AsianFeels Review (2024) - Membership | Pros & Cons (2024)

Welcome to today’sonlinedatingsitereviewwhere we

This is adating platformwhere men from the West can meet up withAsian girlsin the hope of finding thatperfect matchthat may even become theirsoulmate (likeTinderorHarmony).

These girls generally don’t look for hookups (likeBeNaughtyorAshley Madison).

In the past and before just about everyone had access to the internet, people would look formail-order brides.

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But now, thanks toonlinedatingservices, meetingAsian ladiesfromThailand, thePhilippines, China, and other Asian countries have become so much easier.

The problem lies in the fact that manyfraudstersset up profiles forAsian womenon sites like this and dupe them into sending them cash.

So in thisAsian Feelsreview, we are going to evaluate the site and determine if it’s worth starting a profile here.

And that means that we will reveal the following about theAsianFeelswebsite:

The registration process to become a user on the site

Membership pricing and special features they can expect

How the matchmaking algorithm works

If this is a scam site filled with fake profiles, and much more

So if you want to know more about thisdating website, be sure to read further.

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Table of Contents


  • Ease of use– 5/5
  • Success rate – 3.5/5
  • Key features – 3/5
  • Price – 2.5/5

Pros and Cons


  • Excellent design
  • Easy to use
  • Profiles have just the right amount of information
  • New users receive a welcome package
  • All photos posted by others are viewable


  • It’s super expensive

Who’s it for/Demographics?

We’ve mentioned some of the users of this site.

First up, the female contingent will be made up of women from countries in Asia likeThailand, China, Korea, thePhilippines,and others.

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The male users from the site are mainly men from countries in Europe as well as from the United States, Australia and others that want to meet them.

As theAsianFeelswebsitesays, the internet gives people who would never have the chance to connect a chance to do so.

And who knows what can come from that.

Here’s a few facts and figures behind the site that I was able to collect:

  • Around 500000 people have signed up as users onAsianFeels
  • Of that, around 3000 are active each day
  • That’s just over 20000 a week
  • A large percentage of the users areAsian women
  • The biggest group of users in terms of age range are those between 25 and 34.

While it’s probably not the biggest Asiandating sitein terms of user numbers, from my perspective, with females dominating the user base, it’s worth checking out.

Our next step to explore just how easy the site is to use and that starts with theregistration process.

Ease of Use

As of yet,AsianFeelsdoesn’t have an app which is often the case with these types ofdating sites.

So signing up is done in the traditional way through the website.

And that starts with a new user providing thisbasic information:

  • Their gender
  • Their name (despite the site asking for a name, I would rather come up with a username here)
  • Date of birth
  • Email address
  • Password

I can reveal that while that’s enough for mostdating sites, you are far from done onAsianFeels.

That’s because you still need to fill in aquestionnairethat will go a long way to gathering the information needed to complete your profile.

There is quite a bit of information that you need to provide here and it’s split into three sections.

Here’s an idea of what kind of information is asked for:

  • Your goal for using the site (options include chatting, finding a friend, having fun and more)
  • What work do you do
  • Yourmarital status
  • Your level of English expertise
  • Other languages you speak
  • Traits to describe yourself (you can only pick three)
  • If you are an early bird, night owl or somewhere in the middle
  • Your three favorite hobbies
  • Your three favorite movies
  • Your three favorite music genres
  • What you consider your guilty pleasure
  • What makes you laugh
  • If you believe insoulmates
  • An About Yourself section
  • Your preferred age range for matchups
  • Their personality type (introverted or extroverted)
  • Whether you prefer beauty over brains

Lastly, you need to upload a profile picture.

While you can skip this whole process, I wouldn’t.

Most of the questions asked are to help thematchmakingalgorithm provide you with the right kinds of matchups, so it’s a worthwhile task.

Once you get access to the site, I’d suggest finishing your profile.

To do that, click the My Profile menu that you find on the top-right-hand side of the screen.

Profiles onAsianFeelshave all the information that you would expect and you will need to add the following:

  • Height
  • Body type
  • How many children you have and if you want children
  • Education
  • Your religion
  • Habits (if you drink or smoke)
  • What work you do

It’s going to take less than five minutes to complete and it’s worth your while.

One of the highlights of the site for me is the fact that users take their profiles pretty seriously and go out of their way to complete them.

You will also notice a lot of profiles have received a validationstickerfrom thesupport teamatAsianFeels.

This means they are who they say they are and if you are worried about being scammed, you can choose to only deal withgirls onlinethat have been validated.

Finding your way around

Asian Feelswas a pleasure to use.

The site is simple to navigate thanks to its clever modular design.

While profiles are at the forefront of everything on the homepage, you can also easily search from here and see statistics related to your profile.

Potential matches have large profile pictures too which makes finding one that you are attracted to that much easier.

New users are also presented with a welcome pack that they take advantage of.

This provides you with credits that you can use on the site to send and reply to messages so you can get a feel of how communication works.

To access your welcome pack, just click on the link you will find to the right of all the profiles the site has listed for you.

The site will provide other potential matches for you on the bottom right-hand side of the screen.

These just appear from time to time and you can access one of those profiles by clicking on them when they do.

And that’s it for the homepage but what about the rest of the site?

Well, to navigate your way around, you will use an uncomplicated menu system that you can find at the top of the screen.

These menus are:

  • Search: Clicking the search button takes you back to the homepage. Not only can you search for your own matches here but browse through ones the site provides for you.
  • Faces: Here you can browse potential matches one at a time via the Faces roulette-style matchup option.
  • Messages: Message, both sent and received will be stored here.
  • Mail: Asiandating sitesoften use a mail system as well, especially for longer messages or letters. If you receive a mail, you will find it here and not under the message menu.
  • Credits: Want to know how many credits you have left on your account? Then click here to see the balance and to buy more if you need them.
  • My profile: Changes to your profile can be made here.

And that’s it.

AsianFeelsdoesn’t have secondary menus at all and it just shows that with a clever design you don’t need them.


So now that you have an overall feel for how to find your way around the site and what you can expect when you log in for the first time, no doubt you are going to want to look through profiles, right?

And the easiest place to start is by going through potential matchups thatAsianFeelshas presented to you.

To do that, go to the homepage if you are not on it already by clicking the search button.

Profiles are presented in rows of three, so you can simply scroll down until you find someone that catches your interest.

Then just click on their profile to view them.

Profiles are also presented in a modular way which fits in with the overall site design.

First up, you can easily see a users’:

  • Name
  • Age
  • Location
  • Height
  • Weight

If they are validated, they will have a large greenstickeron the top-right-hand side of their profile.

If you scroll down, you can see all the ways that you can get into contact with them, but I will cover this a little later in the review.

Below that is the final part of their profile where you can find out them, for example, their occupation, religion, habits, and if they have children.

It’s critical to note thatAsianFeelsonly shows you, online users.

You can easily change this to all profiles by clicking the “All” button under the search bar.

If you want profiles presented to you one at a time, click the Faces menu.

Searching for your matchups onAsianFeels

While it’s always useful to receive matchups to look through, if you are anything like me, you would also want to take time out to search for your own.

That’s going to be done by using the search bar at the top of the page.

Initially, this is set to the age range you specify when registering for the site.

Even for regular users, the advanced search engine with extended parameters is available to use.

Now you can add the following parameters:

  • The location the matchups should live in (country and city)
  • Theirmarital statusand if they have children
  • Their religion
  • Their level of education
  • Habits (if they drink or smoke)

The fact that you can search for matchups in specific countries is a strength of the site in my opinion.

For example, if you are going to visitThailandon holiday, you can use the site to find potential matchups that you can meet over there when you do.

Reaching out to others

While you can initially use the 20 free credits that you received in your welcome pack, they aren’t really going to last long.

And yes, you will need more if you are to make a success of your time onAsianFeelsbecause regular users cannot send messages or mail.

Also, credits are the currency the site operates on – there is no other form of membership.

But it’s not only sending messages that are going to cost you.

Here’s a breakdown of what all the features of the site will cost:

  • If you live chat with someone – 2 credits per minute
  • If you send a chatsticker– 5 credits
  • If you send in chat photos – 10 credits
  • If you send in chat videos – 50 credits
  • If you send a mail to someone – 10 for your first mail, 30 credits for each one in the sequence that follows the initial one
  • Opening a mail from someone else – 10 credits
  • Opening photos within a mail from someone else – 10 credits per photo
  • Opening a video – 50 credits
  • Sending real-life gifts – 100 credits
  • Making real-life meeting requests – 625 credits

As you can see, things aren’t that cheap when it comes toAsianFeels.

Key Features

While the site doesn’t have a monthly membership and the only way to use it effectively is by purchasing credits, here are a few key features that you should know about.

1. Requesting personal contact information

So it is possible to take your conversations with someone offline.

And it’s free to make the request as well.

But, as you’ve probably guessed, there is a catch.

You can only get access to another user’s personal contact information (for example, their email address) if you have spent over 3000 credits while communicating with them.

2. Faces

The Faces roulette-style matchup game is worth checking out every now and again.

This will present you with matchups based on the initial parameters you set while registering for the site.

It has a few added extras, however.

Over and above the regular passing on or liking a profile, you can also add them to your favorites, send a message, wink at them or even view their profile in full.

3. Arranging a meeting

Believe it or not, you can arrange to meet someone throughAsianFeels.

If you really connect with someone on the site and want to meet them, you can haveAsianFeelsarrange that meeting for you.

It does cost 625 credits to do so, however, so it isn’t cheap.

4. Send gifts

Sites like these often have a gifting system.

Asian Feelshas a variety of gifts you can send from flowers (499 credits for pink roses) to 4788 credits for Gucci sunglasses.

Again, not very cheap, is it?


If you are going to send gifts,stickers, photos, and mails, credits are used up pretty quickly.

Let’s quickly recap on the cost of everything on the site:

  • If you live chat with someone – 2 credits per minute
  • If you send a chatsticker– 5 credits
  • If you send in chat photos – 10 credits
  • If you send in chat videos – 50 credits
  • If you send a mail to someone – 10 for your first mail, 30 credits for each one in the sequence that follows the initial one
  • Opening a mail from someone else – 10 credits
  • Opening photos within a mail from someone else – 10 credits per photo
  • Opening a video – 50 credits
  • Sending real-life gifts – 100 credits
  • Making real-life meeting requests – 625 credits

Initially, when your welcome pack credits are done, you can buy 20 more for $2.99.

After that, the price becomes $9.99.

For me, that’s extremely expensive.

I mean, 20 credits are only going to give you 10 minutes of live chat with someone.

I could not find any other credit options at a discounted price either.

If you are going to buy credit, you can pay with yourMastercardorVisacredit card.

There are no other payment options.

Conclusion and Overall Rating

That’s for taking the time to read through ourAsianFeels.comreview.

Let’s summarize what we’ve learned about the site.

For me, if you are looking to meet women from all over Asia, this is the perfect site to do it on.

It’s got so much going for it.

I love the overall design of the site, how it operates and how easy it is to use and that’s something you will immediately notice.

It really stands out in that regard.

And it also hashigh-qualityvalidated profiles of users to reach out to.

The problem is thepricing.

It’s super expensive, even for the most basic chat option.

I really would love for there to be a monthly membership fee instead of just credits but I guess that’s not going to happen anytime soon.

If you don’t mind thepricing, well there is no doubt that you can use this site to findAsian womento chat to.

And who knows where it can go from there?

So it’s time to giveAsianFeelsa rating then.

Well, today it scores 3.5 out of 5.


Over an extended review period, our team at Onlineforlove usedAsianFeelsand put it through its paces as adating sitewhere men can meetAsian women.

This review approach included giving a star rating for the most critical aspects of the site when it comes toonline dating.

That evaluation process took into account: the size of the userbase, key features the site offers, what membership costs, how easy it is to use, and success rate when it comes to matchups, amongst others.



Is AsianFeels free?

No, it isn’t.

To use this site effectively, you will need to have an ample amount of credits, the currency used on the site.

You will receive 20 free credits when you sign up as a user, however.

This is good for around 10 minutes of live chat.

Is AsianFeels legit?

AsianFeels is a legit dating site.

What is AsianFeels?

AsianFeels is a dating site where men from all over the world can meet Asian girls.

They come from countries like China, Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines and are often looking for long-term relationships that could result in marriage.

What is the main goal ofAsianFeels?

In a nutshell, it’s to connect men from Western countries with Asian women.

And it’s well equipped to do so.

This is an easy website to use and women outnumber men.

So if you are a male looking for Asian love, you have plenty of profiles to work through.


How do I joinAsianFeels?

That process is easy enough and will take around 15 minutes of your time as there is a questionnaire to fill in.

This not only helps to populate parts of your profile but also provides you with the type of matchups you are hoping to meet.

How do IdeactivatemyAsianFeelsaccount?

First, click on your profile picture and then your profile settings.

You will then see a button to deactivate your account.

If you just want to take a break from the site, you can also select that instead.

How do I contactAsianFeels?

Email is the quickest method of contacting the customer support team at AsianFeels.

You can send an email to: [emailprotected]

What are the benefits of being a member ofAsianFeels?

Well, it’s not really a membership to be fair.

But if you do buy credits for the site, you can live chat with others, send long email messages, send gifts, and more.


How can I block someone on AsianFeels?

From their profile.

In amongst a fair number of other buttons you will find there is an option to either block the user or if their behavior warrants it, report them.

How does the AsianFeels algorithm work?

As part of the registration process, you will fill in a very comprehensive questionnaire that asks you various questions about your preference in matchups.

This, along with the age range you’d prefer to meet, helps the matching algorithm to provide you with potential matchups.

AsianFeels Review (2024) - Membership | Pros & Cons (2024)


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Name: Dong Thiel

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