had close to no one on one shots. He’s survived after all that Sin have put him through, including weekly beatings, falls from ladders and being put through tables, as well as his only friend turning on him.

Morpheus: Well, regardless, rumour has it he’s not one for being a team player at the moment, that’s definitely going to hinder the Resistance!

Cherry: Weighing in at a combined total of 480 pounds, they are the team of the former FMW Champion Drew Michaels and partner Nick Bryson, SPARTA!!!

“Saints” by Destroy The Runner” interrupts Alex’s music and Bryson and Michaels walk to the ring, discussing things with each other on the way. As they slide in, both pat X on the shoulder and Drew nods to O’Rion, who ignores him. Bryson also refuses to look at Alex, and the tension in the room rises drastically.

Morpheus: Feel that. That’s nasty, that is. The Resistance are definitely a ragtag collection tonight!

Stone: Well, whatever’s going on, Drew’s been through it, as has O’Rion and Bryson. All three of them have endured crucifixions and beatings at Sin’s hands and they’ll damn sure want to remedy it tonight. Especially Bryson and Jaro, as well as Drew and Smitten.

Morpheus: And Drew and Scorpio.

Stone: And Drew and Jaro.

Morpheus: And Drew and Black.

Stone: Adrian probably feels left out.

Cherry: And finally, ladies and gentlemen, he weighs in at 230 pounds and is from Tombstone, Arizona, he is the current Full Metal World Champion, JOHN ‘DOC’ DERRICK!!!!!

“Gimme Shelter” by the Rolling Stones is awarded one of the cheers of the night, as the crowd explode for the new FMW Champion’s arrival onstage. Derrick is not particularly different from the usual save the Championship around his waist, and he stops to give one of the whiskey bottles strapped to his waist to a male fan and kissing the girl next to him while the excited male shows his friends the bottle. Derrick slides into the ring and lets out a small laugh as every eye, both Sin and Resistance, turns onto him. Derrick takes off the belt and raises it above his head to another round of cheers from the crowd.

Stone: The main with the most to lose here tonight! John Derrick, new FMW World Champion, which he won from Scorpio! If this match goes Sin’s way, Derrick will be stripped of the belt!

Morpheus: After all he’s worked for, I’m looking forward to the look on his face when he loses it. It’s a shame he’s being let down by his lame partners, because that man is a man you’ve got to respect.

Stone: I’m sure we’re about to find out, because the teams are deciding who’s going to enter first for their side!

Morpheus: And it’s DREW MICHAELS starting off for the Resistance! Say goodbye to your job, Michaels!

Stone: And for the Resistance, no surprise, C.G. Smitten is ignoring his team’s instructions and he wants some more of Drew’s blood after his two previous losses!

Morpheus: Ring that bell and get us underway!

Cherry: Ladies and gentlemen, let the final battle of the Full Metal War COMMENCE!!!!

The bell rings and without any hesitation, Michaels and Smitten both nail a double clothesline, taking them both to the mat. The Full Metal Tron puts the scoreboard on half of the screen, with the other half divided into two more for views of the OS and Resistance locker rooms.

Stone: Both men taking each other out at the beginning of this match, but there will be no draws tonight! It’s winner take all!

Morpheus: Both men are getting back to their feet, and Michaels is daring Smitten to take a shot!

Stone: Smitten does, but Michaels doesn’t expect the toe kick underneath that left hand, and now he’s doubled over, Smitten has Michaels!

Morpheus: NASTY DDT there, that’ll screw your head up! Smitten put all of his weight onto Michaels there!

Stone: And Smitten then follows with an elbow drop to Michaels’ back, and he tags in Ethan Black!

Morpheus: Black and Michaels, the main event of Ultimatum here in this ring. Black is in and he throws a huge fist at Michaels, Drew bounces back but Ethan uses Drew’s running momentum to lift Drew, and there’s a Go 2 Sleep!

Stone: Black knocks Drew down again and he’s going for a tag, in and out quickly! Black tags Scorpio!

Morpheus: These two have a history, Scorpio the unexpected Champion who managed to defeat Drew for the title, and I have a feeling that after that previous DDT Scorpio may just eliminate Michaels already!

Stone: We’ll have to wait and see, but for now Scorpio in complete control, he hits a knee to Michaels’ neck and then lifts Michaels up, throws him to the ropes...

Morpheus: Michaels stops! Scorpio’s attempt at a lariat misses completely and Drew with a standing moonsault!

Stone: That’s something you don’t see him pull out of his repertoire much, but hey, I guess they’re putting everything on the line here!

Morpheus: Why wouldn’t you? This is the single biggest match in FMW history!

Stone: True! Michaels with a quick pin attempt but Scorpio kicks out, Drew looking back to his team members and he tags in Alex! Alex O’Rion now thrown into the fray!

Morpheus: Well, now we’ll see what the Nova Scotian can do for his team! If you can call them a team.

Stone: I think they’re more on the same page than you’d know. Anyway, Alex ducks a Scorpio right hand, throws one back of his own and Eric Scorpio is on the mat! What a blow!

Morpheus: Can’t deny that O’Rion punches hard.

Stone: O’Rion now clambers onto Scorpio and he’s laying those fists on, one after another, there’s no end to it! Alex hits blow after blow, and there’s the referee to stop the beatdown.

Morpheus: And good on him! That should have been a disqualification!

Stone: O’Rion backs off while Scorpio gets to his feet with the aid of the ropes, O’Rion charges and NO, Scorpio ducks the clothesline and pulls down the top rope! O’Rion falls all over the place and he’s out of the ring, and countouts still apply in this match!

Morpheus: Scorpio’s being nice and he’s going to fetch him.

Stone: He’s not a stick, Morpheus.

Morpheus: He will be – when he’s in the unemployment line! Hahaha!

Stone: Alright, we can do without the puns. O’Rion lifted by Scorpio and Scorpio lifts him up, SPINEBUSTER on the barricade!!! That’s painful, folks, that can ruin your back if you’re not careful!

Morpheus: Scorpio throwing Alex into the ring to break the count.

Stone: Eric tags in... Black! Ethan Black going to work on Alex O’Rion! Black hoists O’Rion up, and without a word there’s a KINDRED CROSS!!! Ethan with a finisher so soon! He’s dominant! Black has nothing to fear of ring rust here, and he goes back to tag Adrian!

Morpheus: See, smart move there. Black goes in, hits a finisher, leaves. That’s keeping yourself fresh and inflicting early damage, Adrian has plenty of time to damage his brother!

Stone: It’s O’Rion vs. O’Rion here tonight! What a match this should be and Adrian immediately going to work on the back of Alex, grabbing his arms and there’s a beautifully executed surfboard hold! Alex’s back being weakened, and Adrian showing no remorse at all!

Morpheus: Adrian just laughing at his brother, it really shows you who’s the stronger of the two. Sin are dominating this match so far.

Stone: It’s still 0-0 in this match, Morph, plenty of time yet and Adrian lets go of Alex, his back weakened, and now Alex looking to make a tag as Adrian looks on laughing! Adrian also going for a tag, who’s in for Sin this time?

Morpheus: SCORPIO is back in the game! Eric climbing into the ring but Alex O’Rion makes the tag as well and it’s to the fiery Nick Bryson!

Stone: Scorpio’s right there! Bryson ducks a right hand and there’s a kick to the torso, Bryson nails an Implant DDT! Scorpio goes down, Bryson on top of Scorpio now and he throws the fists down!

Morpheus: Call the five, ref! Stop him!

Stone: Perfectly legal, but Scorpio blocks a blow! Scorpio throws Bryson to his feet, but Bryson again overpowers Scorpio and there’s a lovely hammerlock! Bryson in control, Scorpio trying to fight out, misses an attempt at an elbow!

Morpheus: Bryson’s fluking it, Scorpio’s toying with him!

Stone: Scorpio may be! Eric Scorpio with a BRUTAL elbow to Bryson’s face and Bryson busted open! Nick Bryson is bleeding from the nose, that could be broken!

Morpheus: Scorpio put a lot of power behind that elbow, it looks more than likely! Bryson yelling in pain and he’s collapsed to his knees, Scorpio mocking him! Bryson’s God is nothing compared to Scorpio!

Stone: Scorpio grabs Bryson by the head, and he SMASHES it against the canvas! Bryson’s blood is painting the canvas red!

Scorpio climbs over Bryson’s broken form and grabs him by the legs, pulling back and standing on Bryson’s hands to lock in Scorpio’s Repentance. Bryson screams in agony but Scorpio is unrelenting, locking the hold in even further.

Morpheus: Bryson is down, and unless he can magically escape from here, he’s out! The Resistance aren’t stopping the hold either!

Stone: I think that’s going to change! Drew has shot back into the ring! He’s going to break the pin!

Morpheus: NO! Look at Jaro! Jaro’s in the ring as well, and he hits the ropes, spear to Michaels! Michaels is down, Bryson is bleeding, Jaro’s daring someone to come in! None of the Resistance are daring it, and Bryson’s got nowhere to go! Jaro truly is a mastermind!

Stone: Bryson is going to have to give up, escape or pass out here! Bryson still screaming his heart out, that nose that’s being shoved into the canvas has got to be excruciating!

Morpheus: Come on, Scorpio! Just a little bit more!

Stone: FIGHT, damnit! Bryson, you can do this, you’re stronger!

Scorpio pulls harder and harder, and the referee gets close as Jaro guards the hold from the Resistance. Bryson tries to fight, but every second that goes by he loses more consciousness, and with the pain from his nose also beginning to affect this, Bryson’s eyes slowly close, and Scorpio steps off of his hands. The ref lifts one up and drops it once... no response. A second time again, the Resistance hold their breath... no response. A third lift...


Morpheus: WHAT??? NO!!!

Stone: Scorpio’s furious too, he’s already stormed out of the ring and he’s got a chair! BULLsh*t!

Morpheus: He’s ignoring Smitten’s advice and in he goes, Jaro seems to be okay with it!

Stone: Scorpio KILLS Bryson with that chairshot, Bryson looks like he’s unconscious! But Scorpio’s been DQed!

Cherry: Eric Scorpio has been ELIMINATED!!!!

Jaro: HOLD IT!!!

The crowd’s attention turns to Jaro, as he now has a mic as he casually stands on the apron of the Original Sin corner.

Jaro: I’ve decided this match is No Disqualifications. Yeah. Sorry about that. Come on, Buster, go ahead and reverse that decision.

Cherry looks awkward and nods.

Cherry: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is no DQ and therefore Eric Scorpio is still a legal Original Sin member!

Jaro: Finish that piece of Spartan sh*t!

Scorpio nods and rolls on top of Bryson. The referee counts it, but with an unconscious Bryson there is not much he can do and so the three count goes uninterrupted.

Stone: What a piece of trash! Jaro’s bending the rules to his team’s advantage, Scorpio should have been gone!

Morpheus: He’s the CEO, he can do what he wants!

Cherry: Nick Bryson has been ELIMINATED!!!!

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Stone: Original Sin takes the lead, it’s now 3-2! Nick fought with everything, but that moment may be his last in FMW if the Resistance don’t win this!

Morpheus: A glorious day it will be! Bryson’s last moment is bleeding and passing out... excellent. Drew Michaels now in the ring, which means he’s the legal man!

Stone: Drew getting to his knees as Scorpio steps back a second, and Jaro still in the ring, the ref is rolling out Bryson and Jaro with a blatant kick to Drew’s shoulder! And another! That’s just uncalled for!

Morpheus: It’s good thinking, Stone, that’s all.

Stone: My foot it is! Jaro pulling Drew by the arm and there’s a step-over leg drop onto Michaels’ arm! This is cheating, and Jaro slides out before the ref turns around! Scorpio the legal man still! Scorpio doesn’t look like he wants much of the action now though, and he tags out, looks like Adrian O’Rion is back in this match.

Morpheus: Good thinking. Put the monster in and do all the damage you can.

Stone: Adrian now lifting Drew up, onto his shoulders, and there’s the Twister! Adrian spinning around, he’s not slowing down and Drew isn’t going to have any clue where he is!

Morpheus: Adrian still going! He’s perfectly circling in the centre of the ring, he’s obviously become more immune to this move as he practises it!

Stone: And he’s hoisting Drew again, and he finishes the twister by transitioning it into an F-5! Look at the power on that as Drew hits the mat hard!

Morpheus: Adrian lifting Drew again, no time for him to recover!

Stone: Drew being pulled towards the ropes, and Adrian’s tying him up! In the centre of the ropes, Adrian has tied up Michaels, who can’t even move! Michaels is stuck there, and Adrian hits the opposite ropes...

Adrian runs back full pace and jumps, however he uses his feet to spring on Michaels’ chest like a trampoline, jumping up into the air, and as Michaels looks up to see Adrian, he only catches a brief glimpse of Adrian’s boots before they collide with his face. Drew yells out in pain as Adrian jumps back to the mat. Michaels falls out of his rope prison, and when he pulls his hand away from his face, Adrian laughs as he sees Drew’s blood. Similar to his cousin, Drew is bleeding from the nose after Adrian’s blow.

Morpheus: Vicious! That’s Original Sin for you, Stone, just brutal. Adrian with an incredibly devastating move to Michaels.

Stone: Michaels is on the mat, and Adrian pulls him to the corner, now about to put the finishing touches on, and he runs up again, another dropkick to Michaels’ sternum! Michaels will be running out of air with all these blows!

Morpheus: All part of the strategy!

Stone: Whatever. Adrian doesn’t know anything about strategy, in that ring he’s just unpredictable. Michaels being dragged to the centre of the ring now, Adrian lifts him to his feet, takes a step back, here it comes!


Stone: Here’s the pin! Michaels has to be finished, 1...2...3!

Morpheus: NO! NO! The ref isn’t calling it! Michaels kicked out! But how? That shot hit perfectly, even Adrian can’t believe it!

Stone: The Original Sin team are in outrage! And on a sidenote, the medical team has just carted Bryson off on a stretcher, folks, so he won’t be returning unless the Resistance win, but with Michaels kickout of that move, there may be hope yet!

Morpheus: Adrian taking a step back, he’s furious!

Stone: No doubt, he’s going to tag someone but Michaels trips him up! Michaels grabbed Adrian by the leg and Adrian faceplants!

Morpheus: How is Michaels back on his feet so quickly?

Stone: He’s not at 100%, Morph, but he’s got determination, and adrenalin does that to you, especially when your job is on the line!

Morpheus: Don’t give me your science crap, I want Adrian to beat him down!

Stone: So much for that strategy you were on about. Adrian back on his feet but Michaels is throwing fists at him one after another, and Michaels with a neckbreaker out of nowhere! Michaels with a pin attempt, but Adrian won’t fall that easily, no, kickout after one.

Morpheus: Adrian on his feet, Michaels is up faster though!

Stone: Adrian whipped into the ropes, but tagging his back is C.G. Smitten! Smitten wants back into this and Adrian doesn’t look happy at all! Smitten turns around and they’re fighting over who gets to take Michaels, with Jaro, Scorpio and Ethan Black all now trying to sort out the conflict!

Morpheus: Adrian tags Smitten again and Smitten would now have to get back outside the ring, Adrian taking a few steps back and grinning as if he’s won the war already!


Morpheus: NO!

Cherry: Ladies and gentlemen, Adrian has been ELIMINATED!!!

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The scoreboard flashes 3-3 and both teams are back on even terms. The Resistance locker room is ecstatic, but back in the ring Smitten steps in for Original Sin. Jaro shakes his head as Adrian is shovelled out of the ring by Derrick, who smiles. Smitten dares him to come and fight, but Derrick takes a step back and tags in the Resistance’s newest member, X. Smitten looks furious but Derrick shrugs and exits the ring, his job done for the moment.

Morpheus: What a coward! He’ll step in to take an opponent by surprise but won’t fight him face to face? Insolence!

Stone: It may be, but you’re allowed to be insolent when you’re the FMW Champion. X now taking on C.G. Smitten and these two have had their clashes over Smitten’s adopted daughter Kelsey.

Morpheus: Well, without Dreamkiller, X is nothing! Smitten will take him out!

Stone: Looks like Derrick disagrees, and X powers towards Smitten and takes him down with a HUGE clothesline! Dreamkiller is furious and X scoops Smitten up, there’s a lovely scoop slam there! X is dominating Smitten and he’s on the offense, he lifts Smitten to his feet and picks him up, he’s holding Smitten above his head! Look at the power!

Morpheus: Power’s nothing if you can’t control it!

Stone: X can! He’s his own damn man now and he’s proving it, because there’s a HUGE press slam from the big man! Smitten on the floor and X going for a pin! 1... 2... no, Smitten kicks out but X is right back on the attack!

Morpheus: NASTY leg drop to the head there.

Stone: Indeed it is. Smitten trying to escape by crawling to the corner but X shoves his boot into Smitten’s back, he’s not letting Smitten escape.

Morpheus: Come on, Dreamkiller, heel your damn pet!

Stone: X isn’t under control anymore, idiot! X lifting Smitten and whips him into the ropes, big boot to Smitten’s face!

X has total control of Smitten, and the lawyer cannot escape the giant’s clutches. X lifts Smitten to his feet, and Smitten attempts to even the odds by kicking X in the groin. X reels back and Smitten forces X into the corner, where he begins unloading left and right fists onto the monster. Dreamkiller cheers Smitten on and Smitten punctuates these shots by grabbing X and hitting a bulldog into the centre of the ring.

Morpheus: See! Smitten takes back control!

Stone: He’s going for a pin! 1...2... no, X kicks out, predictably, three moves are hardly enough to take someone of that size out.

Morpheus: Smitten lifting X up, going for a suplex but X blocks it with his foot! Smitten tries a second time but X still holding on, X suplexes Christian!

Stone: Lovely counter there from the big guy! X hits the ropes, but he’s held! WHAT?

Morpheus: Dreamkiller had his leg! There’s the control I was talking about!

Stone: He’s cheating, damnit! Dreamkiller should be sent to the back!

Morpheus: Dreamkiller clambers onto the apron, Smitten is distracting the referee! Dreamkiller pokes X in the eyes! X can’t see a thing and Dreamkiller puts a foot through the ropes, KICKS X IN THE GROIN! LOVELY!

Stone: It’s CHEATING, fool! Smitten lets the ref go and Michaels is outraged on the side, X stumbles backwards and Smitten with the rollup! 1...2...3! That’s not how X should go down! Dreamkiller’s a bastard!

Morpheus: But if he is, he’s a happy bastard now! Smitten grins and Original Sin are up 4-3!

Cherry: X has been ELIMINATED!

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The scoreboard flickers and updates itself, now reading 4-3. The Original Sin locker room celebrate and back in the ring, Smitten looks back to tag someone in, this time Ethan Black getting picked out of the four Sin members. For the Resistance, Alex O’Rion bundles himself in, and the two lock up immediately.

Stone: Two veterans right here, Morpheus! Ethan Black, first Full Metal Champion, Alex O’Rion, Hayabusa Cup winner, and both of them fighting for their lives!

Morpheus: Black looking to take Alex down there with a spinning clothesline!

Stone: Alex ducks, lifts Black up and hits a back suplex on Ethan! Alex hits the ropes and there’s a baseball slide to the head! That might have knocked Black senseless!

Morpheus: Black trying to get to his feet, he turns around, NS PRIDE! ALEX SENDS ETHAN BLACK TO THE MAT! NO!


Morpheus: Not enough to take the Dark Lord down! Black shovels himself to his feet again, Alex is up, NO! NOT AGAIN! ANOTHER NS PRIDE! Alex with a SECOND superkick!

Stone: Another cover! ONE! TWO! THRE-NO! HOLY sh*t, BLACK WON’T GO DOWN!!!!!






Cherry: Ethan Black has been ELIMINATED!

Eric Scorpio

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (60)
Posts : 790
Rep : 1
Join date : 2009-12-05
Age : 45
Location : Sudbury, Ontario

Wrestler Profile
FMW Superstar: Eric Scorpio

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (61)
Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (62)Subject: Re: Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (63)Sun Dec 06, 2009 3:02 am

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (64)

The scoreboard once again flickers and changes, this time to 4-4. The Resistance locker room, which is now joined by Nick Bryson, who has regained consciousness, and a frustrated X, cheers on Alex from backstage.

Stone: That right there is a HUGE elimination, taking out Black will do loads of damage! That’s some ring rust for you there, Morpheus.

Morpheus: It took THREE superkicks to keep him down, Stone. Ethan’s tougher than he looks.

Stone: Original Sin now pondering their loss, and Alex O’Rion is panting in the ring but smiling. Sin are selecting their next member to fight Alex, and it looks like Jaro’s still not ready to fight, neither is Scorpio, or Smitten! The Resistance are getting annoyed at this, Morph.

Morpheus: They’ll be more annoyed about that! Look at the ramp!

Stone: ADRIAN! ADRIAN IS BACK! The Resistance have no idea and all three members of Original Sin that are still in this match rush Alex, Drew goes in to help, but Adrian’s targeting Derrick! He’s furious!

Morpheus: And he’s got a baseball bat! Derrick turns around, Adrian WRAPS THE BAT ACROSS HIS HEAD!

Stone: Where’s the damn ref?

Morpheus: He can’t call a DQ, Jaro changed the rules! Derrick crumples to the floor and Adrian now throwing fist after fist at Derrick!

Stone: Derrick’s been unfairly blindsided! In the ring now Jaro, Smitten and Scorpio are overpowering Alex and Drew, this isn’t fighting! This is the usual Original Sin bullsh*t! Adrian takes a step back, but there may be hope! Alex has escaped Jaro and now he’s out of the ring! Adrian and Alex are facing off!

Morpheus: Derrick is on his knees, Alex can buy him some time here! Alex and Adrian are eyeing each other off, but Adrian’s got that bat! He raises it above and Alex is going down!

Stone: Wait... he’s giving the bat to Alex? What’s going on!

Morpheus: Derrick on his feet, Alex O’Rion has a baseball bat in hand and Adrian smiles! I SEE IT! IT’S BRILLIANT!

Stone: NO!

Without hesitating, Alex O’Rion grins and SMASHES Derrick across the head with the baseball bat. The crowd all notice and their expressions are absolutely shocked. They begin to boo immediately but Alex only laughs. Back in the ring, Drew is fighting off all three members, first with a clothesline to Jaro, who tumbles outside of the ring, a fireman’s carry slam takes Smitten over the ropes, and ducking Scorpio, Drew manages to hit an inverse facebuster. He is then met, however, with the sight of Alex crushing Derrick and sliding into the ring.

Stone: Come on! This isn’t fair! Not at all!

Morpheus: Welcome to life! Alex O’Rion has had enough and now it’s his turn to live his life, not this piece of crap the Resistance are offering!

Drew looks at Alex, asking what is going on, but Alex’s grin is all too similar to that of Adrian and Drew has no time to debate the choice Alex has made. Alex swings the bat and knocks Drew to the mat, Drew still bleeding from an earlier shot.

Stone: Alex O’Rion may have ended the Resistance and Full Metal Wrestling with this!

Morpheus: May have? There’s no question!

Stone: He still has to be eliminated for Original Sin to win the match!

Morpheus: Jaro back in the ring! Jaro’s wanted a victory over Alex but now they’re all on the same team!

Stone: Alex is... lying down? Jaro’s smiling, he didn’t think it would be this easy!

Morpheus: There’s the pin, and I don’ even think Jaro knew about this, he seems a bit surprised! But hey, Jaro will take what he can get! And there’s the three!

Stone: This is f*cking ridiculous. Alex O'Rion has SCREWED The Resistance and essentially walked out on his team, these fans, this COMPANY! He's just spit in all of our faces.

Cherry: Alex O’Rion has been ELIMINATED!!!

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The Resistance locker room looks crushed. With the scoreboard now at 5-4 and both Drew and Derrick laid out thanks to Alex’s defection, every face in the room is worried to death. The Sin locker room, however, is gleeful, and they all smile as they watch the ring. Jaro laughs as Alex leaves the ring and joins his brother Adrian. Neither of the O’Rions bother looking back on the carnage they have caused, with Smitten, Jaro and Scorpio all laughing inside the ring.

Stone: Well, Jaro got his win, but what a cheap way. What could possibly have enticed Alex to give up on all he’s fought for?

Morpheus: The lack of help or care from any of his supposed team members? Plus, all O’Rions go crazy. Andrew, Adrian, it was only a matter of time before it caught up to Alex!

Stone: Oh! Of course! I forgot about earlier, when X, Drew, Nick and Alex were talking backstage! Remember Adrian was watching? This must have been thought up before all of this between the O’Rion brothers! Even back to Alchemy, when Adrian showed up! This must go ages back!

Morpheus: Well, it’s happened now, genius, and the fact is that it’s now a three on two match, and both Resistance members are incapacitated. Say goodbye to FMW.

Stone: Jaro now walking over to Drew, another foot on the chest and this will bring it down to a one on three! The referee’s there and this is over for Drew, 1...2...3-NO! NO! NO! DREW KICKED OUT!

Morpheus: No freaking WAY! He had a damn BASEBALL BAT wrapped around his head, he should have a damn concussion! Jaro can’t believe this!

Stone: Neither can I! Jaro tags in Smitten and they’re surely going to have this done with soon, Drew may have kicked out but he’s in no condition to fight! And Derrick is still out on the other side of the ring!

Morpheus: Smitten in, and he lifts Drew up... there’s going to be some revenge here, and Smitten with a Switchbomb! Drew on his back and Smitten tags in Scorpio!

Stone: Scorpio going to Drew, lifts him up, but there’s a hand on the apron! And another! Derrick! Derrick is slowly getting back up! Sin need to get rid of Michaels quickly!

Morpheus: Scorpio’s making inroads then, he’s got Michaels and he hits the ropes, running neckbreaker! Drew’s got no chance on all of this!

Stone: You might be right – Jaro tagged in now, and he goes to work on Drew’s arm, a couple of boots and then a surfboard hold! Drew might not even be able to fight out of this, as Derrick is climbing slowly to his feet on the outside of the ring!

Morpheus: Jaro cinching that hold in and Drew’s really not got anything in the tank at the moment! Derrick climbing to the apron now, slowly but surely, and Jaro lets go, Drew trying to make it to Derrick but Jaro pulls him to the corner and holds his arm out, Scorpio with a top rope bionic elbow to Drew’s arm! They’re really working it over now!

Stone: It’s got to be weakening it for later for some sort of finisher, but for now Scorpio is in control and he’s got a hammerlock on Drew. Derrick’s finally up, but he’s leaning against the turnbuckle on his side and he’s barely conscious as well as bleeding. This is not good at all for the Resistance.

Morpheus: Jaro tells Scorpio to throw Drew to him on the outside! This is going to be spectacular, whatever it is!

Stone: Derrick’s got no clue, he’s useless here! Scorpio tosses Drew over the ropes like a ragdoll to Jaro! This is sickening!

Morpheus: Jaro has Drew leant against the apron, and he’s searching under the ring, yes! It’s a beautiful plan, this is going only one place and I love it!

Stone: There it is...

Jaro has retrieved the banhammer from underneath the ring. Drew is helpless and Jaro measures it up, the crowd booing relentlessly. Drew is wearing more than one crimson mask, new layers of blood simply covering the older ones.

Stone: I can’t watch!

Morpheus: I’ll let you know!

Stone: Hey, hold on, look! It can’t be!

Morpheus: CELESTE???

Celeste barrels down the ramp to cheers from the crowd, especially as she has been rumoured dead. Jaro sees this and instantly he is furious, Celeste coming to a halt just outside the range of the banhammer. Scorpio and Smitten look on, confused, from the ring. Celeste pleads Jaro not to go through with this, but Jaro begins swearing loudly at her. Celeste comes closer, but Jaro grabs a mic so he can vent to everyone.

Jaro: LISTEN! You bitch, you’d better get out of here or I swear I will end you now! This banhammer wasn’t meant for you but if that’s what it comes to, so be it!

Celeste: PLEASE! You can’t do this, Jason! You can’t!


Meanwhile, various other things are happening around the ring. Scorpio looks on, still the legal man, and Smitten watches on from the apron. Drew is watching but probably cannot comprehend anything, beaten to within an inch of his life and probably concussed in some way. Derrick, however, is rummaging under the ring for a weapon.

Stone: You can’t possibly hit her with that!

Morpheus: He’s done it before!

Without warning, Jaro is taken by surprise. Not by Drew, nor Derrick, or his teammates, but totally unsuspecting, Jaro is suddenly kicked with force in the balls by Celeste.


Morpheus: BITCH!

Jaro collapses to the floor, dropping the banhammer. Drew sees this and turns back to the ring, crawling in and looking to get to Scorpio while Jaro is out of commission. Smitten is trying to figure out what is happening, but no-one sees Derrick creep up on Scorpio and blast him in the back of the head with a steel chair. Scorpio crumples and Drew drags an arm across Scorpio.


Morpheus: NO!!!! Derrick CHEATED, damnit!

Cherry: Eric Scorpio has been ELIMINATED!

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The scoreboard flashes to read 5-5. The Resistance locker room, along with the crowd, begin cheering, while the OS locker room, now joined by Ethan Black, are outraged. Derrick smiles and throws the chair out of the ring, but as he clambers out, Smitten climbs in. Drew is once again helpless as Smitten begins manhandling him inside the squared circle.

Stone: Look at this! Smitten is throwing Drew around like a ragdoll, but the scores are even again! There are only two or three eliminations until this match is over!

Morpheus: Jaro’s still recovering outside the ring, but drew has no help either – look at Derrick!

The Full Metal Champion is standing on the apron, leaning against the turnbuckle, drinking from a flask filled with whiskey. A few crowd members laugh but Derrick pays no heed, choosing to rest in his usual fashion.

Stone: That’s... interesting. I hope he doesn’t tag in drunk.

Morpheus: That’d be damn hilarious, but for now, I’m content to watch this destruction of Drew Michaels.

Stone: Indeed, Michaels not in with much of a chance but so far he’s survived everything thrown at him! Smitten, however, has never beaten him! It’s an epic clash!

Morpheus: Shut up and call the match.

Stone: Fine. Michaels thrown into the corner and Smitten charges, corner clothesline and as Drew stumbles away Smitten takes his legs out from under him with a kick to the ankles. Drew collapses and Smitten with an elbow drop but Drew rolls out of the way!

Morpheus: No! Smitten misses but he’s back on the attack, Drew getting to his feet, Smitten with a right hand! Drew with a right hand! Smitten!

Stone: Michaels!

Morpheus: Smitten!

Stone: Michaels!

Morpheus: Smitten, Smitten, Smitten! Three consecutive blows from Christian, Michaels falls back to the ropes, Smitten grabs Michaels for a powerbomb! He hoists him onto his shoulders!

Stone: NO! Drew with a hurricanrana! Incredible manoeuvre! Drew with a counter there but with no-one for either man to tag to, this is a one on one match by all purposes! Both men on the mat, Smitten in one corner, Drew in the other, Drew on both legs already and he’s crouching!

Morpheus: What’s he doing? Smitten’s up, he stumbles out of the corner!

Stone: DREW SPRINTS! SPEAR! Michaels takes Smitten down and he’s back up! The crowd are on their feet! Michaels heads to the top rope, still clutching that arm that’s been injured before, he’s on the top turnbuckle!

Morpheus: High risk move, bad idea!



Stone: Smitten’s lost it! Michaels covers! ONE! TWO! THREE!!!! THE RESISTANCE TAKE THE LEAD!

Cherry: Christian G. Smitten has been ELIMINATED!

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The crowd cheer and the scoreboard flashes to read 6-5 in favour of the Resistance for once. Smitten is dragged out of the ring by Scorpio, who has only just recovered. Scorpio pulls Smitten onto his shoulder and walks up the ramp, leaving Jaro alone to take on Derrick and Michaels. Derrick, however, is still drinking.

Morpheus: One on two! It’s almost over!

Stone: Derrick is drinking, Michaels is barely conscious and he’s still bleeding, but just look at this! Jaro is springing into action and he’s got Drew up already, no! He’s got Drew, there it goes, Planet Pop! Drew Michaels’ previous arm damage is surely going to hurt his chances here!


Cherry: Drew Michaels has been ELIMINATED!

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The scoreboard updates to 6-6 and the crowd boo, but there is a new atmosphere as the realisation dawns that the last two wrestlers in this match are John Derrick and Jaro – and the winner will save or destroy FMW.

Stone: That goes to show you that just like that, Original Sin can tie the score! This is it, folks! One more elimination will decide FMW’s future! John Derrick, Full Metal Champion, possibly the most dangerous name this company has seen, versus Jason Roy, FMW Ultraviolent Champion, the CEO, the mastermind behind Original Sin, the most maniacal name this company has seen!

Morpheus: On the line are the fate of the company, Derrick’s title, Jaro’s position as CEO... it’s all coming to a head! This is the penultimate point of Full Metal Wrestling’s history! Derrick steps into the ring!

Stone: And a few facts for you before they begin – the last time Derrick and Jaro faced, Jaro took the Ultraviolent Championship from Doc! Jaro has NEVER pinned or submitted in Full Metal Wrestling, EVER. This is it. Derrick’s thrown his whiskey bottle aside and there’s a staredown for the ages!

Derrick and Jaro exchange glances. It’s hard to describe it as good vs. evil, as Doc is not particularly a good guy, neither is evil a good enough word to describe Jaro. The glare between them holds for about ten seconds as the crowd go wild, and then they get straight into it.

Morpheus: Here we go! Jaro with a quick right hand, Derrick blocks a second, Jaro knees Derrick in the stomach, Derrick grabs Jaro in a headlock and falls into a cutter!

Stone: Derrick on his feet, Jaro up as well, Derrick takes control and throws Jaro into the ropes, Jaro rebounds and Derrick ducks under Jaro, Jaro comes back with a flying lariat that knocks Derrick to the mat!

Morpheus: Jaro off the ropes with a lionsault now, and a standing guillotine leg drop there to finish the pack of three, there’s a pin, one, two, kickout from Derrick!

Stone: Derrick clambering to his feet, Jaro rolls out of the ring, he’s got a chair and back in he goes, Derrick is already off the ropes and he smashes that chair against Jaro’s sternum! The FMW CEO is pushed back and Derrick pushes forward, lifting Jason up but Jason low blows Derrick! Derrick dries himself out on the ropes and Jaro now in control, he’s got that chair and BANG!

Morpheus: Derrick collapses! Jason Roy taking control of the main who could destroy his dreams of... well, destroying other people’s dreams.

Stone: Jason Roy now going to work on Derrick’s arm! We’ve seen this the entire match, this can’t be good!

Morpheus: Jaro stepping on Derrick’s arm on the mat there, not entirely fair but what are you going to do. Derrick not yelling in pain though, he’s hiding it well!

Stone: Jason now slides out of the ring and he drags Derrick to the corner, and he’s got him by the arm. Jason pulls back and he wraps Derrick’s arm around the ringpost! And again! And a third time! Every time he does it it’s one step closer to FMW’s closure!

Morpheus: Jaro with one final shot to the arm and he slides back into the ring, dropping a knee to Derrick’s arm, really working it over there!

Stone: Pulling him into the centre, and there’s a bridging hammerlock there! Jason putting Derrick down in a variety of ways here and nothing is coming!

Morpheus: Derrick has nowhere to go!

Stone: He won’t tap, not now!

Morpheus: Look! NO! Derrick’s fighting out of it, he’s lifting Jaro off his back!

Stone: And there’s the push! Derrick on his feet, Jaro topples to the mat, Derrick goes to lift him and JARO WITH A ROLLUP! FMW COULD BE OVER HERE!!!! ONE!!! TWO!!! NO!!!!!

Morpheus: That got the adrenalin going! Listen to the crowd!

Stone: Jaro back in control now though, Derrick on the mat and Jaro going to the top rope, boos from all around but Jaro jumps, a top rope stomp to the arm of Derrick! Jaro not taking it easy here at all with everything in the balance!

Morpheus: Jaro lifting Derrick up, he hits the ropes and there’s an enzuigiri from Jaro! Pulling out everything in his arsenal and more!

Stone: Another pinfall attempt, JARO MIGHT HAVE IT!!! ONE!!! TWO!!! THR-NO!!!! IT’S NOT OVER!!!

Morpheus: Jaro furious, but he lifts Derrick up again, Derrick left in the centre of the ring, dazed, Jason going for an enzuigiri but DERRICK MOVES!!

Stone: Jaro collapses to the mat! Derrick now pulling Jaro off with one arm and whipping him into the ropes, Jaro comes back into a lariat from Derrick! Derrick now peeling Jaro off the canvas once more and there’s a running DDT!!! Jason goes down and it’s Derrick with the pinfall attempt!

Morpheus: ONE! TWO! THRE-NO!!! Jaro kicks out! Derrick up one more time and he hoists Jaro up, Doc whips Jaro towards the ropes but Jaro counters into a whip of his own, Derrick counters this into a high heel kick!

Stone: I know where this is going! Jaro’s going to want to escape fast from this one!

Doc gets behind the dazed Jaro and gets him in position, hoisting him up and flipping Jaro to NAIL the FMW mastermind with Ol’ Number 7. The crowd EXPLODE and Derrick covers Jaro.




Morpheus: Jaro’s f*cking FURIOUS!


Morpheus: Derrick in a heap on the outside of the ring!

Stone: Look at Jaro just standing there, staring down at our champion mockingly! Everything is at stake, this is coming to a close, but it’s any man’s game!

Morpheus: It’s the smart thing to do, when it all boils down to this, take a breather, but Derrick is getting to his feet and he’s got whiskey?! Why does he have WHISKEY? FIGHT, YOU IDIOT!!!

Stone: Derrick’s drinking up, and back in the ring! He puts the bottle down, and Jaro’s back on the attack! Goes for a clothesline, misses, Derrick takes momentum, TRYING TO GET JARO INTO THE HUCKLEBERRY SPECIAL!!! JARO WRIGGLES OUT OF DOC’S GRASP!!!


Stone: ONE!!!

Morpheus: TWO!!!




Morpheus: Jaro pulls Derrick up, he’s going for a THIRD!


Morpheus: JARO CAN’T SEE!!!


Morpheus: HE’S GOING FOR THE PIN!!!!

Stone: ONE!!!!!!

Morpheus: TWO!!!!!!!


Morpheus: YES!!!!



Drew Michaels, Nick Bryson, Alex O'Rion, X, and John "Doc" Derrick (8.58 aps - 0.1 penalty + 8.06 aps - 0.2 penalty + 8.39 aps - 0.1 penalty + 8.34 aps - 0.2 penalty + 8.77 aps - 0.2 penalty + 1.8 avs = 43.14 total)
Jaro, Eric Scorpio, C.G. Smitten, Adrian, and Ethan Black (8.6 aps - 0.1 penalty + 8.46 aps + 8.51 aps + 8.2 aps + 8.35 aps - 0.2 penalty + 1.3 avs = 43.12 total)

Lethal Injection 2008 PPV - RESULTS (69)

The crowd EXPLODE and are on their feet as the announcement is made, the pinfall counted, the final battle won.

Stone: It took them goddamn forever, but the Resistance win the Full Metal War! Derrick retains his Championship! Sparta still have jobs! Jaro is no longer CEO, Dreamkiller no longer the GM of Anarchy! Mortus gives up power in Anxiety! Whatever control Hostyle had in Alchemy is gone! All of it! Original Sin must disband immediately! It’s brilliant!

Morpheus: Derrick cheated.

Stone: You were supporting the Resistance in the last few seconds! Don’t deny it, you want to support them too!

Morpheus: I just want a job.

Stone: The referee in the ring raises Derrick’s hand! Derrick crawls to his knees, and now on his feet, he’s done it! John Derrick, along with nine other Resistance members, has saved Full Metal Wrestling!

Morpheus: I’ll give the man credit, Derrick survived a hell of a lot towards the end there – let’s not forget that Jaro just got pinned, the first time in his illustrious FMW career. It took 6 full cycles to get there, but Jaro can be beaten.

Stone: Well, Derrick’s now drinking some of that whiskey, an awesome trick to pull out back there, but Jaro seems to have realised he’s just lost everything.

Morpheus: He can’t have expected this, any of it! He bet everything he had on this and it backfired badly.

At ringside, Jaro is joined by Saint Dreamkiller, who slides into the ring to lift the broken Jaro to his feet. Jaro collapses against a corner turnbuckle, seemingly lost in a void of his own despair at the loss.


Stone: Here we go again. I knew it’d happen.

Morpheus: They’re still in power here, and Derrick is one man on his own!

Stone: Here they come! Scorpio, Smitten, Black, TyranT, Cactus Sam and Mortus, Hostyle and CAK! Ethan Black leading the charge and Derrick is in absolutely no condition for this fight!

Morpheus: What good will it do? He's done! Ethan Black is gone from Full Metal Wrestling! He said so himself!

Ethan slides into the ring, but his assault is interrupted by the crowd exploding with cheers for a second time since the victory.

Morpheus: Here come the cavalry, Derrick might have a hope yet!

Looking to the stage, Original Sin see the Resistance in full force. Drew Michaels and Nick Bryson, cleaned up from the early stages of the match, flanked by X, Skyler Striker and his newly won Abandoned title, Romeo Vizzini and a surprisingly healthy looking Travis McCart, Jack Boice and even Hannibal Frost has shown up, leaning on Vizzini for assistance with his ankle.

Stone: A ragtag bunch they may be, but the Resistance are done with all of this, they want to go back to leading normal lives and to stop all of this!

Morpheus: And look at Original Sin! Aside from Black, they’re all looking between the fallen Jaro and the furious Resistance members, who are walking onto the ramp!

Stone: Well, the Resistance aren’t going into the ring, they’ve stopped midway, but look! Look at this! They’re abandoning Jaro! ORIGINAL SIN ARE FINISHED!

Morpheus: They’re peeling off... it’s quite amusing to watch actually.

One by one, Original Sin abandon Jaro and Ethan in the ring. Spitting on the floor, TyranT is the first to turn his back, and the Resistance peel apart to line the edges of the entrance ramp. Derrick remains in the ring but the Resistance merely let TyranT by, Striker nodding to TyranT before he leaves. Cactus Sam and Mortus are the next to go, but Vizzini and McCart pay them no heed as they walk by. Hostyle is away next, followed by a disappointed C.G. Smitten.

Stone: This is sad... we always thought Original Sin were a close-knit group, but this really shows what they were in it for. None of them are loyal to Jaro!

Morpheus: The Dark Brotherhood walking away as one, CAK and Scorpio clearly no longer interested. All that’s left are Black, Jaro and Dreamkiller!

Stone: Dreamkiller’s leaving too! Look at this! Not ONE of Original Sin except its two founding members want to help Jaro from getting his comeuppance, and one of them is Jaro himself!

Morpheus: Dreamkiller eyeing X off there, but X clearly done with him now! The ring is clear, it’s Jaro, Ethan Black and John Derrick! The Resistance now entering the ring!

The Resistance peel into two groups and immediately, Jaro and Black are on the mat, trying to shield themselves from the Resistance members. Kicks and fists fly everywhere, and Sin’s two founders are crimson within seconds. The members clear the centre of the ring and SPARTA grab Jaro and Ethan, and dead centre in the ring, a Wicked DDT and a Sickle Touch put Ethan and Jaro down for the count.

Stone: Ultimatum flashback much? Just a reversal of the teams!

Morpheus: Does seem familiar. Notice we’re also missing Alex and Adrian O’Rion, shock and horror.

Drew and Bryson laugh at the sight of what is being dragged to the ring by the other Resistance members – two giant, wooden crosses.

Stone: Comeuppance! Jaro’s so fond of these crucifixions, now he’ll get to experience one!

Black and Jaro are hoisted on to the two crosses, and SPARTA take great pleasure in being handed two hammers and a box of nails. With a simultaneous swing, Nick and Drew hammer the nails through the hands of Black and Jaro, Black letting out a scream but Jaro already unconscious. Ethan falls silent within seconds, losing consciousness from the shock, and their other hands are also nailed down. The Resistance hook the crosses to some chains that are lowered from the ceiling, and both founders are raised above the ring, bleeding and unconscious.

Morpheus: It’s violent, but unfortunately just. What goes around comes around.

Stone: Comes around comes around?

Morpheus: You could say that.

Stone: I don’t think Drew’s done here! Look at that!

The Resistance, still easily able to reach the base of the crosses, have numerous tools for lighting fires in hand, and they put them to work, a small hole in the bottom of each cross filled with firelighters. Within a minute, the flames begin rising and the crucifixes are displayed for everyone, on fire with the two defeated leaders of Original Sin literally nailed to them.

Morpheus: Ladies and gentlemen... THIS IS FMW.

Stone: It damn sure is! Jaro and Ethan Black, founding members of Original Sin, now suffering the consequences of angering the Resistance! After half a year, justice has been served in FMW! The Resistance have saved Full Metal Wrestling! Listen to the fans, they’ll tell you what you need to hear! That’s all from us for now! FMW will live on! Long live Full Metal Wrestling!


One last explosion is heard in the arena as massive white pyro bundles go off around the turnbuckles. The Resistance in the ring raise their hands in victory, joining the crowd one by one, celebrating and chanting the name. John Derrick remains in the ring, looking up at the crucifixes, FMW World Title around his waist. He is joined by Skyler Striker, who also stares upward. The PPV’s visual feed starts to fade away, but the sound remains a few seconds longer.


Long live Full Metal Wrestling.

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