IBM SPSS by Example: A Practical Guide to Statistical - M.MOAM.INFO (2024)

IBM SPSS by Example is a practical handbook that “cuts to the chase” and ..... the data types comma, dot, scientific notation, date, dollar, or custom currency.

Detailed Contents List of Tables and Figures Preface & Acknowledgments About the Authors 1. Introduction Getting the Most Out of IBM SPSS by Example A Brief Overview of the Statistical Process Understanding Hypothesis Testing, Power, and Sample Size Understanding the p-Value Planning a Successful Analysis Guidelines for Creating Data Sets Preparing Excel Data for Import Guidelines for Reporting Results Downloading Sample SPSS Data Files Opening Data Files for Examples 2. Describing and Examining Data Example Data Files Describing Quantitative Data Describing Categorical Data 3. Creating and Using Graphs Introduction to SPSS Graphs Guidelines for Creating and Using Graphs Chart Builder Graphboard Template Chooser Legacy Plots Scatterplots Histograms Bar Charts Pie Charts Boxplots 4. Comparing One or Two Means Using the t-Test One-Sample t-Test Two-Sample t-Test Paired t-Test 5. Correlation and Regression Correlation Analysis Simple Linear Regression Multiple Linear Regression 6. Analysis of Categorical Data Contingency Table Analysis (r x c) McNemar’s Test Mantel-Haenszel Comparison Tests of Interrater Reliability Goodness-of-Fit Test Other Measures of Association for Categorical Data

7. Analysis of Variance and Covariance One-Way ANOVA Two-Way Analysis of Variance Repeated-Measures Analysis of Variance Analysis of Covariance 8. Nonparametric Analysis Procedures Spearman’s Rho Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon (Two Independent Groups Test) Kruskal-Wallis Test Sign Test and Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test for Matched Pairs Friedman’s Test 9. Logistic Regression Introduction to Logistic Regression Simple Logistic Regression Multiple Logistic Regression 10. Factor Analysis Appropriate Applications for a Factor Analysis Design Considerations for Factor Analysis Hypotheses for Factor Analysis Factor Analysis/Dimension Reduction Appendix A. A BRIEF TUTORIAL FOR USING IBM SPSS FOR WINDOWS Appendix B: CHOOSING THE RIGHT PROCEDURE TO USE Index

IBM® SPSS® by Example Second Edition

For E’Lynne and Beverly

IBM® SPSS® by Example A Practical Guide to Statistical Data Analysis Second Edition Alan C. Elliott Southern Methodist University Wayne A. Woodward Southern Methodist University

FOR INFORMATION: SAGE Publications, Inc. 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, California 91320 E-mail: [emailprotected] SAGE Publications Ltd. 1 Oliver’s Yard 55 City Road London EC1Y 1SP United Kingdom SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd. B 1/I 1 Mohan Cooperative Industrial Area Mathura Road, New Delhi 110 044 India SAGE Publications Asia-Pacific Pte. Ltd. 3 Church Street #10-04 Samsung Hub Singapore 049483 Copyright © 2016 by SAGE Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. All trademarks depicted within this book, including trademarks appearing as part of a screenshot, figure, or other image are included solely for the purpose of illustration and are the property of their respective holders. The use of the trademarks in no way indicates any relationship with, or endorsem*nt by, the holders of said trademarks. SPSS is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Reprints Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business Machines Corporation, pages 6, 26, 28, 29, 33, 34, 37, 39, 40-42, 44-46, 51-61, 63-69, 71, 73, 78-81, 89-93, 97-98, 103-106, 117-118, 125, 127-129, 139-140, 142-143, 150-152, 154, 157, 158, 166-167, 169-172, 175-176, 180-181, 190-191, 193, 195-196, 197-202, 207-211, 215-221, 225-230, 234-235, 237-238, 240-242, 245-247, 249-251, 256259, 262-265, 267, 275-284, 286-292, 296, 297, 299-304, 306-309, 312-316.

Printed in the United States of America Cataloging-in-publication data is available for this title from the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-1-4833-1903-2 This book is printed on acid-free paper. 15 16 17 18 19 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Acquisitions Editor: Vicki Knight Assistant Editor: Katie Bierach Editorial Assistant: Yvonne McDuffee Production Editor: Laura Barrett Copy Editor: Beth Hammond Typesetter: C&M Digitals (P) Ltd. Proofreader: Jennifer Grubba Indexer: Molly Hall Cover Designer: Scott Van Atta Marketing Manager: Nicole Elliot

Detailed Contents

List of Tables and Figures Figure 1.1 Scatterplot of Schooling by Survey Score 6 Figure 2.1 Select IRASetup for the Dependent List 26 Figure 2.2 Completed Dialog Box for Normality Tests 26 Figure 2.3 Plots Used to Assess Normality Using IRA Setup Data 28 Figure 2.4 Select if Condition Is Satisfied 29 Figure 2.5 Slash Indicates Item 15 Will Not Be Used in Analyses 29 Figure 2.6 Revised IRA Setup Data 30 Figure 2.7 Select the Define Groups Button 33 Figure 2.8 Define Groups 34 Figure 2.9 Select Variables to Analysis in Descriptives Procedure 37 Figure 2.10 Indicate Missing Value 39 Figure 2.11 Select Variable for (Legacy) Comparative Boxplot 40 Figure 2.12 Side-By-Side Boxplots Showing Outliers and Extreme Values by Group 40 Figure 2.13 Choose Options for Bar Chart 41 Figure 2.14 Bar Chart for the How Arrived Variable 42 Figure 2.15 Select Variables for Crostabulation Analysis 44 Figure 2.16 Select Cell Options for Crosstabulation Example 45 Figure 2.17 Clustered Bart Chart for SUV Data 46 Figure 3.1 Chart Builder Warning Message 51 Figure 3.2 Chart Builder Interactive Dialog Box 52 Figure 3.3 Graphboard Template Chooser 52 Figure 3.4 Legacy Dialog Plots 53 Figure 3.5 Initial Chart Builder Selection for a Simple Scatterplot 54 Figure 3.6 Preview of Graph With Year and Assault 55 Figure 3.7 Scatterplot of Year by Assault 55 Figure 3.8 Select Type of Plot for Graphboard Template Chooser 56 Figure 3.9 Scatterplot Matrix From Graphboard Template Chooser 57 Figure 3.10 Select Type of Scatterplot 59 Figure 3.11 Scatterplot With Graphed Data Using Legacy Dialogs 59 Figure 3.12 Variable Tab in Chart Editor 60 Figure 3.13 Scatterplot With Shaped Dots 61 Figure 3.14 Scatterplot With Fitted Regression Line 61 Figure 3.15 Drag the Simple Histogram Icon Into the Chart Preview Box 63 Figure 3.16 Histogram of City MPG 64 Figure 3.17 Histogram With Crosshatched Bars and a Superimposed Normal Curve 65 Figure 3.18 Histogram With Custom Bin Size 65 Figure 3.19 Initial Bar Chart 67 Figure 3.20 Clustered Bar Chart 68 Figure 3.21 Clustered Means Chart With Error Bars 69 Figure 3.22 Pie Chart of Drive Description 71 Figure 3.23 Comparative Boxplots Using Cars2014 Data Set 73 Figure 4.1 The Bolt Data 78

Figure 4.2 Select Length as the Test Variable for the t-Test 79 Figure 4.3 A Boxplot of the Bolt Length Data 81 Figure 4.4 SPSS Editor Showing Fertilizer Data 90 Figure 4.5 Boxplots for the Fertilizer Study 91 Figure 4.6 Specify Group Values for Two-Sample t-Test 92 Figure 4.7 Side-By-Side Boxplots for Job Placement Data 97 Figure 4.8 SPSS Editor Showing DIET.SAV Data 103 Figure 4.9 Select Variables for Paired t-Test 104 Figure 4.10 Boxplot of Differences in Diet Data 106 Figure 5.1 Pearson’s Scatterplot of Heights of Fathers and Sons 110 Figure 5.2 Example Scatterplots Associated With r =.72 114 Figure 5.3 Scatterplot of TIME1 by Age 117 Figure 5.4 Scatterplot Matrix for Example 5.1 Data 118 Figure 5.5 Scatterplot for Simple Linear Regression Example 127 Figure 5.6 Data With Residual Column Added 128 Figure 5.7 Residual Plot for Simple Linear Regression Example 129 Figure 5.8 Matrix of Scatterplots for JOBSCORE Data 139 Figure 5.9 JOBSCORE Data With Added Residual Variables 142 Figure 5.10 Residual Plot for JOBSCORE.SAV Data 143 Figure 6.1 CRIME.SAV Count Form Data Set 151 Figure 6.2 Bar Chart for Crime Versus Drinking Analysis 154 Figure 6.3 First 11 Cases of EXPOSURE22.SAV 157 Figure 6.4 Interrater Reliability Data in SPSS 175 Figure 6.5 Mendel Data for Goodness-of-Fit Analysis 180 Figure 7.1 Boxplots for Course Data 191 Figure 7.2 Indicate Dunnett’s Test in Dialog Box 195 Figure 7.3 Contrasts for Course Data 197 Figure 7.4 Data Entered for a One-Way ANOVA 200 Figure 7.5 Mean Number of Flowers by Supplement Strength 201 Figure 7.6 Specify Trend Analysis 201 Figure 7.7 Interaction Plots 205 Figure 7.8 Select Plots for Two-Way ANOVA 208 Figure 7.9 Graph of Two-Way Interactions 210 Figure 7.10 Data for Repeated-Measures ANOVA 215 Figure 7.11 Plot of Means for Snoring Data 216 Figure 7.12 Defining Drug Levels 217 Figure 7.13 Defining the Within-Subject Variables 217 Figure 7.14 Define Repeated-Measures Options 218 Figure 7.15 A Graphical Comparison of Mean Differences, the Results of the Bonferroni Comparison 221 Figure 7.16 Analysis of Covariance Comparison Plot With Reference Line for Pretest 225 Figure 7.17 Dialog Box Specifying Terms for the ANCOVA Model 226 Figure 8.1 Scatterplot of Grade Versus Attendance Data 234 Figure 8.2 Data for Kruskal-Wallis Example 240 Figure 8.3 Dialog Box for Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test 246

Figure 8.4 Selecting Pairwise Comparisons for Friedman’s Analysis 251 Figure 9.1 Dialog Box for Logistic Regression 256 Figure 9.2 Graph of Logistic Regression for Car Rebate Data 258 Figure 9.3 Dialog Box for Logistic Plot 259 Figure 9.4 Dialog Box for Multiple Logistic Regression 262 Figure 10.1 Analyze Menu Showing the Dimension Reduction Selection 276 Figure 10.2 Factor Analysis Dialog Box 276 Figure 10.3 Options Under the Descriptives Tab 277 Figure 10.4 Factor Analysis Extraction Dialog Box 278 Figure 10.5 Factor Analysis Rotation Dialog Box 279 Figure 10.6 Scree Plot for Intelligence Data 281 Figure 10.7 Select to Save Factor Scores as Variables 284 Figure 10.8 Scree Plot for Decathlon Data 289 Figure 10.9 Options Dialog Box 292 Figure A.1 The SPSS Data Editor Grid 296 Figure A.2 The SPSS Variable View Grid 299 Figure A.3 The SPSS Variable Grid Showing Entered Definitions 300 Figure A.4 Data in Excel for Import Into SPSS 301 Figure A.5 Dialog Box for Excel Import 302 Figure A.6 Data Imported From Excel 303 Figure A.7 Selecting an Excel Worksheet to Import 303 Figure A.8 Dialog Box for Descriptives Analysis 304 Figure A.9 Computing a New Variable 306 Figure A.10 Skewed Data 308 Figure A.11 Transformed Data 309 Figure A.12 Specifiying a Variable Recode 312 Figure A.13 Dialog Box Showing Selection of User Missing Values 313 Figure A.14 Data Prior to Transposing 314 Figure A.15 Transpose Dialog Box 314 Figure A.16 Data After Transposing 315 Figure A.17 SPSS Syntax Window 316 Table 1.1 Hypothesis Test Decisions 8 Table 1.2 SPSS Measurement Types 11 Table 1.3 Sample Data Dictionary 13 Table 1.4 Table Showing the First Three Records in a Typical Data Set 14 Table 1.5 Sample Grouped Data 17 Table 2.1 Data in the IRA.SAV Data Set 25 Table 2.2 Test for Normality on IRA Data 27 Table 2.3 Table Reporting Group Statistics: Baseline Characteristics of Patients in Study by Group 32 Table 2.4 Results of t-Tests 34 Table 2.5 Searching for Unusual Values 38 Table 2.6 Revised Analysis of Car Data 39 Table 2.7 Frequency Table for How Arrived 42

Table 2.8 Output for Crosstabulation Example 46 Table 4.1 Output for Bolt Data 79 Table 4.2 Explore Output Showing the Confidence Interval for µ. 82 Table 4.3 Fertilizer Data 89 Table 4.4 Two-Sample t-Test Output for Fertilizer Data 93 Table 4.5 Two-Sample t-Test Results for Job Placement Data 98 Table 4.6 Results for a Paired t-Test (Selected Output) 105 Table 4.7 Paired t-Test Results Obtained Using a Calculated Difference Variable 106

Table 5.1 Matrix of Correlation Coefficients 117 Table 5.2 Results of Simple Linear Regression Analysis 125 Table 5.3 Output From Stepwise Model Selection 139 Table 5.4 Output From Backward Model Selection 140 Table 5.4 Casewise Diagnostics 143 Table 6.1 Pearson’s Crime Analysis Data 150 Table 6.2 Output for Crime Data 152 Table 6.3 Chi-Square Tests for Crime Data 154 Table 6.4 Exposure/Reaction Data 156 Table 6.5 Output for 2 × 2 Exposure/Reaction Data 158 Table 6.6 Statistical Output for 2 × 2 Exposure/Reaction Data 158 Table 6.7 Standard Risk Analysis Table 160 Table 6.8 Risk Analysis Results 163 Table 6.9 2 × 2 Table for Advertising Effectiveness Data 166 Table 6.10 McNemar’s Test Results for Advertising Effectiveness Data 167 Table 6.11 Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data 169 Table 6.12 Mantel-Haenszel Results for Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data 171 Table 6.13 Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data Combined Across Departments 172

Table 6.14 Data for Interrater Reliability Analysis 175 Table 6.15 Results for Interrater Reliability Analysis 176 Table 6.16 Goodness-of-Fit Analysis for Mendel’s Data 181 Table 7.1 Descriptive Statistics for a One-Way ANOVA 190 Table 7.2 ANOVA Table for COURSE.SAV Data 191 Table 7.3 Tukey Multiple Comparison Results 193 Table 7.4 Tukey Multiple Comparison Results as Reported by SPSS 193 Table 7.5 Dunnett’s Test Results 196 Table 7.6 Contrasts for Course Data 198 Table 7.7 One-Way ANOVA Data for Example 7.2 199 Table 7.8 Test for Trend 202

Table 7.9 Two-Way ANOVA Data 207 Table 7.10 Descriptive Statistics for Two-Way ANOVA 207 Table 7.11 Table for Two-Way ANOVA 209 Table 7.12 Tukey Comparisons for Sales by Display Color in a Two-Way ANOVA 211

Table 7.13 Example Table Showing Descriptive Statistics for a Two-Way ANOVA 211

Table 7.14 Mauchly’s Test of Sphericity 219 Table 7.15 ANOVA Results for Repeated-Measures Analysis 219 Table 7.16 Bonferroni Comparisons for Repeated-Measures ANOVA 220 Table 7.17 ANCOVA Analysis Containing Test for Equal Slopes 227 Table 7.18 Analysis of Covariance Test for Group Effects (on Method) 228 Table 7.19 Analysis of Covariance Pairwise Comparisons 229 Table 7.20 Adjusted Means for Analysis of Covariance 230 Table 8.1 Output for Spearman’s Rho 235 Table 8.2 Mann-Whitney Analysis (Version 1) 237 Table 8.3 Mann-Whitney Analysis (Legacy Version 2) 238 Table 8.4 Output for Kruskal-Wallis Analysis (Version 1) 241 Table 8.5 Output for Kruskal-Wallis Analysis (Legacy Version 2) 242 Table 8.6 Results of the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test (First Version) 245 Table 8.7 Results of the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test 247 Table 8.8 Output for Friedman’s Test (Version 1) 249 Table 8.9 Output for Friedman’s Test 250 Table 8.10 Multiple Comparisons for Friedman’s Test 251 Table 9.1 Simple Logistic Regression Output 257 Table 9.2 Including All Predictor Variables in the Logistic Regression Equation 263 Table 9.3 Results of Reduced Model 263 Table 9.4 Revised Model Using Price100 264 Table 9.5 Model Diagnostics 265 Table 9.6 Model Classification 267 Table 10.1 Descriptive Statistics for the Synthetic Intelligence Data 277 Table 10.2 Correlation Matrix Among the Six Variables 278 Table 10.3 KMO and Bartlett’s Test Results 278 Table 10.4 Total Variance Explained by Initial Extraction 280 Table 10.5 Communalities for Intelligence Data Based on the 2-Factor Solution 281 Table 10.6 Unrotated Factor Matrix for Intelligence Data 282 Table 10.7 Total Variance by Rotated Factors for Intelligence Data 283 Table 10.8 Rotated Factor Matrix for Intelligence Data Using Varimax Rotation 283

Table 10.9 Descriptive Statistics for Decathlon Data 286

Table 10.10 Correlation Matrix for Decathlon Data 287 Table 10.11 KMO and Bartlett’s Test Results for Decathlon Data 288 Table 10.12 Total Variance Explained by Initial Extraction for Decathlon Data 288 Table 10.13 Communalities for 3-Factor Solution for Decathlon Data 289 Table 10.14 Factor Matrix for 3-Factor Solution for Decathlon Data 290 Table 10.15 Total Variance by Rotated Factors for Decathlon Data 290 Table 10.16 Rotated Factor Matrix Using Varimax Rotation on Decathlon Data 291 Table 10.17 Rotated Factor Matrix in Table 10.16 With Suppressed Coefficients 292

Table A.1 Data Dictionary for Example A.1 299 Table A.2 Sample Data 301 Table A.3 Output From Descriptives Procedure 304 Table B.1 Descriptive Statistics 323 Table B.2 Comparison Tests 323 Table B.3 Relational Analyses (Correlation and Regression) 324

Preface & Acknowledgments We consulted with a number of colleagues for ideas and suggestions on how to meet our goals for creating a data analysis guidebook that would be useful to students and researchers using IBM® SPSS® Statistics software1. Our hope is that this book will be a practical guidebook for SPSS users in a wide variety of disciplines. Additionally our goal is to also provide readers with a good foundation of statistical concepts. We thank all of our colleagues who provided suggestions for both the first and now second edition of the book. These include Paul Witt, PhD (Texas Christian University); Doug Pollock (Tyco Electronics); Linda Hynan, PhD (UT Southwestern); and Charles South (Southern Methodist University). We are also indebted to the fine editorial and production staff at Sage Publications and for the reviewers who provided valuable insights and suggestions, H. Colleen Sinclair (Mississippi State University), Philip J. Murphy (Monterey Institute of International Studies), Tyrone Bynoe (University of the Cumberlands), Jonah Schlackman (California State University, Northridge), Richard Feinn (Southern Connecticut State University), Alan Davis (University of Colorado), and Shlomo S. Sawilowsky (Wayne State University). In particular, we’d like to thank Vicki Knight for her efforts that made this second edition possible. Above all, we wish to thank our wives, E’Lynne and Beverly, for their patience and support through this long process of writing and rewriting the book.

What’s new in the Second Edition? Two new chapters have been added to the second edition: Creating and Using Graphs (Chapter 3) and Factor Analysis (Chapter 10). The Graphs chapter includes tutorials for creating SPSS graphs using the three major techniques available: Chart Builder, Graphboard Template Chooser, and Legacy Dialogs. In addition, a new section on SPSS Syntax is included in the appendix. All chapters have been updated to reflect current menu options. Each chapter includes expanded and reorganized step-by-step instructions and additional figures make analysis steps easier to follow. Also, additional information has been added on how to write up results. We’d like to thank second edition reviewers for their insights and suggestions on how to make this edition more understandable and useful to SPSS users. 1. SPSS is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. SPSS Inc. was acquired by IBM in October, 2009.

About the Authors Alan C. Elliott is the Director of the Statistical Consulting Center at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, within the Department of Statistical Science. Previously he served as a statistical consultant in the Department of Clinical Science at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas for over 30 years. Elliott holds master’s degrees in Business Administration (MBA) and Applied Statistics (MAS). He has authored or coauthored over 35 scientific articles and over a dozen books including the Directory of Microcomputer Statistical Software, Microcomputing with Applications, Using Norton Utilities, SAS Essentials, Applied Time Series Analysis, and Statistical Analysis Quick reference Guidebook with SPSS Examples. Elliott has taught university-level courses in statistics, statistical consulting, and statistical computing for over 25 years. Wayne A. Woodward PhD, is a Professor of Statistics and chair of the Department of Statistical Science at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. In 2003, he was named a Southern Methodist University Distinguished Teaching Professor by the university’s Center for Teaching Excellence, and he received the 2006–2007 Scholar/Teacher of the Year Award at SMU, an award given by the United Methodist Church. He is a fellow of the American Statistical Association and was the 2004 recipient of the Don Owen award for excellence in research, statistical consulting, and service to the statistical community. In 2007, he received the Outstanding Presentation Award given by the Section on Physical and Engineering Sciences at the 2007 Joint Statistical Meetings in Salt Lake City, Utah. Over the last 35 years, he has served as statistical consultant to a wide variety of clients in the scientific community and has taught statistics courses ranging from introductory undergraduate statistics courses to graduate courses within the PhD program in Statistics at Southern Methodist University. He has been funded on numerous research grants and contracts from government and industry to study such issues as global warming and nuclear monitoring. He has authored or coauthored over 70 scientific papers and four books.

Chapter 1 Introduction Performing a statistical analysis is a little like jumping off the high board into a swimming pool. You may be a little unsure the first few times, but the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Although this book doesn’t help with swimming, it does provide you with information that will help you make those initial jumps into data analysis, and we hope the more you do it, the easier it will become. With over 60 combined years (egad!) of consulting and teaching experience behind us, our goal is to help students and researchers jump into the waters of statistical data analysis with confidence. IBM SPSS by Example is a practical handbook that “cuts to the chase” and explains the when, where, and how of statistical data analysis as it is used for real-world decision making in a wide variety of disciplines. It is designed to assist students and data analysts who have general statistical knowledge to apply the proper statistical procedure to their data and reporting results in a professional manner consistent with commonly accepted practice. Each upcoming chapter discusses the following aspects of performing a statistical analysis and interpreting your experimental data: How to make sure you are using an appropriate application of the statistical procedure What design considerations you should consider when using a particular statistical procedure An explanation of the hypotheses tested by the procedure A description of tips and caveats you should know about the procedure An example (or two) illustrating the use of the procedure on a data set using step-by step directions on how to perform the analysis in SPSS. How to report the analysis results using standard American Psychological Association (APA) and Modern Language Association (MLA) compatible formats (APA, 2013; Gibaldi, 2006) Before moving on to chapters that discuss specific statistical procedures, the next few sections in this chapter contain general information that pertains to the data analysis process. We cover this information here in part, so it will not have to be repeated individually for later analyses. We encourage you to review the information in this chapter before moving on to the subsequent chapters.

Getting the Most Out of IBM SPSS by Example The primary purpose of IBM SPSS by Example is to provide you with information about how to use and understand the statistical data analysis process. The analysis topics covered in the book are as follows: Chapter 2: Describing and Examining Data. Explains how to use descriptive statistics to understand and report information about your data. Chapter 3: Creating and Using Graphs. Explains how to use the SPSS Chart Builder, Graphboard Template Chooser, and Legacy graphs to describe your data. Chapter 4: Comparing One or Two Means Using the t-Test. Explains the one-sample t-test, two-sample t-test, paired t-test, and appropriate confidence intervals. Chapter 5: Correlation and Regression. Explains correlation and simple linear regression with a brief discussion of multiple linear regression. Chapter 6: Analysis of Categorical Data. Explains methods that are applicable to count or categorical data, including contingency table analysis, measures of risk (including relative risk), odds ratios, and goodness of fit. Chapter 7: Analysis of Variance and Covariance. Explains several methods of comparing means, including one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), two-way ANOVA, repeated-measures ANOVA, and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Chapter 8: Nonparametric Analysis Procedures. Explains nonparametric statistical procedures, including Spearman’s correlation, sign test, the Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis, and Friedman’s test. Chapter 9: Logistic Regression. Explains logistic regression analyses, including the cases of single or multiple independent variables, variable selection, and evaluation of the model. Chapter 10: Factor Analysis. Explains how to use Factor Analysis to examine data sets and identify underlying components of the information. Along with each analysis in these chapters, we include examples along with “step-bystep” instructions describing how to perform the calculations using IBM SPSS. Additional information that may be helpful to you in analyzing the example data sets and selecting an appropriate analysis for your data is included in the following appendices: Appendix A: A Brief Tutorial for Using SPSS for Windows. This tutorial gets you started with the essential information needed to work through the examples in this book. We recommend that if your SPSS is rusty, if you have limited experience using SPSS, or if you are new to SPSS, you should go through the examples in this appendix before working the examples in the book. For the more adventurous, it also includes a tutorial for using the SPSS Code Language that describes how you can use the SPSS Syntax Editor to modify existing analyses. Appendix B: Choosing the Right Procedure to Use. This appendix includes a decision chart that can help you decide which statistical procedure is appropriate to address your research question. The remainder of this chapter contains material that we believe is important for understanding the examples contained in this book. We know you are in a hurry, maybe

faced with a deadline, and anxious to get to your analysis. Take a breath. Relax. Slow down. This chapter provides you with basic refresher information about research methods that can help you successfully navigate your way through the analysis process … if you take a few minutes to read the rest of the chapter. Doing so may save you hours of frustration down the road and provide you with the ability to do a quicker and better job with your analysis. The remaining topics covered in the rest of this chapter are as follows: A Brief Overview of the Statistical Process Understanding Hypothesis Testing, Power, and Sample Size Understanding the p-Value Planning a Successful Analysis Guidelines for Creating Data Sets Preparing Excel Data for Import Guidelines for Reporting Results Downloading Sample SPSS Data Files Opening Data Files for Examples

A Brief Overview of the Statistical Process Perhaps you are currently taking a statistics course or you struggled through a statistics course in the past and the concepts you once knew are a bit fuzzy. In this review, we remind you of the issues that typically motivate the use of statistical data analysis and illustrate the types of analyses that are most commonly used to describe data or make a decision based on observed data. Even if you have studied these concepts before, you might learn something new or gain some insights that hadn’t occurred to you previously. In either case, we hope this review is helpful. Most analyses can be categorized into one of these types: Description Comparison Association/correlation

Using Descriptive Statistics In today’s world, information is being accumulated at a dizzying pace that makes it impossible for anyone to comprehend it all. However, computer software, such as SPSS, enables us to summarize vast quantities of this information into numbers and graphs that can help us understand trends, make decisions, and predict future behavior. The challenge for the data analyst is to interpret this tsunami of information in some logical and practical manner based on accepted statistical practice. For example, suppose you have been funded by a government agency to evaluate the operation of two charity-sponsored counseling centers. As a part of the analysis, a satisfaction survey is given to 109 clients over a period of 1 month and measured on a scale of 1 to 100. In order to describe the results of the survey, you wouldn’t want to present a list of raw results (109 scores). Instead, it would be more informative to report several summaries, such as the following: Average satisfaction score: 80.3 (on a scale of 0 to 100) Lowest score: 58.6 Highest score: 94.1 This descriptive information gives you an idea about the average level of satisfaction and something about the variability of scores.

Using Comparative Statistics Since there are two counseling center locations, your research group might be interested in knowing if there is a difference in level of satisfaction among clients at the two locations. This could be important in deciding which center receives additional funding. Suppose you have the following summary data grouped by location: Average satisfaction score at the uptown location was 82.4 (based on 54 client scores). Average satisfaction score at the downtown location was 78.5 (based on 55 client scores). Assuming that the clients are representative at each location, you have some evidence to make a decision about which center is more effective in terms of satisfaction score. Your data suggest that the uptown location may do a better job as far as the satisfaction score is concerned since the score for uptown is 3.9 points higher than the score for the downtown location. However, what if the average scores were only 1 point apart? Or 10 points apart? What level of difference would it take for you to conclude that the average score for one location was significantly higher than for the other? Could the difference in scores be due to random fluctuation? If you did the survey again during some other time period, is there a reasonable chance that the downtown location would produce a better score? These questions are addressed with a properly designed and executed statistical analysis.

Using Correlational Statistics To learn more about your survey results, you could examine your data in another way. Ignoring for a moment the location of the center, you may want to compare the relationship between educational level of clients and satisfaction scores. The variables survey scores and years of schooling are plotted on a scatterplot in Figure 1.1, and a measure of how they are related is summarized in a number called the correlation coefficient, which is found to be r = 0.37. From this measure of association, you have evidence that suggests there is a mild positive linear relationship between years of schooling and satisfaction score. There is a tendency for clients with a higher education to have a higher satisfaction score. (Correlation is discussed in more detail in Chapter 5: Correlation and Regression.) In each of these example analyses, the raw data are summarized into summary statistics or a graph that allows you to discover important information about the data and to provide the basis for making informed decisions. IBM SPSS by Example provides you with the information needed to use these and other types of statistical procedures and to interpret the results.

Understanding Hypothesis Testing, Power, and Sample Size To properly interpret a statistical analysis, you must understand the concept of hypothesis testing. Otherwise, most SPSS output will be so much gibberish. This brief discussion is designed to refresh your memory about these concepts. Figure 1.1 Scatterplot of Schooling by Survey Score

Many people have likened hypothesis testing to a criminal jury trial. In the U.S. judicial system, we make an initial assumption that the defendant is innocent (not guilty). Evidence is then presented to show guilt. If there is a preponderance of evidence of the defendant’s guilt, you should conclude that the defendant is indeed guilty (you reject innocence). In the same way, a statistical analysis is based on a “null” hypothesis (labeled H0) that there is “no effect” (e.g., no treatment differences). In research terms, the null hypothesis will typically be a statement such as the following: There is no difference in group means, no linear association between two variables, no difference in distributions, and so on. An experiment is designed to determine whether evidence refutes the null hypothesis. If your evidence (research results) indicates that what you observed was extreme enough, then you would conclude that you have “significant” evidence to reject the null hypothesis. However, if you do not gather sufficient evidence to reject H0, this does not prove that the null hypothesis is true, only that we did not have enough evidence to “prove the case.” Back to the criminal trial example, failure to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt does not prove the “innocence” of the defendant. In fact, we use the terminology “We find the defendant not guilty” as a subtle way to distinguish from a verdict of innocence. In general, null and alternative hypothesis are of the following form: A “null hypothesis” (H0) is the hypotheses of “no effect” or “no differences” (i.e., the observed differences are only due to chance variation). An alternative hypothesis (Ha) states that the null hypothesis is false and that the

observed differences, relationships, etc. are real. In the following chapters, the null and alternative hypotheses related to each statistical test will be presented. They appear in the following form: H0: μ1 = μ2 (the population means of the two groups are the same). Ha: μ1 ≠ μ2 (the population means of the two groups are different). These particular hypotheses are for a two-sample t-test as described in Chapter 4: Comparing One or Two Means Using the t-Test. In most cases, we will present the hypotheses in both a mathematical form (such as μ1 = μ2) and in words. The alternative hypothesis is usually what the investigator wants to show or suspects is true. The alternative in the example above is called a two-tailed alternative (also called a two-sided alternative). That is, we would reject H0 if there is sufficient evidence that the null is not true. For a one-tailed alternative (e.g., Ha: μ1 > μ2), we would reject H0 only if the evidence against H0 tends to support Ha. Further discussion of one- and two-tailed alternatives will be given when appropriate for the discussion of various tests in future chapters. In hypothesis testing, two types of errors can occur, as illustrated in Table 1.1. The top classification is the “truth” that you do not know. The left categories are your decisions. For example, if you reject H0 when it is false, you’ve made a correct decision. However, if you reject H0 when it is true, you’ve made a “Type I error.” Notice that of the four possible outcomes summarized in the table, two are errors. The Type I error is controlled by your choice of a decision-making criterion, called alpha (α) or the level of significance. It is commonly set small, at 0.05, which means you are willing to risk making a Type I error 5% of the time, or 1 in 20 times. If H0 is false and you do not reject H0, you commit a Type II error. The probability of committing a Type II error is called beta (β). The power of the test is defined to be one minus β When a test has low power, it increases the chance of making a Type II error (i.e., failing to reject H0 when it is actually false). Looking at it the other way, the higher the “power,” the better your chance of rejecting H0 when it is false—the better your chance of finding a difference when it in fact exists. Other factors that we have not discussed here that may be related to power include sample size, effect size (or size of the smallest important difference), whether your test is one or two-tailed, your selection of the alphalevel (α), correlations among samples, and type of distribution (e.g., normal), etc. An important point is that there are many ways in which a null hypothesis can be “not true.” For example, if the null hypothesis is that there is no difference in two population means (measured in inches), then, for example, this hypothesis is “not true” if the actual difference between the two means is 1 in., 5 in., or 50 in. It may be very difficult to develop a test for which we are able to detect a difference in population means of 1 inch.

In fact, such a difference may be of no practical importance. On the other hand, it will likely be the case that a true difference of 50 in. may be very easy to detect. That is, if the true difference is 50 in., the power of the test will be large. Another important point is that for any given level of significance (α), power can be increased by increasing the sample size. Thus, sample size should be a consideration when embarking on an experiment. Many negative (nonsignificant) studies reported in the literature are the result of inadequate sample size resulting in poor power (Friedman, Chalmers, Smith, & Kuebler, 1978). Therefore, the process of selecting a sample size for your analysis should begin early in your study. To follow with this example, the experimenter should determine the level of difference it is desirable to detect and then select a sample size that will detect this difference with an acceptable power (say, at least 0.80). Often, a pilot study will be undertaken to help determine the necessary sample size. SPSS offers a separate program called SamplePower that allows you to calculate a sample size for a given power or range of powers you select. Other commercial programs (PASS, nQuery, and SAS) are also available for these purposes. Or consult your friendly local statistician for help. For more concerning hypothesis testing, see a standard statistical text such as Moore and McCabe (2012). For a good discussion of power and sample size, see Keppel and Wickens (2004). References for effect size are Nakagawa and Cuthill (2007) and Ferguson (2009).

Understanding the p-Value The “evidence” used to reject a null hypotheses is summarized in a probability called a pvalue. The p-value is the probability of obtaining results as extreme or more extreme than the ones observed given that the null hypothesis is true. Thus, the smaller the p-value, the more evidence you have to reject the null hypothesis. When your rejection criterion, α, is set at 0.05, then if your p-value for that test is 0.05 or less, you reject H0. All of the examples illustrating statistical tests in IBM SPSS by Example use the criterion that a p-value less than 0.05 indicates that the null hypothesis should be rejected. However, don’t base your entire decision-making criteria on the p-value. For example, suppose two sample means for systolic blood pressure (SBP) differ by 1 point and are found to be statistically significantly different (i.e., p < 0.05). This could occur if the sample sizes are large, but such a finding may have no practical or therapeutic importance, even though the results are statistically significant. On the other hand, an observed difference in mean SBP of 20mm Hg based on small sample sizes may not be statistically significant (i.e., p > 0.05). However, such a finding may be of sufficient practical importance that this (nonsignificant) result may indicate the need for further investigation with larger sample sizes to increase the power to the extent that you would have a good chance of detecting a difference of 20mm Hg if it really exists. The point here is that the p-value is a valuable decision-making tool, but it should not be the only criterion you use to judge the results of your research. Another approach to interpreting results is to make use of effect size reporting which provides wording you can use to express the magnitude of a difference. A word of warning: If you perform multiple statistical tests within the same analysis, you should adjust your α level for individual tests to protect your overall Type I error rate. For example, if 10 independent statistical tests are reported for the same analysis (such as in a table comparing baseline values between two groups), each conducted at the 0.05 significance level, there is about a 40% chance that one or more significant differences would be found even if there are no actual differences. That should be unacceptable to you —and is usually unacceptable to journal reviewers. The proper response to this problem is to adjust p-values in multiple tests using a standard technique such as the Bonferroni correction. (SPSS offers several other techniques for p-value adjustments. For simplicity, we’re only mentioning the Bonferroni technique here.) To perform this simple adjustment, divide your rejection criterion value (α) by the number of tests performed. For example, if you are testing at the α = 0.05 level and 10 tests are performed, then your rejection criterion for each test should be 0.05/10 = 0.005 in order to maintain your 0.05 overall Type I error rate (Miller, 1981). To report these results in your paper, use wording such as “p < 0.005 was considered statistically significant for baseline comparisons according to a Bonferroni correction… .”

Planning a Successful Analysis Statistical data analysis begins with planning. Entire university courses are devoted to properly designing experiments. An improperly designed experiment can make data analysis a nightmare. Therefore, it is to the researcher’s advantage to spend some up-front time considering how an experiment will be analyzed before collecting the data. Although this book cannot cover all the aspects of good experimental planning, a few important considerations are provided here. And although there are times when plans need to be adjusted once you know more about your experiment, having a solid up-front plan will provide you with the best process to deal with any subsequent issues.

SIDEBAR All of the examples illustrating statistical tests in IBM SPSS by Example use the criterion that a p-value less than 0.05 indicates that the null hypothesis should be rejected, unless a multiple-test correction is made.

Formulate a Testable Research Question (Hypothesis) You should formulate a testable research question (hypothesis) before collecting your data and formulating your research question in a way that is statistically testable. For example, you might test the null hypothesis that there is no difference in satisfaction scores from the two counseling centers in the previous example. You “test” this assumption by gathering data and determining if there is enough information to cast sufficient doubt on your null hypothesis. If there is such evidence, then you may reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative (one location has a better satisfaction score than the other, or they are different).

Collect Data Appropriate to Testing Your Hypotheses Consider the types of variables you will need to answer your research question:

An outcome variable. (Sometimes also called the dependent or response variable.) The outcome variable measures the characteristic that you want to test or describe in some way. It could be some measure such as death, sales amounts, growth rate, test score, time to recovery, and so on.

Predictor variable(s). (Sometimes called independent or explanatory variables, or factors.) The predictor variables are often manipulated by the experimenter (e.g., level or dosage, color of package, type of treatment), although they may also be observed (such as cigarette smoking, blood pressure, gender, amount of rainfall).

For correlational studies. If you are performing a correlational study (examining the association between variables), you may not have a specific outcome variable. Keep in mind, however, that a correlational study by itself cannot be used to conclude cause and effect.

Scales of measurement. The method you use to measure an observation affects the type of analysis that may be performed. Table 1.2 describes three measurement types used by SPSS. As you design your study, keep in mind these general ways of measuring data. As various statistical analyses are discussed in this text, reference will be made to the measurement types appropriate for the analysis.

SIDEBAR SPSS makes a distinction between measurement types described in Table 1.2 and data types, which refer to the way actual values are displayed in the data set. Data types include numeric, comma, dot, scientific notation, date, dollar, custom currency, string, and restricted number. These data types are described more thoroughly in Appendix A: A Brief Tutorial for Using SPSS for Windows.

Decide on the Type of Analysis Appropriate to Test Your Hypothesis Do you need a descriptive, comparative, or association/correlation analysis? See Appendix B: Choosing the Right Procedure to Use for help in deciding which type of data analysis to use for testing your hypotheses. Wilkinson and the Task Force on Statistical Inference (1999) state, The enormous variety of modern quantitative methods leaves researchers with the nontrivial task of matching analysis and design to the research question. Although complex designs and state-of-the art methods are sometimes necessary to address research questions effectively, simpler classical approaches often can provide elegant and sufficient answers to important questions. Do not choose an analytic method to impress your readers or to deflect criticism. If the assumptions and strength of a simpler method are reasonable for your data and research problem, use it. (p. 598)

A practical interpretation of this is that you need to be able to understand and defend whatever analysis technique you use. In general, select the simplest statistical procedure that adequately answers your research question. How do you know what technique is the simplest and best? Frankly, only experience can provide you with a good answer.

Properly Interpret and Report Your Results As a part of the discussion of each analysis method in IBM SPSS for Example, suggestions for interpreting your results and reporting them in a professional manner are presented. The above items are important considerations for your data analyses. The discussion here is not comprehensive and cannot substitute for the expertise of a professional statistician. If you do not understand the relevance of these issues to your own analysis, we recommend that you consult a professional statistician.

Guidelines for Creating Data Sets Information that consists of thousands (or millions) of raw numbers and codes provides little information useful for decision making. Like a builder who transforms raw materials into a functional skyscraper, statistical data analysis transforms raw data into meaningful and useful information. However, before you can begin to perform your data analysis, you must get that raw data into the software program. Before entering data for analysis, there are several data issues you should address. The following discussion describes how to prepare a data set for use in any statistical software program. For specific requirements in SPSS, see Appendix A: A Brief Tutorial for Using IBM SPSS for Windows. Also, for a general discussion of this topic, see Elliott, Hynan, Reisch, and Smith (2006).

1. Decide What Variables You Need and Document Them Your research question determines which variables are needed for your analysis. Researchers should document their variables in a “data dictionary” that contains the important information defining the variables. (Some texts refer to this as a data codebook.) For an example of a data dictionary, see Table 1.3. This table is created during your planning stage. It can be created using a spreadsheet or a word processor. Creating this simple “dictionary” before you collect your data not only forces you to consider which variables you will need in your data set, their types, and how they will be named but it also provides documentation that can be a valuable tool to you and others in performing and interpreting your analyses later on. Variables may contain values (data types) that are either represented by alphabetic characters called strings (such as M and F or A, B, and C) or numbers (such as 0 and 1) whose meaning may not be completely clear. For example, if you coded a female variable as 1 and 0 (1 = female gender, and 0 = not female) and race as AA, C, H, and O, you will want to define those codes in your data dictionary, as illustrated for the female and race variables in Table 1.3. Note that when you create a categorical variable, you may need to also include an “other” designation when the list does not include an exhaustive collection of possibilities. For example, the race variable includes an “O” for other or unknown. Missing value codes are used to indicate that the information is not available for that variable. It is recommended that you use a proactive code rather than leaving missing data as blanks. See the section “Define Missing Value Codes” below for more information.

One reason to code gender as female (1 = yes, 0 = no) rather than (Gender) M and F or (Gender) 1 and 2 is that a 0, 1 variable is easier to interpret in some analyses such as regression, and since 1 is typically set as Yes and 0 as No, the meaning of the variable is easy to interpret. (You could also call the variable male with 1 = Yes, is male, and 0 = No, is not male, but you do not need both variables.) You might also use this technique with other categorical variables. Suppose you record race as Caucasian, Hispanic, AfricanAmerican, and Other. You could create the variable Caucasian as 0, 1; Hispanic as 0, 1; and AfricanAmerican as 0, 1. The number of variables needed to define all groups is the number of categories minus 1. This allows you to make comparisons such as Hispanic versus all others in an analysis, which is sometimes preferred over using a (nominal) variable containing four categories. On the other hand, for a contingency table analysis, you might want to keep the four categories.

2. Design Your Data Set With One Subject (or Observation) Per Line The vast majority of data analyses require your data set to contain one subject (or entity) per row. A properly designed data set should look something like Table 1.4. Notice how this data set is designed. Each row contains data from a single subject. Each column contains the data from a single variable. You may be tempted to have multiple rows per subject or to design your data set with subjects as columns, but if you enter your data in that manner, you are only asking for problems later on in most cases. If your data are already in a data set where the subjects are in columns and your variables are in rows, see the transpose example in Appendix A: A Brief Tutorial for Using IBM SPSS for Windows for a way to realign your data file.

3. Each Variable Must Have a Properly Designated Name Variable names are often short designations such as ID for subject identification number, SSBP (supine systolic blood pressure), and so on. Each statistical package has a set of restrictions for naming variables. The guidelines given here will help you design your data dictionary with variable names that are acceptable to most statistical programs: Variable names should begin with a letter but may also include numbers. Keep variable names short. Some programs require variable names of eight or fewer characters, although many allow names up to 64 characters in length. Do not use blanks or special characters (e.g., !, ?, ‘, and *). Variable names must be unique; no duplicate names are allowed. Case usually does not matter. Use any mixture of uppercase and lowercase characters when naming or referring to your variables. (Case does not matter in SPSS but it may matter in other statistical software, e.g., the R language.)

4. Select Descriptive Labels for Each Variable Creating a variable label allows you to associate a descriptive label with each variable name. Variable labels are important because they help you more clearly understand and interpret statistical output, particularly if the variable names are ambiguous, similar, or difficult to decipher. Typical names and labels might be the following: age: Age on January 1, 2015 sbp: Systolic blood pressure s1 to s50: Answers to a satisfaction survey female: Female or non-female (male) swq1: Sales for the southwest region during the first quarter

5. Select a Data Type for Each Variable Each variable designates a particular type of information. The most commonly used variable types are numeric (a quantitative value) and string (also called character or text and often used for categorical-type data). (Numeric variables may also be indicated with the data types comma, dot, scientific notation, date, dollar, or custom currency.) A good rule of thumb is to designate as numeric only those variables that could be used in a calculation or that are factor or grouping codes for categorical variables. For example, a Social Security number, an ID number, and a telephone number are not really “numbers” that are used in calculations, and they should be designated as string values. This prevents the program from accidentally using that “number” in a calculation. However, it is common to designate dichotomous or grouping variables using numeric codes such as 0 and 1 or 1, 2, and 3, but care must be taken if you use these numbers in calculations. Also, never use codes such as “NA,” “Missing,” “> 100,” or “10 to 20” as entries in numeric fields (which may occur if you first enter your data into a spreadsheet such as Excel and then import the data into your statistics program). For a list of specific data types in SPSS, see the section in Appendix A titled “Working With Data in SPSS.”

6. Additional Tips for Categorical (String) Variables Keep Case Consistent. For coded variables that are of the string (character or text) type, it is always good advice to maintain consistent case in data values. For example, use all uppercase (“Y” and “N”) or all lowercase (“y” and “n”) for a string type variable that is coded to represent yes or no. Even when case does not matter for variable names, it does matter for the data contents of the variables. The computer recognizes uppercase Y as a different character than lowercase y. Therefore, if you haphazardly use Y, y, N, and n as data entries, your program may recognize the data as having four categories instead of two.

Avoid Long Data Codes. Avoid long (and easy to misspell) string variables such as Influenza or Timer Clock Malfunction. Use shortened codes such as FLU and TCM instead. The Label field (see item number 4) can be used for a more complete description of the variable if needed.

Consider Binary Coding. If your data are binary (having only two levels such as diabetic or non-diabetic), creating a numeric variable that uses the values 0 and 1 may save time later since some analyses (such as regression) require numeric data.

7. Define Missing Values Codes Sometimes data are lost or never collected. For example, a test tube is broken, a subject refuses to answer, or a patient fails to show up for an appointment. This type of data should be coded using a missing value code. Always select a missing value code that is an “impossible value” for the particular variable. For example, a –9 (negative 9) is an appropriate missing value code for age, weight, or height since that value would never be observed for those variables. Specifically, avoid using a blank or a 0 as a missing value code since that may cause confusion as to whether the data value was ever recorded and may cause an incorrect number to be used in a calculation. For a date variable, you can use a legitimate but highly unlikely date such as 11/11/1111 or 1/1/1800 as a missing value code (assuming your data do not include observations from the 12th or 19th century!). Once you specify a missing value code in your statistics program, the program will take that missing value into account when performing an analysis.

8. Consider the Need for a Grouping Variable A grouping variable is a code that tells the statistical program how to separate records into groups—such as control group and experimental group. Therefore, if your data set contains information on two or more groups, you should include a variable that specifies the group membership of each observation. A grouping specification could be a single character (A, B, C), numeric (1, 2, 3), or names (CONTROL, TRT1, TRT2). For example, suppose you will be comparing the mean heights of 24-month-old males who were fed regularly with breast milk and those who were fed on formula. You could choose numeric grouping codes to be 1 and 0, where 1 means breast-fed and 0 means formula-fed. Or you could use string grouping codes such as B and F or BREAST and FORMULA or any other designation that makes sense to you. For example, Table 1.5 contains a grouping variable (named group) as well as two other variables, subject and height. From this example, you can see how the program can tell that the height 30.4 belongs to Subject 1001 in Group B, the height 35.9 belongs to a subject in Group F, and so on.

Preparing Excel Data for Import A number of researchers choose to first enter data using the Microsoft Excel program and then subsequently import that data set into a statistical program. This section describes how you should prepare your data in Excel (or any other spreadsheet or database program) for importation into a statistics program such as SPSS. Using the guidelines in the previous section, here are several additional items you should keep in mind. (The procedure for importing an Excel spreadsheet into SPSS is illustrated in Appendix A: A Brief Tutorial for Using IBM SPSS for Windows.) 1. Row 1 of your Excel spreadsheet should contain only variable names. Do not extend names to row 2. 2. Each subsequent row (line) in the Excel spreadsheet should contain data for a single subject or observed entity (in almost all cases). 3. Avoid blank rows—it will complicate your import and analysis. 4. If you have missing data in your data set, define a missing value code and place that code in any cell that contains missing data. 5. Always use date variables with four-digit year formats in Excel. That is, enter the date in Excel using the format 01/01/2015 and not 01/01/15. Otherwise, the old Y2K gotcha can still be a problem for date calculations because the date 1/1/15 could either represent the year 1915 or 2015. 6. Use your data dictionary (previously discussed), making sure to include all of the variables you will need. Use the specifications in the data dictionary such as codes, formats, and data ranges to determine how you will enter your data into Excel. 7. If you have the time or resources, enter your data twice (preferably using two different data entry people) and compare the two files. See Elliott et al. (2006) for an example of how to do a simple double-entry comparison in Excel. 8. Avoid putting any extraneous text into your spreadsheet. Instead, put explanatory information in other sheets in the same spreadsheet file. Extraneous data in your primary spreadsheet can make importing the data more difficult.

Guidelines for Reporting Results All the statistics in the world will not get your point across unless you properly report your results. Most journals and publications have guidelines that you must follow when submitting your results. Along with each example in IBM SPSS by Example, we illustrate how you might report your findings using statements that are compatible with generally accepted formats. Since certain guidelines are commonly adopted when reporting statistical results, we present these general rules: Computer programs tend to report statistics (such as means, medians, standard deviations, etc.) to more digits than are necessary or meaningful. A generally accepted practice is to report statistics to one decimal place more than the resolution of the original measurements. For example, if age is measured as integer, report the average age using one decimal place. Occasionally, if precision is important, you may report more decimals. APA guidelines state that two or three significant digits (e.g., digits that convey information and are not merely placeholders) are usually sufficient for reporting any statistic. (However, you should use all decimal places reported in the computer output when using these results in further calculations.) For very large numbers, you may want to limit the number of significant digits depending on the nature of the measure. For example, if you are reporting the average salary of corporate presidents, you might report a mean of $723,000 and a standard deviation of $59,000 rather than $723,471.20 and $59,356.10. Whenever a number is less than 0, place a zero before the decimal. For example, use 0.003 instead of .003. When reporting percentages, include the counts as well. For example, “There were 19% males (12 of 64) represented in the sample.” Note also that the percentage was rounded. In general, give percentages as whole numbers if the sample size is less than 100 and to one decimal place if the sample size is larger than 100 (Lang & Secic, 1997, p. 41). When using the APA format for reporting statistical results, use the appropriate abbreviations for common statistical measures. Examples are the following:

Information on creating and reporting results using graphs is covered in Chapter 3: Creating and Using Graphs.

Downloading Sample SPSS Data Files This IBM SPSS by Example uses a number of data files that are used to illustrate the procedures described in this book. These data files are available for you to download from the Internet. To download these files onto your local hard drive, point your browser to the following site (enter in all lowercase): Follow the instructions on this Web page to download and install the files onto your computer.

Opening Data Files for Examples Once you have downloaded the sample data onto your hard drive, you can open these data files in the IBM SPSS program using the following steps: 1. Begin IBM SPSS. 2. From the main menu select File/Open/Data… . 3. In the “Look In” option on the Open Data dialog box, drill down to the C:\SPSSDATA folder on your computer (or wherever you stored your data). 4. Select the file to open (such as EXAMPLE.SAV) and click OK. (Or simply doubleclick on the file name.) The data will be opened into the SPSS data grid. 5. You are now ready to use that data in an analysis. In the examples referenced in subsequent chapters, you should use the above steps to open designated data files to perform the analyses under discussion.

SIDEBAR Examples in the subsequent chapters assume that the data files have been downloaded and stored in a directory (folder) on your computer and that you know the name of the directory where the files are stored. The examples in this book use the convention that data files are stored in the C:\SPSSDATA folder.

SIDEBAR To designate a series of menu selections using the SPSS drop down dialogs, we used the convention that a slash (/) means the next menu item selection. For example, File/Open/Data… indicates to select the File menu option from the main SPSS data screen. From the File menu options, select Open, and from the Open options, select Data… .

Summary This chapter includes a description of the goals of this book, a brief review of statistical concepts, guidelines for creating a data set, entering data into Excel, presenting results, and instructions on how to download example data. The next chapter plunges you into the analysis process, beginning with a look at how to describe your data.

References American Psychological Association (APA). (2013). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Elliott, A. C., Hynan, L. S., Reisch, J. S., & Smith, J. P. (2006). Preparing data for analysis using Microsoft Excel. Journal of Investigative Medicine, 54(6), 334–341. Ferguson, Christopher J. (2009). An effect size primer: A guide for clinicians and researchers. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40.5, 532. Friedman, J. A., Chalmers, T. C., Smith, H., & Kuebler, R. R. (1978). The importance of beta, the Type II error and sample size in the design and interpretation of the randomized control trial. NEJM, 299, 690–696. Gibaldi, J. (2006). MLA handbook for writers of research papers (7th ed.). New York, NY: Modern Language Association of America. Keppel, G., & Wickens, T. D. (2004). Design and analysis: A researcher’s handbook (4th ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Lang, T. A., & Secic, M. (1997). How to report statistics in medicine. Philadelphia, PA: American College of Physicians. Miller, R. G. (1981). Simultaneous statistical inference (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Verlag. Moore, D., & McCabe, G. (2012). Introduction to the practice of statistics (7th ed.). New York, NY: Freeman. Nakagawa, Shinichi, & Cuthill, Innes C. (2007). Effect size, confidence interval and statistical significance: A practical guide for biologists. Biological Reviews, 82.4, 591–605. Wilkinson, L., & the Task Force on Statistical Inference, APA Board of Scientific Affairs. (1999). Statistical methods in psychology journals: Guidelines and explanations. American Psychologist, 54(8), 594–604.

Chapter 2 Describing and Examining Data Information is the currency of research. However, unlike real money, there is often too much information. In most cases, data must be summarized to be useful. The most common method of summarizing data is with descriptive statistics and graphs. Even if you’re planning to analyze a set of data using a statistical technique such as a ttest, analysis of variance, or logistic regression, you should always begin by examining the data. This preliminary step helps you determine which statistical analysis techniques should be used to answer your research questions. In fact, this process of examining your data often reveals information that will surprise or inform you. You may discover unusually high or low values in your data. Perhaps these “outliers” are caused by incorrectly coded data, or they may reveal information about your data (or subjects) that you have not anticipated. You might observe that some observations are not normally distributed. You might notice that a histogram of observations shows two distinct peaks, causing you to realize that your data show a difference between genders. Insights such as these often result from the proper use of descriptive techniques. The following sections of this chapter discuss the most commonly used tactics for understanding, describing, or preparing your data for further analysis. The two major topics discussed in this chapter are as follows: Describing quantitative data using statistics Describing categorical data using statistics Each section includes, where appropriate, methods for reporting results in a standard manner for a report or journal article using APA guidelines (2013). Chapter 3: Creating and Using Graphs continues with the concept of describing data, but with an emphasis on graphs.

Example Data Files Before continuing, there is one bit of housekeeping we need to cover; we assume that you’ve installed the sample data sets on your computer, as described in Chapter 1 in the section “Downloading Sample SPSS Data Files.” What? You haven’t installed the sample data? Go back. “Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.” You’ve installed the sample data files now? Great! Welcome back. Now that you have the sample data stored on your computer, you are ready to proceed.

SIDEBAR Recall that the purpose of IBM SPSS by Example is to “cut to the chase” and discuss only material that is typically important in performing a well-planned and -analyzed experiment. Therefore, some statistics, tests, and graphs that are presented in standard computer output are not discussed.

Describing Quantitative Data Quantitative data are numeric data on which computations such as addition and subtraction make sense. In SPSS terminology, quantitative data is called “scale” data. Statisticians usually use the word quantitative instead of scale to refer to this type of numeric data, and in this description, we use them interchangeably. Furthermore, there are additional delineations of quantitative data that SPSS does not mention or use. For example, quantitative data are often characterized as the following: Continuous values: Data values fall along a continuum. Examples are weight or length. Discrete values: Data are defined as a countable number of possible outcomes. Examples are number of children in your family, number of years of schooling, and so on. Interval values: Data where the difference between two observed values is meaningful. For example, in the Fahrenheit temperature scale, the difference between 0 and 10 degrees is the same “distance” as the difference between 90 and 100 degrees. Ratio Values: Interval data with the additional restriction that it has a natural zero (0) value. For example, the weight of an object has a natural value of 0, meaning no weight (absence of any weight). (Whereas a 0 temperature, in Celsius or Fahrenheit, does not mean the absence of temperature.) Examples of the types of data that would fall into the quantitative (scale) category include the following: Rainfall (continuous, ratio) Child’s temperature recoded upon arrival at an Emergency Room (continuous, interval) Number of peaches harvested from each tree (discrete, ratio) Years of smoking (discrete, ratio) It makes sense to talk about the average value of each of these variables (even if there is no such thing as a part of a peach growing on a tree).

SIDEBAR The determination of whether arithmetic computation for the data makes sense is a key component in the decision regarding whether your data are quantitative or not.

Observe the Distribution of Your Data Since many common statistical procedures assume normally distributed data, you may want to examine your data set to determine whether it fits this criterion. There are a number of ways to check the normality of a set of observed values. These include both numerical and graphical techniques. This chapter discusses several numerical methods used to understand your data’s distribution, and graphical techniques are discussed in Chapter 3: Creating and Using Graphs.

Testing for Normality SPSS provides the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests in the Explore procedure to test the hypothesis that the distribution of a set of data is normal. The hypotheses used in testing for normality are as follows: H0: The data follow a normal distribution. Ha: The data do not follow a normal distribution. If a test does not reject normality, this suggests that a parametric procedure that assumes normality (e.g., a t-test) can be safely used. However, it is always a good idea to also examine data graphically in addition to the formal tests for normality.

SIDEBAR The term normal distribution used here and in the remainder of the book indicates that histograms of data sampled from this distribution will approximate a bell-shaped curve. The normal distribution is also referred to as a Gaussian distribution (after the mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss). We will refer to data from a normal distribution as “normal data.” Figure 2.6 shown in a later example in this chapter, shows a bell-shaped curve fitted to data.

Tips and Caveats for Quantitative Data How to Use the Information About Normality Given the fact that there is a normality assumption associated with many statistical procedures (e.g., the t-test), you’d think it was a “make-or-break” criterion for your analysis. This is not necessarily the case. In fact, true normality is usually a myth. What is important is to ascertain whether your data show a serious departure from normality. Data showing a moderate departure from normality can usually be used in parametric procedures without loss of integrity. However, if your data are not close to normal and your sample sizes are small, you should consider using a nonparametric statistical test that does not assume normality. Nonparametric tests are discussed in Chapter 8: Nonparametric Analysis Procedures. For further discussion of the normality assumption in the context of the t-test, see Chapter 4: Comparing One or Two Means Using the t-Test. Other reasons you might choose a nonparametric procedure are given by Fay and Proschan (2010) and Sawilowsky (2005).

If Data Are Not Normally Distributed, Don’t Report the Mean Describe distinctly nonnormal data with the median and range or interquartile range (Lang & Secic, 1997). Another way to report this type of data is by using a Tukey five-number summary consisting of the minimum, 25th percentile, 50th percentile, 75th percentile, and maximum. This five-number summary is the basis for the boxplot (illustrated in Chapter 3: Creating and Using Graphs).

When in Doubt, Report the SD Rather Than the SEM When reporting descriptive statistics, there is sometimes a dilemma regarding whether to report the standard deviation (SD) or standard error of the mean (SEM), which is the SD divided by the square root of the sample size. You should report the SD if you are describing the variability of the data and the SEM if you are reporting the variability of the mean. Some texts and journals recommend that you always report the SD since the SEM can be calculated easily from the SD and sample size and the SEM may give an uninformed reader a false impression about the variability of the data. If you are unsure, the safe bet is to report the SD. (In either case, you should make it clear which statistic you are reporting.)

Use Tables and Figures to Report Many Descriptive Statistics If you are reporting two or three descriptive measurements in a report or article, we recommend that you include the statistics in the text. However, if you have more than two or three measurements, consider using a table or graph.

Break Down Descriptive Statistics by Group Descriptive statistics should be broken down by group (i.e., calculated separately for each group) for populations composed of distinct groups rather than looking at aggregate data. For example, a mixture of normal subpopulations will usually not have a normal appearance, and an overall mean or standard deviation may be meaningless.

Quantitative Data Description Examples The following examples illustrate techniques for describing quantitative data. The results include both statistics and graphs (when the techniques covered include a graph or graphs). More detailed information on creating graphs is included in the upcoming Chapter 3: Creating and Using Graphs.

Example 2.1

Quantitative Data With an Unusual Value Describing the Problem Hypothetical data from several branch banks in Southern California contain information on how many IRAs (individual retirement accounts) were set up in 19 locations during a 3-month period. The variable is called IRASetup (labeled IRA Setup). These data are counts and are appropriately classified as quantitative data since, for example, it makes sense to calculate a mean number of accounts per bank. Before calculating and reporting the mean or other parametric measures of these values, you may want to assess the normality of the data. One way to do that is to perform a statistical test.

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 2.1: Quantitative Data With an Unusual Value Use the following steps to obtain the output for the IRA data analysis: 1. Open the data set IRA.SAV (File/Open). The data for this example are shown in Table 2.1. 2. Select Analyze/Descriptive Statistics/Explore… . 3. Select the IRASetup variable from the dependent list by clicking on the variable name IRASetup and then clicking on the arrow next to the Dependent List box (or click on the variable name, IRASetup, and drag it into the Dependent List box). (See Figure 2.1.) 4. Click on the Plots … button and select the “Normality plots with tests” checkbox and “Histogram” and click Continue. (See Figure 2.2.) 5. Click OK. Table 2.2 is displayed (along with other output). The “Sig.” values in the “Tests of Normality” table are the p-values based on testing the null hypothesis that the data are normally distributed. Both tests are designed to determine whether the observed data closely fit the shape of a normal curve. The Shaprio-Wilk test result is significant (p = 0.019), which suggests that the data are not normal, while the Kolmogorov-Smimov test result is nonsignificant (p = 0.136). This leaves you without a convincing argument one way or another. To further examine these data (and perhaps understand the reasons for the discrepancy), you can visualize the distribution of the data using graphical displays such as a histogram, a normal Q-Q plot, a detrended normal Q-Q plot, and a box-and-whiskers plot. (See Figure 2.3.)

Figure 2.1 Select IRASetup for the Dependent List

Figure 2.2 Completed Dialog Box for Normality Tests

Lilliefors Significance Correction Here is a brief explanation of how to interpret each of these plots in the context of normality: Histogram (upper left). When a histogram’s shape approximates a bell curve, it suggests that the data may have come from a normal population. Q-Q plot (upper right). A quantile-quantile (Q-Q plot) is a graph used to display the degree to which the quantiles of a reference (known) distribution (in this case, the normal distribution) differ from the sample quantiles of the data. When the data fit the reference distribution, then the points will lie in a tight random scatter around the reference line. For the IRA data, the curvature of the points in the plot indicates a possible departure from normality, and the point lying outside the overall pattern of points indicates a possible outlier. Detrended normal Q-Q plot (lower left): A version of the Q-Q plot that shows the differences between the observed normal and observed values under the assumption of normality. When the data are

normal, the points cluster in a random horizontal band around zero. As in the Q-Q plot, the curve, and the one outlying point may be of concern when assessing normality for these data. Boxplot (lower right). A boxplot that is symmetric with the median line in approximately the center of the box and with symmetric whiskers somewhat longer than the subsections of the center box suggests that the data may have come from a normal distribution. All four of these plots for IRASetup indicate something unusual. There is one small value (Case 15, as indicated by the boxplot) that is a potential outlier (unusually small). Suppose that after carefully examining the source documentation for these data, you discover that the branch location for Case 15 was closed for 21 days because of localized wildfires. After this type of discovery, and observing that IRASetup = 5 for that branch you might be justified in excluding this branch location from your analysis. 6. To eliminate the outlying value (IRASetup =5), return to the data editor by clicking Windows and IRA.SAV or choosing the IRA.SAV window using the SPSS icon at the bottom of your screen and select Data/Select Cases … and select the option “If condition is satisfied… .” Click on the “If …” button. In the formula text box, enter the expression “IRASetup > 5” (without quotes). (See Figure 2.4.) Figure 2.3 Plots Used to Assess Normality Using IRA Setup Data

Figure 2.4 Select if Condition Is Satisfied

Click Continue and OK. A slash appears in the IRA data file next to record 15, indicating that the record will not be included in subsequent analyses. (See Figure 2.5.) (For more information about filtering cases, see “Transforming, Recoding, and Categorizing Your Data” in Appendix A.) Figure 2.5 Slash Indicates Item 15 Will Not Be Used in Analyses

7. To display the output based on the revised data select Analyze/Descriptive Statistics/Explore … and OK. (SPSS remembers your previous selection of the variable and options.) Locate the histogram in the output and double-click on it. A Chart Editor will appear. From this editor, select the menu options Elements/Show Distribution Curve, and Close. Select File/Close to close the Chart Editor. The revised histogram with a superimposed normal curve is displayed in Figure 2.6. When the outlying data value is excluded from the data set and the data are reanalyzed, the Shapiro-Wilk test

yields a p-value of 0.73, and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov p-value is greater than 0.2, indicating that there is no reason to be concerned about the normality assumption. Furthermore, after the removal of the extreme data value, the revised histogram looks considerably more normal (as does the boxplot). The histogram for the revised data is shown in Figure 2.6. The superimposed normal curve helps you assess the normality assumption. Although not a perfect fit, the histogram suggests that it is reasonable to assume that the data are from a normal population. The boxplot, not shown here, is relatively symmetric and typical of normally distributed data containing no outliers or extreme values. The other plots also suggest normality. The point of this example is to show that it is important to not only look at statistics and tests but also to look at graphical displays based on your data. 8.To remove the “Select cases” criterion select Data/Select Cases … and select the option “All cases” and OK. Figure 2.6 Revised Histogram With Normal Curve to Assess Normality in the IRA Setup Data

Once you are satisfied that a normality assumption makes sense for your data, you can use statistics such as means, standard deviations, and so on to describe your data. In the example here, note that we were justified in removing the extreme value. In addition to reporting the sample mean of the data, you may also want to report a confidence interval. For the modified dataset in this example, a 95% CI (confidence interval) on the mean is given in the Descriptives table as (lower bound, upper bound) or [12.71, 14.52]. Alternatively, you may also choose to report 13.6 ± 1.8 (mean ± SD). Why should you choose one over the other? If you wish to report the precision of your estimate, you should report the 95% CI. The interpretation of the 95% CI is that if you repeated this experiment many times, the true mean would fall within the calculated endpoints approximately 95% of the time. If you want to describe the variability of your data, you would use the expression mean ± SD (see Lang & Secic, 1997).

SIDEBAR This example does not imply that you should always remove extreme values from your data set. You should carefully consider any unusual values and determine whether they are valid observations before removing them from your analysis. (It is a good practice to report any data values excluded from an analysis in your write-up and to justify your actions.)

Reporting Results for EXAMPLE 2.1: Quantitative Data With an Unusual Value The results for the analyses on the IRA data could be reported in the following ways: Narrative for the Methods Section “One value in the data for IRA setups was eliminated because the bank was closed for 21 days during the evaluation period. Descriptive statistics were calculated on the remaining 18 values.” Narrative for the Results Section “IRA setups averaged 13.6 per branch (SD = 1.8, N = 18).” or “The mean (± SD) IRA setups was 13.6 (±1.8).” If you are reporting the precision of your estimate, you could state the following: “The mean was 13.6 (95% CI = 12.71 to 14.52) IRA setups per branch.” If you decide that you want to analyze the data without removing the extreme value and therefore not make a normality assumption, you could report your findings using the median and interquartile range. For example, “The number of IRA setups per branch ranged from 5 to 17 setups with a median (interquartile range) of 14 (3).”

Example 2.2

Quantitative Data by Groups Describing the Problem A survey was administered to 79 clinic patients to measure their satisfaction with clinic services. Two versions of the survey were randomly assigned to the participants. The following demographic information (by group) is shown in Table 2.3. This table is not created in SPSS, but is created from information gathered from multiple SPSS analyses. The upcoming example will show how to compile the information needed to create this table. The purpose of this table is to compare the respondents to the two types of surveys on several important demographic variables. The p-values refer to a test of the null hypothesis that the means are equal (see the two-sample t-test examples in Chapter 4: Comparing One or Two Means Using the t-Test). In this table, it appears that the number of years of schooling was significantly higher for those who took the old survey. Researchers disagree over whether to include the “p-Value” column in tables of this type. The controversy arises in part over the known problem of performing multiple tests within the same experiment. For a discussion of p-values, see Chapter 1. As described in Chapter 1, when multiple p-values are used in an analysis, it is good practice to use Bonferroni-adjusted significance criteria. In this case, the adjustment would entail using the p-value 0.05/4 = 0.0125 as the rejection criterion for these tests. Thus, the only significant result in this table would be for the schooling variable (where the reported p-value is 0.003).

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 2.2: Quantitative Data by Groups To calculate descriptive statistics needed to compile the information in Table 2.3 follow these steps in SPSS. 1. Open the data set SURVEY.SAV and select Analyze/Descriptive Statistics/Explore…. 2. Select Age, Years of Schooling (Edu), Arrival Temperature (Temp), and Minutes in Clinic (Stayminutes) for the dependent variables and Survey Version for the factor list. Click OK to produce output that includes the means and standard deviations. This output is pretty messy and hard to read. 3. To calculate the p-values needed for the table, select Analyze/Compare Means/IndependentSamples T Test and select Age, Years of Schooling (Edu), Arrival Temperature (Temp), and Minutes in Clinic (Stayminutes) as the “Test Variables” and Survey Version as the “Grouping Variable.” This dialog box is shown in Figure 2.7. Click on the “Define groups” button and enter 1 and 2 for the group values as shown in Figure 2.8. Click Continue and OK. In the resulting “Independent Samples” table, the p-values for each comparison are listed in the “Equal variances assumed” row in the “Sig. 2-tailed” column. For example, the p-value for the comparison of mean ages by group, p = 0.084 (reported as 0.08 in Table 2.3) is shown in Table 2.4. Figure 2.7 Select the Define Groups Button

Figure 2.8 Define Groups

More about the t-test and this table is discussed in Chapter 4: Comparing One or Two Means Using the tTest.

Reporting the Results for EXAMPLE 2.2: Quantitative Data by Groups

Narrative for the Methods Section “The two versions of the survey were randomly assigned to patients as they registered at the clinic.” Narrative for the Results Section When there are several means to report, it is often clearer to the reader if you report the results in a table such as the one shown in Table 2.3. If you use a Bonferroni-adjusted p-value for your rejection criterion, you should include a statement such as the following: “To maintain the α = .05 significance level for the table comparisons using a Bonferroni adjustment, a p-value must be less than p = 0.0125 (i.e., 0.05/4) to be considered statistically significant.” In either case, the schooling difference remains the only significant comparison. We assume that the observed difference of 1.7 years of schooling is a meaningful difference. For more information about using effect size to interpret this difference, see Chapter 4.

Describing Categorical Data Categorical variables record a characteristic about a subject or object such as race, gender, presence of a disease, or the color of a car model. Think of the word categories when you’re analyzing categorical data. This data type is sometimes called qualitative and is further divided by the terms nominal (order not important) and ordinal (having order). We will assume categorical data to be nominal unless specified. In this section, two types of descriptive analyses are illustrated for categorical data. They are as follows: Frequency tables Crosstabulations Examples illustrate methods for examining categorical data and reporting your results. (Categories can be defined using number or character codes.) Categorical variables include the following: Presence of a disease (1 = yes, 0 = no) Method of delivery (USPS, UPS, FEDEX, OTHER) Marital status (1 = married, 2 = single never married, 3 = single divorced, 4 = single widowed) Stage of a disease (1, 2, 3, or 4) Each of these variables is an observation that places the subject or entity into two or more categories. When we observe summaries of these variables, they are typically given as counts (the number of subjects placed into each category) and/or the corresponding percentages.

SIDEBAR When creating a table fo\r publication, you should check the specifications for the particular publication to which you will be submitting your article.

Considerations for Examining Categorical Data Notice in the examples above that some categories have order and some do not. For example, in the marital status variable above, there are four unordered categories, and although these categories are recorded in the data set as numbers (1 to 4), these numbers are simply codes and are not meaningful numerically. They should not be interpreted as implying an ordering of the categories, nor should they be used in arithmetic calculations (e.g., mean, etc.). For the purposes of analysis, these categorical data are reported as counts, frequencies, or percentages of subjects falling into various categories. In the marital status example, the categories have no order and are thus nominal variables. On the other hand, stage of cancer (from 1 to 4), rank in the military, and finish order in a race (first place, second place, etc.) are ordinal categorical variables since these categories have a logical order.

Tips and Caveats When Should Categorical Variables Be Treated as Quantitative Data? Sometimes, ordinal data such as responses using a Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree) are treated as quantitative data. As a general guideline, in order for the mean and other arithmetically obtained quantities (e.g., standard deviation) to make sense, it must be reasonable to assume that the differences between any two categories are equal. For example, if the categories are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, then it must be reasonable to consider the difference between categories 2 and 3 to be the same as the difference between 4 and 5, and so on. Therefore, we recommend that it is rarely the case that you treat categorical data as quantitative since the assumption of equal distance between categories cannot usually be assumed.

Describing Categorical Data Examples The following examples illustrate techniques for assessing and describing categorical data using statistics and graphs.

Example 2.3

Quantitative Data With Unusual Values Describing the Problem Suppose you are interested in exploring the variables in a data set from the U.S. Department of Energy (2014) containing fuel economy information on 2014 model year automobiles. Your first strategy might be to look for unusually large or small data values by finding the minimum and maximum for each quantitative variable of interest.

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 2.3: Quantitative Data With Unusual Values 1. Open the data set CARS2014.SAV and select Analyze/Descriptive Statistics/Descriptives…. 2. Select the variables Eng_Displ, CityMPG, and HwyMPG, and Num_Gears. (See Figure 2.9.) 3. Click OK, and the table in Table 2.5 is displayed. The results are shown in Table 2.5 for four of the variables. In this output, the minimum value for the Num_Gears (Number of Gears) variable is 1. This seems odd that a car would have only one gear, but by examining the data, it can be seen that several cars have Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) which do not have typical gears like most cars. The data are correct, since CVT transmissions are different from conventional transmissions. That information might be handled differently when looking at the transmission data. In fact, we might want to (at least temporarily) label the cars with CVT transmission as “missing” when calculating statistics involving an analysis concerning the number of transmission gears. If your study deals only with vehicles with conventional geared transmissions, you may want to exclude the CVT cars from your analysis. (Assigning missing values and selecting cases in SPSS is discussed in Appendix A: A Brief Tutorial for Using SPSS for Windows.) Figure 2.9 Select Variables to Analysis in Descriptives Procedure

Source: Reprint Courtesy of International Business Machines Corporation, © International Business

Machines Corporation Continuing with the automobile data example, suppose you want to compare CityMPG between SUVs and non-SUVs in the 2014 automobile data set (excluding hybrids and CVT transmission vehicles), and you want to investigate whether the normality assumption makes sense for each group. The following shows how to look at these data: 4. To set the Num_Gears missing value at 1, make sure you are in the CARS2014 data window and click on the Variable View tab at the bottom left. When the Variable View is displayed, click on the cell for Num_Gears in the Missing column. Click on the ellipses (… ) and enter 1 as a discrete missing value as shown in Figure 2.10 and click OK. 5. As in step 1, select Analyze/Descriptive Statistics/Descriptives… and OK, and examine the Minimum value for Num_Gears. It is now 4 instead of 1, and the number of non-missing cases for that variable is now 1108 instead of 1155 because all cars where Num_Gears = 1 have been left out of that calculation as shown in Table 2.6. (Setting this missing value for Num_Gears did not change the means of the other variables.) 6. To examine the data further, create side-by-side boxplots of the car data comparing SUVs and non-SUVs. Select Graphs/Legacy Dialogs/Boxplot…, select the “Simple” option, and choose the radio button for “Summaries for groups of cases.” (Other graph options are covered in Chapter 3: Creating and Using Graphs.) Figure 2.10 Indicate Missing Value

7. Click the Define button. Select CityMPG as the “Variable,” SUV as the “Category Axis,” and Carline for “Label Cases by” as shown in Figure 2.11. 8. Click OK to produce the comparative boxplots in Figure 2.12. The graph in Figure 2.12 shows side-by-side boxplots that indicate that some observations (on the high end of CityMPG) are indicated as outliers (marked as an “o”) and some as extreme values (marked as an “*”). An outlier is defined (in SPSS) as a value from 1.5 to 3 interquartile ranges (IQRs) beyond the 75th (or below the 25th) percentile, and an extreme value is greater than 3 IQRs beyond the 75th (or below the 25th) percentile. Figure 2.12 shows that there are a number of outliers for non-SUV automobiles, but the data for SUVs are less variable, with only a few extreme (high CityMPG) values. (Note that the outliers on the chart are hybrid models.) Figure 2.11 Select Variable for (Legacy) Comparative Boxplot

Figure 2.12 Side-By-Side Boxplots Showing Outliers and Extreme Values by Group

Example 2.4

Frequency Table for Categorical Data Describing the Problem In a survey of 79 patients at a clinic, information was collected on how they arrived (car, bus, or walked). You may want to examine the data using a frequency table to report the number and percentage of patients who arrived using each travel method along with a bar chart showing a visualization of these percentages. To display this information, follow the steps in this example:

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 2.4: Frequency Table for Categorical Data 1. Open the data set SURVEY.SAV and select Analyze/Descriptive Statistics/Frequencies…. 2. Select How Arrived (ARRIVED) as the variable. 3. Click on the Charts button and select Bar Chart, Percentages, Continue, and OK. See Figure 2.13. Figure 2.13 Choose Options for Bar Chart

Table 2.7 displays the frequency table produced by SPSS for this data set, and Figure 2.14 shows the associated bar chart. Note that the bar chart information is displayed in percentages rather than counts. We could optionally have produced a similar chart using frequencies (counts).

Figure 2.14 Bar Chart for the How Arrived Variable

In Table 2.7, the frequency is the number of patients who arrived using each method of transportation. The percentage (and valid percentage, which is the percentage after removing missing values) tells you the percentage of patients arriving by each method. It is clear both from the frequency table and the bar chart that most patients arrived by car.

Reporting Results for Frequency Data Narrative for the Methods Section “Arrival methods were examined by finding the number of patients arriving at the clinic using a car, bus, or by walking.” Narrative for the Results Section “Patients arrived by car 83.5% of the time (66 of 79), 13.9% by bus (11 of 79), and 2.5% by walking (2

of 79). (Round-off error makes the total slightly under 100%.)”

Example 2.5

Crosstabulation of Categorical Variables Describing the Problem Using the 2014 automobile data, suppose you want to crosstabulate two variables. Table 2.8 contains a crosstabulation of the variables SUV (sport utility vehicle) and AWD (all-wheel drive). Specific statistical tests to analyze this type of table are discussed in Chapter 6: Analysis of Categorical Data. In this example, we are only interested in the descriptive information contained in the table.

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 2.5: Crosstabulation of Categorical Variables Follow these steps to create the crosstabulation output from the CARS2014 data set: 1. Open the data set CARS2014.SAV and select Analyze/Descriptive Statistics/Crosstabs…. 2. From the dialog box, select the variable named SUV as the row variable and AWD as the column variable as shown in Figure 2.15. Figure 2.15 Select Variables for Crostabulation Analysis

3. Click on the Cells button and select Row, Column, and Total Percentages as shown in Figure 2.16. Click Continue. Figure 2.16 Select Cell Options for Crosstabulation Example

4. To display the bar chart, select the “Display clustered bar charts” checkbox (as shown in Figure 2.15). 5. Click OK to display the results as shown in Table 2.8. Observe that 33.0% (95 of 288) of the SUVs in this data set have all-wheel drive. Also note that 35.1% (95 of 271) of all-wheel-drive vehicles are SUVs and that 8.2% (95 of 1,155) of all vehicles are SUVs with allwheel drive. A bar chart for these data is shown in Figure 2.17. This bar chart allows you to visualize the relationship between SUVs and whether they have all-wheel drive. In this chart, it is visually clear that most non-SUVs do not have all-wheel drive, while a larger percentage of the vehicles classified as SUVs have all-wheel drive. You can also see that there are many more non-SUVs than there are SUVs in this data set.

Figure 2.17 Clustered Bart Chart for SUV Data

Reporting Crosstabulation Results To describe the information in a frequency table or crosstabulation in your report or article, you should always include counts along with percentages (Lang & Secic, 1997). For example, your description (from the information in the crosstabulation above) might be as follows: Narrative for the Methods Section “The relationship between model type and all-wheel drive was examined using crosstabulation.” Narrative for the Results Section “This table shows that 33.0% (95 of 288) of SUV models and 20.3% (176 of 867) of non-SUV models have all-wheel drive.”

Summary Understanding your data is the first step in any data analysis. This chapter explains how to use descriptive statistics and graphs to understand and report information about your data. The next chapter continues with this subject, going deeper into how to display your data using SPSS graphs.

References American Psychological Association (APA). (2013). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Fay, M. P., & Proschan, M. A. (2010). Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney or t-test? On assumptions for hypothesis tests and multiple interpretations of decision rules. Statistics Surveys, 4, 1. Lang, T. A., & Secic, M. (1997). How to report statistics in medicine. Philadelphia, PA: American College of Physicians. Sawilowsky, S. S. (2005). Misconceptions leading to choosing the t test over the Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney U test for Shift in Location Parameter. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 4(2), 598–600. U.S. Department of Energy. (2014). Model 2014 model year fuel economy data. Retrieved from

Chapter 3 Creating and Using Graphs

Introduction to SPSS Graphs Marilyn vos Savant made it into the Guinness Book of World Records as the person with the highest IQ ever recorded. She once said about statistics that they “can be used to support or undercut almost any argument.” Another brainy person (Albert Einstein) said, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” Taking these two ideas together, the purpose of displaying data in the form of a graph should be to simplify information and never to exaggerate or deceive. Graphs are often used in conjunction with statistical procedures to visually explain or support findings from hypothesis testing or descriptive studies. To that end, this chapter explains how to help you use SPSS to display various types of graphs in ways that tell an accurate story of your data. To use graphs effectively (and truthfully), we present the following guidelines.

Guidelines for Creating and Using Graphs There are (at least) two uses for graphs. First, they can be useful for identifying problems or interesting data points in your data set. Second, when reporting your results, graphs are useful for clarifying findings. Example 2.1 in the previous chapter illustrated the use of graphs to visualize the distribution of data. This chapter concentrates on the use of graphs as a way of describing statistical results. In general, graphs should be used in reports or presentations as an alternative to tables when the table would contain too many entries to be easily understood or when the graph more clearly illustrates your results. Any number of textbooks and journal specifications contain guidelines relating to the use of graphs (see Tufte, 2001). Here are a few general guidelines for using and reporting graphs: 1. Use simple graphs when possible. Avoid three-dimensional graphs since they often distort your message and contain spurious and distracting information. 2. Label all plots and axes clearly. 3. When creating two or more graphs that will be compared in some way, the range of values for each axis on every graph should be the same. Axes should generally begin with zero if that is the natural minimum. Otherwise, use the minimum value of the measurement as the minimum value for the axis. 4. Axis intervals on plots should be equal. 5. Many statisticians recommend the use of bar charts instead of pie charts. (In The Visual Display of Quantitative Data, Edward Tufte [2001] wrote, “The only worse design than a pie chart is several of them” [p. 178]). 6. Stick with standard charts when possible. Avoid custom complex charts that attempt to display several messages at once. As IBM SPSS evolved over the years, there have been several generations of graphs included in the program. In the Graph menu, you will find the following graphing methods that allow you to create graphs. Chart Builder Graphboard Template Chooser Legacy Dialog (Plots) These three graphing methods often create exactly the same plots, but there are also differences. There are some plots that are not available under all graphing methods, and for similar plots across graphing methods, there may be options in one method that are not in the others. Each method has a different flavor and origin. Some of these differences will be illustrated in the upcoming examples. However, our intention is not to illustrate the differences or similarities among graphing methods for each type of graph. Our purpose is to provide you with the basics for producing standard graphs that should enable you to figure out how to create the graphs that are not covered here. In addition, a number of statistical procedures have plots “built in” to the analyses. This chapter concentrates on the options in the Graph menu. All three types of graphing methods are illustrated in Example 3.1 (scatterplot), and following examples will (mostly) use the Chart Builder to illustrate how to create graphs.

SIDEBAR Use of graphs as alternatives to tables is especially recommended when giving presentations (using PowerPoint, PDF reports, etc.).

Chart Builder The SPSS Chart Builder is an interactive window that allows you to drag and click on options to build a chart by specifying variables from your data and features of the chart. When you select Graphs/Chart Builder the first time, Figure 3.1 is displayed. This message warns you that the SPSS data types for all of your variables must be set up properly (Scale, Ordinal, or Nominal in SPSS terminology) and that any categorical variables should include category labels. You can select the checkbox “Don’t show the dialog again” to avoid seeing this box in the future. If needed, set up the measure types (Scale, Ordinal, or Nominal) for variables by clicking on the “Define Variable Properties” or by selecting the Variable View tab on the data screen. Figure 3.1 Chart Builder Warning Message

When you click OK on the initial Chart Builder Box, the main Chart Builder interactive dialog box appears as shown in Figure 3.2. In upcoming examples, we will illustrate how to select variables, chart types, and options to create the graph you need.

Graphboard Template Chooser The Graphboard Template Chooser is a second method for creating SPSS charts or graphs. Using this method, you can select from ready-made templates called “Graphboard Visualizations” that contain graphs, charts, and plots, and customize the plots appropriate for your variables. When you select Graph/Graphboard Template Chooser, you see the dialog box shown in Figure 3.3. Upcoming examples will illustrate how to use this dialog box.

Legacy Plots Legacy Dialog plots are, as their name implies, plots that have been around a while and continue to be used in current SPSS versions, although the newer (Chart Builder and Graphboard) options are meant to replace most of these old procedures. However, the older plots are still useful, and some users prefer them to the newfangled options. When you select the Graphs/Legacy Dialogs method, sub-menus appear as shown in Figure 3.4. Figure 3.2 Chart Builder Interactive Dialog Box

Figure 3.3 Graphboard Template Chooser

Scatterplots A scatterplot displays the relationship between two scale (quantitative) variables on an x-y coordinate system. It is often used in conjunction with a correlation or regression analysis. Figure 3.4 Legacy Dialog Plots

Appropriate Applications for a Scatterplot The following are examples of situations in which a scatterplot might be appropriate to visually display a relationship between variables. Examine the relationship between grades on the midterm Chemistry exam and the final. You are interested in seeing if people who received high scores on the midterm also get high scores on the final. Does running help SBP? A number of subjects’ Systolic Blood Pressures (SBP) are measured at baseline. Over a few weeks, you observe average time spent on a treadmill and observe differences in SBP. Is the amount of time spent on the treadmill related to differences in SBP? Are opinions about welfare related to age? You want to visualize this relationship to see if older people are more favorable to a proposed change than younger people.

Design Considerations for a Scatterplot The two variables of interest in a scatterplot should be scale variables or at least ordinal. If you want to test hypotheses about the existence of a linear relationship between two variables, they should both be scale (quantitative) and normally distributed.

Example 3.1

Chart Builder Scatterplot Example

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 3.1a: Creating a Scatterplot Using the Chart Builder In this example, we will examine crime data from Washington, DC for the years from 1978 to 2012. 1. Open the data DC_CRIME.SAV and select Graphs/Chart Builder. If a warning message (as illustrated in Figure 3.1) appears, click OK. 2. On the Chart Builder Dialog, select Scatter/Dot from the list of graph types in the lower left of the dialog. Locate the Simple Scatter option in the list of graph types (the upper left graph icon) and drag that option into the Chart Preview window at the top of the dialog. When you place the Simple Scatter icon in the Chart Preview box, notice that a new section of the dialog appears to the right of the original dialog, labeled “Element Properties.” These combined dialog boxes are shown in Figure 3.5. Figure 3.5 Initial Chart Builder Selection for a Simple Scatterplot

3. From the Variables list on the left of the dialog, drag the variable Year to the X-axis position at the bottom of the preview graph. Similarly, drag Assault to the Y-axis position. The results are shown in Figure 3.6. (The sample plot shown on the screen is not of the actual data at this point.) Figure 3.6 Preview of Graph With Year and Assault

4. Click OK. The desired scatterplot is shown in Figure 3.7 where you may observe that Assaults peaked around 1994 and have declined since. Figure 3.7 Scatterplot of Year by Assault

5. To modify this graph, select Graph/Chart Builder again, and the dialog box reappears with all of the information you have previously selected still there. Select the Title/Footnotes tab just below the chart viewer and click the Title1 checkbox. A “Content” text box appears to the right where you can enter a title for the chart. Enter “DC Crime Statistics 1978 to 2012” and click Apply and OK. A new version of the chart appears with the title at the top. 6. Other options (tabs) in the Chart Builder dialog allow you to make additional changes. For example, in the Elements Properties dialog (on the right), select Y-axis and change the axis label to “Criminal Assaults.” You can select the Basic Elements tab and then Transpose to transpose the x and y axes. There are many more options you can select that are not illustrated here. Once you make any

changes and select OK, the new graph appears with those changes made. Basic chart types supported by Chart Builder include Bar, Line, Area, Pie/Polar, Scatter/Dot, Histogram, Boxplots, and Dual Axes plots. Each of these plots can be edited in a Chart Editor to select other options to modify basic plots. (The Chart Editor is introduced in upcoming examples.)

Graphboard Template Chooser Scatterplot Example

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 3.1b: Creating a Scatterplot Using the Graphboard Template Chooser 1. Using the same data, DC_CRIME.SAV, as in the previous example, select Graphs/Graphboard Template Chooser. Click on the Detailed tab at the top left of the dialog and select Scatterplot from the pull-down “Visualization type” options as shown in Figure 3.8. 2. In the X (Required) option box, select Year, and in the Y (Required) option box, select Assault. 3. If you click OK, you get the same scatterplot you previously created (Figure 3.7). To illustrate how you can select other options, change the Visualization type to Scatterplot matrix. In the variable selection box, add Violent, Property, Murder, Rape, and Robbery. Click OK, and a matrix of scatterplots appears, as shown in Figure 3.9. Figure 3.8 Select Type of Plot for Graphboard Template Chooser

Figure 3.9 Scatterplot Matrix From Graphboard Template Chooser

The histograms on the diagonal for each variable allow you to visualize the distribution of that variable. There are a number of other Graphboard types you can choose in the Template Chooser including the following: Bar, Bar of Counts, Pie, Pie of Counts, 3-D Bar, 3-D Pie, Line, Area, 3-D Area, Path, Ribbon, Surface, Scatterplot, Bubbleplots, 3-D Scatterplot, Scatterplot Matrix, Histogram, Histogram with Normal Distribution, 3-D Histogram, 3-D Density, Dot Plot, 2-D Dot Plot, Boxplot, Heat Map, Parallel, and Maps (Cloropleths). Instead of showing the same plot over and over again, in the examples here, we use different graphical methods to illustrate different plots. However, not every method can create every plot. For example, a scatterplot matrix similar to the one shown in Figure 3.9 can be designed using the Chart Builder and Legacy Dialog methods, but the option to include the histograms along the dialog is not available in either of these two methods. On the other hand, the grouped scatterplots illustrated in the next example are availale in all three methods. There are too may differences in the capabilities of the three methods to mention in this chapter. If you are unable to create the plot you desire with one method, try the other methods to see if the options you want are available there.

Legacy Dialog Scatterplot Example

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 3.1c: Creating a Scatterplot Using Legacy Dialogs 1. Open the data set named EXAMPLE.SAV and select Graphs/Legacy Dialogs… and Scatter/Dot and you will see the dialog box in Figure 3.10. 2. Select the Simple Scatter icon and click Define. In the resulting dialog box, select TIME1 as the Yaxis, AGE as the X-axis, and GROUP as the Set Markers by variable. 3. Click OK to display the graph in Figure 3.11. Notice that the dots appear in three colors keyed to the three categories for the GROUP variable. 4. Because it may be difficult to see the group differences by color (if your presentation/printout is in black and white as it is in this book), edit the chart to change the dots to other shapes. To do this, double-click on the scatterplot to display the Chart Editor. In the Chart Editor, double-click on the scatterplot to display the Chart Properties dialog box shown in Figure 3.12. In this new dialog, click on the Variables tab at the top. 5. In the Variables Tab, click on Style for the Group variable and select the Style: Shape option. Click Apply. A new version of the plot with groups indicated by shaped dots appears. To make the difference more dramatic, click on the Marker tab and change the marker size to 15. Click on Apply, and the plot appears as shown in Figure 3.13. 6. While still in the Chart Editor, to fit a linear regression line through the scatter of points, select Elements/Fit Line at Total to display the regression line. Close the Chart Editor. The resulting graph is shown in in Figure 3.14. Figure 3.10 Select Type of Scatterplot

Figure 3.11 Scatterplot With Graphed Data Using Legacy Dialogs

Figure 3.12 Variable Tab in Chart Editor

Figure 3.13 Scatterplot With Shaped Dots

Figure 3.14 Scatterplot With Fitted Regression Line

In the upcoming chapter on analysis of covariance, an option to display separate regression lines by groups will be illustrated.

Histograms A histogram is composed of bars that illustrate the frequency distribution of a scale (quantitative) variable across (usually) equal divisions (sometimes called bins) of the variable. The width of each bar is based on the size of the divisions, and the height of the bars represents the relative frequency of the observations within those divisions (if the bin widths are equal). A histogram is often used to visualize the distribution of a variable, and in particular to assess the statistical normality of a variable’s distribution. A histogram is also a tool for summarizing large amounts of quantitative data into a single graph.

Appropriate Applications for a Histogram Examine the distribution of test scores for a standardized biology test given to all sophom*ores at a university. This might be used to determine if there are natural cutpoints for assignment of grades and to locate any students with particularly low grades who might need additional tutoring. Visually inspect the distribution of the variable AGE in a data set to determine if the data have an approximate normal distribution. Knowing the distribution of a variable may impact which statistical test is appropriate for analysis. Display the distribution of salaries for 20,000 employees. The histogram is a way to visualize large amounts of data in a single graph.

Design Considerations for a Histogram The display of data as a histogram may be affected by the selection of bin size (width of divisions). Differing bin sizes can change the shape of the histogram. There are several design issues that can lead to misleading interpretations for histograms. These include the following: The shape of the histogram is dependent on the bin size, so it is important to choose a bin size that illustrates the distribution of the data. A good starting point is 8 to 12 bins. Axes should include a zero base, and there should be a scale on the vertical and horizontal axes. 3-D histogram charts may look more interesting, but the volume of taller bars may lead to an incorrect interpretation that they represent more information than is correct. All bins (class intervals) should represent the same width. (There is a programming way to create unequal bin sizes in SPSS but be aware that if bin sizes are unequal, the frequency is represented by area and not height.) When you create a histogram, SPSS chooses bin sizes for you unless you specify a custom bin size. Information on how to select bin size is shown in the following example.

Example 3.2

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 3.2: Creating a Histogram Using the Chart Builder 1. Open the data CARS2014.SAV and select Graphs/Chart Builder. If the warning dialog box (Figure 3.1) appears, click OK. 2. Make sure the Gallery tab is selected, and choose Histogram. Drag the Simple Histogram (leftmost icon) into the Chart Preview box as shown in Figure 3.15. Figure 3.15 Drag the Simple Histogram Icon Into the Chart Preview Box

3. Drag the variable CityMPG from the Variables list on the left to the X-axis box in the Chart Preview. Click OK to display the initial histogram shown in Figure 3.16. 4. To modify the graph, double-click on the displayed histogram to enter the Chart Editor. To change the color of the bars, double-click on the bars and the Properties dialog box (on the right) is displayed with several tab options. In the Properties dialog box, click the Fill & Border icon, and choose a color (such as yellow). In the Pattern pull-down menu, select a crosshatch pattern and click Apply. You will see the chart reflect your changes. Figure 3.16 Histogram of City MPG

5.To display a distribution curve (while still in the Chart Editor), select Elements/Show Distribution Curve. In the displayed Properties dialog box, select the Normal radio button and click Close. A normal curve (based on the mean and standard deviation for the current data) is superimposed on the histogram, as shown in Figure 3.17. Note that the histogram bars are crosshatched as previously specified in step 4. 6.To change bins in a histogram, double-click on the bars in the Chart Editor to highlight them. In the displayed Properties dialog box, choose the Binning tab. In the X-axis box, select custom, Interval width, and enter 2. Click Apply and Close. Close the Chart Editor and the bins in the histogram will reflect that change as shown in Figure 3.18. There are many other options in the Chart Editor. We suggest that you use the Chart Editor to put a main title on the histogram and change the axis titles. Figure 3.17 Histogram With Crosshatched Bars and a Superimposed Normal Curve

Figure 3.18 Histogram With Custom Bin Size

Bar Charts A bar chart is not a histogram, although they are often confused. In a bar chart, each bar represents a discrete value (category) and the height of each bar represents the count for that category. The order of the bars is usually not critical. (In a histogram, bars represent the count of items within a range of ordered values.) In the bar chart, bars may also represent means by group, and in this case, may also include error bars. Examples of charts for categorical data are provided in Chapter 6: Analysis of Categorical Data. This section shows how to build a bar chart based on frequencies and another bar chart reporting means with error bars.

Appropriate Applications for a Bar Chart Visualize the number of M&M’s in a typical bag of candy by color. Each bar represents the frequency of a particular color. Visualize the proportion of five different hair colors in a population of 20,000 students. Each bar represents the proportion (100 * [count/total]) for each hair color. Visualize the relationship of means by group. Each bar represents a mean value for a group.

Design Considerations for Bar Charts There are several general design issues that should be considered when creating a bar chart (whether you use SPSS or some other method). These include the following: Bar charts should always have a zero base. Always include a scale on the vertical axis. 3-D bar charts may look more interesting, but the volume of taller bars may lead to an incorrect interpretation that they represent more information than is correct. All bars should be of the same width. The order of the bars is generally not important when categories represented have no particular order (such as in eye color, or race). A Pareto chart arranges bars from tallest to shortest. Bars are typically separated with a blank area between to indicate that the data are categorical.

Example 3.3

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 3.3a: Creating a Bar Chart on Frequencies Using the Chart Builder 1. Open the data SOMEDATA.SAV and select Graphs/Chart Builder. If the warning dialog box (Figure 3.1) appears, click OK. 2. Choose Bar as the chart type and drag the Simple Bar (leftmost) icon into the Chart Preview window. This selects a single bar type. 3. From the variable list, drag Intervention Group to the bottom axis in the Chart Preview window. Click OK, and the simple bar chart showing the counts for the three intervention groups is shown in Figure 3.19. As in the histogram example, you could double-click on this chart, enter the Chart Editor, and change the appearance of the chart, such as bar colors, titles, etc. Figure 3.19 Initial Bar Chart

4. To enhance this chart by displaying intervention group by Gender, return to the Chart Builder. Select the Cluster Bar icon (Cluster on X: set color) and drag it into the Chart Preview Window. Drag Gender into the “Cluster on X” specification (in the upper right of the Chart Preview). Click OK to display the graph in Figure 3.20. This chart provides a comparison of gender for each of the three Intervention Groups showing that there are fewer male than females in each group. You could enhance this chart (for example) by double-clicking on it to open the Chart Editor and choosing Elements/Show Data Labels to display counts for each bar. Figure 3.20 Clustered Bar Chart

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 3.3b: Creating a Bar Chart Reporting Means Using the Chart Builder 1. Open the data SOMEDATA.SAV and select Graphs/Chart Builder. If the warning dialog box (Figure 3.1) appears, click OK. 2. Choose Bar as the chart type and drag the Clustered Bar (second from left) icon into the Chart Preview window. 3. Populate the Chart Viewer with the three variables (Intervention, Baseline, and Gender) you want used in the plot in the following way: (Note that the X-axis and Cluster on X variables must be set as nominal or ordinal SPSS Measurement types and the Y-axis variable must be of scale type.) 1. Drag the Intervention group variable to the lower (X-axis) position. 2. Drag Baseline into the Y-axis (Count) position on the chart. It appears as “Mean Baseline” which indicates that the chart will display mean values for Baseline in the chart. 3. Drag Gender into the “Cluster on X: Set Color” position at the top right of the Chart Preview. 4. To include error bars on the graph, click the “Display error bars” (Confidence Intervals Level % 95) in the Element Properties dialog (at the right of the viewer). Click Apply. 5. Click OK in the Chart Builder to create the resulting chart shown in Figure 3.21. This chart displays means (by heights of the bars) by Gender for each intervention along with error bars that indicate the amount of variability in each cluster with a 95% Confidence Interval on the mean. Figure 3.21 Clustered Means Chart With Error Bars

Pie Charts People have a love-hate relationship with pie charts. Some people like them for their simplicity. Others call them the worst way to display data. Some objections are that pie charts are difficult to compare to other pie charts. Most people can’t tell the difference in sizes between similarly sized slices, and it is difficult to determine the number of items in each category. Technically, there are issues in the way people visually interpret areas and degrees in the chart that make it easy to manipulate its meaning (Cleveland, 1985). Nevertheless, they are often used. We’ll illustrate how you can create a pie chart using Chart Builder. Slices in pie charts are used to illustrate a proportion of a whole. Many times, the data represented in a bar chart can also be displayed as a pie chart.

Appropriate Applications for a Pie Chart Visualize the proportion of five different hair colors in a population of 20,000 students. Each pie slice represents the proportion (100 * [count/total]) of each hair color. Visualize the parts of a budget. Each pie slice represents a proportion (a slice) of an entire budget.

Design Considerations for Pie Charts There are several design issues that can lead to misleading interpretations for pie charts. These include the following: Any time two pie charts are compared, the circle should be the same diameter; otherwise the larger circle appears to carry more weight than a smaller one. When pie charts have many slices, it becomes increasingly difficult to compare the sizes of each slice. Pie charts work best when there is one large slice among several and the chart illustrates which category is dominant. 3-D pie charts distort wedges making some appear more important (or less important) than they are. By selecting specific colors for slices and designing where a slice is located in the chart, it is possible to manipulate the visual perception of the chart’s message. (Cleveland, 1985).

Example 3.4

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 3.4: Creating a Pie Chart Using the Chart Builder 1. Open the data CARS2014.SAV and select Graphs/Chart Builder. If the warning dialog box (Figure 3.1) appears, click OK. 2. Select the Pie/Polar type graph from the options, and drag the icon into the Chart Preview Box. Select the Drive Description variable from the list, and drag it to the “Slice by” box at the bottom of the sample pie chart. Click OK, and the pie chart shown in Figure 3.22 appears. This chart indicates the proportions of drive types for various vehicles in the CARS2014 data set showing that 2-Wheel Drive, Front is the most common type. You can double-click on the chart to enhance the chart using the Chart Editor. For example, experiment with putting the number of observations for each type in the pie slices by choosing Elements/Show Data Labels, and (in the Properties dialog) put the Count option in the Displayed list and remove Percent. Also, double-click on the green pie slice to select it, and choose Elements/Explode Slice to separate that slice from the others for the purpose of highlighting that group. Figure 3.22 Pie Chart of Drive Description

Boxplots Boxplots (also called box-and-whiskers plots) are a representation of the quartiles of a scale variable with 50% of the data values inside the middle box and 25% of the data (represented by lines, or whiskers) on each side of the box. In general, a boxplot shows the 0th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 100th percentile of the data (sometimes called the Tukey fivenumber summary, named after its originator John Tukey). A horizontal line inside the box represents the median.

Appropriate Applications for Boxplots Visualize the distribution of the data. Assess the approximate normality of data by looking for a symmetric box with a median centered within the box, a box whose length (called the interquartile range, IRQ) is about 25% of the total length (range), and with equal-length whiskers. Locate outliers in a set of data. Use boxplots to identify data points that are possible outliers. In SPSS, an outlier is defined as a point beyond 1.5*IQR from the top or bottom of the box, and an extreme outlier is 3*IRQ beyond the box.

Design Considerations for Boxplots Boxplots are a simple way to view a variable’s distribution, central tendency, and when displayed by group, allows you to make a visual comparison across groups.

Example 3.5

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 3.5: Creating Comparative Boxplots Using the Chart Builder 1. Open the data CARS2014.SAV and select Graphs/Chart Builder. If the warning dialog box (Figure 3.1) appears, click OK. 2. Select the boxplot icon from the graph types. Choose the leftmost (Simple Boxplot) icon and drag it into the Chart Preview box. 3. Select (drag) SUV to the X-axis and HwyMPG into the Y-axis. 4. Select the Groups/Point ID tab just below the Chart Preview box, and check the Point ID label checkbox. A new variable box labeled Point Label Variable appears in the Chart Preview. Drag the variable Carline into that box. 5. Click OK to display the comparative boxplots shown in Figure 3.23. These comparative boxplots provide visual evidence that (although there is a lot of overlap) SUVs (SUV = Yes on the plot) tend to get lower highway miles per gallon than non-SUVs (but not always). The boxplots also indicate that several non-SUVs have unusually high miles per gallon. When you examine the labels for these outliers, you see that they are all hybrid vehicles. Figure 3.23 Comparative Boxplots Using Cars2014 Data Set

Summary A number of additional charts and graphs are created throughout the text using the basic three graphing methods illustrated in this chapter: Chart Builder Graphboard Template Chooser Legacy Dialogs Most charts created by any of these techniques can be edited using the SPSS Chart Editor. All three techniques were illustrated in this chapter, but most examples used in this chapter and throughout the book use the Chart Builder which (we believe) has the most straightforward design mechanism of the three.

References Cleveland, W. S. (1985). The elements of graphing data. Monterey, CA: Wadsworth. Tufte, E. (2001). The visual display of quantitative information (2nd ed.). Cheshire: CT: Graphics Press.

Chapter 4 Comparing One or Two Means Using the t-Test The bread and butter of statistical data analysis is the Student’s t-test. It was named after a statistician who called himself Student but whose real name was William Gossett. As an employee of Guinness Brewery in Dublin, Ireland, he tackled a number of practical statistical problems related to the operation of the brewery. Since he was discouraged from publishing under his own name, he adopted the Student moniker. Because of Gossett’s work, today’s researchers have in their toolbox what is probably the most commonly performed statistical procedure, the t-test. The most typical use of this test is to compare means, which is the focus of the discussion in this chapter. Unfortunately, because this test is easy to use, it is also easily misused. In this chapter, you will learn when, why, and how to appropriately perform a t-test and how to present your results. There are three types of t-tests discussed in this chapter: 1. One-sample t-test, which is used to compare a single mean to a fixed number or “gold standard” 2. Two-sample t-test, which is used to compare two population means based on independent samples from two populations or groups 3. Paired t-test, which is used to compare two means based on samples that are related in some way These three types of t-tests are discussed along with advice concerning the conditions under which each is appropriate. Examples are given that illustrate how to perform these three types of t-tests using SPSS software. The first t-test considered is the simplest.

One-Sample t-Test The one-sample t-test is used for comparing sample results with a known value. Specifically, in this type of test, a single sample is collected, and the resulting sample mean is compared with a value of interest, sometimes a “gold standard,” that is not based on the current sample. For example, this specified value might be one of the following: The weight indicated on a can of vegetables The advertised breaking strength of a type of steel pipe Government specification on the percentage of fruit juice that must be in a drink before it can be advertised as “fruit juice” The purpose of the one-sample t-test is to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to conclude that the mean of the population from which the sample is taken is different from the specified value. Related to the one-sample t-test is a confidence interval on the mean. The confidence interval is usually applied when you are not testing against a specified value of the population mean but instead want to know a range of plausible values of the unknown mean of the population from which the sample was selected.

Appropriate Applications for a One-Sample t-Test The following are examples of situations in which a one-sample t-test would be appropriate: Are the soft drink bottles full? Does the average volume of liquid in filled soft drink bottles match the 12 ounces advertised on the label? Does the diet work? Is the mean weight loss more than 5 pounds after 3 months for men ages 50 to 60 years, who are given a brochure and training describing a lowcarbohydrate diet? Have SAT scores fallen? Based on a random sample of 200 students, can we conclude that the average SAT score this year is lower than the national average from 3 years ago?

Design Considerations for a One-Sample t-Test The key assumption underlying the one-sample t-test is that the population from which the sample is selected is normal. However, this assumption is rarely if ever precisely true in practice, so it is important to know how concerned you should be about apparent nonnormality in your data. The following are rules of thumb (Moore & McCabe, 2012): If the sample size is small (less than 15), then you should not use the one-sample ttest if the data are clearly skewed or if outliers are present. If the sample size is moderate (at least 15), then the one-sample t-test can be safely used except when there are severe outliers. If the sample size is large (at least 40), then the one-sample t-test can be safely used without regard to skewness or outliers. You will see variations of these rules throughout the literature. In particular, some statisticians will add that the one-sample t-test may not be appropriate if the data are skewed (even with a large sample size), or if there are substantial outliers. In these cases, a nonparametric test might be more desirable. See Chapter 8: Nonparametric Analysis Procedures for more information.

Hypotheses for a One-Sample t-Test When performing a one-sample t-test, you may or may not have a preconceived assumption about the direction of your findings. Depending on the design of your study, you may decide to perform a one- or two-tailed test.

Two-Tailed t-Tests The basic hypotheses for the one-sample t-test are as follows: where µ denotes the mean of the population from which the sample was selected, and µ0 denotes the hypothesized value of this mean. It should be reiterated that µ0 is a value that does not depend on the current sample. H0: µ = µ0 (in words, the population mean is equal to the hypothesized value µ0 Ha: µ ≠ µ0 (the population mean is not equal to µ0).

One-Tailed t-Tests If you are only interested in rejecting the null hypothesis if the population mean differs from the hypothesized value in a direction of interest, you may want to use a one-tailed (sometimes called a one-sided) test. If, for example, you want to reject the null hypothesis only if there is sufficient evidence that the mean is larger than the value hypothesized under the null (i.e., µ0), the hypotheses become the following: H0: µ = µ0 (the population mean is equal to the hypothesized value µ0). Ha: µ > µ0 (the population mean is greater than µ0). Analogous hypotheses could be specified for the case in which you want to reject H0 only if there is sufficient evidence that the population mean is less than µ0. SPSS always reports a two-tailed p-value, so you should modify the reported p-value to fit a one-tailed test by dividing it by 2 if your results are consistent with the direction specified in the alternative hypothesis and an a priori decision was made that a one-tailed test was appropriate. For more discussion of the issues of one- and two-tailed tests, see the section “Hypotheses for a Two-Sample t-Test” in this chapter.

Example 4.1

One-Sample t-Test Describing the Problem A certain bolt is designed to be 4 inches in length. The lengths of a random sample of 15 bolts are shown in Figure 4.1. Figure 4.1 The Bolt Data

Since the sample size is small (N = 15), you should examine the normality of the data before proceeding to the t-test. Refer to Chapter 2: Describing and Examining Data to verify that the data are close to normally distributed by examining a boxplot or Q-Q plot. For this example, we assume that the data are such that an examination convinces us that they are approximately normal. In this example, the bolts are out of design when they are too short or too long. Therefore, in the one-sample t-test, we test the two-tailed hypotheses: Null hypothesis (H0): µ = 4 (the population mean is equal to 4”). Alternative hypothesis (Ha): µ ≠ 4 (the population mean is not equal to 4”). To run a one-sample t-test on the BOLT data and test this hypothesis, follow these steps:

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 4.1: One Sample tTest 1. Open the data set BOLT.SAV and select Analyze/Compare Means/One-Sample T Test…. 2. Select Length as the test variable and specify 4 as the Test Value as shown in Figure 4.2. 3. Click OK and Table 4.1 is displayed. Figure 4.2 Select Length as the Test Variable for the t-Test

The output for the one-sample t-test is two tables. The first table, “One-Sample Statistics,” provides simple statistics for the bolt data and shows that the sample mean of the lengths is 3.9893” with a standard deviation of 0.02314. (You should report these values to fewer digits as discussed in Chapter 1.) In the “One-Sample Test” output, we see that t = –1.786 with a (two-tailed) p-value of 0.096. Thus, at the α = .05 level of significance, we do not reject the null, and we do not conclude that there is a problem with the lengths. We make the following observations concerning the output: The “Mean Difference” value of ℒ0.01067 given in the table is, (i.e., 3.9893 – 4). The confidence interval on the hypothesized difference above is given as [–0.0235, 0.0021]. It should be noted that this is a 95% confidence interval on the difference instead of an interval for μ. Thus, the fact that this interval contains zero indicates that the test would not be rejected at the α = .05 level. Note also that this is a confidence interval on the hypothesized difference (µ – 4) and not on µ.

To obtain a confidence interval for the mean µ, you can modify the interval above by adding 4 to the lower and upper endpoints, or you can use the SPSS Explore procedure (Analyze/Descriptive Statistics/Explore… ) to produce the table shown in Table 4.2 and the boxplot shown in Figure 4.3. The 95% confidence interval for the mean is [3.977, 4.002], and this is the interval you would most likely report. The boxplot provides visual evidence that the data for length are acceptably normal.

Reporting the Results The following examples illustrate how you might report this t-test in a publication format. Narrative for the Methods Section “A one-sample Student’s t-test was performed to test the hypothesis that the mean bolt length is 4 inches.” Descriptives

Figure 4.3 A Boxplot of the Bolt Length Data

Narrative for the Results Section “The bolt lengths were not significantly different from 4 inches, t(14) = ℒ 1.79, p = 0.10.” Or to be more complete, “The mean bolt length (mean = 3.989, SD = 0.023, N = 15) was not significantly different from the hypothesized value of 4 inches, t(14) = – 1.79, p = 0.10.” A description of the confidence interval would read as follows: “A 95% confidence interval on the mean bolt length using a Student’s t distribution with 11 degrees of freedom is [3.977, 4.002]. Since this interval contains 4 inches, there is not significant evidence that the mean bolt length is different from 4.”

Two-Sample t-Test The two-sample (independent groups) t-test is used to determine whether the unknown means of two populations are different from each other based on independent samples from each population. If the two-sample means are sufficiently different from each other, then the population means are declared to be different. A related test, the paired t-test, to be discussed in the next section, is used to compare two population means using samples that are paired in some way. The samples for a two-sample t-test can be obtained from a single population that has been randomly divided into two subgroups, with each subgroup subjected to one of two treatments (e.g., two medications) or from two separate populations (e.g., male and female). In either case, for the two sample t-test to be valid, it is necessary that the two samples are independent (i.e., unrelated to each other).

Appropriate Applications for a Two-Sample t-Test In each of the following examples, the two-sample (independent groups) t-test is used to determine whether the population means of the two groups are different. How can my flour make more dough? Distributors often pay extra to have products placed in prime locations in grocery stores. The manufacturer of a new brand of whole-grain flour wants to determine if placing the product on the top shelf or on the eye-level shelf produces better sales. From 40 grocery stores, he randomly chooses 20 for top-shelf placement and 20 for eye-level placement. After a period of 30 days, he compares average sales from the two placements. What’s the smart way to teach economics? A university is offering two sections of a microeconomics course during the fall semester: (1) meeting once a week with taped lessons provided on a CD or on the Internet and (2) having three sessions a week using standard lectures by the same professor. Students are randomly placed into one of the two sections at the time of registration. Using results from a standardized final exam, the researcher compares mean differences between the learning obtained in the two types of classes. Are males and females different? It is known that males and females often differ in their reactions to certain drugs. As a part of the development of a new antiseizure medication, a standard dose is given to 20 males and 20 females. Periodic measurements are made to determine the time it takes until a desired level of drug is present in the blood for each subject. The researcher wants to determine whether there is a gender difference in the average speed at which the drug is assimilated into the blood system.

Design Considerations for a Two-Sample t-Test The characteristics of the t-tests in the above examples are the following:

A Two-Sample t-Test Compares Means In an experiment designed to use the two-sample t-test, you want to compare means from a quantitative variable such as height, weight, amount spent, or grade. In other words, it should make sense to calculate the mean of the observations. This measurement is called your “response” or “outcome” variable. Note: The outcome measure should not be a categorical (nominal/discrete) variable such as hair color, gender, or occupational level, even if the data have been numerically coded.

You Are Comparing Independent Samples The two groups contain subjects (or objects) that are not paired or matched in any way. These subjects typically are obtained in one of two ways: Subjects (or items) are selected for an experiment in which all come from the same population and are randomly split into two groups (e.g., placebo vs. drug or two different marketing campaigns). Each group is exposed to identical conditions except for a “treatment,” which may be a medical treatment, a marketing design factor, exposure to a stimulus, and so on. Subjects are randomly selected from two separate populations (e.g., male vs. female) as in the medical example above.

The t-Test Assumes Normality A standard assumption for the t-test to be valid when you have small sample sizes is that the outcome variable measurements are normally distributed. That is, when each sample is graphed as a histogram, the shape approximates a bell curve. When the distribution of the data is markedly skewed, the mean is a poor representation of central tendency and thus violates the assumptions of this test.

Are the Variances Equal? Another consideration that should be addressed before using the t-test is whether the population variances can be considered to be equal. The two-sample t-test is robust against moderate departures from the normality and variance assumption, but independence of samples must not be violated. For specifics, see the section below titled “Deciding Which Version of the t-Test Statistic to Use.”

Hypotheses for a Two-Sample t-Test As with any version of the t-test, when performing a two-sample t-test, you may or may not have a preconceived assumption about the direction of your findings. Depending on

the design of your study, you may decide to perform a one- or two-tailed test.

Two-Tailed Tests In this setting, there are two populations, and we are interested in testing whether the population means (i.e., µ1 and µ2) are equal. The hypotheses for the comparison of the means in a two-sample t-test are as follows: H0: µ1 = µ2 (the population means of the two groups are the same). Ha: µ1 ≠ = µ2 (the population means of the two groups are different).

One-Tailed Tests If your experiment is designed so that you are only interested in detecting whether one mean is larger than the other, you may choose to perform a one-tailed (sometimes called one-sided) t-test. For example, when you are only interested in detecting whether the population mean of the second group is larger than the population mean of the first group, the hypotheses become the following: H0: µ1 = µ2 (the population means of the two groups are the same). Ha: µ2 > µ1 (the population mean of the second group is larger than the population mean of the first group). Since SPSS always reports a two-tailed p-value, you must modify the reported p-value to fit a one-tailed test by dividing it by 2. Thus, if the p-value reported for a two-tailed t-test is 0.06, then the p-value for this one-sided test would be 0.03 if the results are supportive of the alternative hypothesis (i.e., if X̄2 > X̄1 ). If the one-sided hypotheses above are tested and X̄2 < X̄1, then the p-value would actually be greater than 0.50, and the null hypothesis should not be rejected.

SIDEBAR If you intend to use a one-tailed test, you should decide this before collecting the data, and the decision should never be based on the fact that you could obtain a more significant result by changing your hypotheses to be one-tailed. Generally, in the case of the two-sample t-test, if there is any possibility that there would be interest in detecting a difference in either direction, the two-tailed test is more appropriate. In fact, you will find that some statisticians believe that it is almost always inappropriate to use a one-tailed t-test.

Tips and Caveats for a Two-Sample t-Test Don’t Misuse the t-Test Be careful! Don’t be among those who misuse the two-sample t-test. Experimental situations that are sometimes inappropriately analyzed as two-sample t-tests are the following: Comparing paired subjects. A group of subjects receives one treatment, and then the same subjects later receive another treatment. This is a paired design (not independent samples). Other examples of paired observations would be fruit from upper and lower branches of the same tree, subjects matched on several demographic items, or twins. This type of experiment is appropriately analyzed as a paired test and not as a two-sample test. See the “Paired t-Test” section later in this chapter. Comparing to a known value. Subjects receive a treatment, and the results are compared to a known value (often a “gold standard”). This is a one-sample t-test. See the “One-Sample t-Test” section.

Preplan One-Tailed t-Tests Only perform a one-tailed test when your experiment is designed with that type of test in mind. As previously mentioned, most statistics programs provide p-values for two-tailed tests. Therefore, if your experiment is designed so that you are performing a one-tailed test, the p-values should be modified as mentioned above.

Small Sample Sizes Make Normality Difficult to Assess Although the t-test is robust against moderate departures from normality, outliers (unusually large or small numbers) can cause problems with the validity of the t-test. As your sample sizes increase, the normality assumption for the two-sample t-test becomes less of an issue because of the central limit theorem (i.e., sample means are approximately normal for moderately large sample sizes even when the original populations are nonnormal). Refer back to the guidelines regarding normality and sample size given in the section “Design Considerations for a One-Sample t-Test.” Studies have shown that the two-sample t-test is more robust to nonnormality than the one-sample methods. The twosample methods perform well for a wide range of distributions as long as both populations have the same shape and sample sizes are equal. Selection of sample sizes that are equal or nearly so is advisable whenever feasible (see Posten, 1978). In fact, if your sample sizes are nearly equal, then the one-sample t-test guidelines about sample size requirements regarding normality can be thought of as applying to the sum of the two-sample sizes in a two-sample t-test (see Moore & McCabe, 2012). A more conservative approach is to base your decision on the smaller of the two sample sizes, especially when sample sizes are very different. If your sample sizes are small and you have a concern that your data are not normally distributed, an alternative to the two-sample t-test is a nonparametric test called the Mann-Whitney test (see Chapter 8: Nonparametric Analysis Procedures). If the data

collected are of a variable that has been well researched in the literature and has been shown to be normal, you can generally make the assumption that your sample is from a normally distributed distribution.

Performing Multiple t-Tests Causes Loss of Control of the Experiment-Wise Significance Level If an experiment involves the strategy of comparing three or more means, the investigator may consider using the familiar t-test to perform all pairwise comparisons. However, this strategy leads to the loss of control over the experiment-wise significance level (i.e., the probability of incorrectly finding at least one significant difference in all possible pairwise comparisons when all means are equal). A more appropriate procedure for comparing more than two means is an analysis of variance (see Chapter 7: Analysis of Variance and Covariance for more information).

Interpreting Graphs Associated With the Two-Sample t-Test Graphs are useful tools for understanding an analysis. A graph produced by many software programs in association with the t-test is the side-by-side boxplot. This plot aids in the visual assessment of the normality (symmetry) of the data as well as the equal variance assumption. In addition, the boxplots allow you to visually assess the degree to which the two data sets are separated. The histogram and normal probability plots are also helpful. For additional information on the use of these graphs, see Chapter 2: Describing and Examining Data.

Deciding Which Version of the t-Test Statistic to Use Most statistical packages compute two versions of the t-statistic, denoted here as tEQ and tUNEQ. The statistic tEQ is based on the assumption that the two population variances are equal, and a pooled estimate of the (equal) population variances is used. Since the population variances are assumed to be equal in this case, the pooled estimate of the common variance is a weighted average of the two sample variances. The statistic tUNEQ does not assume equal variances. There are two common methods for determining which of the two versions of the t-test to use for an analysis. Both methods make the same assumptions about normality. 1. A simple conservative approach recommended by a number of recent statistics texts (see, e.g., Moore & McCabe, 2012; Watkins, Scheaffer, & Cobb, 2008) is to always use the t-test that does not assume equal variances unless you have evidence that the two variances are equal. This is a conservative approach and is based on studies that have shown that tests for equality of variances are often unreliable. 2. The classical approach to deciding which version of the t-test to use is to formally test the equal variance assumption using an F-test. The results of these tests are typically provided in the output from statistical packages. (SPSS uses Levene’s version of the F-test.) Typically, the decision criteria for deciding on equality of variances are as follows: If the p-value for the F-test is less than 0.05, you conclude that the variances are unequal and use the t-test based on unequal variances. If you don’t know which of these two approaches to use, we recommend that you use the conservative criterion. That is, always use the “unequal” version of the t-test unless there is evidence that the variances are equal. In most cases, both versions of the t-test will lead to the same conclusion. Here are several items to consider when deciding which version of the t-test to use: 1. Although test statistic tUNEQ does not actually follow a t-distribution even when the populations are normal, the p-value given in the statistics packages provides a close approximation. The degrees of freedom may not necessarily be an integer. 2. There are a number of professors who follow the classical decision-making procedure that a test for equality of variances (and maybe also for normality) be performed to determine which version of the t-test to use. (Some statisticians argue that these pretests inflate the experiment-wise error rate, so it is recommended that the t-test pvalue be adjusted in these cases.) An alternative that would not require a p-value adjustment is to rely on past knowledge that the data are normal and variances between groups can be assumed to be equal. Others accept that there is always a “look” at the data distribution before an analysis and no adjustment for this look is necessary. See Sawilowsky (2002) p. 466. 3. If one or more of the sample sizes are small and the data contain significant departures from normality, you should perform a nonparametric test in lieu of the ttest. See the section “Tips and Caveats for a Two-Sample t-Test” above.

Two-Sample t-Test Examples The following two examples illustrate how to perform a two-sample t-test, create appropriate graphs, and interpret the results.

Example 4.2

Two-Sample t-Test With Equal Variances Describing the Problem A researcher wants to know whether one fertilizer (Brand 1) causes plants to grow faster than another brand of fertilizer (Brand 2). Starting with seeds, he grows plants in identical conditions and randomly assigns fertilizer “Brand 1” to seven plants and fertilizer “Brand 2” to six plants. The data for this experiment are as follows, where the outcome measurement is the height of the plant after 3 weeks of growth. The data are shown in Table 4.3.

Since either fertilizer could be superior, a two-sided t-test is appropriate. The hypotheses for this test are H0: µ1 = µ2 versus Ha: µ1 ≠ µ2 or, in words, the following: Null hypothesis (H0): The mean growth heights of the plants using the two different fertilizers are the same. Alternative hypothesis (Ha): The mean growth heights of the plants using the two fertilizers are different.

Arranging the Data for Analysis Setting up data for this type of analysis is not intuitive and requires some special formatting. To perform the analysis for the fertilizer data using most statistical software programs (including SPSS), you must set up the data using two variables: a classification or group code and an observed (outcome/response) variable. Thus,

the way the data are listed in Table 4.3 (although it may make sense in your workbook or spreadsheet) is not how a statistical software program requires the data to be set up to perform a two-sample t-test. Instead, the data should be set up using the following format: Select a grouping code to represent the two fertilizer types. This code could be numeric (i.e., 1, 2) or text (i.e., A, B or BRAND1, BRAND2). For this example, use the grouping code named Type, where 1 represents Brand1 and 2 represents Brand2. Name the outcome variable. The outcome (response) variable is the observed height and is designated with the variable named Height. The grouping codes specify which observation belongs to which type of fertilizer. Thus, to set up the data for most statistics programs, place one observation per line, with each data line containing two variables: a fertilizer code (Type) and the corresponding response variable (Height). Figure 4.4 illustrates how the data should be set up for most statistics programs, where it should be noted that there is one item (plant) per row. Figure 4.4 SPSS Editor Showing Fertilizer Data

The values 1 and 2 in the “type” column represent the two brands of fertilizer and the “height” variable is the outcome height measurement on the plants. (The codes 1 and 2 in this data set were arbitrarily selected. You could have used 0 and 1 or any other set of binary codes.) Before performing the t-test you should check to see whether your data meet the assumptions of normality and equality of variances. A visual way to check those assumptions is with a boxplot, as discussed in Chapter 2 (Graphs/Legacy dialogs/Boxplot/Summaries for Groups or Cases with Height as the variable and Type as the Category Axis.) The comparative boxplots for these data is shown in Figure 4.5. Figure 4.5 Boxplots for the Fertilizer Study

From the listing of the data and boxplots, notice that the sample sizes are small, with only seven observations in Group 1 and six observations in Group 2. Also note that the distributions of both groups are relatively symmetric and the variances appear to be fairly similar. There is no evidence of any sizable outliers. Do not interpret the large overlap in the boxes as providing conclusive evidence that the means are not different. Although it will turn out that there is no difference in this example, when sample sizes are large, you may see considerable overlap in the boxes even when there is a significant p-value for the t-test. (This would indicate that there is evidence that means are different even though there is sizable overlap between the populations.) With this information in hand, proceed to perform a t-test:

SPSS Step-By-Step. Two-Sample t-Test With Equal Variances To run the two-sample t-test on the FERTILIZER.SAV data, follow these steps: 1. Open the data set FERTILIZER.SAV and select Analyze/Compare Means/Independent Samples T Test…. 2. Select Height as the Test Variable and Type as the Grouping Variable. 3. Click on the Define Groups button and define the group values as 1 and 2 as shown in Figure 4.6. 4. Click Continue and OK and the tables shown in Table 4.4 are displayed. 5. To display the boxplot in Figure 4.5 select Graphs/Legacy Dialog/Boxplot and choose Simple Boxplot and then Define. Select Height as the Variable and Type as the Category Axis. Figure 4.6 Specify Group Values for Two-Sample t-Test

The resulting output is shown in Table 4.4. The “Group Statistics” table shows that the standard deviations (variances) for the two groups are similar, as was visually seen in the boxplot. (Remember that the variance is the square of the standard deviation.)

From the “Independent Samples Test” in Table 4.4, first notice the results of the F-test (Levene’s test) for evaluating the equality of variance. The p-value 0.79 indicates that the variances are not significantly different. You now have two pieces of information that indicate the variances are similar (the boxplot and Levene’s test). Therefore, if you are comfortable with this information, the appropriate t-test is the one that assumes equal variances. However, if you choose to go with the conservative approach, you would use the “Equal variances not assumed” t-test. In this case, your final decision for the significance of the t-test would not be different. The following information discusses methods of interpreting the output from the “Independent Samples Test” table. Making a decision based on the p-value. The p-value for the equal variances t-test is p = 0.269. Since this p-value is greater than 0.05, the decision would be that there is no significant variance difference between the two groups. (Do not reject the null hypothesis.) Thus, there is not enough evidence to conclude that the mean heights are different. If you use the approach in which equal variances are not assumed, the p-value is p = 0.265, which is almost identical to the “equal variance” p-value. Thus, your decision would be the same. Making a decision based on the confidence interval. The 95% confidence intervals for the difference in means are given in the last two columns of Table 4.4. The interval associated with the assumption of equal variances is [–3.41 to 1.05], while the confidence interval when equal variances are not assumed is [–3.39 to 1.03]. Since these intervals include 0 (zero), we again conclude that there is no significant difference between the means using either assumption regarding the variances. Thus, you would make the same decisions discussed in the p-value section above. The confidence interval gives more information than a simple p-value. Each interval above indicates that plausible values of the mean difference lie between about –3.4 and 1.0. Depending on the nature of your experiment, the information about the range of the possible mean differences may be useful in your decision-making process.

Reporting the Results of a (Nonsignificant) Two-Sample t-Test The following sample write-ups illustrate how you might report this two-sample t-test in publication format. For purposes of illustration, we use the “equal variance” t-test for the remainder of this example: Narrative for the Methods Section “A two-sample Student’s t-test using a pooled estimate of the variance was performed to test the hypothesis that the resulting mean heights of the plants for the two types of fertilizer were equal.”

Narrative for the Results Section “The mean heights of plants using the two brands of fertilizer were not significantly different, t(11) = – 1.17, p = 0.27.” Or, to be more complete, “The mean height of plants using fertilizer Brand 1 (M = 53.07, SD = 1.91, N = 7) was not significantly different from that using fertilizer Brand 2 (M = 54.25, SD = 1.71, N = 6), t(11) = – 1.17, p = 0.27.” A description of the confidence interval would read as follows: “A 95% confidence interval on the difference between the two population means using a Student’s t distribution with 11 degrees of freedom is [–3.41, 1.05], which indicates that there is not significant evidence that the fertilizers produce different mean growth heights.”

Example 4.3

Two-Sample t-Test With Variance Issues Describing the Problem Seventy-six subjects were given an untimed test measuring the dexterity required for a particular job skill as a part of a research project at a job placement center for inner-city youth. The sample consisted of 17 males and 59 females. Time to complete the test was recorded (in minutes). The researcher wants to know whether the test is gender neutral. As a part of that analysis, she wonders if the average time to complete the test will be the same for both male and female participants. Since the researcher is simply interested in determining whether there is a difference in the average times for males and females, a two-sided t-test is appropriate. The hypotheses for this test could be written (in words) as follows: Null hypothesis (H0): The mean times to finish the skills test are the same for both genders. Alternative hypothesis (Ha): The mean times to finish the skills test differ for the two genders. The data for this analysis are entered into a data set in a format similar to the previous example, using one line per subject, with a group variable (Gender) containing two values (M andF) and a variable containing the response variable (Time). As in Example 4.2, it is a good practice to look at a plot of the data (as discussed in Chapter 2). For this example, boxplots for the grouped data of the JOB.SAV data set are shown in Figure 4.7. (Graphs/Chart Builder/Boxplot [Simple] with Time as the X-axis and Gender as the Y-axis.) The side-by-side boxplots show that the data are fairly symmetric and thus consistent with approximate normality. The dots labeled “33,” “59,” “58,” and “24” show that there are several “moderate outliers” although none appear too extreme. The difference in sizes of the boxes illustrates that the equality of variances may be questionable. With this information in mind, we proceed with the t-test:

SPSS Step-By-Step: EXAMPLE 4.3: Two-Sample tTest With Variance Issues To create the output in SPSS for this example, follow these steps: Figure 4.7 Side-By-Side Boxplots for Job Placement Data

1. Using the data set JOB.SAV, select Analyze/Compare Means/Independent Samples T Test…. 2. Select Time as the test variable and Gender as the grouping variable. 3. Click on the Define Groups button and define the group values as M and F. (This is similar to the boxplots in Figure 4.5, but with M and F as the groups.) 4. Click Continue and then OK, and the output shown in Table 4.5 appears. Table 4.5 shows the results of performing the two-sample t-test. From the “Group Statistics” table, note that there are 59 females and 17 males in the sample. Also note that the standard deviation for males is substantially larger than for females. In the “Independent Sample Test” table, the test for equality of variances labeled “Levene’s Test” yields a significant p-value (Sig.) of p = 0.013. This indicates that, according to this criterion, the variances cannot be considered equal. This result indicates that you should use the “Equal variances not assumed” t-test. Using the conservative approach mentioned earlier, you would also choose to use the unequal variances t-test. Making a decision based on the p-value. Because equal variances are not assumed, you should use the set of statistics labeled “equal variances not assumed” in the “t-test for equality of means” section of the “Independent Samples Test.” The p-value for this version of the t-test is p = 0.026. Since this pvalue is less than 0.05, the decision would be that there is a significant difference between the two group means. (Reject the null hypothesis.) Thus, there is evidence to conclude that the mean times to complete the test differ by gender. (Regardless of the statistical results, the researcher should evaluate whether an average difference of 2.9 minutes [27.529 minus 24.627] is important in terms of the goals of the research.) Making a decision based on the confidence interval. To analyze these data using confidence intervals, refer to the section of Table 4.5 labeled “95% confidence interval of the difference” on the second line of statistics labeled “equal variance not assumed.” The interval for the difference in means (male minus female) is [0.3795, 5.4251]. Since the interval does not include 0 (zero), the conclusion is that

(at the 0.05 level of significance) you should reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a statistically significant difference in the population means. Also, since the confidence interval contains only positive values for the (male minus female) difference in the means, there is evidence that males take longer on average to perform the task.

Reporting Results for EXAMPLE 4.3: Two-Sample tTests With Variance Issues The following sample write-ups illustrate how you might report this t-test in publication format: Narrative for the Methods Section “Since a preliminary Levene’s test for equality of variances indicated that the variances of the two groups were significantly different, a two-sample t-test was performed that does not assume equal variances.” (You could also add, “No adjustments to p-values were made for multiple significance tests.”) Narrative for the Results Section “There is evidence within the setting observed that males take a significantly longer time on average to complete the untimed skills test than do females, t(19.6) = 2.40, p = 0.03.” Or, more completely, “The mean time required for females to complete the untimed aptitude test (M = 24.6 minutes, SD = 2.89, N = 59) was significantly shorter than that required for males (M = 27.53 minutes, SD = 4.73, N = 17), t(20) = 2.40, p = 0.03.”

Calculating Effect Size for a Two-Sample t-Test Although not part of SPSS output, sometimes it is useful to report an effect size for a twosample t-test. This measure quantifies the difference between the two groups and helps you decide whether a statistical significance is also a meaningful difference. A common measure of the effect size is called Cohen’s d. For a t-test where the t-statistic is already calculated, you have the information from the SPSS output needed to calculate Cohen’s, which is given by d=t(n1+n2)df(n1+n2)

Thus, for the comparison of plant heights by fertilizer brand, you would calculate d=−1.17(6+7)/[(11)(6∗7)]=−.707 The interpretation for this number (regardless of any statistical significance indicated by a p-value) is based on Cohen (1988) where d from 0.2 to 0.5 is considered a small effect, d from 0.5 to 0.8 is considered a moderate effect, and d of 0.8 and above is considered a large effect. Ignoring the negative (which is changed if you take the groups in the opposite order), the size of the observed difference would be considered to be moderate.

Paired t-Test The paired t-test (also called a dependent samples t-test) is appropriate for data in which the two samples are correlated or related in some way. This type of analysis is appropriate for the three separate data collection scenarios: Pairs consist of before and after measurements on a single group of subjects or patients. Two measurements on the same subject or entity (right and left eye, for example) are paired. Subjects in one group (e.g., those receiving a treatment) are paired or matched on a one-to-one basis with subjects in a second group (e.g., control subjects). (Sometimes this is done using biological twins.) In all cases, the data to be analyzed are the differences within pairs (e.g., the right eye measurement minus the left eye measurement). The difference scores are then analyzed as a one-sample t-test.

Associated Confidence Interval The confidence interval associated with a paired t-test is the same as the confidence interval for a one-sample t-test using the difference scores. The resulting confidence interval is usually examined to determine whether it includes zero.

Appropriate Applications for a Paired t-Test The following are examples of paired data that would properly be analyzed using a paired t-test. Does the diet work? A developer of a new diet is interested in showing that it is effective. He randomly chooses 15 subjects to go on the diet for 1 month. He weighs each patient before and after the 1-month period to see whether there is evidence of a weight loss at the end of the month. Is a new teaching method better than standard methods? An educator wants to test a new method for improving reading comprehension. Twenty students are assigned to a section that will use the new method. Each of these 20 students is matched (age, race, gender, initial reading level) with a student with similar reading ability who will spend the semester in a class using the standard teaching methods. At the end of the semester, the students in both sections will be given a common reading comprehension exam, and the average reading comprehension differences between the matched pairs is compared. Do new eye drops work better than standard drops? A pharmaceutical company wants to test a new formulation of eye drops with its standard drops for reducing redness. Fifty subjects who have similar problems with eye redness in each eye are randomly selected for the study. For each subject, an eye is randomly selected to be treated with the new drops, and the other eye is treated with the standard drops. At the end of the treatment schedule, the redness in each eye is measured using a quantitative scale.

Design Considerations for a Paired t-Test Pairing Observations May Increase the Ability to Detect Differences A paired t-test is recommended when variability between groups may be sufficiently large to mask any mean differences that might exist between the groups. Pairing is a method for obtaining a more direct measurement on the difference being examined. For example, in the diet example above, one method of assessing the performance of the diet would be to select 30 subjects and randomly assign 15 to go on the diet and 15 to eat regularly for the next month (i.e., the control group). At the end of the month, the weights of the subjects on the diet could be compared with those in the control group to determine whether there is evidence of a difference in average weights. Clearly, this is not a desirable design since the variability of weights of subjects within the two groups will likely mask any differences that might be produced by one month on the diet. A better design would be to select 15 subjects (or even better, 30 subjects) and measure the weights of these subjects before and after the month on the diet. The 15 differences between the before and after weights for the subjects provide much more focused measurements of the effect of the diet than would independent samples.

Paired t-Test Analysis Is Performed on the Difference Scores The data to be analyzed in a paired t-test are the differences between pairs (e.g., the before minus after weight for each subject in a diet study or differences between matched pairs in the study of teaching methods). The difference scores are then analyzed using a onesample t-test.

The Paired t-Test Assumes Normality of the Differences The basic assumption for the paired t-test to be valid when you have small sample sizes is that the difference scores are normally distributed and that the observed differences represent a random sample from the population of differences. (See the section on testing for normality, “Describing Quantitative Data,” in Chapter 2.) Also, using difference scores can be misleading in cases where there are ceiling or floor limits to the individual values, when there is a substantial “regression to the mean” for observations, or when initial values are not representative of the sample (particularly in longitudinal data).

Hypotheses for a Paired t-Test The hypotheses to be tested in a paired t-test are similar to those used in a two-sample ttest. In the case of paired data, µ1 and µ2 refer to the population means of the before and after measurements on a single group of subjects or to the first and second pair in the case of matched subjects. The null hypotheses may be stated as H0: µ1 = µ2. However, in the case of paired data, it is common practice to make use of the fact that the difference between the two population means (i.e., µ1 –; µ2) is equal to the population mean of the difference scores, denoted µd. In this case, the hypotheses are written as follows: H0: µd = 0 (the population mean of the differences is zero). Ha: µd ≠ 0 (the population mean of the differences is not zero).

Example 4.4

Paired t-Test Consider the diet example described above. The data for this example include two variables reporting before and after weights for 15 randomly selected subjects who participated in a test of a new diet for a 1-month period. Figure 4.8 illustrates the data format, where it can be seen that the before and after weights for a subject are entered on the same row. In this case, we want to determine whether there is evidence that the diet works. That is, if we calculate differences as di = “before” weight minus “after” weight, then we should test the following hypotheses: H0: µd = 0 (the mean of the differences is zero; i.e., the diet is ineffective). Ha: µd > 0 (the mean of the differences is positive; i.e., the diet is effective). Figure 4.8 SPSS Editor Showing DIET.SAV Data

The following example illustrates how to perform this test in either of two ways: first using data pairs, then using the differences.

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 4.4: Paired t-Test Using the data pairs (as shown in Figure 4.9) 1. Open the data set DIET.SAV and select Analyze/Compare Means/Paired-Samples T Test…. 2. Select the two variables for which you want the difference to be taken. In this case, choose Before as Pair 1 Variable 1 and After as Pair 1 Variable 2 as shown in in Figure 4.9. 3. Click OK and Table 4.6 is displayed. Figure 4.9 Select Variables for Paired t-Test

In this output, the sample mean of the difference scores is 3.533, with a standard deviation of the differences given by 5.330. The calculated t-statistic (with 14 df) is given by 2.567, which has a p-value of 0.022. When interpreting these results, notice that the mean of the “before minus after” differences is positive, which is supportive of the alternative hypothesis that µd = 0. Since this experiment from its inception was only interested in detecting a weight loss, it can be viewed as a one-sided test. Thus, for a one-sided hypothesis test, the reported p-value should be one half of the p-value given in the computer output (i.e., p = 0.011). That is, at the α = 05 level, we reject H0 and conclude that the weight loss diet is effective. The output also includes a 95% confidence interval on the mean difference. It should be noted that this confidence interval is two-sided. In this case, the fact that the interval [0.58, 6.49] contains only positive values suggests that µd > 0 (i.e., that the diet is effective).

Programming Notes: It should be noted that the order of the difference, i.e., in this case “Before – After,” is determined by your placement of the variable names in the dialog box shown in Figure 4.9. SPSS will

calculate differences as Variable1 – Variable 2. It should be noted that the default order of the difference (i.e., in this case, “Before – After”) is determined by the order in which the variables are entered into the database. That is, using the paired t-test option and the data in the data set DIET.SAV, SPSS will by default calculate the difference “Before – After.” Calculation of the difference “After – Before” can be obtained by directly calculating the difference and performing a one-sample t-test on the difference scores, as illustrated in the next example.

Using the Difference Scores A second way to perform this analysis is using difference scores. The same results as those obtained in Table 4.6 can be obtained by directly computing the “Before – After” differences and performing a one-sample ttest on the differences. (See the section “Creating a new variable using computation” in Appendix B.) After creating a new variable named Difference, you can perform the analysis shown in the following example:

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 4.5: Paired t-Test Using Difference Scores To perform the one-sample t-test on the new variable called Difference that exists in the data set DIET_WITH_DIFFERENCE.SAV, follow these steps: 1. Open the data set DIET_WITH_DIFFERNCE.SAV and select Analyze/Compare Means/OneSample T Test…. 2. Select Difference as the test variable and specify 0 as the Test Value. Click OK and Table 4.7 is displayed. 3. One way to display the boxplot of the difference scores in the DIET_WITH_DIFFERENCES.SAV data set is to select Analyze/Descriptive Statistics/Explore…, add Difference to the Dependent List, click on the Plots radio button at the bottom left of the dialog box, and click OK. The boxplot shown in Figure 4.10 is displayed.

Figure 4.10 Boxplot of Differences in Diet Data

The reported mean difference is 3.53333 (and the p-value for the test is p = 0.022). These results are consistent with those obtained earlier. If it were desirable, you could have calculated the differences using the formula “After – Before.” In this case, the mean difference would be −3.53 and the t-value would be −2.567, but the p-value would remain the same. Note than in this version of the test (where you are testing the precalculated difference), you could choose some other value to test. For example, if this diet advertised that you’d lose at least 10 pounds, you could enter that as the test value. In the paired t-test version, the hypothesis tested is that the difference is zero.

Reporting the Results for EXAMPLE 4.4: Paired t-Test The following sample write-ups illustrate how you might report this paired t-test in publication format. Narrative for the Methods Section “A paired t-test was performed to ascertain whether the diet was effective.” Narrative for the Results Section “There is evidence that the mean weight loss is positive, that is, that the diet is effective in producing weight loss, t(14) = 2.567, one-tailed p = .01.” Or, more completely, “The mean weight loss (M = 3.53, SD = 5.33, N = 15) was significantly greater than zero, t(14) = 2.567, one-tailed p = 0.01, providing evidence that the diet is effective in producing weight loss after one month.”

Calculating Effect Size for a Paired t-Test To calculate the Cohen’s d effect size measure from the SPSS output for a paired t-test, you can use this formula. d = Mean difference/Standard Deviation of the difference = M/SD For this example, calculate d = 3.53/5.33 = 0.662 The interpretation for this number is based on Cohen (1988) where d from 0.2 to 0.5 is considered a small effect d from 0.5 to 0.8 is considered a moderate effect d of 0.8 and above is considered a large effect Thus, the observed difference would be considered moderate.

Summary The t-test is one of the most widely used statistical procedures. It comes in three basic varieties: the single-sample t-test, the two-sample t-test, and the paired t-test. This chapter presents a concise, but not exhaustive, description of how to perform, interpret, and report the results of t-tests. The next chapter is about correlation and regression analysis.

References Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Moore, D., & McCabe, G. (2012). Introduction to the practice of statistics (7th ed.). New York, NY: Freeman. Posten, H. O. (1978). The robustness of the two-sample t-test over the Pearson system. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 6, 195–311. Sawilowsky, S. S. (2002). Fermat, Schubert, Einstein, and Behrens-Fisher: The probable difference between two means when. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 1(2), 461–472. Watkins, A., Scheaffer, R., & Cobb, G. (2008). Statistics in action: Understanding a world of data. Emeryville, CA: Key College Publishing.

Chapter 5 Correlation and Regression Have you ever noticed that, on the average, the more money people earn, the more expensive the car they drive? I drive a 9-year-old Honda. Does that tell you anything? You might refer to the association between income and type of car using the term correlation. In statistical terms, a correlation is a mathematical measure of the strength of association between two quantitative variables—in this case, between income and value of the car. A closely related cousin of correlation analysis is regression analysis. In a classic study, the statistician Karl Pearson compiled the heights of 1,078 fathers and sons where the son had reached full height. As would be expected, a scatterplot of the data shows that taller fathers tend to have taller sons while shorter fathers tend to have shorter sons, as shown in Figure 5.1. A correlation analysis involves measuring the extent to which the points in the scatterplot tend to swarm about a line. Suppose, however, that you want to know how well you can predict the height of a son if you know the height of his father. Using the data, you can come up with a regression line (equation) for performing the prediction. In regression analysis, we are interested in using the relationship between the two variables to predict the value of one of the variables given a value of the other variable. This chapter describes when and how to use correlation and regression analyses. Specifically, these topics are covered: Correlation: examining the linear association between two variables Simple linear regression: examining the relationship between a single predictor and a response variable Multiple linear regression: examining the relationship between two or more predictor variables with a response variable Chapter 9 will deal with a specialized type of regression called logistic regression.

Correlation Analysis A statistic that is often used to measure the strength of a linear association between two variables is the correlation coefficient. Specifically, the correlation covered in this chapter is called Pearson’s correlation coefficient (yes—it’s the same Pearson who measured the fathers and sons). In this section, we refer to Pearson’s correlation coefficient as simply the “correlation coefficient.” The theoretical correlation coefficient is often expressed using the Greek letter rho (ρ) while its estimate from a set of data is usually denoted by r. Figure 5.1 Pearson’s Scatterplot of Heights of Fathers and Sons

Unless otherwise specified, when we say “correlation coefficient,” we mean the estimate (r) calculated from the data. The correlation coefficient is always between −1 and +1, where −1 indicates that the points in the scatterplot of the two variables all lie on a line that has negative slope (a perfect negative correlation), and a correlation coefficient of +1 indicates that the points all lie on a line that has positive slope (a perfect positive correlation). In general, a positive correlation between two variables indicates that as one of the variables increases, the other variable also tends to increase. If the correlation coefficient is negative, then as one variable increases, the other variable tends to decrease and vice versa. (Neither of these conditions implies causality.) A correlation coefficient close to +1 (or −1) indicates a strong linear relationship (i.e., that the points in the scatterplot are closely packed around a line). However, the closer a correlation coefficient gets to 0, the weaker the linear relationship and the more scattered the swarm of points in the graph. Most statistics packages quote a t-statistic along with the correlation coefficient for purposes of testing whether the correlation coefficient is significantly different from zero. A scatterplot is a very useful tool for viewing the relationship and determining whether a relationship is indeed linear in nature.

Appropriate Applications for Correlation Analysis The correlation coefficient might be used to determine whether there is a linear relationship between the following pairs of variables: What is the relationship between grades in English rhetoric and introductory statistics? A sample of first-year students is selected at a certain university, and their scores in English rhetoric and introductory statistics are compared. How do Internet sales relate to advertising costs? The monthly amount spent on Google ads and monthly amount received in orders from an Internet store site are compared. Fatigue versus performance. Managers track the number of overtime hours worked and the daily cost of mistakes made at a chemical production facility.

Design Considerations for Correlation Analysis 1. The correlation coefficient measures the strength of a linear relationship between the two variables. That is, the relationship between the two variables measures how closely the two points in a scatterplot (X-Y plot) of the two variables cluster about a straight line. If two variables are related but the relationship is not linear, then the correlation coefficient may not be able to detect a relationship. 2. Observations should be quantitative (numeric) variables. The correlation coefficient is not appropriate for qualitative (categorical) variables, even if they are numerically coded. In addition, tests of significance of the correlation coefficient assume that the two variables are approximately normally distributed. 3. The pairs of data are independently collected. Whereas, for example, in a one-sample t-test, we make the assumption that the observations represent a random sample from some population, in correlation analysis, we assume that observed pairs of data represent a random sample from some bivariate population.

Hypotheses for Correlation Analysis The usual hypotheses for testing the statistical significance of a Pearson’s correlation coefficient are the following: H0: ρ = 0 (there is no linear relationship between the two variables). Ha: ρ ≠ 0 (there is a linear relationship between the two variables). These hypotheses can also be one-sided when appropriate. This null hypothesis is tested in statistical programs using a test statistic based on Student’s t. (SPSS doesn’t actually give the t value—just the associated p-value for the two-sided test.) If the p-value for the test is sufficiently small, then you reject the null hypothesis and conclude that ρ is not 0. A researcher will then have to make a professional judgment to determine whether the observed association has “practical” significance. A correlation coefficient of r = 0.25 may be statistically significant (i.e., we have statistical evidence that it is nonzero), but it may be of no practical importance if that level of association is not of interest to the researcher. Effect size (discussed below) addresses this issue.

Tips and Caveats for Correlation Analysis One-Sided Tests The two-sided p-values for tests about a correlation reported by most statistics programs can be divided by two for one-sided tests if the calculated correlation coefficient has the same sign as that specified in the alternative hypothesis.

Variables Don’t Have to Be on the Same Scale The correlation coefficient is unitless. For example, you can correlate height (inches) with weight (pounds). In addition, given a set of data on heights and weights, it does not matter whether you measure height in inches, centimeters, feet, and so on and weight in pounds, kilograms, and so on. In all cases, the resulting correlation coefficient will be the same.

Correlation Does Not Imply Cause and Effect A conclusion of cause and effect is often improperly inferred based on the finding of a significant correlation. It is important to understand that correlation does not imply causation. Causation is difficult to imply (let alone prove) and is a task fraught with many problems.

The Effect Size Provides a Description of a Correlation’s Strength The effect size for a correlation measures the strength of the relationship. For correlation, r serves as the numeric measure of the effect size whose strength can be interpreted according to criteria developed by Cohen (1988): When r is greater than 0.10 and less than 0.30, the effect size is “small.” When r is greater than 0.30 and less than 0.50, the effect size is “medium.” When r is greater than 0.50 the effect size is “large.” Effect sizes smaller than 0.10 would be considered trivial. These terms (small, medium, and large) associated with the size of the correlation are intended to provide you with a specific word you can use to describe the strength of the correlation in a write-up.

Correlations Provide an Incomplete Picture of the Relationship Suppose, for example, that you have found that for first-year students at a certain university, there is a very strong positive correlation between grades (from 0–100) in rhetoric and statistics. Simply stated, this finding would lead one to believe that rhetoric and statistics grades are very similar (i.e., that a student’s score in rhetoric will be very close to his or her score in statistics). However, you should realize that you would get a

strong positive correlation if the statistics grade for each student tended to be about 20 points lower than his or her rhetoric grade. (We’re not claiming that this is the case—it’s just a hypothetical example!) For this reason, when reporting a correlation between two variables, it is good practice to not simply report a correlation but also to report the mean and standard deviation of each of the variables. In addition, a scatterplot provides useful information that should be given in addition to the simple reporting of a correlation. (See the example in Freedman, Pisani, and Purves, 2007, Ch. 9.).

Examine Relationship With a Scatterplot and Watch for Outliers Always confirm the linear nature of the correlation with a scatterplot (X-Y plot) because it is possible for a correlation coefficient to appear important when examination of the data themselves suggest otherwise. Figure 5.2 shows several examples of scatterplots, all of which have a computed correlation coefficient of about 0.72. The upper left scatterplot has the typical appearance of points swarming about a line with a correlation of about 0.72. In the upper right scatter diagram, the apparent linear correlation is nearly entirely due to the extreme value or outlier in the upper right-hand corner of the plot. Without that value, there is no apparent relationship between the two variables. This is an example of what is sometimes referred to as the lollipop effect. (Can you see the lollipop?) In the middle left scatterplot, there seems to be a strong linear relationship between the two variables (much stronger than 0.72). However, notice that there is one data value in the lower right-hand corner of the plot that does not fit this correlation structure. This data value dramatically reduces the computed correlation coefficient. Note that this unusual point would not be picked up as an outlier by looking at the univariate (one variable at a time) techniques in Chapter 2 because it is within an acceptable range of both variables. As always, whenever you see unusual or extreme values in your data set, you should investigate whether these values are “real.” Even if the outlying values in the upper right or middle left scatterplots are real, their effect on the correlation and resulting test of significance should be noted. In the middle right scatterplot, there appear to be two groupings of data. These groups may correspond to subpopulations, and it should be noted that there appears to be little or no linear relationship between the two variables within each group. In the lower left scatterplot, the points follow a line with a very small slope for x between 22 and 26 and follow a different and much steeper linear pattern for x greater than 26. In the lower right scatterplot, the variables appear to be very strongly (maybe functionally) related, but the relationship is nonlinear. Figure 5.2 Example Scatterplots Associated With r = .72

Don’t Extrapolate Don’t assume that linear relationships observed over certain ranges of the variables will continue to exist if the ranges are extended. Consider the case in which two variables have a strong linear relationship over a certain range of variables. If the range on one or both of the variables is expanded, then the linear relationship observed previously may or may not continue to exist. Over an expanded range, the relationship may become nonlinear or may disappear altogether. See, for example, the bottom left graph in Figure 5.2. This is related to the advice against extrapolation that we will give related to linear regression analysis.

If Variables Are Not Normally Distributed If you cannot assume normality of the X or Y variable, then you should use Spearman’s correlation to measure agreement between the two variables. See Chapter 8: Nonparametric Analysis Procedures for information on this topic. To produce the scatterplot of Father and Son’s heights shown in Figure 5.1, use the same procedure outlined in steps 1 to 4 above with the data set named PEARSON.SAV.

Example 5.1

Correlation Analysis Describing the Problem Data collected on 50 different children include the child’s age and the times to complete four different handeye coordination tasks (labeled Time1 to Time4). The researcher is interested in understanding the extent to which performances on these tasks are associated with the child’s age and with one another. In a preliminary analysis, we want to measure the correlation between Age and Time1. The following example illustrates how to do this in SPSS.

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 5.1: Correlations To calculate the correlation coefficient between Age and Time1 and plot the corresponding scatterplot, follow these steps: 1. Open the data set CORRELATION.SAV and select Analyze/Correlate/ Bivariate… . 2. Select Age and Time1 as variables. Make sure the Pearson checkbox is selected and click OK. 3. To display a scatterplot of the variables, select Graphs/Chart Builder and select the Scatter/Dot chart type and drag the Simple Scatter icon into the Chart Preview Box. 4. Select Time1 as the Y-axis and Age as the X-axis variables and click OK. The scatterplot shown in in Figure 5.3 is displayed. The correlation coefficient for these two variables is r = 0.501 with p < 0.001. The scatterplot shown in Figure 5.3 confirms that there is a moderate increase in Time1 as Age increases. This scatterplot is similar in appearance to the father-son data in Figure 5.1, and in both cases, the correlation is approximately r = 0.5. Recall that the effect size classification, r = 0.501 is right on the border between a medium and large effect size. Because there are five quantitative variables involved (i.e., Age, Time1 … Time4), it might be useful to examine them all at once. Follow these steps to examine the relationship between these variables: 1. To create a matrix of correlation coefficients for the variables Age, Time1, Time2, Time3, and Time4, follow these additional steps: Select Analyze/Correlate/Bivariate… . Select Age, Time1, Time2, Time3, and Time4 as variables. Make sure the Pearson checkbox is selected and click OK. This creates the output shown in Table 5.1. 2. To display a scatterplot matrix of the same variables, select Graphs/Chart Builder and select the Scatter/Dot chart type and drag the Scatterplot Matrix icon (bottom row, second from right) into the Chart Preview box. Drag Age, Time1, Time2, Time3, and Time4 into the variable box at the bottom of the sample chart. Click OK. The output shown in Figure 5.4 is displayed. Figure 5.3 Scatterplot of TIME1 by Age

Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Figure 5.4 Scatterplot Matrix for Example 5.1 Data

In the matrix of correlation coefficients (Table 5.1), the top number in each cell is r, the calculated sample correlation coefficient between the two variables under consideration. The second number in each cell is the p-value, and the third number is the sample size (i.e., the number of valid pairs that were observed.) In this case, all correlations are statistically significant because all p-values are less than 0.05. The matrix is symmetric about the diagonal because, for example, the correlation coefficient between Age and Time1 (0.501) in the first row and second column is the same as the correlation coefficient between Time1 and Age in the second row and first column. Note also that, for example, there is a perfect correlation (i.e., r = 1) between Age and itself in the first diagonal element. The correlation coefficients range from r = 0.381 to r = 0.834 (ignoring the diagonal). Figure 5.4 shows the matrix of scatterplots for these variables and provides a useful visualization corresponding to the results shown in Table 5.1.

Reporting the Results for a Pearson’s Correlation The following example illustrates how you could report the results of a correlation analysis using the variables Age and Time1. Note that the degrees of freedom for the t-test of the correlation hypothesis is N – 2 (number of cases minus 2). Narrative for the Methods Section “An evaluation of the linear relationship between the child’s age and the score on the Time1 hand-eye coordination exercise was measured using Pearson’s correlation.” Narrative for the Results Section “An analysis using Pearson’s correlation coefficient indicated that there is a significant linear relationship between Age and performance on Time1, r(48) = 0.50, p < 0.001. For these data, the mean (SD) for Age was 10.46 (2.43) and for Time1 was 21.27 (1.72).” To incorporate the effect size (large) into the narrative, use “An analysis using Pearson’s correlation coefficient indicated that there is a large and significant linear relationship… .”

Simple Linear Regression Simple linear regression (SLR) is a statistical tool used to examine the relationship between one predictor (independent) variable and a single quantitative response (dependent) variable. Simple linear regression analysis produces a regression equation that can be used for prediction. A typical experiment involves observing a sample of paired observations in which the independent variable (X) may have been fixed at a variety of values of interest and the dependent variable has been observed. These observations are used to create an equation that can be used to predict the dependent variable given a value of the independent variable.

Appropriate Applications for Simple Linear Regression How good is a new medical test? A new (less expensive) medical test is developed to potentially replace a conventional (more expensive) test. A regression equation is developed to determine how well the new test (independent variable) predicts the results of the conventional test (dependent variable). Systolic blood pressure and smoking. A medical researcher wants to understand the relationship between weight (independent variable) and systolic blood pressure (dependent variable) in males older than 40 years of age who smoke. A regression equation is obtained to determine how well the blood pressure reading can be predicted from weight for males older than age 40 who smoke. Should I spend more on advertising? The owner of a Web site wants to know if the weekly costs of advertising (independent variable) on a cable channel are related to the number of visits to his site (dependent variable). In the data collection stage, the advertising costs are allowed to vary from week to week. A regression equation is obtained from this training sample to determine how well number of visits to the site can be predicted from advertising costs.

Design Considerations for Simple Linear Regression There Is a Theoretical Regression Line The regression line calculated from the data is a sample-based version of a theoretical line describing the relationship between the independent variable (X) and the dependent variable (Y). The theoretical line has the form Y = α + βX+ ε where α is the y-intercept, β is the slope, and ε is an error term with zero mean and constant variance. Notice that β = 0 indicates that there is no linear relationship between X and Y.

The Observed Regression Equation Is Calculated From the Data Based on the Least Squares Principle The regression line that is obtained for predicting the dependent variable (Y) from the independent variable (X) is given by Ŷ = a + bX, and it is the line for which the sum-of-squared vertical differences from the points in the X-Y scatterplot to the line is a minimum. In practice, Ŷ is the prediction of the dependent variable given that the independent variable takes on the value X. We say that the values a and b are the least squares estimates of α and β, respectively. That is, the least squares estimates are those for which the sum-of-squared differences between the observed Y values and the predicted Y values are minimized. To be more specific, the least squares estimates are the values of a and b for which the sum of the quantities (Yi – a – bXi )2, i = 1, … , N is minimized.

Several Assumptions Are Involved These include the following: 1. Normality. The population of Y values for each X is normally distributed. 2. Equal variances. The populations in Assumption 1 all have the same variance. 3. Independence. The dependent variables used in the computation of the regression equation are independent. This typically means that each observed X-Y pair of observations must be from a separate subject or entity. You will often see the assumptions above stated in terms of the error term ε Simple linear

regression is robust to moderate departures from these assumptions, but you should be aware of them and should examine your data to understand the nature of your data and how well these assumptions are met.

Hypotheses for a Simple Linear Regression Analysis To evaluate how well a set of data fits a simple linear regression model, a statistical test is performed regarding the slope (α) of the theoretical regression line. The hypotheses are as follows: H0: β = 0 (the slope is zero; there is no linear relationship between the variables). Ha: β ≠ 0 (the slope is not zero; there is a linear relationship between the variables). The null hypothesis indicates that there is no linear relationship between the two variables. One-sided tests (specifying that the slope is positive or negative) can also be performed. A low p-value for this test (less than 0.05) would lead you to conclude that there is a linear relationship between the two variables and that knowledge of X would be useful in the prediction of Y.

SIDEBAR The statistical test for the hypothesis that the slope is zero in a simple linear regression is mathematically equivalent to the test in correlation analysis that ρ = 0.

Tips and Caveats for Simple Linear Regression Don’t Extrapolate Once a regression line is obtained and it is concluded that there is indeed a significant linear relationship upon which to base the predictions, you can use the line for predicting Y values for a given value X. However, the linear relationship that is established applies only to the range of X values used in developing the regression line. Based on the analysis leading to the regression equation, you have no way of knowing whether the observed linear relationship exists beyond the range of the observed X values. For example, consider the data shown in the bottom left scatterplot in Figure 5.2. Suppose you have access to only the data for which X ≤ 26 and you find the regression line for predicting Y from X. It can be seen that this line will do a good job of predicting Y for X between 22 and 26. However, if you use this line to predict the value of Y when X = 26.4, it is clear that the predicted Y will be much lower than the actual Y because the nature of the relationship between X and Y changed at about X = 26. The regression line you obtained applies only to the range of X values used in its computation. Using the regression equation to predict Y when X = 27 would obviously give very lousy estimates. Thus, using a regression equation to predict Y for any value of X that is outside the range of X values observed is called extrapolation. Don’t do it!

Analyze Residual Plots Residuals are calculated as e = Y – Ŷ for each pair of observations in the data set, where Ŷ is the prediction obtained from the regression line and Y is the original data value. Note that for each X-Y pair in the data set, a residual is computed, and a scatterplot of these residuals is often plotted with the independent variable on the horizontal axis and the residuals on the vertical axis. If the assumptions are met, then this scatterplot should appear as random points centered at zero. It may also be useful to plot the residuals using run-order as the horizontal axis. (Run-order is the order in which the observations were observed.) Examination of residual plots can help you determine whether the assumptions are met. For example, if the residuals follow some sort of nonlinear curve, then this may be an indication that a linear regression is not appropriate. If the spread of the points around the center line tends to change across the range of the independent variable, this may be an indication that the assumption of equal variances is not appropriate. If a pattern appears in a run-order residual plot, you should determine if there was some type of change over time (e.g., fatigue) that influenced the data values. Sometimes, standardized residuals (residuals divided by their standard error) are plotted. In this case, the basic patterns to be examined are the same, but the standardizing makes it easier to identify outliers. If a standardized residual is larger than 2 or 3 in absolute value, it may indicate an outlier or at least a data point of some interest. For more discussion of residual analysis, see Kleinbaum, Kupper, Nizam, and Rosenberg (2013), and for more on outlier detection, see Rousseeuw and Annick (2005).

Transformations If the residuals do not appear to be random in the residual plot, you may consider applying a transformation to one or both of the variables to help eliminate the problem. Common transformations include the logarithm and the square root. Depending on the type of nonlinearity observed, you may want to apply this transformation to the independent variable, the dependent variable, or both. Information on how to transform data to create new variables in SPSS is given in Appendix A: A Brief Tutorial for Using IBM SPSS for Windows. A good reference for learning more about transformations is Kleinbaum et al. (2013).

Additional Tips Other tips and caveats similar to those in correlation analysis include the following: Variables need not be on the same scale. A p-value less than 0.05 indicates only that there is some predictive value when using X to predict Y. The finding of a significant predictive relationship does not imply cause and effect. The two-sided p-values associated with the test for slope given by most statistics programs can be divided by two for one-sided tests if the slope estimate has the same sign as that specified in the alternative hypothesis. Relationships should be examined using scatterplots.

Interval Estimates There are several interval estimates used in simple linear regression. Confidence interval for β. You can obtain confidence intervals on the parameter β related to the hypothesis test mentioned above. If the resulting 95% confidence interval contains zero, then there is not sufficient evidence to conclude that the theoretical slope is nonzero (i.e., there is not significant evidence of a linear relationship). Confidence interval for mean of Y for given value of X. This is really a collection of confidence intervals, one for each value of the independent variable. The upper and lower limits of these confidence intervals are typically drawn as curves across the range of observed values of X (see Figure 5.5). Prediction interval for future value of Y given X. This interval is technically not a confidence interval. The interpretation of a 95% prediction interval for Y given X is as follows. Suppose we randomly select a new data pair for which the independent variable takes on the value X. We are 95% sure that the corresponding value of Y will fall in this prediction interval. This interval is similar to the confidence interval on the mean value of Y for a given value X but is somewhat wider. Predicted Task = 1.599 + 0.083(52) = 5.915

Example 5.2

Simple Linear Regression Describing the Problem A random sample of 14 students is selected from an elementary school, and each student is measured on a creativity score (Create) using a new testing instrument and on a task score (Task) using a standard instrument. The Task score is the mean time taken to perform several hand-eye coordination tasks. Because the test for the creativity test is much cheaper, it is of interest to know whether you can substitute it for the more expensive Task score. That is, can you create a regression equation that will effectively predict a Task score (the dependent variable) from the Create score (the independent variable)? Figure 5.5 shows a scatterplot of the two variables along with the regression line and the confidence intervals for the mean of Y given X. In the plot, we use the standard practice of plotting the independent variable (Create) on the X-axis and the dependent variable (Task) on the Y-axis. By observing the scatterplot (try to ignore the line and interval estimates for now), you can verify that there is a positive correlation between the two variables, and it appears that knowing Create should help in predicting Task. It is also clear that knowing Create does not in any way perfectly predict Task. This example illustrates how to perform the regression analysis:

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 5.2: Simple Linear Regression 1. Open the file REGSIMP.SAV and select Analyze/Regression/Linear… . 2. Select Task as the dependent variable and Create as the independent variable and click OK. Two of the output tables, the Model Summary and Coefficients tables for the analysis, are shown in Table 5.2.

The Model Summary table (Table 5.2) provides information about the correlation between Task and Create where r = 0.744 indicating that there is a positive relationship between the two variables (as one increases in value, so does the other). The “create” line in the Coefficients table gives the results of the two-sided hypothesis test that the theoretical slope of the regression line for predicting Task from Create is 0. In this case, p = 0.002 indicates that you should reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a statistically significant linear relationship between the two variables, and therefore that Create should be useful in predicting Task. The sample regression equation displayed on the plot was created from the “Unstandardized Coefficients” in the Coefficients table. Thus, the regression equation for predicting Task from Create is Predicted Task = 1.599 + 0.083(Create), or said in words, you predict the Task value by multiplying Create by 0.083 and adding 1.599. 3. Using the REGSIMP.SAV data set, to produce a scatterplot of the data with a fitted regression line, select Graphs/Legacy Dialogs/Scatter/Dot. Select Simple Scatter and click Define. Drag the variable Task to the Y-axis and Create to the X-axis and click OK. 4. To draw the regression line on the plot, once the scatterplot appears, double-click on it to enter the SPSS Chart Editor: From the Chart Editor menu, select Elements/Fit Line at Total. Click the Fit Line tab and select Linear as the Fit Method. (If you do not want the label showing the regression equation on the line, unclick the option “Attach label to line.”) In the Confidence Interval box, select Mean (leave percentage at 95). (This draws the 95% confidence interval for the mean of Y given X on the scatterplot.) Click Apply and Close. 5. Close the chart editor (File/Close). The plot in Figure 5.5 is displayed. Figure 5.5 shows the scatterplot along with the regression line which seems to provide reasonable estimates for Task for each value of Create. For another student who has a Create score of 52, you would predict a Task score using the equation

Predicted Task = 1.599 + 0.083(52) = 5.915 Figure 5.5 Scatterplot for Simple Linear Regression Example

which is visually consistent with the regression line in Figure 5.5 at X = 52. A visual inspection of the scatterplot indicates, however, that although the relationship is (strongly) statistically significant, the scatter of points around the regression (prediction) line is not extremely tight. Therefore, although statistically significant, these results may or may not lead you to conclude that the Create test results can be adequately predicted using Task. This is a decision that you will have to make based on your professional knowledge of the subject matter. For example, you must determine whether you are willing to accept the size of possible errors in estimates of Task obtained from the regression line. Examining Figure 5.5 you can see that some values of Task are as much as 2 units away from the fitted regression line. If making this magnitude of a predictive error is life threatening or costly in some other way, you may feel that the predictive capability of the equation, although statistically significant, is not strong enough to be adopted for actual use. Another way to determine if this regression is a good fit to the data is with a residual plot. The following steps show how to create this plot: 6. To obtain a residual plot, select Analyze/Regression/Linear … selecting the dependent (Task) and independent (Create) variables as before and then do the following: 7. Click the Save button and select unstandardized residuals (top right of the Save dialog box). 8. Click Continue and OK. (Note: This has placed a new variable Unstandardized Residual [RES_1] in the data file as shown in Figure 5.6.) 9. Select the Graphs/Chart Builder. Select the Scatter/Dot chart type and drag the Simple Scatterplot icon into the Chart Preview box. Drag the Create variable to the X-axis and the Unstandardized Residual (RES_1) variable to the Y-axis and click OK. A preliminary chart appears in the Output window. 10. To place a horizontal line at Y = 0, double-click on the new scatterplot to enter the SPSS Chart Editor. From the Chart Editor menu, select Options/Y Axis Reference Line. Indicate Y axis position as 0. Click Apply and Close. Close the chart editor (File/Close). The resulting residual plot is shown

in Figure 5.7. Figure 5.6 Data With Residual Column Added

This residual plot suggests that the underlying assumptions are met because it shows a random scatter of points above and below the zero line. With so few points, it is difficult to determine whether there is any pattern of concern. Note that the p-value associated with the “Constant” term is for testing H0: α = 0 (i.e., that the theoretical y-intercept is zero). In most cases, this will not be of interest to you. That is, usually the only p-value of interest will be the one associated with the independent variable (i.e., the one used for testing whether the slope is significantly different from zero).

Reporting the Results for a Simple Linear Regression The following example illustrates how you could report the results of a simple linear regression analysis using the variable Create to predict the variable Task. Narrative for the Methods Section “An evaluation of how the new Create score predicts the standard Task score was examined using simple linear regression.” Figure 5.7 Residual Plot for Simple Linear Regression Example

Narrative for the Results Section The simple linear regression analysis indicates a statistically significant linear relationship where the new Create exam scores are used to predict the Task exam scores, β = 0.083, t(12) = 3.056 p = .002 with R2 = 0.553. To incorporate the effect size (large based on r) in to the narrative, use “The simple linear regression analysis indicates a large and significant linear relationship… .”

Multiple Linear Regression Multiple linear regression is an extension of simple linear regression in which there is a single dependent (response) variable (Y) and k independent (predictor) variables Xi, i = 1, … , k. In multiple linear regression, the dependent variable is a quantitative variable while the independent variables may be quantitative or indicator (0, 1) variables. The usual purpose of a multiple regression analysis is to create a regression equation for predicting the dependent variable from a group of independent variables. Desired outcomes of such an analysis may include the following: 1. Screen independent variables to determine which ones are good predictors and thus find the most effective (and efficient) prediction model. 2. Obtain estimates of individual coefficients in the model to understand the predictive role of the individual independent variables used.

Appropriate Applications of Multiple Linear Regression How can the selling price of a house be predicted? A large city is broken down into 50 “neighborhoods,” and for each neighborhood, the following variables are collected: average selling price per square foot of houses in the neighborhood (AST), population density, yearly crime rate, proportion of nonbusiness acres, proportion of lots over 25,000 square feet, average square footage for residential dwellings, distance to downtown, and average family income. It is desired to see how well AST can be predicted using the other variables and which of the other variables are useful in predicting AST. Does tutoring help? To assess the effectiveness of tutorial help in a psychology course, the instructor wants to know how well the grade achieved on the final exam can be predicted using all or a subset of the following variables: amount of time spent on Web tutorials, time spent in small tutorial classes, the time spent in one-on-one tutorial meetings, and student gender. Can emergency room costs be predicted by observing initial injury measures? Administrators at a hospital want to know how well the cost of a visit to the emergency room can be predicted using all or a subset of the following variables: evidence of intoxication, AIS score (injury severity), gender, type of injury (blunt, burn, or penetrating), GCS (Glasgow Coma Scale) score, and initial systolic blood pressure.

Design Considerations for Multiple Linear Regression A Theoretical Multiple Regression Equation Exists That Describes the Relationship Between the Dependent Variable and the Independent Variables As in the case of simple linear regression, the multiple regression equation calculated from the data is a sample-based version of a theoretical equation describing the relationship between the k independent variables and the dependent variable Y. The theoretical equation is of the form Y = α + β1X1 + β2X2 +… + βkXk+ ε where α is the intercept term and βiis the regression coefficient corresponding to the ith independent variable. Also, as in simple linear regression, ε is an error term with zero mean and constant variance. Note that if βi = 0, then in this setting, the ith independent variable is not useful in predicting the dependent variable.

The Observed Multiple Regression Equation Is Calculated From the Data Based on the Least Squares Principle The multiple regression equation that is obtained from the data for predicting the dependent variable from the k independent variables is given by Ŷ = a+b1X1+b2X2…+bkXk As in the case of simple linear regression, the coefficients a, b1, b2, … , and bk are least squares estimates of the corresponding coefficients in the theoretical model. That is, as in the case of simple linear regression, the least squares estimates a and b1, … , bk are the values for which the sum-of-squared differences between the observed y values and the predicted y values are minimized.

Several Assumptions Are Involved These include the following: 1. Normality. The population of Y values for each combination of independent variables is normally distributed. 2. Equal variances. The populations in Assumption 1 all have the same variance. 3. Independence. The dependent variables used in the computation of the regression

equation are not correlated. This typically means that each observed y value must be from a separate subject or entity.

Hypotheses for Multiple Linear Regression In multiple regression analysis, the usual procedure for determining whether the ith independent variable contributes to the prediction of the dependent variable is to test the following hypotheses: H0: βi = 0 Ha: βi ≠ 0 for i = 1, … , k. Each of these tests is performed using a t-test. There will be k of these tests (one for each independent variable), and most statistical packages report the corresponding t-statistics and p-values. Note that if there were no linear relationship whatsoever between the dependent variable and the independent variables, then all of the βis would be zero. Most programs also report an F-test in an analysis of variance output that provides a single test of the following hypotheses: H0: β1 = β2 =…= βk = 0 (there is no linear relationship between the dependent variable and the collection of independent variables). Ha: At least one of the βis is nonzero (there is a linear relationship between the dependent variable and at least one of the independent variables). The analysis-of-variance framework breaks up the total variability in the dependent variable (as measured by the total sum of squares) by that which can be explained by the regression using X1, X2, … , Xk (the regression sum of squares) and that which cannot be explained by the regression (the error sum of squares). It is good practice to check the pvalue associated with this overall F-test as the first step in the testing procedure. Then, if this p-value is less than 0.05, you would reject the null hypothesis of no linear relationship and proceed to examine the results of the t-tests. However, if the p-value for the F-test is greater than 0.05, then you have no evidence of any relationship between the dependent variable and any of the independent variables, so you should not examine the individual ttests. Any findings of significance at this point would be questionable.

SIDEBAR Most statistics programs also give the t-statistic and associated p-value for testing the null hypothesis H0: α = 0. As in the case of simple linear regression, you will usually not be interested in testing whether the yintercept is zero.

R-Square Another measure that assesses the performance of the multiple regression is the R2 (Rsquared) statistic. This statistic reports the strength of the relationship between the set of independent variables and the dependent variable. R2 ranges from 0 (meaning no linear relationship) to 1.0 (meaning perfect linear relationship). R2 is the ratio of the regression sum of squares divided by the total sum of squares and measures the proportion of the variation in the dependent variable that is accounted for by the regression. For example, an R2 of 0.89 would typically be described by reporting that 89% of the variability in the dependent variable is accounted for by the regression.

Model Selection Procedures for Multiple Linear Regression It is often the case when working with multiple linear regression that there are a number of candidate independent variables, and the goal is to create a model that contains some group of these variables that most efficiently predict the dependent variable. Based on the discussion above concerning testing hypotheses in a multiple regression, it is tempting to conclude that the best way to proceed is to enter all of the independent variables of possible interest into the multiple regression equation and choose the ones for which the corresponding p-values are less than 0.05. However, this may not produce desirable results, often because of collinearity among the independent variables. Collinearity occurs when independent variables are themselves highly correlated or when one independent variable is nearly a linear combination of two or more independent variables. The presence of collinearity among the independent variables can cause problems in interpretation of the resulting multiple regression equations. If there are strong interrelationships among the independent variables, then coefficient estimates cannot be trusted to be meaningful. For example, if an independent variable is by itself positively related to the dependent variable, then you would expect the coefficient associated with this variable to be positive. The presence of collinearity can sometimes reverse the sign of the coefficient leading to confusing interpretations. Suppose, for example, that you have two independent variables that are each positively correlated with the dependent variable and also strongly positively correlated with each other. Because the two variables are highly positively correlated with each other, they are introducing very similar information into the regression equation for predicting the dependent variable, and it will often be the case that only one of these independent variables is needed. However, if these two variables are simultaneously placed into the regression equation, this may result in confusing results such as one variable having a positive coefficient and the other a negative coefficient, one or both variables appearing to be insignificant, and so on. One method to assess the relationships among possible predictors is to create a matrix of correlations (and scatterplots) as illustrated earlier in this chapter. Using that information, you can often identify which variables might exhibit collinearity. One solution may be to create new variables that are themselves linear combinations of the existing independent variables. Below is a list of techniques that can be used for deciding which of a group of candidate independent variables should be used in a final model. The first three methods are called automated variables selection procedures since they use criteria computed within the program to “decide” on a “best” set of variables for the model based on the available data. 1. Forward selection. This procedure enters variables in a stepwise manner using an entry criterion for selecting the next variable to be entered. At each step, an associated p-value is checked to determine whether the selected variable contributes enough to be included. 2. Backward elimination. All independent variables are initially entered into the equation. At each step, there is a removal criterion for selecting the next variable to

be removed from the model and an associated p-value to determine whether the selected variable should be removed. 3. Stepwise entry. This procedure adds independent variables one at a time as in forward selection. However, at each step, a backward elimination procedure is used to see whether any variables should be removed. 4. Best subset regression. This strategy reports the multiple regression based on a subset of a specified number, say, m, of independent variables for which R2 (or some other criterion) is maximized among all possible subsets of m independent variables. Note: This option is not available in SPSS but is available in statistics programs such as SAS (SAS Institute, 2011) and WINKS (TexasSoft, 2012). 5. Hierarchical selection. We recommend that researchers use a hierarchical (nonautomated) selection procedure in which the researcher first decides, because of his or her intimate knowledge of the subject, which variables should be included as predictor variables. For example, if part of your concern is if gender is predictive of a measure involving cystic fibrosis, you should include gender as a predictor in the model regardless of any of the other techniques. Once you have included important research variables as predictors in the model, you can supplement the list of predictors using the other (automated) techniques listed above. A few other issues that should be considered when selecting variables: Include only variables that make sense. Variables selected for inclusion in a prediction model should make sense in the context of the analysis. If it is not clear why a variable should be predictive, it may be best to not include it in your model, even if the selection criterion chooses it. Force important variables into a model. You may sometimes want to force variables of obvious importance to be included in a final model even if the selection procedures do not choose it. (This relates to the hierarchical approach listed in the selection procedure 5 above.) Be wary of variable selection results. It is interesting to note that the various selection procedures described above may lead to different final models. It is good practice to use several of these techniques and to compare the final models. (The stepwise and forward selection procedures are similar. If one of these is being used, then also try backward elimination.) Some researchers argue that backward elimination procedures are preferable to the forward selection and stepwise procedures. Among other issues, it has been shown that in forward selection and stepwise approaches, the R2 values are biased high, and the resulting p-values do not have proper meaning. These problems are not as severe in backward elimination methods (see Mantel, 1970). Our advice is that you should not let any automated variable selection procedure be the sole criterion by which your final model is chosen. (See selection procedure 5 above.) We do not recommend using automated techniques as your sole method of selecting a set of predictive variables. We recommend that researchers use some version of a hierarchical selection (option is below), which can be supplemented by additional automated techniques.

Tips and Caveats for Multiple Linear Regression Besides the tips and caveats described in the previous simple linear regression section above, here are some additional considerations:

Using Indicator Variables Your independent variables may include a categorical variable with two or more categories. Examples might be race, location of hospital, brand of milling machine, and so on. To include these variables in the equation, indicator variables must be used. For example, if you have a variable called Race that includes the categories White, African American, Hispanic, and Other (four categories), you would need to create three indicator variables (i.e., the variables take on the values 0 and 1) to account for these categories. These new variables might be named White, AA, and Hispanic and can be constructed as follows: If a subject is “White,” the variables take on the following values: White = 1, AA = 0, and Hispanic = 0. If a subject is African American, the variables take on the following values: White = 0, AA = 1, Hispanic = 0, and so forth. Note that if the subject is “Other,” the variables take on the following values: White = 0, AA = 0, and Hispanic = 0. Thus, these three indicator variables uniquely account for all four categories using 0, 1 indicator variables. In this case, all three variables (White, AA, and Hispanic) would be used as independent variables in the multiple regression equation. Thus, a general rule is that the number of independent variables required to account for a categorical variable is the number of categories minus one.

Don’t Extrapolate As with simple linear regression, predictions obtained using the multiple regression equation should be used only for independent variables that are (as a group) within the range of independent variables used in the computation of the regression equation.

Too Many Predictors? The number of independent variables that should be used in your final model is limited by the number of observations. A rule of thumb used by some researchers is to limit the number of independent variables to one independent variable for every 10 observations. Thus, if you have 50 observations, this rough guide would suggest that you should limit your final regression model to a maximum of about five independent variables.

Model Interpretation and Evaluation for Multiple Linear Regression Model evaluation is performed using graphs and statistical tests. Some commonly used procedures for assessing the performance of a multiple regression model are discussed here. These include the following: Compare competing R2 values. Compare the R2 values of competing models to see if there is one that results in a larger R2 value than the others. However, you should be aware that if you start with a multiple regression with three variables and add a fourth variable to this list, then the R2 value will nearly always increase and will never decrease. Thus, a simple increase in R2 is not sufficient evidence for deciding to include an additional variable. Comparison of R2 values thus makes the most sense when you are comparing candidate models with the same number of independent variables. Analyze residual plots. Plots of residuals similar to those discussed in the section on simple linear regression are also useful in multiple regression. In multiple regression, the residuals are calculated as the difference between an actual Y value and its corresponding predicted value. As in the simple linear regression case, these plots should show a random behavior with no real pattern. As in simple linear regression, if a standardized residual is larger than 2 or 3, it may indicate an outlier or at least a data point of some interest. In multiple regression, you can plot separate residual plots for each of the independent variables on the horizontal axis. It is also common practice to plot residuals versus the predicted Y values or against run-order. See Kutner, Nachtsheim, and Neter (2004) for a discussion of residual analysis in multiple regression.

Effect Size A measure of effect size for multiple regression is Cohen’s (1988) f2 calculated as f2=R21−R2

which is interpreted as When f2 is greater than 0.02 and less than 0.15, the effect size is “small.” When f2 is greater than 0.15 and less than 0.35, the effect size is “medium.” When f2 is greater than 0.35, the effect size is “large.” For an R2 = .798, f2 = 3.95, or a large effect.

Example 5.3

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Describing the Problem An employer wants to be able to predict how well applicants will do on the job once they are hired. He devises four tests (Test1 to Test4) that are designed to measure the skills required for the job. Current employees are selected at random from a group of current workers and given the four tests. These workers are then evaluated by a supervisor, who gives each employee a job proficiency score (Jobscore). From the “training data,” we wish to develop a multiple regression equation for predicting Jobscore from all or a subset of the four test scores. The following example illustrates an approach to this analysis:

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 5.3: Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Before doing any multivariate regression, it is helpful to first examine a matrix of scatterplots of all the variables involved. These first few steps produce a scatterplot matrix of the data: 1. Open the data set JOBSCORE.SAV and select Graphs/Chart Builder. Select the Scatter/Dot icon and drag the Scatterplot Matrix icon into the Chart Preview box. 2. Drag the variables Test1, Test2, Test3, Test4, and Jobscore into the variables box at the bottom of the sample plot and click OK. Figure 5.8 shows the resulting matrix of scatterplots. From the matrix of scatterplots in Figure 5.8, you can see there appears to be a linear relationship between Jobscore and Test1. The association between Jobscore and the other variables is unclear. Also, the potential predictor variables do not appear to be highly correlated with each other. In order to select the best collection of independent variables to be used in the final predictive model, we investigate the use of variable selection methods. These automated methods are not foolproof, and as mentioned previously, you should not rely on one method to find the best set of predictors. To perform the variable selection procedure using the stepwise approach, continue with this example: 3. Using the JOBSCORE.SAV select Analyze/Regression/Linear and select Jobscore as the dependent variable and Test1 through Test4 as the independent variables. 4. Click the Method button and select Stepwise as the entry criterion and click OK. (Click the Options button and observe that you could change the entry and removal criteria and other options in this dialog box. Do not make any changes. Click Continue to exit this dialog box.) 5. From this initial analysis, notice that the variable Test1 and then Test3 are entered into the equation and Test2 and Test4 are excluded, as shown in Table 5.3. Figure 5.8 Matrix of Scatterplots for JOBSCORE Data

Dependent Variable: jobscore When applying the stepwise procedure, the variables Test1 and Test3 are entered into the model using the default SPSS stopping rules. They are as follows: An entry p-value less than 0.05 is required in order for a variable to be added to the model at a given step, while a p-value greater than 0.10 is required for a variable to be removed from the model. The results of this stepwise procedure are shown in Table 5.3 where it can be seen that (not surprisingly) Test1 was selected as the first variable to be entered, Test3 was entered into the model next. No further variables satisfied the entry criterion. Continue with the analysis by examining a second selection method: backward elimination: 6. Using the same JOBSCORE.SAV data select Analyze/Regression/Linear … and this time indicate Backward as the Entry criteria. Examine the results shown in Table 5.4.

Notice that this method selects Test1, Test3, and Test4 to be included in the model. Although this method is used on the same data (with the same stopping rule for removal), the final model is different. This is an indication that the automated techniques can give differing answers. Given that there is no previous expectation that any particular test will be predictive, we next describe how to choose between the two possible models.

Dependent Variable: jobscore

Comparing Competing Models Two possible models were identified. Both models have a strong model fit (p < 0.001), according to the ANOVA F-tests. However, we want to choose between these two competing models. Sometimes competing models are compared by looking at their R2 values. In this example, the two-variable model has R2 = .798 and the three-variable R2 = .827. One of the problems with comparing these models using R2 values is that simply from mathematical considerations, R2 should be larger for the model with Test1, Test3, and Test4 than for the model with Test1 and Test3 even if Test4 is not providing significantly important new information. In fact, the p-value (In the Sig. column of Table 5.4) is 0.075 which indicates that Test4 is only marginally predictive. If you decide that the three-variable model is not substantially better, then you might choose the two-variable model based on the desire for parsimony (i.e., selection of the model with the fewest variables if there is no important difference in the models). Other criteria such as Mallows Cp and AIC are designed for directly comparing models with different numbers of independent variables. See Kutner, Nachtsheim, and Neter (2004). Another way to assess the fit is to examine the contribution for each individual variable in the proposed model. In Table 5.3, the “Sig.” column reports the p-value associated with a test that the associated β coefficient is zero for each of the predictors currently in the model. For the two predictors Test1 and Test3 in Model 2 of the table, these p-values are both less than 0.05. If either of these p-values were large, it would suggest that the variable was not providing important information to the equation and should possibly be dropped. When faced with several model candidates, you must decide which one not only best fits the data but also which one makes the most sense in the context of your research and which one uses the fewest variables to create an acceptable model. For example, if each test costs $25 to administer and there are potentially 1,000 candidates, eliminating a single unneeded test would save $25,000. Based on these considerations, let’s use the model with the two independent variables (Test1 and Test3). From model 2 in Table 5.3 we see that corresponding regression equation for predicting Jobscore is given by Predicted Jobscore = –11.922 + 2.406 Test1 –0.768 Test3. Thus, using this equation will provide a measure of prediction for how new employees will perform on the job.

Residual Analysis To assess how well a chosen model fits the data, you should perform a residual analysis. Continuing with Example 5.3, we illustrate how to perform the analysis and interpret the results. 7. Using the same JOBSCORE.SAV data in the previous steps, select Analyze/Regression/Linear with Jobscore as the dependent variable and Test1 and Test3 as the independent variables. Select Enter as the Entry Criterion. 8. Click the Save button and select both the unstandardized predicted values and unstandardized residuals and click Continue and OK. Note: This places new variables: Unstandardized Predicted Value (Pre_1) and Unstandardized Residual (Res_1) in the data file. Click Continue. 9. To select casewise diagnostic analysis, check the Statistics button and select Casewise diagnostics. Click Continue and OK. The added variables are shown in Figure 5.9. 10. To produce a residual plot using the JOBSCORE.SAV data, select Graphs/Chart Builder. Select the Scatter/Dot chart type and drag the Simple Scatterplot icon into the Chart Preview box. Drag the Unstandardized Predicted Value variable to the X-axis and the Unstandardized Residual variable to the Y-axis. Click OK. 11. Double-click on the resulting graph to enter the SPSS Chart Editor. Add a reference line at 0 by selecting Options/Y Axis Reference Line. Click Apply and Close in the Properties box. 12. To change the numbers on the axes to have fewer decimal points, select Edit/Select X Axis. In the Properties dialog box, select the Number Format tab and change Decimal Places to 1. Click Apply and Close. Do the same procedure for the Y Axis. 13.Close the Chart Editor. The resulting graph is shown in Figure 5.10. Figure 5.9 JOBSCORE Data With Added Residual Variables

The residual plot in Figure 5.10 plots the unstandardized residuals plotted against the (unstandardized) predicted Jobscore variable. Notice that the points are spread randomly around the zero line with one of the points for a predicted Jobscore with a value of about 200 somewhat out of place. Additionally, there is the appearance of a possible increase in variability as the predicted Jobscore increases. Figure 5.10 Residual Plot for JOBSCORE.SAV Data

The “Casewise Diagnostics” table in the output (Table 5.4) indicates that the record with the large residual (i.e., with a residual of approximately 100) is a potential outlier since it has a standardized residual greater than 3. The program identifies this as case number 7. You should investigate this case to see if there is something unusual about this subject. Perhaps it is a superstar employee whose performance would be difficult to predict using the developed model. You might consider rerunning the analysis without this unusual value to see how that might influence your model.

Dependent Variable: jobscore

Reporting the Results for a Multiple Linear Regression The following illustrates how you could report the results of a simple linear regression analysis using the Test variables to predict the variable Jobscore. Narrative for the Methods Section “Using a stepwise procedure for variable selection in a multiple linear regression, we determined that the variables Test1 and Test3 were the best predictors for Jobscore.” Narrative for the Results Section “The multiple linear regression analysis found Test1 (p < .001) and Test3 (p < .022) to be significant predictors of Jobscore with R2 = 0.798, F(2,22) = 43.16, p < .001. Cohen’s f2 for this analysis is 3.95 indicating a large effect.”

Summary Correlation and regression are statistical techniques used to examine associations between numeric variables and to create predictive equations. Simple and multiple regression techniques can be used to develop a model that explains how one or more variables can be used to predict the value of an outcome variable. Note that, correlations and regression equations do not necessarily suggest cause and effect. The next chapter describes the analysis of categorical data.

References Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Freedman, D., Pisani, R., & Purves, R. (2007). Statistics (4th ed.). New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company. Kleinbaum, D. G., Kupper, L. L., Nizam, A., & Rosenberg E. D. (2013). Applied regression analysis and other multivariate methods (5th ed.). Belmont, CA: Centage Learning. Kutner, M. H., Nachtsheim, C., Neter J. (2004). Applied linear statistical models (4th ed.). Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Mantel, N. (1970). Why stepdown procedures in variable selection. Technometrics, 12, 621–625. Rousseeuw, P. J., & Annick M. L. (2003). Robust regression and outlier detection. Vol. 589. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. SAS Institute Inc. (2011). SAS/STAT software: Reference, Version 9.3. Cary, NC: SAS Institute. TexasSoft. (2012). WINKS Statistical Software Users Guide, Version 7. Cedar Hill, TX: TexasSoft.

Chapter 6 Analysis of Categorical Data People like to clump things into categories. Virtually every research project involves categorizing some of its observations into neat, little distinct bins: male or female; marital status; broken or not broken; small, medium, or large; race of patient; with or without a tonsillectomy; and so on. When we collect data by categories, we record counts—how many observations fall into a particular bin. Categorical variables are usually classified as being of two basic types: nominal and ordinal. Nominal variables involve categories that have no particular order such as hair color, race, or clinic site, while the categories associated with an ordinal variable have some inherent ordering (categories of socioeconomic status, etc.). Unless otherwise stated, the procedures discussed here can be used on any type of categorical data. There are some specific procedures for ordinal data, and they will be briefly discussed later in the chapter. Statisticians have devised a number of ways to analyze and explain categorical data. This chapter explains each of the following methods: A contingency table analysis is used to examine the relationship between two categorical variables. McNemar’s test is designed for the analysis of paired dichotomous, categorical variables to detect disagreement or change. The Mantel-Haenszel test is used to determine whether there is a relationship between two dichotomous variables controlling for or within levels of a third variable. Interrater reliability (kappa) tests whether two raters looking at the same occurrence (or condition) give consistent ratings. A goodness-of-fit test measures whether an observed group of counts matches a theoretical pattern. A number of other categorical data measures are also briefly discussed. To get the most out of the information in this chapter, when analyzing a set of data, you should first verify that your variables are categorical and then try to match the hypotheses you are testing with the ones described in this chapter. If it is not clear that the hypotheses you are testing match any of these given here, we recommend that you consult a statistician. Sometimes researchers collect data that is quantitative, such as age or weight, and then categorize it into bins to create ordinal data, or categorize data into only two groups to create a dichotomous (Yes, No) variable. Care must be taken with this technique since you lose some information about the data in the categorization. See Royston, Altman, and Sauerbrei (2006).

Contingency Table Analysis (r × c) Contingency table analysis is a common method for analyzing the association between two categorical variables. Consider a categorical variable that has r possible response categories and another categorical variable with c possible categories. In this case, there are r × c possible combinations of responses for these two variables. The r × c crosstabulation or contingency table has r rows and c columns consisting of r × c cells containing the observed counts (frequencies) for each of the r × c combinations. This type of analysis is called a contingency table analysis which uses a chi-square statistic to compare the observed counts with those that would be expected if there were no association between the two variables.

Appropriate Applications of Contingency Table Analysis The following are examples of situations in which a chi-square contingency table analysis would be appropriate. Criminal behavior and alcohol drinking. A study compares types of crime and whether the criminal is a drinker or abstainer. Is there a gender preference? An analysis is undertaken to determine whether there is a gender preference between candidates running for state governor. Job training and dropout rates. Reviewers want to know whether worker dropout rates are different for participants in two different job-training programs. Analysis of questionnaire response rates. A marketing research company wants to know whether there is a difference in response rates among small, medium, and large companies that were sent a questionnaire.

Design Considerations for a Contingency Table Analysis Two Sampling Strategies Two separate sampling strategies lead to the chi-square contingency table analysisdiscussed here. 1. Test of independence. A single random sample of observations is selected from the population of interest, and the data are categorized on the basis of the two variables of interest. For example, in the marketing research example above, this sampling strategy would indicate that a single random sample of companies is selected, and each selected company is categorized by size (small, medium, or large) and whether that company returned the survey. 2. Test for hom*ogeneity. Separate random samples are taken from each of two or more populations to determine whether the responses related to a single categorical variable are consistent across populations. In the marketing research example above, this sampling strategy would consider there to be three populations of companies (based on size), and you would select a sample from each of these populations. You then test to determine whether the response rates differ among the three company types. The two-way table is set up the same way regardless of the sampling strategy, and the chisquare test is conducted in exactly the same way. The only real difference in the analysis is in the statement of the hypotheses and conclusions.

Expected Cell Size Considerations The validity of the chi-square test depends on both the sample size and the number of cells. Several rules of thumb have been suggested to indicate whether the chi-square approximation is satisfactory. One such rule suggested by Cochran (1954) says that the approximation is adequate if no expected cell frequencies are less than one and no more than 20% are less than five.

Combining Categories When there are many categories in a variable which cause there to be low expected frequencies in a number of cells, it may be necessary to combine similar or adjacent categories to make expected values in cells large enough to make the test valid. See the section that follows later in this chapter on Mantel-Haenszel comparisons for information on one way to examine information within categories.

Hypotheses for a Contingency Table Analysis The statement of the hypotheses depends on whether you used a test of independence or a test for hom*ogeneity.

Test of Independence In this case, you have two variables and are interested in testing whether there is an association between the two variables. Specifically, the hypotheses to be tested are the following: H0: There is no association between the two variables. Ha: The two variables are associated.

Test for hom*ogeneity In this setting, you have a categorical variable collected separately from two or more populations. The hypotheses are as follows: H0: The distribution of the categorical variable is the same across the populations. Ha: The distribution of the categorical variable differs across the populations.

Tips and Caveats for a Contingency Table Analysis Use Counts—Do Not Use Percentages It may be tempting to use percentages in the table and calculate the chi-square test from these percentages instead of the raw observed frequencies. This is incorrect—don’t do it!

No One-Sided Tests Notice that the alternative hypotheses above do not assume any “direction.” Thus, there are no one- and two-sided versions of these tests. Chi-square tests are inherently nondirectional (“sort of two-sided”) in the sense that the chi-square test is simply testing whether the observed frequencies and expected frequencies agree without regard to whether particular observed frequencies are above or below the corresponding expected frequencies.

Each Subject Is Counted Only Once If you have n total observations (i.e., the total of the counts is n), then these n observations should be independent. For example, suppose you have a categorical variable Travel in which subjects are asked what means they use to commute to work. It would not be correct to allow a subject to check multiple responses (e.g., car and commuter train) and then include all of these responses for this subject in the table (i.e., count the subject more than once). On such a variable, it is usually better to allow only one response per variable. If you want to allow for multiple responses such as this, then as you are tallying your results, you would need to come up with a new category, “car and commuter train.” This procedure can lead to a large number of cells and small expected cell frequencies.

Using Ordinal Categories Sometimes categories are ordered, such as small, medium, and large. If order is an important component in your research question, a chi-square analysis may not be appropriate. If both variables are ordered categorical (ordinal), you should consider a Spearman’s correlation analysis. (See Chapter 8: Nonparametric Analysis Procedures.) If one variable is categorical and one is ordinal, consider performing a Mann-Whitney or Kruskal-Wallis analysis. (See Chapter 8: Nonparametric Analysis Procedures.)

Explain Significant Findings The simple finding of a significant result in a contingency table analysis does not explain in what way the results are significant. It may be important for you to examine the observed and expected frequencies and explain your findings in terms of which of the differences between observed and expected counts are the most striking.

SIDEBAR IBM SPSS has an optional module called Exact Tests. These tests analyze contingency tables using a more accurate and computing intensive process based on finding exact table probabilities. In the case of a 2 x 2 (two rows and two column) table, the exact analysis (Fisher’s) output is included in the standard output. To get this type of result for larger tables, you must purchase the SPSS Exact Tests module separately.

Contingency Table Examples The following two examples of contingency table analysis illustrate a variety of the issues involved in this type of analysis.

Example 6.1

r × c Contingency Table Analysis Describing the Problem In 1909, Karl Pearson conducted a now classic study involving the relationship between criminal behavior and the drinking of alcoholic beverages. He studied 1,426 criminals, and the data in Table 6.1 show the drinking patterns in various crime categories. (The term coining in the table is a term for counterfeiting that is no longer in common usage.) This table is made up of counts in 6 x 2 = 12 cells, and, for example, 300 subjects studied were abstainers who had been convicted of stealing.

The hypotheses of interest are as follows: H0: There is no association between type of crime and drinking status. Ha: There is an association between type of crime and drinking status. The following example illustrates how to perform an analysis on these data.

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 6.1: r × c Contingency Table Analysis With Data Stored in Count Form While most data sets in SPSS are stored casewise, you can store count data such as that shown in Table 6.1. These data are available (in count form) in file CRIME.SAV. In order to create this data set, follow these steps: 1. Open the data set CRIME.SAV. The contents of CRIME.SAV are shown in Figure 6.1. 2. Note that this data set includes the variables Crime, Drinker, and Count. In the Variable View, notice that the Crime categories are 1 for arson, 2 for rape, 3 for violence, 4 for stealing, 5 for coining, and 6 for fraud. For Drinker, the value 1 indicates drinker and 2 indicates abstainer. The Count variable indicates, for example, that there were 43 persons who were arsonists (Crime = 1) and abstainers (Drinker = 2). Also note that the variables Crime and Drinker are classified as Nominal in the Measure column within Variable View. 3. Select Data/Weight Cases… and select the “weight case by” option with Count as the Frequency variable used. Click OK. Once you have specified this information, you are ready to perform the analysis. Follow these steps: 4. Select Analyze/Descriptive Statistics/Crosstabs… . 5. Choose Crime as the row variable and Drinker as the column variable. 6. Select the checkbox labeled “Display Clustered Bar Charts.” 7. Click the Statistics button and select Chi-Square and Continue. 8. Click the Cells button and select Expected in the Counts box and select Row in the Percentages section and Continue. 9. Click OK, and SPSS creates the output shown in Table 6.2. Figure 6.1 CRIME.SAV Count Form Data Set

Table 6.2 shows output for these data where we see not only the cell frequencies shown in Table 6.1 but also the expected cell frequencies (under the null hypothesis of no association) and the row percentages. That is, for each cell, the table gives the percentage of the row total that this cell count represents. For example, there were 93 arsonists, and 50 of these said they were drinkers. The row percentage in this case tells us that 50 is 53.8% of 93. From the bottom of the table, it can be seen that slightly more than half (i.e., 753 out of 1,426 or 52.8%) of the subjects were drinkers. If this pattern turns out to be consistent among all crime categories (i.e., if about 52.8% were drinkers in each crime category), then this would be evidence against an association between type of crime and drinking status, and we would thus not expect to reject the null hypothesis. However, examination of the table reveals the interesting result that while every other crime category has a few more drinkers than abstainers, the crime category of “Fraud” shows a strong preponderance of abstainers. Note that if there were no association between the two variables, then we would expect, for example, that about 52.8% of the 93 arson subjects (i.e., 49.1) would be drinkers and that about 47.2% of these 93 subjects (i.e., 43.9) would be abstainers. In the case of arson, for example, the observed frequencies are quite similar to these “expected” frequencies. In contrast, for the criminals involved in fraud, the observed frequencies are very different from the expected frequencies. Notice that while the expected count for abstainers involved in fraud is 97.7, the observed count is 144—clearly a large and unanticipated difference if there is no association between crime and drinking status. In Table 6.3, we show the statistical results related to the analysis of these data. The value of the chi-square

statistic is 49.731, with 5 degrees of freedom and p = 0.000 (this would be reported as p < 0.001), and thus we reject the null hypothesis of no association and conclude that there is a relationship between crime and drinking status. As previously mentioned, this relationship is primarily due to the unusual fact that about 70% of the criminals convicted of fraud were abstainers. (One wonders if there was some “fraud” involved in these criminals’ answers to this question.) It can also be seen that the expected frequencies are relatively close to the observed frequencies for each cell except in the cells for fraud. The bar chart in Figure 6.2 provides a visual confirmation that the pattern for fraud crimes is different than the other crimes. All three pieces of information lead you to conclude that the crime of fraud is more common to abstainers and that the other crimes are more common to drinkers. Before proceeding, it should be noted that the likelihood ratio statistic given in Table 6.3 is an alternative to the Pearson chi-square. While these two test statistics usually give similar results (as they did in this example), it is common to use Pearson’s chi-square. Figure 6.2 Bar Chart for Crime Versus Drinking Analysis

0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 15.10.

Program Comments In this example, we instructed SPSS to display the table showing the observed and expected frequencies under the Cells option. We can also ask for the row, column, and total percentages. For example, if total percentages were selected, then the percentage of each observed frequency of the total sample size would be displayed in each cell.

Reporting the Results of a Contingency Table Analysis The following illustrates how you might report this chi-square test in a publication format. Narrative for the Methods Section “A chi-square test was performed to test the null hypothesis of no association between type of crime and incidence of drinking.” Narrative for the Results Section “An association between drinking preference and type of crime committed was found χ2 (5, N = 1,426) = 49.7, p < 0.001.” Or, to be more complete, “An association between drinking preference and type of crime committed was found, χ2 (5, N = 1,426) = 49.7, p < 0.001. Examination of the cell frequencies showed that about 70% (144 out of 207) of the criminals convicted of fraud were abstainers, while the percentage of abstainers in all of the other crime categories was less than 50%.”

Example 6.2

2 × 2 Contingency Table Analysis A number of experiments involve binary outcomes (i.e., 1 and 0, yes and no). Typically, these occur when you are observing the presence or absence of a characteristic such as a disease, flaw, mechanical breakdown, death, failure, and so on. The analysis of the relationship between two bivariate categorical variables results in a 2 × 2 crosstabulation of counts. Although the 2 × 2 table is simply a special case of the general r × c table, the SPSS output for the 2 × 2 tables is more extensive. Consider an experiment in which the relationship between exposure to a particular reagent (a substance present in a commercial floor cleanser) and the occurrence of a type of reaction (mild skin rash) was studied. Two groups of subjects were studied: One group of 20 patients was exposed to the reagent, and the other group was not. The 40 subjects were examined for the presence of the reaction. The summarized data are shown in Table 6.4. To perform an analysis on this table, follow these step-by-step instructions:

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 6.2: 2 × 2 Contingency Table Analysis With Data Stored Casewise The data in this example are in file EXPOSURE22.SAV as 40 casewise observations on the two variables Exposure (0 = exposed, 1 = not exposed) and Reaction (0 = reaction, 1 = no reaction). This data file was created using Exposure and Reaction as numeric variables with the labels given above. A portion of the data is shown in Figure 6.3. 1. Open the data set EXPOSURE22.SAV and select Analyze/Descriptive Statistics/Crosstabs… . 2. Choose Exposure as the Row variable and Reaction as the column variable. 3. Click the Statistics button and select Chi Square and Continue. 4. Click the Cells button and select Expected in the Counts box and select Row in the Percentages section and Continue. 5. Select the Clustered Bar Charts option and click OK. Figure 6.3 First 11 Cases of EXPOSURE22.SAV

The output includes Table 6.5 where the observed and expected frequencies are shown along with row percentages. Table 6.6 shows typical statistical output for a 2 x 2 table. These results report a Pearson chi-square of 8.286 with 1 degree of freedom and p = 0.004. It should be noted that in the 2 × 2 setting, use of the rule of thumb that no more than 20% of the expected values are less than 5 requires that none of the four expected values should be less than 5. Footnote b reports this fact for these data. The continuity correction statistic (Yates’s correction) is an adjustment of the chi-square test for 2 x 2 tables used by some statisticians to improve the chi-square approximation. This correction has a more dramatic effect when expected values are relatively small. The continuity correction reduces the size of the chi-square

value and thus increases the p-value. In this case, the corrected chi-square value is 6.547 with p = 0.011. When there are small expected values in the 2 × 2 table, many statisticians recommend reporting the results of Fisher’s exact test. This test is based on all possible 2 × 2 tables that have the observed marginal frequencies (i.e., 20 in each of the exposed and nonexposed groups, with 17 having a reaction and 23 not experiencing the reaction).

0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 8.50. Computed only for a 2×2 table. The probabilities of obtaining each of the possible tables when the null hypothesis is true are obtained. Then the p-value is calculated as the sum of these probabilities from all tables that are as rare, or rarer than, the one observed if the hypothesis is true. For these data, the resulting p-value for Fisher’s two-sided test is p = 0.010. There is no actual test statistic to quote when using Fisher’s exact test, and there is a one-sided version if that is desired. All of the results are consistent in leading to rejection of the null hypothesis at the α = 0.05 level and thus to the conclusion that there is a relationship between the reagent and reaction. In this case, the exposed subjects had a significantly higher rate of response to the reagent (65% or 13 of 20) than did nonexposed subjects (20% or 4 of 20).

SIDEBAR When there are small expected values in the 2 × 2 table, many statisticians recommend reporting the results of Fisher’s exact test.

Reporting the Results of a 2 × 2 Contingency Table Analysis The following illustrates how you might report this chi-square test in a publication format. Narrative for the Methods Section “A chi-square test was performed to test the hypothesis of no association between exposure and reaction.” Narrative for the Results Section “A higher proportion of the exposed group showed a reaction to the reagent, χ2 (1, N = 40) = 8.29, p = 0.004.” Or, to be more complete, “A higher proportion of the exposed group (65% or 13 of 20) showed a reaction to the reagent than did the nonexposed group (20% or 4 of 20), χ2 (1, N = 40) = 8.29, p = 0.004.”

Analyzing Risk Ratios in a 2 × 2 Table Another way to analyze a 2 × 2 table is by examining measures of risk. In a medical setting, for example, a 2 × 2 table is often constructed where one variable represents exposure (to some risk factor) and the other represents an outcome (presence or absence of disease). In this case, the researcher is interested in calculating measures of risk. The odds ratio (OR) is used as a measure of risk in a retrospective (case control) study. A case control study is one in which the researcher takes a sample of subjects based on their outcome and looks back in history to see whether they had been exposed. If the study is a prospective (cohort) study, where subjects are selected by presence or absence of exposure and observed over time to see if they come down with the disease, the appropriate measure of risk is the relative risk (RR). In fact, OR is an estimate of RR and is used when you cannot calculate RR. If the outcome is rare, the values of the odds ratio and relative risk are approximately equal.

A standard format for risk analysis data is given in Table 6.7. Note that subjects with the outcome of interest are counted in the first column, and those exposed to the risk factor are given in the first row so that “a” represents the number of subjects who were exposed to the risk factor and had the outcome of interest. For a retrospective study, the appropriate measure of risk is the odds ratio. In this case, the observed odds of having the outcome when exposed is a/b, while the corresponding odds when not exposed is c/d. Thus, the odds ratio is estimated to be (a/b)/(c/d) = ad/bc. So, for example, if the odds ratio is 3, then this means that the odds of having the outcome of interest are three times larger in the exposed group than in the nonexposed group. Similarly, in a prospective study, we use the relative risk. In this case, it makes sense to say that the estimated risk of having the outcome of interest is a/(a+ b) for the exposed group and c/(c + d) for the nonexposed group. Thus, the estimated relative risk is, and if, for example, the relative risk is a/(a+b)c/(c+d) , this indicates that the observed risk of having the outcome of interest is three times greater in the exposed group than in the nonexposed group. In many retrospective analyses, we are interested in assessing whether the odds ratio is (statistically) different from 1. If the OR is shown to be greater than 1, for example, it provides evidence that a risk (measured by the size of OR) exists relative to the reference group. An OR that is not significantly different from 1 provides no evidence that a risk exists. If the OR is significantly less than 1, it implies that exposure to the factor provides a benefit relative to the reference group.

SIDEBAR When the outcome is rare, the values of the odds ratio and relative risk are approximately equal.

Appropriate Applications for Retrospective (Case Control) Studies The following are examples of retrospective (case control) studies in which the odds ratio is the appropriate measure of risk. Survival and lung cancer. In order to investigate smoking and lung cancer, a group of patients who have lung cancer (cases) are compared to a control group without lung cancer. Each of the subjects in these two groups is then classified as being a smoker (i.e., the exposure) or a nonsmoker. Vaccination and autism. In order to assess whether having received the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine increases the risk of developing autism, a group of autistic children and a control group of nonautistic children are compared on the basis of whether they have previously received the vaccine.

Appropriate Applications for Prospective (Cohort) Studies History of concussions. A group of football players with a history of concussion is compared over a 2-year period with a control group of football players with no history of concussion to see whether those with such history are more likely to experience another concussion during that period. Cholesterol and heart attacks. Samples of 500 subjects with high cholesterol and 500 subjects without high cholesterol are followed for the next 10 years to determine whether subjects in the high-cholesterol group were more likely to have a heart attack during that period. In Example 6.3 we reexamine the data analyzed in Example 6.2 from the perspective of a risk analysis.

Program Comments For SPSS to calculate the correct values for the odds ratio, you will need to set up your SPSS data set in a specific way so that the resulting 2 x 2 output table appears in the standard display format shown in Table 6.7. In this table, notice that subjects at risk are in the first row and subjects not at risk are in the second row of the table. Similarly, those who experience the outcome of interest are placed in column 1. For SPSS to produce this table, you must designate row and column positions alphabetically or in numerical order. That is, in the current example, the risk factor is coded so that 0 = exposed and 1 = not exposed. You could also code them as 1 = exposed and 2 = not exposed. Both of these coding strategies put the exposed subjects in the first row of the table. If, for example, you used the opposite strategy where 0 = not exposed and 1 = exposed, that would place those having the exposure in the second row. This would cause the OR to be calculated as 0.135 (which is the inverse of the OR = 7.429). This coding conundrum is unfortunate since most people intuitively code their data with 1 meaning exposure and 0 meaning no exposure. However, to make the results come out correctly in SPSS, you should use the guidelines listed above.

Example 6.3

Analyzing Risk Ratios for the Exposure/Reaction Data Consider again the data in Tables 6.4 and 6.5 related to the exposure to a reagent and the occurrence of a particular reaction. In the previous discussion of these data, we intentionally did not specify whether the data were collected for purposes of a prospective or retrospective study. In the following, we discuss both types of analyses.

Analysis as a Retrospective (Case Control) Study We assume here that 17 subjects experiencing the reaction were selected for study along with 23 subjects who did not experience such a reaction (see Table 6.4). We then look back to determine which of these subjects experienced the particular exposure in question. To calculate the odds ratio for this analysis, follow these steps:

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 6.3: Risk Analysis Associated With a 2 × 2 Contingency Table Analysis (Data Stored Casewise) 1. Open the data set EXPOSURE22.SAV and select Analyze/Descriptive Statistics/Crosstabs… . 2. Choose Exposure as the Row variable and Reaction as the column variable. 3. Click the Statistics button and select the Risk checkbox and Continue. 4. Click OK. The resulting output includes Table 6.8. The calculated odds ratio (odds ratio for exposure) of 7.429 estimates that the odds of having the reaction when exposed is 7.429 times greater than the odds when not exposed. Since the 95% confidence interval of the true odds ratio—that is, [1.778, 31.040]—stays greater than 1, then you can interpret this result as being statistically significant (i.e., you can conclude that the odds of having the reaction when exposed is higher than the odds when not exposed).

Analysis as a Prospective (Cohort) Study In this setting, using the same data and analysis, we assume that 20 subjects who experienced the particular exposure and 20 who did not were chosen for the study. These subjects were then followed over time to see whether they had the reaction. In this case, the appropriate measure of risk is relative risk, and the value of 3.25, labeled as “For cohort Reaction = Reaction,” indicates that the observed risk of having the reaction is 3.25 times greater for the exposed group than for the nonexposed group. The corresponding 95% confidence interval on the true relative risk is [1.278, 8.267], which again stays greater than 1 and thus indicates a significant result.

SIDEBAR A savvy researcher will use the confidence interval not only to assess significance but to also determine what practical meaning this risk would entail if the true value were at the lower or upper end of the interval. Also, it is helpful to interpret confidence intervals in the context of results from other published studies.

Reporting the Results of a Risk Analysis The following illustrates how you might report risk analysis results in a publication format. Narrative for the Methods Section of a Retrospective (Case Control) Study “To examine the relative risk of having the reaction when exposed, we calculated an odds ratio.” Narrative for the Results Section of a Retrospective (Case Control) Study “The odds of having the reaction were 7.43 times greater for subjects in the exposed group than for subjects not exposed to the reagent (OR = 7.4, 95% CI = 1.8, 31.0). Thus, the odds ratio is significantly greater than 1, suggesting that the true odds of having the reaction are greater for the exposed group.” Narrative for the Methods Section of a Prospective (Cohort) Study “To examine the relative risk of having the reaction when exposed, we calculated relative risk.” Narrative for the Results Section of a Prospective (Cohort) Study “Subjects exposed to the reagent were 3.25 times more likely to have a reaction as measured by relative risk (RR = 3.25, 95% CI = 1.3, 8.3). Thus, the relative risk is significantly greater than 1, indicating that the risk of having the reaction is greater for the exposed group.”

McNemar’s Test In the section on contingency table analysis, we saw that a test for independence can be used to test whether there is a relationship between dichotomous categorical variables such as political party preference (Republican or Democrat) and voting intention (plan to vote or do not plan to vote). Also, in Example 6.2, researchers were interested in determining whether there was a relationship between exposure to a risk factor and occurrence of a reaction. While in these cases, it is of interest to determine whether the variables are independent, in some cases, the categorical variables are paired in such a way that a test for independence is meaningless. McNemar’s test is designed for the analysis of paired dichotomous, categorical variables in much the same way that the paired t-test is designed for paired quantitative data.

Appropriate Applications of McNemar’s Test The following are examples of dichotomous categorical data that are paired and for which McNemar’s test is appropriate. How does a new scanning procedure compare with the ECG? An electrocardiogram (ECG) and a new scanning procedure are used to detect whether heart disease is present in a sample of patients with known heart disease. Researchers want to analyze the disagreement between the two measures. Is there a change in political party preference? A sample of possible voters is polled to determine whether their preferences for the two major political party candidates for president changed before and after a televised debate. Advertising and consumer impressions. Consumers are selected for a study designed to determine how their impressions of a particular product (favorable or unfavorable) changed before and after viewing an advertisem*nt. In each case above, the pairing occurs because the two variables represent two readings of the same characteristic (e.g., detection of heart disease, presidential preference, etc.). You already have reason to expect that the readings will agree to some extent, and thus testing for independence using a contingency table approach is not really appropriate. What you want to measure is disagreement or change. That is, in what way do the two heart scan procedures differ, how has the debate or the advertisem*nt changed the opinions of the subjects, and so forth?

Hypotheses for McNemar’s Test In situations for which McNemar’s test is appropriate, the interest focuses on the subjects for which change occurred. Following up on the third bulleted example above, suppose an advertiser wants to know whether an advertisem*nt has an effect on the impression consumers have of a product. A group of people are selected, and their feelings about the product before and after viewing the advertisem*nt are recorded as favorable or unfavorable. Thus, there are four categories of “before versus after” responses: 1. Favorable both before and after viewing the advertisem*nt 2. Favorable before and unfavorable after viewing the advertisem*nt 3. Unfavorable before and favorable after viewing the advertisem*nt 4. Unfavorable both before and after viewing the advertisem*nt We are interested in determining whether the advertisem*nt changed attitudes toward the product. That is, we concentrate on the subjects in categories 2 and 3. Was it more common for a subject to be in category 2 than in category 3 or vice versa? The hypotheses of interest would be the following: H0: The probability of a subject having a favorable response to the product before viewing the advertisem*nt and an unfavorable response afterward is equal to the probability of having an unfavorable response to the product before viewing the advertisem*nt and a favorable response afterward. Ha: The probability of a subject having a favorable response to the product before viewing the advertisem*nt and an unfavorable response afterward is not equal to the probability of having an unfavorable response to the product before viewing the advertisem*nt and a favorable response afterward. Clearly, the goal of the advertisem*nt would be to improve people’s attitudes toward the product; that is, there should be more people in category 3 than category 2. The corresponding one-sided hypotheses reflecting this goal are as follows: H0: The probability of a subject having a favorable response to the product before viewing the advertisem*nt and an unfavorable response afterward is equal to the probability of having an unfavorable response to the product before viewing the advertisem*nt and a favorable response afterward. Ha: The probability of a subject having a favorable response to the product before viewing the advertisem*nt and an unfavorable response afterward is less than the probability of having an unfavorable response to the product before viewing the advertisem*nt and a favorable response afterward.

Example 6.4

McNemar’s Test Continuing with the advertising effectiveness illustration from the list of example analyses, suppose 20 subjects were asked to express their opinions before and after viewing the advertisem*nt. Follow these steps to perform this McNemar’s analysis:

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 6.4: McNemar’s Test for Advertising Effectiveness 1. Open the data set MCNEMAR.SAV. Note that the data contain two (nominal) variables labeled Before and After in casewise form. The data are all dichotomous where 0 indicates nonfavorable and 1 indicates favorable. 2. Select Analyze/Descriptives Statistics/Crosstabs… . 3. Select Before as the Row variable and After as the Column variable. 4. Click on the Statistics Button, select McNemar and Continue. 5. Click OK and the results in Tables 6.9 and 6.10 are shown. A crosstabulation of the responses is shown in Table 6.9, where it can be seen that 13 (9 + 4 on the diagonal) of the 20 subjects did not change their opinions of the product after viewing the advertisem*nt. The important issue concerns how the other 7 (5 + 2) subjects responded. That is, did those who changed their minds tend to change from favorable before to unfavorable after or from unfavorable before to favorable after (clearly the advertiser’s preference)? In the table, we see that two subjects changed from a favorable opinion before the advertisem*nt to an unfavorable opinion afterward, while five improved their opinion after the advertisem*nt.

Suppose for the moment that the advertiser is simply interested in knowing whether the advertisem*nt changes the perception of the viewer in either direction. In this case, we would test the first set of hypotheses given previously. The results for this analysis are shown in Table 6.10. For this analysis, the test yields a p-value of 0.453. Since this p-value is large, the null hypothesis of equal probabilities is not rejected. That is, there is not enough evidence to say that those who will change their reactions after the advertisem*nt will do so in one direction more than the other.

Binomial distribution used. As mentioned earlier, it is probably the case that the advertiser wants to show that there is a stronger tendency for subjects to improve their opinion after the advertisem*nt; that is, it is more likely to be in category 3 than category 2. In this case, you would want to test the second set of hypotheses given previously (i.e., the one-sided hypotheses). The data support the alternative of interest since five people who changed were in category 3 and only two were in category 2. Thus, for this one-sided hypothesis, the p-value in the table should be cut in half, but even with this reduction, the results are still not significant. (This nonsignificant result could have resulted from a sample size too small to detect a meaningful difference. See the discussion of the power of a test in Chapter 1.)

Reporting the Results of McNemar’s Test The following illustrates how you might report these McNemar test results in a publication format in the setting in which the alternative specifies an improved impression after viewing the advertisem*nt. Narrative for the Methods Section “McNemar’s test was used to test the null hypothesis that the probability of changing from favorable before to unfavorable after viewing the advertisem*nt is equal to the probability of changing from unfavorable before to favorable after viewing the advertisem*nt.” Narrative for the Results Section “Using McNemar’s test, no significant tendency was found for subjects who changed their opinion to be more likely to have a favorable opinion of the product after viewing the advertisem*nt (p = 0.23).”

Mantel-Haenszel Meta-Analysis Comparison The Mantel-Haenszel method is often used (particularly in meta-analysis) to pool the results from several 2 × 2 contingency tables. It is also useful for the analysis of two dichotomous variables while adjusting for a third variable to determine whether there is a relationship between the two variables, controlling for levels of the third variable.

Appropriate Applications of the Mantel-Haenszel Procedure Disease Incidence. Case control data for a disease are collected in several cities, forming a 2 × 2 table for each city. You could use a Mantel-Haenszel analysis to obtain a pooled estimate of the odds ratio across cities. Pooling Results From Previous Studies. Several published studies have analyzed the same categorical variables summarized in 2 × 2 tables. In meta-analysis, the information from the studies is pooled to provide more definitive findings than could be obtained from a single study. Mantel-Haenszel analysis can be used to pool this type of information. For more on meta-analysis, see Cooper, Hedges, and Valentine (2009).

Hypotheses Tests Used in Mantel-Haenszel Analysis The hypotheses tested in the Mantel-Haenszel analysis are as follows: H0: There is no relationship between the two variables of interest when controlling for a third variable. Ha: There is a relationship between the two variables of interest when controlling for a third variable.

Design Considerations for a Mantel-Haenszel Test A Mantel-Haenszel analysis looks at several 2 × 2 tables from the same bivariate variables, each representing some strata or group (e.g., information from different departments at a university, etc.) or from different results of similar analyses (as in a metaanalysis). The test also assumes that the tables are independent (subjects or entities are in one and only one table).

Example 6.5

Mantel-Haenszel Analysis A classic data set illustrating the use of the Mantel-Haenszel test is data collected at the University of California at Berkeley concerning gender patterns in graduate admissions (Bickel & O’Connell, 1975). The crosstabulated data for acceptance (no or yes) versus gender is given in Table 6.11 for five separate departments along with row percentages, showing the percentage of each gender that was admitted within each program. From this table, it can be seen that while Department 1 seems to have higher admission rates than the other departments, the comparative acceptance rates for males and females are about the same within departments, with there being a slight tendency for females to be admitted at a higher rate.

The Mantel-Haenszel analysis can be used to test the following hypotheses: H0: Controlling for (or within departments), there is no relationship between gender and acceptance. Ha: Controlling for (or within departments), there is a relationship between gender and acceptance. To produce the information in Table 6.11 and an appropriate Mantel-Haenszel analysis, follow these steps:

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 6.5: Mantel-Haenszel Analysis of Berkeley Graduate Admissions Data 1. Open the data file BIAS.SAV. Notice that the data set consists of three categorical variables (Department, Gender, and Accepted) and a Count variable. 2. Because data are in counts, you need to tell SPSS this before doing an analysis. Select Data/Weight Cases and select the radio button “Weight cases by” and put the Count variable in the Frequency variable box. Click OK. 3. Select Analyze/Descriptive Statistics/Crosstabs… . 4. Select Gender as the Row(s) variable and Accepted as the Column(s) variable. Select Department as the “Layer 1 of 1” variable. 5. Click the Statistics button and check the “Cochran’s and Mantel-Haenszel Statistics” checkbox (leave common odds ratio as 1) and Continue. 6. Click the Cells button and select Row in the Percentages section and Continue. 7. Click OK and the output includes the information in Tables 6.11 and 6.12. The preliminary results for the Mantel-Haenszel test are shown in Table 6.12, where it can be seen that p = 0.756, indicating that controlling for departments, there is no reason to conclude that there is a difference between male versus female admission rates. As mentioned previously, the consistent pattern is that the admission rates for males and females are about the same for each department, with perhaps a slight tendency for females to have a higher rate of admission. Cochran’s test is similar to the Mantel-Haenszel test but is not commonly reported. In this example, Cochran’s test gives results consistent with the MantelHaenszel test.

Reporting Results of a Mantel-Haenszel Analysis Narrative for the Methods Section “Controlling for department, the relationship between gender and acceptance is examined using a Mantel-Haenszel analysis.” Narrative for the Results Section “Adjusting or controlling for department, no significant difference was found between male and female acceptance rates, χ2 (1, N = 3,593) = 0.10, p = 0.76.”

Tips and Caveats for Mantel-Haenszel Analysis Simpson’s Paradox Historically, the real interest in the Berkeley admissions data set (and the reason for Bickel and O’Connell’s 1975 article in Science) is the apparent inconsistency between the conclusions based on evidence of a possible bias against females using the combined data (see Table 6.13) and the conclusions obtained previously based on the departmental data in Table 6.11 (i.e., within departments, the acceptance rates for men and women were not significantly different). In Table 6.13, we show an overall comparison between gender and admission combined over the five departments. Interestingly, in Table 6.13, the overall admission rates for males is 37% (686/1,866), while for females, it is only 27% (468/1,727). In addition, for this 2 × 2 table, the chi-square test for independence (computer output not shown here) gives p < 0.001, indicating a relationship between gender and admission. On the surface, these data seem to indicate a sex bias against women.

To explain the reasons for these seeming contradictions, note that admissions rates into Department 1 were substantially higher than were those for the other four majors. Further examination of the data in Table 6.11 indicates that males applied in greater numbers to Department 1, while females applied in greater numbers to departments into which admission was more difficult. The important point is that relationships between variables within subgroups can be entirely reversed when the data are combined across subgroups. (As indicated by Simpson’s paradox.) Clearly, analysis of these data by department, as shown in Table 6.11, provides a better picture of the relationship between gender and admission than does use of the combined data in Table 6.13.

Tests of Interrater Reliability Interrater reliability is a measure used to examine the agreement between two raters or observers on the assignment of categories of a categorical variable. It is an important measure in determining how well an implementation of some coding or measurement system works.

Appropriate Applications of Interrater Reliability Classifying types of fractures. Type of fracture of the tibia, classed as an A, B, or C type fracture (where classifications are not ordinal). Tumor severity evaluation. Different people read and rate the severity (from 0 to 4) of a tumor based on a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. Ice-skating judging. Several judges score competitors at an ice-skating competition on an integer scale of 1 to 5. A statistical measure of interrater reliability is Cohen’s kappa (ҡ), which ranges from –1.0 to 1.0, where large positive numbers mean better reliability, values near zero suggest that agreement is attributable to chance, and values less than zero signify that agreement is even less than that which could be attributed to chance.

Effect Size Landis and Koch (1977) suggest the following effect size interpretation of kappa (ҡ): ҡ < 0 indicates no agreement ҡ > 0 and 0.2 indicates slight agreement ҡ > 0.20 and 0.40 indicates fair agreement ҡ > 0.40 and 0.60 indicates moderate agreement ҡ > 0.60 and 0.80 indicates substantial agreement ҡ > 0.80 indicates almost perfect agreement

Example 6.6

Interrater Reliability Analysis Using an example from Fleiss (2000, p. 213), suppose you have 100 subjects whose diagnoses are rated by two raters on a scale that rates each subject’s disorder as being psychological, neurological, or organic. The data are given in Table 6.14.

Source: Data From Flesis (2000) Figure 6.4 Interrater Reliability Data in SPSS

To analyze this data follow these steps: 1. Open the file KAPPA.SAV. Notice that the data are in count form with categorical variables Rater_A, Rater_B, and Count. Figure 6.4 shows this data file. 2. Before performing the analysis on this summarized data, you must tell SPSS that the Count variable is a “weighted” variable. Select Data/Weight Cases… and select the “weight cases by” option with Count as the Frequency variable. Click OK.. 3. To perform the analysis, select Analyze/Descriptive Statistics/Crosstabs… . 4. Select Rater_A as Row, Rater_B as Col.

5. Click on the Statistics button, select Kappa and Continue. 6. Click OK to display the results for the Kappa test in Table 6.15.

Not assuming the null hypothesis. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis. The results of the interrater analysis are given in Table 6.15, where Kappa = 0.676 with p < 0.001 (Approx Sig.). Based on the effect size classification, this value indicates substantial agreement. Although not displayed in the output, you can find a 95% confidence interval using the generic formula for 95% confidence intervals: Estimate ± 1.96 SE Using this formula and the results in Table 6.15, an approximate 95% confidence interval on kappa is [0.504, 0.848]. Note that in this diagnosis example the categories are not ordered. In cases where categories are ordered (as in examples 2 and 3 of the bulleted list above), a weighted Kappa analysis is preferred. The weighted Kappa allows “close” ratings to not simply be counted as “misses.” However, SPSS does not calculate weighted Kappa. (See SAS or WINKS SDA software for weighted Kappa Analysis.)

Reporting the Results of an Interrater Reliability Analysis The following illustrates how you might report this interrater analysis in a publication format. Narrative for the Methods Section “An interrater reliability analysis using the Kappa statistic was performed to determine consistency among raters.” Narrative for the Results Section “The interrater reliability for the raters was found to have substantial agreement where kappa = 0.68 (p < .0.001), 95% CI [0.504, 0.848].”

Goodness-of-Fit Test A goodness-of-fit test is used to ascertain whether the distribution of observed counts in the various categories of a categorical variable matches the expected distribution of counts under a hypothetical model for the data.

Appropriate Applications of the Goodness-of-Fit Test The following are examples of situations in which a chi-square goodness-of-fit test would be appropriate. Does a genetic theory apply? Genetic theory indicates that the result of crossing two flowering plants to create a number of progeny should result in flowers that are 50% red, 25% yellow, and 25% white. When the cross-bred flowers bloom, the observed number of each color is compared with the numbers expected under the theory to see whether the genetic theory seems to apply in this case. Is there a directional preference in nest positioning? A zoologist wants to know whether there is a directional preference in the positioning of nests for a particular species of birds. A sample of 300 nests is observed, and each nest is categorized as facing north, northeast, and so on. The counts for each of the eight directions are compared with the counts expected if there is no directional preference. Is there a change in educational attainment? The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics provides the percentages of U.S. full-time workers in 1996 who fell into the following five categories: less than high school, high school degree—no college, some college, bachelor’s degree, and advanced degree. A sample of 1,000 full-time workers is selected this year to determine whether the distribution of educational attainment has changed since 1996.

Design Considerations for a Goodness-of-Fit Test 1. The test assumes that a random sample of observations is taken from the population of interest. 2. The appropriate use of the chi-square to approximate the distribution of the goodness-of-fit test statistic depends on both the sample size and the number of cells. A widely used rule of thumb suggested by Cochran (1954) is that the approximation is adequate if no expected cell frequencies are less than 1 and no more than 20% are less than 5.

Hypotheses for a Goodness-of-Fit Test The hypotheses being tested in this setting are as follows: H0: The population (from which the sample is selected) follows the hypothesized distribution. Ha: The population does not follow the hypothesized distribution. To test these hypotheses, a chi-squared test statistic is used that compares the observed frequencies with what is expected if the hypothesized model under the null is correct. Large values of the test statistic suggest that the alternative is true, while small values are supportive of the null. A low p-value suggests rejection of the null hypothesis and leads to the conclusion that the data do not follow the hypothesized, or theoretical, distribution.

Tips and Caveats for a Goodness-of-Fit Test No One-Sided Tests There are no one-sided/two-sided decisions to be made regarding these tests. The tests are inherently nondirectional (“sort of two-sided”) in the sense that the chi-square test is simply testing whether the observed frequencies and expected frequencies agree without regard to whether particular observed frequencies are above or below the corresponding expected frequencies. If the null hypothesis is rejected, then a good interpretation of the results will involve a discussion of differences that were found.

Example 6.7

Goodness-of-Fit Test As an illustration of the goodness-of-fit test, we consider a classic experiment in genetics. Gregor Mendel, a Czechoslovakian monk in the 19th century, identified some basic principles that control heredity. For example, Mendel’s theory suggests that the phenotypic frequencies resulting from a dihybrid cross of two independent genes, where each gene shows simple dominant/recessive inheritance, will be expected to be in a 9:3:3:1 ratio. In Mendel’s classic experiment using the garden pea, he predicted that the frequencies of smooth yellow peas, smooth green peas, wrinkled yellow peas, and wrinkled green peas would be in a 9:3:3:1 ratio. The hypotheses being tested in this setting are the following: H0: The population frequencies of smooth yellow, smooth green, wrinkled yellow, and wrinkled green peas will be in a 9:3:3:1 ratio. Ha: The population frequencies will not follow this pattern. Mendel’s experiment yielded 556 offspring, so the expected frequencies would be (9/16) x 556 = 312.75 smooth yellow (3/16) x 556 = 104.25 smooth green (3/16) x 556 = 104.25 wrinkled yellow (1/16) x 556 = 34.75 wrinkled green The frequencies that Mendel actually observed were 315, 108, 101, and 32 respectively (i.e., quite close to those expected). To perform an analysis testing his hypothesis, follow these steps:

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 6.7: Goodness-of-Fit Test Using Mendel’s Data This data set can be set up in two ways. If you know the counts in each category, you can set up a data set consisting specifically of these counts. If you have a standard casewise data set, then you can also run a goodness-of-fit test using that file directly. The file MENDELCNT.SAV contains the actual counts Mendel obtained as shown in Figure 6.5. (You can either create the data set using the instructions in this example, or open the already created data set named MENDELCNT.SAV.) Figure 6.5 Mendel Data for Goodness-of-Fit Analysis

In order to create a data set consisting of the counts and perform the goodness-of-fit test in SPSS, follow these steps: 1. Select File/New/Data… (or open MENDELCNT.SAV and skip to item 3). 2. This new data set will have two numeric variables: Phenotype and Count. In the first column (i.e., for the Phenotype variable), enter the numbers 1 for smooth yellow, 2 for smooth green, 3 for wrinkled yellow, and 4 for wrinkled green, and in the second column, enter the corresponding counts (i.e., 315, 108, 101, and 32). Click on the Variable View and enter the variable names Phenotype and Count. In the Values column, specify Value Labels associated with the Phenotype codes (i.e., 1 = Smooth Yellow, etc.). Also, make sure the Phenotype variable is set as a Nominal measure. (See Appendix A: “A Brief Tutorial for Using IBM SPSS for Windows” if you do not know how to do this.) 3. Select Data/Weight Cases… and select the “weight case by” option with Count as the Frequency variable. Click OK.. 4. Select Analyze/Nonparametric Tests/Legacy Dialogs/Chi Square… and select Phenotype as the Test variable. 5. In Expected Values, click on the Values radio button. Enter the theorized proportions in the order you

entered the data. Thus, enter a 9 and click Add, enter 3 and click Add, and enter another 3 and click Add, and finally enter 1 and click Add. This specifies the theoretical 9:3:3:1 ratio. 6. Click OK to display the output shown in Table 6.16.

In Table 6.16, we show the results for this analysis where you can see the observed and expected frequencies. The chi-square statistic is 0.470 with 3 degrees of freedom and p = 925. That is, the observed phenotypic ratios followed the expected pattern quite well, and you would not reject the null hypothesis. There is no evidence to suggest that the theory is not correct. In general, if the p-value for this test is significant, it means that there is evidence that the observed data do not fit the theorized ratios.

Reporting the Results of a Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Analysis The following examples illustrate how you might report this goodness-of-fit test in a publication format. Narrative for the Methods Section “A chi-square goodness-of-fit test was performed to test the null hypothesis that the population frequencies of smooth yellow, smooth green, wrinkled yellow, and wrinkled green peas will be in a 9:3:3:1 ratio.” Narrative for the Results Section “The results were not statistically significant, and there is no reason to reject the claim that Mendel’s theory applies to this dihybrid cross, χ2 (3, N = 556) = 0.470, p = 0.925.”

Program Comments In Example 6.7 notice that we entered 9, 3, 3, and 1 as the expected frequencies. You can enter any set of numbers as long as they are multiples of the expected proportions —in this case, 9/16, 3/16, 3/16, and 1/16. So, for example, you could enter 18, 6, 6, and 2 and still obtain the same results. A natural set of expected frequencies to use is 312.75, 104.25, 104.25, and 34.75, which are the expected frequencies out of 556. However, SPSS does not allow an entry as long as 312.75. SPSS will accept 312.8 and so forth, and use of these rounded expected frequencies results in very minor differences from the results in Table 6.16. If you have a data set (such as the example described earlier involving the directional preference in the positioning of nests for a certain species of bird), you would select “All categories equal” in the “Expected Values” section. The chi-square procedure in SPSS does not recognize string (text) variables. This is the reason we assigned Phenotype to be a numeric variable and assigned the associated value labels rather than simply specifying Phenotype as a string variable and using the four phenotypes as observed values.

Other Measures of Association for Categorical Data Several other statistical tests can be performed on categorical data. The test performed depends on the type of categorical variables and the intent of the analysis. The following list describes several of these briefly.

Correlation. If both the rows and columns of your table contain ordered numerical values, you can produce a Spearman’s rho or other nonparametric correlations. See Chapter 8: Nonparametric Analysis Procedures for a discussion of nonparametric procedures.

Nominal measures. A number of other specialty measures can be calculated for crosstabulation tables in which both variables are nominal. These include the following: Contingency coefficient. This is a measure designed for larger tables. Some statisticians recommend that the table be at least 5 by 5. The values of the contingency coefficient range from 0 to 1, with 1 indicating high association. For smaller tables, this statistic is not recommended. Phi. The phi coefficient is a measure of association that is adjusted according to sample size. Specifically, it is the square root of the calculated chi-square statistic divided by n, the sample size. Phi ranges from –1 to 1 for 2 × 2 tables and, for larger tables, from 0 to the square root of the minimum of r – 1 or c –1, where r and c denote the number of rows and columns, respectively. Phi is most often used in a 2 × 2 table where the variable forms true dichotomies. In the case of 2 × 2 tables, the phi coefficient is equal to Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Cramer’s V. This is a measure of association based on chi-square, where the upper limit is always 1. In a 2 × 2 table, Cramer’s V is equal to the absolute value of the phi coefficient. Lambda. Also called the Goodman-Kruskal index, lambda is a measure of association where a high value of lambda (up to 1) indicates that the independent variable does a good job of predicting the dependent variable and where a low value of lambda (down to 0) indicates that it is of no help in predicting the dependent variable. Uncertainty coefficient. Sometimes called the entropy coefficient, this is a measure of association that indicates the proportional reduction in error (or uncertainty) when predicting the dependent variable. SPSS calculates symmetric and asymmetric versions of the uncertainty coefficient.

Ordinal Measures. Ordinal measures of association are appropriate when the two variables in the contingency table both have an inherent order. Gamma. This statistic ranges between –1 and 1 and is interpreted similarly to a Pearson’s correlation. For two-way tables, zero-order gammas are displayed. For three-way to n-way tables, conditional gammas are displayed.

Somer’s d. This measure of association ranges between –1 and 1. It is an asymmetric extension of gamma. Asymmetric values are generated according to which variable is considered to be the dependent variable. Kendall’s tau-b. This is a measure of correlation for ordinal or ranked measures where ties are taken into account. It is most appropriate when the number of columns and rows are equal. Values range from –1 to 1. Kendall’s tau-c. This is similar to tau-b, except this measure ignores ties. Eta. This is a measure of association that is appropriate when the dependent variable is a quantitative measure (such as age or income) and the independent variable is categorical (nominal or ordinal). Eta ranges from 0 to 1, with low values indicating less association and high values indicating a high degree of association. SPSS calculates two eta values, one that treats the row variable as the quantitative variable and one that treats the column variable as the quantitative variable.

Summary This chapter explains how to analyze categorical data using a variety of techniques for measuring association and goodness-of-fit. The following chapter examines a comparison of three or more means.

References Bickel, P. J., & O’Connell, J. W. (1975). Is there a sex bias in graduate admissions? Science, 187, 398–404. Cochran, W. G. (1954). Some methods for strengthening the common chi-square test. Biometrics, 10, 417–451. Cooper, H., Hedges, L. V., & Valentine, J. C., eds. (2009). The handbook of research synthesis and meta-analysis. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation. Fleiss, J. L. (2000). Statistical methods for rates & proportions (2nd ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley. (Data used by permission.) Landis, J. R., & Koch, G. G. (1977). The measurement of observer agreement for categorical data. Biometrics, 33(1), 159–174. Royston, P., Altman, D. G., & Sauerbrei, W. (2006). Dichotomizing continuous predictors in multiple regression: A bad idea. Statistics in Medicine, 25.1, 127–141.

Chapter 7 Analysis of Variance and Covariance Sometimes, that “keep it simple” principle just doesn’t meet your needs. Occasionally, you’ve got to make the leap from simple models to the more complex. This chapter takes the leap from the t-test to a series of tests designed to compare three or more means at a time or to compare means that are adjusted by some covariate. And even though it’s a bit more involved than the t-test chapter, we’ll try to keep it as simple and straightforward as possible. Specifically, this chapter discusses the following analyses: One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA): an extension of the two-sample t-test used to determine whether there are differences among more than two group means One-way analysis of variance with a test for trend: used to test for a polynomial trend in the group means Two-way analysis of variance: used to evaluate the combined effect of two experimental factors Repeated-measures analysis of variance: an extension of the paired t-test for comparing means of the same or related subjects or objects over time or in differing circ*mstances Analysis of covariance: a one-way ANOVA in which the group means are adjusted by a covariate These sections include discussion of multiple comparisons and graphs where appropriate. Although this chapter covers the most commonly used analysis of variance models, there are in fact a smorgasbord of analyses that can be classified under this umbrella. However, if you find that your experimental design goes beyond what is covered here, or if you do not understand how these models work, we suggest that you check out the references at the end of the chapter. Even better advice is to consult a statistician.

One-Way ANOVA The one-way ANOVA (also called a one-factor ANOVA or completely randomized design) is a staple of almost every research discipline. It is widely used and, as you will see, relatively easy to perform and interpret. This model is a direct extension of the twosample (independent group) t-test covered in Chapter 4: Comparing One or Two Means Using the t-Test. It is used to determine whether there are differences among the group means.

Appropriate Applications for a One-Way ANOVA Examples of research that might use this design include the following: Length of hospital stay. Anorexic patients in a psychiatric ward are randomly grouped into a control treatment group (standard treatment) and two experimental treatment groups to determine whether either of the two experimental treatments reduces the average length of stay. Which is the best brand? The shear strengths of bolts manufactured by four different companies are compared to establish whether there are differences in the average shear strength. What is the best package color? A marketing study attempts to find out whether average sales are different for three choices of packaging color.

Design Considerations for a One-Way ANOVA The design of a one-way ANOVA is similar to that for a two-sample (independent group) t-test, except that there are more than two groups. The key factors in designing such an analysis include the following:

The One-Way ANOVA Assumptions 1. Independent samples. The groups contain observed subjects (or objects) that are split into groups but are not paired or matched in any way. The groups are typically obtained in one of two ways: 1. Random split. Subjects (or items) all come from the same population and are randomly split into groups. Each group is exposed to identical conditions, except for a “treatment” that may be a medical treatment, a marketing design factor, exposure to a stimulus, and so on. 2. Random selection. Subjects are randomly selected from separate populations (i.e., by race, stores by region, machine by manufacturer, etc.). 2. Normality. A standard assumption for the one-way ANOVA to be valid is that the measurement variable is normally distributed within each group. That is, when graphed as a histogram, the shape approximates a bell curve (see Chapter 2: Describing and Examining Data). 3. Equal variances. Another assumption is that the within-group variances are the same for each of the groups. 1. How stringent are these assumptions? As in the case of the t-test discussed in Chapter 4, studies have shown the one-way ANOVA to be robust against some departures from assumptions. Generally, slight departures from normality are of less concern than data that are highly nonnormal (i.e., a bimodal or highly skewed distribution). If you have equal or near-equal sample sizes in each group, the equal variance assumption becomes less important. However, the assumption of independence of the subjects is critical (Glass, Peckham, & Sanders, 1972). 2. An ANOVA tests the hypothesis of equal means. Your outcome variable must be a quantitative variable such as height, weight, amount spent, or grade. (If you can make an assumption of normality for your data, it must at first at least be quantitative.) 3. Control group. The groups to be compared may or may not include a control group. That is, one “control” group may receive a standard treatment or no treatment, while the others receive experimental treatments. If the experimental treatments are better than the control, then this may add more credibility to their use than if they are simply compared to other experimental groups. 4. Predefined comparisons. The experimenter may have a special interest in certain comparisons among group means. These can be tested using contrasts. This topic is discussed later in this chapter. 5. Are group sample sizes equal? The sample sizes in each group need not be equal, but if they are not equal, then care must often be taken when performing the post hoc analysis, as will be demonstrated in Example 7.1. In general, it is

usually best to design your experiment so there is an equal (or almost equal) number of subjects in each group. 6. Are the groups ordered? If groups have an inherent ordering such as age groups (0–15, 16–30, 31–50, 51 and above), torque pressure (mild, medium, strong), or dose (four increasingly strong levels), then your analysis could include an analysis of trend. The analysis in Example 7.2 includes a trend analysis.

Hypotheses for a One-Way ANOVA The hypotheses for the comparison of the means in a one-way ANOVA are as follows: H0: µ1 =µ2 =… =µk (the population means of all groups are the same). Ha: µi≠=µj for some i ≠=j (the population means of at least two groups are different).

Tips and Caveats for a One-Way ANOVA Sample size considerations. Inadequate sample sizes can result in a test without adequate power and can produce a nonsignificant finding, even if there are meaningful differences in the group population means. Also, small sample sizes cause the normality assumption to be more important and more difficult to assess. Why not simply do several t-tests? Since a one-way ANOVA usually involves examining pairwise comparisons, you may wonder why you would not simply perform the t-tests in the first place and make the analysis simpler. These comparisons are done within the context of an ANOVA to control the level of significance. For example, if you took four independent samples from the same population (i.e., the null hypothesis is true) and made all possible comparisons using t-tests, then there would be six total comparisons, each performed at the 0.05 level of significance. However, using this procedure, it can be shown that there is a 1 – (0.95)6 =0.26 probability that at least one of the six comparisons will result in finding of a significant difference. That is, there is a 0.26 probability of rejecting the null hypothesis (which in this case is true). That is, the overall significance level is no longer 0.05 but has increased dramatically. By using the controlled environment of the one-way ANOVA, you preserve the error rate for the experiment. No knowledgeable statistician would use multiple t-tests in lieu of an appropriate ANOVA. See Chapter 1: Introduction for more discussion of these issues.

Example 7.1

One-Way ANOVA Describing the Problem A university is experimenting with teaching a statistics course using three different methods, including the classical 3-day-a-week lecture, 1-day-a-week lecture plus CD lessons (including recorded lectures), and 1day-a-week lecture plus online (Internet) tutorials. Students are randomly placed into one of the three methods, and all three methods are taught by the same instructor. Identical 100-point final exams are given to each section of the course. We will use the one-way ANOVA to compare the average learning (as measured by the final exam) for these three types of classes. Although it is highly desirable to have the same sample size in each group, it often doesn’t work out that way in practice. In this example, 98 students signed up for the course, which means that the three groups will not have equal sample sizes if we use all of the students. Before performing the analysis, you should check out the assumptions listed earlier: For example, examine histograms or Q-Q plots to check normality. The students in each section are independent and randomly assigned. The assumption of equal variances will be tested as a part of the analysis. To perform the analysis for this data, follow these steps:

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 7.1: One-Way ANOVA 1. Open the data set COURSES.SAV and select Analyze/Compare Means/One-Way ANOVA… . 2. Select Section as the Factor and Grade as the Dependent Variable. (Note that Section, the Factor variable, must be of nominal or ordinal measure.) 3. Click Options to select Descriptive and hom*ogeniety of Variance test and click Continue. 4. Click Post Hoc and select the Tukey multiple comparison test (for this example). Click Continue and OK to display results. In the output for this analysis, first observe the descriptive statistics shown in Table 7.1. Notice that the standard deviations are 10.16, 12.70, and 12.61 which don’t cause much concern regarding the assumption of equal variances (remember that the variance is the square of the standard deviation). For further confirmation, a statistical test such as Levene’s test for hom*ogeneity of variances may be used. In this case, Levene’s test, also shown in Table 7.1, yields a nonsignificant p=0.23 for the comparison of these three variances, so the assumption of equal variance is not rejected.

It is also helps to look at a graphical comparison of the groups. One way to do this is with side-by-side boxplots. The following steps produce this plot: 1. Using the COURSES.SAV data set select Graphs/Chart Builder… . 2. Select Boxplot from the chart types and drag the Simple Boxplot (left icon) into the Chart Preview box. 3. Drag Grade to the Y-axis and Section to the X-axis. (Note that the Section variable is Nominal. It must be either nominal or ordinal to be used here.) 4. Click OK and the plot shown in Figure 7.1 will be displayed. The boxplot graph that includes medians and ranges shown in Figure 7.1 provides a visual comparison of the groups. In it, there is no evidence of any sizeable outliers or any obvious difference in variability among the three groups. The graph also shows (visually) that the final exam scores for the standard course were somewhat higher in general than for the two newer teaching methods but that there was considerable overlap among the distributions. Until further analysis, we cannot draw conclusions about significance of the differences in the mean final exam scores for the three methods. Figure 7.1 Boxplots for Course Data

Since there are no apparent violations of the assumptions, we next examine the ANOVA table in Table 7.2. This table provides an omnibus test of equality of means (labeled the “between-group” test). In this case, the ANOVA table reports an F-statistic of 4.754 with 2 and 95 degrees of freedom and p =0.011. Because this pvalue is less than 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis that all means are equal and conclude that there are some differences among the means. If the p-value had been nonsignificant, we would not conclude that there are differences in the means. No further multiple comparisons would be performed.

Since the ANOVA table indicates an overall significant difference among means, we now further investigate these differences using multiple comparisons. In this case, with three groups, there are three possible comparisons: standard versus Internet, standard versus CD, and Internet versus CD. Most common of all post hoc tests is a comparison of all possible pairs of means. These are called multiple comparison tests. There is an alphabet soup of these tests available (most named after the statistician who came up with the technique). These include tests by the names of Tukey, Bonferroni, Duncan, Scheffé, R-EG-W-F, and others. These tests each have their own characteristics (e.g., Bonferroni’s test is quite conservative), and there are many opinions about which test to use and when. In this example, we limit our discussion to the use of Tukey’s procedure to exemplify the technique. In practice, you may want to consider others. You may want to familiarize yourself with which techniques are commonly used in your disipline.

The multiple comparison results, based on the Tukey procedure, are reported in Tables 7.3 and 7.4. Using this procedure, two means are considered to be significantly different if the absolute difference in their corresponding sample means is greater than a specific threshold value. When sample sizes are equal, the formula for this threshold value involves this common sample size. When the sample sizes are not equal, the harmonic mean (32.66) of the corresponding sample sizes is typically used. Note that the harmonic mean is reported in Table 7.4. In Table 7.3, all pairwise comparisons are listed along with their mean differences, standard errors, p-values, and 95% confidence intervals. For example, the first comparison is standard section versus Internet. The mean difference (Std Error) is 9.08 (2.95), the p-value testing the null hypothesis of no difference is p = 0.008, and the 95% confidence interval is [2.06, 16.09]. (This p-value reported in the table is already adjusted by the Tukey procedure according to how many comparisons are made in this table.) This indicates that there is a statistically significant difference between the mean for the standard versus Internet groups. In fact, this is the only statistically significant result in this table. Another way to illustrate the Tukey multiple comparison in a table is shown in Table 7.4. In this table, the groups are listed in ascending order according to group means (Internet, CD, and standard). The columns labeled “Subset for alpha = 0.05” categorize the means into groups that are not significantly different from each other as subsets. (The 0.05 level used in this table has been adjusted by the Tukey procedure to account for how many comparisons are being made.) Thus, Internet and CD groups (which are both in column 1) form one subset, while CD and standard formed the other subset. Since the Internet and standard groups do not both appear in the same subset, they are significantly different from each other at the 0.05 significance level. Spend a moment to see how Table 7.3 and Table 7.4 are reporting the same results. Notice that SPSS warns that unequal sample sizes may compromise the results (“Type I error levels are not guaranteed”). In this case, with the sample sizes nearly equal, this is not an important concern. To summarize, the overall ANOVA table results reported that at the p=0.011 level of significance, there was at least one mean that was different from another. The post hoc Tukey test (performed at the 0.05 level of significance) examined all possible pairwise comparisons and determined that there was a statistically significant difference in the mean scores of the standard versus the Internet groups. Specifically, the standard teaching method seems to have better average final exam performance than use of the Internet. The standard method also has a higher mean score than the CD method, although the difference is not statistically significant.

The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

Means for groups in hom*ogeneous subsets are displayed. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 32.660 The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error levels are not guaranteed. Failing to reject the null hypothesis does not indicate a finding that there are no differences among the means. It simply indicates that we have been unable to detect differences. See the section in Chapter 1 titled “Understanding Hypothesis Testing, Power, and Sample Size.”

Reporting Results of a One-Way ANOVA The following illustrates how you might report these one-way ANOVA results in a publication format. Narrative for the Methods Section “A one-way ANOVA was performed to test the hypothesis that the average final grades for the three course methods were equal. Multiple comparisons were performed using the Tukey procedure.” Narrative for the Results Section “The average grades were found to be different across methods, F(2, 95) =4.75, p =0.011. Tukey multiple comparisons performed at a 0.05 significance level found that the average grade for the standard section is significantly higher than that for the Internet section.” Or, to be more complete, “The average grades were found to be different across methods, F(2, 95) =4.75, p=0.011. The Tukey multiple comparisons performed at the 0.05 significance level found that the mean final exam grade for the standard course section (M=83.5, SD=10.16, N=33) was significantly higher than that for the Internet section (M=74.5, SD =12.7, N =32) but not significantly higher than the CD section (M =78.8, SD =12.6, N =33). Mean exam grades for the CD and Internet sections were not found to be significantly different from each other.”

Other Comparison Tests for a One-Way ANOVA There are times when the standard “all-possible multiple comparisons” tests for a one-way ANOVA are not really what you want. Three alternatives to the all-possible comparisons are briefly discussed here: Dunnett’s test Specified contrasts Trend analysis Dunnett’s Test. Dunnett’s test is appropriate when the purpose of your analysis is to compare one group (usually the standard or control) against all other groups. For instance, in the previous example, we were interested in comparing all courses with each other. However, the real interest may be only the comparison between the standard course and the new methods. Thus, the standard method would be the control group to which the other two methods are compared. The preliminary analysis of variance would be performed exactly as above, and Dunnett’s test is a post hoc test designed specifically for comparing treatment groups to a control group. Contrasts for a one-way ANOVA. In some cases, you may simply want to examine certain specific group comparisons. Customized comparisons (planned contrasts) can be built around specific comparisons rather than simply investigating all-pairwise comparisons that are typical of the post hoc multiple comparison procedures. For example, suppose in the “course data” experiment, our alternative hypothesis is that the standard teaching method results in a higher mean final exam grade than the other two methods. That is, we want to compare the standard group with the two experimental groups in one comparison. To do that, we would need to combine, in some sense, the experimental groups. Thus, our comparison becomes the standard group versus the average of the experimental groups, and the null hypothesis of interest is H0: µS=(µI+µC)/2; that is, H0: µS−(µI+µC)/2 =0, where µS, µI, and µCdenote the population means for the standard, Internet, and CD sections, respectively. A contrast is a weighted sum of means. The tricky part in designing a contrast is to assign weights (called contrast codes) to each group. These weights specify how the comparison will be made. In general, you assign a positive weight to one group or groups and negative weights to the remaining groups so that the weights add to zero. Based on the second form of the null hypothesis in the preceding paragraph, it makes sense to assign a weight (i.e., contrast code) of 1 to the standard group and a –0.5 to each of the other teaching methods. Multiplying a set of contrast codes by a constant gives another set of contrast codes that are equivalent. For example, you could also use 2 for the standard group and a –1 for each of the other teaching methods. To perform this contrast using example 7.1, perform the analysis as above, adding these steps:

Example 7.1 (continued) With Dunnett’s Comparison 1. Continuing with Example 7.1, select Analyze/Compare Means/One-Way ANOVA … and redo the analysis making these changes: In the Post Hoc section, select Dunnett, and indicate First for the Category Control (which is the standard group) as shown in Figure 7.2. This specifies the Standard group as the Control group. Uncheck the Tukey option. 2. Click Continue and OK to produce the Dunnett’s results shown in Figure 7.2. Figure 7.2 Indicate Dunnett’s Test in Dialog Box

It should be noted that for Dunnett’s test, you can use two-sided or one-sided tests. In this example, we will use a two-sided test if there is a question concerning whether to expect the new sections to do better or worse. The Dunnett’s test results are shown in Table 7.5.

The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. Dunnett t-tests treat one group as a control, and compare all other groups against it. The results reported in Table 7.5 are specifically for the comparison of the Internet and CD Lessons sections against the Standard section. The “Sig.” column shows there is a significant difference between the Internet section and the Standard section (p=0.005) but no difference between the CD Lessons section and the Standard (p=0.187). These findings are consistent with those obtained using Tukey multiple comparisons previously.

Example 7.1 (Continued) With Contrasts 1. Redo the analysis in Example 7.1 (select Analyze/Compare Means/One-Way ANOVA … ) with these changes: In the One-Way ANOVA dialog box, select the Contrast button. 2. In the One-Way ANOVA Contrasts dialog box, enter the contrast coefficients 1, –0.5, and –0.5 using the following technique: Enter 1 in the Coefficient box. Click Add. Enter –0.5 and click Add and enter –0.5 and click Add. This specifies the complete contrast as shown in Figure 7.3. (The order of the contrast coefficients indicate that the first group mean [Standard] will be contrasted with the average of the Internet and CD sections combined.) Click Continue. 3. Click OK to complete the analysis. The results based on the contrast codes 1, –.5, .–5 are shown in Table 7.6. Figure 7.3 Contrasts for Course Data

Two versions of the contrast test are given, one that assumes equal variances and one that does not. Since we have already examined the variances and found them similar, the equal variances test is sufficient. In this case, p= 0.008, so we conclude that the mean grade of the standard course is significantly different (higher) than the average of the mean grades of the other two methods combined. If there is any question about the equality of variances, you should use the unequal variance option, which in this case gives a smaller p-value (p= 0.005) and leads to the same conclusion.

Example 7.2

One-Way ANOVA With Trend Analysis Describing the Problem A wholesale nursery is experimenting with a plant supplement that is designed to increase the number of flowers produced on a plant. To determine whether the supplement works and what strength to use, the nursery randomly selects 12 plants for five different commercially available strengths (1 to 5) of the supplement. After 2 weeks, the number of opened flowers per plant is counted. Table 7.7 gives the number of flowers counted for the 60 plants. It should be noted that there is no pairing of the data in this table. For example, the first entry under Strength 1 is not related in any way to the first entry under Strength 2. We present this table here to make a point that will be clearer in the next section. For this example, notice that the way the data are presented in Table 7.7 is not the format in which it should be entered into the computer program. Rule 2 in “Guidelines for Creating Data Sets” given in Chapter 1 states that (usually) each line (row) of your data should contain the observations from a single subject. Each row in Table 7.7 contains observations from five separate plants that are not related to each other in any way. In general, the 60 observations in that table represent 60 randomly selected plants. The computer data file structure for a one-way ANOVA should take the form shown in Figure 7.4, which contains one subject (plant) per row and contains a “grouping” variable called Strength to indicate the concentration of the supplement that was used for that plant. For this data set, there are 60 rows, one for each plant.

Figure 7.4 Data Entered for a One-Way ANOVA

What makes this analysis different from a typical one-way ANOVA is that the groups have an order (i.e., the strength 1 to 5). For this case, you may want to perform a trend analysis rather than use nonordered pairwise comparisons. A trend analysis tests the hypothesis that the means of the ordered groups change in a linear or higher order (e.g., quadratic or cubic) fashion. Figure 7.5 shows a plot of the mean number of flowers for

each supplement strength. It appears that the number of flowers increases as the strength of the supplement increases (up to a point). To perform this ANOVA with a trend analysis, follow these steps:

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE 7.2: One-Way ANOVA With Trend 1. Open the data set TREND.SAV and select Analyze/Compare Means/One-Way ANOVA… . (Notice how the data are set up with one flower per row and with Strength as a grouping [factor] variable in Figure 7.4.) 2. Select Strength for Factor and Flowers for Dependent variable. 3. Click the Options checkbox to select the means plot and the Descriptive checkbox to select descriptive statistics and click Continue. 4. To specify the trend analysis, click on Contrasts and click the Polynomial checkbox. From the drop down box, select Cubic as the Degree as shown in Figure 7.6. Click Continue and OK, and the output in Table 7.8 and the means plot in Figure 7.5 appears. Figure 7.5 Mean Number of Flowers by Supplement Strength

Figure 7.6 Specify Trend Analysis

The resulting output, shown in the ANOVA table in Table 7.8, includes tests for a linear, quadratic, and cubic trends. A quadratic trend is one that has a consistent curving pattern either upward or downward, while a cubic trend is characterized by a shift in curvature from upward to downward or vice versa. Here is how to interpret the information in this table. The “Between Groups (Combined)” test is the same as the standard ANOVA test, and it shows that there is a difference among means across levels of strength (p = 0”.) 7. To take care of missing values, click on the “System or user-missing values” in the Old Values section at the left of the dialog box. In the New Value section (right side of dialog box), enter –9 (or whatever missing value code you select) for the value, and click “Add.” The resulting dialog box is shown in Figure A.13. 8. Click Continue. Click OK. Observe that the new Hypertension variable is included in the data set and contains the values 0 and 1. (Note: You might need to specify desired decimal places or other options in Variable View for new variables you create in this way.) 9. Click on the “Variable View” tab on the datasheet, and define the missing value code as –9 and your category values (0 = Nonhypertensive, 1 = Hypertensive) for your new Hypertension variable. Figure A.13 Dialog Box Showing Selection of User Missing Values

You can now use the new variable in an analysis. The trick with recoding continuous data into categories is to find the cut-point (i.e., the point that defines the categories into which the observations will be placed). A cut-point could be an obvious break in the data, a point that makes logical sense, or one that you can otherwise justify. Royston, Altman, and Sauerbrei (2006) argue against dichotomization of a continuous variable stating that “simplicity achieved is gained at a cost; dichotomization may create rather than avoid problems, notably a considerable loss of power and residual confounding,” p. 127. Therefore, care must be taken when using this technique, and if used, should be used when there is a previously acceptable cut point recognized in the literature.

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE A.8: Transposing Data Data for analysis are usually set up with one subject (or entity) per row and variables as columns. This was discussed in the Chapter 1 section titled “Planning a Successful Analysis.” However, it is not uncommon for data to find their way into SPSS in just the opposite fashion (i.e., in which rows are variables and columns are subjects). In this case, you must transpose your data set before you can analyze it. The following example shows how this can be accomplished. For example, suppose your data set in SPSS looks like the data in Figure A.14. Figure A.14 Data Prior to Transposing

To transpose this data set, follow these steps: 1. Open the data set TRANSPOSE.SAV and select Data/Transpose. 2. Place all three subject variables in the Variables list. 3. Place the Name variable in the Name Variable list and click OK. See Figure A.15. Figure A.15 Transpose Dialog Box

The resulting data set is shown in Figure A.16. Notice that each row is now a “subject” and columns are variables. After transposing, you might need to use the Variable View to adjust the variable definitions for the reconstituted data. Figure A.16 Data After Transposing

Using the SPSS Syntax Editor When SPSS runs a procedure, it is actually sending a series of programming code statements to a computer program that then acts on those statements to create results. People who use SPSS extensively may want to learn this code so they can program SPSS without having to use the point-and-click menu system. This book does not teach you how to program in the SPSS language, but this section shows you how you can take advantage of this code in certain cases to simplify your work when using SPSS (without having to learn syntax programming). The following are three situations where knowing a little about SPSS syntax comes in handy: 1. When you are doing several of the same analyses over and over again with only minor changes. 2. When you do the same analysis on a regular basis, and you’d like to save time and also make sure you do the same analysis this time that you did last time. 3. When you want to have an audit trail of an analysis you performed. In other words, you want to save the analysis so you can return to it later. To illustrate how you can create and save SPSS syntax, follow this example:

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE A.9a Creating and Saving Syntax 1. Open the data set CARS2014.SAV. 2. Select Analyze/Descriptive Statistics/Descriptives… and select CityMPG as the variable to analyze. 3. Instead of clicking on OK, click on the button labeled Paste. The SPSS Syntax window is displayed as shown in Figure A.17. It contains the following lines of SPSS programming code. (Yours may be slightly different.) DATASET ACTIVATE DataSet3. DESCRIPTIVES VARIABLES=CityMPG /STATISTICS=MEAN STDDEV MIN MAX. Figure A.17 SPSS Syntax Window

This SPSS syntax is code that tells SPSS to run the analysis that we previously selected using the SPSS menu system. Briefly, the code says to use one of the open data sets in SPSS (in this case, DataSet3) but your may be different and calculate descriptive statistics on the variable CityMPG. (If the Syntax Editor does not appear on your screen, you can get to it by clicking on the Window menu and select the Syntax option, or (on some Windows versions) click on the SPSS icon at the bottom of your screen and select the Syntax window.) To explore how you can use this syntax, consider the first possibility—using the same code over and over again with minor changes. 4. In the SPSS Syntax Editor, copy the following code (using the same techniques you would use to copy in a word processor). DESCRIPTIVES VARIABLES=CityMPG /STATISTICS=MEAN STDDEV MIN MAX. 5. Paste the copied code below the current code, and change the variable CityMPG to HwyMPG in the second set of the code. Take out the DATASET line since you already have the data set opened. The lines of code now read: DESCRIPTIVES VARIABLES=CityMPG /STATISTICS=MEAN STDDEV MIN MAX. DESCRIPTIVES VARIABLES=HwyMPG /STATISTICS=MEAN STDDEV MIN MAX. 6. Using click and drag, make sure all of this code is selected (highlighted). Find the green arrow triangle at the top and middle of the Syntax Editor. This is the “Run” button. This tells SPSS to run the selected code. Once you click the green run icon, SPSS will display the descriptive statistics as instructed by the code. Although this is a simple example, it illustrates how you could do one analysis (it could be much more complex), then copy and paste the code into the Syntax Editor, make minor changes, and then run a series of analyses. Once you learn how to do this, it can be easier than going through the menu choices, and it can save you time. 7. To illustrate situation “B” from the previous list, we’ll save this code, then bring it back and do the analysis again. To do this example, go back to the Syntax Editor (as described in Step 3). In the

Syntax Editor, select File/Save as… and save the syntax using the name DESC1.SPS (the SPS extension is for SPSS syntax). Make sure you save this file to the C:\SPSSDATA folder (or whatever folder you are using for your examples).

SPSS Step-By-Step. EXAMPLE A.9b: Reusing SPSS Syntax Code The second (B) reason you might use SPSS Syntax is “When you do the same analysis on a regular basis, and you’d like to save time and also make sure you do the same analysis this time that you did last time.” This example illustrates the procedure. If you do the same analysis over and over again, this examples shows you how you can save the syntax as shown in the previous example, then rerun the analysis (even using a different data set). This is particularly helpful if you have a complex analysis that you want to duplicate for future analyses. This can be handy if, for example, you want to redo the analysis using slight modifications. Instead of recreating the complex analysis from scratch, you might be able to make a slight modification of the code and rerun the analysis quickly. To see how you could reuse SPSS syntax code, follow these steps: 1. Close SPSS and begin a new session. From the main SPSS window, select File/Open/Syntax… and open the DESC1.SPS file you created in the previous example. The code you’ve previously saved is displayed. However, there is a problem. The data set you had opened when you created this code is no longer available in the SPSS data window. Before you can continue, you’ll need to open the desired data file. (You could do this within the SPSS code, but we’ll not cover that now.) 2. Go back to the main SPSS data window, and open the file CARDATA2014 (File/Open/Data… ). Take note of what data set number is assigned to this file. At the top of the SPSS data window, you should see information such as “CARS2014.SAV [DataSet1].” This tells you the data set number. Go back to the Syntax window, and make sure the code indicates the correct data set number, such as DATASET ACTIVATE DataSet1. 3. Once you have verified that the data set number is okay, select all of the code, and click the green “Run” triangle (or select Run/All). SPSS will perform the requested analysis.

SPSS Step-By-Btep. EXAMPLE A.9c: Capturing SPSS Syntax Code The third (C) reason you might use and save SPSS Syntax is to create an audit trail of the analyses you have performed. In other words, suppose you have performed an analysis and you want to preserve how you did it for future reference. To capture your analysis syntax, you can either save the information from the syntax window or use the SPSS Journal. Follow these steps: Depending on the options set up in your SPSS program, you may have noticed that SPSS displays the syntax code in the output window when you perform an analysis. 1. To control the option to display syntax in the output window, go to Edit/Options, and click on the Viewer tab in the Options dialog box. At the bottom left of the window is a checkbox labeled “Display commands in the log.” When this box is checked, the SPSS syntax is displayed in the Output window when you perform an analysis. (Leave it checked.) 2. To capture an entire SPSS session, you can collect the syntax into a “Journal.” While still in the Options dialog, select the File Locations tab. Make sure the option “Record syntax in Journal” is checked, and make note of (or change) the location of the.jnl file. Select append or overwrite according to your preference. Click OK to exit the Options dialog box. (Note that your journal file is originally empty. It will not contain any information until you perform some analysis.) 3. Before attempting to open the journal files, run some SPSS analyses. After you have run some analyses, view the Journal file by using a program such as Word (or any other text editor) to open the journal.jnl file (that is in the folder where you specified it should be stored). You should see a record of whatever analyses you have performed. You can save this information for later use, or cut and paste it back into the Syntax Editor to redo an analysis. Having a copy of your SPSS syntax code provides you with a precise audit trail of the analyses that were performed. We recommend that you “turn on” the option to display syntax in the SPSS output window (as shown in the above example) so you can document analyses that you perform and keep copies of your code.

Summary After going through the tutorials in this appendix, you will have the skills to use the SPSS program to perform the statistical analysis examples in IBM SPSS by Example.

Reference Royston, P., Altman, D. G., & Sauerbrei, W. (2006). Dichotomizing continuous predictors in multiple regression: A bad idea. Statistics in Medicine 25.1, 127–141.

Appendix B

Choosing the Right Procedure to Use The ideal time to choose the type of analysis you will perform on your data is during the planning process. Knowing the analyses that will be performed is crucial in designing your data collection strategy and determining a sample size. However, many times it is true that data are collected first, and only then is consideration given to the analyses that should be performed. In either case, this appendix will help you determine which analyses fit your needs. Remember, however, the earlier you address these statistical issues, the better. To select a proper analysis, your experimental question must be well defined. The following guide leads you through a series of questions that will assist you in deciding which statistical procedure or procedures will address your research questions. Begin by deciding which of the following scenarios addresses your analysis type: 1. Are you performing a descriptive analysis, a comparative (inferential) analysis, or a correlation/association analysis? These analyses are described in the section in Chapter 1 titled “Planning a Successful Analysis.” 2. What types of variables are you analyzing? Are you using quantitative (numeric or scale in SPSS terminology) or qualitative (categorical: nominal or ordinal in SPSS terminology) data? Are your response (dependent) variables normally distributed? These are the types of questions that you will need to be able to answer to decide on the appropriate analyses. For more details, see Chapter 2: Describing and Examining Data. Once you can answer these questions, the following decision tables help you decide which analyses are appropriate. This is not an all-inclusive decision-making tool and cannot substitute for the thoroughness that a professional statistician would apply to your experimental question and goals. If your data and hypotheses do not conform to these simple rules, then your analyses may be more complex than those covered here, or you may not have properly defined your analysis questions. If you do not know what hypotheses to test, then you cannot know the proper statistical analyses to apply.

How to Use the Tables To use the following tables, first consider the type of analysis you want to perform. This topic was described in more detail in the section in Chapter 1: Planning a Successful Analysis. 1. A descriptive analysis. Is the purpose of your analysis to summarize your data into a few numbers? For example, this would be the case if you want to characterize quantitative data using descriptive statistics (such as a mean and standard deviation) or you want to summarize information in a categorical variable using a frequency table or graph. If yes, go to Table B.1, “Descriptive Statistics.” 2. A comparative analysis. Is the purpose of your analysis to compare one or more groups to each other or to a standard? Examples are comparisons of means or determination if categories in one group are in the same pattern as in another group. If yes, go to Table B.2, “Comparison Tests.” 3. Association and correlation. Is the purpose of your analysis to determine if there is a relationship between variables, or do you want to predict one variable using one or more other variables? Examples of this would be a correlation or regression analysis as well as crosstabulation of categorical variables. If yes, go to Table B.3: “Relational Analyses (Correlation and Regression).” For example, suppose you have collected information from two independent groups of subjects and you have measured some characteristic for each subject. Suppose further that you want to know if the means of the measured characteristic are different for the two groups. This scenario fits the description of the second option. Therefore, you would go to Table B.2 and, in the left-hand column, select the item labeled “You are comparing data from two INDEPENDENT groups.” If you have determined that a normality assumption is plausible, then in the second column, you should select “Normal” as your data type. In the third column, you see that an appropriate analysis is a two-sample t-test. You can go to Chapter 4 and look over the hypotheses, assumptions, caveats, and description of a twosample t-test to verify that this type of analysis is appropriate. If so, proceed with the analysis as described in Chapter 4. If none of these options relates to what you want to accomplish, you should reexamine your analysis questions or consult a statistician to see what type of analysis best fits your goals. We emphasize that these tables contain only commonly used procedures and are not intended to provide an exhaustive listing of statistical techniques.

Note: In this table, the term Normal indicates that the procedure is theoretically based on a normality assumption. In practice, normal-based procedures can be used if you have data for which a normality assumption is plausible or your sample size is sufficiently large that the normal-based procedures can be appropriately used. The term At

least ordinal indicates that your data have an order. This includes ordinal categorical data and any quantitative data.

Note: In this table, the “data type” applies to the dependent variable for regression procedures. For assessment of association (e.g., correlation, cross tabulation, etc.), the variable type applies to both variables. See the footnote to Table B2 for a discussion of the normality assumption.

Index Aggregated data, 24 AIC criterion, 141 Aiken, L. S., 254, 267 Alternative hypotheses, 7 one-tailed/one-sided alternative and, 7, 8 two-tailed/two-sided alternatives and, 7, 8 See also Hypothesis testing Altman, D. G., 313 American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines, 18, 19, 21 Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), 185, 221 appropriate applications for, 222 covariate/concomitant variable and, 222, 223 design considerations for, 222–223 equal variances assumption and, 222 hom*ogeneity of regressions assumption and, 222 hypotheses for, 223 independence of variables assumption and, 222 normality assumption and, 222 testing procedure for, 223 See also Analysis of covariance example; Analysis of variance (ANOVA) Analysis of covariance example: Bonferroni correction and, 227–228 comparison plot and, 224, 225 (figure) covariate, effect on comparisons and, 228, 230 (table) data analysis steps/output and, 224–229 equal slopes test and, 226, 227 (table) group effects test and, 226–227, 228 (table) methods section narrative and, 229 p-values and, 228 pairwise comparisons and, 227–228, 229 (table) problem, description of, 224 results reporting and, 229 results section narrative and, 229 term specification and, 225–226, 226 (figure) Analysis of variance (ANOVA), 21, 87, 141 See also Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA); One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA); One-way analysis of variance with trend analysis example; Repeated-measures analysis of variance; Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) Arithmetic computation, 23, 36 Backward elimination procedure, 134, 135, 140, 140 (table)

Bar charts, 45, 46 (figure), 66 appropriate applications for, 66 Chart Builder bar chart on frequencies example and, 67–68, 67–68 (figures) Chart Builder bar chart reporting means example and, 68–69, 68–69 (figure) clustered bar chart and, 67, 68 (figure) design considerations for, 66 error bars and, 69, 69 (figure) See also Graphs; IBM SPSS software Bartlett’s sphericity test, 273, 275, 276, 277, 278 (table) Bell curve, 23, 30 (figure), 84 Bickel, P. J., 172 Bonferroni correction, 9, 32, 35, 206, 227–228 Bonferroni multiple comparison test, 192, 219–220, 220 (table), 221 (figure), 242 Box-and-whiskers plot, 27, 28 (figure), 73, 73 (figure) Boxplots, 72 appropriate applications for, 72 categorical data, comparison of, 38–39, 40 (figures) Chart Builder comparative boxplots example and, 73, 73 (figure) data sets, degree of separation of, 87 design considerations for, 72 equal variance assumption and, 87 normality, visual assessment of, 87 side-by-side boxplots and, 87, 96, 97 (figure) Tukey five-number data summary and, 24, 72 two-sample t-tests and, 87 See also Graphs Case control studies, 159, 160–161 Categorical data, 21, 35 arithmetic computation and, 36 categorical variables and, 35–36 characteristics of, 36 crosstabulation of categorical variables and, 44–47 data comparison, boxplots and, 38–39, 40 (figures) frequency tables for, 41–43 inter-categorical distances, equality of, 36 miscoded data values and, 38 missing values and, 38, 39 (figure) nominal data, 11 (table), 13, 35, 36 normality assumption, investigation of, 38–40 ordinal data, 11 (table), 13, 35, 36 outliers and, 39–40, 40 (figure) quantitative data, treatment as, 36 quantitative data with unusual values, analysis of, 37–40 revised data analysis and, 38, 39 (table) unusual values, search for, 37–38, 38 (table)

variables for analysis, selection of, 37, 37 (figure) See also Categorical data analysis Categorical data analysis, 145–146 contingency table analysis and, 146–164 correlation tests and, 183 goodness-of-fit test and, 177–182 interrater reliability tests and, 173–177 Mantel-Haenszel meta-analysis comparison and, 168–173 McNemar’s Test and, 164–168 nominal measures and, 183 ordinal measures and, 183–184 See also Categorical data Chart Builder, 50–51, 51–52 (figure) bar chart on frequencies example and, 67–68, 67–68 (figures) bar chart reporting means example and, 68–69, 68–69 (figures) comparative boxplots example and, 73, 73 (figure) histogram example and, 63–64, 63–65 (figures) pie chart example and, 71, 71 (figure) scatterplot example and, 54–56, 54–55 (figures) See also Graphs; IBM SPSS software Chi-square tests. See Categorical data analysis; Contingency table analysis (2 x 2) example; Goodness-of-fit test example Chicken, E., 231 Cochran, W. G., 147 Cochran’s Test, 172 Cohen, J., 99, 108, 112, 254, 267 Cohen, P., 254, 267 Cohen’s d, 99–100, 107–108 Cohen’s f, 137 Cohen’s Kappa, 174 Cohort studies, 159, 160, 161 Comparative statistics, 4–5, 11, 13 Confidence interval (CI), 31, 163 estimate precision and, 31 one-sample t-test and, 76, 80, 81 (figure, table) paired t-test and, 100 simple linear regression and, 123–124 two-sample t-test and, 93 (table), 94, 98, 98 (table) Confirmatory factor analysis, 271 Contingency coefficient, 183 Contingency table analysis (r x c), 13, 145, 146 appropriate applications of, 146–147 category combination and, 148 counts vs. percentages and, 148 design considerations for, 147 expected cell size considerations and, 147

guidelines for, 148–149 hom*ogeneity, test for, 147, 148 hypotheses for, 148 independence, test of, 147, 148 one-sided tests, avoidance of, 148–149 ordinal categories and, 149 significant findings, explanation of, 149 subject, single count of, 149 See also Categorical data analysis; Contingency table analysis (r x c) example; Contingency table analysis (2 x 2) example; Risk ratio analysis/2 x 2 table Contingency table analysis (r x c) example: Cells program option and, 155 count form data set for, 150–151, 151 (figure) data analysis steps/output and, 151–153, 152 (table) hypotheses for, 150 likelihood ratio statistic and, 153, 154 (table) methods section narrative and, 155 p-value and, 153 problem, description of, 150, 150 (table) results reporting and, 155 results section narrative and, 155 statistical results of analysis and, 153, 154 (figure, table) See also Contingency table analysis (r x c); Contingency table analysis (2 x 2) example Contingency table analysis (2 x 2) example: continuity correction statistic and, 157, 158 (table) data analysis/output and, 156–159, 157 (figure), 158 (tables) Fisher’s exact test and, 157, 158 (table), 159 likelihood ratio statistic and, 158 (table) methods section narrative and, 159 p-value and, 157–158 Pearson chi-square and, 157 problem, description of, 156, 156 (table) results reporting and, 159 results section narrative and, 159 See also Contingency table analysis (r x c); Contingency table analysis (r x c) example; Risk ratio analysis/2 x 2 table; Risk ratio analysis/2 x 2 table example Continuity correction statistic, 157, 158 (table) Continuous values, 22 Correlation analysis, 109 appropriate applications for, 111 cause/effect conclusions and, 112 correlation coefficient, definition of, 110 design considerations for, 111 effect size, correlation strength and, 112–113 extrapolation, nonlinear relationships and, 115

guidelines for, 112–115 hypotheses for, 112 linear relationship, strength/weakness of, 110–111 multi-scale variables and, 112 normality assumption and, 115 one-sided tests and, 112 outliers and, 113–115, 114 (figure) Pearson’s correlation coefficient and, 110 relationship, incomplete picture of, 113 scatterplots and, 109, 110, 110 (figure), 111, 113–115, 114 (figure) Spearman’s correlation, inter-variable agreement and, 115 theoretical correlation coefficient and, 110 See also Correlation analysis example; Correlational statistics; Factor analysis; Multiple linear regression; Simple linear regression (SLR) Correlation analysis example: correlation coefficient matrix and, 116, 117 (table) effect size and, 116, 119 methods section narrative and, 119 Pearson correlation and, 116, 117 (table), 119 problem, description of, 116 results reporting and, 119 results section narrative and, 119 scatterplot for, 116, 117 (figure) scatterplot matrix and, 116, 118, 118 (figure) See also Correlation analysis; Correlational statistics Correlation tests, 183 Correlational statistics, 5, 11 scatterplots and, 5, 6 (figure), 52 variables and, 10 See also Correlation analysis; Correlation analysis example Cramer’s V, 183 Cross, C. L., 254 Crosstabulation of categorical variables: bar chart display and, 45, 46 (figure) cell options, selection of, 45, 45 (figure) methods section narrative and, 47 output, display of, 45, 46(table) problem, description of, 44 results reporting for, 47 results section narrative and, 47 variable selection and, 44, 44 (figure) See also Categorical data; Frequency table for categorical data Cuthill, I. C., 8 Daniel, W., 254 Data analysis process, 1, 4

Bonferroni correction and, 9 comparative statistics and, 4–5 correlational statistics and, 5 data analysis procedure, selection criteria for, 321–324, 323–324 (tables) descriptive statistics and, 4 experimental design, planning for, 10–12 measurement types and, 11, 11 (table) multiple statistical tests and, 9 outliers, explanations for, 21 p-value and, 9 rejection criteria value and, 9 results interpretation/reporting and, 12, 18–19 statistical analysis technique, selection of, 11–12, 21, 322, 323–324 (tables) Type I error and, 7, 8 (table), 9 Type II error and, 7, 8 (table) See also Categorical data; Categorical data analysis; Data set preparation; Hypothesis testing; IBM SPSS software; Quantitative data Data collection: correlational studies and, 10 dependent/outcome variables and, 10 hypothesis formulation, testable research questions and, 10 independent/predictor variables and, 10 measurement types and, 11, 11 (table) normality assumption and, 86 one-tailed tests and, 85 statistical analysis technique, selection of, 11–12 variables and, 10–11 See also Categorical data; Data analysis process; Data set preparation; Experimental designs; Quantitative data Data dictionary, 12–13, 13 (table) Data set preparation, 12 binary coding, utility of, 16 data code length and, 16 data dictionary, creation of, 12–13, 13 (table) data type, selection of, 15 descriptive labeling of variables and, 15 dichotomous variables and, 15 Excel data, importation of, 15, 17–18, 301–302, 301–303 (figures) grouping variables and, 15, 16, 17 (table) missing value codes, definition of, 13, 16 normal distribution curves and, 23 numeric data type and, 15 raw data, software context and, 12 sample data files, downloading/opening of, 19–20 single subject per row design and, 14, 14 (table) string data type and, 15–16

uppercase/lowercase, consistency in, 15 value coding and, 13 variables, naming of, 14, 15 variables, selection/documentation of, 12–13, 13 (table) See also Categorical data; Data analysis process; Data collection; Experimental designs; Quantitative data Dependent variables, 10 Descriptive statistics, 4, 11 aggregated data and, 24 data summarization and, 21 group-level data, disaggregation of, 24 outliers, explanations for, 21 tables/figures and, 24 See also Graphs Detrended normal Q-Q plots, 27, 28 (figure) Discrete values, 22 Distribution. See Normal distribution curves Dunnett’s test, 195–196, 195 (figure), 196 (table) Effect size, 8, 9, 35 Cohen’s d and, 99, 107–108 correlation strength and, 112–113 paired t-tests and, 107–108 two-sample t-tests and, 99–100 Effectiveness evaluation, 4–5 Entropy coefficient, 183 Equal variances assumption, 91–92, 91 (figure), 121, 131, 187, 203, 213, 222 Eta, 184 Exact Tests module, 149 Excel data, 15, 17–18, 301–302, 301–303 (figures) Experimental designs: hypothesis formulation, testable research questions and, 10 measurement types and, 11, 11 (table) planning for, 10–12 results interpretation/reporting and, 12 statistical analysis technique, selection of, 11–12 variables in, 10–11 See also Data analysis process; Data collection; Data set preparation; Hypothesis testing Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), 271, 274 Extrapolation: correlation analysis and, 115 multiple linear regression and, 136 simple linear regression and, 122 F-tests, 88, 93, 97, 132, 141, 206, 213, 218, 223, 224, 226

Factor analysis, 271–272 appropriate applications for, 272–273 Barlett’s sphericity test and, 273 confirmatory factor analysis and, 271 criticisms of, 274 data sets, correlation structure within, 273 design considerations for, 273 exploratory factor analysis and, 271, 274 fixed factor analysis and, 204 goal of, 272 guidelines for, 274 hypotheses for, 274 Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure and, 273 principal axis factoring method and, 272, 274 principal component analysis technique and, 271–272 results, quality of, 274 sample size recommendations for, 273, 274 stages of solutions for, 272 See also Factor analysis of intelligence data example; Factor analysis of Olympic athlete data example Factor analysis of intelligence data example: Bartlett’s test and, 275, 276, 277, 278 (table) communalities for intelligence data and, 280–281, 281 (table) correlation matrix and, 276–277, 278 (table), 279 covariance matrix and, 279 data analysis steps/output and, 275–282 descriptive statistics and, 275, 277 (figure, table) dimension reduction selection and, 275, 276 (figure) eigenvalues scree plot and, 279, 280, 281 (figure) extraction method and, 277, 278–279 (figures), 279, 280 (table) factor analysis rotation and, 279, 279 (figure) factor scores, calculation of, 284, 284 (figure) Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure and, 275, 276, 277, 278 (table) methods section narrative and, 284 principal axis factoring method and, 277, 278 (figure), 279–281, 281 (table), 282 (table) principal component analysis technique and, 280, 280 (table), 281 problem, description of, 275 results reporting and, 284 results section narrative and, 284 rotated factors and, 279, 279 (figure), 282–283, 282–283 (tables) variables, selection of, 275, 276 (figure) See also Factor analysis; Factor analysis of Olympic athlete data example Factor analysis of Olympic athlete data example: Bartlett’s test and, 285, 288 (table) communalities for decathlon data and, 286, 289 (table)

correlation matrix and, 285, 287 (table), 293 data analysis steps/output and, 285–293 descriptive statistics for, 285, 286 (table) eigenvalues scree plot and, 286, 289 (figure) extraction method and, 285–286, 288–292 (tables) Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure and, 285, 288 (table) methods section narrative and, 293 principal axis factoring method and, 285, 286, 288–292 (tables) principal component analysis technique and, 286 problem, description of, 285 results reporting and, 293 results section narrative and, 293 rotated factors and, 288, 290–292 (tables), 292 (figure) suppressed coefficients and, 291–293, 292 (table) See also Factor analysis; Factor analysis of intelligence data example Fay, M. P., 24 Ferguson, C. J., 8 Fidell, L. S., 254, 273 Figures, 24 See also Graphs Fisher’s exact test, 157, 159 Fleiss, J. L., 175 Frequency table for categorical data: bar chart information, display of, 42, 42 (figure) chart options and, 41, 41 (figure) frequency table display and, 42–43, 42 (table) methods section narrative and, 43 problem, description of, 41 results reporting for, 43 results section narrative and, 43 See also Categorical data; Crosstabulation of categorical variables Friedman’s test, 231, 248 hypotheses for, 248 See also Friedman’s test example; Nonparametric analysis procedures Friedman’s test example: data analysis steps/output and, 249–252, 249–251 (tables), 251 (figure) methods section narrative and, 252 multiple comparisons tests and, 250, 251–252, 251 (figure, table) problem, description of, 215, 249 results reporting and, 252 results section narrative and, 252 See also Friedman’s test Gamma, 183 Gardiner, H., 271 Gauss, K. F., 23

Gaussian distribution, 23 Gibbons, G. D., 231 Gold standard of practice, 76 Goodman-Kruskal index, 183 Goodness-of-fit test, 145, 177 appropriate applications of, 177–178 design considerations for, 178 Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test and, 265–266, 265 (table) hypotheses for, 178 one-sided tests, avoidance of, 178 See also Categorical data analysis; Goodness-of-fit test example Goodness-of-fit test example: chi-square procedure, string variables and, 182 data analysis steps/output and, 179–181, 180 (figure), 181 (table) data sets, directional preferences for, 182 expected frequencies, entries for, 179, 182 hypotheses for, 179 methods section narrative and, 182 p-value and, 181 problem, description of, 179 results reporting and, 181–182 results section narrative and, 182 See also Goodness-of-fit test Graphboard Template Chooser, 50, 51 (figure) scatterplot example and, 56–58, 56–57 (figures) scatterplot matrix and, 57 (figure), 58 See also Graphs; IBM SPSS software Graphs, 4, 21, 49, 169 bar charts, 45, 46 (figure), 66–69, 67–69 (figures) box-and-whiskers plot, 27, 28 (figure) boxplots, 24, 27, 28 (figure), 72–73, 73 (figure), 87 Chart Builder and, 50–51, 51–52 (figures) Chart Builder bar chart on frequencies example and, 67–68, 67–68 (figures) Chart Builder bar chart reporting means example and, 68–69, 68–69 (figures) Chart Builder histogram example and, 63–64, 63–65 (figures) Chart Builder pie chart example and, 71, 71 (figure) Chart Builder scatterplot example and, 54–56, 54–55 (figures) chart options, selection of, 41, 41 (figure) detrended normal Q-Q plots, 27, 28 (figure) Graphboard Template Chooser and, 51, 52 (figure), 56–58, 56–57 (figures) guidelines for, 49–50 histograms, 23, 27, 28 (figure), 30 (figure), 62–64, 63–65 (figures), 87 hypothesis testing and, 49 Legacy Dialog plots and, 51, 53 (figure), 58–60, 59–61 (figures) nonnormal data, five-number summary boxplot and, 24 normal distribution and, 23, 30 (figure)

normal probability plots and, 87 normality assessment and, 25, 27, 28 (figure) pie charts, 70–71, 71 (figure) Q-Q plots, 27, 28 (figure) revised data output display and, 30, 30 (figure) scatterplots, 5, 6 (figure), 52–60, 54–57 (figures), 59–61 (figures) three-dimensional graphs and, 49 Tukey five-number summary and, 24 two-sample t-test results and, 87 Histograms, 62 appropriate applications for, 62 bin size, selection of, 62, 64 bins of variables and, 62 Chart Builder histogram example and, 63–64, 63–65 (figures) design considerations for, 62 distribution of variables and, 62 normal distribution and, 23, 27, 28 (figure), 30 (figure), 62 two-sample t-tests and, 87 See also Graphs; IBM SPSS software Hollander, M., 231 hom*ogeneity of regressions assumption, 222 Hosmer, D. W., 254 Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test, 265–266, 265 (table) Hypothesis formulation, 10 Hypothesis testing, 5–6 alternative hypotheses and, 7 effect size and, 8, 9 experimental design and, 6, 7, 8 hypotheses, mathematical forms for, 7 hypothesis test decisions and, 7, 8 (table) nonsignificant studies and, 8 normality, testing for, 23 not-true hypotheses and, 8 null hypothesis and, 6–7 null hypothesis rejection and, 6, 9 p-value and, 9 power and, 7–8 sample size and, 8 significance levels and, 6, 8, 9 Type I error and, 7, 8 (table), 9 Type II error and, 7, 8 (table) See also Data analysis process; Data collection; Experimental designs; Graphs IBM SPSS software, 295 analysis of covariance example, 224–230

Apple Macintosh and, 295 bar charts and, 67–69 categories of data, data recoding/consolidation and, 311–313 cell options, selection of, 45, 155 Chart Builder and, 50–52 Chart Builder bar chart on frequencies example, 67–68 Chart Builder bar chart reporting means example, 68–69 Chart Builder comparative boxplots example, 73 Chart Builder histogram example, 64–65 Chart Builder pie chart example, 71 Chart Builder scatterplot example, 54–56 chart menu options, 41 command lists and, 296 contingency table analysis (r x c) example, 150–155 contingency table analysis (2 x 2) example, 156–159 correlation analysis example, 116–119 crosstabulation of categorical variables and, 44–47 data analysis procedure, selection criteria for, 321–324 data analysis process and, 304 data downloading/opening and, 19–20, 299–301 Data Editor grid and, 295–296 data filtering and, 309–311 data manipulation techniques and, 305–315 data set entry process and, 297–303 data transposition and, 313–315 data transformation techniques and, 307–309 data types in, 297–298 Data View tab and, 295 Descriptives Procedure, variable selection and, 37–38 Dunnett’s test and, 195–196 Exact Tests module and, 149 Excel data file, importation of, 15, 17–18, 301–303 Explore procedure, testing for normality and, 23 factor analysis of intelligence data example, 275–284 factor analysis of Olympic athlete data example, 285–293 frequency table for categorical data and, 41–43 Friedman’s test example, 249–252 Graph menu options and, 50 Graphboard Template Chooser and, 51, 52, 56–58 Graphboard Template Chooser scatterplot example, 56–58 histograms and, 63–65 Kruskal-Wallis test example, 241–243 Legacy Dialog plots and, 51, 53, 58–61 Mann-Whitney test example, 237–239 Mann-Whitney U and, 236 Mantel-Haenszel Berkeley graduate admissions data analysis example, 171–172

measurement types and, 11 Microsoft Windows and, 295 missing values and, 38, 49 multiple linear regression example, 138–144 multiple logistic regression examples, 262–268 new variables, computation of, 306 normal distribution, data transformation and, 307–309 odds ratio calculation and, 161 one-sample t-test example, 79–82 one-way analysis of variance example, 189–194 one-way analysis of variance with contrasts example, 197–198 outliers and, 39–40 p-value adjustments and, 9, 82, 85, 86 paired t-test example, 104–108 paired t-test using difference scores example, 105–107 quantitative data by groups analysis example, 32–35 quantitative data with an unusual value analysis example, 25–31, 37–40 repeated-measures analysis of variance example, 216–221 revised data output display and, 30 risk ratios analysis for exposure/reaction data example, 162–164 rotation options and, 283 sample data files, downloading/opening of, 19–20 SamplePower program and, 8 scale/quantitative data and, 22 scatterplots and, 54–61 simple logistic regression example, 256–259 Spearman’s rho example, 234–235 syntax code, capturing of, 318 syntax code, reuse of, 317–318 syntax creation/saving and, 316–318 Syntax Editor procedures and, 315–318 Tukey multiple comparison results and, 192 tutorial for, 295–318 two-sample t-test with equal variances example, 92–95 two-sample t-test with variance issues example, 96–99 two-way analysis of variance example, 208–211 uncertainty coefficient and, 183 Variable View tab and, 295 Wald chi-square and, 263 Wilcoxon signed-rank test/sign test example, 245–247 See also Data analysis process; Data set preparation Independence of variables assumption, 121, 131, 186, 203, 204, 222 Independent variables, 10 Interquartile range, 24, 31 Interrater reliability analysis example: data analysis steps/output and, 175–176, 175 (figure), 175–176 (tables)

methods section narrative and, 177 problem, description of, 175 results reporting and, 177 results section narrative and, 177 weighted Kappa and, 176 See also Interrater reliability tests Interrater reliability tests, 145, 173 appropriate applications of, 173–174 Cohen’s Kappa and, 174 effect size of Kappa and, 174 See also Categorical data analysis; Interrater reliability analysis example Interval values, 22 Johnson, R. A., 274, 283, 293 Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure, 265, 273, 275, 276, 277, 278 (table) Kappa test. See Interrater reliability test Keinbaum, D. G., 254 Kendall’s tau-b, 184 Kendall’s tau-c, 184 Keppel, G., 204, 206, 213, 223 Koch, G. G., 174 Kolmogoriv-Smirnov test for normality, 23, 25, 27 (table), 30 Kruskal-Wallis test, 231, 239 equality of distributions, testing of, 239 hypotheses for, 239 normality assumptions and, 239 See also Kruskal-Wallis test example; Nonparametric analysis procedures Kruskal-Wallis test example: data analysis steps/output and, 241–242, 241–242 (tables) data set for, 240, 240 (figure) methods section narrative and, 243 multiple comparisons tests and, 242 problem, description of, 240 ranks table, 241, 242 (table) results reporting and, 243 results section narrative and, 243 test statistic/p-value and, 241, 242, 242 (table) See also Kruskal-Wallis test Kutner, M. H., 136, 141, 204, 206, 254, 266 Lambda, 183 Landis, J. R., 174 Lang, T. A., 18 Least squares principle, 120–121, 131 Legacy Dialog plots, 51, 53

scatterplot example and, 58–60, 59–61 (figures) See also Graphs; IBM SPSS software Lemeshow, S., 254 Levene’s test, 88, 93, 97, 189, 190 (table) Likelihood ratio statistic, 153, 154 (table), 158 (table) Likert scale, 36 Lilliefors Significance Correction, 27 Logistic regression, 21, 253–254 appropriate applications for, 254 multiple logistic regression and, 260–268 simple logistic regression and, 254–259 types of, 253–254 utility of, 253 Mallows Cp, 141 Mann-Whitney test, 86, 236 appropriate applications for, 236 equality of distributions, testing of, 236 hypotheses for, 236 pairwise differences, multiple-test examination of, 242 See also Mann-Whitney test example; Mann-Whitney U statistic; Nonparametric analysis procedures Mann-Whitney test example: data analysis steps/output and, 237–239, 237–238 (tables) Mann-Whitney U statistic and, 238–239 methods section narrative and, 239 p-value and, 238 problem, description of, 237 results reporting and, 239 results section narrative and, 239 See also Mann-Whitney test Mann-Whitney U statistic, 231, 236, 238–239 Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test, 236 Mantel-Haenszel Berkeley graduate admissions data analysis example: Berkeley admissions data and, 169, 169–170 (table) data analysis steps/outcomes and, 171–172, 171 (table) hypotheses for, 170–171 methods section narrative and, 172 p-value and, 171 problem, description of, 169 results reporting and, 172 results section narrative and, 172 Simpson’s Paradox and, 172–173, 172 (table) See also Mantel-Haenszel meta-analysis comparison Mantel-Haenszel meta-analysis comparison, 145, 168 appropriate applications of, 168

design considerations for, 168 hypotheses tests used in, 168 paired dichotomous categorical variables and, 168 within-category information, examination of, 148 See also Categorical data analysis; Mantel-Haenszel Berkeley graduate admissions data analysis example Matched pairs. See Sign test; Wilcoxon signed-rank test/sign test example; Wilcoxon signed-rank (WSR) test Mauchly’s test of sphericity, 213, 218, 219 (table) McCabe, G., 8 McNemar’s Test, 145 appropriate applications of, 164–165 hypotheses for, 165 paired dichotomous categorical variables and, 164 See also Categorical data analysis; McNemar’s Test for advertising effectiveness example McNemar’s Test for advertising effectiveness example: data analysis steps/output and, 166, 166 (table) methods section narrative and, 167 p-value and, 167 problem, description of, 166 results reporting and, 167–168 results section narrative and, 167–168 viewer perceptions, changes in, 167, 167 (table) See also McNemar’s Test Mean: confidence interval on, 31 group-level data and, 24 nonnormal distribution and, 24 standard error of the mean and, 24 See also t-tests Measurement types, 11 categorical/nominal measures, 11 (table) categorical/ordinal measures, 11 (table) common measures, abbreviations for, 19 scales and, 11 (table) Median: nonormal distribution and, 24 outliers, retention of, 31 Mixed models, 204 Moore, D., 8 Multiple linear regression, 129 analysis-of-variance framework and, 132 appropriate applications of, 130 automated variable selection procedure and, 133, 135 backward elimination procedure and, 134, 135

best subset regression strategy and, 134 collinearity among independent variables and, 133 design considerations for, 130–131 effect size, Cohen’s f and, 137 equal variances assumption and, 131 error sum of squares and, 132 extrapolation, avoidance of, 136 forward selection procedure and, 133–134, 135 guildelines for, 135–136 hierarchical selection procedure and, 134 hypotheses for, 131–132 independence of variables assumption and, 131 independent variables, selection of, 133–135, 136 indicator variables, use of, 135 least squares principle and, 131 model evaluation/interpretation and, 136 model selection procedures for, 132–135 normality assumption and, 131 observed regression equation, calculation of, 131 outliers and, 136 p-values and, 132, 133, 134 purpose of, 129–130 R-squared statistic and, 132, 134, 135, 136, 137 regression sum of squares and, 132 residual plots, analysis of, 136 stepwise entry procedure and, 134, 135 theoretical multiple regression equation and, 130–131 See also Correlation analysis; Multiple linear regression example; Regression analysis; Simple linear regression (SLR) Multiple linear regression example: backward elimination procedure and, 140, 140 (table) Casewise Diagnostics table and, 14 (table), 143 competing variable selection models, comparison of, 141 fit, assessment of, 141 methods section narrative and, 144 p-values and, 140, 141 problem, description of, 138 R-squared statistic and, 141 residual analysis and, 141–143, 142–143 (figures) results reporting and, 144 results section narrative and, 144 scatterplot matrix, examination of, 138, 139 (figure) stepwise entry procedure and, 138–140, 139 (table) variable selection methods and, 138–141 See also Multiple linear regression Multiple logistic regression, 260

appropriate applications of, 260 guidelines for, 260 large-value predictor variables and, 260 predictor variables, types of, 260 variable selection process and, 260 See also Logistic regression; Multiple logistic regression examples Multiple logistic regression examples: binary coding for predictor variables and, 268 cutoff value, selection of, 266–267, 267 (table) data analysis steps/output and, 262–265, 262 (figure), 263–264 (tables) forced variable, automatic selection procedure and, 267–268 Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test and, 265–266, 265 (table) odds ratio and, 264–265, 264 (table) prediction equation and, 266 predictor variables and, 261, 263 (table), 264, 268 problem, description of, 261 redo of logistic analysis and, 264 Wald statistic and, 263, 263 (table) See also Multiple logistic regression Nachtsheim, C. J., 136, 141, 204, 206, 254, 266 Nakagawa, S., 8 Neter, J., 136, 141, 204, 206, 254, 266 Nominal categorical data, 11 (table), 13, 35, 36 Nonparametric analysis procedures, 86, 115, 231 chi-square tests and, 231 Friedman’s test and, 248–252 Kruskal-Wallis test and, 239–243 Mann-Whitney test and, 236–239 sign test/Wilcoxon signed-rank test and, 243–247 Spearman’s rho and, 232–235 See also Categorical data analysis Normal data, 23, 30 (figure) Normal distribution, 23, 30 (figure) data variability, standard deviation and, 24 graphical examination of data and, 23 mean variability, standard error of the mean and, 24 nonnormal data, description of, 24 nonparametric statistical test and, 23 numerical examination of data and, 23 parametric procedure assuming normality and, 23 significant departure from, 23 t-tests and, 23 testing for, 23–24, 25, 27, 27 (table), 28 (figure) true normality, myth of, 23 Tukey five-number summary and, 24

See also Quantitative data with an unusual value; t-tests Normal probability plots, 87 Normality assumption, 23, 38–40, 76–77, 84, 86, 91, 91 (figure), 121, 131, 186, 203, 213, 222 Normality of differences assumption, 102 nQuery software, 8 Numeric data, 15, 16 See also Quantitative data O’Connell, J. W., 172 Odds ratio (OR), 159, 160, 161, 257, 259, 264–265 One-sample t-test example: confidence interval for the mean and, 76, 80, 81 (figure, table) methods section narrative and, 80 output, observations about, 80 output tables and, 79–80 (table), 80 p-value adjustments and, 82 problem, description of, 78–79 results reporting and, 80, 82 results section narrative and, 82 test variable, selection of, 79, 79 (figure) See also One-sample t-tests One-sample t-tests, 75–76 appropriate applications for, 76 design considerations for, 76–77, 86 gold standard of practice and, 76 hypotheses for, 77, 82 normality assessment and, 76–77, 86 one-sample t-test example and, 78–82 one-tailed t-tests and, 77 two-tailed t-tests and, 77, 78 See also One-sample t-test example; t-tests One-tailed alternatives, 7, 8 One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), 185–186 appropriate applications for, 186 contrasts for, 196–198, 197 (figure), 198 (table) design considerations for, 186–187 Dunnett’s test and, 195–196, 195 (figure), 196 (table) equal variances assumption and, 187 guidelines for, 188 hypotheses for, 187–188 independent samples assumption and, 186 multiple t-tests and, 188 normality assumption and, 186 sample size considerations and, 188 See also One-way analysis of variance example; One-way analysis of variance

with trend analysis example; Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) One-way analysis of variance example: boxplot graph and, 190, 191 (figure) data analysis steps/output, 189, 190 (table) Levene’s test and, 189, 190 (table) methods section narrative and, 194 multiple comparison tests and, 192–194, 193 (tables) omnibus test of equality of means and, 191–192, 191 (table) p-value and, 191, 192 problem, description of, 189 results reporting and, 194 results section narrative and, 194 See also One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) One-way analysis of variance with trend analysis example, 185 data analysis steps/output and, 200–202, 202 (table) data set for, 199, 199 (table), 200 (figure) problem, description of, 199 trend analysis and, 200, 201 (figures), 202 (table) See also One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA); One-way analysis of variance example Ordinal categorical data, 11 (table), 13, 35, 36 Outcome variables, 10 Outliers, 21 correlation analysis and, 113–115, 114 (figure) definition of, 39–40, 40 (figure) elimination of, 27, 29 (figures), 30 multiple linear regression and, 136 Spearman’s rho and, 233 t-test validity and, 86 p-values, 9, 25 Bonferroni-adjusted p-value and, 35 calculation of, 33, 33 (figure), 34 (figure, table) equal variance, assessment of, 94, 97–98 group statistics/baseline characteristics table and, 32, 32 (table) Paired t-test, 100 appropriate applications for, 100–101 confidence interval and, 100 design considerations for, 101–102 difference scores, analysis of, 100, 102 effect size, calculation of, 107–108 hypotheses for, 102 normality of differences, assumption of, 102 paired observations, differences perception and, 101–102 See also Paired t-test example; t-tests Paired t-test example, 103

confidence interval and, 104 data formatting for, 103, 103 (figure) default order of the difference, determination of, 105 difference scores analysis and, 105, 105 (table) effect size, calculation of, 107–108 hypotheses for, 103 methods section narrative and, 107 one-sided hypothesis test and, 104 p-value and, 104 paired samples statistics and, 104, 105 (table) paired samples test and, 105, 105 (table) paired t-test using difference scores and, 105–107, 106 (figure, table) results reporting and, 107 results section narrative and, 107 variables/data pairs in, 104, 104 (figure) See also Paired t-test; t-tests PASS software, 8 Pearson, K., 109, 150 Pearson’s chi-square, 153, 154 (table), 157, 158 (table) Pearson’s correlation coefficient, 110, 116, 117 (table), 231, 232, 233 Pearson’s Crime Analysis Data, 150, 150 (table) Phi coefficient, 183 Pie charts, 70 appropriate applications for, 70 Chart Builder pie chart example and, 71, 71 (figure) design considerations for, 70 See also Graphs; IBM SPSS software Pilot studies, 8 Post hoc tests, 213 Power, 7–8 Prediction. See Correlation analysis; Logistic regression; Multiple linear regression; Regression analysis; Simple linear regression (SLR) Predictor variables, 10, 260, 261, 263 (table), 264, 268 Principal axis factoring, 272, 274 See also Factor analysis Principal component analysis (PCA) technique, 271–272 See also Factor analysis Probability. See Normal probability plots; p-values Proschan, M. A., 24 Prospective studies, 159, 160, 161 Q-Q plots, 27, 28 (figure), 78 Qualitative data. See Categorical data Quantitative data, 22 arithmetic computation and, 23 characteristics of, 22

continuous values and, 22 descriptive measurements, tables/figures and, 24 discrete values and, 22 examples of, 22–23, 25–35 interval values and, 22 normal distribution and, 23–24, 30 (figure) ratio values and, 22 scale data and, 22 See also Data analysis process; Data collection; Data set preparation; Quantitative data by groups example; Quantitative data with an unusual value example Quantitative data by groups example: demographic information and, 32, 32 (table) descriptive statistics, compilation of, 33, 33 (figure), 34 (figure, table) independent samples t-test and, 33, 33 (figure), 34 (table) methods section narrative and, 35 p-values, inclusion of, 32, 32 (table) problem, description of, 32 results reporting for, 35 results section narrative and, 35 See also Quantitative data; Quantitative data with an unusual value example Quantitative data with an unusual value example: data analysis output, steps for, 25 data distribution graphs and, 25, 27, 28 (figure) data set display and, 25, 25 (table) dependent list, generation of, 25, 26 (figure) findings using median/interquartile range and, 31 methods section narrative and, 31 normality tests and, 25, 26 (figure), 27, 27 (table), 28 (figure) outlying value, elimination of, 27, 29 (figures), 30, 31 precision of estimate report and, 31 problem, description of, 25, 37 results reporting for, 31 results section narrative and, 31 revised data output display and, 30, 30 (figure) select cases criterion, removal of, 30–31 See also Categorical data; Quantitative data; Quantitative data by groups example R language, 14 R-squared statistic, 132, 134, 135, 136, 137 Random effects models, 204 Random samples, 214 Range/nonormal distribution, 24 Ratio values, 22 Regression analysis:

logistic regression and, 21 numeric data in, 16 predictive value of, 109 value coding and, 13 See also Correlation analysis; Logistic regression; Multiple linear regression; Scatterplots; Simple linear regression (SLR) Rejection criteria value, 9 Relative risk (RR), 159, 160 Repeated-measures analysis of variance, 185, 212 appropriate applications for, 212–213 design considerations for, 213–214 differences, enhanced detection of, 213 equal variance assumption and, 213 F-tests and, 213 guidelines for, 214 hypotheses for, 214 normality assumption and, 213 post hoc tests and, 213 random sampling and, 214 sphericity assumption and, 213 See also One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA); Repeated-measures analysis of variance example; Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) Repeated-measures analysis of variance example: Bonferroni comparisons for, 219–220, 220 (table), 221 (figure) data analysis steps/output and, 216–218, 217–218 (figures) data for, 215, 215 (table), 216 (figure) Mauchly’s test of sphericity and, 218, 219 (table) methods section narrative and, 220–221 p-value and, 218 problem, description of, 215 results reporting and, 220–221 results section narrative and, 221, 221 (figure) within subjects effects, tests of, 218, 219 (table) See also Repeated-measures analysis of variance Reports. See Results reporting Representative samples, 5 Residual plots: analysis of, 122–123, 136 creation of, 127–128, 128–129 (figures) multiple linear regression and, 136 simple linear regression and, 122–123 Results reporting, 12 analysis of covariance and, 229 APA guidelines and, 18, 19, 21 contingency table analysis (r x c) and, 155 contingency table analysis (2 x 2) and, 159

crosstabulation of categorical variables and, 47 descriptive statistics, tables/figures and, 24 factor analysis of intelligence data and, 284 factor analysis of Olympic athlete data and, 293 frequency data and, 43 Friedman’s test and, 252 goodness-of-fit test and, 181–182 group-level data and, 24 guidelines for, 18–19 interrater reliability analysis and, 177 Kruskal-Wallis test and, 243 Mann-Whitney test and, 239 Mantel-Haenszel Berkeley graduate admissions data analysis and, 172 McNemar’s Test for advertising effectiveness and, 167–168 multiple linear regression and, 144 one-sample t-tests and, 80, 82 one-way analysis of variance and, 194 paired t-test and, 107 quantitative data with an unusual value and, 31 repeated-measures analysis of variance and, 220–221, 221 (figure) risk ratios analysis for exposure/reaction data and, 163–164 simple linear regression and, 128–129 simple logistic regression and, 259 Spearman’s rho and, 235 standard deviation, reporting of, 24 standard error of the mean, reporting of, 24 two-sample t-test with equal variances and, 94–95 two-sample t-test with variance issues and, 99 two-way analysis of variance and, 210–211 Wilcoxon signed-rank test/sign test and, 247 See also Data analysis process; IBM SPSS software Retrospective studies, 159, 160–161 Risk ratio analysis/2 x 2 table, 159 case control studies and, 159 odds ratio and, 159, 160, 161 prospective/cohort studies and, 159, 160, 161 prospective studies, appropriate applications for, 161 rare outcomes, risk values and, 159, 160 relative risk and, 159, 160 retrospective/case control studies and, 159, 160–161 retrospective studies, appropriate applications for, 160–161 standard risk analysis table and, 160, 160 (table), 161 See also Contingency table analysis (r x c); Contingency table analysis (2 x 2) example; Risk ratios analysis for exposure/reaction data example Risk ratios analysis for exposure/reaction data example: confidence interval, utility of, 163

data analysis steps/outcomes and, 162, 163 (table) methods section narrative and, 163 problem, description of, 162 prospective/cohort study, analysis as, 162–163, 164 results reporting and, 163–164 results section narrative and, 163, 164 retrospective/case control study, analysis as, 162, 163 See also Risk ratio analysis/2 x 2 table Royston, P., 313 Run-order, 122, 136 Sample size, 8 early selection of, 8 effect size and, 8 factor analysis and, 273 negative/nonsignificant results and, 8, 214 normality assessment and, 86 pilot studies, sample size determination and, 8 power and, 8 SamplePower program and, 8 SamplePower program, 8 Samples: random samples, 214 representative samples, 5 two-sample t-tests and, 82–83, 84 See also Sample size SAS software, 8, 134, 176 Satisfaction surveys, 4, 5 Sauerbrei, W., 313 Sawilowsky, S. S., 24, 88 Scale data, 11, 11 (table), 22 Scatterplots, 5, 6 (figure), 52 appropriate applications for, 53 Chart Builder scatterplot example and, 54–56, 54–55 (figures) correlation analysis and, 109, 110, 110 (figure), 111, 113–115, 114 (figure) design considerations for, 53 fitted regression lines and, 60, 61 (figure) Graphboard Template Chooser scatterplot example and, 56–58, 56–57 (figures) Legacy Dialog scatterplot example and, 58–60, 59–61 (figures) scatterplot matrix and, 57 (figure), 58 shaped dots and, 59, 61 (figure) See also Graphs; IBM SPSS software Scientific notation, 15 Secic, M., 18 Shapiro-Wilk test for normality, 23, 25, 27 (table), 30 Side-by-side boxplots, 87, 96, 97 (figure)

Sign test, 231, 243 hypotheses for, 244 See also Nonparametric analysis procedures; Wilcoxon signed-rank test/sign test example; Wilcoxon signed-rank (WSR) test Significance, 6, 8, 9 Bonferroni-adjusted significance criteria and, 32 two-sample t-test effect size, calculation of, 99–100 Simple linear regression (SLR), 119 appropriate applications for, 119–120 confidence intervals and, 123–124 design considerations for, 120–121 equal variances assumption and, 121 extrapolation, avoidance of, 122 guidelines for, 122–123 hypotheses for, 121–122 independence of variables assumption and, 121 interval estimates and, 123–124 least squares principle and, 120–121 multi-scale variables and, 123 normality assumption and, 121 observed regression equation, calculation of, 120–121 one-sided tests and, 123 p-values and, 123 prediction interval and, 124 residual plots, analysis of, 122–123 standardized residuals and, 123 theoretical regression line and, 120 transformations, applications of, 123 See also Correlation analysis; Multiple linear regression; Regression analysis; Simple linear regression example Simple linear regression example: Coefficients table and, 125, 125 (table), 126 methods section narrative and, 128 Model Summary table and, 125, 125 (table), 126 p-value and, 126 predicted task score equation and, 126–127 problem, description of, 125 regression equation for, 126 residual plot, creation of, 127–128, 128–129 (figures) results reporting and, 128–129 results section narrative and, 129 scatterplot for, 125, 126, 127 (figure) See also Simple linear regression (SLR) Simple logistic regression, 254 cause/effect relationships and, 255 equation for, 255

guidelines for, 255 hypotheses for, 255 simple logistic model, interpretation of, 254–255 See also Logistic regression; Multiple logistic regression; Simple logistic regression example Simple logistic regression example: data analysis steps/output and, 256–259, 256 (figure), 257 (table), 258–259 (figures) methods section narrative and, 259 odds ratio and, 257 (table), 259 predictive logistic equation and, 257 probabilities approximation, graphical technique for, 257–258, 258 (figure) probability, prediction of, 257 problem, description of, 256 results reporting and, 259 results section narrative and, 259 See also Simple logistic regression Simpson’s Paradox, 172–173, 172 (table) Smeeton, N. C., 231 Somer’s d, 184 Spearman’s correlation, 115, 231, 232 Spearman’s rho, 232 appropriate applications for, 232 data transformation and, 233 design considerations for, 233 guidelines for, 233 hypotheses for, 233 monotonic strength of association and, 232 normality of variables and, 233 ordinal variables and, 233 outliers, minimized influence of, 233 sample size and, 233 See also Nonparametric analysis procedures; Spearman’s rho example Spearman’s rho example: data analysis steps/output and, 234–235, 235 (table) methods section narrative and, 235 problem, description of, 234, 234 (figure) results reporting and, 235 results section narrative and, 235 See also Spearman’s rho Sphericity assumption, 213, 218, 219 (tables), 273 Sprent, P., 231 SPSS software. See IBM SPSS software Standard deviation (SD), 24 group-level data and, 24 variability of data and, 31

See also Mean Standard error of the mean (SEM), 24 Standardized residuals, 123 Stepwise entry procedure, 134, 135, 138–140, 139 (table) Stevens, J. P., 283 String data type, 15–16 Sturdivant, R. X., 254 t-statistic, 87–88, 99, 104, 111 t-tests, 21, 23, 75 independent samples t-test, 33, 33 (figure), 34 (table), 84 multiple t-tests, experiment-wise significance level and, 87 normality assumption and, 23, 76–77, 84, 86 one-sample t-tests, 75–82 one-tailed t-tests and, 77, 85 outliers and, 86 paired t-tests, 100–102 two-sample t-tests, 7, 32, 82–100 two-tailed t-tests and, 77, 85 See also Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA); One-sample t-test example; Oneway analysis of variance (ANOVA); Paired t-test example; Two-sample t-test with equal variances example; Two-sample t-test with variance issues example Tabachnick, B. G., 254, 273 Tables, 24 See also Contingency table analysis; Frequency table for categorical data; Graphs Task Force on Statistical Inference, 11 Transformations, 123 Trend analysis. See One-way analysis of variance with trend analysis example Tukey five-number summary, 24, 72 Tukey multiple comparison test, 192, 193 (tables), 242 Tukey’s specific differences test, 210, 211 (table) Two-sample t-test with equal variances example: confidence interval and, 93 (table), 94, 96 data formatting for, 89–91, 90 (figure) equal variances not assumed t-test and, 93 equality of variances assumption and, 91–92, 91 (figure) group statistics output table, 92, 93, 93 (table) group values, specification of, 92, 92 (figure) hypotheses for, 89 independent samples test table and, 93, 93 (table), 94 interpretation of independent samples test output and, 94 methods section narrative and, 94 normality assumption and, 91, 91 (figure) p-value and, 94 problem, description of, 89, 89 (table)

results reporting and, 94–95 results section narrative and, 95 See also Two-sample t-test with variance issues example; Two-sample t-tests Two-sample t-test with variance issues example: confidence interval and, 98, 98 (table) data formatting for, 96, 97 (figure) equal variance not assumed t-test and, 97 group statistics output table and, 97, 98 (table) group values, specification of, 97 hypotheses for, 96 independent sample test table and, 97, 98 (table) p-value and, 97–98 problem, description of, 96 results reporting and, 99 See also Two-sample t-test with equal variances example; Two-sample t-tests Two-sample t-tests, 7, 32, 82 appropriate applications for, 83 Cohen’s d and, 99–100 design considerations for, 83–85 effect size, calculation of, 99–100 F-tests and, 88, 93 graphs associated with, 87 guidelines for, 85–87 hypotheses for, 84–85 independent samples, comparison of, 84 means, comparison of, 83–84 misuse of, 85–86 normality assessment, sample size and, 86 normality assumption and, 84 one-tailed t-test and, 85, 86 outliers and, 86 p-value adjustments and, 85, 86 pairwise comparisons, experiment-wise significance level and, 87 population variances, question of equality and, 84, 87–88 preplanned one-tailed t-tests and, 86 response/outcome variable and, 84 samples for, 82–83 t-statistic, population variances and, 87–88 two-tailed t-test and, 85 See also Mann-Whitney test; t-tests; Two-sample t-test with equal variances example; Two-sample t-test with variance issues example Two-tailed alternatives, 7, 8 Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), 185, 203 appropriate applications for, 203 design considerations for, 203 equal variances assumption and, 203

guidelines for, 206 hypotheses for, 204–206 independent samples assumption and, 203, 204 interaction measures and, 204–205, 205 (figure) main effects and, 204, 205–206 normality assumption and, 203 p-value and, 206 significant interactions and, 206 See also One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA); Two-way analysis of variance example Two-way analysis of variance example: data analysis steps/output and, 208–210, 208 (figure), 209 (table) data set for, 207, 207 (table) descriptive statistics for, 207, 207 (table), 211 (table) interaction plot, 208–209, 210 (figure) main effects and, 209–210 methods section narrative and, 211 p-value and, 211 problem, description of, 207 results reporting and, 210–211 results section narrative and, 211 Tukey’s specific differences test and, 210, 211 (table) See also Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) Type I error, 7, 8 (table), 9 Type II error, 7, 8 (table) Uncertainty coefficient, 183 Values coding, 13 Variables: categorical variables, 35–36 correlational studies and, 10 data dictionary and, 12–13, 13 (table) dependent/outcome variables, 10 dichotomous variables, 15 grouping variables, 15, 16, 17 (table) independent/predictor variables, 10 missing value codes, definition of, 13, 16 naming of, 14 nominal categorical variables, 11 (table), 13, 35 numeric type of, 15 ordinal categorical variables, 11 (table), 13, 35 “other” designation and, 13 string type of, 15–16 value coding and, 13 See also Data analysis process; Data collection; Data set preparation

Wald chi-square, 263 Wald z statistic, 263 Weighted Kappa analysis, 176 West, S. G., 254, 267 Wichern, D. W., 274, 283, 293 Wickens, T. D., 204, 206, 213, 223 Wilcoxon signed-rank test/sign test example: data analysis steps/output and, 245–246, 245 (table), 246 (figure), 247 (table) hypothesis test summary and, 245, 245 (table) Legacy Version output and, 246, 247 (table) methods section narrative and, 247 p-value and, 245, 247 problem, description of, 103, 103ÿ(figure), 245 results reporting and, 247 results section narrative and, 247 See also Wilcoxon signed-rank (WSR) test Wilcoxon signed-rank (WSR) test, 243–244 hypotheses for, 244 See also Nonparametric analysis procedures; Sign test; Wilcoxon signed-rank test/sign test example Wilkinson, L., 11 Winer, B. J., 204 WINKS SDA software, 134 Wolfe, D. A., 231 Yates’ correction, 157 Zar, J. H., 242

IBM SPSS by Example: A Practical Guide to Statistical - M.MOAM.INFO (2024)


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