Columbia River DART (Data Access in Real Time) Overview (2024)

Columbia River DART provides an interactive data resource designed for research and management purposes relating to the Columbia River Basin salmon populations and river environment. Daily data are accessible online and span as early as 1878 through present. DART focuses on the Columbia River Basin dams and fish passage. Detailed information is brought in from federal, state and tribal databases. With regards to the real-time resolution, data loads occur from 5:30 to 8:30 every morning and for some data several additional updates occur throughout the day.

DART generates user-specified data files which can be saved to a user's computer in a variety of formats designed to be compatible with most spreadsheet programs. DART also offers graphing capabilities which allow for the visual comparison of multiple variables on one plot. For many of the data queries and output formats, DART provides a method to generate a link for querying results directly from programming scripts and other automated processes, such as a simple API.

Jump to: Quick Look Specialized Tools and Analyses Adult Salmonid Passage Juvenile Salmonid Passage Freshwater Conditions Resident Species Salmonid Releases Resources

DART Main Page

The DART main page is organized into four sections for accessing and exploring DART products: Explore by Topic, Explore by Query Style, Access all DART Tools, and Resources.

  • Explore by Topic
    Popular queries to start exploring the data and analyses by major topic:
    • Juvenile Salmon
    • Adult Salmon
    • River, Ocean, Climate
    • Fish & Environment
  • Explore by Query Style
    Featured real-time examples by query style, with links and highlights reels:
    • Quick Look Current Conditions
    • Graphics & Text Fish
    • Graphics & Text Environment
    • Specialized Tools and Analyses
  • Access all DART Tools
    A complete list of all the data query styles and analyses, organized by topic:
    • Adult Salmonid Passage
    • Juvenile Salmonid Passage
    • ESU (Evolutionary Significant Unit) & DPS (Distinct Population Segment)
    • Freshwater Conditions
    • Ocean & Climate Conditions
    • Fish & Environment
    • Subbasin & Instream PIT Tag Arrays
    • PIT Tag Resident Species
    • Salmonid Releases
  • Resources
    Includes metadata, more detailed descriptions of data and products, a data inventory, News and Announcements, and ways to provide feedback to the DART Team.

Quick Look Current Conditions (Explore by Query Style section)

Basin-wide current conditions updated daily. Includes daily updated highlights on DART main page.

  • Adult Passage Counts Graphic presentation of current adult passage—Steelhead, Wild Steelhead, Chinook, Jack Chinook, Sockeye and Coho—with the ten year averages at Bonneville, McNary, Ice Harbor, Lower Granite, Priest Rapids, and Wells dams.
  • Bonneville Adult Spring Chinook Graphic presentation of current Bonneville Adult Spring Chinook passage with River Environment and Historical Run Timing.
  • Bonneville Adult Steelhead Graphic presentation of current Bonneville Adult Steelhead passage with River Environment and Historical Run Timing.
  • PIT Tag ESU/DPS Passage Graphic presentation of current Columbia Basin ESU and DPS juvenile passage with the ten year averages at Lower Granite, Little Goose, Lower Monumental, McNary, John Day, and Bonneville dams for select ESU/DPS populations.
  • PIT Tag Spring Spill adult Chinook Fallback Graphic presentation of current and historical fallback rates during the Spring Spill Period at Snake River (4/3-6/20) and Mainstem Columbia River (4/10-6/15) projects.
  • River Environment Graphic presentation of current Columbia Basin river environment with the ten year averages at Lower Granite, Ice Harbor, Wells, Priest Rapids, McNary, and Bonneville dams.
  • Smolt Passage Index Graphic presentation of current Columbia Basin Smolt Index with the ten year averages at Lower Granite, Little Goose, McNary, and Bonneville dams.

Graphics & Text (Explore by Query Style section)

Access all Graphics&Text queries provided on DART. This query style is the most flexible of DART queries allowing for user selection of multiple years, multiple locations, multiple data parameters, and output format (plot, html table, CSV, tidy data). Includes daily updated highlights on DART main page. Features for each is detailed within the topic type, later on this page. All share these features:

  • Customize date range (x-axis for graph)
  • Customize data range (y-axis) and plotting features (size, grid, plot symbols)
  • Output HTML table by date (mm/dd) or day of year
  • Output CSV by multiple parameters per row or single observation per row ("tidy data")
  • Automatable customized data retrieval
Fish Graphics&Text Queries
  • Adult Passage Counts
  • PIT Tag Adult Returns
  • PIT Tag Obs by Observation Site
  • PIT Tag Obs by Release Hydro Unit
  • PIT Tag Obs by Release Site
  • PIT Tag Obs by Tag Coordinator
  • Smolt Index
  • Smolt Transportation
  • Trap Collected Counts
Environment Graphics&Text Queries
  • River Environment
  • Stream Flow
  • Hourly Water Quality
  • Coastal Upwelling Index
  • Ocean Moored Buoys

Specialized Tools and Analyses (Explore by Query Style section)

  • Columbia Basin Conditions:Presents basin-wide current Columbia Basin river environment with comparison to mean years and other years and all years seasonal trends. Scale options for provided for temperature and dissolved gas caps and user-specified thresholds. Updated daily.
  • Columbia Basin Performance Measures:User-specified threshold analysis of juvenile and adult Fish Exposure to observed River Conditions at Columbia and Snake River dams.
  • :Presents adult PIT Tag reach distribution and delay analysis for Mainstem Columbia and Lower Snake reaches for Spring/Summer Chinook (spring-spill/April-June) and Fall Chinook (August-November). Updated daily.
  • Upper Columbia Ladders for PIT Tag Adult Returns:Presents adult PIT Tag specialized ascent event analysis and timing at Priest Rapids, Rock Island, and Rocky Reach ladders. Updated daily.
  • :Presents PIT Tag movement and timing in Lower Granite Bypass and Spillway for juvenile and adult detections. Updated daily.
  • Smolt-to-Adult Return (SAR) Survival for PIT Tag ESU/DPS Populations:Smolt-to-Adult Return (SAR) Survival analysis for Snake River and Upper Columbia River ESU/DPS populations for multiple juvenile to adult reaches for 2000 to present. Analysis includes information on transportation.
  • PIT Tag Adult Returns Conversion Rate:The DART PIT Tag Adult Returns Conversion Rate Report (based on selections made for Release Basin, Conversion Reach, Species, Run, Rear Type, and Month Range) generates a summary of conversion rates by PIT Tag release site for each detection year possible. The Conversion Rate Report includes all adult detections of the selected population at the lower project of the selected conversion reach. Only fish detected at the lower project can be reported as detected at the upper project. Observation numbers are based on the number of unique PIT-tagged fish observed at the project, not on the total number of detections at a project.

Adult Salmonid Passage

Adult Passage Counts

Daily visual counts of adult salmon at all major Columbia and Snake River dams. The Graphics & Text query joins the Adult Passage dataset with the River Environment dataset.

  • Data Available: 1938 to the present. Refer to the for project specific information and data inventory.
  • Primary Data Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NWD and Chelan, Douglas, and Grant County PUDs, Yakima Klickitat Fisheries Project, Colville Tribes Fish & Wildlife (OBMEP), Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife.
  • Queries:
    • : Graphics and Text output for Multiple Species, Multiple Years, Multiple Projects. Features:
      • Adult Passage Counts individual years and 10 year averages
      • River Environment parameters individual years and 10 year averages
      • Sum Adult Passage for selected species and selects years
      • Cumulate counts for adult passage and 10 year averages by species
      • Normalize cumulated counts
      • Customize date range, data range (y-axis), and plotting features (size, grid, plot symbols)
      • CSV by multiple parameters per row or single observation per row ("tidy data")
      • Automatable customized data retrieval
    • Daily Counts: HTML Table output of Daily Passage for All Species for Single Year, Single Project with Daily 10 Year Averages with CSV Download File
    • Quick Look: Presents current Columbia Basin Chinook, Steelhead, Sockeye and Coho adult passage counts with the ten year averages at Bonneville, McNary, Ice Harbor, Lower Granite, Priest Rapids, and Wells dams. Updated daily.
    • Basin Summary: HTML Table output of Total Counts for All Species at All Projects, Single Year with 10 Year Averages; formerly 'All Projects'
    • Project Summary: HTML output of Total Counts for All Species for Single Year, Single Project with YTD Analytics for Comparisons to Last Year, 4 Year Average, 10 Year Average and Graphs of Run Timing, Cumulative Passage, and 4 Year Rolling Mean; formerly 'All Species'
    • Annual Summary: HTML Table output of Annual Total Counts for All Species for Single Project and CSV Download File
    • Monthly Summary: HTML Table output of Monthly Counts for All Species for Single Year with 10 Year Averages and CSV Download File
    • Ladder Summary: HTML Table output of Daily Ladder Counts of All Species for Single Year, Single Project with Spill Percent and Outflow
    • Historical Run Timing: Graph and HTML Table output for 10-25 Year Historical Run Timing for Single Species, Single Project with Migration Timing Characteristics and Passage Dates.

PIT Tag Adult Returns

Daily detail and summary PIT Tag release and observation data of adult salmon throughout the Columbia Basin. The Graphics & Text query joins the PIT Tag Adult Returns dataset with the River Environment dataset. The Adult PIT Tag observations presented in these queries are based ondata filtering--including migration year, release year, release length,observation year, release site, and other criteria--used to determinethe stage of the PIT-tagged fish at the time of the detection. DARTcategorizes PIT Tag observations into three stages: Adult, Juvenile,and Unknown. PIT Tag detections that DART has determined to be ofJuvenile or Unknown stage are excluded from these PIT Tag Adult Returns queries.

  • Primary Data Source: Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
  • Queries:
    • Graphics and Text output for Multiple Species, Multiple Years, Multiple Observation Sites
    • Detail by Observation Year Table output of Detailed Release and Observation information for each adult return PIT Tag ID for Single Population, Single Observation Year, Single Observation Site with CSV Download File
    • Detail by Release Year Table output of Detailed Release and Observation information for each adult return PIT Tag ID for Single Population, Single Release Year, Single Observation Site with CSV Download File
    • Basin Summary HTML Table output of Total Observations for All Species at All Projects, Single Year
    • Conversion Rate Graph and HTML Table output for Reach Conversation Reach for Release Basin and Single Species-Run-Rear Type combination
    • Fallback Graphics and Text output for fallback analysis of user configured population and adult fish ladder. Ascent and fallback analysis implemented August 2017. "Index of fallback" process implemented September 2018. Please refer to the Methods for DART PIT Tag Adult Ladders Fallback for full details.
    • Mean Travel Times HTML Table output of Release and Observation Summary with Reach Mean Travel Times Email for Single Population for Single Year
    • Historical Run Timing Graph and HTML Table output for 10-25 Year Historical Run Timing for Single Species-Run-Rear Type combination, Single Observation Site with Migration Timing Characteristics and Passage Dates

PIT Tag Specialized Analyses

  • Primary Data Source: Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
  • :Presents graphics and text adult PIT Tag reach distribution and delay analysis for Mainstem Columbia and Lower Snake reaches for Spring/Summer Chinook (spring-spill/April-June) and Fall Chinook (August-November) PIT-tagged adult returns. Updated daily. Please refer to the PIT Tag Adult Reach Distribution and Delay Overview -- includes Methods, Criteria, Glossary, results overview for full details.
  • Upper Columbia Ladders:Presents table output for PIT Tag adult specialized ascent event analysis and timing at Priest Rapids, Rock Island, and Rocky Reach ladders. Updated daily.
  • Sampling at Lower Granite Adult Trap Please refer to the PIT Tag Adult Sampling at Lower Granite Trap Methods for full details.

Sport Fishing

  • Sport Fishing Adult Returns Presents table of last 10 days adult passage counts for location or histogram with 10 year average plot for user-selected location, species, and year from the Adult Passage Visual Counts datasets.

Juvenile Salmonid Passage

PIT Tag Observations by Observation Site

Daily observations of salmon containing passive transponders detected at Columbia Basin dams. Observations grouped by user-specified observation site. Detailed data regarding release, size, and characteristics of PIT-tagged fish is included.

  • Data Available: 1989 to the present.
  • Primary Data Source: Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
  • Queries:
    • Graphics and Text output for Multiple Species, Multiple Years, Multiple Projects with River Environment
    • Detail Table output of Detailed Release and Observation information for each observed PIT Tag ID for Single Population, Single Year, Single Project with CSV Download File
    • HTML Table output of Observation Totals for Single Year for each component stock (Release Site, Species, Run, and Rear Type) for Single Species, Single Observation Site with migration timing information (10%, 50%, 90%) for each stock
    • Historical Run Timing Graph and HTML Table output for 10-25 Year Historical Run Timing for Single Species, Run, Rear Type combination, Single Project with Migration Timing Characteristics and Passage Dates

PIT Tag Observations by Release Hydro Unit

Daily observations of salmon containing passive transponders detected at Columbia Basin dams. Observations grouped by user-specified release hydro unit. Detailed data regarding release, size and characteristics of PIT-tagged fish is included.

  • Data Available: 1989 to the present.
  • Primary Data Source: Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
  • Queries:
    • Graphics and Text output for Multiple Release Hydrounits, Multiple Species, Multiple Years, Multiple Projects with River Environment
    • Detail Table output of Detailed Release and Observation information for each observed PIT Tag ID for Single Population, Single Year, Single Hydrounit with CSV Download File
    • HTML Table output of Observation Totals for Single Year for each component stock (Release Site, Species, Run, and Rear Type) by Hydrounit for Single Species with migration timing information (10%, 50%, 90%) for each stock

PIT Tag Observations by Release Site

Daily observations of salmon containing passive transponders detected at Columbia Basin dams. Observations grouped by user-specified release site. Detailed data regarding release, size and characteristics of PIT-tagged fish is included.

  • Data Available: 1989 to the present.
  • Primary Data Source: Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
  • Queries:
    • Graphics and Text output for Multiple Species, Multiple Years, Multiple Projects with River Environment
    • Detail Table output of Detailed Release and Observation information for each observed PIT Tag ID for Single Population, Single Year, Single Release Site, Single Project with CSV Download File

PIT Tag Observations by Tag Coordinator

Daily observations of salmon containing passive transponders detected at Columbia Basin dams. Observations grouped by user-specified tag coordinator and release site. Detailed data regarding release, size and characteristics of PIT-tagged fish is included.

  • Data Available: 1989 to the present.
  • Primary Data Source: Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
  • Queries:
    • Graphics and Text output for Multiple Species, Multiple Years, Multiple Projects with River Environment
    • Detail Table output of Detailed Release and Observation information for each observed PIT Tag ID for Single Population, Single Year, Single Project with CSV Download File
    • HTML Table output of Observation Totals for Single Year for each component stock (Release Site, Species, Run, and Rear Type) for All Species, All Observation Sites with migration timing information (10%, 50%, 90%) for each stock

PIT Tag Release & Observation Summary

Summary of user-selected PIT-tagged salmonid releases and observations at Columbia Basin dams. The General Parameters query allows users to browse the PIT Tag dataset for both release and observation information. The Tag Files query allows users to generate survival and mean travel time estimates from the summary results.

  • Data Available: 1989 to the present.
  • Primary Data Source: Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
  • Queries:
    • by Tag Files for Generating Survival and Travel Time estimates Create specific grouping of PIT Tag Releases based on release or observation criteria and user-specified Tag Files for viewing Release and Observation summary and for generating Survival and Travel Time estimates. Please refer to the PIT Tag Juvenile Survival and Travel Time Estimates Methods for full details.
    • by General Release and Observation Parameters Table out put for user created grouping of PIT Tag fish based on release and/or observation criteria for viewing Release and Observation summary

PIT Tag Specialized Analyses

  • Primary Data Source: Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
  • Table output for Lower GRanite Spillway (GRS) and Bypass (GRJ) juvenile and adult daily detection summary for Chinook, steelhead, Coho, and Sockeye with daily spill conditions. In addition, table output of juvenile downstream detections tracked separately by Lower Granite passage route (spillway or bypass).
  • Upload TagID List Analysis and Reporting DART analysis and reporting products for user-provided list of PTAGIS TagIDs. Currently, DART offers this process for generating Juvenile Survival and Travel Time Estimates and TribPit Observation File. We will incorporate additional DART analyses as demand and time allows.

Smolt Index

Daily salmonid passage index and collection counts at sites throughout the Columbia Basin. Sites include dams and river traps along the Salmon, Snake, Columbia, Imnaha and Grande Ronde rivers. The Graphics & Text query joins the PIT Tag dataset with the River Environment dataset.

  • Data Available: 1985 to the present.
  • Primary Data Source: Fish Passage Center
  • Queries:
    • Graphics and Text output for Multiple Species, Multiple Years, Multiple Projects
    • Daily Passage HTML Table output of Daily Passage for All Species for Single Year, Single Project with Daily 10 Year Averages with CSV Download File
    • Quick Look Presents graph of current Columbia Basin Smolt Index with the ten year averages at Lower Granite, Little Goose, McNary, and Bonneville dams. Updated daily.
    • Historical Run Timing Graph and HTML Table output for 10-25 Year Historical Run Timing for Single Species, Single Project with Migration Timing Characteristics and Passage Dates


Transportation data at the four Columbia Basin tranport projects: Lower Granite, Little Goose, Lower Monumental, and McNary.

  • Data Available: 1985 to the present.
  • Primary Data Source: Fish Passage Center
  • Queries:
    • Graphics and Text output for Multiple Species, Multiple Years, Multiple Projects
    • Daily Transport Table output of Daily Tranport for All Species for Single Year, Single Project with CSV Download File
    • Annual Transport Table Output of Annual Tranport for All Species for Single Project with CSV Download File

Trap Collected Counts

Raw trap collected counts at trap locations in the Mid Columbia Region.

  • Data Available: 1997 to the present.
  • Primary Data Source: WDFW, Chelan PUD, Colville Tribes Fish & Wildlife (OBMEP), Douglas PUD, USFWS, Yakama Nation
  • Queries:
    • Graphics and Text output for Multiple Species, Multiple Years, Multiple Projects
    • Daily Counts Table output of Daily Passage for All Species for Single Year, Single Project with Daily 10 Year Averages with CSV Download File

ESU (Evolutionarily Significant Unit) & DPS (Distinct Population Segment)

DART performs extensive data filtering of the PIT Tag dataset to identify PIT-tagged Columbia Basin Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESU) and Distinct Population Segment (DPS) stocks as defined by NOAA Fisheries and provide the PIT-tagged populations for analysis. PIT tag data specific to populations listed as ESU and DPS are analyzed and basic statistical properties of the stocks are provided on the website. As part of the ESU/DPS data services, we will continue to aggregate PIT Tag release and detection information in order to provide year-to-date and detailed observation information on the listed populations. Analyses are updated daily with the most recent information and statistics calculated including arithmetic mean travel time estimates for both juvenile and adult populations. Please refer to metadata for Columbia Basin ESU and DPS populations for more information.

  • Primary Data Source: Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
  • ESU (Evolutionarily Significant Unit)
    • Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook ESU: 1988 to the present.
    • Upper Columbia River Spring Chinook ESU: 1994 to the present.
    • Lower Columbia River Chinook ESU: 2005 to the present.
    • Upper Willamette River Chinook ESU: 1999 to the present.
    • Snake River Fall Chinook ESU: 1991 to the present.
    • Snake River Sockeye ESU: 1990 to the present.
  • DPS (Distinct Population Segment)
    • Snake River Steelhead DPS: 1988 to the present.
    • Upper Columbia Steelhead DPS: 1989 to the present.
    • Middle Columbia Steelhead DPS: 1989 to the present.
    • Lower Columbia Steelhead DPS: 2000 to the present.
  • Queries
    • : Graphics and Text output for Multiple Populations, Multiple Years, Multiple Projects with River Environment dataset
    • Quick Look: Presents graph of current Columbia Basin ESU and DPS juvenile passage with the ten year averages at Lower Granite, Little Goose, Lower Monumental, McNary, John Day, and Bonneville dams for select ESU/DPS populations. Updated daily.
    • Observation Detail: able output of Detailed Release and Observation information for each observed PIT Tag ID for Single Population, Single Year, Single Project with CSV Download File
    • : HTML Table output of Daily Observation Totals for Single Year for each component stock (Release Site, Species, Run, and Rear Type) for Single Population, All Projects with migration timing information (10%, 50%, 90%) for each project
    • Mean Travel Times: HTML Table output of Reach Mean Travel Times for Single Population for All Years with Graphs of Daily Mean Travel Times
    • Historical Run Timing: Graph and HTML Table output for 10-25 Year Historical Run Timing for Single Stock, Single Project with Migration Timing Characteristics and Passage Dates
    • Smolt-to-Adult Return (SAR) Survival Smolt-to-Adult Return (SAR) Survival analysis for Snake River and Upper Columbia River ESU/DPS populations for multiple juvenile to adult reaches for 2000 to present. Analysis includes information on transportation.

Freshwater Conditions

River Environment

Daily river environment data including outflow, spill, spill percent, elevation, dissolved gas, dissolved gas percent, barometric pressure, temperature (C), and turbidity at Columbia and Snake River dams and monitoring sites.

  • Data Available: 1949 to the present.
  • Primary Data Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NWD and Grant County PUD and Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife.
  • Queries:
    • : Graphics and Text output for Multiple Data Variables, Multiple Years, Multiple Projects
    • Daily Data: HTML Table output of River Environment conditions for Single Year, Single Project with CSV Download File
    • Quick Look: Presents current Columbia Basin river environment with the ten year averages at Lower Granite, Ice Harbor, Wells, Priest Rapids, McNary, and Bonneville dams. Updated daily.

Hourly Water Quality

Hourly measurements of river environment data including outflow, spill, elevation, dissolved gas, dissolved gas percent, barometric pressure, and temperature (C) at forebay and tailrace Water Quality Monitoring sites throughout the Columbia and Snake rivers.

  • Data Available: 1995 to the present.
  • Primary Data Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NWD.
  • Queries:
    • Graphics: Hourly Graphics output for Single Variable, Single Year, Single Location
    • Hourly Data: Text output for Multiple Variables, Single Year, Single Location with CSV Download File


Daily streamflow (cfs), stage (ft), and water temperature (where available) from gage locations throughout the Columbia Basin.

  • Data Available: 1878 to the present.
  • Primary Data Source: U.S. Geological Survey.
  • Queries:
    • : Graphics and Text output for Multiple Data Variables, Multiple Years, Multiple Locations
    • Daily Data: Text Table output of Daily Data for All Variables for Single Year, Single Location with CSV Download File

Basin Conditions

Columbia Basin Conditions Queries

  • Data Available: 1949 to the present.
  • Primary Data Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NWD and Grant County PUD.
  • Queries:
    • Basin Single Year Daily conditions at Columbia Basin projects for a single year
    • Basin Year Comparisons Single Year comparison to N Year Average and Single Year at Columbia Basin projects
    • Project All Years Comparison across years for Single Project
    • Project Year Comparisons Single Project Single Year comparison to N Year Average and Single Year

Columbia Basin Water Supply

Presents current monthly water supply with historical and 30 year normal at select sites in the Columbia Basin: Columbia River at International Boundary, Priest Rapids, Dworshak, Lower Granite, The Dalles, and Bonneville. Based on April-September rankings at each site, the wettest and driest 5 years are highlighted. Updated monthly.

  • Data Available: 1949 to the present.
  • Primary Data Source: Northwest River Forecast Center, NOAA.

Pacific Nortwest Index (PNI)

Present graph and table of the Pacific Northwest Index (PNI), developed by Ebbesmeyer and Strickland (1995), is a terrestrial climate index useful for studying climate effects on salmon productivity trends. It is a composite index that characterizes Pacific Northwest climate patterns in both coastal waters and freshwater habitats. Updated annually.

  • Data Available: 1891 to the present.

Ocean & Climate Conditions

Coastal Upwelling Index

Daily indices of the intensity of large-scale, wind-induced coastal upwelling at 15 standard locations along the west coast of North America.

  • Data Available: 1967 to the present.
  • Primary Data Source: NOAA Fisheries, SWFSC, Environmental Research Division.
  • Queries:
    • : Graphics and Text output for Multiple Data Variables, Multiple Years, Multiple Locations
    • Daily Data: Text Table output of Daily Data for All Variables for Single Year, Single Location with CSV Download File

Ocean Moored Buoys

Daily mean values of air temperature, sea temperature, surface atmospheric pressure, wind speed, and wind direction. Sources of the data are 22 different NOAA NDBC moored buoys along the North American west coast. The data has been processed from the raw hourly data files.

  • Data Available: 1980 to the present.
  • Primary Data Source: Environmental Research Division, NOAA Fisheries SWFSC.
  • Queries:
    • : Graphics and Text output for Multiple Data Variables, Multiple Years, Multiple Locations
    • Daily Data: Text Table output of Daily Data for All Variables for Single Year, Single Location with CSV Download File

Spring Transition Dates and Fall Transition Dates

Presents generated plot and table of various methods for Spring Transition Dates and Fall Transition Dates. Updated annually.

  • Data Available: 1946 to the present.

Fish & Environment

Tools and analyses that integrate freshwater conditions with fish presence.

  • Columbia Basin Performance Measures River Conditions and Fish Exposure at Hydroelectric Projects. Calculates observed fish exposure to river conditions at the major hydroelectric projects on the Columbia and Snake Rivers for user-selected adult or juvenile fish population, year, location, river parameter, and threshold value.
  • Presents current and future water quality conditions to assess if river conditions reach critical levels during the migration season for juvenile and adult passage. This tool presents observed exposure and our water quality forecasts with fish passage forecasts to predict the cumulative exposure of juvenile and adult salmon to TDG and temperature conditions. Updated daily.

Subbasin & Instream PIT Tag Arrays

Researchers across the Columbia Basin have rapidly expanded efforts to deploy remote PIT tag detection arrays in tributary basins, providing an opportunity to observe movement and life history patterns of individual fish in greater detail. In order to standardize the efficient handling and analysis of these datasets for both juvenile and adult populations for specific research questions and to allow reproducible results across research studies, DART developed these web-based analytical processing tools fully aggregating the subbasin interrogation sites with recapture datasets. These tools provide detail and summary data for specific subbasins as well as metadata and methods for observation patterns, travel time statistics, straying, kelt migration, and ghost tag identification.

PIT Tag Subbasins by Tributary/Basin Release and Observation Summary and Detection Details with Interrogation and Recapture datasets

Examine the detection history throughout the system of fish released from an user-selected Tributary/Basin or as identified by selected Tag Files, or examine the detection history of fish present in an user-selected Tributary/Basin.

  • Data Available: 1999 to the present.
  • Primary Data Source: Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
  • Queries:
    • Summary Presents observation summaries identified by stage of matching fish—released or detected in the Selected Tributary/Basin or the Selected Tag Files—with links to view Detection Details.
    • Detection Details Presents detection histories for fish released or detected in the Selected Tributary/Basin or the Selected Tag Files. Included in Detection Details report is analysis of Release Type and Observation Type for released and detected fish.
      • Release Type Categories:
        • Selected Tributary/Basin release.
        • Other Defined Basin release, not mainstem/migration corridor.
        • Mainstem/migration corridor release above Selected Tributary/Basin, not basin fish.
        • Mainstem/migration corridor release below Selected Tributary/Basin, could be basin fish.
        • Tagged as Adults, could be basin fish.
        • Tagged as Adults in Selected Tributary/Basin, could be basin fish.
      • Observation Type Categories:
        • Y: Selected Tributary/Basin detection for Selected Tributary/Basin release.
        • U: Unknown, Selected Tributary/Basin detection for unknown natal stream, tagged as adult.
        • WB: Wander/Stray; Other Defined Basin detection for Selected Tributary/Basin release.
        • WM: Wander/Stray; Mainstem detection above John Day for Selected Tributary/Basin release.
        • WS: Wander/Stray; Snake (migration corridor) detection for Selected Tributary/Basin release.
        • WC: Wander/Stray; Upper Columbia (migration corridor) detection for Selected Tributary/Basin release.
        • O: Other, Selected Tributary/Basin detection for Other Defined Basin release.
        • JA: Jack, chinook migrating upstream 1 year after release.
        • MJ: Minijack, chinook migrating upstream in the same year as release.
        • K: Kelt, downstream migration for steelhead having already completed migration at least once, i.e., observed in expected basin as adult or tagged as adult. Very strict/cautious criteria are applied for Kelt. Fish are labeled Kelt once detected below McNary. Tagging Flag Code and Recapture Flag "KL" are included in report, but are not currently part of the criteria.
        • RS: Repeat Spawner, return migration for fish having already completed migration at least once, i.e., observed in expected basin as adult or tagged as adult.
        • G: Ghost/Shed Tag, (1) detected 3 or more years after last detection for all tagged as adults (2) detected 5 years after last detection for all stages and species (3) steelhead tagged as juvenile with first detection 4 or more years after tagging (4) salmon tagged as juvenile with first detection 2 or more years after tagging (5) all tagged as adults with first detection 2 or more years after tagging.

PIT Tag Subbasins by Detection Site Observation Summary and Detection Details with Coil and Recapture datasets

Query PIT Tag Instream Arrays by Individual Detection Site for Observation Summary, Coil Detection Details and full detection history of qualifying PIT Tagged fish.

  • Data Available: 2006 to the present.
  • Primary Data Source: Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
  • Queries:
    • Summary Presents observation summaries identified by stage of matching fish—detected at the selected Detection Site—with links to view Detection Details.
    • Detection Details Presents detection histories for fish detected at the selected Detection Sit. Included in Detection Details report is analysis of Release Type and Observation Type for detected fish.
      • Release Type Categories:
        • Selected Tributary/Basin release.
        • Other Defined Basin release, not mainstem/migration corridor.
        • Mainstem/migration corridor release above Selected Tributary/Basin, not basin fish.
        • Mainstem/migration corridor release below Selected Tributary/Basin, could be basin fish.
        • Tagged as Adults, could be basin fish.
        • Tagged as Adults in Selected Tributary/Basin, could be basin fish.
      • Observation Type Categories:
        • Y: Selected Tributary/Basin detection for Selected Tributary/Basin release.
        • U: Unknown, Selected Tributary/Basin detection for unknown natal stream, tagged as adult.
        • WB: Wander/Stray; Other Defined Basin detection for Selected Tributary/Basin release.
        • WM: Wander/Stray; Mainstem detection above John Day for Selected Tributary/Basin release.
        • WS: Wander/Stray; Snake (migration corridor) detection for Selected Tributary/Basin release.
        • WC: Wander/Stray; Upper Columbia (migration corridor) detection for Selected Tributary/Basin release.
        • O: Other, Selected Tributary/Basin detection for Other Defined Basin release.
        • JA: Jack, chinook migrating upstream 1 year after release.
        • MJ: Minijack, chinook migrating upstream in the same year as release.
        • K: Kelt, downstream migration for steelhead having already completed migration at least once, i.e., observed in expected basin as adult or tagged as adult. Very strict/cautious criteria are applied for Kelt. Fish are labeled Kelt once detected below McNary. Tagging Flag Code and Recapture Flag "KL" are included in report, but are not currently part of the criteria.
        • RS: Repeat Spawner, return migration for fish having already completed migration at least once, i.e., observed in expected basin as adult or tagged as adult.
        • G: Ghost/Shed Tag, (1) detected 3 or more years after last detection for all tagged as adults (2) detected 5 years after last detection for all stages and species (3) steelhead tagged as juvenile with first detection 4 or more years after tagging (4) salmon tagged as juvenile with first detection 2 or more years after tagging (5) all tagged as adults with first detection 2 or more years after tagging.

PIT Tag Resident Species

  • Data Available: 1987 to the present.
  • Primary Data Source: Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission.
  • PIT-tagged Resident Species:
    • Rainbow Trout
    • Bulltrout
    • Cutthroat
    • Lamprey
    • White Sturgeon
    • Green Sturgeon
    • Northern Pikeminnow
    • Brook Trout
    • American Shad
    • Mountain Whitefish
    • Walleye
    • Channel Catfish
    • Smallmouth Bass
  • Queries:
    • Release Year Summary Generate Release Summary—Release Site, Release Count, Releases with Observations—from available release years for selected Resident Species with link to view detection details.
    • Observation Summary User created grouping of PIT Tag fish based on release criteria for viewing Observation summary
    • Bull Trout present visualizations for PIT-Tagged Bull Trout release and detections

Salmonid Releases

Hatchery Releases

Hatchery releases by migration year with some anticipated release schedules early in the season.

  • Data Available: 1979 to the present.
  • Primary Data Source: Fish Passage Center.

PIT Tag Releases

PIT Tag release information for the selected migration year.

  • Data Available: 1987 to the present.
  • Primary Data Source: Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission.

PIT Tag Release Sites

PIT Tag release site information including state, river km, and total km.

  • Primary Data Source: Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission.
  • Queries
    • Table: HTML Table output of Columbia Basin PIT Tag Release Sites Sortable by State, Release Site Code, Site Name, Hydro Unit, Total KM, or River KM.
    • by Hydro Unit Map: Table output of PIT Tag Release Sites contained within the Hydro Unit as selected from Columbia Basin Hydro Unit Map.


  • Overview: This page. Overview of DART query tools and web resources.
  • Metadata and Glossaries:Metadata and glossaries for DART datasets including Adult Passage with site-specific data inventory, Hatchery Releases, Hourly Water Quality Monitoring, PIT Tag with ESU / DPS populations, and River Environment with site-specific data inventory.
  • Data Inventory:Presents dataset availability and year coverage in DART by location—includes individual monitoring sites within a project$mdash;for Adult Passage Visual Counts, PIT Tag Observations, PIT Tag Adult Returns, ESU/DPS Observations, Smolt Index, Transportation, River Environment, and Hourly Water Quality datasets.
  • Data Site Maps: The Columbia River DART Data Collections Locations Map includes the location of the major Columbia Basin dams, Water Quality Monitoring sites, and USGS Stream Gaging stations. In addition, the web page provides links to primary source maps for DART datasets not covered by the DART Location Map. The map is linked to the Dataset Inventory by Location with Year Ranges which presents dataset availability and year coverage in DART by location—includes individual monitoring sites within a project$mdash;for Adult Passage Visual Counts, PIT Tag Observations, PIT Tag Adult Returns, ESU/DPS Observations, Smolt Index, Transportation, River Environment, and Hourly Water Quality datasets.
  • Related Data and Topics: Provides a short list of web sites containing information about the Columbia River Basin hydroelectric system, related data sets, historical data sets, and a short list of related agencies. Includes data products maintained by DART: Adult Anadromous Fish Radiotelemetry Project 1996-2004 and Hydroelectric Information for the Columbia Basin.
  • News and Announcements: DART News and Announcements for DART users of new product releases, dataset updates, query updates, and other relevant items.

User Feedback

  • Data Feedback: Online form to submit data feedback questions, comments, and quality control issues to the DART Team.
  • Email the DART Team directly with any questions, requests, or quality control issues you may have about the data. We are interested in your feedback and experiences with DART. Thank you.
Columbia River DART (Data Access in Real Time) Overview (2024)


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.