10 Best Smallville Couples, Ranked (2024)


10 Best Smallville Couples, Ranked (1)

By Sean Bassett

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Romance has often been a common theme in superhero media. Some of the most iconic elements concern partnerships between characters such as Peter Parker and Mary Jane, and Batman and Catwoman. Superman is no different, giving Clark Kent a few love interests, and Smallville exploits this angle magnificently. Following recent talk of an animated Smallville sequel, fans have been sharing their favorite couples from the series.

Smallville's addictive romance storylines continue to spark discussion among viewers worldwide, who have fallen in love with these passionate pairings. The show's mixture of both obvious and unexpected couples adds a great layer of unpredictability to its more grounded subplots, surprising audiences with love stories like Lex Luthor and Lana Lang. Meanwhile, Smallville also makes sure to adapt beloved relationships from the Superman comics such as Jimmy Olsen and Kara Danvers, demonstrating Smallville's clear respect for the source material.

10 Best Smallville Couples, Ranked (2)

First Appearance

Season 1, Episode 1 "Pilot" (Lana Lang), Season 3, Episode Nine "Asylum" (Adam Knight)

Portrayed By

Kristin Kreuk (Lana Lang), Ian Somerhalder (Adam Knight)

Adam initially seemed a perfect match for Lana Lang in Smallville. The pair quickly become close in "Asylum," during Lana's hospital stay after being trampled on by a horse. Smallville shows Adam and Lana bonding over their shared experiences of going through physical therapy, having both suffered horrific injuries.

While Clark disappointingly ignores Lana during her hospital visit, Adam shows Lana a greater degree of compassion. He works hard to assist her in her recovery in Smallville. Unfortunately, Adam is later revealed to be a spy working for Lionel, to gather information on Clark, but he did help Lana considerably with building her confidence back up before his true intentions were revealed.

9 Clark Kent And Lana Lang Wonderfully Compliment Each Other's Personalities

First Appearance

Season 1, Episode 1 "Pilot"

Portrayed By

Kristin Kreuk (Lana Lang), Tom Welling (Clark Kent)


10 Smallville Characters And Their Arrowverse Counterpart

Though they aren't connected, it's impossible not to see the differences between Smallville's characters to their Arrowverse counterpart.

Smallville captures a few iconic elements from the Superman comics, including his romantic pursuits. One of the most popular dynamics from the comic books is Clark's interest in Lana Lang. Their love for one another is teased throughout Smallville, during their high school days.

Clark and Lana bounce off one another very nicely and wonderfully complement each other's personalities. Lana never gives up on Clark, despite occasionally experiencing the Kryptonian's dark side, such as when he is exposed to Red Kryptonite. Clark, meanwhile, holds a steely determination to keep Lana safe. Their will they/won't they storyline gets somewhat repetitive later in Smallville, however, leaving most fans impatient for an answer regarding whether they will properly become an item.

8 Whitney Fordman And Lana Lang Made A Big Impact As A Couple

First Appearance

Season 1, Episode 1 "Pilot"

Portrayed By

Kristin Kreuk (Lana Lang), Eric Johnson (Whitney Fordman)

Smallville's original romantic pairing with Lana Lang is still one of her strongest love stories. Whitney Fordman works as a brilliant rival to Clark's affections, forcing Clark to face the truth that the girl he fancies is with another man. Lana and Whitney may only last one season as a couple, but they made a big impact in Smallville.

During his brief period as Lana's partner, Whitney is infatuated with her. Even though he sometimes appears possessive of Lana, and can be an overprotective boyfriend, Whitney holds Lana's best interests at heart. Lana's clear adoration for Whitney makes their Smallville parting scene an emotional watch, seeing Whitney bid his partner goodbye to join the United States Marines.

7 Bizarro And Lana Lang Are A Brilliant Match

10 Best Smallville Couples, Ranked (5)

First Appearance

Season 1, Episode 1 "Pilot" (Lana Lang), Season Six, Episode One "Zod" (Bizarro)

Portrayed By

Kristin Kreuk (Lana Lang), Tom Welling (Bizarro)

Smallville's storylines can prove rather strange. One example is the bizarre romance between Bizarro and Lana Lang during Smallville's seventh season. Surprisingly, they prove to be a brilliant match, as two of Smallville's strongest characters.

Even though Bizarro's behavior is morally reprehensible, teaming up with Brainiac to kill Clark Kent, he does treat Lana better than Clark during their brief time together. Bizarro devotes much more time to his girlfriend, and is also much more upfront about his powers, flying Lana to Paris for some romantic meals. Bizarro and Lana's story deserved to feature more in Smallville, showing that despite his controversial behavior, Bizarro is still capable of love.

6 Clark Kent And Alicia Baker's Conflicting Attitudes Makes Them An Interesting Couple

10 Best Smallville Couples, Ranked (6)

First Appearance

Season 1, Episode 1 "Pilot" (Clark Kent), Season 3, Episode 14 "Obsession" (Alicia Baker)

Portrayed By

Tom Welling (Clark Kent), Sarah Carter (Alicia Baker)


10 Smallville Actors Who Appeared In The Arrowverse

Many Smallville actors have appeared in the Arrowverse's many DC shows as well.

One of the most enduring elements of Clark Kent is his high morals. Clark's short-lived love interest, Alicia Baker, is the opposite, displaying more reckless behavior. Clark and Alicia's conflicting attitudes make them a very interesting couple, with Alicia prepared to go to more questionable places upon her introduction in the Smallville episode "Obsession."

This Smallville pairing becomes an unhealthy partnership during Obsession, through Alicia's infatuation with Clark driving her towards plotting Lana's demise. While Clark says their powers should be used for good, Alicia thinks they give them free rein to do whatever they please without any consequences, and these contrasting world views make them truly stand out in Smallville.

5 Lex Luthor And Helen Bryce Are Equally Ruthless

First Appearance

Season 1, Episode 1 "Pilot" (Lex Luthor), Season 2, Episode 9 "Dichotic" (Helen Bryce)

Portrayed By

Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor), Emmanuelle Vaugler (Helen Bryce)

Smallville's Lex Luthor is easily one of the best versions, due to Michael Rosenbaum's excellent performance. Even though Clark may have been the main focus of most of Smallville's love stories, Lex also had a few romantic partners. Helen and Lex are particularly well suited for each other in Smallville.

Both Lex and Helen are unafraid to use dubious tactics to achieve their aims if they believe that the ends justify the means. Helen's later betrayal of Lex, stranding him on a desert island, proves her to be just as ruthless as Luthor. Their later confrontation on Lex's private jet where Lex learns the truth brings a satisfying end to their romance, forcing Helen to flee from Lex's crashing plane.

4 Clark Kent And Kyla Willowbrook Acts As A Fascinating Mirror Of Clark And Lana

10 Best Smallville Couples, Ranked (8)

First Appearance

Season 1, Episode 1 "Pilot" (Clark Kent), Season 2, Episode 10 "Skinwalkers"

Portrayed By

Tom Welling (Clark Kent), Tamara Feldman (Kyla Willowbrook)

Among the main story threads in Smallville concerns the mysterious Kawatche Caves, which appear to hint at Clark's future legacy. Early exploration of the caves is driven by Kyla Willowbrook, who Clark has a short but sweet fling with during Smallville's Season 2's "Skinwalkers."

The duo's rapport is evident throughout their Smallville relationship. The most fascinating part of this romance is how they act as a mirror of Clark's affair with Lana. Instead of Clark keeping his abilities hidden, Kyla is the one who acts secretive about her powers, which see her capable of transforming into a wolf. For once, Clark gets to experience how it feels for his partner not to be upfront about their remarkable capabilities.

3 Oliver Queen And Lois Lane Are A Cute Pairing

First Appearance

Season 6, Episode 2 "Sneeze" (Oliver Queen), Season 4, Episode 1 "Crusade" (Lana Lang)

Portrayed By

Justin Hartley (Oliver Queen), Erica Durance (Lois Lane)

Lois Lane forms a special bond with Clark Kent, which has transcended multiple Superman projects. Although she may be best known for her romance with the Man Of Steel, he is not the first superhero who Lois has fallen for. Smallville sees Lois Lane date Oliver Queen, during its sixth season.

Seeing these two individuals become romantically involved may initially seem surprising, but they both share a defiant nature that makes them two of Smallville's most fearless characters. The Smallville pairing is made most compelling by how Lois is not afraid to stand up to Oliver when he treats her badly, slapping him in the face when he abandoned their romantic vacation for a Justice League mission.

2 Jonathan And Martha Kent Are A Tight-Knit Couple

10 Best Smallville Couples, Ranked (9)


Smallville boosted the careers of multiple actors, many of whom have gone on the star in more serious roles.

First Appearance

Season 1, Episode 1 "Pilot"

Portrayed By

John Schneider (Jonathan Kent), Annette O'Toole (Martha Kent)

The Kent household is the most prominent family in Smallville. Jonathan and Martha Kent's iconic marriage has seen the pair face many problems, like unexpected illnesses and their adopted son going rogue under the influence of Red Kryptonite. However, Jonathan and Martha Kent always see these challenges through together.

Jonathan and Martha Kent's unwavering loyalty towards one another and their son Clark is what makes them so endearing in Smallville. They have each other's best interests at heart and will do anything to protect their family. Jonathan and Martha Kent are also united by their desire to support Clark through his growth into becoming an adult, ensuring that Smallville's Kryptonian resident becomes the hero audiences love.

10 Best Smallville Couples, Ranked (11)

First Appearance

Season 1, Episode 1 "Pilot" (Clark Kent), Season 4, Episode 1 "Crusade"

Portrayed By

Tom Welling (Clark Kent), Erica Durance (Lois Lane)

Smallville's interpretation of the beloved Clark Kent and Lois Lane partnership is as brilliant as fans had hoped for. Clark and Lois are a natural pairing from Lois's very first Smallville appearance when she helps reunite an amnesiac Clark Kent with his adopted parents.

Among the elements fans most love about their romance is how they are both extremely skilled fighters, as seen during their fight against Titan in Smallville. Clark and Lois also share an innate curiosity to discover the truth behind Smallville's mysteries. Tom Welling and Eric Durance both nailed their roles as Clark and Lois, ensuring that this pairing would go down in history as Smallville's best.

10 Best Smallville Couples, Ranked (12)



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Growing up in the small town of Smallville, Kansas, Clark Kent harbors a secret. Sent to Earth from the planet Krypton as a baby, he possesses superhuman abilities that he must keep hidden. Under the guidance of his adoptive parents, Jonathan and Martha Kent, Clark learns to control his powers and use them for good. As he navigates the challenges of high school, friendships, and first love, he also faces threats from meteor-infected individuals and otherworldly villains. Along the way, Clark encounters familiar characters from the Superman mythos, like Lex Luthor and Lana Lang, while grappling with his true identity and destiny to become the iconic superhero, Superman.

Release Date
October 16, 2001

Tom Welling , Kristin Kreuk , Michael Rosenbaum , Allison Mack , Erica Durance , Sam Jones III , John Glover
Main Genre


Warner Bros. Television

Alfred Gough & Miles Millar

Main Characters
Clark Kent / Superman: The main protagonist of the series, a young man who is secretly an alien from the planet Krypton.Lana Lang: Clark's childhood friend and love interest.Lex Luthor: Clark's best friend turned enemy, who eventually becomes Superman's arch-nemesis.Chloe Sullivan: Clark's close friend and confidante, who later discovers his secret identity.Pete Ross: Clark's best friend in the early seasons.Lionel Luthor: Lex's father, a powerful and ruthless businessman.Martha Kent: Clark's adoptive mother, a kind and compassionate woman.Jonathan Kent: Clark's adoptive father, a wise and supportive man

Alfred Gough , Miles Millar , Jeph Loeb

Number of Episodes

The WB
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10 Best Smallville Couples, Ranked (2024)


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