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t:tlJre: AllAN OLlEY/Camera Press

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_.._---~ - .-- -. -.-- ------ --------------

77SUNDAY EXPRESS Apn113, 2008

VIIIIIIIIReview^-~. ~.~\ ~~

. .

was a box of frogsTHOUGH officially born in 1934,

Shirley MacLaine isIit 74 - she’s . nearer to 7,400. This is because she

has had "many, many lives, many, many births, and many, many , deaths". To prove her point she tells us: "1 have slept in the

sarcophagus of the Kings’ Chamber of the Great Pyrand at Gizeh." We are also privy to facts concerning her "past life in Atlantis" (the origin apparently of her red-haired, white-skinned and "slightly-slanted blue-eyed" appearance). At one time or other Shirley also possessed "both male and female genitalia," though whether this was a help or a hindrance she doesn’t say. .

It’s good to know that Shirley was as zany in former aeons as she is in our own - it spreads the embarrassment. She’s always doing odd things.

. She has hung around with the Masai in East Africa "and birthed a few babies, who were named after me". Finally, after sitting on a mountaintop in Peru: "1 left my body to witness the Earth below me." "I have been a questioner all my life," she says in her latest effusion, with its horrible title, Sage-ing While Age-ing. Credulous would surely be a better word? There’s barely a conspiracy theory or New Age health fad that Shirley doesIit want to fall for. She’s convinced, for example, that our arnes are in Iraq to steal and decipher the cuneiform tablets that derive from "the seat of the most advanced. ancient civilisation" that formerly existed there or thereabouts. FUrthermore, Shirley believes that the

government of the United States has received visitors from outer space. Shirley has seen "a squadron of UFOs" buzzing the Capitol in Washington and is certain that President Eisenhower signed a treaty with extraterrestrial races, allowing them to "furnish us with advanced technology" in return for pernssion to abduct humans and perform experiments on them. How else have we acquired the skills to develop fihre optics, integrated circuit chips, night-vision equipment, particle beam devices and gravity- controlled flight? <How indeed?) .

. More than 3.5 n on Americans, says Shirley, have had direct contact with the star visitors, leaving them with nightmares, severe stress,

AUTOBIOGRAPHY" " ~"^’;: ~\.._~_"",~’t~.:~ ,.- ..1,;,. -""..’ .., J. ~***** " Shirley MacLaine I ~.imoI1. ~ch~s.~er’.}~4:~~9gastrointestinal symptoms and psychosexual dysfunctions. Then again, ill health n ght not be due to interptanetary pokes and prods. It could be because you take sugar, "a legalised poison".

Shirley also suspects the pharmaceutical industry and medical profession of plotting to try to kill us to ensure profitability. Modern medicine is "the number one cause of death every year". Apart from taking Valium to sleep, Melatonin ("wonderful for the hair") and PriIosec and N exium to alleviate acid reflux problems, Shirley won’t pop a pill


If there. are husbands or children in Shirley’s life,they don’t merit a mention. Nor does her brother Warren Beatty. Her dog does though. "With a dog you learn intimacy with yourself and a deeper capacity for friendship." Friendship with other dogs or extraterrestrials she must mean because with humans: "1 won’t pernt small talk, omy telling the truth as 1 see it regardless." You have to remind yourself that Shirley isn’t

omy an unusual obsessive, she also used to be a marvellous actress. If you can get her off the subject of Attantis and on to a topic equally as bizarre, that’s to say Hollywood, her showbiz tales are first class. We hear about Bob Fosse, who greeted her: "You

with the legs that start at your eyeballs." Jerry Lewis’s sulks are described, as are Frank Sinatra’s dealings with the Mafia. Dean Martin used to slink away from parties, preferring to watch Kojak "than risk a serious conversation". It is touching to learn that since the deaths of his daughter and granddaughter, Richard Attenborough cannot listen to music, "otherwise he would break down and fall apart".


Shirley worked with Nicole Kidman, who would jet off to shoot commercials but on her. return would speak "not a word about where she had been". Mystique has to be preserved. ..

. .’ .


Keep guessing to the end

I THERE IS not a lot of intellectual - . kudos attached to ...

. reading Jodi Picoult . but there is an awful lot of enjoy.ment to be had. She has shot to


-~;, a very short period of

me, to the extent that her publishers ow aim to get out three books every vo years. This i~ number 14. It’s easy for critics to sneer at this ind of commercial success but the fact :, it comes with a guarantee: you know )u are going to get a roller-coaster de of a plot. Her novels have been described as me part romance, one part courtroom lriIler, two parts social commentary" nd the latest thriller, Change Of :eart, is no exception. Picoult has an

FICTION trustworthy odd-job-man who had been doing some work on their house. Bourne subsequ ntly finds himself on death row. Flash forward 11 years and Bourne is

waiting for his sentence to be carried out. He has always ctaimed he was innocent but he pleaded guilty during his court case:He is now insisting that his dying wish according to his religious beliefs, which ought to be honoured under US law, is to donate his heart to Claire, who suffers from a rare disease and is unable to find a donor match. . To complicate matters, Shay Bourne

has attracted a religious following of devotees who insist that he is able to perform n acIes. A prisoner with Aids in the cell next to him appears to have made an amazing recovery. When a bird flies into another cell and almost dies, Bow;!e brings it back to life. The

prison priest is not sure what to make of all this: responsible for Bourne’s spiritual well-being, Michael is having a crisis of conscience of his own.. As a student he was on the jury which convicted Bourne but in his heart he has never been entirely convinced of the man’s guilt. True to fonn, Picoult keeps you . guessing to the end in this morality tale.

June changes her mind several times about whether she will accept Bourne’s heart and it turns out that Claire had ideas of her own, too. This is a challenging and clever read

which asks for a big suspension of disbelief but if you can get over that, it turns into an edge-of-your-seat thriller, with some thought-provoking wrangling over religious belief and the perils of self-righ1eousness along the way.


f r p

[I:]; :mtJ~[~ *-ii:*** I J~t~ult I HOd~er.A:E.1~ __....uncanny knack of dreaniing up moral dilemmas that you cannot ignore: you must know the resolution. How is this for an agonising choice: would you grant your enemy’s dying wish to save your child’s life? June Nealon lost her first daughter,

Elizabeth, when she was pregnant with her second, Claire. Elizabeth was killed in" shooting with her stepfather Kurt, a police officer. They both appeared to have been murdered in cold blood by. Shay Bourne, a simple but seemingly

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Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (4)

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Ministry of Defence Daily Mail (Main) 06 August 2007 31 2352183 526


\ .-files

From alien in a Hastings garden to flying scooter in Stevenage, the MoD reveals its list of sightings

. ’.’:’:.\ ..... ’. ........ ~.~ . ..,LeV; ’J.P.’you have seen a large bJaek :E ,’uare In’tbe sk7. a gla~,t

scooter o.-even_~ 0" de1ourJd~’~’ .yoU are not alone.. ... .’ ’:~., :,;.: . ’~sl8bID~ocIare~tto:C: ~:EJ~:...’:’,,";~~

e eme~ aner tbe lIoD . deCided to pub witneu ~ 0,

t untdentUled objecta. aeen In . our aJdes - and oceuIoiIaIIJ In our ~ena - foDowIQ a"’" p"~ of reque.. under ’U1e fteedoaa;__ .IntOnDatIOD Act.

" The JDIDiatI’7’a webllte sbowa that ’"ID JOOI alone there were VI repoded ;QPO "p~ ,. ~e ~n.peerinlr t~up tb~ kitchen wlndo... ..... spotHdby a couple In Hastlnp. . .

Another witDesa reported bnrIDII alDlUllliYe bImC above stan-AweS ~ N~ LoadoD, before two IIIrp an- b8JItireabd .....". . . SUJiderlaDd bad a sfIver prramId wbleb rotated at low speed

. And. ’motber.bip witb t...o smaDer i)rba’ above -....ton !D staJrorcbbIr8 ..... spotted twlcelD five dQL . :

.’ In Drevtoua ~ 121fUDd Included’ an CX1IIJ88IW1 at ’ WIfh". ~ap1~eriablep’ and. ’b dsIiaped’objlCt that JooIrI!d JUre. .

, aide-on’ and new ’ruter than . D8I1ter Jet’.

. A 101( of unJdenWled objecta baa been kept by the MoD for decades. wltb some cases !DvesU- pted Ibr national seeurlti7 rellllODlL"

. PnYloual1. It took 30 yean fOJ’ claIIIIfted reof UPO slgbtfDto be released. leaYlq enthwith . cold t.rai1 to foIlup. .

. . But deta11a of eftlJ. alKhtloc alDee. l~g. were released )ua\ e.

~~.a1I" ~. are e . ..aid. .’ , ’ ~ ~ tbIDJaI’tbe7 haft ~,_ ~..craft. J would say. .~~..’I.. ~Dtb8 after tb1a year’a 80th ’snnlyenary of t1ae aU_ired aUen ~.landlDlr In RonreD. Hew Mexico. . . .

Robert Rosamond, cbaIrmaD of ~ BdUab UPO Re8AuoCIa- . ~OD[.~ald: ’These !Ilea giye an .q~WlS IDaIpt loto tm lphenomena - moat IDteresUocIa .’~tbIa strucQJredor.. an.

. abape. . . : ’Ai’oUDd 118 per <<:em at ceIIM can be expla1Ded. ’I’be "’"’....,..c two pel’ cem.keep..~~’ .

Lad ~. fqllDu MoD cbJet w.nI8COIII&8I.. c:lie attacked ~ aJIiIit aDJ Ume. ... NIck ~ badju~ down

,as bead Ulr: ~ d~ mI!Id, ’.UI’O~~~.’"-d It... been ~ eDed’. . ’:.’’’’Pclt~’ aipunp went o~" lie added. and ~,....’1rkIe opeo to"". Same cilu.. ....tmCD arauabI:r

be e~_ ~ the- descriptions pyen .......... fUCIr aa ’VIanBIe ::U::~ ~~tbatJookecl. A 1..... nUlDber aJao occur In

NoyelDber and DB December 31- ...1ieD Ib.. ~ are beld - and after pub dDIIIDC bowL A ~ b’u. CIYD AvlaUoa Aut~"" "8oIDeUmea Ul’08

ant .~ military Jet.. optical............ Bu&.-aeUmes we JWIt cIoD’& 1I:n.... tIIe7 are.’ Bow- eft!’ ....~ SIr PddcIt lloore. ft&eJaD ..r::::ter of The Sk;J At !ftPt.. .. the chances or ........~ . .

"ftIent liDO ~ Ute In our solar ~,aCePt pouIbb on BIIIUa... and"! ___ so’sure about u.t- _ ,tile ....... ~e. at aa.ysee-


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Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (5)

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..... u.4.2... ( ........... ...............(St’RHlw...___ _. .’ . n ~, -.. .-...... . s ~ ObJtKtpng a . Islands. Gwynedd) BlaCk square

. say, IO,OIaid to DeOfl.ftre. aw-. object hanging In sky. ~....... siver 1ft colour. a.....-..... . .. .. .. ...... 7A,,- (HastIngs, SUc-~ "’_7..1O~1~ Two w _es ttltIi5iIw an ~) Fl4shlng ball. chanlng aIIeft CJUts(de their kItden.wI. coloUr frOm red.. onmge, green ..... .. ...4.... (MacdesfiE!Id, and blue. .HQYered fQI130 mk1s. Cheshire) $PInning objwith ...... tLftJ. (NewqUIIr.. triangular part on each side. Grey ~___..... rnetalUc JIII,,4J., (Ste\IeMge; ftIOIIIId then YIIII5hed. Hertfotdshk’e) Oblong shape .. 23, 10pIII (WestKltbrlde, de$Cfibed as looking a bit like a Ayrshlre) Four golden spheres. scOOter. .".~..-s) AllIS. ~(Enfteld, North . MoIIIet _ and two 5IIIiIUer London) 13 orange orbs darting ortmoving iII’OUIId It. one about In different directions before white; one orange. shooting 5Ira1gllt Up.

~.. (Whit~Qnbna) ’lHangu1ar objedWltt1 and. an1bef IIStrange droning. n as It paSsed overheac1 __ u..... (White ROdlnOj Essex) Hundreds<< glowing lights I11QVlng In rows of three In line formatfon. Od3\ ~ (Hetton-Le- . ~ ’tyne....)8I,ack. trtInguIIr wo with ttlree "gilts on" ... (HIWt.MtOn, Norfolk) SiMrobje(t wItIIllght underneath. Hcw In sky. and made little noises. Dust came down.

, . Page 21/105

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Ministry of Defence Express on Sunday (Main) 05 August 2007 10,11 758443 1024

6\ \


AFl’ER years gathering dust in Whitehall filing cabinets, Britain’s own X-Files are being released to the public. Secret mes held by the ~~ Defenl!p. on sightings of wu en

flying objects used to be destroyed after five years because of "insuffi- cient public interest". Not any more. The number of

requests made WIder the Freedom of Information Act has been so huge that the Ministry has begun transf~g its paper records to an electromc database that is gradually being released online. They contain an astonishing record

of the weird and wonderful objects spotted in the skies by the public over the past 25 years. Forget Star Trek. Here are space-

stps shaped like tadpoles, emitting strange lights and noises while they hover above slumbering towns - or occasionally come in to land on motorways in the small hours. The MoD says it is "open-minded"

about the possibility that alien life fonns may be visiting earth.

A surprising number of people have .~~~~~~..~~..~~~..~~..~~.~~~.~..~~..~~~.~:.! objects shaped like aeroplanes, helicopters and balloons. Others are much harder to explain. There is no real pattern to the

reports. Some witnesses report classic flying saucers, others claim to have seen craft shaped like cigars. boomerangs, golf balls - even teddy bears. Most just see clusters of lights. At times it is hard to tell what the


. (...and the ’op p>niindeq’ MoD is investigating every UFO~ sig~tihg)

I ., . .


witnesses thought the strange craft might have been doing. One observer in 1993 reported an

object "like a puff of cloud" with a red light on it, flying above Wunblcdon in south London in the general direction of Roehampton - the sort of route you would follow if you had just spent light years in space just to visit Earth. Another report from 2001 teUs of a

"blight green light" landing near the MI at Kegworth, Leicestershire - per- haps stopping at nearby East Midlands Airport to fill up and grab a snack before the long journey home. Other entries leave the sceptic won-

dering what happened next, like the report by a couple from Hastings, East Sussex, who "thou2l1t they saw an alien outside their kitchen win- dow" in May last year.

Sceptics will also seize on the fact that a significant number of sightings occur in early November and the end of December, when big firework dis- plays are. not unknown. And a favourite time for them seems to be after the pubs have closed. The MoD, which is committed to

defend the country against any attack on its airspace, has held records on UFO sightings for decades. For many years every report was investigated and even today those that do not have an obvious explanation are examined and reported on.

A spokesman said: "The MoD examines reports solely to establish whether UK airspace may have been compromised by hostile or wtautho- lised military activity.

"If required, sighting reports are

"_. --

examined with the assistance (If air defence experts. Unless there ; evi- dence of a potential threat, there is no attempt to identify the nature oC each sighting." The MoD insists it holds no re~

meetings on UFOs, nor does it COD- duct research. There are "no plans" for dealing with an alien invasion. But in letters to UFO enthusjasts,

the department admits that it is ready - in theoly, at least - to repel raiders from outer space. One letter says: ’’Any threat to the UK would be bandled in the .tigbt of the circum- staDces at the time and might inVolve the scrambling of aircraft. We have DO record of the UK ever b;iDg to briDg down a UFO." But the MoD is open-minded

about the possibility of alien life, DOting that "it is clear from reports there are many stnangthin_ tn M AAP.n in UtP. JIb" In another letter the ministry says: "The MoD does Dot have any expertise or role in respect of UFO 01’ ~ saucer matters or to the question of the aisteDc:e or other- wise of ematenestriallife forms, about which it remains totally open-minded. "We believe that rational ezp1a- nations could be found for most of

the sigbtinp if resources were dP.wntM tn An Min.. hut it i~ not the function of the MoD to provide this kind of aerial identification service. It would be an inappropri- ate use or defence resources if we were to do so. " UFO expert Stuart Miller said

that although many pbenomena had rational aplanatioas, others

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did not. Mr Miller, who runs the online

news service, said; "There is no obvious pattern and no part of the UK is immune. "Sceptics lite to say that

’ufology’ is dead and the ..igt>tinV are drying up, but it isD’t true. Peop1e are still seeing objects in the skies in very large numbers. There is tremendous interest in the questioD of whether there is

out there. .. Be added: "It would be reckless

to say UFOs are eztra..terTestrial craft. We just don’t mow. But whatever they are, they don’t seem to want to barm us. There are no instances of aggression, so we shouldn’t wony people." Others are not sure there is

arytbing out there at all. Astronomer Sir Patrick Moore. veteran presenter Of BBC Tele- vision’s The SlI;y at Night, said be was highly sceptical about UFO sigbtings. Be added: "There is no intelli-

gent life in our solar system, except possibly on earth - aud I am DOt so sure about that - so the chances 01 anyone seeing an alien craft are extremely sligbl "To &Dyone who thinks they

haw seen aD a6en craft I would say: ’Have aaotber look. ... . The most recent UFO sighting was over Guernsey in ApriL Captain Ray Bcnryer was pilot-

ing a commercial flight from Southampton to Alderneywben be noticed two bright objects. 1brougb binoculars be saw a

large, brilliaat yellow, cigar- shaped object with a similar one a liWe further away. They were said to be the size of a 737 airliner and were seen by severa1 of Captain Bowyer’s passengers and the pilot of a private plane.


What the l ~ ~ secret MoD

files reveal iiIii





. .. l’ 200&. .....~. fad s.... 7.41,.... we. .... ....... ..., .. - ... ....... ... ..... ........ February 2.2006, Weflingboro\Jgh, Nor1hants. 5.5Opm: A V-shaped object was spotted which had bright lights and sounded like a !.Wann of bees. . .... 14, 2014, ......" .... ... .. ~ 1.27,. .. eIIject ... ....... .. . ...... - ... .... .. tile .. II ... ... IIrtaM ...... - 1M .... . January 29, 2003, WohertIamplDn, 6.15pm: Two biangular objects llying in perfect syndIronisation. low humming noise, not liIIe a commetdaJ airliner.. S.’ A. 1, 2IIZ, Leicedllj, s,. .. .... tIIIIt _ pit .... .... n. ...... .... ,." ... --...... ...... - __ iii _L........... . December 31, 2001, Castle Don/ngron, Lelcestefsh/re: A brtght ~n light seen moving at very high speed. The object appeared to land near Keg’MInh OYer the MI. . ... 24, 2001, r.n.t .. a...r.., ID-2S,. .. .. cnft -... ...... ..... DIsc .... . .... ...... ..... .... .. EIIcIIW I. l ..11 _ ......... . January 31, 2001, South Clifton NotI:S, 9.1opm: One object the size ’of a helicopter. Red and white stripes/lights with wings like a PhantDm. Stationary. !hen darted around the wood.. ~ 20, 2011, c...., ...... r-, LIs..: s....e... .... .... .... I!III!I . .... "." - - .... __ f. __ .... tile ., .. ....... . July 21. 2000. Neath, West

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Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (8)

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Ministry of Defence Sunday Mirror (Main) 05 August 2007 11 1397739- 370


For the first time, the MoD ~teteals number of unexp-Iained i~~ll . , .lghtings.. 9718st year

1-....... ..._..

Ell ILES .:"’:’~.;~!t~~J!~;j&Qj;J.iJ;:~’ "::

THE truth Is out there, so they say. But now It could be a lot closer to hand since Brltaln’s reitl-llfe X-Flies have been opened for the first time - spookily revealing details of HUNDREDS of UFO slghtlngs. Last year alone the Mini~ of Defence logged nearly 100 eyewitness reports of stra.nge unidentified flying objects w ZZlng through our skies - and they’re all listed on the left. The secret log - made public under the Freedom of Infonnation Act - deta.ils UFO sightings that ra.nge from the laughable to the seriously baffiing... i1ying saucers. orange f1reba.lls streaking across the atmosphere. a spinning silver

pyramid and even an alien. o

Utter tosh, some might say. But not the UFO experts, who are excited to

finally have their hands on a log of sightings from as recently as last year. Normally, it ta.kes 30 years for cla.s8ified

records of UFO sightings to be released. by which time they have been long dismissed. But now the experts can view files from 1998

to 2006 that give the date, time and location of the sightings as well as a short description. Among the list of unexplained phenomena

reported in the last 12 months was a "mothership with _two sma.ller orba" flying above Barlaston in Staffordshire, which was witnessed again ftve days later. Then there was a weird oblong "shaped like

a scooter" spotted in the sky above Stevenage, Beds. A huge "black square" was seen hanging from ths clouds in St TudwaJ’s Islands, Wales, while a "spinning object with triangular nns" was recordeCi

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r’ax fro. e

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

2B/B2/B7 11:25 Pg: 1 -’ .- ~ r ~ / 0\’’-’ ;.JI ~’ (<t 1’V\~’i \ ..1 (’L I ~~Wf

NEWS ~,~’~5~’~~,;:~nH’;:~1~~~~t~f{:~~:f~~~i’’’’J~~ 1,:M’~ 31}H:;H/i:; ~~’~ri:}~’~ ~~~~fF~~~"~!;":~’,\\i}’ki:~::.~:~,.~rv~.~~:~,~~ :7’,2.~ :~~~ !:,),,~:"~ISJ..I~~~:~~::~:!:~i;g~’f::;:~:~~f;t’~~~;~~~f.;:;’:::~ ~.."; ~.;;.:.~ ~1’r~~t;;:~;~:~:t~~:~~-!~~f.~~~~ t:t:~:H~~~~~~g;~::~:~i~.~:~.~:~~~r:;~:~\~f~0.,ii ,~~:::~ 1’~~ ~~;i:*~~lIobln Tu,n&r ~-(Ol’)i". ~llrn~r@w\lmP.


Websitela s’ Ut explar)a~i9n .for,. ’Welsh Roswell’A CELEBRAThD UFO incident’ ill w hidl ;l!icn~ src. ..uid to have .’ crush-l~dr:tJ intu ii, P:rfJt~;W’~lsh"’" 1,_11"

moun~in r3l1gc i!1’J97~ Tnay:fi~’:. nnlly hu\c bccndcbllnked,: : ".,..’

According to contrib l ons on. .

the ir1lt:met cn<:y.;lOp.’Orjia W .i. pedi3, .thc Berw)’TI Mounuins in- cident - uften rdcm:d 10 as Ih" "WcI~h Ro~wcll"- wa,<; a..’"tually a combin,lfiun’ of ,In t:Olrthquak=, a meteor shmver and poacher> ear-" l)’iI1g Sopp<)l’I~rs of the 1 rl=’n rh~nrv Inc;.t nifThr hit hnde "t the c};’;I!I$.’

- It <Ill happc.ned l’n the frosty’

night of January 23, 1974. n~ Llandrillo, high in CJwyd’s B~r’ W}l1 Mountain,. ’.

J\r~t afl.rS,3Opm,c....n t. m,)st 501i;i farmhm.iRcfi d c unlr)’ pubs begiln 10 shake’ .IS the earth" nlmh1c,i with wh5t ~ppe:JTcd to be.’ a f:mtnstic imPUl1, ’.

.. ,

As I)<~opl~ I()<)]ccd out of’their homes. the night sky WIIS streaked with light. pc..’U1iar "bit}’ !ighU" were abo seen t1 ,uing O"’~J’ the Be"VVI1R. ,"; flUr.;c and ~rtwo daughter. ch mcd IU hOlVC seen a[\ or;l!lcc hroll on the mountainside

. ubcJ\:C Lhmdril10 whit. other.; clllimcd to M"e seen "nun-human I)&:iI1S~" heing handlc..i b)’ mi1itaIy pcn;onne 1. .

13m it w~<" ~ay~ Wikipedia. a complex coim;>dence of a meteOr shm’ widely ob~"rved over W:cs .tnd nOllcrn Engl.tnd. a

. s t1aIJ earthquake. plus the acrlViiy .

ofp()achc~ - which e)(pl~iJ1Cd the f;,iry lighls, .

And the website sayS so’\~al1ed ufJ)~n in hbck". thought to twvc bt:~’fI GCJwmment agents in the arca s(Jon nfterw:JTds, were in f l

civil " 1"Vilnt$ fJ’oJn the British GeC1logical Su!"ey who hap~ned to be wc~r g d~’k c10thifl~.

Contributo~ to Ih~ oI1hn~ ell’ cydc)p(..j;~ say it is oow 1crum11 that Olt H.3l!pm on JiLrmal)’ 23, 1974, an ea1’lhquake measuring 35 on the Richter Scale W;lS felt over a wide =" of North Wales

d 35 far afield as Liverpool. Fir.t reaclions wt:n: that a plane ad "r;l.~hcd. M a 111eu=oritc had

imp,l ~d, Wikipcdiu ’clairrui.. ~Further

l:onfu~i’\1I W~~ .;aused by light!!

~:"~I’ .1-. ’"~~. --, ..: "1:.:" ,.’.

STRANGE JiApPENINGS :rh e"rwyn Mountains Incir:1ent ~<I~ dtie to" mi~ of".. meteor show r, an am1quak,~ and poac,h",r’ activity’.

AUEN PiGt res such as this "autopsy fra{n~grab" <ldded to the rumour:> that the US t>~d re.av;;1’t’!<1 :’In alif!n in Ros\W1I ’

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. ,’,;In lhe’ZOs enlire’cfass ct.’ . .~,’IMUK (rom 1989’rnighl explain !he -::~l.’pr.~.m.~.’ :s.~’tI1.’:. :o.. ..,.t Ji...

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~!.er.t.~.i9~.!~gs"" .’. .,: ,’,Broadhavev,( Wes~ Wales, cfallned . ;’,because 1\ dl Mt move Ii~e a..

,:.~, \ rti} t ~ eh.Ja’l)~ !~ j~g;1I.i1i1i:.:;:..t rivenlioMi’ lrcraf;,’ ’....

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:, iQ8r~~b p \1. b!~9.~ ~)p’p~~ ~ i~;)~;I~~e~ligated 28 UFO reports I~ . ,~~n!:~milf~ ~,I!1,\!~ti;"’; f" ’"i;, ;,,,, :!:,;,J~are~ In Ifle prevlO~s three yc,u,. .

<In fqp6,h~weyer,;~?me~ Qarr.~? i":;r,’1They !ncluded a gl?nt bl,aek obl.1C\ ,q’JewMexICO;aS9r’1rCeman based seen aver Rhyl,a IIYlng disc with ’il(BrnwcfY;West W l s,.1ri the 70s: :"’Ie1s’ se m Qverthe Rhonddaan,1 a

,:\ M"~J;:! I~’~~~r"-, r m~ga.~iD~’:::"lying qisc’ seeri.ovel Newpo~ .. .’ t:.~!~~~ ~:~~~’;~1SJIIt"\ir:::’YJ.:;,.;’J.~’~""!l~t,!t:j.1r ~’:’ ~;~=,:~.~ ::i~.~:~;~r~!,!:~~~::-~:t:’1~:.~~7:’;;.’.~ ! ..,.~~,I’:~;;’

~en on the DeIwyn Ml)u[\~i[\s; . .....hich s\’b~ueI1l1y tUrned out to hav~ helonged 10 poochc.-.>. .


"f>olice were alel’led nli ~t up a ~eareh r.:::un, Within an hour about 10 uflc"r; were sl"’;\IChing the Berw}’n Mountains nnd the)’ wen: joined lal~r by an R....F lTIoun~jn fCSoOue tcllITl from Vallcy’ (Angle- sey), No(hil1g was found. snd all !;C;lr"hcs were called oIl al jllS(

;\f!Ct 21)11\ the fol1mving day:’ But Cdn I (cory WiUiarTls; a

Pl;:d C}o mtU .;ounci\lof rcpreRCIlt- ing Llandrillo. bcHeves s(>m~thing I1I1l1SU;11 ~aPr.:ncd tha10ighL. . He 5ald. ’In the. early houri; a

dose friend of millC ~aid e went up the mountain to see if there hud b<:en $Ome Icitld of crash. He W:lS buzzed by army helicopr,,[’S Jl sCN ming .at hinl through loud

speaken; ’keep W Y - evaCU;11e the are,,’. NQw while ( :un not a follower of the l’IllSh.d UFO the. ory thete could hav~ been some ex~rimcntnl jet which ~’r.ished - and (he m.iHury W30u=d flO one o~ar then:." C.ud;<!,i Lionel FanthoIpc, the broadcaSler iIII,j cleric who is president of the Brit- ish UfO Rcsc.rn:h Ass()<~i tinn

(Bufo ). yesterdOlY in"’o~c,i Ih. examp! of.lhc celchralCd Ro"wcl il1cident - whe.n the US ("nW cmmerlt is !\1r1111Urcd to have re cove~d an alien body fcom ;

downed UFO near the Iemot, New Mcxico lown of Roswcl1 - il

support of the cl;lim.<, He ~aid. "~Iy from a ~t:lti’tic"

poinl of vicw 3 visit from ~l1m’ other civilisation is I""i! overdue:’

: ’."’ ,~ I" ..,.:", ~ , .. .-; . ~’:- "~’:.".."’._"’--..;;". .-,. ~ ". .L". 0>..’ .. ,.., ~,.~’ .,..., ~. ~ .;. .’" .’.... ......’..,’ .,,-

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Could we have hitched a ride on UFOs?

Newly released files may put one mystery to bed, but in doing so others are left unanswered

James Randerson Thursday February 22, 2007 The Guardian

It is not the sort of discussion you imagine among the grey- suited ranks of Whitehall - defence analysts debating the existence of little green men and speculating about whether they have visited Earth. .

But a set of newly released internal Ministry of Defence documents gives a fascinating insight into the military’s interest in UFOs. They tell the story of the MoD’s decision to investigate the threat they might pose and whether alien military technology could be used in the defence of the realm. They also reveal the conflicting attitudes within Whitehall to the subject and the lengths that officials went to in order to keep the project secret.

Article continues ’"

The documents, many marked "Secret UK Eyes A", layout the rationale for the three-year Project Condign report which

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'Guardian' feature

Guardian technology feature, ‘Could we have hitched a ride on UFOs?’, published 22 February 2007.

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analysed more than 10,000 possible UFO sightings collected over several decades - many from military personnel. The existence of the 460-page report was revealed last year following freedom of information requests by David Clarke, a lecturer in journalism at Sheffield Hallam University, and his colleague Gary Anthony. It was more FOI sleuthing on their part that turned up the current slew of papers.

The documents show that the internal lobbying effort for a UFO study began in 1993. In a briefing note from the secret UFO investigation branch of Defence Intelligence - called DI55 - an unnamed author wrote: "The national security implications are considerable. We have many reports of strange objects in the skies and we have never investigated them.

Paranoid response

"I also believe that it is important to appreciate that what is scientific ’fact’ today may not be true tomorrow... If reports are taken at face value then devices exist that do not use conventional reaction propulsion systems, they have a very wide range of speeds and are stealthy. I suggest that we could use this technology, if it exists."

And he speculates: "If the sightings are of devices not of the Earth then their purpose needs to be established as a matter of priority... possibilities are: 1 Military reconnaissance. 2 Scientific. 3 Tourism."

According to a former MoD intelligence analyst who asked not be named, the MoD was paranoid in the late 1980s that the Soviet Union had developed technology that went beyond western knowledge of physics. "For many years we were very concerned that in some areas the Russians had a handle on physics that we hadn’t at all. We just basically didn’t know the basics they were working from," he said. "We did encourage our scientists not to think that we in the west knew everything there was to be known."

Material that was held back from the original FOI release of the Project Condign report, but which was published in October after an appeal, suggests that the MoD suspected that this scientific knowledge came from studying UFOs - or unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) as the MoD prefers to call them. "Russian, former Soviet republics and Chinese authorities have made a co-ordinated effort to understand the UAP topic. Several aircraft have been destroyed and at least four pilots have been killed ’chasing UFOs’."

One of Project Condign’s conclusions was that UAP events could be put down to poorly understood phenomena called plasmas. The report says that the Russian military was doing research using plasmas as reflector antennas, aerodynamic drag reducers, stealth absorbers and using them to produce "saucer-shaped volumes".

The initial request in 1993 for an MoD research project into UFOs was shelved, but in a later memo dated June 19 1995 following a surge in UFO reports, the same unnamed wing commander at DI55 wrote: "Until we conduct some analysis of the files we will not have any idea what the many reports

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e represent. If at any stage in the future UAPs are shown to exist then there is the potential for severe embarrassment."

Clarke, whose book Flying Saucerers: The Social History of Ufology will be published in April, says: "They knew that because no detailed study of the subject had ever been carried out - and consequently they had no idea what UFOs were - they could not justify the claim they were of no threat."Nick Pope, who worked on the MoD’s public UFO desk until 1994 and features in the correspondence, adds: "This was always the big debate. How could you possibly fulfil the remit of looking at the issue properly to see if there was anything of.defence significance, without carrying out research and investigation? I think it is one of these subjects where it is low probability, high consequence," he adds. "For the want of spending a little bit of money, the potential wins if there were anything of any defence significance here would be worth having."

But how much money did the MOD spend? One document refers to a E35,OOO cost estimate, while in another from 1996, the head of Defence Intelligence (Scientific and Technical) estimated E80,OOO for a year-long study. Project Condign when it was eventually begun took more than three years to complete. So does that mean a price tag of at least E240,OOO?

No, according to the MoD, although it would not release the true figure. "This assumption that the sum will tally up to E80,OOO a year isn’t supported and is inaccurate. It was funded from an existing contract within existing budgetary levels," it adds.

The project was given to a trusted defence contractor and although details of the contract have not been revealed, the documents suggest that it was handled so as not to expose Project Condign to scrutiny. In the initial 1993 correspondence on the subject, a memo from 0155 refers to the potential "political embarrassment" of the project becoming known. It goes on: "I believe that opening a new contract especially for this study and using competitive tendering would potentially expose the study to too wide an audience. "

But Pope believes this was simply a practical measure. "Using an existing contract is always going to be easier than actually commissioning a new one," he says. "It wasn’t an attempt to take it outside scrutiny. It was a quick fix."

Suspicious minds

The internal memos and briefing notes are peppered with hints of the considerable scepticism the 0155 wing commander encountered from superiors. In the original August 1993 brief he writes: "I am well aware that anyone who talks about UFOs is treated with a certain degree of suspicion. I am briefing on the topic because 0155 have a UFO responsibility, not because I talk to little green men every night!"

And in a later document he describes a briefing by 0155 on

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e the subject. "The scientists and engineers present treated to [sic] topic seriously while non scientists (or those without a physical science background) made the usual jokes about little green men and mass hallucination!"

When Project Condign was eventually completed in 2000 it concluded that there was no evidence that UAPs were of extra-terrestrial origin. But there was a limit to what the author could do, because he was not allowed to interview people who had witnessed UAP events or talk to experts.

"The nature of the security classification meant he was unable to discuss the study with scientists who might have been able to advise him on the credibility of the conclusions he reached," says Clarke. This explains Project Condign’s baffling conclusion - that UAPs are real, but caused by strange plasmas, which are on the fringes of scientific understanding. "He ended up trying to explain one mystery by reference to another," says Pope.

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--.. -.,.--...---. -------_.~_. ~

Ministry of Defence The Daily Mirror (Main) 10 November 2006 17 1633708 216

.1.________. v


UFO eXllert wants probes into sighting~ ITHE Earth is wide open to an atien attack, a Government expert warned yesterday. Former MW2 chier"Nick Pope said officials are

not doing enough to probe UFO sightings leaving us vulnerable to an extra-terrestrial Invasion. Nick Pope, who ran the Ministry’s UFO project

from 1991 to 1m. said: "The consequences of getting this one wrong could be huge. Frankly we’re wide open." He said there has been a number of

"highly credible" slghtlngs and landings of strange metallic aIr- craft across the UK. But don’t panic. the scientist

doesn’t think we’re on the verge of being over-run by Dr Who-style monsters. Nick said: ’’There’s no evidence of

UFO hostile intent - but it cannot be ruled out in future, He added: "There has got to be the

potential for that and one Is left with the uneasy feeling that if it turned out to be 80. there is very little we could do about It. "If you believe these things are

extra-terrestrial craft then you

By LUCY THORNtON cannot rule out that what is happening is some kind of covert reconnaIssa.nce," Reports of UFO sightings Include a "vast.

triangular-shaped craft" lying over RAF Cosford, West Mids. a.nd R..\F Shawbury, Shropshire,

ir 1993. But Nick. who quit his jOb at the MoD’s DlrectoIate of Defence Security this week, warned: "If you reported a UFO sightl~ now. I’m absolutely sure you would just get back a stan- dard letter telling you not to worry.

"If something doesn’t behave like a conventional win be ignored, That’s because the X- Flles have been closed down:’ But a.n MoD spokeswoman insisted a.11 UFO slgbtlngs were Investigated

for "evidence to suggest tha.t UK airspace has been compromised by ostile or unauthorised air activity", She said: ’.Unless there is such vidence, the MoD doesn’t attempt to

positively identify what was seen."

SCARY: Doctor Who alien

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Ministry of Defence D,~ily Mail (Main) 10 November 2006 7 2410641 203

.The aliens are coming, warns ex-MoD chiefBy Charlotte Gill ALUIN Inve.s1on 18 umally the stuff of science ftction. B\1t Wbe.D. a (attn.. eX’ M nis~ of ~~ce .chIefW. am.$BritBU1 00’ oe

. ed at ~. tbne. even the .tnO$t scepticalcU1d feel a teal tw1ng~ ot aJ.mJn. ~ In...blSttm..


b ci r:. h.e..’ .’

. of Defence UFO proJec , Po was persnade4 into belie’Vigat otf:1er U!efonn5 have’ -visited Earth ’Ct resp~; B~_ Ria conc Mw is that ’highly dible’ aigh’tfngs ate simply dis- mLSsed. .. a~ t>Qints..out. . thJJ.t t.h.~ P. roll.. e,ct he once. ran is tl.OW... ’-rtrtualIY clo~ed’,

ler~ ’wide open’ ’toaUens. Mr :roP. 41, decided to speak out about tit* Oi1Cerns after r g

tTom the Dlrec$"Qrat~. of Defence S~ aHbe ~Dthis~~ "’The oo~equencelJ of getting th.ia one wrong could. be buge,’ he said. ’Uyou reported UFO sighting nOw. 1 am abSolutely sure that yOu woUld just get baci a stndard letttel1iI1g you not to worry. ’Fr~k}y weare wide open - it something not behave like a conventional aircr i1 w, Itwi11 be ignor~. The X~F1les have been closed doWn.’ MrPo~e, wno was llead of the Mot) s UFO projec:rt I)etween 1991 and 1994, admits that. he wU. sceptic about UFQS when he started his job. But access to dassiftecllUel on ~e subjechanged.b1:t mb1d. And wbilMr Pci sa}’i there is n

eviden e of hostile xnte$t from aliens, he insists it cannot be ruled out. "I’hereh~ got to be the paten- tia1 for that aild ~ is left with thuneasy reeung that jUt. turned out to be S01 there is very little We ould do

. abou~ it,’ he said. ’U y!>u bflUeve these things.

tire extra terrestrial cr$itthen you cannot rule out that w~t is. happening Is som.e kind of covert. 1’econnaJ.sSance. . The Roswell Incident in 1~47 - in

which ali,encorp.!ies were allegedly seen at lin air force base in New MeXico";’ remains’ the moSt famouS of countlessallen ’s1ghttrlgS(. Howevet it was a 1993 report,

in whiCh a ’v8St,triangul -shaped craft’ ’Pas seen nying over RAF ~ses in the Wes~ Mi!ilandili that helped convince Mr PoPe alien life forms~, .

’Most of the witne.sses were pOllee .and mllitarypersonne1, "he said. ’1jundreQs of mem.beri e the pUb-

11c aIsohad sightingsovera.p riod Of several hours.’ In I’othet’incident in RAP ba$es 1n~uff . $l;aff iIlYestiga.ted a SWlPectedplane ~ attar bright lights wen:. reported in nearby ",!)Ods. Theytound a kind pf three-Ie-gged lunar landing module whiCh then. nt!W ot’L Ind nts left. in the ground were f uDd to emit ten times the normal,rad1 tion level. Mt PoPe. who SPent 21 year.a~ the

MQD;i$ regardee1 u an authPrltJr Qn UFOs. Be plans to C:QU~entrate on lecturing a writing on allen Ute.. A sp.okesman for t.h~ M1tStty of

Defet\C insiated that an UFO sight~ ings wer~ inv$gated for ’evidence to sl1ggeSt th~t UK tl)rspace has be~n ’CQrnprpud~ed yho~tile or una!lthoriae air acti’vit.v\ She added:’ ’Unless there ta S b

eVidet’1ce, the MoD doesn’t attempt to nositive1v id ntify what w Seen. ’

Allen visitor? The Infamous Roswell Incident of 1947

----- -_.~ ---

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. Page 2 of3

e (1) Published 09 Nov 2006 - 15:00 By Aislinn Simpson, P A

Page 1: 15:00

Britain is "wide open" to alien visitors and a department meant to look into UFO sightings is virtually "closed down", a former Government expert warned today.

Despite a series of "highly credible" sightings and landings in UK territory of metallic aircraft projecting lightbeams and emitting humming sounds, there is no longer formal interviewing of witnesses or investigation into the sightings, he said.

Instead, those working for the Ministry of Defence UFO project spend their time releasing formerly classified documents in answer to Freedom of Information requests from the media or members of the public.

Nick Pope, who ran the Ministry of Defence UFO project from 1991 to 1994, said he decided to speak out about the failure to seriously address the issue for the first time since resigning from his MoD post at the Directorate of Defence Security this week."The consequences of getting this one wrong could be huge," he said.

"If you reported a UFO sighting now, I am absolutely sure that you would just get back a standard letter telling you not to worry. Frankly we are wide open - if something does not behave like a conventional aircraft now, it will be ignored.

"The X-Files have been closed down."

While there is no evidence of UFO hostile intent, he said, it cannot be ruled out."There has got to be the potential for that and one is left with the uneasy feeling that if it turned out to be so, there is very little we could do about it," he said.

"If you believe these things are extra terrestrial craft then you cannot rule out that what is happening is some kind of covert reconnaissance."

He said he was initially sceptical about UFOs, but access to classified files on the subject and investigation of a series of spectacular UFO sightings gradually changed his mind.

Among these he cited reports of a "vast, triangular-shaped craft" firing a narrow beam of light onto the ground and emitting a low-frequency humming sound that was spotted flying over RAF Cosford in the West Midlands and RAF Shawbury in Shropshire in 1993.

"Most of the witnesses were police and military personnel," he said.

"Hundreds of members of the public also had sightings over a period of several hours.

"A meteorological officer described how it moved at a very slow speed, around 30-40 miles per hour, then very suddenly accelerated beyond the horizon in seconds."

In another incident, at the Twin Bases of RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge in Suffolk in December 1980, RAF staff were sent to investigate a suspected plane crash after bright lights were reported emanating from nearby woods.


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. Page 3 of3..

& They found a kind of lunar landing module standing on three legs, decorated with strange ’W’hieroglyphic-type markings, which then flew off. The indents it left in the ground were examined the

next morning with a Geiger Counter and emitted ten times the normal levels of radiation.

"These sort of incidents are why I got so frustrated," Mr Pope said. "In my time I would brief the more interesting sightings up the chain of command to people like the Chief of the Air Staff and would get the answer back that it was very interesting and I had clearly done a good job investigating it and that was it."Every one is a piece of a puzzle but no one takes it seriously.

"There needs to be more resources and people who are prepared to look past the philosophical issues, look at the reports and investigate them properly.

"Whether you believe these things are foreign air forces testing prototype aircraft or whether you believe they are something more exotic, with the speeds and movements they are capable of, it’s technology we would very much like to get hold of."

A spokesman for the Ministry of Defence insisted that all UFO sightings were investigated for "evidence to suggest that UK airspace has been compromised by hostile or unauthorised air activity".

She said: "Unless there is such evidence, the MoD doesn’t attempt to positively identify what was seen."

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How the M tn d to cov its alien hunters .THE Ministry of Defence went to extraordinary. . lengths to cover up how much it investigated UFOs, according to documents

- released under the Freedom’ of Information Act. Files show that .officials tried to expunge Information from documents released to the Public Record!j Office

,’... under the "30-year ru\e" that would have revealed the’

I MoD’s interest.


In particular, the ministry wanted to cover up the . operation of a secret unit dedicated to the subject Within the Defence Intelligence Staff. The files were made public following FOI requests by "

David Clarke, a lecturer in journalism at Sheffield Hallam University, and his colleague Andy Roberts.. Dr

BY. ROB SINGH.. " Clarke said:’ "They don’f tell usanything<about UFOs’but" .

, they do show how desperate the MoD have been to conce the interest fthe :

. mtellig i1ce services." . The files begin with a . request, in 1976, from a UFO enthusiast for access to the MoD’s records. A note from the UFO desk to the MoD’s: head’ofsecurity shows that’

I. officials "intended to refuse him ~cess as the files were"- confidenti and had "very. little of value to a serious scientific investigator". But the note continues: "This is not to say that the ~:vestigation is not t ken .’,

seriously." Files also show .

that attempts to alter the public record went on well. into the Nineties;


I. ,

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The Guardian I Monday September 25 2006


* 3

ere. nybodyout there? How the men from the ministry hid the. hunt for UFOsMoD tried to cove~-up secret investigation unit 10,000 eyewitness reports ’mostly due to weather’

James Randerson Science correspondent

, The Ministry of Defence went to extraor- dinary lengths to cover up its true involvement in .investigating UFOs, according to secret documents revealed under the Freedom of Information Act. The files show that officials attempted

to expunge information from documents released to the Public Records Office under th "30-year rule" that would have revealed the extent ofthe MoD’s interest in UFO sightings.

In particular, the ministry wanted to cover up the operation of a secret unit dedicated to UFO investigations within the Defence Intelligence Staff. UFO conspiracy theorists have likenea the unit, called DI55, to a sort of."Men in Black" agency for defending the Earth against invasion but the released documents show this is far from the truth. One 1995 memo from DI55 to the MoD’s public "UFO desk" said: "I have several books at hOple that describe our supposed role of ’defender ofthe Earth against the alien menace’ As light years from the truth!" The fi-’ere made public following’

FOI requests by David Clarke, a lecturer in journalism at Sheffield Hallam University and his colleague Andy Roberts.

"These documents don’t tell us any- thing about UFOs but they do show how desperate the MoD have been to conceal the inte.r"~t which the intelligence ser- vices h" ~he subject," said Dr Clarke. The tr .. egins with a request, in 1976,

from a UFO enthusiast called lulian Hennessy for access to the MoD’s records on UFO s ghtings. A note from the UFO desk to the MoD’s head of security on March 23 shows that officials intended to refuse him access on the grounds that the files contain confidential information and "very little of value to a serious scientific inve~tigator" .

But the note continues: "This is not to . say that the investigation is not taken se- riously. The branches have their own methods - and [the public UFO desk] has ’no ’need to know’ about them - but we are aware that DI55 for example some- times makes extensive inquiries. . "It is undesirable that even a hint of this should become public and we are cur- rently consulting the [Air Historical Branch] on ways of expurgating the offi- cial records against the time when they qualify for disclosure [at the Public Records Office]." .

Hearing of the background to his fob off . 30 years ago Mr Hennessy, who is a local magistrate, was not surprised. "Every- thing led me to believe there was a major

cover up going on," he said. "They didn’t want to let the public know justhQ~.,.!D- terested they were in these phenomena."

Attempts to alter the public record went on into the 90S. In a note dated April 281993 from DI55 to the publicUFO desk the unnamed author argued the unit’s in- volvement should be excised from records due to be released under the 30-year rule. But the cat was already out of the bag. A clerical error in 1983 h d meant that the distribution list was incorrectly left on a publicly released UFO-related document, i so UFO enthu~i sts were alrea~y asking questions.

"Since "then they have1obviously been bombarded by people saying who is this DI55, what do they db, what is the extent of their involvement," said Dr Clarke.

Eventually, DI55 decided to allow its in- volvement to be made public. A note from DI55 to the public UFO desk on 5July 1995 said: "I see no reason for continuing to " deny that the [Defence Intelligence Ser- vice] has an interest in UFOs. However, if the association is formally made public then the MoD will no doubt be pressured to state what the intelligence role/inter- est is. This could lead to disbelief and em- barrassment since few people are likely to believe the truth that lack of funds and higher priorities have prevented any study ofthe thousands of reports received."

At this point someone, presumably

~f, ~;~ ~,1I,’’ii,

August 10 1965 Aman rePo.rte~,see,~ng a crimson ball fly out o(tiIe side of a hill in Warminster, Wgi,sllire.’:.A.fQrt-.,,, ,,’ night later,anothe a iIot?~ )?h~d a UFO iJ.1 th~ ceJ.1tre 9fW rrtIn.~!er fi.lni~’ 19~4 itw:;,s’clain:ed tiI,epqot&.-0as . :!fIt . hoax and the obJect was efrom a ’,~ cottonreel and a button.

~’;fi/’i\~1 ~ B01dngDay1980A UFO re ,.e ly cnlsh landed in Rendl~s~<lJ.1i"fdr st; Suffolk, n?arthe WoSdb ~~ VSair," force base,: Theincide%1^’~’;;’!iiif;\r~1" nicknamed Brit in’s Rosw lUn’ r ~ ence to the famous WJ?~ig~tJ~~i Nevv..Mexico in 1947,"Witp~sses,~ the,craft (an artist’sjnlljr ssioJlisp,iC- tured below) was cQvered ir n rkings’

1;) ". Y!:!f’j\;t, -,~:’,ii

" Yit, f’;’f.~~?; .:ffb

4:; ~.~, J:, ,r’

l1li" ...."

Throw three times over your left shoulder (or insure with Hiscox)


1 ,\,

from the public UI:O desk, has scribbled "ouch!" in the margin. "The lengths they went to to remove

any mention of the Defence Intelligence Staff’s central role in investigating sight- ings suggests they had something to hide," said Dr Clar\<e. "But what they were hiding was not evidence of ET visits but ,embarrassment at the fact they were

, never allowed to spend public money on ,investigating the subject in any depth."

’It is und sirable that even a hint of this should become public’ MoD note on UFO investigations

The full extent ofDI55’s involvement has subsequently been made clear by a report released to Dr Clarke in May and reported in the Guardian. That threw up a 500-page document which brought together everyl thing the unit knew about UFOs, or Unidentified Aeri Phenomena (UAPs) as the MoD prefers, inCluding more thart 10,000 sightings. It said the existence of, UAPs was "indisputable", but blamed the~’ most vexing sighting on airborne "plas- mas" formed during "more than one set of weather and electrically charged conditions", or during meteor showers.

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There’s no need to be superstitious. Nearly half the claims we pay would ~ot be covered by astandard home insurance..p licy. Visit call 08453651283. ’r ’1 --)~- ~ ’i~ ~ ~,~

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The National Archives

'Guardian' feature

Guardian article on DI55 UFO investigations, published 25 September 2006.

Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (21)

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U FO ,mys~’eItJ.";h~Jid,s up’ shuttl~e’s/r.tu"n,

cridc~l journey, throug th~ atmosphere.’, ,

,The US space agency thinks the .

objeh broke loose as the j ts were ! being.tested.It mig~~’i~nd the craf(back to;,the I’nte-t’riational Space Station forJurih~r che ks. Engineers are also trying to dis-

cover wh~t au~~aseries of eiglh vibrations’that were picked up by sensors in,theshu~tle’sright wing. iiThyy co’ ldJa~~geep related t~

NASA delayed the landing of: the space, shuttle Atlantis for 24 hours yesterday after a mystery object was seen floating off into:space from its cargo bay. The UFO was spotted as the

six!:man crew tested the shuttle’s jets, in prepar tion~f6r their return to Earth. . ’" IF,.,./ .. Engineers’ at;;i~sion^jcontrol in H ust6nW’ef ~~’Qr{ied because

i they did not know’Wnat the object ’;-;’~of!;f !’:,\Ii ~~’


was. A fresh inspection of-the shuttle using its robottarm may take place to alleviate conCerns. Shuttle m~nager Wayne>Hale

said f the object: ’The question is:., What is it? Is it something benign or is it something more critical wshould pay attenticm to~~~ ’We want to make sur~~;we are,

safe before committin~ho thai II >4


.. the flight systems check or oe’a result of the UFO hitting the shut- ’tie as it left. Atlantis undo eked from.the ~pace station on Sunday fter the crew successfully

installed a 34m s6’lar panel. . Touc,hdown at Kennedy Space

Cente~jn Florida is now likelY to be tomorrow morning. A forecast predicting bad

weather: in. the region has also delayed the return to Earth.

Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (22)

The National Archives

Meterological Office

Article from the Meteorological Office magazine Mercury (July/August 1996) contain an interview with a UFO witness from RAF Shawbury on 31 March 1993.

Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (23)


**** Evening Standard Thursday, 3 February 2005 25


OS are out there, say real X - FilesBY MARK PRIGG, Science CorrespondentBRITAIN’S secret X.files have revealed a flurry of UFO activity in the last two weeks, it was revealed today. The Ministry of Defence logs, released under the

Freedom of Information Act, include a sighting of "strange lights in the sky" two weeks ago in Whitstable. On the same night a "flying saucer" was spotted over Stoke on Trent, and alsojn Staffordshire and Cambridgeshire. ."

Other sightings give more detail. A report from Devizes in Wiltshire on 24 September last year records an object that "looked liked a big ball of fire coming down from the sky with a tail and sparks coming off the end of it’? Another, from Somerset the week before, states:

"The object looked like a great bright light and was really intense, like a ball of fire coming down from the sky, rapidly moving towards the ground." Even MoD chiefs admit they are flummoxed by

some sightings. A report from Surrey last May describes a UFO as having "grooves and windows" but no room for humans. The MoD inspector notes that the "wiiness had seen the object so clearly". The mes show that last year the MoD’s UFO unit

received 88 reports from military staff and members of the public worried about unexplained objects in our skies. The most common colours for a UFO are yellow, orange or black.

A Ministry of Defence document released with the r’. , reveals that the MoD "remains totally Opt ..nded" as to "the question of the existence or oinerwise of extra.terrestriallifeforms". The Ministry sald the documents are a fraction of the thousands of records of alleged alien visits.~ow ’careless’ killer :II ’.yers face prison

BY BEN LEAPMAN)RIVERS who cause atal crashes while using nobile phones or eating It the wheel face up to ve years in prison inder’ government pro. >osals unveiled today. Ministers want tougher mnishmepts for .those :onvicted of causing leath by careless driving - the present maximum Jenalty is a E2,500 fine. Banned "drivers who- ake to the wheel and kill Ilso face five.year maxi. num jail terms. Unih. ;ured drivers who kill nay be treated" in the

Home Affairs Correspondent

same way. Maximum sen. tences for dangerous driving and aggravated vehicle taking may rise from two years to five. . Death" by dangerous

driving can already bring a l4.year jail term. But other proposals

would introduce commu. nity’ penalties for some lesser offences - includ. ing driving while disqual. ified - which at present attract prison sentences.

t\ nation of wine buffsIRITONS are embracing line culture" as never efore, with adult drink. og on course to top a bot. Ie a week within 20 years, vrites Jonathan Prynn. Figures from wine exhi. ,ition organiser Vmexpo how consumption per Lead grew by almost a ifth to a record 24.8litres - or 33 bottles per adult

between 1999 and 2003. It is forecast to rise a fur. ther 12per cent by 2008 to reach 28 litres, or 37 bot. tles each, reaching a bottle.

. a week within 20 years. Underlying consumption

is certain to be higher as "the figures do not include the vast amounts. f"

wine brought back by "booze.cruisers" .\. f250,OOO n w’you’ in wax

[YLIE did it once, the Beckhams have done it wic and, when Terry Wogan had served his ime, his was melted down for Ant and Dec. Now .ou too can have a waxwork made in your image ’y Madame Tussauds. The museum has teamed Ip with Harrods to offer the E250,OOO "VIP gift", vhleh takes three months to make.

Close encounters: recent reported sightings of UFOs include four in a

" single night two weeks ago


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Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (24)

’Sent troops to investigate’

scene states: ’We have found a place where a craft of some sort seems to have landed.’ But UFO spotters will be

disappointed to learn that it adds: ’There were three marks in the area which did not Jollow a set pattern. The impressions made by the marks were of no depth and could have been made by an animal.’ An MoD report sent from RAF Cosford on July 14, 1976, reported that a 66-year-old

woman from Wolverhampton claimed to have seen a ’white, bar-shaped’ object in the sky. It added that she was mar- ried to a retired RAF pilot and be ’did not observe ’anything

from his seated position’. A man from Rotherham

reported f ur sightings to his local radar station on August 7 and 8,.1976, But the MoD raises a metaphoric eyebrow with the comment: ’He evi-. dently runs a UFO sightings club and has been logging UFOs for three years;’

By Robin Yapp Science Reporter

There _ were no supportive sightings. . In JUly 1976,’the captainofa British Airways Tri-Star on a return flight from Portugal

told air traffic controllers of ’four objects - two round bril, liant white, two cigar-shaped’ 18 miles north of Faro. Fighter jets were scrambled

from Lisbon as a precaution and shortly afterwards Tri- Star crew on two other flights in the same area r ported similar sightlngs. Not all reports are taken

seriouSly by MoD officials. , Sightings near. Derby in 1977 were discounted because w t- nesses had been ’imbibing at the local hostelry\. There i~ also a new perspec-

tive on one of the most widely

WHETHER you believe in UFOs or not, they are not the sort of witnesses you can easily dismiss as cranks. An RAF lieutenant, a police super- intendent and a British Airways pilot are among those whose close encoun- ters are detailed in secret Ministry of Defence documentsjust released. Britain’s X-Files, as they are being referred to, have been published to com-

ply with Freedom of Information laws which came into force on January 1. Among thousands of sightngs is the one reported by FIt Lt A M Wood and two non. commissioned officers at RAF Boulmer in Northumberland in July 1977. They saw ’bright objects hanging over the sea’ around three m es from the coast at a height of around 5,000ft. ’The objects separated,’ says the report. ’Then one went west of the other. As it manoeuvred it changed shape to become bOdy-shaped with projections like arms and legs.’ Men positioned at the RAF stati<?n were able to observe the objects for an hour and 40 minutes before they disappeared. The report describes Fit Lt Wood as ’sober and reliable’ and shows that the objects were also picked up by military radar. Earlier the same year, on April 8, a Superintendent Cooper, of West York-. shire Police, reported seeing a UFO in the form of a ’bright, silver light’ while on duty in a patrol car in Lalsterdyke. ’At first r thought this was a bright star,’ he says_ ’It was low in the sky, a long dis- tance away. Then I thoU~ht that this light was mOving.’ He contm-

Ued to watch it as it..moved discussed of all UFO inci. over a series of rooftops dents _ the sighting reported before it ’suddenly vanished’. by American airmen in a foggy Rendiesham Forest in Suffolk on Boxing Day 1980. They reported an electronic

wailing which they at first feared was a crashing plane or helicopter. Lieutenant Colonel Charles Halt recorded what his men had seen as being ’metallic in appearance and triangular in shape’ and illu- minating the entire forest with a white light. Witnesses said animals on a

nearby farm went into a frenzy and USAF security patrolman Larry Warren described feeling nauseous as he saw three ’aeronaut enti- ties’ 3ft tall and resembling ’kids in snowsuits’. Such was the excitement

among UFO enthusiasts that the incident became known as ’Britain’s Roswell’ - in ref- erence to the famous incident in New Mexico in 1947 when a flying saucer is said to have crash-landed in the desert. But what documents just

released by SUffolk Police

Brilliant white, cigar-shaped

reveal is that two years ago Kevin Conde, an airman at RAF Woodbridge. in Suffolk, claimed he had faked the Rendlesham Forest inci- dent as a practical joke on a friend. He said he had turned a bat-

tered American police car into a spacecraft by sticking red and green lenses on it and driving around in circles in fog with a PA loudspeaker going and lights flashing. Files on the Suffolk Police

website reveal further details

of what went on that night_ They show that the airbase contacted the police com- mand desk to report: ’We have .~:~f~~~th~f :~;:b~~u:~~l some’ unarmed troops to investigate, we are tenning it as a UFO at present.’ The fOllowing day a second

report from officers at the

Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (25)

Daily Mail, Wednesday, February 2, 2005

For four years NICK POPE worked for the Government’s secret unil Only now can he reveal the astonishing truth about 000

THE THREE RAF Tornado aircraft were on a routine flight from the UK to Germany, travelling at 600mph. At that speed, their pilots are trained to

, expect the unexpected. But something happened that day that noth-

ing in their years of experience could have pre- pared them for. Out of nowhere, a mysterious craft emerged

on their wing, tips and overtook the jets. The object was massive and covered with blue and white lights. . For a brief moment, the craft !lew.ahead of

the’ Tornados, before accelerating away into the distance at an unimaginable speed. The shocked pilots contacted air traffic con-

trollers. What in God’s name was that? . The control centre was unable to help. Noth-

ing had showed up on its radar. Officially, at least, the craft had never existed. It sounds like a plot from TV’s The X Files,

,but it isn’t. It really happened. The incident occurred on November 5, 1990, and on the fol- , lowing day the military authorities sent a sig- nal to the Ministry of Defence, classifying the incident as a UFO sighting. Extraordinary? Yes. But an isolated inci-

dent? Absolutely not. The truth is that the MoD has thousands of such UFO reports on file. And as oflast week, we know a little more about a handful of them. The UK’s Freedom Of Information Act came

fully into force at the beginning of the month, giving unprecedented access to official docu- . ,..~ents. To mark the Act’s new statutory right

know, the UK’s National Archives have just . .leased more than 50,000 files. And as the Mail reported, these included many of the MoD’s UFO files. And yet they represent just the tip of the Ice-

berg. The reason I’m so certain is simple - I helped compile them. . From 1991 to 1994, I worked in Secretariat

(Air Staff) 2A at the Ministry of Defence. There, it was my duty to assess reported UFO sightings, of which we received 200 to 300 a year. .

When I started, I was sceptical about the paranormal. But by the time I left the depart-

. ’Tlent, my mind had been opened to the possi- , ity that the universe is a very much stranger

_ .ace than conventional science might sug- gest. I believed I had clear evidence that craft of unknown origin were demonstrating a tech- nology far in advance of OUf own.

I made It my business to do everything I could to find rational explanations of reported sight- Ings. Was there military activity in the area? Was there an astronom- ical event such as a shooting star, perhaps, or space debris re-enter- ing the earth’s atmosphere? Flocks of birds, especially when

seen In an odd light, can have a strange appearance and the oddest illusions can be caused by

Page 13

Airways 737 on its descent to Manchester airport came close to colliding with a UFO. The pilot and first officer both saw the craft and instinctively ducked as the triangular-shaped silver object flashed past them. The Civil Aviation Authority had no option other than to classify the risk of collision as ’unassessable’. Or was it simply that the only possible explanation was too startling to contemplate? Historically, the authorities have

not always been so reluctant to aCknowledge the possibility of the unknown. The MoD first became involved in the search for the truth about UFOs in 1950, when the Chief Scientific Adviser (the

certain cloud formations. And yet, great radar pioneer Sir Henry and yet... Tizard) ruled that UFO sightings My investigations showed that should not be dismissed.

while most UFOs could be, He asked that a small group be explained in terms of misidentif- set up to look into the matter and cations of ordinary objects and a study was duly carried out in phenomena, I was intrigued by a great secrecy by scientific and small number that apparently technical intelligence specialists. defied rational explanation. Several high-profile figures also Structured craft of unknown ori- spoke of their belief that UFOs’

gin were, so It seemed, routinely might be extra-terrestrial. These penetrating our airspace and per- included Earl Mountbatten of forming impossible manoeuvres. Burma, former World War II air

I was particularly intrigued by chief Lord Dowding and a royal cases where the witnesses were eq’;1erry. Sir Peter Horsley, w o trained observers, such as pilots ret’;I’ed as. Deputy Commander~m- or police officers or where sight- Chief at Headquarters Strike ings were corrob rated by PhotO-lcommand. graphic or radar evidence ~ Several MPs and .peers have Over the years, there ha~e been\~ tabled questions In Parliament.

many such cases, and several inci-" The House of Lo~ds ~ven held a dents where RAF aircraft have debate on the subject ill 1979. But tried - unsuccessfully - to inter- stili, the files remained closed. cept UFOs tracked on’radar. So do the newly released Some encounters, it seems, have documents shed any real light on been a little too close for comfort. the matter? On.January 6, 1995, a British They are a mixed bag. Much of

The pilot ducked’ as the silver

object flashed by

the material Is mundane, detail- ing nothing more interesting than a vague light in the sky. Still buried in the MOD

archives are far less~easi1y dismissed encounters. For example, in the early hours

of March 31, 1993, a UFO flew. over two military bases in the Midlands. At RAF Cosford, it was seen by a guard patrol and an official report was sent to th~ MoD. At RAF Shawbury, it was seen by the Meteorological Offi- cer, who described it as a vast, slow-moving triangular-shaped craft !lying at about 200ft. The craft was making a low

frequency humming sound and firing a narrow beam of light down at a field just beyond the perimeter fence. The light beam swept to and fro as if it were try- ing to locate something. The light was suddenly

switched off and the craft shot off ’

at high speed, giving rise to G-forces that would surely have killed any human occupants.

I launched a full investigation, but we never got any satisfactory answers. My official findings for the MoD read: ’Type of craft, unknown. Origin of craft, unknown. Motive of occupants, unknown.’ It seemed a horribly Inconclu-

sive assessment. But it was by no means an isolated case. Three years before the Cosford

and Shawbury incident, the Belgian Air Force had scrambled F-16 fighters to intercept a UFO they were tracking on radar. The pilots soon picked up the object on their own airborne radar, but every time they achieved a ’Iock-

of mysterious lights near the twin United States Air Force bases at Bentwaters and Woodbridge in Suffolk, a sighting which has been the subject of fierce debate between sceptics and believers. It was, so it seemed, inexplica-

ble. But then, two years ago, a former U.S. security policeman came forward to say the ’UFO’ had, in fact, been part of an elab- orate practical joke. He claimed he had driven an old U.S; police car into the forest,’ switched on the emergency lights and made sinister noises through the loud- speaker to’ spook his ’colieagues. Mystery solved? Not quite. Some disturbing facts remain: witnesses continue to insist that what they saw darting through

on’ to track it through the skies, the craft managed to elude them. Unlike the understandable

scepticism of the British high command, the Belgian Air Force was quite convinced of the reality of the UFO encounter and its possible implications. Their prime observation was: ’Thank goodness they weren’t hostile.’ Then, of course, there is

perhaps the UK’s most famous UFO case -’ the so-called Rendlesham Forest incident. Over the Christmas period in

1980, witness~s spotted a series

It was humming and fired a thin beam of Jight


the sky that night was like nothing else on earth. U.S. Air. Force Sergeant John Burroughs . says: ’The stuff we saw cannot be taken for a police car. Noway.’ FUrthermore, a’document from

the MoD’s Defence Intelligence Staff states unequivocally that a radiation reading taken from the site ’seems significantly higher than the average background’ and adds that they ’do not know of any serious explanation for the phenomenon described’. One of the best authorities on

the Rendlesham Forest incident, Georgina Bruni, once managed to quiz former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on the case and on the UFO phenomenon

. generally. c:~~~C~rlb~~; ~;~ ~1~\~~7~ she elicited the following cryptic response: ’UFOs? You must get r~ri’i~:’;:o~re~~:" and you can’t What could she have meant? Conspiracy theorists love this

sort of thing, and are unlikely to be satisfied by any release of papers from the archives that’ don’t support their own beliefs. . And I do know that in those MoD files that are stili closed lie stories that, even to this day, defy rational explanation. As I surveyed these mes during my tour of duty on the UK’s UFO project,I was put in mind of The X Files soundbite’The truth is out there’. The truth wasn’t out there, it was in there - in the MoD’s real X Files. And it’s still there today, just

waiting to be discovered.

Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (26)

"’. ’-... :..\


Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (27)

are quite so credible. Many have an apologetic tone, perhaps conveying the observer’s own sense of incredulity about what they believe they have seen.

In turn, officials working at the Ministry of Defence’s UFO department courteously answer all enquiries with a standard letter reminding the author of the report that most unidentified flying’ objects can be explained as weather balloons, falling satellites or unusual meteoro- logical phenomena.

For those that can’t, the MoD adds a para- graph setting out the Government’s agnostic position on visitors from outer-space: "The MoD does not have any expertise or ro.Ie in respect of UFO/flying saucer matters or to the question of the existence or otherwise of extra- terrestrial lifefonns, about. which it remains totally open-minded."

Occasionally the UFO office can be more expansive still in its responses, as you will see on the following pages, where ,we present an’ intrigning selection ofletters retrieved from the National Archives. Prepare for a journey into


the unknown... -7

They’ve been locked away for years. Now the Freedom cfInformation Act has allowed access to a mountain of remarkable documents detailing UFO sightings across Britain. From the ambassador who spotted a pear-shaped object trailing golden sparks, to the engineer who saw an ’aerial circus’ above next door’s bungalow, we present extracts trom our very own X-FilesPhotographs by Graham Trott

Unidentified flying objects are still regarded as an American phenome- non. Stephen Spielberg’s films Close Emounrers of the Third Kind and ET are

born out of a culture deeply rooted in stories such as Roswell in 1947, when an alien spaoeship is supposed to have crashed and its occupants captured by the US military.

In Britain we remain more sceptical about such things. The truth may well be out there but we want to see some pretty compelling evidence first before we can say we are truly not alone.

To date the most credible UFO sighting in this country concerns a strange incident that took place in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, during Christmas 1980. Military personnel at the twin US Air Force bases at Brentwaters and Woodbridge reported hearing a loud whirring sound and then seeing bright orange lights that illuminated the centre of the forest. But we wouldn’t even know about this if it hadn’t bee~ for an American citizen who "made a request under US freedom of information laws. On I January this year our own Freedom of

Information Act came into force and some of the


first documents to be disclosed concerned home- grown sightings from the mid-1970s, previously kept secret by the Ministry of Defence’s special UFO department, known as S4F.

These have been described as our very own X-Files; they detail thousands of observations of unidentified flying objects m de by housewives, British Airways pilots and senior police officers. Among the most noteworthy repns is one

registered by an RAF pilot and two NCOs at RAF Bouhner in Northumberland. InJuly 1977 FIt LtAM Wood reported "bright objects hang- ing over the sea". The file adds that the officer said the closest object was "luminous, round and four to five rimes larger than a Whirlwind heli- c pter". The UFOs were reported to be three miles out to sea at a height of about 5 ,000ft. The officer, whose report is supported by Cpl

Torringron and Sgr Graham, said: "The objects separated~ Then one went west of the other, as it manoeuvred it changed shape to become body- shaped with projections like arms and legs." The men who were positioned at the look-out post at the RAF station were able to observe the strange objects for an hour and 40 minutes.

At the same time a radar station detected the objects in exactly the same position as the m~n had observed theIIL The MoD report describes FIt Lt Wood as

"reliable and sober". It adds: "Two contacts were noted on radar, both T84 aId T85, at RAF Boulmer. They were also seen on the Stanon Wold radar picture which is relayed to West Drayton... On seeing the objects on radar the duty controller checked with the SRO at RAF West Drayton as to whether he could see the objects on radar supplied from RAF Staxton Wold."

Not a)l of the reportS sent to the MoD

’The objects separated. Then one went westof the other, as it n1anoeuvreditchangedshape to become body-shaped with projections like arms and legs’


The National Archives

'Independent' feature

Feature on MoD UFO files released at The National Archives under the ’30 year rule’ in January 2005, from The Independent on Sunday, 17 April 2005.

Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (28)

AERIAL CIRCUS Dear Mr Appleby: I enclose for your interest, details of an extraordinary sighting by myself and my wife on Friday night, 31 January [1975].

] shall be interested to learn if you have received any other reports that correspond with my own experiences. Date and Time: 31 January from 22 .20 to 22.25 approximately. Place: 6 Riclunond Road, Caversham Heights, Reading, Berkshire. Weather: Clear moonless night, stars only visihle. No ground wind, temperarure falling but no frost. Observers: (i) Mr Alan Edwin Lott, C. Eng., FIEE, FIERE, Civil Servant, AWRE, MOD (PE), Age 52. (ii) Mrs Garice Doreen Lott, Housewife, Age 50. Details of observation: After spending a quiet evening at home I left the house at 22.20 approximately with my dog for a short walk. The dog stopped just outside the front gate and I casually looked around the firmament. I was surprised to see very bright lights in the sky to the. P^<t beyond the bungalow next door (No.4) an.’ er srudying them for perhaps 10 or 15 seconds realised that I was watching something extraordinary.

I inunediately remmed to the house and told my wife to come outside and whilst she put on a coat I obtained a pair of 8x 40 binoculars. ] sup- pose that about half-a-minute elapsed between en",-;"g the house and coming out again. ,

looking for the lights I discovered that they were moving slowly in a straight line almost exactly East to West and were now directly above my house.

It was clear to the naked eye that there were three extremely bright lights of an orange/yel- low colour arranged as a large equilateral trian- gle. There were two other very small lights, one red and one white. See Fig. 1 [pictured below]. All of the lights were steady with no flashing.









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o 7...... L~;;;; ~~:!JOJ:,f’There were no beams of light as with search- lights, just the steady brilliant glare. My wife continued to watch and ] then

trained my binoculars on the display. I was unable to see anything through the binoculars additional to that seen by the naked eye. I was most surprised at this, I had expected to see the dark outline of an aircraft with perhaps fuselage lights and perhaps efflux from a iet engine.

The separation of the lights suggested a very large body flying very low but the UFO was travelling so slowly that it could not have been any conventional aircraft. The sighting &om start to tinish lasted about five minutes whereas the aircraft we see here. are usually out of sight in about 15 seconds. We watched the whole apparition steadily

float into the distance and vanish silently behind houses and trees further down Riclunond Road. I looked at my watch and it was 22.25.

The dog took no interest but sat waiting to be taken for his walk. . Comment: As a casual amateur astronomer I can categorically state that this was not any form of "heavenly body" or satellite.

Also having lived at the above address for 18 years] am fully conversant with all types of aircraft that infest the airspace at Caversham and their appearance and sound.

I am quite unable to account in any way for this "aerial ciTCUS’.It was quite unlike anything I have seen.


AELort Atumic Weapons Research Ertoblisbment Aldermoswn, Reading, 3 Febrwzry 1975

FRj(~HTENING EVE!’.rr . Dear Sir: I am writing to you to report a rather strange happening which occurred on Friday, 31 October 1975.

Before going into detail I would like to say that I have written a letter to you before con- cerning the same subject. This was back in Jnly (28th) 1975, but although it seemed a strange happening I accepted your explanation and thought no more of it. -

However since then I sometimes take a quick "glance" through my hinoculars on a fine cleat ’ evening just to see if anything strange is around. On Friday, ] was glancing at the night sky

when I suddenly noticed a bright red light. It moved so emttically and so fast that there was no way in which it could be classed as an aeroplane.

- -’ -.-----.-- -------_.,~_._------_. -.-.------

Then quite suddenly the red light seemed to mm in flight as if to reveal its top. As this was in progress it changed to a mass of white lights. Now it is hard to explain what this resembles

but if you can imagine an aerial view of one of those fairground merry-go-rounds with masses oflight bulbs, glowing then this would be very much a likeness to what I saw.

I enclose a few rough sketches [pictured below]. I hope you will reply to this letter. ] am sensible married man.l am no space mad "crank" or any other sort of fool. I would just like to know what on earth this frightening event could be.

Ersex, 3 Nuvemher 1975

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iNEXPLICABLE BLIP Dear Srn: I was advised by a .....of the Information Branch, RAE Farnborough to write to you for information concerning anomalous radar rerums (Possibly) at the time and place stated below: Time: 12.15 hrs Date: Friday 23rdJanuary 1976

. Location: Watford Road, Wembley, Midds Object Seen: Large rotating ovoid hovering at approximately I,OOOm.

I would be grateful if you could provide


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information that might explain the appearance of an object ~---:~ .

[pictured right]. t::::J Cj 27 March 1976

-~ ~DIPLOMATIC INCIDENT LOOSE MINUTE UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJEcrs 1. Attached is a copy of a letter, passed to us by the National Air Traffic Services, from the Air Attache in Berne enclosing a UFO report made by the British Ambassador to Switzerland and a news cutting. 2. Although the report indicates a doubt as to whether the incident occurred on 14th or 15 th of October, the report made by the Ambassador to RAF Manston, which was passed on to us, referred to the incident as being on the 14th October. The news cutting refers to a sighting on 15 th October by a Mr Frear, who did not make a report to S4F. 3. Although we do not normally undertake to advise observers of the possible identity of the object seen, we will in this case have to respond to the Ambassador’s specific request to the Ail’ Attache to obtain comments. I should be very grateful therefore if you could suggest a possible explanation of this phenomena. Miss S JJamiesrm MOD, Whitehall, 22 Nuvemher 1977

SIGHTING OF AN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT (UFO) At 6.45pm on the evening of either October 14th or 15th~.I regret that I cannot be more precise about the date - I was driving from my house al ng WassalI Lane near the village of Rolvenden Layne in Kent when through my car windscreen I sighted to the north of me, an object in the sky, at an inclination of some 18 or


20ft above the horizon, travelling fast from. south to north and shaped somewhat like a flat- tened avocado peat. The blunt and leading end

Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (29)

,"-~~=-- Dear MIs Cleghorn: I am writig to thank yo’; for your letter of the 9th December and the detailed account of the unidentified flying object which you saw during the rught of the 28th and early morcing of the 29th November.

As I explained we cannot undertake to pur- sue our research beyond our defence interests.

You may, however, wish to know that over the past number of years sightings are consid- ered to originate in the main, from aircraft or the lightS of aircraft being seen under unusual conditions, balloons and various meteorological phenomenon as well as astronomical sighrings, space satellites and space "junk".

I am sorry that I cannot assist you any further with any account on what you actually saw. J McBltme MOD Moin Building, , 23 Decemher 1976

seemed to be rimmed horiwntally by some sort of phosphor or bronze metal which shone quite distinctly. The general body of the object was emitting a pronounced bluish light and from the tapering or trailing end there was a stream of golden sparks. The whole sighting took only a matter of one or one-ancl-a-half seconds but my impression of what I had seen was so vivid that when a few minutes later I entered the "Ewe and Lamb" public house in RoIvenden Layne (for a well-deserved pint of bitter after a hard day’s work in the garden), I immediately announced to the landlord, Mr Joe Hoad, that I had just seen my first UFO.

I did nothing further about this until I saw the attached report in the Kmt Courier of 28 October [pictured below left]. My interlocutor was polite enough but took

care to say that I should not necessarily expect to hear anything further from the RAF. I well understand why RAF Duty Officers say this to’ people who call in with reports of sightings of UFOs eg because the report is a hoax or because the person making it is an unreliable witness or dotty or drunk. However I was certainly not drunk at 6.45 in the evelling nor am I dotty nor an unreliable witness. I should therefore be grateful if you can follow this strange stoty up a bit and see whether we can extract any com- ment from the competent authorities. A K Rothnie British Embassy, Berne, 8 Nuvemher 1977

much more brighter than full moon on good rught (about lOx). No noise heard. Position: Observed from forecourt of 3, Hampden Rise (350ft above mean sea level) Position of UFO: Moved from behind house (No.2) and descended to disappear behind single-storey garage.


Range: No idea of distance. Speed: Unbeknown but extremely fast. Conditions, Perfect visibility, just a little eloud very low in west. Notification: No authorities previously notified.

I was sighting on Capella, pr paratory to finding the planet Jupiter when suddenly a large, intensely white object flashed across my field of view, as in the diagram [pictured below left}.

It completely blotted all stars in the neigh- bourhood, and was gone in one second, it could not have been a trick of the imagination, as my eyes were stationery and the srreetlamps are yellow. Meteors are ruled out because a disc was visible.

I would be grateful if you could inform me of . your identification, if possible. Mark Porter (age 15\!) Royston, Herrs, 13 OctJJbe,. 1977


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,- ........."--’If you can imagine one of those fairgrOlmd merry-go-rounds with masses of light bulbs glowing, then this would be very much a likeness to what I saw’

I, Peter Melling of 3 Hampden Rise do hereby confirm that my friend Mark was truly astounded at what he saw, and could find no terrestrial or astronollcal explanation for this unusual observation, Peter MeUing (Age 16~)IT WAS SWIfT, IT WAS LARGE

A report, 29 November 1976 early hours of Monday am (between Sunday night and Monday am) about 3am.


It was barely light. I woke in bed, facing tl1C window (in front

bedroom of house) and saw what! thought was . the moon and thought - what a bright moon- then realised I had never seen the moon in this part of the sky before.

It was a quarter moon, then I saw it was moving.

It moved nearer, overhead in Guildford Town direction. Coming !Tom the right of the cathedral site. It wasn’t an that high in the skY.

I h ard a "high drone" as it neared. It was swift, it was large. It was round in body structure and very brightly lit underneath. ~

I tried to absorh as muel, as possible before it p-assed !Tom my view to the back of the houses. The "underneath" &om my view point

looked like this [pictured above]. {could discern long thin legs from the body structure.

It was very large. It was no plane. As it passed overhead) there was a flUrry of ’air or cloud around it.

Next Day, I phoned the police, in case it had been reported to them. But no oue had, seen anything. I

I did see it. Mrs JH Ckghorn GuiIdj d, SUTTey, 9 Decemher 1976

BRIGHTER TI-I.t\1"\J THE MOON Dear Sir: I am sending to you the particulars of a UFO that I saw in this region last night. I wonder if identification oould be made.

I and my friend are amateur "star gazers" and have never before seen anything like this. It most certainly was not an aircraft, weather balloon, planet or star. Date: October 12tll1977 Time: 20.50BST Duration: approx one second Description: spherical, brilliant white, very

1 NEARLY HAD KITTENS Dear Sir: I e"uclose a sketch of the craft I saw [pictured below] on Friday morcing 5th November at 6.21am. I am not doing this as a hoax and I don’t want any publi ty whatsoever or it going to the press, as if it does I will deny everything. I hope you will treat this matter in strict confidence. Name withheld Huntingdon, Combs, 10 Nuvemher 1976 ....

Sauce..- Inspiration: a sketch supplied by an anonymous UFO observer, above; and <1 Kent schoolgirl’s ClOS3 encounter. top left

V ~t y light.~ . f" ’ <. TTVf(J’ " .a .{’JT. . e ] ; i} iB~,’ ;, ’~1’ ’,Ij::PoIi e;:~" :.vere al~rted \~h ~" xQ,ple ,saw "an in- tensewhit ,:hght" speed- ing~ tJ,iroug the/ skies: ,:

. . Th~ l ght(.Wa.s~ spotted at

I a~p}it 9:!5~l!st’ night by ir P\eter Hughes;’ caretaker of ...!,..!..~ I{il~’:S’hool/ D\@~y~J

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Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (30)

MOO note (by Mr HE Mackey): Further to RAF Wyton Signal 05133DZNov, I had asked RAF . \\Tyron to try and obtain ptecise location of inci- dent reponed at Oxmoor Estate on 5 Nov ’76.

Fit Lt Chapman said he had phoned name withheld (on 10.11.76) and his mother anSwered . the telephone. She was well spoken, and brought her son to the telephone. Mr name withheld had a broad local accent. After F /L C. had gained his confidence, Mr name withheld was very willing to talk about the incident and himself. He seemed (to F/L C.) a kindly likeable person. His voice sounded younger than his 29 years might sug- gest. He impressed F/L C. as imaginative. He reads a lor, especially books on aviation.

The place of the incident was a playing field between Shapley Rd and Hartford Rd, two acres in area. It transpired that the incident occurring on 5 Nov was not the first time that Mr name withheld had sighted the object, the first occasion being about two weeks previously. He had again seen the object on the momingof9 Nov. Further Description of Object: Tank-like, rather square with dome-shaped super structure, had white and blue lights. Main body of dark bluei<b.-grey colour. Mr name withheld had im~ ion fheat radiating from object. Noise: Almost silent: . thought he detected low-pitched hum. Dog ran into field. Object

descended, but did not actually land, to about 12ft from observer. A "son of telescopic probe appeated" and seemed to be "probing the ground". At this juncture the object turned round and faced Mr name withheld. He was petrified and in his own words "nearly had kittens". The probe then retracted and object made off at speed. Mr name withheld is now no longer fright-

ened of the object, and has taken to looking for it on his walks with his dog. He intends to take a camera with him on future walks, and if he gets results he will contact \\Tyron.

A RATIONAL EXPLANATION Dear Mr Mackey: Thank you very much for your letter of the 11 February. Bearing in mind that you will have been given all the relevant information on the sigbting, I take pleasure in enclosing an artistic impression of the occasion [pictured right]. The large white disc in the top left hand corner is intended to be the moon and the smaller object above the trees is intended to be Venus. Neither the moon nor Venus were visible to me at the time in question, they are strictly there to give some idea of how, in size, the object I saw appeared to me. The object travelled downward, following

the path of the dotted line. Compared with the objects I’ve included in the picture, you’ll see

Odd orbit: Campbell’s artistic impression of the UFO. Was It simply a passing satellite?

Which ’ "ur fe-af"/tf are- cf’"u !t>".ki1) fine/arc! r,,?

<VPRIlSCyprus Tourist Office, 17 Hanover Street, London WIS IYP. Tel: 020 7569 8800 Emeil: [emailprotected]

Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (31)

’You’ll see how large it appeared, and considering the speed at which it moved, you’ll appreciate my excitement and surprise’

how "large" it appeared to be and considering the speed at which it moved, you’ll appreciate my excitement and surprise at that time.

Let me finish by.saying that it is not my intention to encourage you to involve yourself in time corresponding with me, but, if there is some simple explanation that I can know about I would appreciate hearing from you. LG E Campbell Harburne, Birmingham,January 1975

Dear Mr Campbell: Thank you for your recent letter. Although as I explained, we cannot normally undertake to advise observers of the probable identity of the objects they see and kindly report to the Department, I am pleased to be able to give you. some information in connection with your report of an unidentified flying object seen byyou on 18 January this year. The under-mentioned Earth satellite

vehicles (ESVs) were within 1,000km at the time of your sighting. 1 Name: ZOND4; Slant range: 558 km; Azimuth: 1,32 DEC; Elevation: 26.2 DEG; Time: 0035. 2 Name: Cosmos 460; Slant range: 878 km; Azlmuth:004DEC; Elevation: 30.9 DEG; Time: 0035. It seems probable that the object you saw was one of these vehicles. HEMnckey MOD, Whitehall, London, 20 February 1975

.;:’ .’ .

long. I think it w’’the r !lection from the sun, which gave thi; ’object’\ flaming effect. I watched it from north west to west until my view was blocked.

Still watching the sky, at 16.10 my colleagues and I saw a very small ball of light, again north west. There_was a few clouds about and my view was blocked for a couple of minutes. Then the speck was gone but a little to the north was an object much closer, at a very rough guess 10-15 miles off. It was bright yellow. Note: By this time the sun was red. The object was the size of about 30 large stars as we see them. It could rotate, ie it appeared length ways, front on and width ways. It left with a fair speed and disap- peared altogether. The third sighting lasted from about 16.15 to 16.35. The whole incident I have stated was wit-

nessed by 12 office staff, my supervisor and my boss. I trust you will look into it. .

At a guess I would say that the object I saw was a research craft, measuring the atmosphere or something, but I find it more interesting to think maybe I saw my first UFO.

. .. Ramsgate, Km~ 23 January1976.

’>\’ITNESSED BY 12 OFFICE STAFF Dear Sir: I telephoned Manston Airport, on Monday Januaty 19 reporting a strange object in the sky. Although the perSon I spoke to sounded extremely bored, he did suggest I should send in all the details:

I was watching the sunset at VW Motors, Manston Road. At about 16.05 I noticed a strange length of light very far off, in the north west. It was quite high and moving about the same speed as a plane. It could have been a very long aircraft but to me the object was far too

Introduction by Robert Verkaik, Natiana1Archroes research by Daniel Pook .

On Me- tjland’fir all fC’a-",~f, ,1M Calt j/Villt in Me- ckar llue- fC’ajrPIIt e-arf.A1<t,j t’P !at’e- .;Vve-lItfe-t: And’M;"re-f a fe-ad fir CVe-’l’Me: fir ,/amilie-f /ViM flltall c e-n, pr t’MfC’ fC’iki/{f ferluf;"n altd’ fP/2tud’e: "prPIIt fe-autjlulo/altfl?f 1 flq, falt"- t’P re-IItPt’e- CPVI?f re-acie-d’Mf 11’ l,;at: SPIlte- are- ,lank jrP~ Me-

fclnafrutf 1 an altcte.nt’ clviltjan’pn. OMe-r.l/ ft’ arMItd’Me- cPrIte-r ;frPIIt t’ave-rnaf CPPki/{f Mat’ IItPr/tt :r cat’d. Wiid fe-ad are-rfPu hPkt .fr/Vard’t’p? J</J</lV.v/.rit’’fII/!-nt.f./?if’-?


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Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (32)

-. - . - --



UFO club







any kind.,


falls off

the the









three o’clock in the

morning and

you are

driving along a



road towards


Suddenly, a beam of

brilliant white


bars the way. Your

engine fails

and the

dog begins to

whine. Four


disappear and you

awake to find

a strange

orange tan

covering the right

side of

your face. Over

the next few


you notice men

in black suits


in the begonias.


time to ring British

UFO Hunters


Branch). But

hurry, because

if they

don’t get a call

soon they are


to pack it in. ET,

it appears, has


enough of Cumbria.

If there is a


system in the

Alpha CentauH


board Guide to

Earth, Cumbria


is not getting



Parr, the



for Bufoh,

said yesterday

that he

and his helpers

would have to

cal1 it

a day if the decline

in sightings


over the

past few years


for much

longe~. .


Cumbria we have

gone from 60


sightings in 2003

to 40 in 2004

and none

at all this year,"

he lamented.


means that the

number of people


their eyes on the

skies is


diminished. There

is only a


of us now.


ate a dying breed

in this part of


country. I put it.down

to the end of


X-Files, a lack of

military exercises

in the

area that would

produce UFO


and a lack of


Allen life -


not seen In














owns three











elsewhere in






that the






a wrong turn




























activity. As


RAF now





































































































































































wall. ,







explained. Hmmm.










By Roger




to control












"We found













ance in

fruit flies



















",_ .,.

_ I,

Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (33)

Independent Online Edition> This Britain: app 1 Page 1 of2......HE fttt.L 0 Nt I N E -I" . ~ I}OITION


10 August 2005 14:51

UFO-spotters give up hunt for flying saucersBy Ian Herbert, North of England Correspondent

Published: 10 August 2005

The UFO sighted over the Windermere area of Cumbria was described at the time as triangular or diamond-shaped and rather like a twin-hulled catamaran. It seemed to have some respect for the British road system too, hovering for some time above the A592, one witness said, then disappearing into the night sky over nearby Morecambe shortly after midnight on 28 August 1977.

Though some began questioning the strength of the local ale, dozens of witnesses including 10 police officers were adamant they had seen the object. Their story of its charcoal colour and two giant lights remains one of Britain’s legendary UFO stories.

Yet if the truth is still out there over the Lake District, the means to engage with it may soon be gone. Gloomy about the fast-diminishing number of sightings, the Cumbrian branch of the British UFO Hunters has declared itself ready to call it a day.

Sightings of UFOs have fallen from 60 in 2003 to none this year. Chris Parr, of Whitehaven, a ufologist and branch member, said the end of Mulder, Scully and The X-Files on television had brought the beginning of the end to UFO- spotting.

"It’s also to do with a lack of military exercises in the area," Mr Parr added, expounding a theory that 90 per cent of UFOs can be explained by "secret military projects". He said he got his information from "UFO spotters hanging around outside military bases and breaking into them".

He added: "The number of people keeping their eyes on the skies is greatly diminished. There are only a handful of us now. I have three camcorders and a digital video and I start recording whenever there have been sightings in another part of the country."

A year ago, UFO Magazine closed down after a 25-year run, having once enjoyed a sale of 35,000 copies, which made it the world’s top UFO publication. Suggestions of paranormal interference in the publishing decision were ruled out. It was more to do with the death of Graham Birdsall, the editor and world UFO expert who, along with his younger brother Mark, founded the Leeds-based publication in 1981.

Before that had come the death of former diplomat Gordon Creighton, 92, who was editor of Flying Saucer Review, the longest-running UFO magazine.

Andy Roberts, an author of UFO books and former magazine contributor, said: "Ufology is really a thing of the past century. The end of The X-Files series didn’t help, and there has been a decline since the televised alien autopsy of the mid-1990s. Basically, it was a hobby that broke into the mainstream. Ultimately, there was only a hardcore following."

But the picture is not entirely bleak. West Kilbride, in Ayrshire, has topped the league for the number of close encounters of a strange kind with 12 recorded sightings last year, three times as many as its closest rival.

UFO enthusiasts are also excited about the Penzance Triangle, a 226sq-mile area of Cornwall between Land’s End, St Ives and the Helford Estuary, where you are twice as likely to spot a UFO and three times more likely to see a ghost, than in the rest of the UK, some say.

Then there is the submission to the British UFO Research Association website, headlined "Extraordinary events in Cumbria" which tells of a "ball of light and vehicle interference" last New Year’s Eve at Hethersgill, near Carlisle. uk/uk/this_britainlarticle304912.ece 10/08/2005

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Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (35)

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,nean’be,et growers cover their costs

" E~!!~ ~nlJllanD~iIv Times Salurday, July 30, 2005,

A CLOSE ENCOUNTER? A strange happening at Rendlesham Forest, as seen by Brenda Butler Photograph: CONTRIBUTED

MOD delivered usual line on UFOsSir, - Your article concerning UFO sightings ,in : the region (EADT, July 26) was of interest but, through a lack of familiarity with the subject, you allowed the MoD to deliver it’s usual public ~response. without question. - ,

, As the MoD itself decides upon the threat level "of each incident, it’s hardly surprising that none l1ave ever been publicly acknowledged as of :"defence significance" - the department’s . usual terminology. Although I don’t for one moment subscribe to the commonly held belief of a government conspiracy (some form of covert investigation has been known to occur’in selected cases. Some governments have demonstrated:a less ~omplacent View of the ’phenomena and

..}",....: ..-........ -

have taken a more direct response’-Post- war, fighters from various nations have

, att!!mpted to intercept UFOs, with little SUccess as they lack the performance shoWn by’the intruders. On more than one occasion, this has resulted iri. the loss of the aircraft and crew":" if it happened here no amount of MoD spin could ’

then dismiss the threat. _ _ If the MoD still remain uDconvinced I suggest they speak to the Mexican Air Forc "and the crew of an anti-narcotics aircraft about a "

- certain incident early last year.GARY STEDMAN, / Ford View Rd, Stowmarket.



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Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (36)

+." + ......:tj:I.]I Wednesday, August 10, 2005 n-n I R.IGKTSPECIALS

EMil TRA VE L ~~:~aland ~~~ New York E229’ ~; ~m AMERICAS Boston E26S- ~:2 " Las Angeles 1::309’ ~! ..., SA’~ UP TO San Francisco E33S. ..i ’" ~V.. Nairobi 1::339’ ~~ ~ E 1 0 0 .Io’burg 1::369 i" " CapeTown 1::415 BANGKOK----’-~-", ,.. ~.~ ~ FORS1tJDEN1S&UNDER2Ss’ :~~~ng ~~:~ ~’E.’"-"’3’-’"8--9’" ~~~ ~ Hong Kong E:399 ..loo:iV’ ~~

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. Nick Pope was the head of the Ministry of Defence’s UFO Project from 1991 until 1994. He went on to write several sci-fi books and is a regular on the UFO convention circuit- lecturing allover the world about his time as the MoD’s very own ’Fox Mulder’. Civil servant Pope still works for the MoD but is reluctant to ’go into details’ about his job specifics.

Nick Pope. What did your job as head of the MoD’s UFO Project entail? I had been in the MoD since 1985 and did various things - they move you around every three years - when they suddenly asked me to head the UFO Project. I had no previous interest in UFOs, which was probably the best way to come into that job. . What did you do every day? We researched and investigated the UFO mystery to See if reports of UFOs suggested anything of any defeoce significance: We looked at whether they posed a threat to Britain and if the things that were being reported were cause for concern. . And what did you conclude? That 95 per cent of it was just misidentification - aircraft lights, weather balloons, meteors, satellites etc. But there was a five per Cent core of things that defied conventional explanation. I had UFOs reported by trained observers, such as pilots and military personnel, plus visual sightings backed up by radar which is always interesting. . You’ve said you started off quite sceptical but after three years in the job came to believe that aliens exist. What evidence convinced you? Yes, I came out of the job convinced that som UFOs might be extra- terrestrial.’Ther isn’t proof but there is some intriguing evidence. The best example is Britain’s most famous UFO case ~ the Rendlesham Forest . incident of 1980. Essentially, a UFO landed between two military bases; all the witnesses were military, three .landing’ indentations were found


in the clearing in the forest and a Geiger counter showed the radiation readings in the area were ten times higher than nonnal. That really made me think there w s hard evidence of UFOs visiting Britain. Two years ago, a US military police officer said he was responsible for it but I very much doubt he is. There are a lot of people who want to, write themselves into the story retroactively and it doesn’t wash. . 00 you believe people have been abducted by aliens? I looked at about 100 cases and I’m puzzled. The people involved aren’t after publicity Dr money for their stories, most of them run a mile if you try to involve them in media projects. There have been scientific studies ioto the people who make


these claims and the conclusions suggest they believe what they say happened really did happen. That doesn’t mean it took place in the physical universe, of course. . Have you found any physical evidence? No. Some people claim they have been abducted and implanted with aJ alien tracking device. If I can recove one of these, I can prove the myste’) definitively. Until I get one, I don’t have anything I caD take to the scientific community. It would be foolish to write off these claims just because of scepticism. You should investigate claims no matter how extraordinary they seem and that has always beeo the view of the MoD.

I’m convinced that some UFOs might be extra-terrestrial. There isn’t proof but there is some

intriguing evidence

. Presumably, you’re investigating these tracking devices in your spare time? Yes. All my research is now in a private capacity. I had the most interesting job in the country. After three years of that, I couldn’t turn my back on it. . Is there anything you remain unconvinced by? I was drawn into just about every strange paranonnal phenomenon you could imagine. I had people I phoning me up offering to become psychic spies for the MoD, tracking I Russian submarines or finding hidden caches of drugs with their minds. I used to Set them a test. I

I would hide an object in my flat and challenge them to say what the object was and tell me where I had put it. Sadly, none of them managed it. Had one come up with the answer, I would have taken it further. You I have to keep an open mind. . Nick has judged a compeUtion to find Britain’s best photo of a UFO. The winning entry will be announced on on August 28th. For more on crop circles, goat suckers and what aliens look like, go to


Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (37)

n’~." :’ i ’,": ~. ,. ’.’

.. "-I’" J:.

OUT OF THIS WORLD: Has E.T. finally phoned home? Don’t call us

’The meatballs were serum my’

By Tim Shipman Defence Correspondent

HAVE the little green men invad- ~d Bri :et? The public would ike to kl.~.v. And are there meatballs still for tea

n the Royal Navy? We think we ;hauld be told These. are the thorny issues that

he brass hats at the Ministry of )efence.’ are having to juggle with hanks to new freedom of information egislation. Curious Britons really want to

;now if E.T. has finally phoned home. One little’ girl asked: "Have we

lone any experiments with aliens? lave aliens actually landed.’ on !:arth? There are thousands of ques- ions I could ask hut what I really vant to know is are’there extra- errestrials on this’ planet? Please,’ ,lease, please could you tell me if here are photos? Because I really ,eed to know. I ’ROMISE to keep

: a secret." Another member

f the public asked ,r . details of the ~oD’s policy on bduction by extraterrestrials. . The fficial answer: "We have had nothing , do with aliens." So now you know. . One couple who used to work for ;,e Navy were so fond of the taste of

urried meatballs that they wrote in , ask for the recipe. A long-serving chef was charged

rith dredging out the old recipe and ow Jan and Tony Rickai-d are again njoying their old favourites. . Jan, 61; from Carshalton, so th .ondon, said: "The meatballs were bsolutely scrummy. The MoD has eally come up trumps to track down 1e recipe. They went to tremendous mgths.". Others have used the Freedom of ormation Act, designed to wheedle

ut the secrets of government, to k ,r vehicle operating manuals and to

MoD is hit by a fusillade of mad questionsfind out the ’correct procedure for royal parades. The MoD receives more freedom of

information requests than any other Government department, around 300 each month, but many of them can- not be answered because of exemp- tions in the law where national secu- rity is at stake.

Officials are keen to point out, how- ever, that they have gone out of their way to be helpful to members of the public where possible. An MoD spokeswoman said: "One

of the most popular.requests is to ask . about alien life but we have to disap- point people. The success of the cur- ried meathalls dem- onstrates our com- mitment to going the extra mile to

swer as many requests as we can." Other oddball requests include: . Could you please tell me whether

the warships are moored and the Queen goes past them or whether the warships parade past the Queen? . Which kind of tea is drunk by the Ministry of Defence? . Do you know where I could get a workshop manual for a Reynolds Bou ton RB44 truck as I’m doing a trip li-om Sweden to Cape Town? .1 Own a Green Goddess fire ’engine. 1 am interested in tracing her history. Can you help? . . Could 1 have a photocopy of the new Pulsar aircrew issue Chronograph watch? .. .Is it possible to buy recipe books from the Army?’


As victory over Europe was celebrated - another battle, just as ferocious, just as deadly was still being fought in the Far East. Hundreds of thousands of our fellow countrymen were killed, wounded or captured before victory was finally assured. ..and we will never, ever forget th m or the sacrifices they made. Today, we are here for them and all the ex,Service. community, who have fallen on hard times.

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Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (38)

Aliens m break the limit IT WAS all too much for the p.oor motorist caught by a sp’eed came~a. ,

,The prospect of three penalty pOints in his licence and a f60 fine called for an inventive excuse, "

’1 passed out afterseeing,flashmg lights in the distance, ,whlch. 1,


believed to be UFOs,-he sald m a

, letter of appeaqo officials. ’The flash of the camera brought me~ round from my tranc~.’ Aliens are not the only bizarre excuse offered

, ! by desperate drivers hoping to g~t off the hook. One man blamed hls, ’

dying hamster, whic? he was rushmg,’ ,

to a vet. Another clmmed to be , taking a friend’s severed .fingers to ,

hospital, ’said Northumb~la Safet!’ ! Camer Partnership, whlch momtors i, sp d cameras in the North~East.



, \,..-- .

ay, August L, .L004, . . ~

’Alien ~re~k ge~, ,

’found In Slber a. - ,

THE wreckage of an alien space craft has beendiscovered at the site of an unexplained explosion that .’

, took place in Siberia nearly a centui:y ago, Russian sCientists elaim.. The team also says it has found a rock weighing 50kg which has’be’en ,sent for analysis, according to the, ,respected. Interfax news agency.

I Researchers, \yorkingfor the publicly-funded Tunguska Space Phenomenon group, believe the’ alien craft crashed on June 30, 1908.


Until now, the blast, which ! devastated’2,OOOsq km of remote

forest, was blamed on a meteorite impact near the Tunguska river. The scientists hope the evidence will help solve the mystery of what happened that day by the time of the centenary of the blast, in four years.’ The,site was first researched, ’

in 1927, but no signs of an alien craft were reported then.

, I ,I I ~ ,I


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Thursday, January 19, 2006\ ’


locked’ by :I~de.on jetAirways’ flight from Abu Dhabi to, Heathrow. , Roberts told jurors he was first given : Serol’at on the tenth anniversary of a

,Chinook helicopter crash which killed 29 military personnel in Scotland in 1994, . ,eluding some of his friends. ;,. chemist Prof Robert Forrest

’} don’t believe the alcohol ""is behaviour’ unless

<> on.:"1n a,n air-


’Aliens ’,vi~iting "

millennium ’tower" . .. ,/. , REPORTED,sightings o(alien craft, , have brought tourists arid UFO w,atchers flocking to a millennium "

tower. .Residents cl im to have seen . a cigar-shaped flashing objeCt, ’ hovering over’ the Spinnaker Tower, in Portsmouth. UFO spotters believe’ the 170ni building is attractil1g attention from aiienlife.

Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (39)

Daily Express {Main}Source: Edition: Country: Date: Page: Area: Circulation: BRAD Info: Phone: Kayword:

UK Saturday 19, November 2005 38,39 1239 sq. cm ABC 810827 Daily page rate E20,825.00, scc rate E85.00 020 7928 8000

Ministry Of Defence


. by Nick Pope.Former British Government UFO Proj~ct .Iead r

’:0" -N MAY 21, 1997, a. .’

.’ former... . Prim .’

. Miriister made ..’ an: .

e gzp.atic.comment .... th::ltse~medt? con-:

. ’. .

> firm the reality. of Britairi’smost. .... famous UFO" c dellt; The remark

. hinted at darker’. secrets and’ led to much debate among conspiiacy theo- rists.. Thepo.liticiaIi .’ was, Baroness Thatcher and the

. implications of what . she

. said are extr oidinary. The comment. was made at a

. charity functi .’ Lorido ~bi1ii d socialite and.: author . Georgina Bruni had been researching’ the Rendlesham Forest UFO ’. inci-


dent; fascinated. by. hints dropped Y’ diplomatic, military and political’ friends. Sceptical ’about the. sUbject of UFOs,

. she thought ,it was awash. with cultists and crackpots. But Rendlesham was different

so,. when she : met Baroness .

Thatcher. at a dinner, Bruni put The cont nt of these cuttings is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced or resold without prior permission of the publisher or relevant licencing agency, details of which are obtainable from Durrants Press Cuttings Limited.

the former PM on the spot. Was . there any. truth to the rumolirs about what happened

. in Suffolk’s Rendlesham Forest? What did. the Government really know about UFOs? Was it a seri- ous issue orjust pie in the sky? Bruni . was expecting a

bland dismissal of the story. The official Ministry of Defence position was that no evidence existed to suggest UFOs were extraterrestrial in origin. . Then the former PM dropped her bombshell. "UFOs?" she said. "You can’t tell the people." Bruni was astounded and

pressed her point. What did she mean? Baroness Thatcher calmly repeated her remark, before departing. From 1991 to 1994, I ran the

Government’s UFO. Project, based at the Ministry of Defence, and Bruni had inter- viewed me in the course of her research.’ Still


aston- ished, she called me at 2am to tell me what had hap- pened. I quickly grasped its sig-

nificance. I went to my study and began to make notes, all the tinie quizzirig Georgina about every nuance of her brief encounter with the former PM. .. ,

If you take all the thousands of UFO sightingsinvestigated by the MoD over the years, the Rendlesham Forest incident stood out., We could not ignore it, despite our best efforts to find’ some conventional explanation. Tls case was tl).e Holy Grail and . Baroness Thatcher’s remark put the events into a new light.

o WHAT actually hap- pened at Rendlesham Forest and what makes the

event the UK’s strangest UFO encounter? As we approach its 25th anniversary, it’s time to re- open tne MoD’s spookiest X-File.’ Late on Christmas night, 1980,

and early on Boxing Day, strange lights were seen in the forest. This might not sQlll1d particularly significant. When I ,was running

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Ministry Of Defence


the UFO Project I used to receive up to 30!) reports. oCsightiligs each year...,:. ." ’. ......~....:.

..... Most.. c i d be d qjl ed’ as ’sid nti.fications": .of’aircr’a.rt.

lights, meteors or weatherbal- loons: What made this sighting’ remarkable was the fact that the. witnesses were .United states. Air Force personnel based at RAF Bentwaters’ and .RAF. Woodbridge i Suffolk. . ’.. .

. . . . Rendlesham ’. Forest: . lies . be- . tween the b es and, as tlie Cold’ War was, still decidedly frosty, a UFO sighting at:two of the nation’s most . sensitive ri1llitary sites was bOUnd’t ’be of interest. . EarIy on December 26; duty personnel . rep rl d lights so bright they feare.d aircraft had crashed They obtainedpermis- sion to go ~-baSe:-to Investigate. Butdthey didn’t. tInd a

. crashed

aiicraft - they found a UFO. .

. The three-man patrol from the 8Ist Security Police’ Squadron- Jim Penniston,Johri . Burroughs 1lI1d Ed aqans~g :.~)a,W.,a, sm,all, metallic craft moving . through, the trees.,..~ :’., . ’.. ..... .’., .

At . one point;. it’ appeared to land in a small clearing; They approached. cautjously . and Penniston got. close enough to see strange markings on the side, . which he likened’ to Egyptian’ hieroglyphs. He ma(je. soine rapid sketches in: his notebook. It touched down for only mom nts and then departed. Later, because of the compli-

cated legal and jurisdictional position of US Air Force bases In the UK, police from Suffolk Con- stabulary. were called to the apparent landing site. They con- ducted’ a brief but Inconclusive examination. . .

Three indentat ons were visi- ble In the. clearing and" when mapped, they formed the shape of an eqi1i.lateral triangle. A Geiger ’counter ,was used to check the site and the readings peaked markedly In, the depres- sions where the object- possibly on legs of some sort - had come to Earth. News of the UFO encounter

came to the . attention of the Deputy BaseComm: der, Lieut- enant Colonel Charles Halt.. He was sceptical; but had the wit- nesses write up official rep.orts, including sketches of what they had seen.... .

The’ following, evening, Halt was at a function when a young airman, burst in and ran up to him. "Sir," he stammered, "It’s


back." Halt looked confused. "What?" he retorted. "What’s back?" "The UFO, sir ~ the UFO’s back.".

Halt gathered: together. a small tearii and went out into the .for- ’est.:’ t .: investigate.. He> subse- queritlystated that: he:h d~’no expect~tiori of s~eirig’.. yt; g and.’Jh’t~. int.entjb~ ,Was- to "debunk" the wholedaiI: B t he’ didn’t. do so’ because’ he’ tao


encountered th O;b corriing one of the highest ranklng~Ini1i-’ tary officers to go’ on the record about sUch a sightlng... .:. .’

As h,e. and his men tracked the UFO, their i’adios began to ~nab ftnicti n’ and’ p werful" 1 ps--’ takeri .to illuminate the forest. myst riously began to cur out." But hand-held tape’ rec i’ ’ thecoloneltook to document his.- investigation did not m~c#oIl>

than a typographical ertor- Charles Halt’s report gave incor- rect dates for the incident. So when the MoD checked the radar tapes, they were looking at the wrong days. ’..

Radar evidence is a critical part of any UFO .investigation.. Many spectacular UFO sightlngs over the years have been corre- lated by radar. MoD files detail several such cases, inc~ dlng ones where ~,pilots encoun- tered UFOs. and gave ’~ hase. Unsuccessfully,’ I might add. .

. In the absence of an radar data that’ might confirm _ the. presence of the’ Rendlesham . Forest UFOS;.. the investigation petered’ out. Yet, as I was to dis- cover years later, the.. UF.O had been tracked after all.:’:’.." .

. . .

I spoke to a fornierRAFrad’

operator called Nigel "l{:eri; . ’He’. had been stationed < t:.R.AF. Watton in Norfolk: atC stm1980 and took a c ’ rrofil"RAF’f, Bentwaters i: ::w ’

.anything unusual.o’ri:.hiscr d :. screen. For three or f ,~swee ~; something did show up directly over the base, but it faded away and no official report was’ ever made. It was only years later that Kerr heard of the Rendlesham Forest incident and realised he might have a missing piece of the puzzle. In the apparent absence of radar

data to verify the presence of the UFO, arguably the most critical piece of evidence was never fol- lowed up. The Defence Intelligence staff had assessed the radiation readings taken at the landing site and judged them "significantly higher than the average back- ground". In fact, they were about seven times what would have been expected. So what are we to make of all

this? UFO believers are convinced thesightings Involved an extra- terrestrial spacecraft. They still hold sky watches in the forest and claiiri to see UFOs regularly. The sceptical theories are almost

as bizarre, with suggestions that the highiy trained military witness- es actually saw the lights of a police car, or the beam from the local lighthouse. "Lighthouses don’t fly," Charles Halt said, incredulously. More rational sceptical theories

include the testing of a prototype aircraft, but the bottom line is that, while there are things being developed you won’t see. at the Famborough Air Show for 10 or 15 years, we know where we fly our own hardware. The "black pro- jects" theory doesn’t hold up.

..." .

T ~ TAPE recor~g’ ~ti1survives and one can hear the rising tension in Halt’s

voice and the voices of his. men, . as the UFO approaches.;.’ :" . : ’.


"I see it too.;; it’s back g .... it’sCorig tl$w~y.,; t~ere~sno, doubt about it... this. is weird.;.. it looks like an eye wiJiJrlng at you... ’ it almost;bums your. eyes... he’s cOming t ward us’now..~. now we’re oqservingwhat appears to be a beam, coming down’ to ,the grounq..~; ,one object still hover,,’ ing over Woodbridge .base:;;’,. beaming down" ,. .,,’ ..X’::’; At one po~t the t msio.ti<it

their voices almost seems.-tij’i become panic as the’ UFO makeS’ a close approach and fires light beams down , n Halt and his men. .’ ,,,: . Halt ~ote . aD offiCial

report of the’ incidenb; Although somewhatiocuC:’o ously’ entitled Unexpla.ii1e :’: Lights, it descJibed ~ the first night’s UFO asbemg"ni tal- licin appearance’ and trian~. gular in ,shape; ~. a pulsing red light on top and a bank of blue lights underneath... the animals on a nearby farm went Into a frenzy". ’ .

He went on. to detail the . radiation ’" .

readings . taken from the landing site and set out the details of’ his own sighting. The report was sent to.

the section of the Ministry of Defence where; a little over 10 years later, I spent three years researching and inves-

tigating UFO sightings. It went to my predecessors, who began an Investigation, but they were hampered by a mistake that was to have dire consequences. . For whatever reason - and it

may have been nothing moreThe content of these cuttings is suQject to copyright and may not be reproduced or resold without prior permission of the publisher or relevant licencing agency, details of which are obtainable from Durrants Press Cuttings Limited.


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C "

, OL HALT’S’ evidence was , obtained by American UFO

researchers in 1983, under the Freedom of Information Act. But it was not until 2001 that the rest of the file came to light, inCluding most of the details we now know...’ ,


Georgina Bruni had requested sever documents on the incident under the ’Code of Practice on Access to Government Information _ the forerunner to Britain’s Freedom: of Information Act. She had also enlisted the help oHormer


Chief of the Defence staff Lord Hill~ Norton -c rumself a firm believer in ’UFOs. ’

, Despite the claimS of conspiracy theorists, the MoD is committed to open "government and was happy to release the file. It can now be viewed in entirety on the’ MoD website. The MoD and the Natio~al Archives are bombarded wIth

; requests:about UFOs b~t have a -r ~g programme of disclosure. :’ These ethe real X-Files and they ::ar beirg,released. ,

:", ’Mthe,,25th," anniversary of this, ,UFO,:encounter approaches, there ’;isgi atinterest in the’ inciden~.

" EnthusiaSts are planning’ an anm- v rs vigil, The Forestry Comm-

:" issi i1 ~,which has created a UFO , ,Trail iil’the’ forest - is planning an "everit, Several television documen- ~,taiiesare being made and there’s ", even talk of a Hollywood movie. ’

But despite the we th of docu- mentation to have emerge(i and

Daily Express {Main}

UK Saturday 19, November 2005 38,39 1239 sq. cm ABC 810827 Daily page rate E20,825.00, scc rate E85.00 020 7928 8000

Ministry Of Defence

the testimony of the witnesses themselves, we are no nearer to knowing what happened in Rendlesham Forest. The truth is still out there.

Somewhere. ’ .

’7 On I fs .; ~.~ U L-=:J

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ThreshoJd.R"I~ p 11r~

. Almost Heaven: J. Denver . Otherwise Engaged . Karla ., See What I Wanna See .. Jersey Boys

And so the team is assembled, a veritable instant Fabulous Five. Under Caffrey’s command is biologist and former 1960s radical Dr. I r--, Nigel. ~enway (Brent Spiner of "S~ar Trek" renown); nervous young .. The Beatles physIcist Lucas pegg (Rob Benedict); macho commando . The Lost One Cavennaugh (Brian Van Holt); and mathematician-linguist Arthur "S ike Lee Ramsey (p~ter ~in.klage), whose other pursuits !nclu~e booze and . 0ant to be a women. It IS their Interplay, as much as any weird sCience Producer conjured up by aliens, that makes the time pass quickly. . So You Want to

be a Producer More than most shows, the collaboration among exec producers is obvious here. Brannon Braga is a veteran "Star Trek" writer and

Sci-fi purists might find CBS’ "Threshold" disconcerting, but for the rest of us, this is scary fun and suspenseful dramedy. Sep. 15, 2005


By Barry Garron 9-10 p.m. Friday, Sept. 16 CBS


i FIl.M.. The White Countess ., The Libertine .. Through the Fire. Bam Bam and Celeste I . In Memory of My Father

:ID~ x /:~ ^~f. "~%~x~~:.. The Ghost Squad ., Las Vegas: ... History ., SNL: Lost and Found ., I Have Tourette’s but Tourette’s Doesn’t Have Me ., The Virgin Queen- . Wages of Fear .. The Wizard of Oz .. Halloween treats. Cinderella . Titanic

1’~Ee11 ;. :. Clark, Ely, Hiatt, Lovett ., Bauhaus .. Jamiroquai .. Broken Social Scene .. Isaac Hayesl<mE’AmR’ ..[ ’.1 15/11/2005

Odd things happen when aliens invade. People exposed to eerie music go nuts and become zombies. Brain waves are altered. And just about everything from co*ckroaches to radar screens end up dancing to some sort of pinwheel pattern. What does it mean? Mainly that, in this version of Planet Earth Meets the Space Huns, the sober taste of terror and sci-fi has been sweetened with a dash of comic book excess and campy humor. Sci-fi purists might find it the taste of CBS’ "Threshold" disconcerting, but for the rest of us, this is scary fun and suspenseful dramedy. Also, it comes as close to actual tactical government response as "The Love Boat" was to a real cruise ship operation.

Bottom line: What good is an alien invasion if you can’t have some fun with Earth’s defenders?

The opening scenes of the double-episode premiere show a Navy crew in the Atlantic quickly decimated by a UFO that looks like some sort of Christmas ornament screensaver. In response, the U.S. calls on Dr. Molly Anne Caffrey (TV sweetheart Carla Gugino), who has made a living drafting contingency plans for various end- of-the-world scenarios. Now that this is a distinct possibility, she gets to assemble the eccentric team she proposed in her Threshold plan.

National Security Adviser J.T. Baylock (Charles S. Dutton) tells her, "You’ve just become the most important person on the planet." And she knows it, too. Later in the first hour, Caffrey tells her colleagues, "We’ve got to stare into the face of the unknown and make damn sure we don’t blink." Be honest. Where, outside of a comic book, will you find dialogue like that?

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producer. David S. Goyer has a history of turning comic books to films, such as "Batman Begins" and the "Blade" series. David Heyman, producer of all four "Harry Potter" films, is adept at whimsical fright. If the sum isn’t greater than the parts, it is at the very least equal to them. What’s more, there’s nothing remotely like "Threshold" on the competition, and Friday night -- as fans of "The Twilight Zone" and "The X-Files" -- will tell you, can be a welcoming place for otherworldly drama.

THRESHOLD CBS Braga Prods., Phantom Four Films and Heydey Films in association with Paramount Network Television Credits: Executive producers: Brannon Braga, David Heyman, David S. Goyer Co-executive producers: Bragi Schut, Marc Rosen, Anne McGrail, Dan O’Shannon Supervising producer: Mike Sussman Creator: Bragi Schut Directors: David S. Goyer, Peter Hyams Teleplay: Bragi Schut, Brannon Braga, David S. Goyer Directors of photography: Steve Bernstein, Frank Byers Production designers: Carlos Barbosa, Stefani a Cella Editor: Conrad Smart Music: Ramin Djawadi, Steve Jablonsky Set decorator: Nancy Nye, Jim Mees Casting: Ronnie Yeskel Cast: Dr. Molly Anne Caffrey: Carla Gugino J.T. Baylock: Charles S. Dutton Cavennaugh: Brian Van Holt Lucas pegg: Rob Benedict Dr. Nigel Fenway: Brent Spiner Arthur Ramsey: Peter Dinklage Angela Hatten: Diane Venora Gunneson: William Mapother Captain: Scott MacDonald Crewman Sonntag: Kevin Durand


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Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (49)

Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (50) Thursday, August 10, 2006 .~’:ti;{..

UFOs? The MoD was called in to investigate the lights - which turned out to be lanterns (an enlarged one is shown inset) Pictw" North News "’" Pictures

UFOs? U’re kidding IT WAS supposed to be a hannless BY STEPHEN HULL stunt to celebrate moving into a new house. But it left Paul McKinney and Emma Henfrey at the centre of an X Files-style UFO investigation/ er some stargazers thought they were ". "messing an alien invasion.

.1e couple released lanterns - which can float up to 300m (I ,ooOft) in the air and glow bright orange and white - into the sky at their house- wanning party. The following day, they heard

police had been bombarded with sightings of glowing lights in the sky, and decided it was best to keep quiet Fearing public ridicule, the couple

even warned friends their party lanterns should be kept a secret. But things got even more out of

hand when the MoD launched an investigation - and the couple kn w they would have to come clean. The military experts were caUed in

after police received 20 caUs about the lights, to [md out whether British airspace bad been invaded. An MoD

spokeswoman said: ’We examine UFO sighting reports to establish whether there is any evidence to suggest that-UK airspace has been compromis’ d by hostile or "unautho- rised air actiyity.’.~ Mr McKinney, 28, and Ms Hen-

frey, 30, had released the lanterns, which hold candles, after moving into their new home in Seaham. County Durham. Mr McKinney said: ’I wasn’t going

to say anything but then my cousin saw something in the local paper about the MoD investigating, so 1 thought 1 bad better own up.’ Witnesses who spotted the lanterns

were convinced they were UFOs. Harry McCall, 67, and his wife

Elizabeth, 74, filmed the lights._ ’I said to my wife they were UFOs

until 1 could be convinced otherwise - and now 1 have been: said Mr McCal1.

’It is quite funny to find out and it’s good to know the explanation’. See, the truth reaUy is out there.

Sir Mi k_ lea~ns a lesson at lastAFTER belting out rock songs for 35 years Sir Mick Jagger has broken the habit of a lifetime - he’s started having lessons. Sir Mick, 63, has voice coaching to help him wann up his vocal cords. He told Virgin Radio: ’Better late than never. I did a bit of voice coaching a couple of years ago, after 35 years with no voice coaching. A bit of voice coaching and wann-ups really help.

- ’I always teU these younger singers "I never used to do it either but you should".’ The Rolling Stone added: ’A lot of people have voice problems, not just older people, younger people too. ’I mean, you sing a lot, every night you are singing for hours and hours and your voice gets tired. It’s like anything, like running every night, that’s why you have to wann up properly.’- The Stones are on a world tOUT.

METRO FACTFlLE In the 18205, a ro o",?,ers filled a goa up ~f hotel aOlma’s and ran’ t with Niagara Falls _ t

.t oft the tourists The

0 attract schoon’ Y Pushed the bears

er - With bUffalo, d

’ foxes, a racCOon og, a Cat and ’ a the edge. Only ;:ese - OVer and a bear. Wh 0 geese shore ’. 0 swam to 10,000 ~~’::;:~’:t~~~~. SomePet goat taken on drunken ride A REVELLER who drank ten pints (6Iitres) of cider stole a goat and took it on a joyride, a coun has heard. Carl Myles took a shine to lI-momh-old Snowy as he walked home from a party. The 20-year-old put the goat in the back of fanner Huw Leysbon’s Volvo and then drove off with it. He was caught after he crashed the car into the back of a tractor. But Myles said he could not remember anything because of the amount of alcohol he had drunk. Myles, of Trallwn, Swansea, admitted one charge of aggravated vehicle-taking. Judge Richard Williams, of Neath magistrates, sentenced him to a 120-hour community order, disqualified him from driving for two years and ordered him to pay il,394 compensation to Mr Leyshon. The goat died, possibly from shock, two days after the incident last month.

METRO weatherLondon Today Sunny spells and areas of cloud with just the outside chance of a brief shower. A cooler day than yesterday with a brisk north-westerly wind. High 21-22C (7o-72F).

Thursday I ~~ I AM . Thursay I dr" I PM ", ~ I~"I ,.

Friday AM

D~ D~Frillay

PMOutlook Tomorrow is expected to be a dry day with sunny spells. Saturday morning should be dry but increasing cloud will bring showers later.

.u__ _.... _. _. _

Mulder and Scully: Harry and Elizabeth McCall filmed the lanterns, inset, with their video camera

Pictures: NNP

South-East and the Home Counties Britain Today 1M.., North~,f19ol So..u,~21ol

1\ ;:- N.Westl~21ol s.Wales~~20ol Yorks~21ol W.MidslO 2101 scotlandg200: E.MidSIO 2101 N.lreland ":~180 Around Britain yester ay

Aberdeen 16 Showers Leeds 17 Fair Belfast 1S Cloudy Liverpool 16 Rain Binningham 18 Cloudy London 20 Sunny Cardiff 21 Sunny Manchester 17 Fair Edinburgh 1 B Fair Newcas1le 17 Fair Glasgow 15 Fair York 18 Fair

II ~(\o < Luton ....~I,~\. =>VJ 1,$ Ch~~

4,’1~0’< ~ 21o~D~, ,P:~~ Today Sunny spells and variable amounts of cloud with just the small chance of a shower. Feeling cooler than yesterday with brisk north-westerly winds. High 20-22C (68-72F). Sunset: 8.33pm Air pollution: LDw

1I0000nl .2!!t.’;’- 220


..,\1J11 ~’ d?,~ ~~’907 1\’

..\\!/I... ~ dJ 210 ~fDor < Po~mouth !.ri9h~_ mouth. Brigh ,.. MODERATE ’!"~ ~

Tomorrow Quite a blustery day but it will stay dry throughout with sunny spells and varying amounts of cloud. Moderate to fresh north.westerly winds. High 19-22C (66-72F). Sunrl..: 5.3IIem Air pollution: Low


___~ _....___.~. ....._.... ....._--0........."".-- ’....__

Europe Today 1M.., Alhens~ 3301 Geneva~ 2301

1Ia’ceIcna~ 2901 Madrid~ 3501 !\’ ,I"

Berlin~"200IMoscow~ Brussels~18ol Paris~~ 2201 ,"

DUblin~f2ool RDme~ 2701 Around the World yesterday

Amsten:tam 18 Cloudy Madrid 28 Sunny Athens 30 Sunny Miami 31 Fair Barbados 29 Showers New York 29 Fair Cape Town 15 Sunny Paris 21 Rain Hong Kong 33 Fair Sydney 15 Cloudy Los Angeles 2S Sunny Tokyo 26 Showers


- -- .~---._------...._~...._..._-----......-

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Source: Edition: Country: Date: Page: Araa: Circulation: BRAD info: Phone: Keyword:

Daily Express {Main}

UK Saturday 19, November 2005 38,39 1239 sq. cm ABC 810827 Daily page rate E20,825.00, see rate E85.00 020 7928 8000

Ministry Of Defence

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Source: Edition: Country: Date: Page: Area: Circulation: BRAD info: Phone: Keyword:

C OL HALT’S’ evidence was , obtained by American UFO

researchers in 1983, under the Freedom of Information Act. But it was not until 2001 that the rest of the file came to light, inCluding most of the details we now know."



Georgina, Bruni had requested several documents on the incident, under ,the’ Code of Practice on Access to Government Infon’nation ’_ the forerunner to Britain’s’ Freedom of Infonnation Act. She had also enlisted the help of fonner


Chief of the Defence Staff Lord Hill" Norton...,. himself a firm believer in ’UFOs. ’

, Despite the cl~s of co~spiracy , theorists, the MoD IS cOmmItted to open "government and was happy to release the file. It can now be viewed in entirety on the MoD website. The MoD and the Natio~al Archives are bombarded wIth

; requests about UFOs b~t have a ;r lling programme of disclosure. ::These ethe real X-Files and they ;:,> ’beiIgreleased. . ’ ’ . :,./; ’A$the25th annIVersary of this,

. UFO ncounter approaches, there :;:is:gie~finterest in t~e’ inciden~. ,EnthUSiaSts are planmng’ an anru- yerSarY vigil; The Forestry Corom-

:,.issi ri ;.;., which haS created a UFO :,Trai1 i the forest - is planning an event. . Several television documen-

’,:tanes . are being made and there’s , even t of a Hollywood movie. .

But despite the wealth of docu- mentation to have emerge!i and

Daily Express {Main}

UK Saturday 19, November 2005 38,39 1239 sq, cm ABC 810827 Daily page rate E20,825.00, scc rate E85.00 020 7928 8000

Ministry Of Defence

the testimony of the witnesses themselves, we are no nearer to knowing what happened in Rendlesham Forest. The’ truth is still out. there.

Somewhere. ’ d~! G~ .~.

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Daily Express {Main}

UK Saturday 19, November 2005 38,39 1239 sq. cm ABC 810827 Daily page rate E20,825.00, scc rate E85.00 020 7928 8000

Ministry Of Defence


by Nick Pope,Former British Government UFO Proj~ctleader

’;0’ , NMAY 21, 1997, the former PM on the spot. Was nificance. Iwent to my study ~d , ’

, ’former" ’Prim :, there any truth to the rumoll!s be~~to make r:otes, all the time . ’. ", ,’" about what happened In qUlZzmg Georgma about every

, ’ ~lD1ster ,:made" an Suffolk’s Rendlesham Forest? nuance of her brief encounter

enign,1aticcomment What did, the Government really with the former PM. ’.,’ .’

" , that seemed to con- know aboiJtUFOs? Was ita seri- Uyoutake all the thousands of

,,’ >1’iriD. the ’re ty, of ous issue or just pie in ~he sky? UFO sightingsinvestigated by ’’’’t "",’" t,’ "’f: : Bruni, was expectmg a the, MoD over the years, the Bn al?S,mOS ,

’ "’: amous bland dismissal of the story. Rendlesham Forest incident D,FO mCIdent; The remark The official Ministry f stood out.. We could not ignore it,

: hinted at’. darker " secrets Defence position was that no despite, our best efforts to find’ ’and’led t6’much debate evidence existed to suggest some’ conventional explanation. among conspiiacy theo- m:o~ were extraterrestrial in This case was t4e ~Oly Grail and, rists ’ The ", Politician ’was ongm., Then the former Baroness -r:hatcher s r~mark put

, .

h’ ’t" h’ ’


d th’ PM dropped her bombshell. the events roto anew light.

Baroness T a c er an e "WOs?" she said. "You can’t . implications of what ’she tell the people." ’said are extraordinary. Bruni was astounded and The comment’ was made at a pressed her point. What did

charity functi ;’torid i’:’bai;-ed she mean? Baroness socialite and,:author Georgina Thatcher calmly repea~ed Bruni had been researching the her remark, before departIng. RendleshamForest UFO. ind,;: From 1991 to 1994, I ran the dent; ,fascinated"by,hints Government’s UF~.Project, dropped by diplomatic; military based at the ~lmst~ of and political’ friends: Sceptical ~efence, an~ Brum had mter- -about the subject of UFOs, ’ she VIewed me In the. course of ’thought ’it was awash, with ~er research.’ StIll aston- cultists and crackpots. ’. lshed, she called me at 2am But Rendlesham was different to tell me what had hap-

so, when she met Baroness pened. I quickly grasped its sig- . Thatcher’ at a d er, Bruni put

o WHAT actually hap- pened at Rendlesham For st and what makes the

event the UK’s strangest UFO encounter? As we approach its 25th anniversary, it’s time to re- open tlie MoD’s spookiest X-File. Late on Christmas night, 1980,

and early on Boxing Day, strange lights were seen in the forest. This might not so1Ind particularly significant. When I.was running

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\;--the UFO Project I used to receiye up ,to 300repo.rts, of ~ghtiligs }~ac.~.-~e_~~.’_._., _.’ ...:’-,.- ,..... ,0" -::. -."

’>MQ$t;.c U d be lalned~s :inisiq~Iitifications<’()f < ’,a cr’

ts, meteors, Or weather, b8i- loons~ What made this sighting’ remarkable was the tact that the ’ Witnesses were, United, States.’ Air Force personnel based at RAF , Bentwaters ’ and ’RAF’ Wood ridge iri Suffolk’ " "

, Rendlesh~ ’..Fotest .’)ies ’ be- ’tween ’the basesliD.c:J. as the Cold Wm; was, still decidedly frosty, a UFO sighting at two of the nation’s most’Se,nsitive I tary sites was bOuild:t be of interest. Early onDec : be~ 26; duty

personnel ’repQtt d lights so bright they fear.d an aircraft had crashed They obtainedpermis- sion to go (){f-base:,to investigate. But they didn’t, tfud a ’crashed aiicrait - they fouildaUFO. ’

, 1:’he three-mail patrol from the 81st Security Poli e’Squadron- Jim Penniston,J hriBurroughs and :a:d Ca]:)ans~g,;..:.s~W.a, ~!ill, met c craftmovmg’ t~ough, the trees.’;" ,

" ,

At ,one poiftt;, it appeared to ,land in a small clearing; They approached "cautiously


and Penniston got close enough to see strang markin~on the side, " which he IikenedtoEgyptian’ hieroglyphs. He made soine rapid sketches in his notebook. It touched down for only mom nts and then departed.


Later, because of th compli- cated legal and jurisdictionai position of US Air Force bases in the UK, police from Suffolk Con- stabUlary were called to the apparent landing site. They con- duct d’ a brief but inconclusive examination.

’ ’

Three indentations were viSi~ 1;>le in the c earing and" when mapped, they formed the shape olan eqililateral triangle. A Geiger ’counter ,was used to check the site and the reading$ peaked markedly in, the depres- sions where the object- possibly on legs of some sort - had come to Earth. News of the UFO encounter

came totheatteiition of the Deputy Base Commmder; lieut- enant Colonel Charles Halt. He was sceptical; but had the wit- nesses ,write up official repprts, including sketches of what they had seen. ’

The follovving evening, Halt was at a function when a young ainnan, burst in and ran,’ up to him. "Sir,~’he stammered, "It’s ’back." Halt looked confused. "What?" he retorted. "What’s back?" "The UFO, sir ,- the UFO’s back.", "

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Daily Express {Main}

UK Saturday 19, November 2005 38,39 1239 sq. cm ABC 810827 Daily page rate 1:20,825.00, scc rate 1:85.00 020 7928 8000

Ministry Of Defence

Halt gathered:together, a small team and, went’ out into thttfor- "est,: t inv stigate. Hes bse~ C(Ileptlvstated that he:::h :’"no exp:ect;1titjl ofS~eing;;~g ~d~J~thi~,’ ip.~entjol! to "debunk" the whole,Wrair.But he’ didn’t’ do so ’because’ he too

encountered the UFO, becoIl1ing one of the highest rankiIlg-nilli. tary officers to go’ on the record about Such~ sighting. " Ash~’and his men, tracked’the W:<>, their radios egan,toroah furicti n and p werftJIlipS" taken’ to illuminate thefor st mystriously began to cut. out." But" a.,’hand-h d tape’ re roer" the, colonel took to document his, inve~tiopdidnot~c#on;’

. .4""~

Y’ ’

. . - . . ’

, " , , ,

, , . , HE TAPE recording "still survives and one canh ar ilie riSng kn_ ~~.

voice and the voices of his, I;nen, as the VFO approaches.,.

,,’ ’,’ ’ "I see it too.;; it’s, back ag ...., it’s cOmiI).g tmwaY.,~ t~ere’sno .doubt about it... this is weird,.. it looks like an eye wiI1kg at you,;.

it almost;burns your. eyes... he’s coming t watd usnow..~ now we’re observing what appears to’ be a beam ,coming down to the grounCl..~,one object still hOy~r" ing over Woodbridge bIlSe:~,l; beaming down." ",,’, ", -<{S~’ At one point the tensioii:fii~

their voices almost seem ’~O:’! become panic as the UFO makes’ a close approach and fires light beams, down, n Halt and his men. ,", , ,"

’Halt wrote ",’ an ’()ffitial, report of the: ’incidenh; Although somewhat ocu.";, ousJy entitled UnexplaiD: d0: Lights, it described, the first Iiight’s UFO asbeirig"metal, licin appeliraDceand trianc gular in ~hape.;.a Ptt1sh1g red Iightoii top and a bank of blue lights underneath... the animals on a nearby fann went into a frenzy". ’

ewent onto detail the radiation " ’readings ’taken from the landing Site and set out the details of’ his own sighting. The re ort was sent to,

the section of the Ministry of Defence where, a littie over 10 years later, I spent three years researching and inves-

tigating UFO sightings. It went to my predecessors, who began an investigation, but they were hampered by a mistake that was to, have dire consequences. ’ For whatever reason - and it

may have been nothing more

Pack psgs 14 of 158

than a typographical ettor- Charles Halt’s report gave incor- rect dates for the incident. So when the MoD checked ’the radar tapes, they were looking at the wrong days; ,

’" ’

Radar evidence is, a ritical part of any UFO investigation. . Many spectacular UFO sightings N’o . over the years have been ~orre- 1 lated by radar. MoD files’ detail several such cases, incl ding ones where MF’ pilotsencoun- tered UFOs, and gave ;i:hase. Unsuccessfully,’I might add. , In the bsence of anY radar

data that might cQnfirm _the, presence of the Rendlesham’ Forest mrOs", the investigation ’7 petered oitt. Yet, as I was,’ to dis. I ’ cover years later, the, URO had been tracked aft,erall.-""’, ,,’.

I spoke to a former Rl\F,radar ’

operator called Nigel~eri;.’H > had been stationed:: t. ,

Watton in Norfolk ’ tCfuistm.a.s

1980 and took a c ’ frtn’Ri\.F’ Bentwaters askingifth i:’~w ’

,anything unusual mf.hiS .,i: dM screen. For thr~e or f ?r:sweex:>’~; ’,’ something did show up directly over the base, but it faded away p and no official report was’, ever ma~. t was only years later that ~ heard of the Rendlesham Forest incident and reaIised he might have a missing piece of the puzzle. In the apparent absence of radar

data to verify the presence of the UFO, arguably the most critical piece of evidence was never fol- lowed up. The Defence Intelligence staff had assessed the radiation readin~ taken at the landing site and judged them "significantly higher than the average back- ground". In fact, they were about seven times what would have been expected. So what are we to make of all

this? UFO believers are convinced thesightings involved an extra- terrestrial spacecraft. They still hold sky watches in the forest and claiin to see UFOs regularly. The sceptical theories are almost

as bizarre, with suggestions that the highly trained military witness- es actually saw the lights of a police car, or the beam from the local lighthouse. "Lighthouses don’t fly," Charles Halt said, incredulously. More rational sceptical theories

include the testing of a prototype aircraft, but the bottom line is that, while there are things being developed you won’t see at the Farnborough Air Show for 10 or 15 years, we know where we fly our own hardware. The "black pro- jects"theory doesn’t hold up.


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Source: Sunday Telegraph A;tion: Main Wbate: Sunday, February 13, 2005 Edition: Early Page:. 35

Circ: 707,443 Area: 566.81 sq. cm Client: MINISTRY OF DEFENCE ~ Br ef: Ministry of Defence

. .

"’’’’ . --~ ~

Extracted by Xtreme News. This extract is a copyriQht work and may not be copied or otherwise reproduced (even for internal purpo~s) or resold without the prior permission ofThe publisher, details of whom are obtainable from Xtreme News. Errors and omiSSIons excepted. 2 of 69 2 page article. Page 2 of 2.

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Source: Sunday TelegrapSection: Main

Date: Sunday, February 13. .2005 Edition: Early Page: 35

Circ: 707,443 Area: 566~81 sq. cm Client: MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Brief: Ministry of Defence


MoD comes clean at last over those little green men

w...... .


hile the worldcel- ebrates the appar- ent rapproche-

. ment between Israel and the Palestinians, .a glimmer of hope can be detected in the long-running dispute between another two factions: the scientific com""’ mimityand believers in UFOs. For more than half a cen-

tury, the debate over UFOs and whether they really are alien spacecraft has been characterised by wild-eyed zealotry and a refusal to lis- ten to reasonable argument - and that’s just the scientists. Those wh believe that UFOs .

really are’ alien spacecraft show a preference fOJ: con- spi;racy theories over critical reasoning. Part of the problem has

been the official attitude towards reports. of UFOs, which has been decidedly sniffy. It is now clear that this has been a bit of a pose. Fol- lowing a reqUest made under the Freedom of .Information Act, the Ministry of Defence last week released the details .

of more than 80 UFO reports made by military personnel and members of the public in the last year. ’.

The MoD pointed out that it has thousands more reports on file - thus confirming the 10n -standin claims by UFO

buffs that "the authorities" debate on the subject, and knew far more than they let have sought to rectify it. An on. It has to be said that the independent group of Ameri- reports l;U’e risibly mundane: can scientists is responsible "strange lights in the sky" for the first paper arguing over Whitstabl , a saucer-like for the existence of UFOs t() object over Stoke on Trent, appear in a serious academic a "bright light" over Barry, journal in 25 years. South Wales. Indeed, some Writing in the Journal of UFO enthusiasts now claim the British . Interplanetary there is a new conspiracy in Society, the group that which only the ho-hum sight- advances in scientific knowl- ings are :released, while the ~ge h~,,:e ~ade the case for MoD keeps the juicy stuff to ahen VIsItatIon stronger than itself. Rather more interest-I.. many might think. ing, however, was the official, I For example, s.cept~cs have statement accompanying ~e II argued . that whIle hf~ may release of the documents, III 1 well eXIst elsewhere m the which the MoD declared thatl universe, the probability it remained "totally open-! that it is both intelligent and minded" towards the issue of I relatively close to Earth is aliens and UFOs. extremely low. This Iseems a long way Yet as the authors of the

from attitude of the Govern- paper point out, since the ment working party which in mid-1990s, several methods 1951 dismissed the idea of for faster-than-light travel taking UFOs seriously as "a have been put forward in Sing. ulady profitless enter- I serious physics jonrnals, ~hus prise". The new receptive l undermining the argument attitude is in line wiili that that the sheer size of the taken by the. auiliorities in a growing number of coun- tries, including Belgium, Chile and France. There are signs that the sci-

entific community might also. be getting over its aversion to the notion of aliens visit- ing Earth. In recent years, a number of academics have made public their frustra- tionwith the dismal level of

universe makes alien visita- tion implansible. The authors cont.-ede that while possible in principle, no practiC&1 scheme for faster-than-light travel has yet been put forward. Even so, some advanced

civilisation could. have suc- ceeded, which prompts the authors to point out another recent discovery. Last year a team of astronomers showed

that. stars capable of sup- porting life in our galaxy are typically a billion years older than the Sun. If so, this could mean that aliens maybe as far ahead of us as we are com- pared to primordial bacteria. None of this proves that

UFOs are real, of course, but it does show that some of the standard arguments used by sceptics do need sprucing up. Even so, for those of us laking a broadly agnostic stance, the fact remains that there is still no compelling evidence that UFOs are alien craft. Yet in the most disconcert-

ing of all their arguments, the authors of the jBIS paper claim that all those dodgy photographs and spooky encounters may be yet fur- ther evidence for ilie reality of aliens. They argue iliat all those brief encounters of the third kind may be part of a deliberate long-term strategy by the ’aliens to ease us all into accepting that we are not alone. Some scientists have argued that the proof oJ the existence of aliens Could be very traumatic for human society. Frankly; it is not half as

worrying as discovering we are the. target of a cosmic campaign run by little green spin doctors.

~Extracted by Xtreme News. This extract is a copyt]Qht work and may not be copied or otherwise reproduced (even for internal purpo~s) or resold without the p or permission offhe publisher. de1ails of whm are obtainable from Xtreme News. Errors and omissions excepted. 1 of 69 2 page article. Page 1 of 2.

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Tuesday, March 21, 2006.’;\:t’~l.. ~~. t


Just flights of fancy?It was the announcement many had ’.. waited for. Four years ago, the then

editor of paranonnal bible Fortean Times, Bob Rickard, told the world that UFOs piloted by aliens did not appear to exist and sceptics danced on the graves of little green men. The statement was followed by the

closure of UFO Magazine in 2004 and premature reports of the winding down of the world’s oldest club dedicated to extraterrestrials, the British Flying Saucer Bureau. Yet reports of odd lights in the sky

that apparently fly at unimaginable speeds persist, with Ministry of Defence records recently published under the Freedom of Information Act showing Britain still averages more than 100 sightings a year.

Open and shut case Officially, the MoD has closed down its ’X-Files’ UFO project and no longer investigates sightings in depth, other than to ascertain whether they are a potential threat to UK airspace or a violation by aircraft from another country. However, a spokesman For the

ministry admitted to Metro that the jury is still out there, even iF aliens may not be. ’We keep an open mind on the subject but it is not our job to prove or disprove the existence of extraterrestrials,’ he said. Nick Pope, who used to head the

MoD’s UFO project, is adamant the subject should not be buried. ’If there is no such thing as UFOs, then why are there still so many sightings,


I . . .

Gotcha: An alien in Mars Attacks!






Fact or fiction? There may be more to flying saucers than a graphic artist’s imagination, say believers

some of them very accurately described?’ he says. ’This whole issue was blown out of proportion and some of the information seems to have been manipulated. For instance, the only reason UFO Magazine closed down was because the owner died, while the BFSB’s membership dropped as many of them were too old to carry on.’ Rickard’s successor at Fortean

Times, David Sutton, is also keen to A different approach point out that uFology is very much alive: ’It’s not only not dead but it’s So if there is still so much interest in not even starting to smell,’ he says. ufology, why did Rickard make his ’You only have to look on the original comment? ’It was taken out Internet to see the amount of of context as it makes a good literature there is still on the subject.’ soundbite,’ says Sutton. According to Sutton, one website ’If we were seen to dismiss UFOs,

currently causing a storm in the then others may have Followed. What Edited by JAMES ELLIS [emailprotected]

world of ufology is - which claims to have access to confidential Pentagon documents proving there was a top secret exchange programme of 12 US military personnel to a planet in the Zeta Reticuli star system in the 1970s and 80s.

Bob actually said was that it was time for a different approach. People have spent many years looking for proof that aliens exist and not found it, so perhaps we should be looking elsewhere for an explanation. There’s no doubt people see

unexplained objects in the sky. Whether they are craft piloted by aliens or not is another matter.’

The truth: Look, we know we’re bad but we’re not that bad. According to the Kinsey Institute in the US, wideiy regarded as the authority when it comes to sexual research: ’Fifty-four per cent of men think about sex every day or several times a day, 43 per cent a few times per month or a few times per week, and three per cent less than once a month.’ And if half the male population thinks about sex just a few times a month, then it simply can’t be true. Can it?

Aliens, eh? Like small blue helmet-shaped

creatures with two legs and no arms? Of course they don’t exist... Let us know what you think at’EE SONY PSp.

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Inside story

The Martians aren’t comingBritish UFO-spotting clubs may have to close because of a lack of sightings. Have the little green men really stopped visiting, or do we earthlings just have bigger things to worry about?

Stephen Moss Thursday August 11, 2005 The Guardian

It may only be a small, translucent green gleam on the horizon, but there are signs of a crisis in UFO-spotting. Chris Parr, coordinator of the Cumbrian branch of the British UFO Hunters, sent a shiver through the hearts of ufologists with his announcement this week that his group may be forced to wind up. There don’t seem to be any UFOs in Cumbria any more.

Or maybe there just aren’t any spotters. Parr’s statement seemed to leave both possibilities open. "In Cumbria we have gone from 60 UFO sightings in 2003 to 40 in 2004 and none at all this year. It means that the number of people keeping their eyes on the skies is greatly diminished. We are a dying breed in this part of the country. I put it down to the end of The X Files, a lack of military exercises in the area that would produce UFO sightings, and a lack of strange phenomena." A lack of strange phenomena or a shortage of strange people? Take your pick.

Article continues ’"

It has not been a happy couple of years for ufology. The closure last year of UFO magazine, following the sudden death

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Li.st9fJbeday of its editor Graham Birdsall, was a disaster for the close-knit UFO-spotting community. Several websites have sprung up to try to fill the void, but the best-known one,UfQd ,t - launched by Russel Callaghan, who used to work with Birdsall, his father-in-law, on UFO Magazine - kept making my computer crash. Spooky.

eParr’s statement echoes those of UFO groups in Indiana and New Jersey, where ufologists are also having a long, dark night of the soul. Meanwhile, a leading Scandinavian ufologist has suggested that "maybe people are just fed up with the UFO hysteria". The sceptics reckon they have enough evidence to pronounce ufology dead.

"The whole UFO thing is a kind of meme," says Susan Blackmore, a psychologist who studies paranormal activity. "It’s a craze, a bit like sudoku. UFOs were just a rather long- lived version. But crazes thrive on novelty, and eventually that dies out. It’s taken a long time, but it’s good that the UFO era is over. My prediction is that it will go away for a long time and then come back."

Blackmore has spent most of her working life examining the paranormal. She became interested in the subject after what she describes as a "dramatic out-of-body experience", and reached the conclusion that there really is nothing out there. "Everything is explicable in terms of psychology," she says. "I’m as sure as you can be that there are no paranormal experiences, and I’ve spent 30 years looking."

She says belief in UFOs and the existence of extraterrestrials, while mostly harmless, can in some cases be very damaging. "For most people, belief in them is neither here nor there," she says, "but some people can become very frightened and obsessed. It can also lead to an anti-science attitude and the belief that everything is being hushed up."

Britain’s beleaguered band of ufologists are not, however, going to give up without a fight. "Cumbria is a delightful part of the country, but it has a small population and you shouldn’t read anything into the fact that no UFOs are being spotted there," says Callaghan. He is currently excited, for example, by the extra- ordinary level of UFO activity in Filey, North Yorkshire, where he says there have been 80 reports in the past eight months. Russ Kellett, who describes himself as a UFO researcher, has been documenting them. "In Filey Bay there have been sightings of something that looks like a flying triangle," he says. "They are not conventional aircraft. They keep appearing and disappearing, defying the laws of physics. I’ve got video evidence and will be showing it at the Great British UFO Show in Leeds in October."

As is often the case with committed ufologists, Kellett’s interest dates from a personal "close encounter" in 1988. "I was sat at a level crossing on a motorbike," he recalls, "when suddenly I was aware of light all around me and a beam of light hitting me. The crossing went up so I carried on, but I saw this big ball of light moving towards Halifax." Kellett is one of those who believes there is an official cover-up of the number of UFO incidents. "You can’t have panic," he says. "All we can hope is that someone will bring the truth out about this."

Veteran ufologist Denis Plunkett, founder chairman of the British Flying Saucer Bureau, accepts that "there is not a lot happening at the moment" and that "the loss of the magazine was a great blow - Birdsall was a shining light". But he, too, insists that ufology should not be written off. "Belief in UFOs

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eand extraterrestrial life has gone up from 10% of the population to 80% over the 50-plus years the BFSB has existed."

Plunkett, a former civil servant who says his career suffered because of his publicly stated belief in flying saucers, argues that the evidence for extraterrestrials is "incontrovertible". He believes extraterrestrial life forms visit earth frequently. "They seem to be observing us but not interfering with us," he says.

Nick Pope, author of Open Skies, Closed Minds, used to run the Ministry of Defence’s UFO project. He began as a sceptic, but the difficulty he had in explaining some cases he assessed shook that scepticism. "I became more open when I was there," he says. "Now I won’t rule out an extraterrestrial explanation. During my three-year tour of duty from 1991 to 94, I had to investigate 200 to 300 sightings a year: 80% of them had perfectly rational explanations - meteors, satellites, weather patterns; with another 15% it was difficult to reach any conclusion; but with about 5% there was evidence of something more intriguing."

It was 1978, he says, that was "the peak in UFO sightings [it helped that Close Encounters of the Third Kind had been released the previous year], when there were 750 reports. We have seen these UFO waves many times. If a paper runs a UFO story and puts a line at the bottom saying, ’If you have seen a UFO, ring us,’ they will be inundated. You try it."David Clarke, a historian at Sheffield University and the Fortean Times’ UFO correspondent, is not convinced by the "peaks and troughs" line. "People haven’t stopped believing, but they do seem to be seeing far less than they did and it’s not clear why," he says. "There’s been a massive drop in sightings since 1996, which is when The X Files was on TV. It may also be that since 9/11 people have had other things to worry about. There is not just less interest in UFOs, but in all supernatural phenomena. People are more worried about terrorist bombs. The MoD also lost interest in UFOs when the cold war ended: what they had really been looking for was Russian intruder aircraft. They only collate sightings now because MPs keep asking questions about UFOs."

So is there a crisis in ufology? Joe McGonagle, who runs UFOlogyinuk, the main internet newsgroup for British ufologists, believes there is. "Ufology has shot itself in both feet and needs drastic surgery in order to recover," he told his 1 ,OOO-strong membership yesterday in an emailed response to the news from Cumbria. "Ufology is suffering from the paranoid accusations of government cover-ups which some of the more vociferous groups and individuals are all too willing to believe and kick up a fuss about. All of these things drive people away from what is already a peculiar subject."

It isn’t just Cumbria. McGonagle points to the decline in the number of local UFO clubs as ufologists get their information from the internet instead; apathy among the public (oddly, he links the failure to report sightings to the falling turnout in general elections); and a general "loss of focus" in ufology. The great flying saucer-spotting days of the mid-20th century are long gone. Contrast the panic generated by Orson Welles’ radio broadcast of The War of the Worlds in 1938 with the indifference which greeted Tom Cruise’s recent "blockbuster" movie version.

David Clarke thinks the rise and fall of ufology is a rich subject for study and is currently trying to attract funds for just such an

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eundertaking. "I see it as part of modern folklore," he says. "UFOs are like modern-day angels, and descriptions of meeting aliens are just like descriptions of people meeting angels in the Middle Ages." Filey was probably big on angels, too.

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Fireworks peppered the cool night sky. It was November 5, 1990 and three silver RAF Tornado jets powered through

the air at hundreds of miles an hour. The pilots peered down at the North

Sea and flew on. Suddenly, out of nowhere, bright

U) lights tore past, blinding them. As the g! pilots’ jaws fell open, an other-worldly, ii3 diamond-shaped biack craft overtook a: them in seconds. ~ The experienced fighter pilots knew iI: this was no RAF plane. The Tornadoes’ ~ top speed was 1 ,452mph - but this i craft had outflown them in seconds. ~ As the lights of the flat, flying object @ disappeared in the distance, the flight cij crews were left confused. They’d never ~ seen anything like it.. . ~ So, who did the pilots report the ~ strange unidentified flying object to? ~ The Ministry of Defence (MoD) UFO

3 Project. Much like the FBI department :c in" lV’s X-Files, where agents Mulder ~ and Scully worked to track down aliens, g this British project investigates strange, g out-of-this-world phenomenon. S And between 1991 and 1994, the ;: team was headed by Nick Pope. Nick

I’m an alien hunter,

r r I I

Government investigator Nick Pope, 39, ha~ spent his. life chasing ETs - and h,ere he 1 . opens Britain’s secret X-File~.h ’

" d.. . r f’ I , ", ., t ~t.~, r,. , ’1’1’1 ,’4 .h 1}

I" U h..... _~~ r . .


t’ ,,.’


became the British expert on UFOs after working in the RAF. For four years he was investigating about 300 UFO sightings a year. "My workmates started calling

me Spooky Mulder," laughs Nick, 39. "About 95 per cent of UFO sightings can be

, explained. But the five per cent kept me awake at night - that

I could never explain," he says. When strange

objets were spotted, Nick was the one man in the country who could explain them away. He had radar reports, all the fiight paths and knew where helium balloons were flying.

"If nothing showed up, I’d check with the Greenwich Royal Observatory and specialist scientists," he says. "Any photo or video evidence would be analysed and if there was still doubt, I would contact the civilian UFO groups.

"The MoD would never discount a public sighting. However, if a trained

16 Taka it Eas).

witness, such as a policeman or armed forces member made a sighting, this would be seen as more reliable as they are trained in distance sightings and used to seeing planes."

Nick says the MoD have never tried to cover up anything about UFOs.

In fact, details of possible UFO sightings can be found on their website,

Nick’s investigations have led to

Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (63)

lausible explanations for most of the trange sightings. However, he admits lere are four or five that remain a lystery, including the North Sea one. "One of the most famous was endlesham Forest in Suffolk in 1980. he sightings occurred on a British nd USAF air base over Christmas," ick explains. "On Boxing Day night, a guard patrol

Jotted a small silver craft landing in Ie forest. Apparently, the guards got ose enough to see some strange eroglyphics on the craft - some even )uched it. "The following night, in a function at

Ie base, a soldier rushed in and told Ie man in charge, Lieutenant ommander Hall: ’Sir, the UFO’s back.’ "Thinking it was a hoax, Hall took a ~uad of men into the forest to sprove it. There he saw a strange amond-shaped craft moving slowly Jove the trees. Hall was convinced ~’d seen a UFO and took casts of dentations of the landing site. "Many have said it’s a hoax but, to

lis day, it hasn’t been explained." Rendlesham’s not the only case still

Jzzling Nick, . "March 30 and 31, 1993, witnessed wave of sightings across England," ~ recalls. "Police and military in Devon, ornwall, Wales and the Midlands ported strange lights in the sky. "RAF personnel on RAF Cosford saw UFO flying overhead at 1 am. A civilian mily driving home chased the UFO by

Top UFO Films_ - /8’ ’.", __ ~ ’-:c, ..... .. . ’".,.

. - ~~;’~"’-’. . ,"".. ,-.~"’;:;~ \". ’" ,.,’",

;JJ. ~ I]" ,’, ~. .1. Close Encounters OfThe

Third Kind 2. 2001: A Space Odyssey 3. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial 4. Species III 5. Ind pendence Day

--’I saw a

Jo Mullins, 30, from South Croydon, is one of MoD expert Nick Pope’s cases. She had a close encounter at a funeral in November 1999...

,"I watched as the coffin was lowered into the ground. ’I’m really going to miss you, Felix,’ I thought, glumly glancing over at my brother Jerome, 41, a builder. As Felix’s best friend he was devastated. The cool November wind whipped

my face and I pulled my coat tighter. Look left! The thought echoed in my mind. Turn left, look up! My eyes swivelled left and fixed

on something glinting in the dark afternoon sky.

Peering closer, I distinctly made out a dull, silver egg-shaped object floating in the air above the grubby London tower blocks.

Looking at the crowd of mourners, I realised no-one else had noticed.

I gazed back and saw the silver craft floating directly overhead:

I’d never seen anything like it. It wasn’t an aeropla,ne or a balloon...

A faint humming filled my ears as

a sinister black helicopter appeared and began circling the craft. I watched. amazed, as the unmarked helicopter tried to shoo it away.

Suddenly, the silver ship lit up from the outside, filling the sky with

. an eerie golden glow. As the light intensified, the helicopter kept circling until there was a blinding flash. The silver object vanished into thin air and seconds later the helicopter flew off.

I stood reeling from the shock, wondering if I’d imagined it. I could still see the helicopter, so I knew I wasn’t dreaming. Had the egg- shaped craft been from another world? Had I seen a UFO?

I didn’t tell anyone at the funeral as they might have thought I was bonkers. But later I talked to Nick Pope at the MoD.

No-one knows what exactly I saw, but I’ll never forgot my encounter with a spaceship."

Have YOU had a close encounter of any kind? Our five tests to help tell if you’ve had an alien experience... 1. Get a photo of it As soon as you see any strange flashing lights or images, get a snap of it on your mobile so it can be investigated.

2. Grab a pen and some paper No camera? Make a sketch. Then note down the exact date, time and location of your sighting. Include any strange markings or unusual light effects. 3. Make enquiries Ask in your local pub or shop to find out if anyone in the area saw the same thing as you. 4. Get the local newspaper and radio station involved Local reporters may run an article asking if anyone else has had a similar sighting.The more response, the more credibility. 5. Use common sense Ask yourself: could it have been an aeroplane, a satellite, a star or lights from a nearby sports stadium? Account for fireworks displays around Christmas or Bonfire Night. If all other possibilities have"" been ruled out, phone ttle f, .... . Ministry of De,fen UFO~~~!{

? hour hotline,on(020 7218 21 " or e-mai mod.u~ For Po

car until it vanished above a field." This craft, too, was diamond-shaped,

Nick continues to investigate UFO sightings all over the world - but does he really believe E.T. is out there? "When I started my job I didn’t

believe in UFOs and aliens at all," he admits. "I was the ultimate sceptic,

"But after years of investigation I began to change my mind. Now I believe there is evidence, but no proof." And with that, he smiles knowingly.

Take it Easy 17

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a bird? Is it a spaceship? No, it’s a secret US spy planeiightings of flying object Iver Britain worried MoD luestions threatened to train relations with US

iI1Des Randerson dence correspondent

is the stuff of internet conspiracy theo- sts’ dreams. A top secret, hypersoriic, )ld war spy plane that was allegedly own by the Americans in UK airspace ’ithout the government’s permission. Publicly, the UK government played own newspaper stories about people .ho reported seeing UFO-like phenom- ]a. But documents released under the reedom of Information Act suggest the linistry of Defence took the rumours mch more seriously. Its investigations ,en threatened to strain the special rela- onship. "It does show that they were mcemed that this thing did exist and the mericans were flying it around willy- illy over the UK," said David Clarke, a so- al scientist at Sheffield Hallam Univer- ty, who obtained the dOC1ll)lents. "It cer- inly suggests that the British >vemment suspected that they were be- g kept in the dark. " The United States has never confirmed

ie existence of the mysterious aircraft. ’" ’\urora, which was supposedly de- g to sneak at very high speed over .e ~oviet Union and take covert snaps of hat the enemy was up to. It was ru- oured to be capable of flying at up to ach 8 and so could reach anywhere on

the planet in less than three hours. In the early t990s there was a string of supposed sightings and strange sounds over Scot- land which some bewildered locals at- tributed to UFOs. Rumours in the press that Aurora was operating secretly out of RAF Machrihanish on the tip ofKintyre prompted Scottish MPs to ask questions in parliament.

Briefing notes given to the then defence secretary, Tom King, on March 4 1992 show that civil servants did give the idea credence. "There is no knowledge in the MoD of a ’black’ programme of this na- ture, although it would not surprise the relevant desk officers in the Air Staff and [Defence Intelligence Staff] ifit did exist." The response suggested to an MP’s

question was rather less revealing: "The existence of any such project (or opera- tion) would be a matter for the US au- thorities." The Americans denied every- thing, but the reports kept coming. The most credible witness was Chris

Gibson. who had 12 years’ experience with the Royal Observer Corps and was an ex- pert on recognising aircraft. He saw a tri- angular plane flanked by two US fighters being refuelled in flight by tanker while he was working on the Galveston Key oil- rig in 1989. The plane was unlike anything he had ever seen. "There was no prece- dent forthis," he said. "( kind of sussed out that it was something I shouldn’t have seen." He reported the sighting to Jane’s Defence Weekly in 1992. On December 221992, the air attache to

the British embassy in Washington wrote to the assistant chief of the Air Staff in London explaining US reaction to re- newed MoD questions prompted by Mr Gibson’s sighting. "Secretary of the Air

If Aurora exists. it could look like this

The Guardian I Saturday June 24 2006

Force, the Honorable Donald B Rice, was to say the least incensed by the renewed speculation, and the implied suggestion that he had lied to Congress by stating that Aurora did not exist.

"As you will have gathered, the whole affa~r is causing considerable irritati~n’There is some evidence ofan unidentified object operating over the UK’within HQ[US Air ForceJ, and any helpful comments we can make to defuse the sit- uation would be appreciated." "The sort of prickly reaction to people

not believing their denials is pretty un- usual," said Bill Sweetman, an expert on

Bed & Breakfastbefore strolling through a flood of early morning forest sunshine

t49_"’_m Perl’OOll! .....~ Per~f’Wnight .......ight pwnighl ...rnlght""m ""m .... ....Sighbeeing Reoding <6S Derby.Notringhom ,45 Special occasions Bellos’* ’69 Reading-Soulh* <49 EDinmerwPOIt/ Crown. PlazaCambridge’" <79 SouIhompton. <59 Che~lre co*ks. <59 Binninghom* ’69Chsl1erSovfh* ’55 Sodhomplon-Eogleigh* <.55 GlosgowCity Birmingham NEe ’65Edinburgfl* <95 Taunton- ’99 Ctr.Theotre\ond <59 <105Edinbvrgh-North ’95 Telford/lronbridge ’69 GI.Iildrord* ’69 Cambridge’" "9Gloucesler.cheltenhom* <49 Wakefield W Haydo<k’ ’45 Chesler" "9><0.."".. <49 leed5-ghou~. <59 EstIJpono "9loncoster* ,., Jetting Away l~d$.Gorforth. <49 Glasgow" ’65Morcl.s~r Wesl <55 Birmingham Airport ,., <49 Helsinki "5Norwich. <55 tolAi.port <6S l""""""""" <55 teeds. ’65Oxford .. ’65 GoIwick Airport <.59 lond0n-8loomsbury t75 Loodon-TheCity <99Rugby.Northomplon* <49 GIo~A;rporI <65 london-8reotCross <59 London-Dod:lof!ch* <79 .Strorlorpon-Avoo. <75 Leech BrodrordAI,port* <55 london-Camden lock. <79 l.oodon.HeolJvow. <59Washington <49 london-Brenl/ordlod. ’65 loodon-ElslTee* <55 MoncheWf Airport. ’65Vook ’85 loodon-Heatlvow. <59 london.SuItQrI* <.59 Morlow. ’99londoo-Heothrow. Ariel <49 Moidenh"od/’Nnd5Ot* <59 MilD/’! <75Coa.1It ood CountryJide london.Heatt.ow <.55 Moidro""&venoob* <55 Noo;.........’ t75Ab,..d_ <49 M.4,Jc;t.t* Miltol1KeYrMu. <59 Toulouse tl19A$hlotd-Cenlral <55 lutonSoulh .. ’" N.,’’’’’.:ntle Upon Tyne* <59&ighlon-Seofront ’69 Manche~fAifport" <49 NO/Ijnghcm o~~e MorIno" ’69 European Short BreaksCardiff Gty Centre ’69 Norwich CityAitpoft" f55 Roc:hester-Cholhom" <55 Ams!erdom "9CQfby.f!oclinghom" "9 Ruocorn" t45 BtIdopest <59Donca!ter* "9 Shopping Sheffield" ’69 Co""~ <49Fomboroirgh" t45 AjAesbury <69 SoIihu rminghom" "9 Florence ’99Forehorn "9 Ay\esbury-A$tonClinlonRd" <59 SIok~Tfenl" <59 """"""9 ’65Glosgow.Easl Kilbride. "9 Bosildon "9 Swindon" t45 lisbon <59HemeJ..Hemi>>~d. f55 Bosingsroke t45 Worrington "9 Montpellier ’69High Wycombe f55 Birmingham City Centre (55 Municb <SOHuRMorino" <59 irminghom <49 Ibea". Perugio ’"Ipswich" ’65 M6,kt.7. I.ondoo Kensington FOnJm" <75 Paris ’85london.shepperbl* <55 8o!fonCent,. "9 london KenJington* <79 ,- ’69Nowport "9 801"", "5 london-Kings cm/ Twin ’85Peterboroogh.Wesl* "9 Brentwooc;!" f55 BloOl’tubury" t7’I VIenno "9PIymoo.’ "9 8I’istol.filton" "9 ~~:’- ’95P"""........"".. m ,....I.~_....."


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top secret us black projects with Jane’s Defence Review. "They generally don’t deny things actually because it generally doesn’t hurt them too much if somebody thinks they have a capability they don’t."

A further batch of sightings on March 31 1993 over Devon, Cornwall, South Wales and Shropshire prompted another investigation by the MoD. These turned out later to be a Russian rocket re-enter- ing the atmosphere, but the MoD investi- gators at the time suspected Aurora. "There would seem to be some evidence on this occasion that an unidentified ob. ject (or objects) of unknown origin was op- erating over the UK ... If there has been some activity of US origins which is known to a limited circle in MoD and is noi being acknowledged it is difficult to. in- vestigate further." Mr Sweetman suspects

Bad science Food for thought on alternative therapyBen Goldacre


It can sometimes seem like there are two competing ways to make a de- cision about any complex matter of evidence~based medicine. One is to purchase and digest How To Read A Paper by Professor Trisha Green-

halgh, and then find, read and critically appraise every published academic study independently and in fuIl for yourself. The other more common method is to rely on "experts", or what I like to call i’prejudice".

But there is a third way: what we might call "evidence-based prejudice". I can’t possibly debunk every single al- ternative therapy column you will ever read: but ifl could show that their single most popular claim has no foundatibn, then you could safely ignore everything else they say, thus saving valuable brain energy, and creating time to write best- sellers and eradicate world poverty. And so to antioxidants. The basic

claim of the alternative therapy industry is as follows: free radicals in the body are bad, but antioXidants neutralise free radicals; people who eat v getables with antioxidants in them live longer, there- fore antioxidant tablets are good. Now this "free-radicals-bad, antioxi-

dants-good" morality tale looks great on paper. But if you’re going to read a bio- chemistry textbook and puIl bits out at random, you can prove anything you like. For example, my phagocytic cells build a wall around invading pathogens and then use free radicals - among other things - to kiIl the bacteria off, be- fore the bacteria kill me. They’re proba- bly doing it right now. So do I need free radical supplements to help me fight in- fections? Sounds plausible. You can see, now, how I could make some serious money if! ever turned to the dark side.

nfrnl1rCl’l thl’l "::ant-;"vi..i~u.,t-C’ ...."........1".1......._ ..~,

that by the end of the decade the MoD knew about Aurora. Another document from 2000 on the MoD’s investigations into UFO sightings -or unidentified aer- ial phenomena as they prefer to call them - states that "some UAP reports can be at- tributed to covert aircraft programmes". The section, which discusses other

covert US aircraft such as the SR-71 Black- bird, contains two paragraphs and two il- lustrations which were censored before its freedom of information reJease last month. Codes next to the removed mate- rial indicate that it was excised in the in- terests of international reJations. (4Certain viewing angles of these vehicles may be described as," the document says. ))

are surveys, looking at people who, like me, already have healthy diets and lifestyles. But it’s not just the antioxi- dants in rocket salad. So what happens, then, when people

do big studies; forcing people to eat salad? Well, it’s not an easy thing to do, if oniy because it’s difficult to get people to eat what you tell them, and measure what they eat, and check if they’re truthful, and so on. The Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial in the 1970S was probably the single biggest medical project. It took 12,866 men, advised them, monitored them, cajoled them, persuaded them, followed them up for a decade, and found little benefit from di- etary change. Intervention trials for diet

. have continued, since then, to produce negative results. .

But what about vitamin tablets? They’re easy to study, in the sense that it’s easy to take a tablet - easier .

than changing your whole - food lifestyle - easy to find a

. placebo control for, and so on. And there have been innumerable studies, and sys- tematic reviews of those studies, and meta-analyses of those studies, and they have found no benefit for antioxidants. A meta-analysis - a mathematical com- bination oflots of smaller studies to give one larger and more accurate answer - Of15 studies, a total of more than 200,000 patients, followed up for be- tween one and 12 years, found no bene-, fit for cardiovascular outcomes. The cur-; rent Cochrane review on antioxidants and bowel cancer had just as many pa~ tients, and again found no benefit for the pills.

That must be the single most preva- I......... ..1~:_ _C..1..~ ~’’’A__’’:h.’’’- __~ .

The National Archives

'Guardian' feature

News feature on the rumours surrounding the alleged US hypersonic spyplane, Aurora, published by The Guardian on 24 June 2006, following release of the MoD’s UAP report

Documentos sobre Ovnis no Reino Unido - [PDF Document] (65)

BEXLEYHEATH been identified by UFO experts as one of the top spots for see. ing UFOs. The town ranks number eight in a top 20 list of hotspots for UFO activity in’the country, with Bon- nybridge in Lanark- shire in first place. The research comes as no surprise to one teenager who, while babysitting his sister two years ago, wit- nessed what he be- lieved to be an alien ship hovering near his home. Conor Sherwood,

now 15. of Malvem Avenue, Bexley- heath, said: "My mum was out for the evening and I was in babysitting my little sister. "I was sitting in my living room and I heard a strange vi- brating noise. I thought it was interference on the television, so I got up and turned the TV down. "But the noise was still there and it was getting louder. My house was shaking a little and I thought it couId be a low-flying plane,

the area and I had never felt the house shake like that, "When my dad came back, I told him and he phoned the po- lice straight away.

uNo one else had reponed seeing any- thing, although there had been a couple of phone calls about the vibra- tions.

"I really thought it was a Concorde but when 1 looked closer, it had lights all around it and 1

have never seen a plane or any- thing like it before. "1 don’t really believe in aliens but this was very strange and was definitely a UFO ," "But this was not the first time

1 had seen something. When I was younger, my uncle had a barbecue and there was a small, green. round shape in the sky. My uncle immediately got a camcorder. and my whole fam. ily saw it." Conor logged his sighting on a Lycos website. The list was compiled by lead- ing UFO expen Nick Pope for Grolsch beer. Mr Pope, who ran the Ministry of Defence’s UFO desk from 1991 to 1994, said: "It is diffi- cult to arrive at a precise num- ber of sightings in anyone place as there is no central data collection point. __ "We must also take into ac- count widespread under-report- ing due to fear of ridicule and the fact most people are unsure where to submit reports. "However, it is certainly possi- ble to gauge the intensity of current UFO activity. "Our listed hotspots exhibit up to 20 times as many sightings as anywhere else." Lewisham also made the top 10, . Have YOU seen a UFO? If so, contact Scott Sinclair on 0208 269 7000 or e-mail s.sin. [emailprotected]

Triangle"I went outside and saw to my left a white triangle. It wasn’t very high up. maybe as low as a plane coming into land or a tall building, "The trianf!’le looked like it

was fallinf!’ from the sky. but slowlv like the ashes of a fire~ wnrk that had iust exnlnded "Then the telephone rang in my house, so I ran in to answer it and when I returned, which was almost straight away, it was gone. The sound had gone as well. "My sister slept through the whole thing," Conor believes what he saw was an Unidentified Hying Ob- ject, and said it was not his first UFO sighting, He added: "I thought it was a Concorde plane, because of the noise and the vibrations, but I have never seen one before over

SIGHTINGS: Conor Sherwood. XF/1995/5C


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C~"’ - Mexican Air Force pilots film unidentified objects - May 12,2004

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ORLMexican Air Force pilots film unidentified objectsWednesday, May 12, 2004 Posted: 1210 GMT (2010 HKT)

MEXICO CITY, Mexico (AP)-- Mexican Air Force pilots filmed 11 unidentified objects in the skies over southern Campeche state, a Defense Department spokesman confirmed Tuesday.

A videotape made widely available to the news media on Tuesday shows the bright objects, some sharp points of light and others like large headlights, moving rapidly in what appears to be a late- evening sky.

The lights were filmed on March 5 by pilots using infrared equipment. They appeared to be flying at an altitude of about 3,500 meters (11,480 feet), and allegedly surrounded the Air Force jet as it conducted routine anti-drug trafficking vigilance in Campeche. Only three of the objects showed up on the plane’s radar.

"Was I afraid? Yes. A little afraid because we were facing something that had never happened before," said radar operator Lt. German Marin in a taped interview made public Tuesday.

Unidentified lights appear on a videotape taken by Mexican air force pilots.


o Offbeat

o Mexico.. .... ......HHH H "HI ~ !y~~~i: or CREATE YOUR OWN

Manaqe alerts I What is this?

"I couldn’t say what it was ... but I think they’re completely real," added Lt. Mario Adrian Vazquez, the infrared equipment operator. Vazquez insisted that there was no way to alter the recorded images.

The plane’s captain, Maj. Magdaleno Castanon, said the military jets chased the lights "and I believe they could feel we were pursuing them."

When the jets stopped following the objects, they disappeared, he said.

A Mexican Defense Department spokesman confirmed Tuesday that the videotape was filmed by members of the Mexican Air Force. The spokesman declined to comment further and spoke on customary condition of anonymity.

The video was first aired on national television Monday night then again at a news conference Tuesday by Jaime Maussan, a Mexican investigator who has dedicated the past 10 years to studying UFOs.

"This is historic news," Maussan told reporters. "Hundreds of videos (of UFOs) exist, but none had the backing of the armed forces of any country. ... The armed forces

http://edition.cnn . com/2004/W ORLDI ameri cas/O 51 111m exi co. ufos. ap/index. html



Win~CNN~ fu10rt


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Cl’ - Mexican Air Force pilots film unidentified objects - May 12,2004 Page 2 of2

e don’t perpetuate frauds."

Maussan said Secretary of Defense Gen. Ricardo Vega Garcia gave him the video on April 22.


Copyright 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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Daily Mail, Monday, March 15, 2004


truth, FBI agent Fox Mulder famously claimed, is ’out there’.. The X-Files motto "became a creed for the millions who believed in alien visita-

tions, abductions, conspiracies and cover-ups. But now,It seems, even though the

truth may well be ’out there’, no one seems to care. "The UFO phenomenon, which started nearly 60 years ago, ~fh’~;~gli~:V.u~’t~r~t~f cge~~fe reporting s.ightings. Now comes the news that UFO

Magazine, one of the most popular publications that carried endless tales of slghtings and other close encounters, is to close down. Two years ago, the British Flying

Saucer Bureau - the world’s oldest flying saucer club - was shut by its eccentric founder Denis Plunkett, after 49 years. Not only had membership dwindled, so had the number of visitations. So what has happened to UFOs?

Why are we not seeing them any more? UFOs were born in the technological

white heat and paranoia of the Cold War. Fifty years ago, when food was still rationed and half our cities were still, courtesy of the Luftwaffe, rubblescapes awaiting the planners to do their worst, the skies over these islands were alive with strange lights, cigar-shaped objects and, especialiy, fiying saucers. The spotting craze had begun on

June 24, 1947, when American pilot Kenneth Arnold saw a flock of bat-shaped metallic objects skipping through the air ’like a saucer if you skipped it across the water’ over the Cascade Mountains east of Seattle. He soon became a celebrity, and despite the fact that the objects he described were most definitely not saucer-shaped, :~~~:;~f~J’k:r shorthand ’flying Soon, people all over the world

were seeing machines in the sky that matched the description of the original sighting. Nowhere were they more common than In the skies over Britain. They were spotted performing amazing acrobatics, turning on a sixpence at 2000mph and climbing at speeds no missile could emulate. It was perhaps not surprising

that the new fad took off so quickiy In a country that had only recently seen its cities devastated by bizarre flying machines - Hitler’s bombers, and later the sinister VI and V2 rockets that were the prototypes for the spacecraft which later travelled to the Moon.

FLYING saucers in the U.S. burst upon the . scene at’ a time when

there was widespreaparanoia about the

perceived superiority of Soviet technoloj!Y. Significantly, when the RussIans launched the first satellite, sputnik, in 1957, UFO s.ightings shot up again. The Russ.ians saw UFOs too. 10

the old Soviet Union, reports of alien spacecraft would come flooding in at times of political unrest. During the upheavals of the Oorbachev and Yeltsin eras, sightings were at an all-time high. UFOs were seen by people

from all walks of life - pilots and soldiers, schoolchildren and pensioners. 10 the U.S., a young Jimmy Carter even filed a sight- in~ of a mysterious object in the skies of his native Georgia. Winston Churchill found the

whole phenomenon bemusing. ’What does all this stuff about flying saucers amount to?’ he asked in a 1951 memo. ’What can it mean?’ The Ministry of Defence set up its own ’X-Files’ unit to investigate. For 50 years, the debate raged. On the one side was the hard- core UFO enthusiasts, whose pass.ion for the subject is akin to religious fervour. These people believed - many

still do - that the Earth is being


visited on a regular basis by alien visitors. A key tenet of UFO mythology is that these aliens - often described as rather sinister, grey-skinned human.oids - will pick on individuals and kidnap them, usually with the aim of perform- Ing uncomfortable and often obscene medical experiments. The ’abductee’ phenomenon is

big in the U.S. Several thousand people are reported to believe that they were taken by aliens, onIy to have their memories of these events erased. Only by using hypnosis and the tricks of ’recovered

. memory" is the ’truth’ revealed. On the other s.ide of the debate

were those who believed that all ~~~~~t ft~~ei’h~t~is ~ hoaxes. So who was right? It is true that 99 per cent of all UFO sightings are perfectly explicable. Birds, Venus (the brightest of the planets), reflec- tions in car windows. experi- mental aircraft and weather ballpons probably account for the majority of sightings. As for tales of alien abduction,

they are almost certainly the ramblings of the deluded and inadequate. Indeed,the ’alien autopsy’ video, released in the 1990s and purporting to show f of a dead alien recovered from a supposed UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, was easily exposet! as a crude forgery. The MoD concluded, after 50

years, that the UFO phenome- non was a myth and so, two years a\,o, the British X-Files were qwetly closed. One of Britain’s most famous UFO sightings - the appearance of a ’spacecraft’ over an Ameri- can Inilitary base at Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk, 24 years ago - was last year reve>!1ed to be an ingenIous hoax, perpetrated by a

bored policeman equipped with flashlights and a loudspeaker. But can we dismiss every s.ingle siiP’-ting as an illus.ion or a case of

nustaken Identity? Is it really Impossible that alien spacecraft or people from another ~ dimension are visiting the Earth? The answer Is no, but one is

forced to ask why they would choose to do this - or at least do ~e~. t~a~~~ea~~~~;~~~g~ ~ very difficult and that’s true for even the most advanced alien. It is hard to see why, having

put all this effort In, they would choose to buzz a remote comer of the American Mid-West or Gloucestershire (another UFO hotspot) and show themselves to the sort of people no one was going to believe anyway.

AND THERE is also the fact that humans have a long history of seeing strange things in the skies. But in the old

days, it was not flying saucers that people saw. Instead, it was angels or other religious visions. According to ’Ufologist’ and

sceptic Andy Smith, flying saucers are just a modern manifestation of a very old phenomenon. He said: ’The will to believe in

UFOs comes from the religious ~:’i~\~: g:;~ii~~ In the old days they would have been the Virgin Mary.’ Now the Cold War is over, and

we no longer believe that we are about to be obliterated by mysterious SoViet technology. Our fears are more mundane - pollution and global warming. The growth in the popularity

of science fiction - which mirrored the rise in the UFO phenomenon - may have also contributed to its decline. As more people associate

space aliens with entertaining fictions such as The X-Files and Star Wars, the less likely they are to take them seriously as fact. The Unidentified Flying

Object will probably go down in history as a unique part {)f late 20th-century culture. For many, this will be a great shame. To the diehard true believers,

the skies, now empty of flashing lights and strange, cigar-shaped rocketships, will never be quite the same again.

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