HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (2024)


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Mistake Points

  • 'निरोग' की शुद्ध वर्तनी 'नीरोग' होगी।
    • 'नीरोग' का अर्थ है 'रोग रहित या स्वस्थ'
  • 'अम्न' की शुद्ध वर्तनी 'अमन' होगी।
    • 'अमन' का अर्थ है 'शांति-सुकून की स्थिति'
  • 'पुनरावलोकन' की शुद्ध वर्तनी 'पुनरवलोकन' होगी।
    • पुनरवलोकन का अर्थ है 'किसी किए हुए कार्य को फिर से देखना या करना'

Key Points

  • किसी शब्द में आये हुए अक्षरों को मात्राओं सहित कहने या लिखने की रीति को वर्तनी कहते हैं।
  • वर्तनी का सीधा सम्बन्ध उच्चारण से होता है।
  • यदि उच्चारण शुद्ध होगा तो वर्तनी शुद्ध होगी और यदि उच्चारण अशुद्ध होगा तो वर्तनी भी अशुद्ध होगी।

Additional Information कुछ अशुद्ध से शुद्ध शब्द:-

  • अशुद्ध - शुद्ध
  • परिशिष्ठ - परिशिष्ट
  • न्यौछावर - न्योछावर
  • दुरपयोग - दुरुपयोग
  • तुष्टिकरण - तुष्टीकरण
  • ज्योत्सना - ज्योत्स्ना
  • ग्रहकार्य - गृहकार्य

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "सही वर्तनी वाला शब्द कौन-सा है?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "सही वर्तनी वाला शब्द कौन-सा है?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "अनोपचरिक", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "सही वर्तनी वाला शब्द कौन-सा है?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "अनौपचारिक ", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "सही वर्तनी वाला शब्द कौन-सा है?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "अनौपचारीक ", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "सही वर्तनी वाला शब्द कौन-सा है?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "अनोपचारिक", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "सही वर्तनी वाला शब्द कौन-सा है?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "B", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "सही वर्तनी वाला शब्द कौन-सा है?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'अनौपचारिक' शब्द वर्तनी की दृष्टि शुद्ध शब्द है।

शेष विकल्प त्रुटिपूर्ण है।

Key Points


किसी भाषा के शब्दों को शुद्ध या अशुद्ध लिखने के ढंग को वर्तनी कहते हैं।

अंग्रेजी में वर्तनी को स्पेलिंग तथा उर्दू भाषा में हिज्जे कहा जाता है।

Additional Information

शब्दों की शुद्ध अशुद्ध वर्तनी-

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (2)." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "परन्तू' का शुद्ध रूप निम्न में से कौन सा है?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "परन्तू' का शुद्ध रूप निम्न में से कौन सा है?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "प्रीन्तू", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "परन्तू' का शुद्ध रूप निम्न में से कौन सा है?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "पर्यन्तु", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "परन्तू' का शुद्ध रूप निम्न में से कौन सा है?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "पारन्तू", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "परन्तू' का शुद्ध रूप निम्न में से कौन सा है?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "परन्तु", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "परन्तू' का शुद्ध रूप निम्न में से कौन सा है?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "परन्तू' का शुद्ध रूप निम्न में से कौन सा है?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'परन्तू' का शुद्ध रूप- परन्तु

Key Points

  • परन्तू शब्द में वर्तनी सम्बन्धी अशुद्धि है
  • संधि विच्छेद परम्+तु= परन्तु

Additional Information

  • सुनने और बोलने (श्रवण और उच्चारण) के कारण शब्दों में कई अशुद्धियाँ (त्रुटियाँ – गलतियाँ) आ जाती हैं।
  • हिन्दी की मात्राओं एवं व्याकरण के ज्ञान की कमी प्रायः इन शब्द और वर्तनी की अशुद्धियों का मुख्य कारण होती है।

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (3)." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'गवाछ' का शुद्ध रूप निम्न में से कौन है?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

'गवाछ' का शुद्ध रूप निम्न में से कौन है?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'गवाछ' का शुद्ध रूप निम्न में से कौन है?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'गवाछ' का शुद्ध रूप निम्न में से कौन है?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'गवाछ' का शुद्ध रूप निम्न में से कौन है?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'गवाछ' का शुद्ध रूप निम्न में से कौन है?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'गवाछ' का शुद्ध रूप निम्न में से कौन है?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'गवाछ' का शुद्ध रूप गवाक्ष है।

  • अन्य शब्दों में वर्तनी संबंधी अशुद्धियाँ हैं वहीं गवाक्ष में कोई त्रुटि नहीं है।
    • गवाक्ष का अर्थ - खिड़की, झरोखा
    • वाक्य प्रयोग - प्राचीन भारत सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक, आर्थिक और राजनैतिक संस्थानों का एक गवाक्ष है जो भारतीय सभ्यता को अपने आप में एक पहचान देता है।

Additional Information
अशुद्ध शब्दों के शुद्ध शब्द -

  • अशुद्ध शब्द - शुद्ध शब्द
  • प्रशन्न - प्रसन्न
  • योधा - योद्धा
  • संग्रहीत - संगृहीत
  • ग्रहीत - गृहीत
  • स्वयम्वर - स्वयंवर
  • मतेक्य - मतैक्य
  • ईच्छा - इच्छा
  • संपत्ती - संपत्ति
  • बावत - बाबत
  • अभल - अनभल

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित में शुद्ध शब्द है:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

निम्नलिखित में शुद्ध शब्द है:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "अनिष्ट", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित में शुद्ध शब्द है:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "आधीन", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित में शुद्ध शब्द है:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "अभ्यस्थ", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित में शुद्ध शब्द है:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "अद्वितिय", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित में शुद्ध शब्द है:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित में शुद्ध शब्द है:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

सही उत्तर है - ‘अनिष्ट’।

  • अनिष्ट’ शुद्ध वर्तनी वाला शब्द है।
  • अन्य विकल्प सही नहीं है।

Key Points

  • अनिष्ट का अर्थ : अवांछित या अशुभ।
  • वाक्य : अनिष्ट व्यक्ति पूजा पाठ कैसे कर सकता है।

अन्य विकल्प :

  • आधीन गलत वर्तनी शब्द है शुद्ध शब्द अधीन होगा।
  • अभ्यस्थ गलत वर्तनी शब्द है शुद्ध शब्द अभ्यस्त होगा।
  • अद्वितिय गलत वर्तनी शब्द है शुद्ध शब्द अद्वितीय होगा।

Additional Informationवर्तनी:-

  • ​लिखने की रीति को वर्तनी कहते हैं।
  • ‘वर्तनी’ शब्द का अर्थ ‘पीछे चलना’ है। अर्थात उच्चारित होने वाले शब्द के लेखन में प्रयोग होने वाले लिपि चिह्नों के व्यवस्थित रूप को वर्तनी कहा जाता है।

शुद्ध अशुद्ध वर्तनी उदाहरण :

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (4)." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में, चार विकल्पों में से, उस विकल्प का चयन करें जो शुद्ध शब्द का सही विकल्प है।" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में, चार विकल्पों में से, उस विकल्प का चयन करें जो शुद्ध शब्द का सही विकल्प है।","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "वमगिनी", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में, चार विकल्पों में से, उस विकल्प का चयन करें जो शुद्ध शब्द का सही विकल्प है।" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "वामागिनी", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में, चार विकल्पों में से, उस विकल्प का चयन करें जो शुद्ध शब्द का सही विकल्प है।" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "वामंगीनी", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में, चार विकल्पों में से, उस विकल्प का चयन करें जो शुद्ध शब्द का सही विकल्प है।" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "वामांगिनी", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में, चार विकल्पों में से, उस विकल्प का चयन करें जो शुद्ध शब्द का सही विकल्प है।" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में, चार विकल्पों में से, उस विकल्प का चयन करें जो शुद्ध शब्द का सही विकल्प है।" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

दिये गए ‘आगंतुक शब्द का उचित उत्तर विकल्प 4 वामांगिनी है, अन्य विकल्प असंगत उत्तर है।

Key Points

  • वामांगिनी शब्द का अर्थ पत्नी, भार्या।
  • पर्यायवाची : जीवनसंगिनी, जीवन-संगिनी, भार्या, सहचरी, संगिनी, प्रियतमा, कान्ता, कांता, वधू, मेहरी, दारा, वामांगी।

Additional Information

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (5)." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

छायावाद को ‘स्थूल के प्रति सूक्ष्म का विद्रोह’ किसने कहा?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

छायावाद को ‘स्थूल के प्रति सूक्ष्म का विद्रोह’ किसने कहा?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

रामचन्द्र शुक्ल

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

छायावाद को ‘स्थूल के प्रति सूक्ष्म का विद्रोह’ किसने कहा?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

डॉ. नागेन्द्र

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

छायावाद को ‘स्थूल के प्रति सूक्ष्म का विद्रोह’ किसने कहा?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

रामविलास शर्मा

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

छायावाद को ‘स्थूल के प्रति सूक्ष्म का विद्रोह’ किसने कहा?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

हजारी प्रसाद द्विवेदी

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

छायावाद को ‘स्थूल के प्रति सूक्ष्म का विद्रोह’ किसने कहा?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

छायावाद को ‘स्थूल के प्रति सूक्ष्म का विद्रोह’ किसने कहा?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

"डॉ नगेंद्र" ने छायावाद को "स्थूल के प्रति सूक्ष्म का विद्रोह" कहा है।

छायावाद हिंदी साहित्य के रोमांटिक उत्थान की वह काव्य-धारा है जो लगभग ई.स. 1917 से 1936 तक की प्रमुख युगवाणी रही।छायावाद नामकरण का श्रेय "मुकुटधर पाण्डेय" को जाता है।इसे "साहित्यिक खड़ीबोली का स्वर्णयुग" कहा जाता है।

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

कौन सी फैलोशिप साहित्य अकादमी नहीं प्रदान करता है?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

कौन सी फैलोशिप साहित्य अकादमी नहीं प्रदान करता है?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

प्रेमचंद फैलोशिप

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

कौन सी फैलोशिप साहित्य अकादमी नहीं प्रदान करता है?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

साहित्य अकादमी फैलोशिप

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

कौन सी फैलोशिप साहित्य अकादमी नहीं प्रदान करता है?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

आनंद कुमारस्वामी फैलोशिप

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

कौन सी फैलोशिप साहित्य अकादमी नहीं प्रदान करता है?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

जूनियर रिसर्च फैलोशिप

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

कौन सी फैलोशिप साहित्य अकादमी नहीं प्रदान करता है?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

कौन सी फैलोशिप साहित्य अकादमी नहीं प्रदान करता है?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

दिए गए विकल्पों में से जूनियर रिसर्च फैलोशिप साहित्य अकादमी नहीं प्रदान करता है।

विश्वविद्यालय अनुदान आयोग (यूजीसी) यह फैलोशिप प्रदान करता है।यूजीसी शिक्षा की गुणवत्ता और मानक को बेहतर बनाने का प्रयास करता है और विश्वविद्यालय के शिक्षकों के बीच शोध अध्ययन के लिए शिक्षक फैलोशिप प्रदान करता है।

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "आजकल तो कहीं भी अठन्नी नहीं चलती है। उक्त वाक्य में द्विगु समास कौन से शब्द पद में हैं?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "आजकल तो कहीं भी अठन्नी नहीं चलती है। उक्त वाक्य में द्विगु समास कौन से शब्द पद में हैं?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "आजकल तो कहीं भी अठन्नी नहीं चलती है। उक्त वाक्य में द्विगु समास कौन से शब्द पद में हैं?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "आजकल तो कहीं भी अठन्नी नहीं चलती है। उक्त वाक्य में द्विगु समास कौन से शब्द पद में हैं?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "आजकल तो कहीं भी अठन्नी नहीं चलती है। उक्त वाक्य में द्विगु समास कौन से शब्द पद में हैं?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "चतुरता", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "आजकल तो कहीं भी अठन्नी नहीं चलती है। उक्त वाक्य में द्विगु समास कौन से शब्द पद में हैं?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "C", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "आजकल तो कहीं भी अठन्नी नहीं चलती है। उक्त वाक्य में द्विगु समास कौन से शब्द पद में हैं?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

दिए गए सभी विकल्पों में से 'छत्तिस' शब्द अशुद्ध है इसका शुद्ध रूप है - छत्तीस।

छत्तीस संख्या है, जो तीस से छः अधिक हो।

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित शब्दों में 'दामिनी' का पर्यायवाची शब्द नहीं है:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

निम्नलिखित शब्दों में 'दामिनी' का पर्यायवाची शब्द नहीं है:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित शब्दों में 'दामिनी' का पर्यायवाची शब्द नहीं है:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित शब्दों में 'दामिनी' का पर्यायवाची शब्द नहीं है:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित शब्दों में 'दामिनी' का पर्यायवाची शब्द नहीं है:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "निदाघ", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित शब्दों में 'दामिनी' का पर्यायवाची शब्द नहीं है:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित शब्दों में 'दामिनी' का पर्यायवाची शब्द नहीं है:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'दामिनी' का अनुचित पर्यायवाची शब्द 'निदाघ' है।

दामिनी के अन्य पर्यायवाची शब्द हैं- विद्युत, चंचला, बिजली, इन्द्र्वज्र, चपला आदि।

निदाघ के पर्यायवाची शब्द हैं- ऊष्मा, गरमी, ग्रीष्म, ताप आदि।

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित शब्दों में 'मयूख' का पर्यायवाची शब्द नहीं है:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

निम्नलिखित शब्दों में 'मयूख' का पर्यायवाची शब्द नहीं है:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित शब्दों में 'मयूख' का पर्यायवाची शब्द नहीं है:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित शब्दों में 'मयूख' का पर्यायवाची शब्द नहीं है:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित शब्दों में 'मयूख' का पर्यायवाची शब्द नहीं है:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "किरण", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित शब्दों में 'मयूख' का पर्यायवाची शब्द नहीं है:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित शब्दों में 'मयूख' का पर्यायवाची शब्द नहीं है:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'मयूख' का पर्यायवाची शब्द 'प्रकाश' नहीं है।

मयूख के अन्य पर्यायवाची शब्द हैं - कर ,मयूख , मरीचि ,प्रभा ,अर्चि आदि।

प्रकाश के पर्यायवाची शब्द हैं - दीप्ती, प्रभा, ज्योति, उजाला, रोशनी आदि।

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

स्पृष्ट संघर्षी व्यंजन है:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

स्पृष्ट संघर्षी व्यंजन है:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

स्पृष्ट संघर्षी व्यंजन है:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

स्पृष्ट संघर्षी व्यंजन है:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

स्पृष्ट संघर्षी व्यंजन है:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "र्", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

स्पृष्ट संघर्षी व्यंजन है:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

स्पृष्ट संघर्षी व्यंजन है:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

स्पृष्ट संघर्षी व्यंजन – च वर्ग के बोलने में साँस कुछ घर्षण के साथ निकलती है इसलिए च् छ् ज् झ् ञ् को स्पृष्ट संघर्षी कहते हैं।

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'युद्धभूमि' शब्द में कौन-सा समास है?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

'युद्धभूमि' शब्द में कौन-सा समास है?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

करण तत्पुरुष समास

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'युद्धभूमि' शब्द में कौन-सा समास है?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

सम्प्रदान तत्पुरुष समास

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'युद्धभूमि' शब्द में कौन-सा समास है?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

सम्बन्ध तत्पुरुष समास

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'युद्धभूमि' शब्द में कौन-सा समास है?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "अधिकरण तत्पुरुष समास", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'युद्धभूमि' शब्द में कौन-सा समास है?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "B", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

'युद्धभूमि' शब्द में कौन-सा समास है?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

समास - दो या दो से अधिक शब्दों से मिलकर जो नया और छोटा शब्द बनता है उस शब्द को हिन्दी में समास कहते हैं।

युद्धभूमि शब्द का समास विग्रह - युद्ध के लिए भूमि (सम्प्रदान तत्पुरुष समास)

तत्पुरुष समास - वह समास है जिसमें बाद का अथवा उत्तर पद प्रधान होता है तथा दोनों पदों के बीच का कारक-चिह्न लुप्त हो जाता है। वह समास है जिसमें बाद का अथवा उत्तर पद प्रधान होता है तथा दोनों पदों के बीच का कारक-चिह्न लुप्त हो जाता है।

विभक्तियों के नामों के अनुसार तत्पुरुष समास के छः भेद हैं-

कर्म तत्पुरुष - को

करण तत्पुरुष - से और के द्वारा

सम्प्रदान तत्पुरुष - के लिए और को

अपादान तत्पुरुष - से

सम्बन्ध तत्पुरुष - का, के, की

अधिकरण तत्पुरुष - में पर और पर

अत: विकल्प (B) सही है I

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्न में से 'यण संधि' का उदाहरण नहीं है-

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

निम्न में से 'यण संधि' का उदाहरण नहीं है-

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्न में से 'यण संधि' का उदाहरण नहीं है-

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्न में से 'यण संधि' का उदाहरण नहीं है-

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्न में से 'यण संधि' का उदाहरण नहीं है-

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "स्वागत", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्न में से 'यण संधि' का उदाहरण नहीं है-

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "C", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्न में से 'यण संधि' का उदाहरण नहीं है-

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

नाविक शब्द में अयादि संधि है, अन्य विकल्पों में यण संधि है।

संधि - संधि (सम् + धि) शब्द का अर्थ है 'मेल' या जोड़। दो निकटवर्ती वर्णों के परस्पर मेल से जो विकार (परिवर्तन) होता है वह संधि कहलाता है।

नाविक = नौ + इक (अयादि संधि)

नियम - औ + इ = आव् + इ

अयादि संधि - ए, ऐ और ओ औ से परे किसी भी स्वर के होने पर क्रमशः अय् आय्, अव् और आव् हो जाता है। इसे अयादि संधि कहते हैं।

अन्य विकल्प -

स्वागत = सु + आगत (उ +आ = व् +आ)

अन्वेषण =अनु + एषण (उ HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (6)HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (7) व् HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (8) ए)

देव्यागमन = देवी + आगमन ( ई + आ = य् + आ) यण संधि - इ, ई के आगे कोई विजातीय (असमान) स्वर होने पर इ, ई को 'य्' हो जाता है। उ, ऊ के आगे किसी विजातीय स्वर के आने पर उ, ऊ को 'व्' हो जाता है। 'ऋ' के आगे किसी विजातीय स्वर के आने पर ऋ को 'र्' हो जाता है। इन्हें यण-संधि कहते हैं।

अत: विकल्प (C) सही है I

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

”य“ वर्ण का उच्चारण स्थान है?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

”य“ वर्ण का उच्चारण स्थान है?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

”य“ वर्ण का उच्चारण स्थान है?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

”य“ वर्ण का उच्चारण स्थान है?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

”य“ वर्ण का उच्चारण स्थान है?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "ओष्ट", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

”य“ वर्ण का उच्चारण स्थान है?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

”य“ वर्ण का उच्चारण स्थान है?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

वर्ण - हिन्दी भाषा में प्रयुक्त सबसे छोटी इकाईवर्णकहलाती है।

य वर्ण का उच्चारण स्थान – तालु है।

तालु से उच्चारित वर्ण - इ,च,छ,ज,झ, ञ , य,श

अत: विकल्प (A) सही है I

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

कालक्रम की दृष्टि से निम्नलिखित पत्रिकाओं का सही अनुक्रम क्या है?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

कालक्रम की दृष्टि से निम्नलिखित पत्रिकाओं का सही अनुक्रम क्या है?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

हिन्दी प्रदीप, सुधा, रूपाभ, कृति

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

कालक्रम की दृष्टि से निम्नलिखित पत्रिकाओं का सही अनुक्रम क्या है?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

सुधा, रूपाभ, कृति, हिन्दी प्रदीप

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

कालक्रम की दृष्टि से निम्नलिखित पत्रिकाओं का सही अनुक्रम क्या है?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

रूपाभ, कृति, हिन्दी प्रदीप, सुधा

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

कालक्रम की दृष्टि से निम्नलिखित पत्रिकाओं का सही अनुक्रम क्या है?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "कृति, हिन्दी प्रदीप, सुधा, रूपाभ", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

कालक्रम की दृष्टि से निम्नलिखित पत्रिकाओं का सही अनुक्रम क्या है?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

कालक्रम की दृष्टि से निम्नलिखित पत्रिकाओं का सही अनुक्रम क्या है?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

पत्रिका प्रकाशन सम्पादक प्रकार/स्थान

हिन्दी प्रदीप 1877ई. बालकृष्ण भट्ट प्रयाग

सुधा 1929ई दुलारे लाल लखनऊ

रूपाभ 1938ई. सुमित्रानंदन

कृति 1958ई नरेश मेहता दिल्ली

अत: विकल्प (A) सही है I

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित में से किस में पांच चौपाई के बाद एक दोहा देने की परंपरा नहीं है?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

निम्नलिखित में से किस में पांच चौपाई के बाद एक दोहा देने की परंपरा नहीं है?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित में से किस में पांच चौपाई के बाद एक दोहा देने की परंपरा नहीं है?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित में से किस में पांच चौपाई के बाद एक दोहा देने की परंपरा नहीं है?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

सत्यवती कथा

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित में से किस में पांच चौपाई के बाद एक दोहा देने की परंपरा नहीं है?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "इंद्रावती", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित में से किस में पांच चौपाई के बाद एक दोहा देने की परंपरा नहीं है?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "B", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

निम्नलिखित में से किस में पांच चौपाई के बाद एक दोहा देने की परंपरा नहीं है?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

पद्मावत में सात चौपाई के बाद एक दोहा देने की परंपरा है। अतः उपर्युक्त विकल्पों में से विकल्प दो पद्मावत सही है तथा अन्य विकल्प असंगत है।चित्रावली में भी सात चोपाई के बाद एक दोहा देने की परंपरा है। मृगावती, सत्यवती कथा ,चंदायन, आलम कृत माधवानल में भी पांच चौपाई के बाद एक दोहा देने की परंपरा है। पद्मावत मलिक मोहम्मद जायसी की रचना है।। इनका प्रिय अलंकार उत्प्रेक्षा अलंकार है। पद्मावत का रचना वर्ष 1540 ईस्वी है। पद्मावत की रचना अवधी भाषा में की गई है। यह चौपाई दोहा छंद में है। चीपाई की प्रत्येक सात अर्धालियों के बाद दोहा आता है और इस प्रकार आए हुए दोहों की संख्या 653 है। पद्मावत में उपसंहार समेत 58 अध्याय हैं। पद्मावत का 'नागमती वियोग खंड' हिंदी साहित्य की अनुपम निधि है।

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

केशवदास को ‘कठिण काव्य का प्रेत’ किस आलोचक ने कहा था?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

केशवदास को ‘कठिण काव्य का प्रेत’ किस आलोचक ने कहा था?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

आचार्य हजारी प्रसाद द्रिवेदी

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

केशवदास को ‘कठिण काव्य का प्रेत’ किस आलोचक ने कहा था?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

पं. महावीर प्रसाद द्रिवेदी

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

केशवदास को ‘कठिण काव्य का प्रेत’ किस आलोचक ने कहा था?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

आचार्य रामचन्द्र शुक्ल

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

केशवदास को ‘कठिण काव्य का प्रेत’ किस आलोचक ने कहा था?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "डॉ. इंद्रनाथ मदान", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

केशवदास को ‘कठिण काव्य का प्रेत’ किस आलोचक ने कहा था?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "C", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

केशवदास को ‘कठिण काव्य का प्रेत’ किस आलोचक ने कहा था?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

केशव अलंकार सम्प्रदायवादी आचार्य कवि थे। इसलिये स्वाभाविक था कि वे भामह, उद्भट और दंडी आदि अलंकार सम्प्रदाय के आचार्यों का अनुसरण करते। इन्होंने अलंकारों के दो भेद माने हैं, साधारण और विशिष्ट। साधारण के अन्तर्गत वर्णन, वर्ण्य, भूमिश्री-वर्णन और राज्यश्री-वर्णन आते है जो काव्यकल्पलतावृत्ति और अलंकारशेखर पर आधारित हैं।

अत: विकल्प (C) सही है I

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The ages of Angaad, Bankie and Cherry together are 57 years. Bankie is thrice as old as Angaad and Cherry is 12 years older than Angaad. Then, the respective age of Angaad, Bankie and Cherry is:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

The ages of Angaad, Bankie and Cherry together are 57 years. Bankie is thrice as old as Angaad and Cherry is 12 years older than Angaad. Then, the respective age of Angaad, Bankie and Cherry is:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

8, 26, 23 (years)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The ages of Angaad, Bankie and Cherry together are 57 years. Bankie is thrice as old as Angaad and Cherry is 12 years older than Angaad. Then, the respective age of Angaad, Bankie and Cherry is:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

9, 27, 21 (years)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The ages of Angaad, Bankie and Cherry together are 57 years. Bankie is thrice as old as Angaad and Cherry is 12 years older than Angaad. Then, the respective age of Angaad, Bankie and Cherry is:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

8, 25, 24 (years)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The ages of Angaad, Bankie and Cherry together are 57 years. Bankie is thrice as old as Angaad and Cherry is 12 years older than Angaad. Then, the respective age of Angaad, Bankie and Cherry is:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

9, 26, 22 (years)

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The ages of Angaad, Bankie and Cherry together are 57 years. Bankie is thrice as old as Angaad and Cherry is 12 years older than Angaad. Then, the respective age of Angaad, Bankie and Cherry is:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The ages of Angaad, Bankie and Cherry together are 57 years. Bankie is thrice as old as Angaad and Cherry is 12 years older than Angaad. Then, the respective age of Angaad, Bankie and Cherry is:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (9)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A number exceeds its one-fifth by 20. The number is

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

A number exceeds its one-fifth by 20. The number is

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A number exceeds its one-fifth by 20. The number is

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A number exceeds its one-fifth by 20. The number is

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A number exceeds its one-fifth by 20. The number is

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A number exceeds its one-fifth by 20. The number is

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A number exceeds its one-fifth by 20. The number is

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Let the number be x.
According to the question,
HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (10)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What number should be subtracted from the product 1109 x 505 so as to get 505050 ?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

What number should be subtracted from the product 1109 x 505 so as to get 505050 ?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What number should be subtracted from the product 1109 x 505 so as to get 505050 ?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What number should be subtracted from the product 1109 x 505 so as to get 505050 ?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What number should be subtracted from the product 1109 x 505 so as to get 505050 ?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What number should be subtracted from the product 1109 x 505 so as to get 505050 ?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

What number should be subtracted from the product 1109 x 505 so as to get 505050 ?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (11)
Let x be subtracted 560045 to get 505050
⇒ 560045 - x = 505050
⇒ x = 560045 - 505050 ⇒ x = 54995

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If 3 times a number exceeds its3/5by 60, then what is the number?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

If 3 times a number exceeds its3/5by 60, then what is the number?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If 3 times a number exceeds its3/5by 60, then what is the number?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If 3 times a number exceeds its3/5by 60, then what is the number?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If 3 times a number exceeds its3/5by 60, then what is the number?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If 3 times a number exceeds its3/5by 60, then what is the number?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If 3 times a number exceeds its3/5by 60, then what is the number?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Suppose required number is x Then,
HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (12)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A can-do 75% of a job in 18 days and B can do 25% of the job in 12 days. If they work on it together, in how many days can they do 75% of the job?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

A can-do 75% of a job in 18 days and B can do 25% of the job in 12 days. If they work on it together, in how many days can they do 75% of the job?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A can-do 75% of a job in 18 days and B can do 25% of the job in 12 days. If they work on it together, in how many days can they do 75% of the job?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A can-do 75% of a job in 18 days and B can do 25% of the job in 12 days. If they work on it together, in how many days can they do 75% of the job?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A can-do 75% of a job in 18 days and B can do 25% of the job in 12 days. If they work on it together, in how many days can they do 75% of the job?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A can-do 75% of a job in 18 days and B can do 25% of the job in 12 days. If they work on it together, in how many days can they do 75% of the job?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A can-do 75% of a job in 18 days and B can do 25% of the job in 12 days. If they work on it together, in how many days can they do 75% of the job?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (13)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A child has learned the fundamentals skills of mathematics and applies the same whenever he goes to a stationary store. Which aspect of mathematics he is using in this case?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

A child has learned the fundamentals skills of mathematics and applies the same whenever he goes to a stationary store. Which aspect of mathematics he is using in this case?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Social aspect

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A child has learned the fundamentals skills of mathematics and applies the same whenever he goes to a stationary store. Which aspect of mathematics he is using in this case?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Cultural aspect

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A child has learned the fundamentals skills of mathematics and applies the same whenever he goes to a stationary store. Which aspect of mathematics he is using in this case?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Pure mathematics

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A child has learned the fundamentals skills of mathematics and applies the same whenever he goes to a stationary store. Which aspect of mathematics he is using in this case?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Applied mathematics

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A child has learned the fundamentals skills of mathematics and applies the same whenever he goes to a stationary store. Which aspect of mathematics he is using in this case?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A child has learned the fundamentals skills of mathematics and applies the same whenever he goes to a stationary store. Which aspect of mathematics he is using in this case?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Mathematics is a study of patterns, numbers, geometrical objects, data, and information. It deals with data analysis, integration of various fields of knowledge, involves proofs, deductive and inductive reasoning, and generalizations.

  • The teaching of mathematics should be done in the way, in which a student learns the best i.e., following the child-centred approaches by engaging students actively in the learning process.
  • The teacher should focus more on providing practical exercises and abstract knowledge to students to foster their individualized discovery-oriented learning.​

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The respective ratio between the present ages of Roshan and Rakesh is 6: 11. Four years ago, the ratio of the ages was 1: 2 respectively. What will be Rakesh’s age after five years?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

The respective ratio between the present ages of Roshan and Rakesh is 6: 11. Four years ago, the ratio of the ages was 1: 2 respectively. What will be Rakesh’s age after five years?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

45 years

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The respective ratio between the present ages of Roshan and Rakesh is 6: 11. Four years ago, the ratio of the ages was 1: 2 respectively. What will be Rakesh’s age after five years?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

29 years

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The respective ratio between the present ages of Roshan and Rakesh is 6: 11. Four years ago, the ratio of the ages was 1: 2 respectively. What will be Rakesh’s age after five years?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

49 years

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The respective ratio between the present ages of Roshan and Rakesh is 6: 11. Four years ago, the ratio of the ages was 1: 2 respectively. What will be Rakesh’s age after five years?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Cannot be determined

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The respective ratio between the present ages of Roshan and Rakesh is 6: 11. Four years ago, the ratio of the ages was 1: 2 respectively. What will be Rakesh’s age after five years?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The respective ratio between the present ages of Roshan and Rakesh is 6: 11. Four years ago, the ratio of the ages was 1: 2 respectively. What will be Rakesh’s age after five years?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (14)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A car starts running with the initial speed of 20 km/h and its speed increases every hour by 4 km/h. How many hours will it take to cover a distance of 504 km?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

A car starts running with the initial speed of 20 km/h and its speed increases every hour by 4 km/h. How many hours will it take to cover a distance of 504 km?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A car starts running with the initial speed of 20 km/h and its speed increases every hour by 4 km/h. How many hours will it take to cover a distance of 504 km?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A car starts running with the initial speed of 20 km/h and its speed increases every hour by 4 km/h. How many hours will it take to cover a distance of 504 km?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A car starts running with the initial speed of 20 km/h and its speed increases every hour by 4 km/h. How many hours will it take to cover a distance of 504 km?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A car starts running with the initial speed of 20 km/h and its speed increases every hour by 4 km/h. How many hours will it take to cover a distance of 504 km?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A car starts running with the initial speed of 20 km/h and its speed increases every hour by 4 km/h. How many hours will it take to cover a distance of 504 km?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (15)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Average age of 20 students is 21 years. 2 students leave the group and 1 new student joins the group. The average now becomes 20 years. If age of one of the student who left the group is 26 years and the one who joined is 20 years, then what is the age (in years) of the other student who left the group?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Average age of 20 students is 21 years. 2 students leave the group and 1 new student joins the group. The average now becomes 20 years. If age of one of the student who left the group is 26 years and the one who joined is 20 years, then what is the age (in years) of the other student who left the group?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Average age of 20 students is 21 years. 2 students leave the group and 1 new student joins the group. The average now becomes 20 years. If age of one of the student who left the group is 26 years and the one who joined is 20 years, then what is the age (in years) of the other student who left the group?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Average age of 20 students is 21 years. 2 students leave the group and 1 new student joins the group. The average now becomes 20 years. If age of one of the student who left the group is 26 years and the one who joined is 20 years, then what is the age (in years) of the other student who left the group?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Average age of 20 students is 21 years. 2 students leave the group and 1 new student joins the group. The average now becomes 20 years. If age of one of the student who left the group is 26 years and the one who joined is 20 years, then what is the age (in years) of the other student who left the group?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Average age of 20 students is 21 years. 2 students leave the group and 1 new student joins the group. The average now becomes 20 years. If age of one of the student who left the group is 26 years and the one who joined is 20 years, then what is the age (in years) of the other student who left the group?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Average age of 20 students is 21 years. 2 students leave the group and 1 new student joins the group. The average now becomes 20 years. If age of one of the student who left the group is 26 years and the one who joined is 20 years, then what is the age (in years) of the other student who left the group?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (16)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is/are involved in mathematical activities?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Which of the following is/are involved in mathematical activities?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Mathematics quiz

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is/are involved in mathematical activities?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Mathematical exhibition

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is/are involved in mathematical activities?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Mathematical lab

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is/are involved in mathematical activities?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

All of the above

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is/are involved in mathematical activities?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is/are involved in mathematical activities?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Mathematics quiz, mathematical exhibitions and mathematical lab are different techniques that help in learning different concepts of maths.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Mark the incorrect option.

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Mark the incorrect option.

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

One-third of 12 is 4.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Mark the incorrect option.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

3.337 = 3.34

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Mark the incorrect option.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Area of a square of side 10 cm is equal to the area of a rectangle of length 12.5 cm and breadth 8 cm.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Mark the incorrect option.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

3348 m = 3 km 348 m

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Mark the incorrect option.

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Mark the incorrect option.

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Use option elimination here.
(1) = 12/3 = 4
2) 3.337 is equivalent to 3.34 but not equal to 3.34.
Hence, (2) is the correct choice for the question.
3) Area of square of side 10 cm = 102 = 100 cm2
Area of rectangle = 12.5 * 8 = 100 cm2
So, areas are equal.
4) 3348 m = 3 km 348 m

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Method that can be used to prove, square of an odd number is also odd:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Method that can be used to prove, square of an odd number is also odd:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Proof by induction

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Method that can be used to prove, square of an odd number is also odd:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Direct proof

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Method that can be used to prove, square of an odd number is also odd:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Proof by contradiction

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Method that can be used to prove, square of an odd number is also odd:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Contrapositive proof

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Method that can be used to prove, square of an odd number is also odd:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Method that can be used to prove, square of an odd number is also odd:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Mathematics is a study of patterns, numbers, geometrical objects, data, and information. It deals with data analysis, integration of various fields of knowledge, involves proofs, deductive and inductive reasoning, and generalizations. It involves the mathematization of thoughts that develops through mathematical reasoning, consisting of abstract statements and their proofs. Any assumption, hypotheses, and argument in mathematics can be proved with the help of various methods of proof.
The proof is generally a mathematical argument consisting of a sequence of statements. The proof of mathematical statements applied to certain accepted rules, definitions, and assumptions.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If A : B = 3 : 5, C : B = 5 : 2 and C : D = 3 : 2 then what is the value of A+B :B+ C : C - D?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

If A : B = 3 : 5, C : B = 5 : 2 and C : D = 3 : 2 then what is the value of A+B :B+ C : C - D?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

48: 105: 25

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If A : B = 3 : 5, C : B = 5 : 2 and C : D = 3 : 2 then what is the value of A+B :B+ C : C - D?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

48: 75: 75

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If A : B = 3 : 5, C : B = 5 : 2 and C : D = 3 : 2 then what is the value of A+B :B+ C : C - D?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

48: 105: 125

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If A : B = 3 : 5, C : B = 5 : 2 and C : D = 3 : 2 then what is the value of A+B :B+ C : C - D?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

48: 75: 30

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If A : B = 3 : 5, C : B = 5 : 2 and C : D = 3 : 2 then what is the value of A+B :B+ C : C - D?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If A : B = 3 : 5, C : B = 5 : 2 and C : D = 3 : 2 then what is the value of A+B :B+ C : C - D?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (17)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The complement of 30°20′ is:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

The complement of 30°20′ is:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The complement of 30°20′ is:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The complement of 30°20′ is:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The complement of 30°20′ is:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The complement of 30°20′ is:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The complement of 30°20′ is:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Complement of 30°20′ = 90° – ( 30°20′ ) = 90° – ( 30° + 20′ )
= (89° – 30°) + (1° – 20′)
= 59° + 60′ – 20′ [ ∴ 1° = 60°′]
= 59° + 40′ = 59°40′.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

5 years ago the average age of a family which includes father, mother and a son was 35 years. 3 years ago the average age of father and mother was 46 years. What is the present age (in years) of the son?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

5 years ago the average age of a family which includes father, mother and a son was 35 years. 3 years ago the average age of father and mother was 46 years. What is the present age (in years) of the son?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

5 years ago the average age of a family which includes father, mother and a son was 35 years. 3 years ago the average age of father and mother was 46 years. What is the present age (in years) of the son?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

5 years ago the average age of a family which includes father, mother and a son was 35 years. 3 years ago the average age of father and mother was 46 years. What is the present age (in years) of the son?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

5 years ago the average age of a family which includes father, mother and a son was 35 years. 3 years ago the average age of father and mother was 46 years. What is the present age (in years) of the son?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

5 years ago the average age of a family which includes father, mother and a son was 35 years. 3 years ago the average age of father and mother was 46 years. What is the present age (in years) of the son?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

5 years ago the average age of a family which includes father, mother and a son was 35 years. 3 years ago the average age of father and mother was 46 years. What is the present age (in years) of the son?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (18)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A confectionery shopkeeper sells a soap at a discount of 20% and earns a profit of 60%. If he sells the same soap at 40% discount, then what will be his new profit percent?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

A confectionery shopkeeper sells a soap at a discount of 20% and earns a profit of 60%. If he sells the same soap at 40% discount, then what will be his new profit percent?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A confectionery shopkeeper sells a soap at a discount of 20% and earns a profit of 60%. If he sells the same soap at 40% discount, then what will be his new profit percent?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A confectionery shopkeeper sells a soap at a discount of 20% and earns a profit of 60%. If he sells the same soap at 40% discount, then what will be his new profit percent?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A confectionery shopkeeper sells a soap at a discount of 20% and earns a profit of 60%. If he sells the same soap at 40% discount, then what will be his new profit percent?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A confectionery shopkeeper sells a soap at a discount of 20% and earns a profit of 60%. If he sells the same soap at 40% discount, then what will be his new profit percent?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A confectionery shopkeeper sells a soap at a discount of 20% and earns a profit of 60%. If he sells the same soap at 40% discount, then what will be his new profit percent?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (19)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

To teach various units of length to the students of Class III, a teacher should take which of the following materials to the class?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

To teach various units of length to the students of Class III, a teacher should take which of the following materials to the class?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Rulers of different lengths and different units, measuring rod and measuring strip used by architects

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

To teach various units of length to the students of Class III, a teacher should take which of the following materials to the class?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Measuring tape with centimetre on one side and metre on other side

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

To teach various units of length to the students of Class III, a teacher should take which of the following materials to the class?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Relation chart of various units

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

To teach various units of length to the students of Class III, a teacher should take which of the following materials to the class?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Centimetre ruler and measuring tape

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

To teach various units of length to the students of Class III, a teacher should take which of the following materials to the class?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

To teach various units of length to the students of Class III, a teacher should take which of the following materials to the class?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

These materials will provide the students a clear knowledge on various units of lengths. The students will be able to clearly understand the need for various units and will also be able to compare different units. All these materials are easy to use and provide information about almost every unit of length used in daily life.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The NCF-2005 pronounced that succeeding in mathematics should be seen as the right of every child which can be achieved by:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

The NCF-2005 pronounced that succeeding in mathematics should be seen as the right of every child which can be achieved by:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Widening the scope of mathematics and relating it to other subjects

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The NCF-2005 pronounced that succeeding in mathematics should be seen as the right of every child which can be achieved by:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Organising Maths Olympiads at school level

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The NCF-2005 pronounced that succeeding in mathematics should be seen as the right of every child which can be achieved by:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Organising mathematical tours and excursions

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The NCF-2005 pronounced that succeeding in mathematics should be seen as the right of every child which can be achieved by:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

None of the above

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The NCF-2005 pronounced that succeeding in mathematics should be seen as the right of every child which can be achieved by:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The NCF-2005 pronounced that succeeding in mathematics should be seen as the right of every child which can be achieved by:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The NCF-2005 stated that having children develop a positive attitude towards, and a liking for Mathematics at the primary stage is as important as developing cognitive skills and concepts. General tactics of problem-solving can be taught progressively during the different stages of school: abstraction, quantification, analogy, case analysis, reduction to simpler situations.
The importance of mathematics in relation to other sciences, education, and research can not be overstressed. So, widening the skills and scopes throughout different stages and also relating it with other subjects is critical in succeeding in mathematics.
Hence, the correct answer is "Widening the scope of mathematics and relating it to other subjects".

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When price of sugar is increased by 35% a person gets 14 kg less sugar in Rs 160. Find the new price of sugar per kg?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

When price of sugar is increased by 35% a person gets 14 kg less sugar in Rs 160. Find the new price of sugar per kg?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Rs 31kg

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When price of sugar is increased by 35% a person gets 14 kg less sugar in Rs 160. Find the new price of sugar per kg?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Rs 4 kg

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When price of sugar is increased by 35% a person gets 14 kg less sugar in Rs 160. Find the new price of sugar per kg?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Rs 5 kg

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When price of sugar is increased by 35% a person gets 14 kg less sugar in Rs 160. Find the new price of sugar per kg?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Rs 6 kg

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When price of sugar is increased by 35% a person gets 14 kg less sugar in Rs 160. Find the new price of sugar per kg?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When price of sugar is increased by 35% a person gets 14 kg less sugar in Rs 160. Find the new price of sugar per kg?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (20)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A group of girls has an average weight of 34 kg. One girl weighing 58 kg leaves the group and another girl weighing 40 kg joins the group. If the average now becomes 33.4 kg, then how many girls are there in the group?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

A group of girls has an average weight of 34 kg. One girl weighing 58 kg leaves the group and another girl weighing 40 kg joins the group. If the average now becomes 33.4 kg, then how many girls are there in the group?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A group of girls has an average weight of 34 kg. One girl weighing 58 kg leaves the group and another girl weighing 40 kg joins the group. If the average now becomes 33.4 kg, then how many girls are there in the group?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A group of girls has an average weight of 34 kg. One girl weighing 58 kg leaves the group and another girl weighing 40 kg joins the group. If the average now becomes 33.4 kg, then how many girls are there in the group?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A group of girls has an average weight of 34 kg. One girl weighing 58 kg leaves the group and another girl weighing 40 kg joins the group. If the average now becomes 33.4 kg, then how many girls are there in the group?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A group of girls has an average weight of 34 kg. One girl weighing 58 kg leaves the group and another girl weighing 40 kg joins the group. If the average now becomes 33.4 kg, then how many girls are there in the group?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A group of girls has an average weight of 34 kg. One girl weighing 58 kg leaves the group and another girl weighing 40 kg joins the group. If the average now becomes 33.4 kg, then how many girls are there in the group?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (21)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: India's national animal Tiger (which has also been under the radar of the government as its population declined in the country) has witnessed an increase in its population.

A survey was done by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate change, according to which tiger population is on rise at the rate of 6 per cent every year from 2006 and 2018.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (22)

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (23)

Pranav has found a report on status of tigers in India in last 100 years. He has some queries as follow :

Q. In which year, number of tigers were minimum?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Direction: India's national animal Tiger (which has also been under the radar of the government as its population declined in the country) has witnessed an increase in its population.

A survey was done by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate change, according to which tiger population is on rise at the rate of 6 per cent every year from 2006 and 2018.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (24)

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (25)

Pranav has found a report on status of tigers in India in last 100 years. He has some queries as follow :

Q. In which year, number of tigers were minimum?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "1960", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: India's national animal Tiger (which has also been under the radar of the government as its population declined in the country) has witnessed an increase in its population.

A survey was done by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate change, according to which tiger population is on rise at the rate of 6 per cent every year from 2006 and 2018.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (26)

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (27)

Pranav has found a report on status of tigers in India in last 100 years. He has some queries as follow :

Q. In which year, number of tigers were minimum?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "1900", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: India's national animal Tiger (which has also been under the radar of the government as its population declined in the country) has witnessed an increase in its population.

A survey was done by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate change, according to which tiger population is on rise at the rate of 6 per cent every year from 2006 and 2018.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (28)

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (29)

Pranav has found a report on status of tigers in India in last 100 years. He has some queries as follow :

Q. In which year, number of tigers were minimum?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "2002", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: India's national animal Tiger (which has also been under the radar of the government as its population declined in the country) has witnessed an increase in its population.

A survey was done by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate change, according to which tiger population is on rise at the rate of 6 per cent every year from 2006 and 2018.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (30)

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (31)

Pranav has found a report on status of tigers in India in last 100 years. He has some queries as follow :

Q. In which year, number of tigers were minimum?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "2007", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: India's national animal Tiger (which has also been under the radar of the government as its population declined in the country) has witnessed an increase in its population.

A survey was done by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate change, according to which tiger population is on rise at the rate of 6 per cent every year from 2006 and 2018.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (32)

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (33)

Pranav has found a report on status of tigers in India in last 100 years. He has some queries as follow :

Q. In which year, number of tigers were minimum?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: India's national animal Tiger (which has also been under the radar of the government as its population declined in the country) has witnessed an increase in its population.

A survey was done by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate change, according to which tiger population is on rise at the rate of 6 per cent every year from 2006 and 2018.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (34)

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (35)

Pranav has found a report on status of tigers in India in last 100 years. He has some queries as follow :

Q. In which year, number of tigers were minimum?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "In 2007, number of tigers were minimum.." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: Ladli Scheme was launched by the Delhi Government in the year 2008. This scheme helps to make women strong and will empower a girl child. This scheme was started in 2008.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (36)

Q. Read the above bar graph and answer the following questions :

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (37)

In which year the budget was maximum?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Direction: Ladli Scheme was launched by the Delhi Government in the year 2008. This scheme helps to make women strong and will empower a girl child. This scheme was started in 2008.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (38)

Q. Read the above bar graph and answer the following questions :

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (39)

In which year the budget was maximum?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "2007 - 08", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: Ladli Scheme was launched by the Delhi Government in the year 2008. This scheme helps to make women strong and will empower a girl child. This scheme was started in 2008.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (40)

Q. Read the above bar graph and answer the following questions :

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (41)

In which year the budget was maximum?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "2008 - 09", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: Ladli Scheme was launched by the Delhi Government in the year 2008. This scheme helps to make women strong and will empower a girl child. This scheme was started in 2008.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (42)

Q. Read the above bar graph and answer the following questions :

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (43)

In which year the budget was maximum?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "2009 - 10", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: Ladli Scheme was launched by the Delhi Government in the year 2008. This scheme helps to make women strong and will empower a girl child. This scheme was started in 2008.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (44)

Q. Read the above bar graph and answer the following questions :

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (45)

In which year the budget was maximum?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "2010 - 11", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: Ladli Scheme was launched by the Delhi Government in the year 2008. This scheme helps to make women strong and will empower a girl child. This scheme was started in 2008.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (46)

Q. Read the above bar graph and answer the following questions :

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (47)

In which year the budget was maximum?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: Ladli Scheme was launched by the Delhi Government in the year 2008. This scheme helps to make women strong and will empower a girl child. This scheme was started in 2008.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (48)

Q. Read the above bar graph and answer the following questions :

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (49)

In which year the budget was maximum?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "According to data, In 2010 - 11 year the budget was maximum.." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: Ladli Scheme was launched by the Delhi Government in the year 2008. This scheme helps to make women strong and will empower a girl child. This scheme was started in 2008.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (50)

Read the above bar graph and answer the following questions :

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (51)

Q. Which statement is incorrect about bar graph?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Direction: Ladli Scheme was launched by the Delhi Government in the year 2008. This scheme helps to make women strong and will empower a girl child. This scheme was started in 2008.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (52)

Read the above bar graph and answer the following questions :

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (53)

Q. Which statement is incorrect about bar graph?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A bar graph is a pictorial representation of data.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: Ladli Scheme was launched by the Delhi Government in the year 2008. This scheme helps to make women strong and will empower a girl child. This scheme was started in 2008.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (54)

Read the above bar graph and answer the following questions :

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (55)

Q. Which statement is incorrect about bar graph?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A bar graph can be vertical or horizontal.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: Ladli Scheme was launched by the Delhi Government in the year 2008. This scheme helps to make women strong and will empower a girl child. This scheme was started in 2008.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (56)

Read the above bar graph and answer the following questions :

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (57)

Q. Which statement is incorrect about bar graph?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Heights of the bars depend on the values of the variable.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: Ladli Scheme was launched by the Delhi Government in the year 2008. This scheme helps to make women strong and will empower a girl child. This scheme was started in 2008.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (58)

Read the above bar graph and answer the following questions :

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (59)

Q. Which statement is incorrect about bar graph?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "There are no gaps in between consecutive rectangles.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: Ladli Scheme was launched by the Delhi Government in the year 2008. This scheme helps to make women strong and will empower a girl child. This scheme was started in 2008.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (60)

Read the above bar graph and answer the following questions :

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (61)

Q. Which statement is incorrect about bar graph?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Direction: Ladli Scheme was launched by the Delhi Government in the year 2008. This scheme helps to make women strong and will empower a girl child. This scheme was started in 2008.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (62)

Read the above bar graph and answer the following questions :

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (63)

Q. Which statement is incorrect about bar graph?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "There are no gaps in between consecutive rectangles.

Given statement is incorrect as there is gap in between consecutive rectangles in a bar graph.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions : In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as.

Assertion (A): If the height of the cone is 24 cm and diameter of the base is 14 cm, then the slant height of the cone is 15 cm.

Reason (R): If r be the radius of the cone and h be the height of the cone, then slant height = HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (64)

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Directions : In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as.

Assertion (A): If the height of the cone is 24 cm and diameter of the base is 14 cm, then the slant height of the cone is 15 cm.

Reason (R): If r be the radius of the cone and h be the height of the cone, then slant height = HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (65)

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions : In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as.

Assertion (A): If the height of the cone is 24 cm and diameter of the base is 14 cm, then the slant height of the cone is 15 cm.

Reason (R): If r be the radius of the cone and h be the height of the cone, then slant height = HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (66)

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions : In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as.

Assertion (A): If the height of the cone is 24 cm and diameter of the base is 14 cm, then the slant height of the cone is 15 cm.

Reason (R): If r be the radius of the cone and h be the height of the cone, then slant height = HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (67)

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A is true but R is false.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions : In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as.

Assertion (A): If the height of the cone is 24 cm and diameter of the base is 14 cm, then the slant height of the cone is 15 cm.

Reason (R): If r be the radius of the cone and h be the height of the cone, then slant height = HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (68)

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A is false but R is true.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions : In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as.

Assertion (A): If the height of the cone is 24 cm and diameter of the base is 14 cm, then the slant height of the cone is 15 cm.

Reason (R): If r be the radius of the cone and h be the height of the cone, then slant height = HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (69)

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Directions : In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as.

Assertion (A): If the height of the cone is 24 cm and diameter of the base is 14 cm, then the slant height of the cone is 15 cm.

Reason (R): If r be the radius of the cone and h be the height of the cone, then slant height = HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (70)

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "slant height = HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (71)

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (72)

which proves that assertion is wrong.

Therefore, A is false but R is true.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

DIRECTION : In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:

Assertion : Total surface area of the cylinder having radius of the base 14 cm and height 30 cm is 3872 cm2 .

Reason : If r be the radius and h be the height of the cylinder, then total surface area = (2prh +2pr2).

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

DIRECTION : In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:

Assertion : Total surface area of the cylinder having radius of the base 14 cm and height 30 cm is 3872 cm2 .

Reason : If r be the radius and h be the height of the cylinder, then total surface area = (2prh +2pr2).

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

DIRECTION : In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:

Assertion : Total surface area of the cylinder having radius of the base 14 cm and height 30 cm is 3872 cm2 .

Reason : If r be the radius and h be the height of the cylinder, then total surface area = (2prh +2pr2).

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

DIRECTION : In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:

Assertion : Total surface area of the cylinder having radius of the base 14 cm and height 30 cm is 3872 cm2 .

Reason : If r be the radius and h be the height of the cylinder, then total surface area = (2prh +2pr2).

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

DIRECTION : In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:

Assertion : Total surface area of the cylinder having radius of the base 14 cm and height 30 cm is 3872 cm2 .

Reason : If r be the radius and h be the height of the cylinder, then total surface area = (2prh +2pr2).

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

DIRECTION : In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:

Assertion : Total surface area of the cylinder having radius of the base 14 cm and height 30 cm is 3872 cm2 .

Reason : If r be the radius and h be the height of the cylinder, then total surface area = (2prh +2pr2).

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

DIRECTION : In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:

Assertion : Total surface area of the cylinder having radius of the base 14 cm and height 30 cm is 3872 cm2 .

Reason : If r be the radius and h be the height of the cylinder, then total surface area = (2prh +2pr2).

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Total surface area = 2prh +2pr2

= 2p r (h + r)

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (73)

= 3872 cm2

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The angle which, an arc of a circle subtends at the centre is ….. the angle which it subtends at any point on the remaining part of the circumference.

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

The angle which, an arc of a circle subtends at the centre is ….. the angle which it subtends at any point on the remaining part of the circumference.

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The angle which, an arc of a circle subtends at the centre is ….. the angle which it subtends at any point on the remaining part of the circumference.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The angle which, an arc of a circle subtends at the centre is ….. the angle which it subtends at any point on the remaining part of the circumference.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The angle which, an arc of a circle subtends at the centre is ….. the angle which it subtends at any point on the remaining part of the circumference.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

One- third

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The angle which, an arc of a circle subtends at the centre is ….. the angle which it subtends at any point on the remaining part of the circumference.

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The angle which, an arc of a circle subtends at the centre is ….. the angle which it subtends at any point on the remaining part of the circumference.

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Given : An arc ABC of a circle with center O , and a point C on the remaining part of the circumference.

To Prove : Angle AOB = Twice angle ABC

Construction : Join OC and produce it to a suitable point D

Proof : Let angles 1,2,3,4,5,6 be as shown in figure



c)5=4+1=Twice angle1 [EXTERIOR ANGLE PROPERTY]

d)6=2+3=Twice angle 2 [EXTERIOR ANGLE PROPERTY]

e)5+6=Twice angle (1+2) [ADD STATEMENT c AND d]

f)Angle AOB = Twice angle ACB [WHOLE = SUM OF ALL ITS PARTS]

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In the given figure ∠SOR = 37.5° find the value of ∠PTQ.
HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (74)

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

In the given figure ∠SOR = 37.5° find the value of ∠PTQ.
HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (75)

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In the given figure ∠SOR = 37.5° find the value of ∠PTQ.
HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (76)

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In the given figure ∠SOR = 37.5° find the value of ∠PTQ.
HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (77)

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In the given figure ∠SOR = 37.5° find the value of ∠PTQ.
HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (78)

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In the given figure ∠SOR = 37.5° find the value of ∠PTQ.
HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (79)

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In the given figure ∠SOR = 37.5° find the value of ∠PTQ.
HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (80)

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

∠SOR = 37.5°

∠SQT = 1/2 ∠SOR (Angle at the circumference is half of the angle at the centre)

⇒ 37.5°/2

⇒ 18.75°

∠QSP = 90° (angle made from the diameter to the circumference is 90°)


∠PSQ + ∠QST = 180° (Linear pair angle)

∠QST = 180° - 90° = 90°

In ∆QST,

∠STQ = 180° - (90° + 18.75°)

⇒ ∠STQ = 71.25°

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A beam 9 m long, 40 cm wide and 20 cm deep is made up of iron which weighs 50 kg per cubic metre.

The weight of the beam is :

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

A beam 9 m long, 40 cm wide and 20 cm deep is made up of iron which weighs 50 kg per cubic metre.

The weight of the beam is :

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

27 kg

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A beam 9 m long, 40 cm wide and 20 cm deep is made up of iron which weighs 50 kg per cubic metre.

The weight of the beam is :

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

36 kg

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A beam 9 m long, 40 cm wide and 20 cm deep is made up of iron which weighs 50 kg per cubic metre.

The weight of the beam is :

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

48 kg

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A beam 9 m long, 40 cm wide and 20 cm deep is made up of iron which weighs 50 kg per cubic metre.

The weight of the beam is :

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

56 kg

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A beam 9 m long, 40 cm wide and 20 cm deep is made up of iron which weighs 50 kg per cubic metre.

The weight of the beam is :

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A beam 9 m long, 40 cm wide and 20 cm deep is made up of iron which weighs 50 kg per cubic metre.

The weight of the beam is :

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

To find the weight of the iron beam, we need to calculate its volume and then multiply it by the weight of 1 cubic meter of iron, which is given as 50 kg.Given:
Length of beam (l) = 9 m
Breadth (b) = 40 cm = 0.4 m
Height (h) = 20 cm = 0.2 m
Weight of 1 cubic meter of iron = 50 kgVolume of the beam = l × b × h = 9 m × 0.4 m × 0.2 m = 0.72 cubic metersWeight of the beam = Volume × Weight of 1 cubic meter of iron = 0.72 cubic meters × 50 kg/cubic meter = 36 kg

Therefore, the weight of the iron beam is 36 kg, which corresponds to option B.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Three solid spherical beads of radii 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm are melted into a spherical bead. Its radius is :

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Three solid spherical beads of radii 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm are melted into a spherical bead. Its radius is :

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

6 cm

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Three solid spherical beads of radii 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm are melted into a spherical bead. Its radius is :

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

7 cm

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Three solid spherical beads of radii 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm are melted into a spherical bead. Its radius is :

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

8 cm

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Three solid spherical beads of radii 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm are melted into a spherical bead. Its radius is :

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

9 cm

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Three solid spherical beads of radii 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm are melted into a spherical bead. Its radius is :

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Three solid spherical beads of radii 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm are melted into a spherical bead. Its radius is :

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Let three spheres are S1, S2 & S3
having radii r₁ = 3cm, r₂ = 4cm & r₃ = 5cm respectively.
Let the radius of new Big sphere S is R.
Volume of new Sphere S = Sum of volumes three Spheres S1, S2 & S3

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (81)

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The length of the longest rod that can fit in a cubical vessel of side 10 cm, is

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

The length of the longest rod that can fit in a cubical vessel of side 10 cm, is

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

10 cm

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The length of the longest rod that can fit in a cubical vessel of side 10 cm, is

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The length of the longest rod that can fit in a cubical vessel of side 10 cm, is

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The length of the longest rod that can fit in a cubical vessel of side 10 cm, is

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

20 cm

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The length of the longest rod that can fit in a cubical vessel of side 10 cm, is

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The length of the longest rod that can fit in a cubical vessel of side 10 cm, is

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The length of the longest rod that can fit in a cubical vessel of side 10 cm is equal to the length of the diagonal of the cube. Using the Pythagorean theorem, the length of the diagonal of the cube can be found as:Diagonal = √(length² + breadth² + height²)
Diagonal = √(10² + 10² + 10²)
Diagonal = √300
Diagonal = 10√3 cmTherefore, the length of the longest rod that can fit in a cubical vessel of side 10 cm is 10√3 cm, which corresponds to option C.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

"Desert Oak" is a tree whose roots go deep into the ground till they reach the water. The depth of these roots is nearly 30 times the height of the tree. This tree is found in:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

"Desert Oak" is a tree whose roots go deep into the ground till they reach the water. The depth of these roots is nearly 30 times the height of the tree. This tree is found in:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

"Desert Oak" is a tree whose roots go deep into the ground till they reach the water. The depth of these roots is nearly 30 times the height of the tree. This tree is found in:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

"Desert Oak" is a tree whose roots go deep into the ground till they reach the water. The depth of these roots is nearly 30 times the height of the tree. This tree is found in:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Abu dhabi

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

"Desert Oak" is a tree whose roots go deep into the ground till they reach the water. The depth of these roots is nearly 30 times the height of the tree. This tree is found in:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

"Desert Oak" is a tree whose roots go deep into the ground till they reach the water. The depth of these roots is nearly 30 times the height of the tree. This tree is found in:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

"Desert Oak" is a tree whose roots go deep into the ground till they reach the water. The depth of these roots is nearly 30 times the height of the tree. This tree is found in:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

"Desert Oak" is a type of tree whose roots go deep into the ground till they reach the water. The roots of this tree go to a depth nearly 30 times the height of the tree. This tree is found in dense stands, or forests in Australia. The tree is a slow-growing tree that is found in deep sands. They are considered the oldest trees of 1000 years of age.
Hence, the correct answer is, 'Australia.'

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is not a primary economic activity?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Which of the following is not a primary economic activity?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is not a primary economic activity?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is not a primary economic activity?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is not a primary economic activity?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is not a primary economic activity?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following is not a primary economic activity?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Trading is not a primary economic activity.
The primary sector of the economy is the sector of an economy making direct use of natural resources. This includes agriculture, forestry, fishing and mining. In contrast, the secondary sector produces manufactured goods, and the tertiary sector produces services.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which among the following is an important characteristic of rainforests located at low latitude?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Which among the following is an important characteristic of rainforests located at low latitude?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Trees with fewer varieties are found.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which among the following is an important characteristic of rainforests located at low latitude?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Trees with large varieties are found.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which among the following is an important characteristic of rainforests located at low latitude?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Very rich soils are found.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which among the following is an important characteristic of rainforests located at low latitude?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

The climate mostly remains very cold.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which among the following is an important characteristic of rainforests located at low latitude?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which among the following is an important characteristic of rainforests located at low latitude?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In rainforests located at low latitude, a large number of varieties of different species of trees are found. In a survey, it was found that 3000 species of trees are found in low-latitude rainforest biome.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In order to understand the role of various issues during an election, which of the following would you most likely ask your students?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

In order to understand the role of various issues during an election, which of the following would you most likely ask your students?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Analyse newspaper editorials regarding arguments against each other by political parties

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In order to understand the role of various issues during an election, which of the following would you most likely ask your students?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Analyse each party's priorities and the types of policies it is most likely to support

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In order to understand the role of various issues during an election, which of the following would you most likely ask your students?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Conduct survey in your locality for the popularity of political parties

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In order to understand the role of various issues during an election, which of the following would you most likely ask your students?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Analyse and compare the time devoted by national news channels to different parties

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In order to understand the role of various issues during an election, which of the following would you most likely ask your students?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In order to understand the role of various issues during an election, which of the following would you most likely ask your students?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Conducting surveys by students will provide them with primary information, which will be unbiased. Hence, they will understand the role of various issues from their own first-hand experience.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Identify the essential steps in educational diagnosis.

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Identify the essential steps in educational diagnosis.

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Identifying the students who are having trouble or need help.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Identify the essential steps in educational diagnosis.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Locating the errors or learning difficulties.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Identify the essential steps in educational diagnosis.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Discovering the causal factors of slow learning.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Identify the essential steps in educational diagnosis.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

All the above

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Identify the essential steps in educational diagnosis.

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "d", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Identify the essential steps in educational diagnosis.

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Diagnostic testing is used to locate and identify the areas of learning difficulties.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following statements and select the correct option regarding Media:
A. Media sets agendas.
B. Through media citizens learn how government works.
C. The information that the media provides should be balanced

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Consider the following statements and select the correct option regarding Media:
A. Media sets agendas.
B. Through media citizens learn how government works.
C. The information that the media provides should be balanced

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Only A and C

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following statements and select the correct option regarding Media:
A. Media sets agendas.
B. Through media citizens learn how government works.
C. The information that the media provides should be balanced

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

A, B and C

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following statements and select the correct option regarding Media:
A. Media sets agendas.
B. Through media citizens learn how government works.
C. The information that the media provides should be balanced

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Only A and B

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following statements and select the correct option regarding Media:
A. Media sets agendas.
B. Through media citizens learn how government works.
C. The information that the media provides should be balanced

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Only B and C

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following statements and select the correct option regarding Media:
A. Media sets agendas.
B. Through media citizens learn how government works.
C. The information that the media provides should be balanced

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Consider the following statements and select the correct option regarding Media:
A. Media sets agendas.
B. Through media citizens learn how government works.
C. The information that the media provides should be balanced

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Everything ranging from the stall at the local fair to the program that you see on TV can be called media.

  • Media is the plural form of the word ‘medium’ and it describes the various ways through which we communicate in society.
  • Because media refers to all means of communication, everything ranging from a phone call to the evening news on TV can be called media.
  • TV, radio, and newspapers are a form of media that reaches millions of people, or the masses, across the country and the world and, thus, they are called mass media.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A doctor prescribed some medicines to a patient and also suggested him to eat jaggery, amla and more green leafy vegetables. This patient must be suffering from:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

A doctor prescribed some medicines to a patient and also suggested him to eat jaggery, amla and more green leafy vegetables. This patient must be suffering from:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A doctor prescribed some medicines to a patient and also suggested him to eat jaggery, amla and more green leafy vegetables. This patient must be suffering from:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A doctor prescribed some medicines to a patient and also suggested him to eat jaggery, amla and more green leafy vegetables. This patient must be suffering from:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A doctor prescribed some medicines to a patient and also suggested him to eat jaggery, amla and more green leafy vegetables. This patient must be suffering from:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A doctor prescribed some medicines to a patient and also suggested him to eat jaggery, amla and more green leafy vegetables. This patient must be suffering from:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A doctor prescribed some medicines to a patient and also suggested him to eat jaggery, amla and more green leafy vegetables. This patient must be suffering from:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

If a doctor is prescribing some medicines to a patient and also suggesting him to eat jaggery, amla, and more green leafy vegetables. This patient must be suffering from anaemia. Anaemia is caused due to a deficiency of Iron. It is a condition in which blood lacks healthy red blood cells.Jaggery, Amla, Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, collard greens, dandelion greens, citrus fruits, whole grains, beans, etc. All these things are a good source of iron.
Hence, the correct answer is, 'Anaemia.'

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A student of class VIII is extremely upset over her inability to write on a prescribed topic. Her teacher advises that she may approach the assignment by breaking it into parts which are more familiar to her. Which of the following is the most appropriate with this method?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

A student of class VIII is extremely upset over her inability to write on a prescribed topic. Her teacher advises that she may approach the assignment by breaking it into parts which are more familiar to her. Which of the following is the most appropriate with this method?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

At the outset, write the topic that is familiar and then add material on how the topic is related to the assignment.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A student of class VIII is extremely upset over her inability to write on a prescribed topic. Her teacher advises that she may approach the assignment by breaking it into parts which are more familiar to her. Which of the following is the most appropriate with this method?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Prepare a directory of books, articles and websites about the topic.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A student of class VIII is extremely upset over her inability to write on a prescribed topic. Her teacher advises that she may approach the assignment by breaking it into parts which are more familiar to her. Which of the following is the most appropriate with this method?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Find two sources of information on the topic and find their common features.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A student of class VIII is extremely upset over her inability to write on a prescribed topic. Her teacher advises that she may approach the assignment by breaking it into parts which are more familiar to her. Which of the following is the most appropriate with this method?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Prepare a paper and read it to a friend to determine which parts need to be revised.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A student of class VIII is extremely upset over her inability to write on a prescribed topic. Her teacher advises that she may approach the assignment by breaking it into parts which are more familiar to her. Which of the following is the most appropriate with this method?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

A student of class VIII is extremely upset over her inability to write on a prescribed topic. Her teacher advises that she may approach the assignment by breaking it into parts which are more familiar to her. Which of the following is the most appropriate with this method?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The student is already upset over writing a term paper. But the three approaches mentioned involve writing on a paper first, which is exactly what the student is not able to do or is upset to do. Here, the student can read the paper first to find out information that is required by her and then write down as per the assignment.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Assertion (A): Social science textbooks based on NCF 2005 contains lots of graphics, pictures and cartoons.
Reasoning(R):Use of graphics, cartoons and pictures as learning resource brings visual relief and fun.

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Assertion (A): Social science textbooks based on NCF 2005 contains lots of graphics, pictures and cartoons.
Reasoning(R):Use of graphics, cartoons and pictures as learning resource brings visual relief and fun.

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Assertion (A): Social science textbooks based on NCF 2005 contains lots of graphics, pictures and cartoons.
Reasoning(R):Use of graphics, cartoons and pictures as learning resource brings visual relief and fun.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is NOT the correct explanation of (A).

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Assertion (A): Social science textbooks based on NCF 2005 contains lots of graphics, pictures and cartoons.
Reasoning(R):Use of graphics, cartoons and pictures as learning resource brings visual relief and fun.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

(A) is true but (R) is false.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Assertion (A): Social science textbooks based on NCF 2005 contains lots of graphics, pictures and cartoons.
Reasoning(R):Use of graphics, cartoons and pictures as learning resource brings visual relief and fun.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

(A) is false but (R) is true.

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Assertion (A): Social science textbooks based on NCF 2005 contains lots of graphics, pictures and cartoons.
Reasoning(R):Use of graphics, cartoons and pictures as learning resource brings visual relief and fun.

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Assertion (A): Social science textbooks based on NCF 2005 contains lots of graphics, pictures and cartoons.
Reasoning(R):Use of graphics, cartoons and pictures as learning resource brings visual relief and fun.

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Textbooks are considered to be the first and foremost tools of the teaching-learning process for both students and teachers. Text book acts as a guide for students and teachers to proceed through different chapters and lessons of the curriculum in a particular sequence which leads to the true construction of knowledge.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh is a

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh is a

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Palaeolithic site

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh is a

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Neolithic site

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh is a

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Megalithic site

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh is a

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Mesolithic site

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh is a

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh is a

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh is a Palaeolithic site.
The Bhimbetka rock shelters are an archaeological site of the Palaeolithic, exhibiting the earliest traces of human life on the Indian Subcontinent, and thus the beginning of the Indian Stone Age.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Article 19 of the Indian Constitution includes which of the following right?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Article 19 of the Indian Constitution includes which of the following right?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Right to Constitutional Remedies", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Article 19 of the Indian Constitution includes which of the following right?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Right against exploitation", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Article 19 of the Indian Constitution includes which of the following right?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Right to freedom of speech and expression", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Article 19 of the Indian Constitution includes which of the following right?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Right to freedom of Religion", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Article 19 of the Indian Constitution includes which of the following right?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "c", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Article 19 of the Indian Constitution includes which of the following right?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is theRight to freedom of speech and expression.

  • Article 19 of the Indian Constitution includes the Right to freedom of speech and expression.

Key Points

  • Article 19 deals with the six Fundamental Rights. They are:
    • Right to freedom of speech and expression.
    • Right to assemble peacefully and without arms.
    • Right to form association or unions or co-operatives.
    • Right to move freely throughout the territory of India.
    • Right to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India.
    • Right to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business.
  • Fundamental Rights:
    • The Fundamental Rights have been described in Articles 12-35, Part III of the Indian Constitution.
    • The Right to Property (Article 31) was deleted from the list of Fundamental Rights.
      • By the 44th Amendment Act, 1978, it is made a normal constitutional right under Act 300A in Part XII of the Constitution

Additional Information

  • Right to Constitutional Remedies is enumerated in Articles 32-35.
  • Right against exploitation is enumerated inArticles 23 and 24.
  • The right to freedom of Religionis enumerated inArticles 25-28.
  • Fundamental Rights that are available to citizens only and not to foreigners: Article 15,16, 19, 29 and 30.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Recently, India surpassed which country to become the fourth-largest equity market globally?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Recently, India surpassed which country to become the fourth-largest equity market globally?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Hong Kong

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Recently, India surpassed which country to become the fourth-largest equity market globally?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Recently, India surpassed which country to become the fourth-largest equity market globally?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Sri Lanka

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Recently, India surpassed which country to become the fourth-largest equity market globally?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Recently, India surpassed which country to become the fourth-largest equity market globally?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Recently, India surpassed which country to become the fourth-largest equity market globally?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

India recently overtook Hong Kong as the world’s fourth-largest equity market, boasting a total market value of $4.33 trillion, surpassing Hong Kong’s $4.29 trillion. The leading global stock markets are currently the U.S., China, and Japan. This milestone underscores India’s rising prominence in the global financial arena, propelled by a robust GDP, political stability, foreign investments, and its appeal as an alternative to China. Meanwhile, Hong Kong grapples with challenges like COVID-19 restrictions, regulatory crackdowns, a property crisis, and geopolitical tensions, affecting its attractiveness to investors.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Recently, which state government has decided to repeal the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Registration Act, 1935?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Recently, which state government has decided to repeal the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Registration Act, 1935?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Recently, which state government has decided to repeal the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Registration Act, 1935?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Recently, which state government has decided to repeal the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Registration Act, 1935?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Recently, which state government has decided to repeal the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Registration Act, 1935?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Uttar Pradesh

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Recently, which state government has decided to repeal the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Registration Act, 1935?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Recently, which state government has decided to repeal the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Registration Act, 1935?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The Assam government has repealed the Assam Muslim Marriage and Divorce Registration Act, 1935, as announced in a recent cabinet meeting in Guwahati. The Act, utilized by 94 Muslim registrars for marriage and divorce registrations, will no longer be valid. Assam Tourism Minister Jayanta Malla Baruah revealed the decision, stating that Muslim marriage and divorce registrations will no longer be conducted under this Act. The government will offer a one-time compensation of two lakh rupees to the affected Muslim Marriage Registrars for rehabilitation.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Where will the 27th World Investment Conference (WIC) be hosted by Invest India?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Where will the 27th World Investment Conference (WIC) be hosted by Invest India?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Where will the 27th World Investment Conference (WIC) be hosted by Invest India?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

New Delhi

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Where will the 27th World Investment Conference (WIC) be hosted by Invest India?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Where will the 27th World Investment Conference (WIC) be hosted by Invest India?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Where will the 27th World Investment Conference (WIC) be hosted by Invest India?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Where will the 27th World Investment Conference (WIC) be hosted by Invest India?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Invest India will host the 27th World Investment Conference (WIC) in New Delhi from December 11-14, 2023, providing a platform for global collaboration and discussions on shaping the future of investments.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When is the International Day of Zero Waste celebrated?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

When is the International Day of Zero Waste celebrated?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

March 30

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When is the International Day of Zero Waste celebrated?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

December 14

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When is the International Day of Zero Waste celebrated?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

March 29

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When is the International Day of Zero Waste celebrated?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

November 11

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When is the International Day of Zero Waste celebrated?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When is the International Day of Zero Waste celebrated?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The International Day of Zero Waste is celebrated every year on March 30th, as established by a resolution passed by the United Nations General Assembly on December 14, 2022. This day is significant for raising awareness about reducing waste and promoting zero-waste initiatives to achieve sustainable development goals.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The highest production and largest reserves of manganese ore lies in the state" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "The highest production and largest reserves of manganese ore lies in the state","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Bihar", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The highest production and largest reserves of manganese ore lies in the state" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Odisha", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The highest production and largest reserves of manganese ore lies in the state" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Karnataka", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The highest production and largest reserves of manganese ore lies in the state" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Rajasthan", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The highest production and largest reserves of manganese ore lies in the state" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The highest production and largest reserves of manganese ore lies in the state" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is Odisha.

Key Points

  • India is the world's fifth-largest producer of manganese after China, Gabon, South Africa, and Australia.
  • Manganese is not found as a free element in nature. It is usually found in combination with iron.
  • The most important manganese ore is pyrolusite.
  • Manganese is primarily used in the iron and steel industry.
  • It is the essential raw material for manufacturing steel alloys.
  • 6 kilograms of manganese ore is required for manufacturing one tonne of steel.
  • State-wise reserves of Manganese:
    • Odisha (44%),
    • Karnataka (22%),
    • Madhya Pradesh (13%), etc.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following countries has the world's tallest nuclear facility, built by Rosatom?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Which of the following countries has the world's tallest nuclear facility, built by Rosatom?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following countries has the world's tallest nuclear facility, built by Rosatom?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following countries has the world's tallest nuclear facility, built by Rosatom?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following countries has the world's tallest nuclear facility, built by Rosatom?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following countries has the world's tallest nuclear facility, built by Rosatom?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following countries has the world's tallest nuclear facility, built by Rosatom?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Russia's nuclear energy corporation Rosatom has set a record by installing a research reactor pressure vessel in Mountain Meteor at an altitude of about 4,000 meters above sea level in El Alto, Bolivia.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Mansoon arrives in India approximately in:

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Mansoon arrives in India approximately in:

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Early May

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Mansoon arrives in India approximately in:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Early June

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Mansoon arrives in India approximately in:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Early July

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Mansoon arrives in India approximately in:

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Early August

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Mansoon arrives in India approximately in:

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Mansoon arrives in India approximately in:

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Key Points

Monsoon in India:

  • The southwest monsoon sets in over the Kerala coast by 1st June and moves swiftly to reach Mumbai and Kolkata between 10th and 13th June.
  • By mid-July, southwest monsoon engulfs the entire subcontinent
  • During April and May when the sun shines vertically over the Tropic of Cancer, the large landmass in the north of the Indian ocean gets intensely heated.
  • This causes the formation of intense low pressure in the northwestern part of the subcontinent.
  • Since the pressure in the Indian Ocean in the south of the landmass is high as the water gets heated slowly,the low-pressure cell attracts the southeast trades across the Equator.
  • These conditions help in the northward shift in the position of the ITCZ.
  • The southwest monsoon may thus, be seen as a continuation of the southeast trades deflected towards the Indian subcontinent after crossing the Equator.
  • These winds cross the Equator between 40°E and 60°E longitudes.
  • The shift in the position of the ITCZ is also related to the phenomenon of the withdrawal of the westerly jet stream from its position over the north Indian plain, south of the Himalayas.
  • The easterly jet stream sets in along 15°N latitude only after the western jet stream has withdrawn itself from the region.
  • This easterly jet stream is held responsible for the burst of the monsoon in India.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (82)

Hence, theMansoon arrives in India approximately in early June.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

‘Quota of special drawing rights (SDR)’, which is seen in the news, is associated with which institution?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

‘Quota of special drawing rights (SDR)’, which is seen in the news, is associated with which institution?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

International Monetary Fund

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

‘Quota of special drawing rights (SDR)’, which is seen in the news, is associated with which institution?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Reserve Bank of India

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

‘Quota of special drawing rights (SDR)’, which is seen in the news, is associated with which institution?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

US Federal Reserve

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

‘Quota of special drawing rights (SDR)’, which is seen in the news, is associated with which institution?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Bureau of International Settlements

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

‘Quota of special drawing rights (SDR)’, which is seen in the news, is associated with which institution?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

‘Quota of special drawing rights (SDR)’, which is seen in the news, is associated with which institution?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The executive board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved a proposal to make a 50 per cent increase in the quota allocated to members in proportion to their current quotas. The proposal will now be considered and made effective by the board of governors as part of concluding the 16th general review of quotas.
Currently, India has a quota of special drawing rights (SDR) 13,114.4 million which denotes a share of 2.75 per cent, making it the eighth-largest quota-holding country in the IMF.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "In which yearMahatma Gandhi established the Natal Congress to fight against racial discrimination?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "In which yearMahatma Gandhi established the Natal Congress to fight against racial discrimination?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "1885", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "In which yearMahatma Gandhi established the Natal Congress to fight against racial discrimination?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "1895", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "In which yearMahatma Gandhi established the Natal Congress to fight against racial discrimination?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "1905", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "In which yearMahatma Gandhi established the Natal Congress to fight against racial discrimination?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "1915", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "In which yearMahatma Gandhi established the Natal Congress to fight against racial discrimination?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "In which yearMahatma Gandhi established the Natal Congress to fight against racial discrimination?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is1895.

Key Points

  • The Natal Indian Congress was an organization that aimed to fight discrimination against Indians in South Africa.
  • The Natal Indian Congress was founded by Mahatma Gandhialong with other Indians in 1895.
  • Gandhi was the Honorary Secretaryand Abdoola Hajee Adam Jhaveri (Dada Abdulla) was elected president.
  • The Natal Congress in its early stages focused on providing equality to all races and people of all castes, genders, and Creeds.
  • From the 1920s the organization functioned under the umbrella organization, the SAIC (South African Indian Congress).
  • However, in the 1930s-1940s, the NIC experienced more radical leadership when Dr. G.M. Naicker emerged on the scene

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When is the International Day of Nowruz celebrated annually?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

When is the International Day of Nowruz celebrated annually?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

March 15

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When is the International Day of Nowruz celebrated annually?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

March 21

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When is the International Day of Nowruz celebrated annually?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

April 1

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When is the International Day of Nowruz celebrated annually?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

May 10

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When is the International Day of Nowruz celebrated annually?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

When is the International Day of Nowruz celebrated annually?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The International Day of Nowruz is celebrated annually on March 21, marking the first day of spring and symbolizing renewal and cultural diversity. Recognized by UNESCO, Nowruz promotes values of peace, solidarity, reconciliation, and cultural heritage among communities globally.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In which Indian region were the first lithium deposits discovered with estimated reserves of 5.9 million tonnes?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

In which Indian region were the first lithium deposits discovered with estimated reserves of 5.9 million tonnes?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In which Indian region were the first lithium deposits discovered with estimated reserves of 5.9 million tonnes?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Jammu and Kashmir

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In which Indian region were the first lithium deposits discovered with estimated reserves of 5.9 million tonnes?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "


", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In which Indian region were the first lithium deposits discovered with estimated reserves of 5.9 million tonnes?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

5.9 million tonnes?1. Punjab2. Jammu and Kashmir3. Rajasthan

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In which Indian region were the first lithium deposits discovered with estimated reserves of 5.9 million tonnes?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "b", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

In which Indian region were the first lithium deposits discovered with estimated reserves of 5.9 million tonnes?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The groundbreaking discovery of India's first lithium deposits, estimated at 5.9 million tonnes, was made in Jammu and Kashmir in February. Subsequent modifications to mining rules in July allowed private miners to explore these critical minerals, and reports indicate that the region will auction its lithium reserves in the coming months.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Recently, the naval forces of which three countries launched a joint exercise near the Gulf of Oman?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Recently, the naval forces of which three countries launched a joint exercise near the Gulf of Oman?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

China, Iran, and Russia

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Recently, the naval forces of which three countries launched a joint exercise near the Gulf of Oman?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

India, USA and China

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Recently, the naval forces of which three countries launched a joint exercise near the Gulf of Oman?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Bangladesh, Myanmar and Bhutan

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Recently, the naval forces of which three countries launched a joint exercise near the Gulf of Oman?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "

Australia, Maldives and Russia

", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Recently, the naval forces of which three countries launched a joint exercise near the Gulf of Oman?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Recently, the naval forces of which three countries launched a joint exercise near the Gulf of Oman?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The naval forces of China, Iran, and Russia recently launched a joint exercise called the “Maritime Security Belt-2024” near the Gulf of Oman. The exercise, which began on March 11 and lasted until 15, is the fifth common military exercise between the three countries in recent years. The exercise aims to safeguard regional maritime security and strengthen maritime cooperation. The exercise is organized in three phases: harbor, sea, and summarize. The exercise focuses on anti-piracy and search and rescue training courses, and includes the participation of Russian warships and aviation.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The First World War was concluded by the" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "The First World War was concluded by the","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Treaty of Versailles", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The First World War was concluded by the" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Treaty of Berlin", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The First World War was concluded by the" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Treaty of Paris", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The First World War was concluded by the" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Treaty of Tashkent", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The First World War was concluded by the" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "a", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "The First World War was concluded by the" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Treaty of Versailles

  • On June 28, 1919, the Treaty of Versailles was signed at the Palace of Versailles outside Paris, France. The treaty was one of several that officially ended five years of conflict known as the Great War—World War I.
  • The Treaty of Versailles outlined the conditions of peace between Germany and the victorious Allies, led by the United States, France, and the United Kingdom. Other Central Powers (significantly, Austria-Hungary) signed different treaties with the Allies.
  • The Treaty of Versailles is one of the most controversial armistice treaties in history. The treaty’s so-called “war guilt” clause forced Germany and other Central Powers to take all the blame for World War I. This meant a loss of territories, reduction in military forces, and reparation payments to Allied powers.
  • The Treaty of Versailles held Germany responsible for starting the war and imposed harsh penalties in terms of loss of territory, massive reparations payments and demilitarization. Far from the “peace without victory” that U.S. President Woodrow Wilson had outlined in his famous Fourteen Points in early 1918, the Treaty of Versailles humiliated Germany while failing to resolve the underlying issues that had led to war in the first place.

  • Economic distress and resentment of the treaty within Germany helped fuel the ultra-nationalist sentiment that led to the rise of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party, as well as the coming of World War II just two decades later.

Key Points

The Fourteen Points

  1. Diplomacy should be public, with no secret treaties.
  2. All nations should enjoy free navigation of the seas.
  3. Free trade should exist among all nations, putting an end to economic barriers between countries.
  4. All countries should reduce arms in the name of public safety.
  5. Fair and impartial rulings in colonial claims.
  6. Restore Russian territories and freedom.
  7. Belgium should be restored to independence.
  8. Alsace-Lorraine should be returned to France and France should be fully liberated.
  9. Italy’s frontiers should be drawn along clearly recognizable lines of nationality.
  10. People living in Austria-Hungary should be granted self-determination.
  11. The Balkan states should also be guaranteed self-determination and independence.
  12. Turks and those under Turkish rule should be granted self-determination.
  13. An independent Poland should be created.
  14. A general association of nations must be formed to mediate international disputes.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

​Which Viceroy supported the selection of Shimla as the summer capital of British India in these words-'It is the only place in India where a Viceroy can keep himself free from office workload'.

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

​Which Viceroy supported the selection of Shimla as the summer capital of British India in these words-'It is the only place in India where a Viceroy can keep himself free from office workload'.

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Lord Curzon", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

​Which Viceroy supported the selection of Shimla as the summer capital of British India in these words-'It is the only place in India where a Viceroy can keep himself free from office workload'.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Lord Minto", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

​Which Viceroy supported the selection of Shimla as the summer capital of British India in these words-'It is the only place in India where a Viceroy can keep himself free from office workload'.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Lord Reading", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

​Which Viceroy supported the selection of Shimla as the summer capital of British India in these words-'It is the only place in India where a Viceroy can keep himself free from office workload'.

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Lord Chelmsford", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

​Which Viceroy supported the selection of Shimla as the summer capital of British India in these words-'It is the only place in India where a Viceroy can keep himself free from office workload'.

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "A", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

​Which Viceroy supported the selection of Shimla as the summer capital of British India in these words-'It is the only place in India where a Viceroy can keep himself free from office workload'.

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is Lord Curzon.

Key Points

  • Lord Curzon
    • On January 6, 1899, Lord Curzon was appointed the new Governor-General and Viceroy of India.
    • He was the youngest Viceroy of India.
    • This was a time when British unpopularity was increasing due to the impact of recurring famine and the plague.
    • Lord Curzon supported the selection of Shimla as the summer capital of British India in these words-'It is the only place in India where a Viceroy can keep himself free from office workload'.Hence, Option 1 is correct.
    • Curzon did little to change the opinion of the educated Indian class. Instead of engaging with the nationalist intelligentsia, he implemented a series of repressive measures.
    • For instance, he reduced the number of elected Indian representatives in the Calcutta Corporation (1899).
    • The University Act of 1904 brought Calcutta University under the direct control of the government.
    • The Official Secrets Act (1904) was amended to curb the nationalist tone of Indian newspapers.
    • Few Significant Events like the appointment of the Police Commission (1902) under Sir Andrew Frazer to review police administration, Ancient Monuments Preservation Act (1904), Younghusband’s Mission to Tibet (1904), Establishment of Department of Commerce and Industry, etc. took place under Lord Curzon’s Rule.
    • Finally, Curzon ordered the partition of Bengal in 1905. The partition led to widespread protest all across India, starting a new phase of the Indian national movement.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Thangka Painting Presently belonging to the Indian States of Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh region and Arunachal Pradesh, Thangka were originally used as a medium of reverence that evoked the highest ideals of which of the following?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Thangka Painting Presently belonging to the Indian States of Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh region and Arunachal Pradesh, Thangka were originally used as a medium of reverence that evoked the highest ideals of which of the following?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Jainism", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Thangka Painting Presently belonging to the Indian States of Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh region and Arunachal Pradesh, Thangka were originally used as a medium of reverence that evoked the highest ideals of which of the following?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Buddhism.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Thangka Painting Presently belonging to the Indian States of Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh region and Arunachal Pradesh, Thangka were originally used as a medium of reverence that evoked the highest ideals of which of the following?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Shaivism", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Thangka Painting Presently belonging to the Indian States of Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh region and Arunachal Pradesh, Thangka were originally used as a medium of reverence that evoked the highest ideals of which of the following?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "None of the above ", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Thangka Painting Presently belonging to the Indian States of Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh region and Arunachal Pradesh, Thangka were originally used as a medium of reverence that evoked the highest ideals of which of the following?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "B", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Thangka Painting Presently belonging to the Indian States of Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh region and Arunachal Pradesh, Thangka were originally used as a medium of reverence that evoked the highest ideals of which of the following?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is Buddhism.

Key Points

  • ​Thangka Painting:
    • Presently belonging to the Indian States of Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh region and Arunachal Pradesh, Thangka was originally used as a medium of reverence that evoked the highest ideals of Buddhism.
    • Traditionally made by Buddhist monks and particular ethnic groups, the skill of these paintings has been passed from one generation to the other.
    • It has now spread to a greater number of people and to an extent been commercialised.
    • The earnings from the paintings are used not only to keep the art form alive and sustain the artist but also to help the monasteries.
    • Thangkas are painted on a base of cotton canvas (white background) with paints made from natural vegetable dyes or mineral dyes.
    • The colours used in the paintings have their own significance.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following statement is/are correct regarding Himachal Pradesh?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Which of the following statement is/are correct regarding Himachal Pradesh?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Himachal Pradesh is the state of India which is in the extreme northern part of the subcontinent.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following statement is/are correct regarding Himachal Pradesh?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "It is bounded by Jammu and Kashmir union territory to the northwest.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following statement is/are correct regarding Himachal Pradesh?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Himachal Pradesh became a state of India on January 25, 1971.", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following statement is/are correct regarding Himachal Pradesh?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "All of the above ", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following statement is/are correct regarding Himachal Pradesh?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "D", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following statement is/are correct regarding Himachal Pradesh?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is All of the above.

Key Points

  • Himachal Pradesh:
    • Himachal Pradesh, the state of India, is in the extreme northern part of the Asian subcontinent. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
    • It is bounded by Jammu and Kashmir union territory to the northwest.
    • Ladakh union territory to the northeast, by the Tibet Autonomous Region of China to the east, and by the states of Uttarakhand to the southeast, Haryana to the south, and Punjab to the west. Hence, statement 2 is correct.
    • Himachal Pradesh occupies a region of scenic splendour in the western Himalayas, offering a multitextured display of lofty snow-clad mountains, deep gorges, thickly forested valleys, large lakes, terraced fields, and cascading streams.
    • Indeed, the name of the state is a reference to its setting: Himachal means “snowy slopes” and Pradesh means “state.”
    • The city of Shimla was the summer headquarters of pre-independence British viceroys; it is now the state capital and, at an elevation of about 7,100 feet (2,200 metres), one of the largest and most popular mountain resorts in the country.
    • Formerly a union territory, Himachal Pradesh became a state of India on January 25, 1971. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
    • Area 21,495 square miles (55,673 square km). Pop. (2011) 6,856,509.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following has launched the Report titled Governance for Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem (G-SHE)?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

Which of the following has launched the Report titled Governance for Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem (G-SHE)?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "NITI Ayog", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following has launched the Report titled Governance for Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem (G-SHE)?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Hiamchal Pradesh State centre for climate change", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following has launched the Report titled Governance for Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem (G-SHE)?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Ministry of Environment & Forests, climate change (MoEFCC)", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following has launched the Report titled Governance for Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem (G-SHE)?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "International Pannel of climate change", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following has launched the Report titled Governance for Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem (G-SHE)?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "C", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

Which of the following has launched the Report titled Governance for Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem (G-SHE)?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is Ministry of Environment & Forests, climate change (MoEFCC).

Key PointsMajor initiatives of Ministry of Environment & Forests, climate change (MoEFCC):

  • Announced India's intent to reduce the emissions intensity of its GDP by 20-25% between 2005 and 2020, thus making a major contribution to mitigating climate change.
  • Hosted Delhi High-level Conference on Climate Change: 'Technology Development and Transfer', that adopted the 'Delhi Declaration', which became a key input to the international climate negotiations.
  • Released India’s GHG Emission profile - a summary of 5 independent studies which show that India will remain a low emission economy even in the year 2030.
  • Launched the Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment (INCCA) in October 2009, like a network-based programme to make science, particularly the '3 Ms'-Measuring, Modelling and Monitoring-the essence of our policymaking in the climate change space. It brings together over 120 scientists from across the country.
  • Launched the Report titled Governance for Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem (G-SHE): Guidelines and Best Practices putting together key guidelines related to the governance and management of the Himalayan ecosystem along with case studies.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

More than 80% of the Himachal Pradesh population depend directly upon which of the following sector?

" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "

More than 80% of the Himachal Pradesh population depend directly upon which of the following sector?

","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Tourism Sector", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

More than 80% of the Himachal Pradesh population depend directly upon which of the following sector?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Industrial Sector", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

More than 80% of the Himachal Pradesh population depend directly upon which of the following sector?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Agriculture Sector", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

More than 80% of the Himachal Pradesh population depend directly upon which of the following sector?

" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Service Sector", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

More than 80% of the Himachal Pradesh population depend directly upon which of the following sector?

" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "C", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

More than 80% of the Himachal Pradesh population depend directly upon which of the following sector?

" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is Agriculture ​Sector.

Key Points

  • Agriculture Sector in Himachal Pradesh:
    • Agriculture contributes nearly about 45% to the net state domestic product.
    • It is the main source of income as well Himachal Pradesh is known as Apple state or the apple capital of India Theog Rohru Kinnaur Kullu is leading supplies of the major crop grown in Himachal Pradesh as employment in Himachal.
    • About 93% of the state population depend directly upon agriculture.
    • The main cereals grown in the state are wheat, maize, rice and barley and apples.
    • Kangra, Mandi and Paonta valley of Sirmaur district (to some extent) are the major producers of the first three kinds of cereal, while barley is mostly cultivated in Shimla.
    • Fruit cultivation has also proved to be an economic boon to the state. There are huge tracts of land suitable only for growing fruits.

." }}},{"@type": "Question","typicalAgeRange": "4-35","educationalLevel": "intermediate","eduQuestionType": "Multiple choice","learningResourceType": "Practice problem","name": "Recollect the concept of HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 to solve the ques", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) has decided to set up a grain-based ethanol plant in which of the following district of Himachal Pradesh?" },"encodingFormat": "text/html","text": "Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) has decided to set up a grain-based ethanol plant in which of the following district of Himachal Pradesh?","suggestedAnswer": [{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Kangra", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) has decided to set up a grain-based ethanol plant in which of the following district of Himachal Pradesh?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 1, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Una", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) has decided to set up a grain-based ethanol plant in which of the following district of Himachal Pradesh?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 2, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Hamirpur", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) has decided to set up a grain-based ethanol plant in which of the following district of Himachal Pradesh?" }},{ "@type": "Answer", "position": 3, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "Bilaspur", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) has decided to set up a grain-based ethanol plant in which of the following district of Himachal Pradesh?" }}],"acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "position": 0, "encodingFormat": "text/html", "text": "B", "comment": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) has decided to set up a grain-based ethanol plant in which of the following district of Himachal Pradesh?" }, "answerExplanation": { "@type": "Comment", "text": "

The correct answer is Una.

Key Points

  • Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) has decided to set up a grain-based ethanol plant in the Una district with a capacity of 125 KL per day.
  • The Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister, Jai Ram Thakur on 19 June 2021 announced that the state government would provide about 70 acres of land for setting up this plant and rail-fed POL terminal of higher capacity.
  • Major raw materials for producing ethanol like rice and maize would be procured from Kangra, Hamirpur, Bilaspur, and the Una districts of Himachal Pradesh.
  • Raw materials would also be procured from Hoshiarpur and Rupnagar districts of Punjab.
  • The plant would be set up at a cost of Rs. 400 crore and would provide direct and indirect employment to about 300 persons.

Important Points

  • The ethanol plant produces ethanol from grains for mixing the same in petrol and diesel which in turn will help in reducing pollution due to vehicular emissions in the State.

." }}}] }]

HP TET Exam>HP TET Tests>HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - HP TET MCQ

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150 Questions MCQ Test - HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 1


Which of the following practices of the teachers show that they respect the Rights of the Child?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 1

Ateacheris generally the one who represents theideal behaviour,moral, values, and possessgood knowledge of the subject matter,child development, and their psychology.

  • He must be aware of the teaching methodologies, pedagogy, and the process of child development as he needs to deals with the children who possess different levels of skill sets.

Key Points

  • The main work of a teacher is to do teachingto represent the content in a holistic manner to help the learner acquire new knowledge and skills.
  • The teacher needs to address the needs and requirements of the students as teaching is done to improve their behaviour, bring the desired changes among them, and the whole teaching-learning process revolves around them.
  • A teacher should not ignore the goals, interests, needs, and desires of his students in a teaching-learning process.
  • This approach in teaching is known as the learner-centred approach.
  • Discouraging the students, asking the low achievers to leave the school, rigid examination schedule, and advising the special children to go to the special schools, etc. All of this means that the teacher is not giving importance to the needs of the students.
  • Low achievers can be turned into high achievers by using proper teaching techniques and practice.
  • The examination schedule should be kept by keeping in mind the requirements of the students such as if a student wants to re-appear in any exam to improve his score or grades, he must be given a chance by removing the rigidity of examinations.
  • Also, the special children must be taught in normal schools with normal children so that they will not feel left out of society and can gain confidence and learns better in a natural environment setting.

So, it is concluded that the learner-centred approach shows us that the teacher respects the rights of the children.

Additional Information
Apart from teaching, the teacher has to play various roles while teaching, some of them are described below:

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 2


While making a lesson plan, Mrs Sharma should always decide upon:
a. The needs of learners
b. Evaluation process
c. Personal interaction with learners

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 2

Lesson planning should be based on both, the needs of the learners and the process for evaluation to be followed. The content should be presented in such a way that it fulfils the student's academic needs. The process of the evaluation must be decided beforehand, so that the teacher understands how much learning has taken place. Different kinds of evaluation processes could be used, depending upon the learning objectives.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 3


A teacher finds that a particular class after giving several warnings behaves in an undisciplined manner. What method should he apply to maintain the discipline of the class?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 3

In case a teacher notices any activity that causes indiscipline in the class, he should immediately find out the cause of that activity and try to handle the issue with resourcefulness. By identifying the students creating nuisance, the teacher can counsel them, and eliminate their concerns.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 4


Development follows a pattern of development peculiar to it".This statement is related to which principle of development?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 4

Human development involves change. This change occurs at various stages of development and the development pattern at each stage has predictable characteristics. You might have observed that development is a product of maturity and learning. Maturity is more or less automatic, unfolding biological potential. It is an irreversible sequence and entails biological changes. Such changes are relatively independent of environmental factors as long as environmental factors remain normal.

Key Points

Principles of development

  • Principle of Sequentiality:Sequentiality Most psychologists agree thatdevelopment is sequential or orderly. Every species, whether animal or human, follows a patternof development peculiar to it. This pattern in general is the same for all individuals.
  • In prenatal development, there is a genetic sequence, that appears at fixed intervals with certain characteristics.
  • Social and behavioral scientists increasingly have come to see development as a relationship between an organism and the environmentin a transaction or collaboration. Individuals work with and affect their environment, and in turn, the environment works with and affects them.


  • Principle of Continuity: Development is a continuous process from conception to death. In the early years of life, the development consists of changes that lead the child to maturity not only in body size and functioning but also in behavior.
  • Principle ofGenerality to Specificity: Development proceeds from general to specific. In all areas of development, general activity always precedes specific activity.
  • Principle ofDlfferentiality:The tempo of development is not even. Individuals differ in the rate of growth and development. Boys and girls have different development rates. Each part of the body has its own particular rate of growth.

Hence, we can conclude that"Development follows a pattern of development peculiar to it".This statement is related to the Sequentiality principle of development.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 5


Which of the following is/are not the characteristics of an adult learner?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 5

Adults are characterized by maturity, self-confidence, autonomy, solid decision-making, and are generally more practical, multi-tasking, purposeful, self-directed, experienced, and less open-minded and receptive to change. All these traits affect their motivation, as well as their ability to learn.

Adult Learner's Traits:

Problemand results-oriented:

  • Adult learners are usually practical, resent theory, need information that can be immediately applicable to their problems or professional needs, and generally prefer practical knowledge that will improve their skills, facilitate their work and boost their confidence.
  • This is why it’s important to create a course that will cover their individual needs and have more utilitarian content.


  • Adults feel the need to take responsibility for their lives and decisions and this is why it’s important for them to have control over their learning.
  • Therefore, self-assessment, a peer relationship with the instructor, multiple options and initial, yet subtle support are all imperative.

Less open-minded:

  • And therefore more resistant to change.
  • Maturity and profound life experiences usually lead to rigidity, which is the enemy of learning.
  • Thus, instructional designers need to provide the “why” behind the change, new concepts that can be linked to already established ones, and promote the need to explore.

Slower learning, yet more integrative knowledge:

  • Aging does affect learning.
  • Adults tend to learn less rapidly with age.
  • However, the depth of learning tends to increase over time, navigating knowledge and skills to unprecedented personal levels.


  • Learning in adulthood is usually voluntary.
  • Thus, it’s a personal choice to attend school, in order to improve job skills and achieve professional growth.
  • This motivation is the driving force behind learning and this is why it’s crucial to tap into a learner’s intrinsic impetus with the right thought-provoking material that will question conventional wisdom and stimulate his mind.

High expectations:

  • Adult learners have high expectations.
  • They want to be taught about things that will be useful to their work, expect to have immediate results, seek a course that will worth their while, and not be a waste of their time or money.
  • This is why it’s important to create a course that will maximize their advantages, meet their individual needs, and address all the learning challenges.
  • Young Learnersare mostly Future-Oriented as they are more worried and conscious about how their course decisions will impact their career in the future.

Thus, being future-orientedisnot the characteristics of adult learner.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 6


A teacher needs to ensure that all the learners in her class feel accepted and valued. To do this, the teacher should

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 6

A teacher needs to ensure that all the learners in her class feel accepted and valued. To do this, the teacher should get to know the social and cultural backgrounds of her students, and encourage diverse opinions in the class. The teachers must encourage students to research and share information about their ethnic background as a means of fostering a trusting relationship with fellow classmates. She should analyze and celebrate differences in traditions, beliefs, and social behaviors. This makes students realize that their beliefs and traditions constitute a culture as well, which is a necessary breakthrough in the development of a truly culturally responsive classroom.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 7


Which assessments are in-process evaluations of student learning that are typically administered multiple times during a unit, course, or academic program?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 7

Assessment is a process of gaining information about the learning of a student and making value judgments on their learning progress. It includes a qualitative and quantitative description of the learning process of students.

Key Points

  • The purpose of Formative Assessment is to know the progress of students and teachers during the instructional process.
  • It helps teachers and students monitor their progress in the teaching-learning process.
  • Any type of strategies and techniques like asking questions, unit tests, classtests, observations, filling work-sheet, etc. can be used for formative assessment by a teacher.
  • Continuous feedback on students’ performance will help them encourage or strengthen their learning process and remove or correct their misconceptions.
  • It is equally important in their success and failure.
  • Based on the assessment a teacher can modify or change their instructional strategy that enhances the performance of the students.
  • Since formative assessments are for improving the teaching-learning process, the results usually are not included in the final grade.

Thus, it is concluded that formative assessmentsare in-process evaluations of student learning that are typically administered multiple times during a unit, course, or academic program.

Additional Information

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 8


Which of the following sentences is true about learning?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 8

Learning is effective in an environment that is emotionally positive and satisfying to learners. Any learner who is emotionally unstable may not be able to learn anything. The teacher must make the environment conducive for students to study and learn efficiently.
Errors made by the students do not indicate that no learning has taken place. Instead, they are the windows through which a teacher can understand the thought process of the students.
Learning is affected by emotional factors at any stage. Emotions change over time as the child matures, and in response to changing environmental interactions. The kind of learning that takes place at different emotional levels also differs.
Learning involves physical, social and emotional activity also.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 9


As per the rules, SMC is responsible to prepare a school development Plan that comprises sub-plans of ________?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 9

The main function of SMC is to prepare School Development Plan (SDP) as per the RTE Act guidelines/ norms under Section 22to monitor the utilization of government grants and funds along with the whole school environment.

Key Points

  • The main aim of preparing the School Development Plan is to identify and review the strength and weaknesses of the school.
  • Each school development plan is prepared to keep in view thetargets for the next 2 years based on a consultative process.
  • As per the rules, SMC is responsible to prepare a school development Plan that comprises sub-plans of 3 years.
  • The School Development Plan isprepared at least three months before the end of the financial year.

Hence we can say that the SMCis responsible to prepare a school development Plan that comprises sub-plans of 3 years.

Additional InformationThe School development plan includes -

  • Estimation of class-wise enrolment for each year.
  • As per the estimated enrolment of students, the required number of additional teachers (subject and grade wise) including part-time teachers.
  • Estimation of additional infrastructure and equipment.
  • Additional financial requirements.
  • Required additional support and training for teachers and students.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 10


Which among the following statements is correct?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 10

Teaching profession is a 'mission', rather than a job. A teacher may not find the affirmation of his/her career choice in salary, administrators or even the students whom he/she teaches, but he/she must believe in the uncanny ability of a good teacher to positively impact the future and to leave lasting, indelible marks on those who will one day be the leaders in all facets of society. It is this power in the hands of a teacher that translates to big responsibility. A teacher who realises these things is on a mission to empower, enable and to make a positive difference.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 11


Which one of the following statements is correct with respect to the various roles of a teacher?
I. Teacher acts as a school-community bridge.
II. The teacher also acts as the head of administration in his district.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 11

Teaching is viewed as a comprehensive process, and there has been a tremendous change in the way of understanding teaching and a teacher's roles.It includes all the activities organized by a teacher to bring about learning, be it inside or outside a classroom, with or without the presence of the teacher.

Key Points
Teacher has to play diverse roles like a planner, facilitator, co-creator of knowledge, leader in the classroom and outside the classroom, manager, and counselor.

Role of the teacher:

  • The teacheracts as a School-community bridge. School is a subsystem of the community in which it is located. It cannot be isolated from the community.
  • The school will depend on the community for its resources and the community will be benefited from the school for its development and vibrancy.
  • The teacher also acts as an agent of Social Change. This is the role that begins from school to the community and society at large.
  • The teacher is the agent who translates these social goals into the classrooms of India and prepares the next generation for the vision of the nation.
  • Teacher a leader who guides the class, school, and community as well. He/she should have leadership skills to lead the way toward development.
  • The teacher is a producer of Knowledge when he does research at the school level in the form of action research and the particular problem when solved leads to the introduction of new methods.

Thus, it is concluded that the teacher acts as a school-community bridgeis correct with respect to the various roles of a teacher.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 12


Which teaching method helps the students learn association, activity and co-operation?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 12

Project Based Learning can simply be stated as a learning by doing exercise. In this teaching method the students investigate the problem or challenge is given to them, for an extended period. This enables the students to get actively involved to explore, research and gain deep knowledge regarding the topic/ question/ challenge. The active participation of the students also helps them to learn the skills of association and cooperation.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 13


Which committee has conceived work education as purposive and meaningful manual work that results in goods or services which are useful to society?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 13

Work Education is a type of education that includes manual labor as a means of impartingknowledge and skills to students.

  • In India, the concept of work education was introduced in the education system after independence.

Key Points

  • The National Policy on Education was first formulated in 1968 and revised in 1986 and 1992.The policy aims to provide quality education to all sections of society and improve the educational system in India.
  • National Policy on Education conceived work education as purposive and meaningful manual work that results in goods or services which are useful to society.
  • Work education is an integral part of the policy as it is believed that it helps in the overall development of the students.
  • The policy states that work education should be introduced at the secondary stage of education and should be made compulsory for all students.
  • The aim of work education is not just to impart knowledge and skills but also to develop a sense of responsibility, self-reliance, and self-confidence among students.
  • It is believed that work education helps in the holistic development of students and prepares them for the challenges of the real world.

Hence,National Policy on Educationconceived work education as purposive and meaningful manual work that results in goods or services which are useful to society.

Additional Information

  • The Bhore Committee was a health survey and development committee established by the Government of India in 1943.
  • The Kothari Commission, also known as the Education Commission, was established by the Government of India in 1964 to evaluate the state of education in the country and make recommendations for its improvement.
  • The National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005 was formulated by NCERTto provide guidelines for school education in India.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 14


In a multi-age classroom (having students of varying ages), teachers are encouraged to

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 14

Teachers in multi-age classrooms are encouraged to use a range of teaching and assessment strategies to address the different ages of their students, implement flexible patterns of grouping, accommodate specific learning goals, engage all students in active participation, and promote a climate of respect for oneself and others.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 15


A ______ is a multi-purpose scoring guide for assessing student products and performances.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 15

Rubrics can be simple, with a few criteria, or complex, with several criteria adding up to a score. Rubrics can be holistic (simplistic) or analytic (detailed). It can be general or task-specific. In other words, rubrics are usually categorized based on two different aspects – assessment criteria and performance tasks.

Key Points

  • A rubric is a multi-purpose scoring guide for assessing student products and performances.
  • Rubrics help improve teaching, contribute to sound assessment, and serve as a source of information for program improvement.
  • A rubric for assessment, usually in the form of a matrix or grid, is a tool used to interpret and grade students’ work against criteria and standards.
  • A rubric makes explicit a range of assessment criteria and expected performance standards.
  • Rubrics are sometimes called “criteria sheets”, “grading schemes”, or “scoring guides”.
  • Rubrics serve as a guide to both students and teachers.
  • For students, for example, it serves as a guide for self-assessment of their performance and also knowing what to expect on how a teacher will be grading their assignment.
  • It also guides them to complete their assignments.
  • On the other hand, teachers can use it to assess student’s work in an assignment or in a course and ensure objectivity in their grading.

Thus, it is concluded that the rubricis a multi-purpose scoring guide for assessing student products and performances.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 16


While making a lesson plan, Mrs Sharma should always decide upon:
a. The needs of learners
b. Evaluation process
c. Personal interaction with learners

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 16

Lesson planning should be based on both, the needs of the learners and the process for evaluation to be followed. The content should be presented in such a way that it fulfils the student's academic needs. The process of the evaluation must be decided beforehand, so that the teacher understands how much learning has taken place. Different kinds of evaluation processes could be used, depending upon the learning objectives.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 17


It is said that a teacher is a friend, philosopher and guide because

  1. a teacher imparts high values to pupils
  2. a teacher spends a lot of time with the students
  3. a teacher is a reformer

Choose from the options given below:

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 17

It is said that a teacher is a friend, philosopher and guide because a teacher plays all these vital roles in respect of pupils. It is based on the intent and capacity that a teacher possesses, exposed to which, a student is influenced to make a positive difference in his own life as well as in the society and the world at large.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 18


In order to develop rapport with pupils, a teacher should

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 18

Successful teachers are those who have the ability to maximise the learning potential of all students in their class. Developing positive relationships between a teacher and student is a fundamental aspect of quality teaching and student learning. In order to develop rapport with pupils, a teacher should behave with them in a democratic way, guide them, and he should have communicative ability.
Gillespie recognised that the inherent qualities of a student-teacher relationship (caring, knowing, trust and mutual respect) and a teacher's rapport with students results in a classroom environment where students are affirmed and supported to achieve their best.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 19


A teacher while teaching in the class observes that while giving lectures to students, he is unable to catch the attention of students in class. He should

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 19

A good teacher is one who draws attention of students towards himself. If at any moment he finds that students are not attentive towards him, then he should start evaluating his teaching methods and find out the areas where he lags, and hence should modify his methodology, to catch attention of students and take necessary steps to improve himself.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 20


A student tries to solve a problem without any help from a teacher. The teacher should

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 20

Effective teaching occurs when a teacher is successful in keeping the students actively involved in learning. There are certain principles that a good teacher would follow to facilitate learning in students. A few of these principles are:

  • Principle of encouraging creativity and self-expression
  • Principle of motivation and interest
  • Principle of recreation
  • Principle of repetition and exercise
  • Principle of sympathy and cooperation
  • Principle of imparting training to senses
  • Principle of remedial teaching

According to the first principle, the long term goal of the teachers is to help their students do their tasks independently and efficiently with a focus on their holistic development. So, when a student makes an effort to do things on their own, his/her effort needs to be acknowledged and appreciated.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 21


Which of the following methods of teaching will encourage indirect learning?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 21

Teaching can be Direct and Indirect.

  1. Direct teaching methods:
    • Teachers use methods such as lectures, demonstrations, etc, in this type of teaching.
    • It engages students in the face – to – face interaction.
  2. Indirect teaching
    • In this type of teachingactive methods such as role-play, project, assignment, inquiry, or other such activities are used.
    • Indirect methods are basicallyLearner-centered methods where the students are actively involved in the teaching-learning process.

Note: Lecturing with examples, team teaching, and demonstration on a subject; all the three methods are direct in nature and are teacher-centered.

Hence, The only collaborative project method is learner-centered and indirect in nature among all four. Therefore, a collaborative project method of teaching will encourage indirect learning in the student.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 22


Which of the following is considered as society's main resource for social experimentation?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 22

Education and Society:

  • School is a miniature and reflection of society rather than an individual. The ultimate objective of the school and schooling process is to foster thegrowth of social progress and the expansion of democracy.
  • Society also plays a significant role in the development of the education system. The role of socio-cultural factors, political conditions, and economic milieu determine the nature,objectives,and curriculum development ofeducational institutions.
  • Education is generally seen as thefoundation of society which brings economic wealth, social prosperity, and political stability.It is a major aspect of the development of any modern society and the most significant indicator of the overall development of any region.

Important Points

Schoolisconsidered as society'smain resource for social experimentationbecause schools are considered as acenter for socialization.The school performs all the function which the society doesto transfer the existing cultural content from one generation to the next generation.

Functions of School associety'smain resource for social experimentation:

  • Helping learners in acquiring values, norms, and traditions.
  • Providingchildren with an understanding of their environment.
  • Educatingchildren according to the needs and aspirations of society.
  • Making learners able to learn the importance of social cohesion and unity.
  • Inculcating the informal cues about social roles in learners through interaction.
  • Preparingfuture citizens by making learners awareabout their rights and duties

Hence, it could be concluded thatSchoolisconsidered associety'smain resource for social experimentation.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 23


Which animal was involved in Pavlov’s experiment of classical conditioning?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 23

IvanPavlov, a Russian psychologist has propounded the'Theory ofClassicalConditioning'which emphasizes thatlearning as a habit formationis based on theprinciple of association and substitution.

Key Points

  • Dog was involved in Pavlov’s experiment of classical conditioning. During his experiment, Pavlovnoticed that dog started secreting saliva as soon as the dogsaw the empty plate in which food was served. Saliva secretion is a reflexive response tofood or something in the mouth.

Let's have a look atPavlov’s experiment:

  • Pavlov was studying the gastric secretion of the dogs by placing meat powder in their mouth and measuring the saliva.
  • A bell was sounded and immediately thereafter food (meat powder) was served to the dog. The dog was allowed to eat it.
  • For the next few days, every time the meat powder was presented, it was preceded by the sound of a bell
  • After a number of such trials, a test trial was introduced in which everything was the same as the previous trials except that no food followed the sounding of the bell.
  • The dog still salivated to the sound of the bell, expecting the presentation of the meat powder as the sound of the bell had come to be connected with it.
  • This association between the bell and food resulted in the acquisition of a new response by the dog, i.e. salivation to the sound of the bell.This has been termed as conditioning.
  • All dogs salivate when they are presented with food.Food is thus an Unconditioned Stimulus (US) and salivation, which follows it, is an Unconditioned Response (UR).
  • After conditioning, salivation started to occur in the presence of the sound of the bell.The bell becomes a Conditioned Stimulus (CS) and saliva secretion a Conditioned Response (CR).This kind of conditioning is called classical conditioning.

Hence, it could be concluded thatDogwas involved in Pavlov’s experiment of classical conditioning.

NOTE: Pigeon and rabbitwere involved in Skinner’s experiment of operantconditioning.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 24


The learner'scharacteristics thatimpacts learning the most are :

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 24


  1. Learning is a complex mix of intelligence, motivation, psychological factors, and even brain chemistry.
  2. Learning is a process of continual adaptation to the environment and assimilation and accommodation of new information and knowledge to fit in with pre-existing knowledge structures.
  3. Although there is no single definition of learning, most psychologists and educators would agree that learning is a process by which behavior is either modified or changed through experience or training.
  1. Learning involves various dimensions of psychological and mental activities.
  2. For effective learning to take place, among various psychological factors, motivation and learning ability are important factors.
  3. Besides psychological factors, there arephysiological factors of learning too.
  1. While Social And EconomicBackground, Intelligence And Study Habits, Age, And Healthdo impactthe level and quality of learning, but it is inner motivation which ultimately decides the effectiveness of learning.
  2. A poor student with limited resources can outwit a richer student with all possible resources if he/she has a greater level of inner motivation backed by consistency and integritythan the latter.

It is easier to teach an academically weaker person than a lethargic one.Thus, Aptitude And Motivation are the most important characteristicsoflearners.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 25


The main approach suggested by NCF 2005 in the teaching-learning process is:

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 25

NCF 2005 in the teaching-learning process has mainly proposed a pedagogical shift from behaviorism to constructivism.

Key Points

Important Suggestions were given by NCF 2005:

  • The conceptualization of the active learner in the teaching-learning context.
  • Acquisition of knowledge by the learners is replaced with the approach of construction of knowledge by the learners themselves.
  • NCF remarks that knowledge construction is an evolving process and learners constantly develop knowledge by actively participating and utilizing his/her previous experiences.
  • Construction of knowledge to be the major focus of teaching. Learners should be viewed as agents of their own learning.

Hence, it could be concluded that the main approach suggested by NCF-2005 in the teaching-learning process is Constructivism.

Additional Information

  • The teacher should act as an autonomous facilitator.
  • Evaluation should be used as a tool for enhancing continuous and comprehensive learning.

This table will help you to consolidate the major difference between behaviorism, cognitivism, connectionism, and constructivism.

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 26


What is/are the advantages of Play-way method of teaching in a classroom?

I. Learning becomes natural, joyful and energizing experience

II. It provides scope to the children to fulfil their physical, emotional and cognitive needs

III. It helps to build healthy student-teacher and student-student relationships

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 26

All children love to play. Play is a natural instinct of children. It is the natural expression of their needs.It develops the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth of a child.Friederich Froebel, the pioneer in childhood education, was of the view that the education of young children should be based on play. He believed that creative play had to be designed so that it could be transformed into creative work.

Advantages of the Play-way method of teaching in a classroom are as follows:

  • Playing games is a natural instinct with young children. They not only participate in the games spontaneously,but they can also organize the game effectively.
  • Children can create a new game; they devise the rules for playing the game and observe strictly the self-created discipline.
  • This helps to nurture the creative skills of children along with the development of several life skills like problem-solving, leadership, rational thinking, self-expression, communication skills, cooperative learning, group living, etc.
  • Learning becomes a natural, joyful, and energizing experience. As play is a natural activity, instinctive and joyful, children do not feel learning as a burden and stressful but participate in it voluntarily.
  • It provides sufficient scope to the children to fulfil their physical, emotional, and cognitive needs.
    • Physical development and acquisition of motor skills depend upon the maturation of the parts of the body and the opportunities available to the child to practice these skills. Play provides the child with opportunities to practice.
    • Play situations provide opportunities to handle and examine objects and explore the surroundings which help children to find answers to the questions in their minds and to understand the reason why things happen the way they do. By allowing children to play as they like, will help them in learning.
    • Play allows children to discover and learn for themselves. To discover means to find out about things and events for oneself
  • It helps to build healthy student-teacher and student-student relationships.
  • In a play-way method, learning takes place through activities and learners remain active, not passive.

From the above, it is clear that all the statements mentioned in the question regarding the advantages of the play-way method are true.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 27


Which of the following is not the guideline to enhance questioning skills among children classroom?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 27

Questioning skills are the ability to ask questions for accessing the students during the learning process.

Key Points

  • Questioning skills are essential to good teaching.
  • Teachers often use questions to ensure that students are attentive and engaged and to assess students’ understanding. But it is equally important for the students to generate questioning skills amongst themselves.
  • Theseskills help in enhancing the higher-order thinking skills among the students and encourage critical thinking.

Important Points

  • Appreciate questions that are appropriate to the development level- This is good as it encourages the students to ask more and more questions, as the teachers appreciate the questions. The students will get to ask more questions that relate to their development level of the students.
  • Do not stop the discussion with the right answer- A teachers should always encourage discussion among the students as it leads to collaborative learning. The more the children communicate with each other, the better are the skills encouraged among them.
  • Never respond in an encouraging way- This is a negative thing to do with respect to questioning skills. If the teacher does not encourage all the questions that are asked by the students- they will never be able to ask the correct question. The students will feel that since the teacher might not like the questions asked or may get angry if the question is irrelevant.
  • Develop sensitive listening techniques- The direct impact that questioning skills have on the students is the development of listening techniques. It is said that more the students listen, the more will they be able to learn.

Hence, "Never respond in an encouraging way" does not enhance questioning skills among the students.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 28


Sita is a visual learner, i.e. she learns best by seeing. She may get the least help from

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 28

Kinesthetic/tactile persons learn best through a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around them. Thus, using the hands-on approach may not help Sita much.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 29


In junior section, Mrs Singh is teaching about Earth, its shape and rotation, by using a globe. In such teaching, learning takes place by

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 29

In junior section, Mrs Singh is teaching about Earth, its shape and rotation by using a globe. In such teaching, learning take place by observation. Students observe the globe to get knowledge.
HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (115)
Observational learning is the learning that occurs through observation of the behavior of others. It is a form of social learning which takes various forms, based on various processes.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 30


Learning disabilities can interfere with learning basic skills such as reading, writing and/or math. These can arise due to all listed reasons except:

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 30

Learning disabilities are neurologically-based processing problems. These processing problems can interfere with learning basic skills such as reading, writing and/or math. They can also interfere with higher level skills such as organisation, time planning, abstract reasoning, long or short term memory and attention. They are not caused due to the method of teaching used by the teacher. They may be present due to improper brain development, or infection in brain, etc. Constant fights amongst parents also lead to mental strain and anxiety in students, which may lead to learning disabilities.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 31


Choose the correct option to mark the synonym of the words given in the question.


Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 31

The synonym for the word "Sage" can be found in the given options as follows:Sage- A: Wise man- B: Era- C: Tropical tree- D: FoolThe correct option is A: Wise man.Explanation:The word "sage" refers to a person who is considered wise, knowledgeable, and experienced. A sage is often seen as a mentor or guide, someone who can provide valuable insights and advice. In this context, "wise man" is an appropriate synonym for "sage," as it conveys a similar meaning.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 32


Choose the correct option to mark the synonym of the words given in the question.


Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 32

Answer: B Explanation: The synonym for the word "Glib" is Fluent. Here's a breakdown of the options: - A: Dull - This is an antonym, not a synonym, as glib means smooth and easy in speech. - B: Fluent - This is the correct synonym, as it also means smooth, easy, and effortless in speech. - C: Thin - This is unrelated to the meaning of glib. - D: Sharp - This can be related to intelligence or wit, but not specifically to the smoothness or ease of speech that glib refers to.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 33


Directions: Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.

Q. He (like) to picture himself as an original thinker.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 33

The correct form of the word would be 'likes'. This is because the subject of the sentence is singular.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 34


Choosethecorrectmodalverbandfillin the blanks.

The company ________ go bankrupt if they don't find a lot of money quickly!

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 34

Correct Modal Verb:

  • C: might


  • The sentence talks about a possibility or uncertainty of the company going bankrupt.
  • The modal verb "might" is used to express a possibility or uncertainty of something happening.
  • Therefore, the correct sentence should be: "The company might go bankrupt if they don't find a lot of money quickly!"

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 35


Each sentence given below contains an underlined word or phrase. Replace it with a phrasal verb that expresses the same idea.

The dog looked as if it was about to attack me.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 35


The original sentence contains the underlined phrase "attack me." The correct phrasal verb to replace it is "go for me," which also means to attack or attempt to harm someone. Therefore, option D is the correct answer.

- A: "kill me" is not a phrasal verb and has a stronger meaning than "attack."
- B: "eat me" is not a phrasal verb and implies that the dog wants to consume the person, which is not the same as attacking.
- C: Both A and B are not phrasal verbs and don't convey the same meaning as "attack."
- D: "go for me" is a phrasal verb and has the same meaning as "attack."

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 36


Choose the correct option to mark the synonym of the words given in the question.


Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 36

Synonym of Quack:- Option A: Clown- Option B: Dressmaker- Option C: Philanthropist- Option D: CharlatanExplanation:The correct synonym for the word "Quack" is Charlatan. Both words refer to a person who pretends to have skills or knowledge they do not actually possess, especially in the field of medicine or healthcare.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 37


Choosethecorrectmodalverbandfillinthe blanks.

________ you go already? You only arrived an hour ago!

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 37

The correct modal verb to fill in the blank is "must."

Answer: A

- In this sentence, the speaker is expressing surprise or disbelief that the person is leaving so soon after arriving.
- "Must" is used to indicate necessity, strong advice, or a logical conclusion. In this case, it conveys the speaker's surprise at the person's departure.
- "Should" indicates a suggestion, "can" indicates ability, and "none of these" is not a valid option. Therefore, "must" is the most appropriate choice.

Sentence with the correct modal verb:
- Must you go already? You only arrived an hour ago!

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 38


Choosethecorrectmodalverbandfillin the blanks.

I think that sign means we ________ enter the building. Look, there's a security guard too.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 38

Answer: CExplanation:In this context, the correct modal verb is "mustn't." The sentence should be:- I think that sign means we mustn't enter the building. Look, there's a security guard too."Mustn't" is used here because it indicates that it is prohibited or not allowed to enter the building. The presence of the sign and the security guard reinforces this idea.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 39


Fill in the blankwith the correct option.

Harold never leaves the college on Friday. He ________ eats at the cafeteria on Fridays.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 39

Answer: A


  • Harold never leaves the college on Friday. This means he stays on campus.
  • Since he stays on campus, it is likely that he would eat at the cafeteria.
  • Option A, "always," is the correct choice because it indicates that Harold consistently eats at the cafeteria on Fridays.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 40


Improve the bracketed part of the sentence with the parts given below.

Q. ONGC has claimed(to have start)a new updated natural gas refinery atDigboi.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 40

The statement shows that ONGC is claimingto have starteda new refinery at Digboi. This shows an activity that has been executed in the past andthe sentence has to be in the simple past tense.
Thus only option 3 fulfills this criteria and hence is correct.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 41


In the following question, a sentence has been given in Active/Passive voice. Out of four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active voice.

Q. When he left school, the textbooks were put asideby him and were never reopened.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 41

The given sentence is in passive voice and the correct conversion to active voice is given in option 3. Rest of the options fail to convey the exact meaning of the given sentence.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 42


Choose the correct option to mark the synonym of the words given in the question.


Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 42

The correct option to mark the synonym of the word "Beset" is:C: PerplexExplanation:Beset means to surround or harass on all sides, causing confusion or difficulty. The synonyms for Beset include:- Perplex- Harass- Trouble- Bother- Pester

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 43


Choosethecorrectmodalverbandfillin the blanks.

I left my purse at home. Lily, ________ you lend me ten dollars?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 43

The correct answer is B: could.Explanation:In this sentence, the speaker is asking for a favor from Lily, so the appropriate modal verb to use is "could." It is a polite way to ask for help or request something. The sentence should be:- I left my purse at home. Lily, could you lend me ten dollars?The other options are not suitable for this context:A: may - This modal verb is used to ask for permission or express possibility. It is not commonly used for asking favors like in this situation.C: shouldn't - This modal verb is used to express something that is not advisable or recommended. It does not fit the context of asking for a favor.D: none of these - Since "could" (option B) is the correct answer, this option is not applicable.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 44


Fill in the blankwith the correct option.

My sister usually drives to work with a friend. She _________ drives alone.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 44


Option A: never


  • My sister usually drives to work with a friend, which means she often has someone with her.
  • The sentence says she "_______ drives alone," so we are looking for a word that indicates she rarely or does not drive alone.
  • Option A, "never," implies that she does not drive alone at all, which matches the context of the sentence.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 45


In the following question, a sentence is given with a blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Select the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it as your answer.

Q. Rick is so conceited he tries to _______ his wife when she offers an opinion that differs from his viewpoint.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 45

The word 'conceited' means 'excessively proud of oneself'.

The sentence talks about Rick who is a vain person.

This implies that whenever his wife gives an opinion different from his, his response would not be a positive one.

The correct word is 'belittle' which means'dismiss as unimportant'.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 46


Fill in the blank with the correct preposition.

The picture is ____ the wall.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 46


C: on


  • The preposition 'on' is used when referring to something that is physically touching and positioned above a surface, in this case, the wall.
  • The picture is attached to the wall and is not inside, under or at the wall, making 'on' the most appropriate preposition.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 47


Choose the correct option to mark the synonym of the words given in the question.


Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 47

Synonym for Personable:- The correct option is C: Attractive.Explanation:- "Personable" refers to someone who is friendly, charming, and easy to get along with.- A synonym for "personable" would be "attractive," as it also implies a pleasant and appealing quality in a person, making them likable and easy to approach.- The other options, such as self-centred, intimate, and sensitive, do not capture the same meaning as personable.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 48


Fill in the blankwith the correct option.

I never lend money to Curtis. He ______ pays me back.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 48

Answer: C Explanation: The correct option is C: never, because the sentence implies that Curtis has a habit of not paying back the borrowed money. The sentence with the correct option would be: - I never lend money to Curtis. He never pays me back.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 49


Choose the correct option to mark the synonym of the words given in the question.


Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 49

The correct option to mark the synonym of the word "Vehement" is:Answer: D. ForcefulExplanation:- Vehement: characterized by strong feelings or intense passion; forceful or intense in expression, emotion, or conviction.- Thorough: complete with regard to every detail; not superficial or partial.- Smooth-running: operating without problems.- Airy: light and breezy, not heavy or oppressive.The synonym of "Vehement" is "Forceful" because both words describe strong or intense feelings, expressions, or emotions. The other options do not share the same meaning.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 50


Fill in the blankwith the correct option.

Ms. Biethan is always in a good mood. She is _________ sad.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 50

Explanation of Answer:

- Option A (always) contradicts the initial statement that Ms. Biethan is always in a good mood.
- Option B (usually) also contradicts the initial statement, as it implies that she is sad more often than not.
- Option C (never) is the correct answer, as it is consistent with the statement that she is always in a good mood.
- Option D (None of the above) is incorrect, as Option C is the correct choice.

So, the correct option is C (never). Ms. Biethan is always in a good mood, and she is never sad.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 51


The following sentence has been broken into four parts with an error in one part. Identify that part and mark it as your answer. If there are no errors in any of the given parts, mark option 4 or ‘No error’ as your answer.

Q. Rajat died from a malarial(1)/ fever when he was on (2)/ a trip to the Amazon rainforest. (3)/ No error (4).

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 51

Rule-The cause,reason and origin are followed by the preposition 'of'.
Example- Rohan comesofvery rich family origin.
Thus the statement should read as 'Rajat diedofa malarial fever while he was on a trip to the Amazon rainforest.'

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 52


Choose the correct option to mark the synonym of the words given in the question.


Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 52

Synonym of Diatribe:- The correct option is: B: Tirade.Explanation:- Both "diatribe" and "tirade" refer to a long, angry, and critical speech or piece of writing that strongly criticizes someone or something.- The other options are not synonyms of "diatribe" for the following reasons: - A: Debate refers to a formal discussion on a specific topic in which opposing arguments are put forward. - C: Monologue refers to a long speech by one person, especially in a play, movie, or as part of a theatrical performance. - D: Oration refers to a formal, usually ceremonial, speech delivered in public.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 53


Fill in the blankwith the correct option.

It almost always rains in Seattle. The sun ________ shines there.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 53

Explanation:The correct option is C: seldom.- The sentence states that it almost always rains in Seattle.- This implies that the sun does not shine frequently in Seattle.- Among the given options, "seldom" means rarely or not often, which fits best in the context of the sentence.- Therefore, the sun seldom shines in Seattle.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 54


In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which is the best substitute for the phrase.In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which is the best substitute for the phrase.

Q. A man who is courteous and gallant in his behavior.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 54

'Chivalry' is the quality in a man of being highly courteous in his presentation. None of the other options means the same as that of the given phrase.
A preacher is a religious teacher, a savioris a person who protects people in times of need and a knight is a great warrior.
Example-Chivalrousmen are difficult to be found in today's world.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 55


In the following question, an idiomatic expression and its four possible meanings are given. Find out the correct meaning of the idiom.
Q. Rajesh claimed that we areall inthe same boatregarding the preparation for the exams.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 55

'All in the same boat'figuratively means that a group of people is facing the similar situations or difficulties. Option 4 represents this meaning correctly.
Example- At times of danger all humans seemto be in the same boatirrespective of divides.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 56


Directions:Improve the bracketed part of the sentence.
Q. The manager thought that there had been enough discussion on the matter and told his subordinates to (get up to) work.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 56

The correct option is Option 2, i.e.,‘get down to’.
The sentence talks about a manager telling his subordinates that enough discussion was done and it was time to work. The phrasal verb‘get down to’means ‘to get serious about something’.Hence, the correct option isOption 2.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 57


Improve the bracketed part of the sentence with the parts given below.

Q. India(will soon hold)talks on the issue of militancy with Afghanistan.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 57

The sentence shows a prediction that India will hold talks with Afghanistan in the future on militancy. It depicts asimple future formin nature. Thus,as it is already in the said simple future tense, no further improvement is required.
Hence option 4 is correct.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 58


Choose the correct option to mark the synonym of the words given in the question.


Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 58

Answer: AExplanation:Frivolity refers to a lack of seriousness or sense of responsibility. It is often associated with actions or behaviors that are considered trivial or superficial. The word 'lightness' is a synonym for frivolity, as it also implies a lack of seriousness or depth. - Frivolity: Lack of seriousness; triviality- Lightness: The quality of being light-hearted or lacking seriousnessThe other options provided are not synonyms of frivolity:- Ornamentation: The act of adding decorative elements or features- Irritability: The quality of being easily annoyed or impatient- Impurity: The state of being mixed with something undesirable or unclean

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 59


Directions:In the following question, one part of the sentence may have error(s). Find out the part of the sentence having an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select 'No error' as your answer.

Q. You have been doing (1)/ your project work (2)/ routinely? (3)/ No error (4)

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 59

The correct option is 1.
The sentence is a question and therefore, must begin with an interrogative tone. The phrase‘You have been doing’should be rewritten as ‘Have you been doing’for the sentence to form a proper question. Hence, the error lies in thefirst phrase.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 60


Choose the correct option to mark the synonym of the words given in the question.


Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 60

The synonym of the word "Redundant" is:Option D: SuperfluousExplanation:- Redundant means being in excess or more than what is needed.- Superfluous also means unnecessary or more than enough.Other options:A: Necessary - This is the opposite of redundant, as it means something is required or essential.B: Diminishing - This means to decrease or reduce in size, extent, or importance, which is not the same as redundant.C: Plentiful - This means a large amount or more than enough, but it doesn't have the negative connotation of being unnecessary like redundant does.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 61


निर्झर - निर्जर' शब्द युग्म के सही अर्थ भेद का चयन कीजिए:

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 61

सही उत्तर है - 'झरना - देवता' l
Key Points

  • 'निर्झर - निर्जर' शब्द युग्म का सही अर्थ - 'झरना - देवता' l
    • निर्झर - निर्जर यह दोनों 'श्रुतिसम भिन्नार्थक' शब्दों के उदाहरण है l
  • निर्झर का अर्थ:- झरना l
  • निर्जर का अर्थ:- देवता l
    • अन्य विकल्प 'निर्झर - निर्जर' शब्दों का सही अर्थ ना बताने के कारण गलत उत्तर है l

Additional Information

  • ऐसे शब्द जो पढ़ने और सुनने में लगभग एक-से लगते हैं, परंतु अर्थ की दृष्टि से भिन्न्न होते हैं, श्रुतिसम भिन्नार्थक शब्द कहलाते हैं।

श्रुतिसम भिन्नार्थक शब्द के उदाहरण :-

  • अलि - भौंरा - फूलों पर बहुत-से अलि मँडरा रहे है।
  • अली - सखी - राधा की एक अली का नाम शांता था।
  • नीर - पानी - भाषा बहता हुआ नीर होती है।
  • नीड़ - घोंसला - रात में पंछी अपने-अपने नीड़ों में विश्राम करते हैं।

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 62


सर्प, मेंढक, सिंह, घोडा, वानर, हाथी आदि को समझाने वाला शब्द हैं:

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 62

दिये गए विकल्पों में से विकल्प 3 'हरि' सही उत्तर है। अन्य विकल्प सही उत्तर नहीं हैं।

Key Points

  • सर्प, मेंढक, सिंह, घोडा, वानर, हाथी आदि सभी 'हरि' के अनेकार्थक शब्द हैं।

अन्य विकल्प -

शिव- मंगल, महादेव, वेद, भाग्यशाली

Additional Information

  • अनेकार्थक शब्द- ऐसे शब्द, जिनके अनेक अर्थ होते हैं, अनेकार्थी शब्द कहलाते हैं।
  • जैसे-

अंबर – आकाश, कपड़ा ·

अदृष्ट – जो देखा न जाए, भाग्य, गुप्त, रहस्य।

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 63


निम्नलिखित में समोच्चरित भिन्नार्थक शब्द-युग्म नहीं है:

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 63

सही उत्तर है - ‘ढूँढ-ढाँढ’।

  • ढूँढ-ढाँढ’ समोच्चरित भिन्नार्थक शब्द-युग्म नहीं है।
  • ढूँढ का अर्थ : खोज, तलाश।
  • अन्य सभी समोच्चरित भिन्नार्थक शब्द हैं।

Key Pointsअन्य विकल्प :

  • कटिबद्ध- तैयार या तत्पर।
  • कटिबंध- कमरबंद, कमर पर बाँधा जाने वाला आभूषण।
  • करकट- कूड़ा कचरा।
  • कर्कट- केकड़ा।
  • क्रांति- विद्रोह।
  • क्लांति- थकावट।

Additional Information

  • समोच्चरित भिन्नार्थक शब्द - वे बोलचाल में लगभग एक जैसे लगते हैं, परन्तु उनके अर्थ में भिन्नता होती है। ऐसे शब्द ‘समोच्चरित भिन्नार्थक शब्द’ कहलाते हैं।
    जैसे- घन और धन दोनों के उच्चारण में कोई खास अन्तर महसूस नहीं होता परन्तु अर्थ में भिन्नता है।

अन्य उदाहरण :

  • अवधि - अवधी
  • ग्रह - गृह
  • जलद - जलज
  • निश्छल - निश्चल

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 64


सारंग का अनेकार्थी शब्द समूह है।

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 64

दिए गए विकल्पों में विकल्प (2) चंद्रमा, हाथी, कोयल सही उत्तर है, अन्य विकल्प उचित उत्तर नहीं हैं।

Key Points

सारंग के अनेकार्थी शब्द - मोर, सर्प, मेघ, हिरन, पपीहा, राजहंस, हाथी, कोयल, कामदेव, सिंह, धनुष भौंरा, मधुमक्खी

सारंग का अर्थ (विशेषण) - रंगीन, सुंदर, सुहावन।

अन्य विकल्प -

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\Additional Information

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 65


निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में, चार विकल्पों में से, उस विकल्प का चयन करें जो दिए गए शब्द-युग्म के अर्थ का सबसे अच्छा विकल्प है।


Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 65

दिए गये विकल्पों में व्रण-वर्ण का सही शब्द युग्म 'दांत-ख़राब' होगा।

  • रद का अर्थ : दांत।
  • रद्द का अर्थ : ख़राब।

Key Points

अन्य महत्वपूर्ण शब्द युग्म

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 66


'अनादर, उपेक्षा, निरादर' के लिए कौन सा अनेकार्थी शब्द सही है चयन कीजिए?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 66

सही उत्तर 'अपमान' है।
Key Points

  • 'अपमान ' शब्द के अनेकार्थी शब्द - अनादर, उपेक्षा, निरादर।
  • 'अपमान' के अन्य अनेकार्थी शब्द - बेइज्जती, अवज्ञा, तिरस्कार, अवमाना।

​ अन्य विकल्प -

1. अभय- निडर, साहसी, निर्भीक, निर्भय, निश्चिन्त।

2. अभियोग- दोषारोपण, कसूर, अपराध, गलती, आक्षेप, आरोप, दोषारोपण, इल्ज़ामा।

3. अनुपम- सुन्दर, अतुल, अपूर्व, अद्वितीय, अनोखा, अप्रतिम, अद्भुत, अनूठा, विलक्षण, विचित्र।

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 67


दिए गए शब्द युग्म का सही अर्थ ज्ञात कीजिए।


Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 67

सही उत्तर है - "सभी-शैव" lKey Points

  • सर्व का अर्थ है - सभी l
  • शर्व का अर्थ है - शैव l
  • इसलिए यह सही उत्तर है l

अन्य विकल्पों का विश्लेषण:-

  • शव शब्द का अर्थ है - मृतक का शरीर, लाश l
  • सही का अर्थ है - ठीक l
  • शाकाहारी का अर्थ है - वह जो बस वनस्पति खाता है l
  • इन तीनों शब्द जोड़ों में एक- एक शब्द का अलग अर्थ है, इसलिए यह तीनों प्रश्न में दिए गए शब्द- युग्म के सही अर्थ को नहीं बताते l

Additional Information

  • सर्व-शर्व यह दोनों श्रुतिसम भिन्नार्थक शब्दों के उदाहरण है जो सुनने में एक जैसे लगते हैं, और वर्तनी में भी कुछ सामान ही होते हैं, लेकिन इनके अर्थ बिल्कुल अलग-अलग होते हैं l
  • ऐसे कुछ शब्दों के उदाहरण:-
  • चर्म- चमड़ा
    • चरम- अत्यधिक
  • हय- घोड़ा
    • हिय- हृदय
  • श्रवण- सुनना, कान
    • श्रमण- बौद्ध संन्यासी

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 68


‘नव’ शब्द का उचित अनेकार्थी शब्द समूह है।

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 68

दिए गए विकल्पों मेन उचित उत्तर विकल्प 4नवीन, नूतन’ है। अन्य विकल्प इसके अनुचित हैं।
Key Points

  • ‘नव’ का अनेकार्थी शब्द समूह ‘नवीन, नूतन’ है। इसके अन्य शब्द- नया, नौ हैं।
  • वाक्य- दुःख नव युग का निर्माण है।

अन्य विकल्प:

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Important Points

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 69


निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में, चार विकल्पों में से, उस सही विकल्प का चयन करें जो दिए गए शब्द-युग्म के सही अर्थ का उचित विकल्प हो।


Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 69

बल-वल इसका सही उत्तर विकल्प 3 ताकत-मेघ है। अन्य विकल्प इसके अनुचित हैं।
Key Points

  • बल का अर्थ – ताकत
  • वल का अर्थ – मेघ

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 70


निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में, चार विकल्प दिए गए हैं जिनमें से एक शब्द दिए गए अनेकार्थी शब्द का एक अर्थ नहीं है। उस शब्द का चयन करें।


Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 70

दिए गए विकल्पों में सही उत्तर विकल्प 1 ‘घड़ाहै। अन्य सभी विकल्प इसके अनुचित उत्तर होंगे।

Key Points

  • दिए गए विकल्पों में घन का अनेकार्थी शब्द 'घड़ा' नहीं है।
  • घड़ा के अनेकार्थी शब्द हैं- घट, शरीर, हृदय, कम।
  • घड़ा के पर्यायवाची शब्द हैं- गगरा, घट, कुभ, कलश।

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 71


दिए गए शब्दों में शुद्ध वर्तनी का चयन कीजिए।

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 71

गरिष्ठ शब्द की वर्तनी शुद्ध है।Key Points

  • शुद्ध वर्तनी - जिस शब्द में जितने वर्ण या अक्षर जिस अनुक्रम में प्रयुक्त होते है उन्हें उसी क्रम में लिखना ही वर्तनी है।
  • उदाहरण - अहार-आहार, अत्याधिक-अत्यधिक, अलोचना-आलोचना आदि।

Additional Informationअन्य उदाहरण -

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 72


किस विकल्प के सभी शब्द शुद्ध हैं?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 72

'निरपराध, उच्छ्वास, उच्छृंखल' आदि सभी शब्‍द शुद्ध रूप में लिखें गये हैं। Key Points

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अन्‍य विकल्‍प

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 73


इनमें से शुद्ध शब्द बताइए-

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 73

शुद्ध शब्द है - 'सौहार्द'

  • सौहार्द - मैत्री, मित्रता, दोस्ती
  • अन्य सभी विकल्प वर्तनी की दृष्टि से गलत है।

Mistake Points

  • 'निरोग' की शुद्ध वर्तनी 'नीरोग' होगी।
    • 'नीरोग' का अर्थ है 'रोग रहित या स्वस्थ'
  • 'अम्न' की शुद्ध वर्तनी 'अमन' होगी।
    • 'अमन' का अर्थ है 'शांति-सुकून की स्थिति'
  • 'पुनरावलोकन' की शुद्ध वर्तनी 'पुनरवलोकन' होगी।
    • पुनरवलोकन का अर्थ है 'किसी किए हुए कार्य को फिर से देखना या करना'

Key Points

  • किसी शब्द में आये हुए अक्षरों को मात्राओं सहित कहने या लिखने की रीति को वर्तनी कहते हैं।
  • वर्तनी का सीधा सम्बन्ध उच्चारण से होता है।
  • यदि उच्चारण शुद्ध होगा तो वर्तनी शुद्ध होगी और यदि उच्चारण अशुद्ध होगा तो वर्तनी भी अशुद्ध होगी।

Additional Information कुछ अशुद्ध से शुद्ध शब्द:-

  • अशुद्ध - शुद्ध
  • परिशिष्ठ - परिशिष्ट
  • न्यौछावर - न्योछावर
  • दुरपयोग - दुरुपयोग
  • तुष्टिकरण - तुष्टीकरण
  • ज्योत्सना - ज्योत्स्ना
  • ग्रहकार्य - गृहकार्य

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 74


सही वर्तनी वाला शब्द कौन-सा है?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 74

"अनौपचारिक" शब्द वर्तनी की दृष्टि शुद्ध शब्द है।

शेष विकल्प त्रुटिपूर्ण है।

Key Points


किसी भाषा के शब्दों को शुद्ध या अशुद्ध लिखने के ढंग को वर्तनी कहते हैं।

अंग्रेजी में वर्तनी को स्पेलिंग तथा उर्दू भाषा में हिज्जे कहा जाता है।

Additional Information

शब्दों की शुद्ध अशुद्ध वर्तनी-

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 75


परन्तू' का शुद्ध रूप निम्न में से कौन सा है?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 75

'परन्तू' का शुद्ध रूप- परन्तु

Key Points

  • परन्तू शब्द में वर्तनी सम्बन्धी अशुद्धि है
  • संधि विच्छेद परम्+तु= परन्तु

Additional Information

  • सुनने और बोलने (श्रवण और उच्चारण) के कारण शब्दों में कई अशुद्धियाँ (त्रुटियाँ – गलतियाँ) आ जाती हैं।
  • हिन्दी की मात्राओं एवं व्याकरण के ज्ञान की कमी प्रायः इन शब्द और वर्तनी की अशुद्धियों का मुख्य कारण होती है।

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 76


'गवाछ' का शुद्ध रूप निम्न में से कौन है?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 76

'गवाछ' का शुद्ध रूप गवाक्ष है।

  • अन्य शब्दों में वर्तनी संबंधी अशुद्धियाँ हैं वहीं गवाक्ष में कोई त्रुटि नहीं है।
    • गवाक्ष का अर्थ - खिड़की, झरोखा
    • वाक्य प्रयोग - प्राचीन भारत सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक, आर्थिक और राजनैतिक संस्थानों का एक गवाक्ष है जो भारतीय सभ्यता को अपने आप में एक पहचान देता है।

Additional Information
अशुद्ध शब्दों के शुद्ध शब्द -

  • अशुद्ध शब्द - शुद्ध शब्द
  • प्रशन्न - प्रसन्न
  • योधा - योद्धा
  • संग्रहीत - संगृहीत
  • ग्रहीत - गृहीत
  • स्वयम्वर - स्वयंवर
  • मतेक्य - मतैक्य
  • ईच्छा - इच्छा
  • संपत्ती - संपत्ति
  • बावत - बाबत
  • अभल - अनभल

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 77


निम्नलिखित में शुद्ध शब्द है:

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 77

सही उत्तर है - ‘अनिष्ट’।

  • अनिष्ट’ शुद्ध वर्तनी वाला शब्द है।
  • अन्य विकल्प सही नहीं है।

Key Points

  • अनिष्ट का अर्थ : अवांछित या अशुभ।
  • वाक्य : अनिष्ट व्यक्ति पूजा पाठ कैसे कर सकता है।

अन्य विकल्प :

  • आधीन गलत वर्तनी शब्द है शुद्ध शब्द अधीन होगा।
  • अभ्यस्थ गलत वर्तनी शब्द है शुद्ध शब्द अभ्यस्त होगा।
  • अद्वितिय गलत वर्तनी शब्द है शुद्ध शब्द अद्वितीय होगा।

Additional Informationवर्तनी:-

  • ​लिखने की रीति को वर्तनी कहते हैं।
  • ‘वर्तनी’ शब्द का अर्थ ‘पीछे चलना’ है। अर्थात उच्चारित होने वाले शब्द के लेखन में प्रयोग होने वाले लिपि चिह्नों के व्यवस्थित रूप को वर्तनी कहा जाता है।

शुद्ध अशुद्ध वर्तनी उदाहरण :

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 78


निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में, चार विकल्पों में से, उस विकल्प का चयन करें जो शुद्ध शब्द का सही विकल्प है।

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 78

दिये गए ‘आगंतुक शब्द का उचित उत्तर विकल्प 4 वामांगिनी है, अन्य विकल्प असंगत उत्तर है।

Key Points

  • वामांगिनी शब्द का अर्थ पत्नी, भार्या।
  • पर्यायवाची : जीवनसंगिनी, जीवन-संगिनी, भार्या, सहचरी, संगिनी, प्रियतमा, कान्ता, कांता, वधू, मेहरी, दारा, वामांगी।

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 79


छायावाद को ‘स्थूल के प्रति सूक्ष्म का विद्रोह’ किसने कहा?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 79

"डॉ नगेंद्र" ने छायावाद को "स्थूल के प्रति सूक्ष्म का विद्रोह" कहा है।

छायावाद हिंदी साहित्य के रोमांटिक उत्थान की वह काव्य-धारा है जो लगभग ई.स. 1917 से 1936 तक की प्रमुख युगवाणी रही।छायावाद नामकरण का श्रेय "मुकुटधर पाण्डेय" को जाता है।इसे "साहित्यिक खड़ीबोली का स्वर्णयुग" कहा जाता है।

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 80


कौन सी फैलोशिप साहित्य अकादमी नहीं प्रदान करता है?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 80

दिए गए विकल्पों में से जूनियर रिसर्च फैलोशिप साहित्य अकादमी नहीं प्रदान करता है।

विश्वविद्यालय अनुदान आयोग (यूजीसी) यह फैलोशिप प्रदान करता है।यूजीसी शिक्षा की गुणवत्ता और मानक को बेहतर बनाने का प्रयास करता है और विश्वविद्यालय के शिक्षकों के बीच शोध अध्ययन के लिए शिक्षक फैलोशिप प्रदान करता है।

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 81


आजकल तो कहीं भी अठन्नी नहीं चलती है। उक्त वाक्य में द्विगु समास कौन से शब्द पद में हैं?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 81

दिए गए सभी विकल्पों में से 'छत्तिस' शब्द अशुद्ध है इसका शुद्ध रूप है - छत्तीस।

छत्तीस संख्या है, जो तीस से छः अधिक हो।

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 82


निम्नलिखित शब्दों में 'दामिनी' का पर्यायवाची शब्द नहीं है:

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 82

'दामिनी' का अनुचित पर्यायवाची शब्द 'निदाघ' है।

दामिनी के अन्य पर्यायवाची शब्द हैं- विद्युत, चंचला, बिजली, इन्द्र्वज्र, चपला आदि।

निदाघ के पर्यायवाची शब्द हैं- ऊष्मा, गरमी, ग्रीष्म, ताप आदि।

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 83


निम्नलिखित शब्दों में 'मयूख' का पर्यायवाची शब्द नहीं है:

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 83

'मयूख' का पर्यायवाची शब्द 'प्रकाश' नहीं है।

मयूख के अन्य पर्यायवाची शब्द हैं - कर ,मयूख , मरीचि ,प्रभा ,अर्चि आदि।

प्रकाश के पर्यायवाची शब्द हैं - दीप्ती, प्रभा, ज्योति, उजाला, रोशनी आदि।

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 84


स्पृष्ट संघर्षी व्यंजन है:

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 84

स्पृष्ट संघर्षी व्यंजन – च वर्ग के बोलने में साँस कुछ घर्षण के साथ निकलती है इसलिए च् छ् ज् झ् ञ् को स्पृष्ट संघर्षी कहते हैं।

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 85


"युद्धभूमि" शब्द में कौन-सा समास है?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 85

समास - दो या दो से अधिक शब्दों से मिलकर जो नया और छोटा शब्द बनता है उस शब्द को हिन्दी में समास कहते हैं।

युद्धभूमि शब्द का समास विग्रह - युद्ध के लिए भूमि (सम्प्रदान तत्पुरुष समास)

तत्पुरुष समास - वह समास है जिसमें बाद का अथवा उत्तर पद प्रधान होता है तथा दोनों पदों के बीच का कारक-चिह्न लुप्त हो जाता है। वह समास है जिसमें बाद का अथवा उत्तर पद प्रधान होता है तथा दोनों पदों के बीच का कारक-चिह्न लुप्त हो जाता है।

विभक्तियों के नामों के अनुसार तत्पुरुष समास के छः भेद हैं-

कर्म तत्पुरुष - को

करण तत्पुरुष - से और के द्वारा

सम्प्रदान तत्पुरुष - के लिए और को

अपादान तत्पुरुष - से

सम्बन्ध तत्पुरुष - का, के, की

अधिकरण तत्पुरुष - में पर और पर

अत: विकल्प (B) सही है I

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 86


निम्न में से "यण संधि" का उदाहरण नहीं है-

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 86

नाविक शब्द में अयादि संधि है, अन्य विकल्पों में यण संधि है।

संधि - संधि (सम् + धि) शब्द का अर्थ है 'मेल' या जोड़। दो निकटवर्ती वर्णों के परस्पर मेल से जो विकार (परिवर्तन) होता है वह संधि कहलाता है।

नाविक = नौ + इक (अयादि संधि)

नियम - औ + इ = आव् + इ

अयादि संधि - ए, ऐ और ओ औ से परे किसी भी स्वर के होने पर क्रमशः अय् आय्, अव् और आव् हो जाता है। इसे अयादि संधि कहते हैं।

अन्य विकल्प -

स्वागत = सु + आगत (उ +आ = व् +आ)

अन्वेषण =अनु + एषण (उ HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (191)HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (192) व् HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (193) ए)

देव्यागमन = देवी + आगमन ( ई + आ = य् + आ) यण संधि - इ, ई के आगे कोई विजातीय (असमान) स्वर होने पर इ, ई को 'य्' हो जाता है। उ, ऊ के आगे किसी विजातीय स्वर के आने पर उ, ऊ को 'व्' हो जाता है। 'ऋ' के आगे किसी विजातीय स्वर के आने पर ऋ को 'र्' हो जाता है। इन्हें यण-संधि कहते हैं।

अत: विकल्प (C) सही है I

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 87


”य“ वर्ण का उच्चारण स्थान है?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 87

वर्ण - हिन्दी भाषा में प्रयुक्त सबसे छोटी इकाईवर्णकहलाती है।

य वर्ण का उच्चारण स्थान – तालु है।

तालु से उच्चारित वर्ण - इ,च,छ,ज,झ, ञ , य,श

अत: विकल्प (A) सही है I

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 88


कालक्रम की दृष्टि से निम्नलिखित पत्रिकाओं का सही अनुक्रम क्या है?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 88

पत्रिका प्रकाशन सम्पादक प्रकार/स्थान

हिन्दी प्रदीप 1877ई. बालकृष्ण भट्ट प्रयाग

सुधा 1929ई दुलारे लाल लखनऊ

रूपाभ 1938ई. सुमित्रानंदन

कृति 1958ई नरेश मेहता दिल्ली

अत: विकल्प (A) सही है I

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 89


निम्नलिखित में से किस में पांच चौपाई के बाद एक दोहा देने की परंपरा नहीं है?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 89

पद्मावत में सात चौपाई के बाद एक दोहा देने की परंपरा है। अतः उपर्युक्त विकल्पों में से विकल्प दो पद्मावत सही है तथा अन्य विकल्प असंगत है।चित्रावली में भी सात चोपाई के बाद एक दोहा देने की परंपरा है। मृगावती, सत्यवती कथा ,चंदायन, आलम कृत माधवानल में भी पांच चौपाई के बाद एक दोहा देने की परंपरा है। पद्मावत मलिक मोहम्मद जायसी की रचना है।। इनका प्रिय अलंकार उत्प्रेक्षा अलंकार है। पद्मावत का रचना वर्ष 1540 ईस्वी है। पद्मावत की रचना अवधी भाषा में की गई है। यह चौपाई दोहा छंद में है। चीपाई की प्रत्येक सात अर्धालियों के बाद दोहा आता है और इस प्रकार आए हुए दोहों की संख्या 653 है। पद्मावत में उपसंहार समेत 58 अध्याय हैं। पद्मावत का "नागमती वियोग खंड" हिंदी साहित्य की अनुपम निधि है।

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 90


केशवदास को ‘कठिण काव्य का प्रेत’ किस आलोचक ने कहा था?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 90

केशव अलंकार सम्प्रदायवादी आचार्य कवि थे। इसलिये स्वाभाविक था कि वे भामह, उद्भट और दंडी आदि अलंकार सम्प्रदाय के आचार्यों का अनुसरण करते। इन्होंने अलंकारों के दो भेद माने हैं, साधारण और विशिष्ट। साधारण के अन्तर्गत वर्णन, वर्ण्य, भूमिश्री-वर्णन और राज्यश्री-वर्णन आते है जो काव्यकल्पलतावृत्ति और अलंकारशेखर पर आधारित हैं।

अत: विकल्प (C) सही है I

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 91


The ages of Angaad, Bankie and Cherry together are 57 years. Bankie is thrice as old as Angaad and Cherry is 12 years older than Angaad. Then, the respective age of Angaad, Bankie and Cherry is:

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 92


A number exceeds its one-fifth by 20. The number is

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Let the number be x.
According to the question,
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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 93


What number should be subtracted from the product 1109 x 505 so as to get 505050 ?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 93

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Let x be subtracted 560045 to get 505050
⇒ 560045 - x = 505050
⇒ x = 560045 - 505050 ⇒ x = 54995

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 94


If 3 times a number exceeds its3/5by 60, then what is the number?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 94

Suppose required number is x Then,
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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 95


A can-do 75% of a job in 18 days and B can do 25% of the job in 12 days. If they work on it together, in how many days can they do 75% of the job?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 95

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 96


A child has learned the fundamentals skills of mathematics and applies the same whenever he goes to a stationary store. Which aspect of mathematics he is using in this case?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 96

Mathematics is a study of patterns, numbers, geometrical objects, data, and information. It deals with data analysis, integration of various fields of knowledge, involves proofs, deductive and inductive reasoning, and generalizations.

  • The teaching of mathematics should be done in the way, in which a student learns the best i.e., following the child-centred approaches by engaging students actively in the learning process.
  • The teacher should focus more on providing practical exercises and abstract knowledge to students to foster their individualized discovery-oriented learning.​

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 97


The respective ratio between the present ages of Roshan and Rakesh is 6: 11. Four years ago, the ratio of the ages was 1: 2 respectively. What will be Rakesh’s age after five years?

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 98


A car starts running with the initial speed of 20 km/h and its speed increases every hour by 4 km/h. How many hours will it take to cover a distance of 504 km?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 98

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 99


Average age of 20 students is 21 years. 2 students leave the group and 1 new student joins the group. The average now becomes 20 years. If age of one of the student who left the group is 26 years and the one who joined is 20 years, then what is the age (in years) of the other student who left the group?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 99

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 100


Which of the following is/are involved in mathematical activities?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 100

Mathematics quiz, mathematical exhibitions and mathematical lab are different techniques that help in learning different concepts of maths.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 101


Mark the incorrect option.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 101

Use option elimination here.
(1) = 12/3 = 4
2) 3.337 is equivalent to 3.34 but not equal to 3.34.
Hence, (2) is the correct choice for the question.
3) Area of square of side 10 cm = 102 = 100 cm2
Area of rectangle = 12.5 * 8 = 100 cm2
So, areas are equal.
4) 3348 m = 3 km 348 m

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 102


Method that can be used to prove, square of an odd number is also odd:

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 102

Mathematics is a study of patterns, numbers, geometrical objects, data, and information. It deals with data analysis, integration of various fields of knowledge, involves proofs, deductive and inductive reasoning, and generalizations. It involves the mathematization of thoughts that develops through mathematical reasoning, consisting of abstract statements and their proofs. Any assumption, hypotheses, and argument in mathematics can be proved with the help of various methods of proof.
The proof is generally a mathematical argument consisting of a sequence of statements. The proof of mathematical statements applied to certain accepted rules, definitions, and assumptions.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 103


If A : B = 3 : 5, C : B = 5 : 2 and C : D = 3 : 2 then what is the value of A+B :B+ C : C - D?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 103

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 104


The complement of 30°20′ is:

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 104

Complement of 30°20′ = 90° – ( 30°20′ ) = 90° – ( 30° + 20′ )
= (89° – 30°) + (1° – 20′)
= 59° + 60′ – 20′ [ ∴ 1° = 60°′]
= 59° + 40′ = 59°40′.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 105


5 years ago the average age of a family which includes father, mother and a son was 35 years. 3 years ago the average age of father and mother was 46 years. What is the present age (in years) of the son?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 105

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 106


A confectionery shopkeeper sells a soap at a discount of 20% and earns a profit of 60%. If he sells the same soap at 40% discount, then what will be his new profit percent?

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 107


To teach various units of length to the students of Class III, a teacher should take which of the following materials to the class?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 107

These materials will provide the students a clear knowledge on various units of lengths. The students will be able to clearly understand the need for various units and will also be able to compare different units. All these materials are easy to use and provide information about almost every unit of length used in daily life.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 108


The NCF-2005 pronounced that succeeding in mathematics should be seen as the right of every child which can be achieved by:

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 108

The NCF-2005 stated that having children develop a positive attitude towards, and a liking for Mathematics at the primary stage is as important as developing cognitive skills and concepts. General tactics of problem-solving can be taught progressively during the different stages of school: abstraction, quantification, analogy, case analysis, reduction to simpler situations.
The importance of mathematics in relation to other sciences, education, and research can not be overstressed. So, widening the skills and scopes throughout different stages and also relating it with other subjects is critical in succeeding in mathematics.
Hence, the correct answer is "Widening the scope of mathematics and relating it to other subjects".

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 109


When price of sugar is increased by 35% a person gets 14 kg less sugar in Rs 160. Find the new price of sugar per kg?

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 110


A group of girls has an average weight of 34 kg. One girl weighing 58 kg leaves the group and another girl weighing 40 kg joins the group. If the average now becomes 33.4 kg, then how many girls are there in the group?

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 111


Direction: India's national animal Tiger (which has also been under the radar of the government as its population declined in the country) has witnessed an increase in its population.

A survey was done by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate change, according to which tiger population is on rise at the rate of 6 per cent every year from 2006 and 2018.

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HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (233)

Pranav has found a report on status of tigers in India in last 100 years. He has some queries as follow :

Q. In which year, number of tigers were minimum?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 111

In 2007, number of tigers were minimum.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 112


Direction: Ladli Scheme was launched by the Delhi Government in the year 2008. This scheme helps to make women strong and will empower a girl child. This scheme was started in 2008.

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Q. Read the above bar graph and answer the following questions :

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In which year the budget was maximum?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 112

According to data, In 2010 - 11 year the budget was maximum.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 113


Direction: Ladli Scheme was launched by the Delhi Government in the year 2008. This scheme helps to make women strong and will empower a girl child. This scheme was started in 2008.

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Read the above bar graph and answer the following questions :

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Q. Which statement is incorrect about bar graph?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 113

There are no gaps in between consecutive rectangles.

Given statement is incorrect as there is gap in between consecutive rectangles in a bar graph.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 114


Directions : In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as.

Assertion (A): If the height of the cone is 24 cm and diameter of the base is 14 cm, then the slant height of the cone is 15 cm.

Reason (R): If r be the radius of the cone and h be the height of the cone, then slant height = HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (241)

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 114

slant height = HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (242)

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (243)

which proves that assertion is wrong.

Therefore, A is false but R is true.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 115


DIRECTION : In the following questions, a statement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark the correct choice as:

Assertion : Total surface area of the cylinder having radius of the base 14 cm and height 30 cm is 3872 cm2 .

Reason : If r be the radius and h be the height of the cylinder, then total surface area = (2prh +2pr2).

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 115

Total surface area = 2prh +2pr2

= 2p r (h + r)

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= 3872 cm2

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 116


The angle which, an arc of a circle subtends at the centre is ….. the angle which it subtends at any point on the remaining part of the circumference.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 116

Given : An arc ABC of a circle with center O , and a point C on the remaining part of the circumference.

To Prove : Angle AOB = Twice angle ABC

Construction : Join OC and produce it to a suitable point D

Proof : Let angles 1,2,3,4,5,6 be as shown in figure



c)5=4+1=Twice angle1 [EXTERIOR ANGLE PROPERTY]

d)6=2+3=Twice angle 2 [EXTERIOR ANGLE PROPERTY]

e)5+6=Twice angle (1+2) [ADD STATEMENT c AND d]

f)Angle AOB = Twice angle ACB [WHOLE = SUM OF ALL ITS PARTS]

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 117


In the given figure ∠SOR = 37.5° find the value of ∠PTQ.
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Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 117

∠SOR = 37.5°

∠SQT = 1/2 ∠SOR (Angle at the circumference is half of the angle at the centre)

⇒ 37.5°/2

⇒ 18.75°

∠QSP = 90° (angle made from the diameter to the circumference is 90°)


∠PSQ + ∠QST = 180° (Linear pair angle)

∠QST = 180° - 90° = 90°

In ∆QST,

∠STQ = 180° - (90° + 18.75°)

⇒ ∠STQ = 71.25°

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 118


A beam 9 m long, 40 cm wide and 20 cm deep is made up of iron which weighs 50 kg per cubic metre.

The weight of the beam is :

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 118

To find the weight of the iron beam, we need to calculate its volume and then multiply it by the weight of 1 cubic meter of iron, which is given as 50 kg.Given:
Length of beam (l) = 9 m
Breadth (b) = 40 cm = 0.4 m
Height (h) = 20 cm = 0.2 m
Weight of 1 cubic meter of iron = 50 kgVolume of the beam = l × b × h = 9 m × 0.4 m × 0.2 m = 0.72 cubic metersWeight of the beam = Volume × Weight of 1 cubic meter of iron = 0.72 cubic meters × 50 kg/cubic meter = 36 kg

Therefore, the weight of the iron beam is 36 kg, which corresponds to option B.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 119


Three solid spherical beads of radii 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm are melted into a spherical bead. Its radius is :

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 119

Let three spheres are S1, S2 & S3
having radii r₁ = 3cm, r₂ = 4cm & r₃ = 5cm respectively.
Let the radius of new Big sphere S is R.
Volume of new Sphere S = Sum of volumes three Spheres S1, S2 & S3

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (251)

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 120


The length of the longest rod that can fit in a cubical vessel of side 10 cm, is

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 120

The length of the longest rod that can fit in a cubical vessel of side 10 cm is equal to the length of the diagonal of the cube. Using the Pythagorean theorem, the length of the diagonal of the cube can be found as:Diagonal = √(length² + breadth² + height²)
Diagonal = √(10² + 10² + 10²)
Diagonal = √300
Diagonal = 10√3 cmTherefore, the length of the longest rod that can fit in a cubical vessel of side 10 cm is 10√3 cm, which corresponds to option C.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 121


"Desert Oak" is a tree whose roots go deep into the ground till they reach the water. The depth of these roots is nearly 30 times the height of the tree. This tree is found in:

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 121

"Desert Oak" is a type of tree whose roots go deep into the ground till they reach the water. The roots of this tree go to a depth nearly 30 times the height of the tree. This tree is found in dense stands, or forests in Australia. The tree is a slow-growing tree that is found in deep sands. They are considered the oldest trees of 1000 years of age.
Hence, the correct answer is, 'Australia.'

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 122


Which of the following is not a primary economic activity?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 122

Trading is not a primary economic activity.
The primary sector of the economy is the sector of an economy making direct use of natural resources. This includes agriculture, forestry, fishing and mining. In contrast, the secondary sector produces manufactured goods, and the tertiary sector produces services.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 123


Which among the following is an important characteristic of rainforests located at low latitude?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 123

In rainforests located at low latitude, a large number of varieties of different species of trees are found. In a survey, it was found that 3000 species of trees are found in low-latitude rainforest biome.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 124


In order to understand the role of various issues during an election, which of the following would you most likely ask your students?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 124

Conducting surveys by students will provide them with primary information, which will be unbiased. Hence, they will understand the role of various issues from their own first-hand experience.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 125


Identify the essential steps in educational diagnosis.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 125

Diagnostic testing is used to locate and identify the areas of learning difficulties.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 126


Consider the following statements and select the correct option regarding Media:
A. Media sets agendas.
B. Through media citizens learn how government works.
C. The information that the media provides should be balanced

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 126

Everything ranging from the stall at the local fair to the program that you see on TV can be called media.

  • Media is the plural form of the word ‘medium’ and it describes the various ways through which we communicate in society.
  • Because media refers to all means of communication, everything ranging from a phone call to the evening news on TV can be called media.
  • TV, radio, and newspapers are a form of media that reaches millions of people, or the masses, across the country and the world and, thus, they are called mass media.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 127


A doctor prescribed some medicines to a patient and also suggested him to eat jaggery, amla and more green leafy vegetables. This patient must be suffering from:

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 127

If a doctor is prescribing some medicines to a patient and also suggesting him to eat jaggery, amla, and more green leafy vegetables. This patient must be suffering from anaemia. Anaemia is caused due to a deficiency of Iron. It is a condition in which blood lacks healthy red blood cells.Jaggery, Amla, Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, collard greens, dandelion greens, citrus fruits, whole grains, beans, etc. All these things are a good source of iron.
Hence, the correct answer is, 'Anaemia.'

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 128


A student of class VIII is extremely upset over her inability to write on a prescribed topic. Her teacher advises that she may approach the assignment by breaking it into parts which are more familiar to her. Which of the following is the most appropriate with this method?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 128

The student is already upset over writing a term paper. But the three approaches mentioned involve writing on a paper first, which is exactly what the student is not able to do or is upset to do. Here, the student can read the paper first to find out information that is required by her and then write down as per the assignment.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 129


Assertion (A): Social science textbooks based on NCF 2005 contains lots of graphics, pictures and cartoons.
Reasoning(R):Use of graphics, cartoons and pictures as learning resource brings visual relief and fun.

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 129

Textbooks are considered to be the first and foremost tools of the teaching-learning process for both students and teachers. Text book acts as a guide for students and teachers to proceed through different chapters and lessons of the curriculum in a particular sequence which leads to the true construction of knowledge.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 130


Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh is a

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 130

Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh is a Palaeolithic site.
The Bhimbetka rock shelters are an archaeological site of the Palaeolithic, exhibiting the earliest traces of human life on the Indian Subcontinent, and thus the beginning of the Indian Stone Age.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 131


Article 19 of the Indian Constitution includes which of the following right?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 131

The correct answer is theRight to freedom of speech and expression.

  • Article 19 of the Indian Constitution includes the Right to freedom of speech and expression.

Key Points

  • Article 19 deals with the six Fundamental Rights. They are:
    • Right to freedom of speech and expression.
    • Right to assemble peacefully and without arms.
    • Right to form association or unions or co-operatives.
    • Right to move freely throughout the territory of India.
    • Right to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India.
    • Right to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business.
  • Fundamental Rights:
    • The Fundamental Rights have been described in Articles 12-35, Part III of the Indian Constitution.
    • The Right to Property (Article 31) was deleted from the list of Fundamental Rights.
      • By the 44th Amendment Act, 1978, it is made a normal constitutional right under Act 300A in Part XII of the Constitution

Additional Information

  • Right to Constitutional Remedies is enumerated in Articles 32-35.
  • Right against exploitation is enumerated inArticles 23 and 24.
  • The right to freedom of Religionis enumerated inArticles 25-28.
  • Fundamental Rights that are available to citizens only and not to foreigners: Article 15,16, 19, 29 and 30.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 132


Recently, India surpassed which country to become the fourth-largest equity market globally?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 132

India recently overtook Hong Kong as the world’s fourth-largest equity market, boasting a total market value of $4.33 trillion, surpassing Hong Kong’s $4.29 trillion. The leading global stock markets are currently the U.S., China, and Japan. This milestone underscores India’s rising prominence in the global financial arena, propelled by a robust GDP, political stability, foreign investments, and its appeal as an alternative to China. Meanwhile, Hong Kong grapples with challenges like COVID-19 restrictions, regulatory crackdowns, a property crisis, and geopolitical tensions, affecting its attractiveness to investors.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 133


Recently, which state government has decided to repeal the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Registration Act, 1935?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 133

The Assam government has repealed the Assam Muslim Marriage and Divorce Registration Act, 1935, as announced in a recent cabinet meeting in Guwahati. The Act, utilized by 94 Muslim registrars for marriage and divorce registrations, will no longer be valid. Assam Tourism Minister Jayanta Malla Baruah revealed the decision, stating that Muslim marriage and divorce registrations will no longer be conducted under this Act. The government will offer a one-time compensation of two lakh rupees to the affected Muslim Marriage Registrars for rehabilitation.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 134


Where will the 27th World Investment Conference (WIC) be hosted by Invest India?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 134

Invest India will host the 27th World Investment Conference (WIC) in New Delhi from December 11-14, 2023, providing a platform for global collaboration and discussions on shaping the future of investments.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 135


When is the International Day of Zero Waste celebrated?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 135

The International Day of Zero Waste is celebrated every year on March 30th, as established by a resolution passed by the United Nations General Assembly on December 14, 2022. This day is significant for raising awareness about reducing waste and promoting zero-waste initiatives to achieve sustainable development goals.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 136


The highest production and largest reserves of manganese ore lies in the state

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 136

The correct answer is Odisha.

Key Points

  • India is the world's fifth-largest producer of manganese after China, Gabon, South Africa, and Australia.
  • Manganese is not found as a free element in nature. It is usually found in combination with iron.
  • The most important manganese ore is pyrolusite.
  • Manganese is primarily used in the iron and steel industry.
  • It is the essential raw material for manufacturing steel alloys.
  • 6 kilograms of manganese ore is required for manufacturing one tonne of steel.
  • State-wise reserves of Manganese:
    • Odisha (44%),
    • Karnataka (22%),
    • Madhya Pradesh (13%), etc.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 137


Which of the following countries has the world's tallest nuclear facility, built by Rosatom?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 137

Russia's nuclear energy corporation Rosatom has set a record by installing a research reactor pressure vessel in Mountain Meteor at an altitude of about 4,000 meters above sea level in El Alto, Bolivia.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 138


Mansoon arrives in India approximately in:

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 138

Key Points

Monsoon in India:

  • The southwest monsoon sets in over the Kerala coast by 1st June and moves swiftly to reach Mumbai and Kolkata between 10th and 13th June.
  • By mid-July, southwest monsoon engulfs the entire subcontinent
  • During April and May when the sun shines vertically over the Tropic of Cancer, the large landmass in the north of the Indian ocean gets intensely heated.
  • This causes the formation of intense low pressure in the northwestern part of the subcontinent.
  • Since the pressure in the Indian Ocean in the south of the landmass is high as the water gets heated slowly,the low-pressure cell attracts the southeast trades across the Equator.
  • These conditions help in the northward shift in the position of the ITCZ.
  • The southwest monsoon may thus, be seen as a continuation of the southeast trades deflected towards the Indian subcontinent after crossing the Equator.
  • These winds cross the Equator between 40°E and 60°E longitudes.
  • The shift in the position of the ITCZ is also related to the phenomenon of the withdrawal of the westerly jet stream from its position over the north Indian plain, south of the Himalayas.
  • The easterly jet stream sets in along 15°N latitude only after the western jet stream has withdrawn itself from the region.
  • This easterly jet stream is held responsible for the burst of the monsoon in India.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 Free MCQ Practice Test with Solutions - HP TET (271)

Hence, theMansoon arrives in India approximately in early June.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 139


‘Quota of special drawing rights (SDR)’, which is seen in the news, is associated with which institution?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 139

The executive board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved a proposal to make a 50 per cent increase in the quota allocated to members in proportion to their current quotas. The proposal will now be considered and made effective by the board of governors as part of concluding the 16th general review of quotas.
Currently, India has a quota of special drawing rights (SDR) 13,114.4 million which denotes a share of 2.75 per cent, making it the eighth-largest quota-holding country in the IMF.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 140


In which yearMahatma Gandhi established the Natal Congress to fight against racial discrimination?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 140

The correct answer is1895.

Key Points

  • The Natal Indian Congress was an organization that aimed to fight discrimination against Indians in South Africa.
  • The Natal Indian Congress was founded by Mahatma Gandhialong with other Indians in 1895.
  • Gandhi was the Honorary Secretaryand Abdoola Hajee Adam Jhaveri (Dada Abdulla) was elected president.
  • The Natal Congress in its early stages focused on providing equality to all races and people of all castes, genders, and Creeds.
  • From the 1920s the organization functioned under the umbrella organization, the SAIC (South African Indian Congress).
  • However, in the 1930s-1940s, the NIC experienced more radical leadership when Dr. G.M. Naicker emerged on the scene

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 141


When is the International Day of Nowruz celebrated annually?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 141

The International Day of Nowruz is celebrated annually on March 21, marking the first day of spring and symbolizing renewal and cultural diversity. Recognized by UNESCO, Nowruz promotes values of peace, solidarity, reconciliation, and cultural heritage among communities globally.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 142


In which Indian region were the first lithium deposits discovered with estimated reserves of 5.9 million tonnes?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 142

The groundbreaking discovery of India's first lithium deposits, estimated at 5.9 million tonnes, was made in Jammu and Kashmir in February. Subsequent modifications to mining rules in July allowed private miners to explore these critical minerals, and reports indicate that the region will auction its lithium reserves in the coming months.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 143


Recently, the naval forces of which three countries launched a joint exercise near the Gulf of Oman?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 143

The naval forces of China, Iran, and Russia recently launched a joint exercise called the “Maritime Security Belt-2024” near the Gulf of Oman. The exercise, which began on March 11 and lasted until 15, is the fifth common military exercise between the three countries in recent years. The exercise aims to safeguard regional maritime security and strengthen maritime cooperation. The exercise is organized in three phases: harbor, sea, and summarize. The exercise focuses on anti-piracy and search and rescue training courses, and includes the participation of Russian warships and aviation.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 144


The First World War was concluded by the

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 144

Treaty of Versailles

  • On June 28, 1919, the Treaty of Versailles was signed at the Palace of Versailles outside Paris, France. The treaty was one of several that officially ended five years of conflict known as the Great War—World War I.
  • The Treaty of Versailles outlined the conditions of peace between Germany and the victorious Allies, led by the United States, France, and the United Kingdom. Other Central Powers (significantly, Austria-Hungary) signed different treaties with the Allies.
  • The Treaty of Versailles is one of the most controversial armistice treaties in history. The treaty’s so-called “war guilt” clause forced Germany and other Central Powers to take all the blame for World War I. This meant a loss of territories, reduction in military forces, and reparation payments to Allied powers.
  • The Treaty of Versailles held Germany responsible for starting the war and imposed harsh penalties in terms of loss of territory, massive reparations payments and demilitarization. Far from the “peace without victory” that U.S. President Woodrow Wilson had outlined in his famous Fourteen Points in early 1918, the Treaty of Versailles humiliated Germany while failing to resolve the underlying issues that had led to war in the first place.

  • Economic distress and resentment of the treaty within Germany helped fuel the ultra-nationalist sentiment that led to the rise of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party, as well as the coming of World War II just two decades later.

Key Points

The Fourteen Points

  1. Diplomacy should be public, with no secret treaties.
  2. All nations should enjoy free navigation of the seas.
  3. Free trade should exist among all nations, putting an end to economic barriers between countries.
  4. All countries should reduce arms in the name of public safety.
  5. Fair and impartial rulings in colonial claims.
  6. Restore Russian territories and freedom.
  7. Belgium should be restored to independence.
  8. Alsace-Lorraine should be returned to France and France should be fully liberated.
  9. Italy’s frontiers should be drawn along clearly recognizable lines of nationality.
  10. People living in Austria-Hungary should be granted self-determination.
  11. The Balkan states should also be guaranteed self-determination and independence.
  12. Turks and those under Turkish rule should be granted self-determination.
  13. An independent Poland should be created.
  14. A general association of nations must be formed to mediate international disputes.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 145


​Which Viceroy supported the selection of Shimla as the summer capital of British India in these words-"It is the only place in India where a Viceroy can keep himself free from office workload".

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 145

The correct answer is Lord Curzon.

Key Points

  • Lord Curzon
    • On January 6, 1899, Lord Curzon was appointed the new Governor-General and Viceroy of India.
    • He was the youngest Viceroy of India.
    • This was a time when British unpopularity was increasing due to the impact of recurring famine and the plague.
    • Lord Curzon supported the selection of Shimla as the summer capital of British India in these words-"It is the only place in India where a Viceroy can keep himself free from office workload".Hence, Option 1 is correct.
    • Curzon did little to change the opinion of the educated Indian class. Instead of engaging with the nationalist intelligentsia, he implemented a series of repressive measures.
    • For instance, he reduced the number of elected Indian representatives in the Calcutta Corporation (1899).
    • The University Act of 1904 brought Calcutta University under the direct control of the government.
    • The Official Secrets Act (1904) was amended to curb the nationalist tone of Indian newspapers.
    • Few Significant Events like the appointment of the Police Commission (1902) under Sir Andrew Frazer to review police administration, Ancient Monuments Preservation Act (1904), Younghusband’s Mission to Tibet (1904), Establishment of Department of Commerce and Industry, etc. took place under Lord Curzon’s Rule.
    • Finally, Curzon ordered the partition of Bengal in 1905. The partition led to widespread protest all across India, starting a new phase of the Indian national movement.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 146


Thangka Painting Presently belonging to the Indian States of Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh region and Arunachal Pradesh, Thangka were originally used as a medium of reverence that evoked the highest ideals of which of the following?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 146

The correct answer is Buddhism.

Key Points

  • ​Thangka Painting:
    • Presently belonging to the Indian States of Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh region and Arunachal Pradesh, Thangka was originally used as a medium of reverence that evoked the highest ideals of Buddhism.
    • Traditionally made by Buddhist monks and particular ethnic groups, the skill of these paintings has been passed from one generation to the other.
    • It has now spread to a greater number of people and to an extent been commercialised.
    • The earnings from the paintings are used not only to keep the art form alive and sustain the artist but also to help the monasteries.
    • Thangkas are painted on a base of cotton canvas (white background) with paints made from natural vegetable dyes or mineral dyes.
    • The colours used in the paintings have their own significance.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 147


Which of the following statement is/are correct regarding Himachal Pradesh?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 147

The correct answer is All of the above.

Key Points

  • Himachal Pradesh:
    • Himachal Pradesh, the state of India, is in the extreme northern part of the Asian subcontinent. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
    • It is bounded by Jammu and Kashmir union territory to the northwest.
    • Ladakh union territory to the northeast, by the Tibet Autonomous Region of China to the east, and by the states of Uttarakhand to the southeast, Haryana to the south, and Punjab to the west. Hence, statement 2 is correct.
    • Himachal Pradesh occupies a region of scenic splendour in the western Himalayas, offering a multitextured display of lofty snow-clad mountains, deep gorges, thickly forested valleys, large lakes, terraced fields, and cascading streams.
    • Indeed, the name of the state is a reference to its setting: Himachal means “snowy slopes” and Pradesh means “state.”
    • The city of Shimla was the summer headquarters of pre-independence British viceroys; it is now the state capital and, at an elevation of about 7,100 feet (2,200 metres), one of the largest and most popular mountain resorts in the country.
    • Formerly a union territory, Himachal Pradesh became a state of India on January 25, 1971. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
    • Area 21,495 square miles (55,673 square km). Pop. (2011) 6,856,509.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 148


Which of the following has launched the Report titled Governance for Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem (G-SHE)?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 148

The correct answer is Ministry of Environment & Forests, climate change (MoEFCC).

Key PointsMajor initiatives of Ministry of Environment & Forests, climate change (MoEFCC):

  • Announced India's intent to reduce the emissions intensity of its GDP by 20-25% between 2005 and 2020, thus making a major contribution to mitigating climate change.
  • Hosted Delhi High-level Conference on Climate Change: 'Technology Development and Transfer', that adopted the 'Delhi Declaration', which became a key input to the international climate negotiations.
  • Released India’s GHG Emission profile - a summary of 5 independent studies which show that India will remain a low emission economy even in the year 2030.
  • Launched the Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment (INCCA) in October 2009, like a network-based programme to make science, particularly the "3 Ms"-Measuring, Modelling and Monitoring-the essence of our policymaking in the climate change space. It brings together over 120 scientists from across the country.
  • Launched the Report titled Governance for Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem (G-SHE): Guidelines and Best Practices putting together key guidelines related to the governance and management of the Himalayan ecosystem along with case studies.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 149


More than 80% of the Himachal Pradesh population depend directly upon which of the following sector?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 149

The correct answer is Agriculture ​Sector.

Key Points

  • Agriculture Sector in Himachal Pradesh:
    • Agriculture contributes nearly about 45% to the net state domestic product.
    • It is the main source of income as well Himachal Pradesh is known as Apple state or the apple capital of India Theog Rohru Kinnaur Kullu is leading supplies of the major crop grown in Himachal Pradesh as employment in Himachal.
    • About 93% of the state population depend directly upon agriculture.
    • The main cereals grown in the state are wheat, maize, rice and barley and apples.
    • Kangra, Mandi and Paonta valley of Sirmaur district (to some extent) are the major producers of the first three kinds of cereal, while barley is mostly cultivated in Shimla.
    • Fruit cultivation has also proved to be an economic boon to the state. There are huge tracts of land suitable only for growing fruits.

HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 150


Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) has decided to set up a grain-based ethanol plant in which of the following district of Himachal Pradesh?

Detailed Solution for HP JBT TET Mock Test - 5 - Question 150

The correct answer is Una.

Key Points

  • Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) has decided to set up a grain-based ethanol plant in the Una district with a capacity of 125 KL per day.
  • The Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister, Jai Ram Thakur on 19 June 2021 announced that the state government would provide about 70 acres of land for setting up this plant and rail-fed POL terminal of higher capacity.
  • Major raw materials for producing ethanol like rice and maize would be procured from Kangra, Hamirpur, Bilaspur, and the Una districts of Himachal Pradesh.
  • Raw materials would also be procured from Hoshiarpur and Rupnagar districts of Punjab.
  • The plant would be set up at a cost of Rs. 400 crore and would provide direct and indirect employment to about 300 persons.

Important Points

  • The ethanol plant produces ethanol from grains for mixing the same in petrol and diesel which in turn will help in reducing pollution due to vehicular emissions in the State.

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